The following documents are provided for free public access and discussion on science, missions, historical, and other issues of continuing interest.
+ W. M. Keck Research Laboratory for Astrochemistry - User Solicitation
by R. I. Kaisier, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Oct. 20, 2011
+ The U.S. Eclipse Megamovie in 2017:a white paper on a unique outreach event
Hudson, Hugh S., S. W. McIntosh, Shadia R. Habbal, Jay M. Pasachoff, and Laura Peticolas
White paper submitted to Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey,
NAS Space Studies Board, Nov. 12, 2010
+ Space Weathering Impact on Solar System Surfaces and Mission Science
John F. Cooper Richard E. Hartle, Edward C. Sittler Jr., Rosemary M. Killen, Steven J. Sturner, Chris Paranicas, Matthew E. Hill, Abigail M. Rymer, Paul D. Cooper, Dan Pascu, Robert E. Johnson, Timothy A. Cassidy, Thomas M. Orlando, Kurt D. Retherford, Nathan A. Schwadron, Ralf I. Kaiser, Fran�ois Leblanc, Louis J. Lanzerotti, Claudia J. Alexander, Henry B. Garrett, Amanda R. Hendrix, and Wing H. Ip
White paper submitted to Planetary Science Decadal Survey,
NAS Space Studies Board, Sep. 11, 2009
White paper submitted to Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey,
NAS Space Studies Board, Nov. 12, 2010
+ Exploring the Physics of the Corona with Total Solar Eclipse Observations
Shadia R. Habbal, John Cooper, Adrian Daw, Adalbert Ding, Miloslav Druckmueller, Ruth Esser, Judd Johnson, and Huw Morgan
White paper submitted to Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey,
NAS Space Studies Board, Nov. 12, 2010