Acknowledgments of SPDF in 2021

The journals ‘Space Weather’, ‘Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics’,
‘Geophysical Research Letters’, ‘Radio Science’, ‘Earth & Space Science’, ‘Solar
Physics’, ‘Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics’ and ‘Advances in
Space Research’ were searched for acknowledgments of services developed and
supported by NASA/Goddard’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).

Keywords searched and the number of occurrences across the eight journals:

OMNI and/or OMNIWeb were referenced in 371 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 233 papers
Space Physics Data Facility and/or SPDF was referenced in 181 papers
SPDF-FTP was referenced in 53 papers
SSCWeb or TIPSOD was referenced in 12 papers
COHOWeb or Helioweb or ATMOweb or ftpbrowser was referenced in 6 papers
VITMO-models was referenced in 18 papers

   Journal    Total number     Number of papers      Percentage
                of papers     with acknowledgment        
   SW             153               71                 46.4 %
   JGR            737              304                 41.2 %
   GRL           1838(all areas)    62                 
   RS              98                5                  5.1 %
   ESS            318                4                  1.3 %
   SP             189               17                  9.0 %
   JASTP          172               24                 14.0 %
   ASR            646               54                  8.4 %

Science Enabled Research Papers in Space Weather journal for 2021

1. Title=Ground based GNSS and C/NOFS Observations of Ionospheric Irregularities over
Africa: A Case Study of the 2013 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storm
Authors=P. O. Amaechi; E. O. Oyeyemi; A. O. Akala; H. E. Messanga; S. K. Panda; Gopi K.
Seemala; J. O. Oyedokun; R. Fleury; C. Amory Mazaudier; 
article=2020SW002631; doi=10.1029/2020SW002631; pubdate=13 January 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= CINDI instrument onboard C/NOFS (https:// cdaweb Finally,
we are grateful 

2. Title=Comparing three approaches to the inducing source setting for the ground
electromagnetic field modeling due to space weather events
Authors=Elena Marshalko; Mikhail Kruglyakov; Alexey Kuvshinov; Liisa Juusola; Norah Kaggwa
Kwagala; Elena Sokolova; Viacheslav Pilipenko; 
article=2020SW002657; doi=10.1029/2020SW002657; pubdate=16 January 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= input for this run (http:// omniweb We are grateful to 
Sample usage= from the Earths center. 1-min OMNI solar wind data have been 

3. Title=Distributions of Ion Density Irregularities and Their Gradients Inside Low
Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles Based on C/NOFS
Planar Langmuir Probe Data
Authors=Emanoel Costa; Patrick A. Roddy; John O. Ballenthin; 
article=2020SW002644; doi=10.1029/2020SW002644; pubdate=01 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= available in https:// cdaweb The C/NOFS PLP data

4. Title=A Peculiar ICME Event in August 2018 Observed With the Global Muon Detector
Authors=W. Kihara; K. Munakata; C. Kato; R. Kataoka; A. Kadokura; S. Miyake; M. Kozai; T.
Kuwabara; M. Tokumaru; R. R. S. Mendona; E. Echer;
A. Dal Lago; M. Rockenbach; N. J. Schuch; J. V. Bageston; C. R. Braga; H. K. Al Jassar; M.
M. Sharma; M. L. Duldig; J. E. Humble; P.
Evenson; I. Sabbah; J. Kta; 
article=2020SW002531; doi=10.1029/2020SW002531; pubdate=03 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= 24 and 27, 2018 (https:// omniweb Both the magnetic

5. Title=Reconstruction of the Radiation Belts for Solar Cycles 17 - 24 (1933 - 2017)
Authors=A. A. Saikin; Y. Y. Shprits; A. Y. Drozdov; D. A. Landis; I. S. Zhelavskaya; S.
article=2020SW002524; doi=10.1029/2020SW002524; pubdate=03 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= mission were found at https:// cdaweb\_mea/. GOES measurements were obtained 

6. Title=Why are ELEvoHI CME arrival predictions different if based on STEREO A or STEREO
B heliospheric imager observations?
Authors=Jrgen Hinterreiter; Tanja Amerstorfer; Martin A. Reiss; Christian Mstl; Manuela
Temmer; Maike Bauer; Ute V. Amerstorfer; Rachel L.
Bailey; Andreas J. Weiss; Jackie A. Davies; Luke A. Barnard; Mathew J. Owens; 
article=2020SW002674; doi=10.1029/2020SW002674; pubdate=08 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= approach using 14 years of OMNI data. Third, an estimate of 

7. Title=CME Magnetic Structure and IMF Preconditioning Affecting SEP Transport
Authors=Erika Palmerio; Emilia K. J. Kilpua; Olivier Witasse; David Barnes; Beatriz Snchez
Cano; Andreas J. Weiss; Teresa Nieves Chinchilla;
Christian Mstl; Lan K. Jian; Marilena Mierla; Andrei N. Zhukov; Jingnan Guo; Luciano
Rodriguez; Patrick J. Lowrance; Alexey Isavnin; Lucile
Turc; Yoshifumi Futaana; Mats Holmstrm; 
article=2020SW002654; doi=10.1029/2020SW002654; pubdate=10 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ) database (https://). Wind 

8. Title=Nighttime magnetic perturbation events observed in Arctic Canada: 3. Occurrence
and amplitude as functions of magnetic latitude,
local time, and magnetic disturbance indices
Authors=Mark J. Engebretson; Viacheslav A. Pilipenko; Erik S. Steinmetz; Mark B. Moldwin;
Martin G. Connors; David H. Boteler; Howard J.
Singer; Hermann Opgenoorth; Audrey Schillings; Shin Ohtani; Jesper Gjerloev; Christopher
T. Russell; 
article=2020SW002526; doi=10.1029/2020SW002526; pubdate=11 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= at https:// cdaweb The SME index is 
Sample usage= observations. This footpoint, determined via SSCWEB for year 2015 context
Sample usage= the Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility SYM/H index data
are available 

9. Title=Ionospheric disturbances over the Indian sector during 8 September 2017
geomagnetic storm: plasma structuring and propagation
Authors=L. Alfonsi; C. Cesaroni; L. Spogli; M. Regi; A. Paul; S. Ray; S. Lepidi; D. Di
Mauro; H. Haralambous; C. Oikonomou; P.R. Shreedevi;
A.K. Sinha; 
article=2020SW002607; doi=10.1029/2020SW002607; pubdate=23 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= OMNI database and available on CDAWeb
( Additional information derived from 
Sample usage= 5 min time resolution by OMNI database and region, time-shifted to 

