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Oral Talks


Planning for the Future: The Decadal Survey as an Expression of Community Data Needs (#article1)
Lanzerotti, L J
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Rm.1E-439 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 United States

Lanzerotti, L J
Center for Solar Terrestrial Research, Department of Physics, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102 United States

The members of the Committee and of the Panels of the just-completed Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey found, both in their numerous dialogs with the research community and in their deliberations, that a strongly integrated and innovative data environment will be required to make the next leaps in scientific understanding from the data and in practical applications of the data. Further, together with an increasingly integrated data environment, new emphasizes must also be placed on such infrastructure matters as the support and operations of guest investigator programs for both ground-based and space-based national research facilities. There is considerable optimism that the coming decade will see numerous innovations in the integrated handling of data and of their use for new science and new applications. This talk will outline the conclusions and related recommendations for solar and space physics data from the Decadal Survey for the coming years.

2199 General or miscellaneous
2499 General or miscellaneous
2799 General or miscellaneous
7599 General or miscellaneous
7899 General or miscellaneous
SPA: Heliospheric Physics [SH]
2002 Fall Meeting
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The State of the Solar Terrestrial Data Environment

Walker, R J
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 United States

Walker, R J
Department of Earth and Space Science, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 United States

Joy, S P
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 United States

King, T A
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 United States

The data from space missions are national treasures. Many of these data are irreplaceable. In solar terrestrial physics data from current missions provide us with state of the art observations with which to address the complex problems of space plasma physics while data from older missions help us place current observations in perspective by providing continuity through time. Data that are prepared so that outside scientists can readily use them have a better chance of being useful years from now than data prepared just for the investigation team. In this talk we will evaluate the state of space physics data activities from the perspective of scientists who were not involved with the data collection. We have asked whether the data meet the needs of scientists today and whether they meet the requirement to provide a long lasting archive. We have evaluated the data from solar terrestrial missions against 4 criteria: 1.) Accessibility- is it easy for scientists to identify and locate the data needed for a given study? Once the data have been located are they readily available to the scientific community? Are they available online or on distributable media? Is needed calibration data readily available? 2.) Documentation- are the data documented so that knowledgeable scientists who are not instrument experts can use them? Does the documentation adhere to recognized standards? Does the documentation explain how the data were collected, and how they were processed as well as the format of the data? Is data quality including sources of contamination carefully documented? 3.) Preservation- is a system in place to assure that the data are not lost? Are the data archived to long lasting media? Are there copies of the data? Is there a program to test and refresh media? 4.) Scaleability- are the technologies being used meeting the demands of today`s users? Are the current data system technologies scaleable to planned data rates from future missions? How are the data systems addressing anticipated data demands?

2194 Instruments and techniques
2494 Instruments and techniques
2794 Instruments and techniques
7594 Instruments and techniques
SPA: Heliospheric Physics [SH]
2002 Fall Meeting
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The Right Amount of Glue: Technologies and Standards Relevant to a Future Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment

Gurman, J B
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Lab. for Astronomy and Solar Physics Code 682.3, Greenbelt, MD 20771 United States

Dimitoglou, G
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Lab. for Astronomy and Solar Physics Code 682.3, Greenbelt, MD 20771 United States

Bogart, R S
Stanford University, Ctr. for Space Science and Astrophysics, Stanford, CA 94305-4805 United States

Tian, K Q
Stanford University, Ctr. for Space Science and Astrophysics, Stanford, CA 94305-4805 United States

Hill, F
National Solar Observatory, P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 United States

Wampler, S
National Solar Observatory, P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 United States

Martens, P C
Montana State University, Physics Dept. P.O. Box 172840, Bozeman, MT 59717-3840 United States

Davey, A
Montana State University, Physics Dept. P.O. Box 172840, Bozeman, MT 59717-3840 United States

In order to meet the challenge of developing a new system science, we will need to employ technology that enables researchers to access data from fields with which they are at least initially unfamiliar as well as from sources they use more regularly. At the same time, the quantity of data to be obtained by missions such as the Solar Dynamics Observatory demands ease and simplicity of data access. These competing demands must in turn fit within severely constrained funding for data analysis in such projects. \p Based on experience in only a single discipline but with a diversity of data types and sources, we will give examples of technology that have made a significant difference in the way people do science. Similarly, we will show how adoption of a well-dcoumented data format has made it easier for one community to search, reduce, and analyze data. We will also describe a community-supported data reduction and analysis software tree with useful features.\p We will attempt to generalize the lessons learned in these instances to features the broader, solar-terrestrial community might find compelling, while avoiding overdesign of a common data environment.
2194 Instruments and techniques
2494 Instruments and techniques
2794 Instruments and techniques
7594 Instruments and techniques
SPA: Heliospheric Physics [SH]
2002 Fall Meeting
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The Roles and Needs of Models in the Future Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment

Goodrich, C C
Department of Astronomy, Boston University, 725 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215 United States

Lyon, J
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, 6127 Wilder Lab Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 United States

Wiltberger, M
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, 6127 Wilder Lab Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 United States

We have recently embarked on two projects to model the Solar Terrestrial environment through linking the regional codes together. We discuss here, from the perspective of our projects, the characteristics of the individual codes. These are well known and respected in the SPA community: the SAIC corona code, the NCAR solar wind code, the LFM magnetosphere code, the Rice RCM, and NCAR ITM code (TING). We further discuss the issues important for coupling of these codes, and explore briefly the methods from the computational and computer sciences that may help address them.

2199 General or miscellaneous
2447 Modeling and forecasting
2722 Forecasting
7509 Corona
7843 Numerical simulation studies
SPA: Heliospheric Physics [SH]
2002 Fall Meeting
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The Living with a Star Data Environment

Kucera, T A
NASA/ GSFC, Code 682 NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20770 United States

Living with a Star (LWS) is a program of applied scientific research geared towards understanding and predicting the effects of the Sun on human society. The LWS data environment is key to the success of the program. We will have to combine diverse data sets from a wide array of sources, including ones beyond the formal LWS missions. Data must be integrated with models and across disciplines. The size of some of the data sets will be unprecedented in our field, requiring innovations in data searching and selection techniques. We will have to work together as a community to develop easy data access, metadata standards, community software trees, and other essentials to the free sharing of data needed to attain LWS goals.

SPA: Heliospheric Physics [SH]
2002 Fall Meeting
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Next Steps Toward an Integrated Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment: A Summary View

Baker, D N
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, U. of Colorado, 1234 InnovationDrive, Boulder, CO 80303 United States

The goal of solar-terrestrial research is to obtain information about the connected Sun-Earth system. However, the key to scientific success is to convert this information (data) into knowledge and, ultimately, to transform knowledge into wisdom. It has rightly been noted that research and development agencies such as NASA (as well as NSF, NOAA, and DOD) with new missions and new data collection platforms have been transformed into knowledge agencies. In order to make major new advances in solar-terrestrial research, it will be necessary to couple physical models from the Sun to the Earth and to assimilate vast data sets in a rapid and efficient way. As a summary of the preceding panel discussion and this session overall, this talk will attempt to identify our best consensus understanding of the next steps that should be taken to achieve a modern, well-integrated solar-terrestrial data environment.

2194 Instruments and techniques
2494 Instruments and techniques
2794 Instruments and techniques
7594 Instruments and techniques
SPA: Heliospheric Physics [SH]
2002 Fall Meeting
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