This procedure installs the CDF Skeleton Editor as a traditional Java
desktop application (i.e., not a Java Web Start application). This type
of installation enables the editor to read and write .skt
files. It
also provides the user with greater control (and responsibility) over
the versions of the individual software components.
If necessary, install Java version 8 or higher. This step is not necessary on many Linux distributions which include Java by default.
CDF and its installation instructions are available from
Choose a folder in which to install the SKTEditor (e.g.,
C:\Program Files\
Download the SKTeditor
(SHA-256) archive file.
Extract the files from the downloaded archive into the folder choosen
Copy the cdfjava.jar file from the CDF folder to the
SKTEditor/extensions folder.
Double-click on the spdfjavaClasses.jar
file to run the application.