10. Title=Application of a multi layer artificial neural network in a 3 D global electron
density model using the long term observations of
COSMIC, Fengyun 3C and Digisonde
Authors=Wang Li; Dongsheng Zhao; Changyong He; Yi Shen; Andong Hu; Kefei Zhang; 
article=2020SW002605; doi=10.1029/2020SW002605; pubdate=10 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}, IRI\\d{2,4}
Sample usage= (https:// omniweb ( 
Sample usage= electron density values. Additionally, the International Reference
Ionosphere (IRI-2016) model is also chosen 
Sample usage= 30% 60% higher than the IRI-2016 at the Millstone Hill and 
Sample usage= and EISCAT Svalbard radar with IRI2001 , Advances in Space Research, 

11. Title=A deep learning model for the thermospheric nitric oxide emission
Authors=Xuetao Chen; Jiuhou Lei; Dexin Ren; Wenbin Wang;
article=2020SW002619; doi=10.1029/2020SW002619; pubdate=10 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= We acknowledge the OMNIWeb 

12. Title=Prediction of Dynamic Plasmapause Location Using a Neural Network
Authors=Deyu Guo; Song Fu; Zheng Xiang; Binbin Ni; Yingjie Guo; Minghang Feng; Jianguang
Guo; Zejun Hu; Xudong Gu; Jianan Zhu; Xing Cao; Qi
article=2020SW002622; doi=10.1029/2020SW002622; pubdate=11 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= OMNIWeb 

13. Title=The geomagnetic Kp index and derived indices of geomagnetic activity
Authors=J. Matzka; C. Stolle; Y. Yamazaki; O. Bronkalla; A. Morschhauser;
article=2020SW002641; doi=10.1029/2020SW002641; pubdate=13 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= NASA OMNI web database (http:// omniweb The NOAA nowcast
Sample usage= = 180. We used the OMNI 1-min solar wind data estimated

14. Title=The Impact of Solar Activity on Forecasting the Upper Atmosphere via
Assimilation of Electron Density Data
Authors=Timothy Kodikara; Kefei Zhang; N. M. Pedatella; Claudia Borries;
article=2020SW002660; doi=10.1029/2020SW002660; pubdate=18 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= (CH-ME-2-PLPT). The NASA/OMNI database ( omniweb provided
the (CH-ME-2-PLPT). The
Sample usage= and marked in orange. Source: OMNI data available on omni- values

15. Title=Long Short Term Memory Neural Network for Ionospheric Total Electron Content
Forecasting over China
Authors=Pan Xiong; Dulin Zhai; Cheng Long; Huiyu Zhou; Xuemin Zhang; Xuhui Shen;
article=2020SW002706; doi=10.1029/2020SW002706; pubdate=18 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= F10.7 was downloaded from SPDF OMNIWeb database
( The IRI-2016 and
Sample usage= index F10.7 was downloaded from SPDF The solar
activity index

16. Title=Dynamics of Electron Flux in the Slot Region and Geomagnetic Activity
Authors=L. Nikitina; L Trichtchenko;
article=2020SW002661; doi=10.1029/2020SW002661; pubdate=25 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, VITMO
Sample usage= the NASA online tool https:// omniweb epoch
2000 with use
Sample usage= the NASA online tool vitmo /cgm.html epoch
2000 with use

17. Title=A Nonlinear System Science Approach to Find the Robust Solar Wind Drivers of the
Multivariate Magnetosphere
Authors=S. Blunier; B. Toledo; J. Rogan; J. A. Valdivia;
article=2020SW002634; doi=10.1029/2020SW002634; pubdate=02 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= OMNI data and the NASA CDAWeb team in this study
Sample usage= indices where retrieved from the OMNI Data of interplanetary medium and
Sample usage= Aeoronautic and Spatial Agency (ftp:// spdf .gsfc database provided by the

18. Title=The determination of satellite orbital decay from POD data during geomagnetic
Authors=Ruoxi Li; Jiuhou Lei;
article=2020SW002664; doi=10.1029/2020SW002664; pubdate=02 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Kp indices are available from OMNIWeb ( from

19. Title=ASHLEY: A new empirical model for the high latitude electron precipitation and
electric field
Authors=Qingyu Zhu; Yue Deng; Astrid Maute; Liam Kilcommons; Delores Knipp; Marc Hairston;
article=2020SW002671; doi=10.1029/2020SW002671; pubdate=03 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp)
Sample usage= CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI data. The IMF and solar
Sample usage= can be downloaded from NASA SPDF OMNIWeb (
The DMSP can

20. Title=Toward a next generation particle precipitation model: Mesoscale prediction
through machine learning (a case study and framework
for progress)
Authors=Ryan M. McGranaghan; Jack Ziegler; To Bloch; Spencer Hatch; Enrico Camporeale;
Kristina Lynch; Mathew Owens; Jesper Gjerloev;
Binzheng Zhang; Susan Skone;
article=2020SW002684; doi=10.1029/2020SW002684; pubdate=16 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites https:// cdaweb; (Redmon et al., (DMSP)
Sample usage= OMNI data within CDAWeb (https:// omniweb .gsfc.nasa .txt). Note that in
Sample usage= .txt). Note that in the OMNI data within CDAWeb 

21. Title=Using Gradient Boosting Regression to Improve Ambient Solar Wind Model
Authors=R. L. Bailey; M. A. Reiss; C. N. Arge; C. Mstl; C. J. Henney; M. J. Owens; U. V.
Amerstorfer; T. Amerstorfer; A. J. Weiss; J.
article=2020SW002673; doi=10.1029/2020SW002673; pubdate=24 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= speed is taken from the OMNI hourly data set. In the
Sample usage= solar wind speed observations: https:// spdf\_res\_omni/. Jupyter Notebook used to

22. Title=Latitudinal, Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in the Accuracy of an RTK
Positioning System and Its Relationship With Ionospheric
Authors=A. Fhn Follestad; L. B. N. Clausen; J. I. Moen; K. S. Jacobsen;
article=2020SW002625; doi=10.1029/2020SW002625; pubdate=26 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb and ftp ser- We acknowledge
Sample usage= panel c), downloaded from the OMNIweb interface. The third threshold (10
Sample usage= vices, and OMNI data. GPS and GLONAS ephemerides
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sCDAWeb and
ftp ser-

23. Title=FTA: A Feature Tracking Empirical Model of Auroral Precipitation
Authors=Chen Wu; Aaron J. Ridley; Anna D. DeJong; Larry J. Paxton;
article=2020SW002629; doi=10.1029/2020SW002629; pubdate=30 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Data Analysis (Workshop) Web ( CDAWeb ). data can be
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb with 1-min resolution. set through
Sample usage= measurements was extracted from NASA/GSFC's OMNI data The AE index utilized
Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb service (https:// spdf The Polar
Sample usage= were provided by the NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
service ( The

