Possible Type II and IV Radio Bursts Observed by WIND/WAVES and STEREO/WAVES in 2006

No. Start Time Stop Time Freq Range (kHz) Comments Dyn. Spec.
1 20060430 1620 20060502 0100 1000-200 Puzzling F-H pair S
1 20060706 0845 20060706 0935 14000-4000 Very intermittent S
2 20060816 1545 20060816 2215 14000-400 F-H pair S,S
3 20060826 2040 20060826 2100 7000-2000 F-H pair S
4 20061105 1735 20061105 19200 14000-400 F-H pair S
5 20061106 1035 20061106 1105 14000-6000 Single tone S
6 20061106 1745 20061106 1925 4000-300 Single diffuse tone S
7 20061205 1050 20051205 2000 14000-250 Multiple bands S
8 20061206 0200 20061206 0330 1000-200 Intermittent band S
9 20061206 0830 20061206 0945 4000-600 F-H S,S
10 20061206 1900 20061208 2400 16000-30 Very complex and fast S,S
11 20061213 0245 20061213 1040 12000-150 Fast F-H w. IV S
12 20061214 2230 20061214 2340 14000-1500 Type II and IV S

Author -- Michael L. Kaiser