Possible Type II and IV Radio Bursts Observed by WIND/WAVES in 2004
No. |
Start Time |
Stop Time |
Freq Range (kHz) |
Comments |
Dyn. Spec. |
1 |
20040105 | 0340 |
20040105 | 0350 |
9000-2500 |
F-H pair |
S |
2 |
20040106 | 0640 |
20040106 | 0725 |
14000-2000 |
Bright F-H pair |
S |
3 |
20040107 | 0415 |
20040107 | 0615 |
14000-750 |
Multiple tones |
S |
4 |
20040107 | 1035 |
20040107 | 1135 |
14000-1500 |
Bright F-H pair |
S |
5 |
20040228 | 1320 |
20040228 | 1930 |
1000-600 |
Single tone |
S |
6 |
20040406 | 1305 |
20040406 | 1600 |
8000-300 |
Single broad tone |
S |
7 |
20040408 | 1025 |
20040408 | 1250 |
3000-500 |
Very weak broad tone |
S |
8 |
20040411 | 0420 |
20040411 | 0535 |
14000-500 |
Fast broad tone |
S |
9 |
20040604 | 0750 |
20040604 | 0955 |
14000-2500 |
Multi-component |
S |
10 |
20040622 | 2207 |
20040622 | 2230 |
10000-7000 |
Single narrowband tone |
S |
11 |
20040623 | 0630 |
20040623 | 0855 |
14000-5000 |
Intermittent with some F-H |
S |
12 |
20040723 | 1900 |
20040723 | 1935 |
1000-2500 |
Poorly defined type II |
S |
13 |
20040723 | 1930 |
20040723 | 2030 |
14000-7000 |
Type IV |
S |
14 |
20040725 | 1510 |
20040725 | 2030 |
14000-2000 |
Type IV |
S |
15 |
20040725 | 1500 |
20040726 | 2225 |
1000-28 |
Complex w. many bands |
S |
16 |
20040728 | 2120 |
20040728 | 2150 |
2500-1500 |
Single narrow tone |
S |
17 |
20040729 | 1240 |
20040729 | 1430 |
14000-3000 |
Type IV |
S |
18 |
20040729 | 1320 |
20040730 | 2030 |
1000-50 |
Continuous tone w. structure |
S |
19 |
20040731 | 0710 |
20040731 | 1130 |
1000-200 |
Single tone |
S |
20 |
20040808 | 0915 |
20040808 | 0922 |
14000-7000 |
Brief F-H pair |
S |
21 |
20040912 | 0045 |
20040913 | 2100 |
14000-40 |
Multiple bands |
S,S |
22 |
20040919 | 1715 |
20040919 | 1815 |
14000-2500 |
Very sporadic |
S |
23 |
20041024 | 0312 |
20041024 | 0321 |
14000-8000 |
Single complex tone |
S |
24 |
20041030 | 0640 |
20041030 | 0740 |
4000-1000 |
Single tone |
S |
25 |
20041030 | 0735 |
20041030 | 0755 |
10000-8000 |
Weak multiple tones |
S |
26 |
20041101 | 0555 |
20041101 | 0725 |
3000-400 |
Ill defined tones |
S |
27 |
20041103 | 0335 |
20041103 | 0410 |
2000-1200 |
Narrowband tones |
S |
28 |
20041106 | 0120 |
20041106 | 0230 |
14000-10000 |
Type IV |
S |
29 |
20041106 | 0150 |
20041106 | 0245 |
6000-700 |
Chaotic multiple tones |
S |
30 |
20041107 | 1625 |
20041108 | 2000 |
14000-60 |
Chaotic w. multiple tones |
S,S |
31 |
20041107 | 1710 |
20041107 | 1815 |
14000-10000 |
Type IV |
S |
32 |
20041109 | 1735 |
20041109 | 1810 |
14000-5000 |
Intermittent tones |
S |
33 |
20041109 | 1750 |
20041109 | 1950 |
14000-7000 |
Impressive type IV |
S |
34 |
20041110 | 0225 |
20041110 | 0340 |
14000-1000 |
Multiple tones |
S |
35 |
20041201 | 0835 |
20041201 | 0915 |
850-450 |
Possible interaction signature |
S |
36 |
20041202 | 0007 |
20041204 | 0430 |
10000-60 |
Some F-H structure |
S |
37 |
20041208 | 2005 |
20041208 | 2010 |
14000-8000 |
Intermittent tone |
S |
38 |
20041229 | 1635 |
20041229 | 1700 |
14000-4500 |
Multiple tones |
S |
39 |
20041230 | 2345 |
20041231 | 0420 |
5000-700 |
Some weak F-H |
S |
Author -- Michael L. Kaiser