24. Title=Deep Neural Networks With Convolutional and LSTM Layers for SYM-H and ASY-H
Authors=Armando Collado-Villaverde; Pablo Muoz; Consuelo Cid;
article=2021SW002748; doi=10.1029/2021SW002748; pubdate=30 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= and ASY-H indices from https:// cdaweb (King,
2005). The indices
Sample usage= used hourly data from the OMNIWeb up to 6 hours ahead
Sample usage= retrieved in 5-minute averages ( OMNI HRO 5MIN), whereas the IMF

25. Title=Extreme low-latitude TEC enhancement and GPS Scintillation at dawn
Authors=Sebastijan Mrak; Joshua Semeter; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Anthea J. Coster;
article=2021SW002740; doi=10.1029/2021SW002740; pubdate=12 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= indices are available via https:// cdaweb
High-rate data used to
Sample usage= and geomagnetic indices from the OMNIweb database. The time period Solar
Sample usage= indices are available via omni /.
High-rate data used to

26. Title=Data-Driven Forecasting of Low-Latitude Ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC)
Using the Random Forest and LSTM Machine Learning
Authors=Gebreab K. Zewdie; Cesar Valladares; Morris B. Cohen; David J. Lary; Dhanya
Ramani; Gizaw M. Tsidu;
article=2020SW002639; doi=10.1029/2020SW002639; pubdate=31 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= extracted from NASAs OMNI (Operating Missions as a Node
Sample usage= Data Facility ( SPDF ). SPDF-OMNI contains multi-spacecraft measurements,

27. Title=Solar Wind Speed Prediction with Two-Dimensional Attention Mechanism
Authors=Yanru Sun; Zongxia Xie; Yanhong Chen; Xin Huang; Qinghua Hu;
article=2020SW002707; doi=10.1029/2020SW002707; pubdate=31 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Physics Data Facilitys OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI
Sample usage= set released by NASA (https:// omniweb .gsfc.nasa We collect the OMNI
Sample usage= speed prediction is performed using OMNI and the Solar Dynamics Solar
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb (or
We acknowledge

28. Title=Geosynchronous magnetopause crossings and their relationships with magnetic
storms and substorms
Authors=A. A. Samsonov; Y. V. Bogdanova; G. Branduardi-Raymont; L. Xu; J. Zhang; D.
Sormakov; O. A. Troshichev; C. Forsyth;
article=2020SW002704; doi=10.1029/2020SW002704; pubdate=01 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ), http:// The OMNI data
Sample usage= wind parameters from OMNI (https:// omniweb and consider
the time
Sample usage= al., 2010) and hourly averaged OMNI data and find The paper

29. Title=A Bayesian inference-based empirical model for scintillation indices for
Authors=K. Meziane; A. Kashcheyev; P. T. Jayachandran; A. M. Hamza;
article=2020SW002710; doi=10.1029/2020SW002710; pubdate=07 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ) The solar wind data
Sample usage= OMNI data set through the OMNIWeb portal. OMNI solar wind data
Sample usage= field are obtained from the OMNI work, the solar wind and

30. Title=Improving Solar Wind Forecasting using Data Assimilation
Authors=Matthew Lang; Jake Witherington; Harriet Turner; Mathew J. Owens; Pete Riley;
article=2020SW002698; doi=10.1029/2020SW002698; pubdate=14 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NIWeb portal at https:// omniweb MAS model output is
Sample usage= ter for OMNI . STEREO-A, STEREO-B and ACE
Sample usage= We are grateful to the Space Physics Data Facility and National Space
Science Data

31. Title=Transpolar convection and magnetospheric ring current relations: real time
applications of the Polar Cap (PC) indices.
Authors=Peter Stauning;
article=2020SW002702; doi=10.1029/2020SW002702; pubdate=18 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= values were downloaded from the OMNIweb service portal the merging electric
Sample usage= solar wind parameters presented at OMNI website. J Atmos the magnetosphere:

32. Title=Markov Chain-based Stochastic Modeling of Deep Signal Fading: Availability
Assessment of Dual-frequency GNSS-based Aviation under
Ionospheric Scintillation
Authors=Andrew K. Sun; Hyeyeon Chang; Sam Pullen; Hyosub Kil; Jiwon Seo; Y. Jade Morton;
Jiyun Lee;
article=2020SW002655; doi=10.1029/2020SW002655; pubdate=24 June 2021
Keywords found: Heliophysics Data Portal
Sample usage= SSUSI website) and NASAs heliophysics data portal and NASAs heliophysics

33. Title=Observations from NOAA's Newest Solar Proton Sensor
Authors=B. T. Kress; J. V. Rodriguez; A. Boudouridis; T. G. Onsager; B. K. Dichter; G. E.
Galica; S. Tsui;
article=2021SW002750; doi=10.1029/2021SW002750; pubdate=17 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= ADNET, NASA GSFC; both via CDAWeb at NASA GSFC; both
Sample usage= OMNI >10 MeV proto OMNI >10

34. Title=A Multi-purpose Heliophysics L4 Mission
Authors=A. Posner; C. N. Arge; J. Staub; O. C. StCyr; D. Folta; S. K. Solanki; R. D. T.
Strauss; F. Effenberger; A. Gandorfer; B. Heber; C.
J. Henney; J. Hirzberger; S. I. Jones; P. Khl; O. Malandraki; V. J. Sterken;
article=2021SW002777; doi=10.1029/2021SW002777; pubdate=20 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= at Earth, based on the OMNI data set Li, lists approximate
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility https:// spdf Space Physics Data
Sample usage= figure are available at the Space Physics Data Facility Space Physics Data Facility

35. Title=Multi-year statistics of LEO energetic electrons as observed by the Korean
Authors=Jaeheung Park; Kyoung Wook Min; Hoonkyu Seo; Eo-Jin Kim; Kwangsun Ryu; Jongdae
Sohn; Jongho Seon; Ji-Hyeon Yoo; Seunguk Lee; Brian
Kress; Junchan Lee; Changho Woo; Dae-Young Lee;
article=2021SW002787; doi=10.1029/2021SW002787; pubdate=26 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) OMNIWeb
( Administration (NASA) OMNIWeb

36. Title=The influence of spacecraft latitudinal offset on the accuracy of corotation
Authors=Harriet Turner; Mathew Owens; Matthew Lang; Siegfried Gonzi;
article=2021SW002802; doi=10.1029/2021SW002802; pubdate=27 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= al., 2008) and downloaded from CDAWeb (cdaweb.gsfc.nasa observations from
the OMNI
Sample usage= OMNI data are obtained from OMNIWeb ( .gov). One-hour
OMNI data
Sample usage= et al., 1998) or the OMNI data set (Vokhmyanin (Kaiser et
Sample usage= We are grateful to the Space Physics Data Facility and National Space
Science Data

