Possible Type II and IV Radio Bursts Observed by WIND/WAVES in 2001

No. Start Time Stop Time Freq Range (kHz) Comments Dyn. Spec.
1 20010106 2200 20010107 1000 150-120 Single narrowband tone
2 20010110 0600 20010111 1200 60-25 Single tone S
3 20010112 0330 20010113 1000 50-16 F-H pair S
4 20010114 2030 20010115 1100 850-120 Intermittent tones S
5 20010118 2000 20010119 0300 100-60 Narrowband tone S
6 20010120 1912 20010120 1916 14000-6000 F-H pair S
7 20010120 2130 20010120 2400 14000-500 Intense and complex S
8 20010126 1206 20010126 1420 14000-400 Intermittent and fast S
9 20010128 1545 20010128 1700 14000-200 Complex and fast S
10 20010211 0140 20010211 0155 12000-5500 Brief and structured S
11 20010308 1130 20010308 1150 1500-900 Possible slow drifting type II S
12 20010310 0418 20010310 0432 14000-4000 Weak F-H pair S
13 20010312 0535 20010312 0545 3000-1500 Unorganized S
14 20010327 0235 20010327 0315 6000-1000 Very chaotic S
15 20010327 1500 20010327 1520 4000-1500 Very chaotic S
16 20010328 1130 20010328 1220 3000-600 Patchy single tone S
17 20010329 1012 20010330 0600 4000-60 Patches on smooth background S
18 20010402 1130 20010402 1200 14000-5000 Broad complex band S
19 20010402 2205 20010403 0230 14000-250 Many components S
20 20010403 0340 20010403 0725 14000-700 Multiple patches S
21 20010404 0950 20010404 1010 13000-3000 Weak F-H pair S
22 20010406 1935 20010407 1700 14000-60 Diffuse w. occasional F-H S
23 20010406 2150 20010406 2230 3000-1200 F-H pair S
24 20010409 1553 20010410 0100 12000-100 Intermittent S
25 20010410 0524 20010410 2400 14000-100 Broad and sometimes intense S
26 20010411 1315 20010411 1415 14000-1500 F-H pair followed by type IV S
27 20010415 1405 20010416 1300 14000-40 Occasional F-H visible S
28 20010418 0255 20010418 1400 1000-100 Intermittent with some F-H S
29 20010423 1226 20010425 0700 3000-40 F-H pair with additional lower tone S
30 20010426 1240 20010428 0500 5000-20 Extremely chaotic w. lf tone S
31 20010504 0600 20010505 1400 350-120 Multiple weak tones S
32 20010512 2352 20010513 0012 3000-1000 F-H pair S
33 20010530 0025 20010530 0138 14000-1000 F-H pair S
34 20010611 1130 20010612 0400 250-70 Intense structured tone S
35 20010615 0645 20010615 1000 200-150 Single tone S
36 20010615 1050 20010615 1115 7000-3000 Weak F-H pair S
37 20010615 1145 20010615 1215 13000-8000 Slow drifting bands S
38 20010615 1605 20010615 1620 14000-3500 Multiple bright spots S
39 20010618 1800 20010619 2100 200-60 Parallel bands, not F-H S
40 20010720 0200 20010720 0700 150-70 Single bright tone S
41 20010810 0100 20010810 2200 200-70 Intense F, weak H S
42 20010816 0010 20010816 2000 5000-100 Intense F, very weak H S
43 20010825 1650 20010825 2300 8000-170 Weak broadband F, intermittent H S
44 20010830 2043 20010830 2047 12000-10000 Much structure w. 'SA' type III S
45 20010903 1848 20010903 1900 12000-7500 Single bright band S
46 20010912 1000 20010912 2200 140-60 Single band S
47 20010913 1740 20010914 0545 180-100 Single bright band S
48 20010914 1348 20010914 1357 6000-2500 F-H pair w. splitting S
49 20010915 1150 20010915 1205 14000-6000 Complex F-H pair S
50 20010916 1350 20010916 1410 3000-2000 Single bright band S
51 20010917 0310 20010917 0325 10000-8000 Weak band S
52 20010917 0835 20010917 0847 14000-5400 Multiple bands & U burst S
53 20010920 1843 20010920 1857 14000-10000 F-H pair S
54 20010924 1045 20010925 2000 7000-30 Spectacular sun to Earth event S,F
55 20010927 0815 20010928 0700 4000-80 Highly structured w. type III storm S
56 20011001 0630 20011001 0830 14000-10000 Type IV ? S
57 20011001 0700 20011001 1830 1000-150 Strong F-H pair S
58 20011005 1035 20011005 1145 10000-1200 Weak F-H pair w. type IV S
59 20011009 1115 20011009 1600 8000-200 Broadband and fast S
60 20011009 1120 20011009 1155 14000-2000 Sharp F-H pair S
61 20011009 1310 20011010 2300 5000-50 Multibanded tone S
62 20011019 0115 20011019 0225 14000-1300 Complex followed by F-H S
63 20011019 1645 20011021 1640 14000-30 Intermittent F-H to 1 AU S,F
64 20011022 1515 20011022 1740 8000-1200 Intermittent tones S
65 20011025 1530 20011027 2300 14000-30 F-H pair followed by intermit. Tone S
66 20011028 1400 20011029 2400 725-190 Very weak intermit. F-H F
67 20011104 1630 20011106 1100 14000-70 Extremely intense broadband tone S,F
68 20011104 2000 20011104 2320 4000-600 Narrowband single tone S,F
69 20011108 0750 20011108 0810 14000-8000 Drifting patches S
70 20011108 1925 20011108 1930 4500-3500 Weak single tone S
71 20011109 1845 20011110 0600 14000-450 Classic F-H pair S,F
72 20011117 1700 20011118 0330 175-90 Complex single tone S
73 20011118 1935 20011118 1940 5000-4000 Weak single tone S
74 20011122 2050 20011124 0230 8000-40 Intermittent single tone, merges w. next event S,F
75 20011122 2240 20011124 0230 14000-40 Intense, multi-component S,F
76 20011211 1245 20011211 1700 4500-750 Slow intermittent F-H S, F
77 20011225 1125 20011225 1240 14000-1000 Intermittent F-H S,F
78 20011226 0520 20011227 0500 14000-150 Strong F-H S,F
79 20011228 2035 20011229 0300 14000-350 Chaotic and strong S,F
80 20011229 2045 20011229 2105 3000-1500 Highly intermittent S

Author -- Michael L. Kaiser