Plot Walk

User Guide

User Guide

The canned (pre-generated) plots shown within this SPDF Plot Walk JavaScript application were mostly generated by the individual mission groups, and are stored along with the original data in the SPDF archive.

While most of the pre-generated plots are made by the missions, the following images are generated at the SPDF from data in the CDAWeb ( and SSCWeb ( systems:

- ACE and Wind Key Parameter images (daily and 27-day)
- "Helio spacecraft (s/c)" and "Combined Orbits" images
- Wind orbit images
- Cluster orbit images
- RBSP orbit and footprint images

Use the "<<" and ">>" buttons to move to the beginning and ending of the collection of images, respectively. Use the "<" and ">" to move to the previous and next image in the sequence, respectively.

The Links section will have a link for any documentation (such as a readme file) if available for that plot dataset. Links will also point to alternative file formats, such as PDFs and Postscript files, when available.

This Plot Walk interface is based on a JSON file of the available pre-generated plot datasets. The catalog link points to this JSON file.