37. Title=Evaluating Auroral Forecasts Against Satellite Observations
Authors=M. K. Mooney; M. S. Marsh; C. Forsyth; M. Sharpe; T. Hughes; S. Bingham; D. R.
Jackson; I. J. Rae; G. Chisham;
article=2020SW002688; doi=10.1029/2020SW002688; pubdate=29 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= data is archived at: https:// cdaweb
IMAGE FUV data is

38. Title=Quantifying Contributions of External Drivers to the Global Ionospheric State
Authors=Xing Meng; Olga P Verkhoglyadova;
article=2021SW002752; doi=10.1029/2021SW002752; pubdate=02 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= the solar wind, we obtain OMNI hourly-averaged GEOMAGNETIC DATA/INDICES/KP
AP/). For
Sample usage= obtain OMNI hourly-averaged data (https:// spdf, including the interplanetary magnetic
Sample usage= The authors gratefully acknowledge NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility
and Dr. Natalia Papitashvili for

39. Title=Forecasting the Probability of Large Rates of Change of the Geomagnetic Field in
the UK: Timescales, Horizons and Thresholds
Authors=A. W. Smith; C. Forsyth; I. J. Rae; T. M. Garton; T. Bloch; C. M. Jackman; M.
article=2021SW002788; doi=10.1029/2021SW002788; pubdate=10 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Physics Data Facilitys OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service for the
Sample usage= use the OMNI database ( /). To produce the
Sample usage= the data, we use the OMNI database L1. To maximize the
Sample usage= use the OMNI database (http:// nssdc To produce
the OMNI
Sample usage= acknowledge and thank NASA GSFCs Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb We
acknowledge and

40. Title=Potential of regional ionosphere prediction using a long short-term memory
(LSTM) deep-learning algorithm specialized for
geomagnetic storm period
Authors=Jeong-Heon Kim; Young-Sil Kwak; YongHa Kim; Su-In Moon; Se-Heon Jeong; JongYeon
article=2021SW002741; doi=10.1029/2021SW002741; pubdate=18 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}
Sample usage= from the OMNI web (https:// omniweb For the
ionosonde data,
Sample usage= each storm date from the OMNI database. These indices and F2
Sample usage= (physics-based model) and IRI-2016 ( international reference ionosphere
model. The SAMI2 (physics-based model)
Sample usage= the LSTM quiet, SAMI2, and IRI-2016 models. 37% (10%, 17%, and

41. Title=Geomagnetically Induced Currents at Middle Latitudes: 1. Quiet-time Variability
Authors=A. C. Kellerman; Ryan Mcgranaghan; Jacob Bortnik; Brett A. Carter; Joseph Hughes;
Robert F. Arritt; Karthik Venkataramani; Charles
H. Perry; Jackson McCormick; Chigomezyo M. Ngwira; Morris Cohen; Jia Yue;
article=2021SW002729; doi=10.1029/2021SW002729; pubdate=19 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data
Sample usage= data were obtained from the OMNI database, and represent quantities

42. Title=Worst-Case Severe Environments for Surface Charging observed at LANL satellites
as Dependent on Solar Wind and Geomagnetic
Authors=N. Yu. Ganushkina; B. Swiger; S. Dubyagin; J.-C. Mato-Vlez; M. W. Liemohn; A.
Sicard; D. Payan;
article=2021SW002732; doi=10.1029/2021SW002732; pubdate=21 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= OMNIWeb ( was used, so, Ey

43. Title=Magnetic signatures of ionospheric disturbance dynamo for CME and HSSWs
generated storms
Authors=Waqar Younas; C. Amory-Mazaudier; Majid Khan; M. Le Huy;
article=2021SW002825; doi=10.1029/2021SW002825; pubdate=23 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, 
Sample usage=) via OMNIWEB data center ( via

44. Title= Forecasting Ultra-relativistic Electrons inside Earth-s Outer Radiation Belt
Authors=Saurabh Sinha; Yue Chen; Youzuo Lin; Rafael Pires de Lima;
article=2021SW002773; doi=10.1029/2021SW002773; pubdate=25 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= use their data. Thanks to CDAWeb for providing OMNI data. RBSP
Sample usage= Thanks to CDAWeb for providing OMNI data. RBSP and POES data

45. Title=Historical reconstruction of astronaut cancer risk - context for recent solar
Authors=Tony C. Slaba;
article=2021SW002851; doi=10.1029/2021SW002851; pubdate=12 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= NASA Goddard Space Flight Center OMNIweb interface
( is ~24% lower
Sample usage= Flight Center OMNIweb interface ( omni )
is ~24% lower over
Sample usage= Flight Center OMNIweb interface (https:// spdf
is ~24% lower over

46. Title=Development and Validation of Precipitation Enhanced Densities for the Empirical
Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM)
Authors=C. Watson; D. R. Themens; P. T. Jayachandran;
article=2021SW002779; doi=10.1029/2021SW002779; pubdate=12 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}
Sample usage= from the OMNI database; https:// cdaweb
electrojet (AE) indices taken
Sample usage= (AE) indices taken from the OMNI database; electrojet (AE) indices
Sample usage= at modelweb /models/nrlmsise00.php. The IRI-2016
model is
Sample usage= other models such as the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) at high
latitudes, providing,
Sample usage= added a precipitation component to IRI-95 ionosphere density profiles using

47. Title=Solar Origins of 26th August 2018 Geomagnetic Storm: Responses of the
Interplanetary Medium and Equatorial/low-latitude Ionosphere
to the Storm
Authors=A. O. Akala; O. J. Oyedokun; P. O. Amaechi; K. G. Simi; A. Ogwala; O.A. Arowolo;
article=2021SW002734; doi=10.1029/2021SW002734; pubdate=17 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= data were obtained at https// omniweb In our recent

48. Title=Responses of the African and American Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) to
2014 arctic SSW events
Authors=O.R. Idolor; A. O. Akala; O. S. Bolaji;
article=2021SW002812; doi=10.1029/2021SW002812; pubdate=16 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= (http:// omniweb All days with Kp

49. Title=TEC Map Completion Through a Deep Learning Model: SNP-GAN
Authors=Yang Pan; Mingwu Jin; Shunrong Zhang; Yue Deng;
article=2021SW002810; doi=10.1029/2021SW002810; pubdate=22 October 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= MIT-TEC and IGS-TEC (https:// cdaweb The raw
MIT-TEC maps

