Possible Type II and IV Radio Bursts Observed by WIND/WAVES in 1999

No. Start Time Stop Time Freq Range (kHz) Comments Dyn. Spec.
1 19990109 1600 19990111 0500 100-30 Nice single intermittent tone X
2 19990111 0500 19990111 2100 130-100 single intermittent tone and enhanced type IIIs
3 19990111 2203 19990111 2213 4500-3200 F-H pair X
4 19990120 1918 19990120 1946 14000-2000 Spectacular F-H pair X
5 19990212 2230 19990214 1630 200-35 Intermittent tones
6 19990316 1200 19990317 1200 200-100 Weak, smooth single tone
7 19990424 1350 19990424 2400 3000-100 Backside event X
8 19990423 1200 19990425 0500 750-60 V. weak, intermittent
9 19990503 0550 19990503 0845 8000-200 Intermittent F-H pair X, X
10 19990510 2000 19990511 2000 150-30 Multiple tones
11 19990513 0400 19990515 0400 700-100 Intermittent single tone
12 19990527 1055 19990528 1000 14000-70 Type IV(?) followed by II X
13 19990601 1850 19990602 0900 14000-400 Complex F-H pair X
14 19990604 0705 19990605 0100 14000-60 Complex F-H pair X
15 19990611 1145 19990611 1700 14000-400 Chaotic II/IV X
16 19990622 1825 19990622 1840 3000-2000 Weak, narrowband S
17 19990623 0550 19990623 0710 12000-2000 Weak F/H pair S
18 19990628 2103 19990628 2110 3500-1500 Brief 'fingers' X
19 19990629 1030 19990629 1215 500-350 Single tone
20 19990629 1920 19990629 1955 14000-2000 Nice F-H pair X
21 19990630 2300 19990701 0900 120-70 Single tone
22 19990703 0400 19990704 1200 200-50 Intermittent tones
23 19990705 0310 19990705 0405 2000-1000 Single slow-drift tone S
24 19990705 1800 19990706 2400 80-40 Single tone w. possible harmonic
25 19990726 0100 19990726 1600 150-60 Single intense tone
26 19990731 0100 19990802 1600 700-60 Complex drifting bands
27 19990828 1825 19990828 1833 16000-12000 Cassini & Wind S
28 19990903 0300 19990903 0410 2000-1000 Herringbone?? X
29 19990910 0730 19990910 0735 5500-2000 Multiple tones S
30 19990922 1345 19990922 1615 3000-500 Weak, smooth H, bursty F
31 19991014 0910 19991014 1000 14000-4000 Bright F-H pair X
32 19991017 2327 19991017 2333 11500-10000 Bright single band X
33 19991116 0327 19991116 0348 7000-4000 Weak F-H pair X
34 19991116 0517 19991116 0534 14000-7000 Structured single tone X
35 19991117 1018 19991117 1130 6000-600 Weak F-H pair X
36 19991128 2039 19991128 2052 3000-2000 Very intermittent S
37 19991130 2330 19991201 2400 400-100 Multiple drifting bands

Author -- Michael L. Kaiser