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ViSBARD Source Code

ViSBARD has been released under a NASA Open Source Software Agreement license. Please visit ViSBARD’s SourceForge repository for access to the source code and more information.\


ViSBARD is written in Sun Microsystems’ Java programming language. It contains components from NASA’s Common Data Format (CDF) library, the SPDF’s Web Services libraries, and the CCMC’s Kameleon MHD data interpolation library. Open-source software is used from the Orbit Visualization Tool for Tsyganenko field line plotting, JDOM library for Java access to XML functionality, the log4j library for logging output to the terminal, and the Xerces library for parsing XML, which are all covered under the Apache open source license.  The com.stevesoft.pat library used for RegEx processing and the VisAD visualization library are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.