50. Title=Empirical Modeling of Ionospheric Current Using Empirical Orthogonal Function
Analysis and Artificial Neural Network
Authors=Charles Owolabi; Haibing Ruan; Yosuke Yamazaki; Jinfeng Li; Jiahao Zhong; A. V.
Eyelade; Shishir Priyadarshi; Akimasa Yoshikawa;
article=2021SW002831; doi=10.1029/2021SW002831; pubdate=23 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= (sfu, 1 sfu=1022Wm2Hz1) from the OMNIWeb website to determine obtained the
Sample usage= NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's SPDF /GSFC website
( The Helmholtz

51. Title=Predicting CMEs Using ELEvoHI With STEREO-HI Beacon Data
Authors=Maike Bauer; Tanja Amerstorfer; Jrgen Hinterreiter; Andreas J. Weiss; Jackie A.
Davies; Christian Mstl; Ute V. Amerstorfer; Martin
A. Reiss; Richard A. Harrison;
article=2021SW002873; doi=10.1029/2021SW002873; pubdate=29 October 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= data: STEREO:; Wind: https:// cdaweb In situ data: STEREO:

52. Title=Observations of Unusual Daytime Range Spread F at Middle Latitude During the
Afternoon Hours
Authors=Lehui Wei; Chunhua Jiang; Ting Lan; Wenxuan Wang; Hua Shen; Ercha Aa; Wengeng
Huang; Jing Liu; Guobin Yang; Yaogai Hu; Zhengyu Zhao;
article=2021SW002870; doi=10.1029/2021SW002870; pubdate=29 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= from the following websites http:// omniweb this study.
These data
Sample usage= ACE solar wind parameters through SPDF , NASA, wind parameters through

53. Title=Machine Learning for Predicting the Bz Magnetic Field Component From Upstream in
Situ Observations of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections
Authors=M. A. Reiss; C. Mstl; R. L. Bailey; H. T. Rdisser; U. V. Amerstorfer; T.
Amerstorfer; A. J. Weiss; J. Hinterreiter; A. Windisch;
article=2021SW002859; doi=10.1029/2021SW002859; pubdate=02 November 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= from (STEREO) and https:// spdf (Wind). In this study,

54. Title=Relativistic Electron Model in the Outer Radiation Belt Using a Neural Network
Authors=Xiangning Chu; Donglai Ma; Jacob Bortnik; W. Kent Tobiska; Alfredo Cruz; S. Dave
Bouwer; Hong Zhao; Qianli Ma; Kun Zhang; Daniel N.
Baker; Xinlin Li; Harlan Spence; Geoff Reeves;
article=2021SW002808; doi=10.1029/2021SW002808; pubdate=05 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= set at 1min resolution (https:// omniweb are used as input
Sample usage= geomagnetic indices obtained from the OMNI data set at 1min resolution

55. Title=Modeling of Ultraviolet Aurora Intensity Associated With Interplanetary and
Geomagnetic Parameters Based on Neural Networks
Authors=Ze-Jun Hu; Bing Han; Yisheng Zhang; Huifang Lian; Ping Wang; Guojun Li; Bin Li;
Xiang-Cai Chen; Jian-Jun Liu;
article=2021SW002751; doi=10.1029/2021SW002751; pubdate=08 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data of Polar UVI (https:// cdaweb .gsfc. data of Polar UVI
Sample usage= Polar UVI and OMNIWeb and OMNIWeb Plus for
Sample usage= are derived from the NASA OMNI . speed (Vp), and the

56. Title=Using Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning Methods to Correct Offset
Anomalies in the GOES-16 Magnetometer Data
Authors=F. Inceoglu; Paul T. M. Loto'aniu;
article=2021SW002892; doi=10.1029/2021SW002892; pubdate=08 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= indices taken from the NASA- CDAWeb . The model was calculated

57. Title=Global-Scale Ionospheric Tomography During the March 17, 2015 Geomagnetic Storm
Authors=F. S. Prol; T. Kodikara; M. M. Hoque; C. Borries;
article=2021SW002889; doi=10.1029/2021SW002889; pubdate=09 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= Space Flight Center in the OMNI data set. Flight Center in

58. Title=MHD-Test Particles Simulations of Moderate CME and CIR-Driven Geomagnetic Storms
at Solar Minimum
Authors=Mary K. Hudson; Scot R. Elkington; Zhao Li; Maulik Patel; Kevin Pham; Kareem
Sorathia; Alex Boyd; Allison Jaynes; Alexis Leali;
article=2021SW002882; doi=10.1029/2021SW002882; pubdate=13 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= shown in Figure2a from NASA OMNIWeb . Recurrent CIRs which map

59. Title=Comparison of a Neutral Density Model With the SET HASDM Density Database
Authors=Daniel R. Weimer; W. Kent Tobiska; Piyush M. Mehta; R. J. Licata; Douglas P. Drob;
Jean Yoshii;
article=2021SW002888; doi=10.1029/2021SW002888; pubdate=17 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= the NASA archives at https:// cdaweb The solar
indices level

60. Title=Solar EUV-Enhancement and Thermospheric Disturbances
Authors=C. Briand; K. Doerksen; F. Deleflie;
article=2021SW002840; doi=10.1029/2021SW002840; pubdate=22 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Neutral density data from: CDAWEB :
Neutral density data
Sample usage= density were also checked from OMNI database. To ensure a low

61. Title=Occurrence and Variations of Middle and Low Latitude Sporadic E Layer
Investigated With Longitudinal and Latitudinal Chains of
Authors=Qiong Tang; Jiaqi Zhao; Zhibin Yu; Yi Liu; Lianhuan Hu; Chen Zhou; Zhengyu Zhao;
Xueshang Feng;
article=2021SW002942; doi=10.1029/2021SW002942; pubdate=25 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= and solar activity index (http:// omniweb solar activity
index (

62. Title=Impact angle control of local intense dB/dt variations during shock-induced
Authors=Denny M. Oliveira; James M. Weygand; Eftyhia Zesta; Chigomezyo M. Ngwira; Michael
D. Hartinger; Zhonghua Xu; Barbara L. Giles; Dan
J. Gershman; Marcos V. D. Silveira; Vtor M. Souza;
article=2021SW002933; doi=10.1029/2021SW002933; pubdate=03 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from the NASA/OMNI website https:// omniweb .gsfc. The ACE and Wind
Sample usage= are available from the NASA/ OMNI website. The ACE and

