Possible Type II and IV Radio Bursts Observed by WIND/WAVES in 2005

No. Start Time Stop Time Freq Range (kHz) Comments Dyn. Spec.
1 20050101 0045 20050101 0225 14000-450 14-13 MHz, then 1-0.5 S,S
1 20050104 1120 20050104 1135 13000-6000 Pseudo F-H pair S
2 20050115 0615 20050115 0930 14000-250 Chaotic S,S
3 20050115 0700 20050115 0830 14000-7000 Type IV S
4 20050115 2300 20050116 2400 3000-40 Fast multi-component S
5 20050115 2330 20050116 0200 14000-7000 Type IV S
6 20050117 0925 20050118 1600 14000-30 Complex multi-component S,S
7 20050117 1000 20050118 0200 14000-4000 Longest duration type IV S
8 20050119 0845 20050119 0955 14000-4500 Type IV S
9 20050119 0920 20050119 2400 5300-40 Complex, very intermittent S,S
10 20050120 0715 20050121 1630 14000-25 Very diffuse S,S
11 20050201 1140 20050201 1150 8000-4000 F-H pair, backside event S
12 20050214 0130 20050214 1800 200-80 F-H pair S
13 20050419 2155 20050419 2205 14000-13500 LF end of metric S
14 20050302 2240 20050302 2300 14000-5500 F-H pair S
15 20050503 0020 20050503 0110 14000-1500 F-H pair S
16 20050506 1752 20050506 1803 5000-4000 Single, weak tone S
17 20050511 2005 20050511 2035 14000-2500 Type IV? S
18 20050513 1700 20050515 0210 5000-40 Major sun to Earth event S,S
19 20050517 0320 20050517 0335 4500-1500 Brief F-H pair S
20 20050531 1455 20050531 1505 14000-12000 Extension of metric II? S
21 20050603 1250 20050603 1500 10000-270 Weak upper band S
22 20050616 2025 20060616 2140 9000-1000 Very intermittent S
23 20050707 1630 22050707 1640 4000-2000 Single narrow tone S
24 20050709 2215 20050709 2300 14000-600 Many drifting tones S,S
25 20050713 1415 20050713 1505 14000-1000 Multiple narrowband tones S
26 20050714 0745 20050714 0815 8000-4000 Two bands not F-H S
27 20050714 1055 20050714 1240 6000-800 Very fragmentary S
28 20050717 1150 20050717 1345 7000-300 Extremely intermittent S
29 20050724 1350 20050724 2230 14000-150 Fast, bright F-H pair S,S
30 20050727 0520 20050727 0645 1000-450 Intense single tone S
31 20050727 0745 20050727 0830 2500-1000 Weak, intermittent tones S
32 20050730 0740 20050731 2000 9000-80 Complex, multiple tones S,S
33 20050801 1415 20050801 1450 14000-4500 Single tone S
34 20050822 0130 20050822 0335 8000-550 Strong F, weak H S
35 20050822 0145 20050822 0315 14000-10000 Weak type IV S
36 20050822 1715 20050823 1300 12000-40 Chaotic S,S
37 20050823 1500 20050823 1930 13000-400 Nice F-H pair S,S
38 20050827 0020 20050827 0340 650-350 Single tone S
39 20050831 1140 20050831 1210 6000-800 F-H narrow, weak tones S
40 20050831 2210 20050831 2300 14000-6000 Bits & pieces S
41 20050903 0320 20050903 0515 2000-500 Very intermittent S
42 20050905 1040 20050905 2400 1500-60 Intermittent with some F-H S
43 20050907 1805 20050907 2400 12000-200 Intense, very complex S,S
44 20050909 1945 20050910 2200 10000-50 Diffuse S
45 20050909 2015 20050909 2110 14000-5000 Type IV S
46 20050910 2145 20050911 0100 14000-300 Strong tone w. much structure S,S
47 20050911 1310 20050911 1515 3000-350 Weak and diffuse S
48 20050913 2020 20050915 0600 1100-35 Very fast S,S
49 20050913 2005 20050913 2100 14000-3000 Type IV? S
50 20050915 1130 20050916 0930 100-20 Multiple tones S

Author -- Michael L. Kaiser