Committe Reports:
Sun-Earth Connection Active Archive (SECAA) Reports to NASA Headquarters:
SPDS-Related Reports:
The purpose of this Concept Document is to present the initial findings of the SPDS Steering Committee to the potential system users, data suppliers and NASA management. It is critical to the short-term evolution of the system and the long-term success of SPDS that the system concept and evolving system plans reflect the views of the wider space physics community.
SPDS Rice University Workshop Report
Approximately 75 scientists gathered for a community-wide workshop on the Space Physics Data System (SPDS) in early June at Rice University, Houston. The workshop considered community needs for access to data and made recommendations to guide NASA’s Space Physics Division (SPD) in managing space physics data in the 1990s and beyond.
Ionspheric Thermospheric Mesospheric (ITM) Data Evaluation Panel Report
This report contains the ITM Panels recommendations for prioritizing the restoration of deteriorating data sets.
Space Physics Cosmic & Heliospheric Data Evaluation Panel Report
The Cosmic and Heliospheric (C&H) Data Evaluation Panel (DEP) was charged with the task of identifying and prioritizing important C&H data sets. It was requested to provide C&H community input to the Space Physics Division (SPD) for a program of revitalizing data holdings. As detailed in this report, the panel has identified substantial areas of concern and generally assigned highest C&H priority to Voyager, Pioneer, Helios, IMP-8 and ISEE-3 data in that order.
Sun-Earth Connection Study Team Report, SSDS TWG River Bend Workshop, July 1998
This report describes the system architecture and organization of a data service to manage the data associated with the Sun-Earth Connection theme within the context of the NASA Space Science Data System. It proposed a distributed service in which the data sets are managed at a number of sites by scientists actively involved in data analysis.