63. Title=The prediction of day-to-day occurrence of low latitude ionospheric strong
scintillation using gradient boosting algorithm
Authors=Xiukuan Zhao; Guozhu Li; Haiyong Xie; Lianhuan Hu; Wenjie Sun; Sipeng Yang; Yi Li;
Baiqi Ning; Hisao Takahashi;
article=2021SW002884; doi=10.1029/2021SW002884; pubdate=03 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= obtained from the OMNI (https:// omniweb\_min.html). All
the data used
Sample usage= data was obtained from the OMNI (\_min.html).
All the data used

64. Title=Radiation Belt Model Including Semi-Annual Variation and Solar Driving
Authors=C. Katsavrias; S. Aminalragia-Giamini; C. Papadimitriou; I. A. Daglis; I.
Sandberg; P. Jiggens;
article=2021SW002936; doi=10.1029/2021SW002936; pubdate=04 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= at 10.7cm available by the OMNIWeb service of the Space Physics

65. Title=A study of the performances of widely used external magnetic field models in the
outer zone of the Earth-s radiation belts by
comparing the field observations from Van Allen Probe-A and the model estimations
Authors=Xiaochao Yang; Li Wang;
article=2021SW002722; doi=10.1029/2021SW002722; pubdate=06 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI2
Sample usage= via OMNI2 datasets at http:// cdaweb at T02 uses
Sample usage= these data are available via OMNI2 datasets Geosciences and the World

66. Title=Ionospheric Disturbances Observed From a Single GPS Station in Hong Kong During
the Passage of Super Typhoon Hato in 2017
Authors=Shiwei Yu; Zhizhao Liu; Tsz Cheung Lee;
article=2021SW002850; doi=10.1029/2021SW002850; pubdate=08 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= including the geomagnetic indices (https:// omniweb indices
( and

67. Title=Multi instrument Investigation of the impact of the Space Weather events of 6-10
September 2017
Authors=Paul O. Amaechi; Andrew O. Akala; Johnson O. Oyedokun; K. G Simi; O. Aghogho;
Elijah O. Oyeyemi;
article=2021SW002806; doi=10.1029/2021SW002806; pubdate=16 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, FTPBrowser, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from the SPDF OMNIWeb Database. obtained from the SPDF
Sample usage= obtained at . The OMNI data were acquired at
Sample usage= data were downloaded from ftpbrowser
/goes13\_14\_flux\_5m.html. The magnetometer data utilized
Sample usage= parameters were obtained from the SPDF OMNIWeb Database. obtained from the

68. Title=High-Latitude Electrodynamics Specified in SAMI3 Using AMPERE Field-Aligned
Authors=A. T. Chartier; J. D. Huba; D. P. Sitaram; V. G. Merkin; B. J. Anderson; S. K.
article=2021SW002890; doi=10.1029/2021SW002890; pubdate=22 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= indices were obtained from https:// omniweb ., and Solar

69. Title=Development of a High-Latitude Convection Model by Application of Machine
Learning to SuperDARN Observations
Authors=W. A. Bristow; C. A. Topliff; M. B. Cohen;
article=2021SW002920; doi=10.1029/2021SW002920; pubdate=23 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and Data
Facility's OMNIWeb
Sample usage= for use from the NASA OMNI database (King & Papitashvili,2005), which
Sample usage= are available from the NASA Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb data server
( the

70. Title=Sensitivity of Ground Magnetometer Array Elements for GIC Applications I:
Resolving Spatial Scales With the BEAR and CARISMA
Authors=Stavros Dimitrakoudis; David K. Milling; Andy Kale; Ian R. Mann;
article=2021SW002919; doi=10.1029/2021SW002919; pubdate=29 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb . extracted from NASA/GSFC's OMNI
Sample usage= values were extracted from NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb.

71. Title=Evidence From Galactic Cosmic Rays That the Sun Has Likely Entered a Secular
Minimum in Solar Activity
Authors=F. Rahmanifard; A. P. Jordan; W. C. de Wet; N. A. Schwadron; J. K. Wilson; M. J.
Owens; H. E. Spence; P. Riley;
article=2021SW002796; doi=10.1029/2021SW002796; pubdate=16 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= geomagnetic data as well as OMNI data. However, there are still


**Science Enabled Research Papers in [Journal of Geophysical Research / Space Physics]( for 2021**

1\. Title=Magnetospheric flux throughput in the Dungey cycle: identification of convection
state during 2010
Authors=S. E. Milan; J. A. Carter; H. Sangha; G. E. Bower; B. J. Anderson; 
article=2020JA028437; doi=10.1029/2020JA028437; pubdate=01 January 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 
Sample usage= are derived from the 1-min OMNI dataset (King & Papitashvili, 2005). 
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 

2. Title=Data Driven Ensemble Modeling of Equatorial Ionospheric Electrodynamics: A Case
Study During a Minor Storm Period Under Solar
Minimum Conditions
Authors=C. T. Hsu; T. Matsuo; A. Maute; R. Stoneback; C. P. Lien; 
article=2020JA028539; doi=10.1029/2020JA028539; pubdate=01 January 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= can be downloaded from the CDAWeb of NASA Goddard Space Flight 
Sample usage= NASA OMNI Web page (https:// omniweb and the
Dst and 
Sample usage= is obtained from the NASA OMNI Web page
( and the 

3. Title=Observations of Particle Loss due to Injection Associated EMIC Waves
Authors=Hyomin Kim; Quintin Schiller; Mark J. Engebretson; Sungjun Noh; Ilya Kuzichev;
Louis J. Lanzerotti; Andrew J. Gerrard; Khan Hyuk
Kim; Marc R. Lessard; Harlan E. Spence; Dae Young Lee; Jrgen Matzka; Tanja Fromm; 
article=2020JA028503; doi=10.1029/2020JA028503; pubdate=06 January 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Data Facilitys OMNIWeb, SSCweb, and CDAWeb data. 
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb, SSCweb , and CDAWeb data. 
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb , SSCweb, and CDAWeb data.

Sample usage= from high time-resolution (1 min) OMNI data (King & Papitashvili, 2005). 

4. Title=Reconstruction of magnetospheric storm time dynamics using cylindrical basis
functions and multi mission data mining
Authors=N. A. Tsyganenko; V. A. Andreeva; M. I. Sitnov; 
article=2020JA028390; doi=10.1029/2020JA028390; pubdate=11 January 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF
Sample usage= via the NSSDC CDAWEB facility at: Clus- 
Sample usage= from the OMNI source (https:// omniweb min.html) in
the form 
Sample usage= loaded from the OMNI source (
min.html) in the 
Sample usage= via the NSSDC CDAWEB facility at: Clus- 
Sample usage= were obtained from the SPDF OMNIWEB at: (R.

