Possible Type II and IV Radio Bursts Observed by WIND/WAVES in 1998

No. Start Time Stop Time Freq Range (kHz) Comments Dyn. Spec.
1 199801211040199801211230 600 - 300
2 199801251503199801251518 14000-10000 Brief but intense X
1 199802131400199802132000 60-50
2 199803010630199803011000 300-200
3 199803060015199803061100 80-70 Well defined S
4 199803290315199803290330 3000-1500 Multiple tones S
5 199803290340199803290352 14000-7000 Weak F-H pair S
6 199804030000199804032100 150-80 Narrow tone S
7 199804151800199804172400 800-80 Very intermittent
8 199804201025199804220600 10000-35 X
9 199804230600199804231530 14000-200 Chaotic activity S
10 199804270925199804271000 10000-1000 Very confused signature S
11 199804271140199804271200 7500-6000 Very weak S
12 199804280000199804282400 170-80 Weak continuous harmonic S
13 199804291630199804291700 10000-2000 Possible broadband type II X
14 199804291700199804291815 14000-8000 Possible type IV X
15 199805011200199805022400 200-70 Intermittent at start S
16 199805021410199805021540 14000-8000 Type IV? X
17 199805021425199805021450 5000-3000 Narrowband wisps X
18 199805021650199805021820 3000-1000 Many narrowband wisps X
19 199805032230199805032300 14000-8000 Type IV? X
20 199805040030199805042400 100-35 Fundamental. S
21 199805060200199805060700 120-80 F-H pair
22 199805060825199805060835 14000-5000 Very fast drift
23 199805070000199805072400 120-50 Nice f-h pair S
24 199805071800199805081600 200-100 Single band
25 199805090335199805091000 9000-400 Gap btwn 1000 and 500 kHz
26 199805112140199805112200 10000-1000 Possible f-h pair X
27 199805110000199805112000 120-50 Several slow drifting features
28 199805140700199805142200 200-140 F-H pair
29 199805160300199805162400 120-65 fairly intense X
30 199805160600199805162000 450-300 embedded in type III storm
31 199805170800199805192200 600-120 Partially embedded in type III storm
32 199805171930199805191200 120-40 Lift-off May 16 at 01 UT (?)
33 199805191000199805191130 14000-3000 Textbook F-H pair X
34 199805271330199805271420 4000-1000 Weak intermittent S
35 199806060100199806060830 100-70 Single tone
36 199806111015199806111020 8000-4000 Brief F-H pair S
37 199806161820199806172100 12000-50 F-H pair 12-3 MHz, 50-100 kHz X
38 199806220715199806220920 6000-2000 Weak, int. F-H pair S
39 199807080130199807080200 11000-6000 Weak, single tone S
40 199807081130199807082100 100-70 Single tone
41 199808011300199808030300 85-40 Shock at 10 hr Aug 3? X
42 199808101730199808102130 70-60 Single tone
43 199808110530199808130330 400-40 Impressive
44 199808182300199808182340 14000-2000 Imbedded type IV? X
45 199808242205199808260620 14000-30 Most intense since launch X, X
46 199808311537199808311625 4000-1500 Strong F, weak H S
47 199809200400199809200445 14000-2000 Complex, intense S
48 199809200850199809200930 2000-1500 Single narrowband tone S
49 199809230720199809242320 2000-30 Complex, intense event w. multiple type IIs S, S, S
50 199809301320199810020700 14000-50 Complex, intermittent event S, F
51 199810182300199810182315 10000-6000 Very bursty, weak S
52 199810202100199810202230 14000-1000 Weak, intermittent S
53 199811021400199811021440 14000-4000 Relatively intense X
54 199811052200199811070800 5000-50 Weak at start
55 199811060300199811060530 5000-1000 F-H, Filamentary S
56 199811070020199811070050 14000-6000 F-H S
57 199811110100199811111800 150-70 Intermittent narrowband tone
58 199811140510199811140540 14000-2500 Complex, intense X
59 199812181750199812181815 14000-5000 Complex tones X
60 199812182200199812191200 600-100 Very weak single tone
61 199812230650199812241500 14000-100 Intermittent F-H pair X

Author -- Michael L. Kaiser