5. Title=Observations of the beam driven whistler mode waves in the magnetic reconnection
region at the dayside magnetopause
Authors=S. Q. Zhao; C. J. Xiao; T. Z. Liu; Huayue Chen; H. Zhang; M. J. Shi; Shangchun
Teng; H. S. Zhang; X. G. Wang; Y. Z. Pu; M. Z. Liu; 
article=2020JA028525; doi=10.1029/2020JA028525; pubdate=13 January 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb , and
the Chinese 
Sample usage= data are found online (https:// spdf; The data analysis

6. Title=Magnetotail Configuration under Northward IMF Conditions
Authors=Wenhui Li; Leyuan Wu; Yasong Ge; Lian Zhong L; 
article=2020JA028634; doi=10.1029/2020JA028634; pubdate=13 January 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= IMF data are from NASA CDAWeb OMNI datasets (
This work 
Sample usage= and IMF data from NASA OMNI is used to drive the 

7. Title=Multi event study of characteristics and propagation of naturally occurring
ELF/VLF waves using high latitude ground observations
and conjunctions with the Arase satellite
Authors=C. Martinez Calderon; Y. Katoh; J. Manninen; O. Santolik; Y. Kasahara; S. Matsuda;
A. Kumamoto; F. Tsuchiya; A. Matsuoka; M. Shoji;
M. Teramoto; I. Shinohara; K. Shiokawa; Y. Miyoshi; 
article=2020JA028682; doi=10.1029/2020JA028682; pubdate=15 January 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= parameters were obtained from SPDF/GSFC OMNIWeb database and WDC 
Sample usage= wind parameters were obtained from SPDF /GSFC OMNIWeb database and WDC 

8. Title=Observations and simulations of the peak response time of thermospheric mass
density to the 27 day solar EUV flux variation
Authors=Dexin Ren; Jiuhou Lei; Wenbin Wang; Alan Burns; Xiaoli Luan; 
article=2020JA028756; doi=10.1029/2020JA028756; pubdate=16 January 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= index is provided by the OMNIWeb (
Thermospheric data used in 

9. Title=Global Magnetosphere Response to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Pulses During
Northward IMF Using the Heliophysics System Observatory
Authors=S. E. Vidal Luengo; M. B. Moldwin; 
article=2020JA028587; doi=10.1029/2020JA028587; pubdate=16 January 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= tained from the CDAWeb ( The CDAWeb
also pro- 
Sample usage= vides 1-minute resolution OMNI data, which includes combined solar 

10. Title=Gap formation around 0.5e of whistler mode waves excited by electron temperature
Authors=Huayue Chen; Xinliang Gao; Quanming Lu; Konrad Sauer; Rui Chen; Jiansheng Yao;
Shui Wang; 
article=2020JA028631; doi=10.1029/2020JA028631; pubdate=16 January 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= used here, obtained from https:// spdf 

11. Title=Semi Monthly Lunar Tide Oscillation of foF2 in Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
(EIA) Crests during 2014 2015 SSW
Authors=Qiong Tang; Chen Zhou; Zishen Li; Yi Liu; Guanyi Chen; 
article=2020JA028708; doi=10.1029/2020JA028708; pubdate=18 January 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= (http:// omniweb, 

12. Title=The Lifetimes of Plasma Structures at High Latitudes
Authors=Magnus F Ivarsen; Yaqi Jin; Andres Spicher; Wojciech Miloch; Lasse B N Clausen; 
article=2020JA028117; doi=10.1029/2020JA028117; pubdate=19 January 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service. The authors would
Sample usage= 15 minutes, as provided by omni (King & Papitashvili, 2005). Whether 

13. Title=A novel method for deriving the Vary Chap scale height profile in the topside
Authors=Sicheng Wang; Sixun Huang; Hanxian Fang; 
article=2020JA028514; doi=10.1029/2020JA028514; pubdate=20 January 2021
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// spdf The COSMIC
radio occultation 
Sample usage= data were downloaded from the Space Physics Data Facility . These databases
have a 

14. Title=The delayed ionospheric response to the 27 day solar rotation period analyzed
with GOLD and IGS TEC data
Authors=Erik Schmlter; Jens Berdermann; Mihail Codrescu; 
article=2020JA028861; doi=10.1029/2020JA028861; pubdate=21 January 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= OMNI data set through the OMNIWeb interface (NASA, 2020d). 2.2 Solar 
Sample usage= are obtained from the NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through the OMNIWeb 

15. Title=Effects of solar illumination and substorms on auroral electrojets based on
CHAMP observations
Authors=Hui Wang; Hermann Luehr; 
article=2020JA028905; doi=10.1029/2020JA028905; pubdate=22 January 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= indices can be downloaded from OMNIWeb ( HWs
work is sponsored 

16. Title=A Possible Mechanism on the Detachment Between a Subauroral Proton Arc and the
Auroral Oval
Authors=Su Zhou; Xiaoli Luan; J. L. Burch; Zhonghua Yao; De Sheng Han; Chenjing Tian;
Yuqing Chen; Jin Zhang; Xiaoyan Yu; Tianjun Dai; 
article=2020JA028493; doi=10.1029/2020JA028493; pubdate=01 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data
Sample usage= the data obtained from the OMNI website to evaluate the solar 
Sample usage= acknowledge the use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
service, and OMNI 

17. Title=Multi Wavelength Imaging Observations of STEVE at Athabasca, Canada
Authors=Sneha Yadav; Kazuo Shiokawa; Yuichi Otsuka; Martin Connors; J. P. St Maurice; 
article=2020JA028622; doi=10.1029/2020JA028622; pubdate=02 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= WIND satellite were obtained from CDAWeb . Because solar wind measurements 
Sample usage= Fort Smith were obtained from SPDF , NASA, USA
( The 

18. Title=Optimisation of Radial Diffusion Coefficients for the Proton Radiation Belt
During the CRRES Era
Authors=Alexander R. Lozinski; Richard B. Horne; Sarah A. Glauert; Giulio Del Zanna; Jay
M. Albert; 
article=2020JA028486; doi=10.1029/2020JA028486; pubdate=03 February 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// spdf,
which contain flux averaged 

19. Title=Determining the Temporal and Spatial Coherence of Plasmaspheric Hiss Waves in
the Magnetosphere
Authors=Shuai Zhang; I. Jonathan Rae; Clare E. J. Watt; Alexander W. Degeling; Anmin Tian;
Quanqi Shi; Xiao Chen Shen; Andy W. Smith;
Mengmeng Wang; 
article=2020JA028635; doi=10.1029/2020JA028635; pubdate=03 February 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= are openly availability at https:// spdf

20. Title=A Case Study of Transversely Heated Low Energy Helium Ions by EMIC Waves in the
Authors=Khan Hyuk Kim; Hyuck Jin Kwon; Junhyun Lee; Ho Jin; Jungjoon Seough; 
article=2020JA028560; doi=10.1029/2020JA028560; pubdate=03 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (https:// cdaweb . and found a 
Sample usage= spectra data provided on NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility Coordinated
Data Analysis Web (https://cdaweb. 

21. Title=Conjugate Properties of Magnetospheric Pc5 Waves: Antarctica Greenland
Authors=Vyacheslav A. Pilipenko; Valery A. Martines Bedenko; Shane Coyle; Evgeny N.
Fedorov; Michael D. Hartinger; Mark J. Engebretson; Thom
R. Edwards; 
article=2020JA028048; doi=10.1029/2020JA028048; pubdate=03 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, VITMO
Sample usage= IGRF for Epoch 2015 (https:// omniweb
Sample usage= IGRF for Epoch 2015 ( vitmo /cgm.html)

22. Title=Thermospheric Impact on the Magnetosphere Through Ionospheric Outflow
Authors=K. H. Pham; W. Lotko; R. H. Varney; B. Zhang; J. Liu; 
article=2020JA028656; doi=10.1029/2020JA028656; pubdate=05 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= at AdnetSystems, NASA GSFC and CDAWeb . by J.H. King, N. 

23. Title=Investigating the Development of Distinctive Subauroral Flow Channels During the
November 7-8, 2004 Superstorm
Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell; 
article=2020JA027821; doi=10.1029/2020JA027821; pubdate=05 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= can be accessed online (https:// cdaweb\_public/).
The DMSP data set 
Sample usage= shock) values provided by the OMNI database. These include the ACE 

24. Title=The Impact of the Disturbed Electric Field in the Sporadic E (Es) Layer
Development Over Brazilian Region
Authors=L. C. A. Resende; J. Shi; C. M. Denardini; I. S. Batista; G. A. S. Picano; J.
Moro; R. A. J. Chagas; D. Barros; S. S. Chen; P. A. B.
Nogueira; V. F. Andrioli; R. P. Silva; A. J. Carrasco; R. C. de Araujo; C. Wang; Z. Liu; 
article=2020JA028598; doi=10.1029/2020JA028598; pubdate=06 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= model. The authors thank the OMNIWEB for providing IMF Bz, AE 

25. Title=Local Time and Longitudinal Differences in the Occurrence Frequency of
Ionospheric EMIC Waves During Magnetic Storm Periods
Authors=Hui Wang; Yang Fan He; Hermann Lhr; Jichun Zhang; 
article=2020JA028878; doi=10.1029/2020JA028878; pubdate=06 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC'S Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb
( The availability of data 
Sample usage= data are available at NASA/GSFC'S Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
( The availability 

26. Title=F Region Electric Field Effects on the Intermediate Layer Dynamics During the
Evening Prereversal Enhancement at Equatorial Region
Over Brazil
Authors=A. M. Santos; I. S. Batista; C. G. M. Brum; J.H.A. Sobral; M. A. Abdu; J. R.
article=2020JA028429; doi=10.1029/2020JA028429; pubdate=06 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= obtained from the website https:// omniweb The indices
Sym-H, Bz, 

27. Title=Modeling of the Lower Ionosphere During Solar X Ray Flares of Different Classes
Authors=S. Z. Bekker; I. A. Ryakhovsky; J. A. Korsunskaya; 
article=2020JA028767; doi=10.1029/2020JA028767; pubdate=06 February 2021
Keywords found: ModelWeb, vitmo
Sample usage= can be obtained under modelweb
/models/msis\_vitmo. php. All the other 
Sample usage= modelweb /models/msis\_vitmo. php. All

28. Title=On the Association Between Electron Flux Oscillations and Local Phase Space
Density Gradients
Authors=Theodore E. Sarris; Xinlin Li; Hong Zhao; Leng Ying Khoo; Wenlong Liu; Michael A.
article=2020JA028891; doi=10.1029/2020JA028891; pubdate=08 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Allen Probes Science Gateway https:// cdaweb Van Allen
Probes PSD 

29. Title=Whistlers in the Plasmasphere
Authors=Anatoly V. Streltsov; 
article=2020JA028933; doi=10.1029/2020JA028933; pubdate=09 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= are available from  NASA CDAWeb . 

30. Title=On the Generation of an Unseasonal EPB Over South East Asia
Authors=J. L. Currie; B. A. Carter; J. Retterer; T. Dao; R. Pradipta; R. Caton; K. Groves;
Y. Otsuka; T. Yokoyama; K. Hozumi; T. Le Truong;
M. Terkildsen; 
article=2020JA028724; doi=10.1029/2020JA028724; pubdate=09 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= data were obtained from http:// omniweb omni\_min.html.
Figure1 shows the 

31. Title=Role of Equatorial Fountain for the Delayed Response of Thermosphere O1D 630.0
nm Dayglow Over the Dip Equator During an X Class
Authors=C. Vineeth; K. M. Ambili; T. K. Pant; K. V. Subrahmanyam; 
article=2020JA028624; doi=10.1029/2020JA028624; pubdate=10 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, VITMO
Sample usage= omniweb\_vitmo.html) and the electron and 
Sample usage= from the IRI model ( modelweb
/models/iri\_vitmo.php). The EUV flux was 
Sample usage= vitmo /msis\_vitmo.html) and the electron and 

32. Title=Modulation of magnetospheric substorm frequency: Dipole tilt and IMF By effects
Authors=A. Ohma; J. P. Reistad; S. M. Hatch; 
article=2020JA028856; doi=10.1029/2020JA028856; pubdate=10 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data was downloaded from https:// cdaweb
phys/data/omni/hro 1min/. We gratefully 
Sample usage= values were calculated from the OMNI 1-min data, which is propagated 

33. Title=Ionospheric D Region Disturbances due to FAC and LEP Associated With Three
Severe Geomagnetic Storms as Observed by VLF Signals
Authors=F. Kerrache; S. Nait Amor; S. Kumar; 
article=2020JA027838; doi=10.1029/2020JA027838; pubdate=10 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (https:// cdaweb First, we identified the 

34. Title=Simulating the Ion Precipitation From the Inner Magnetosphere by H Band and He
Band Electro Magnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
Authors=P. R. Shreedevi; Yiqun Yu; Binbin Ni; Anthony Saikin; Vania K. Jordanova; 
article=2020JA028553; doi=10.1029/2020JA028553; pubdate=10 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= 42025404. The authors thank NASA/GSFC CDAWeb team and the WDC-C2 (Kyoto) 

35. Title=The Application of a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network on
Completing Global TEC Maps
Authors=Jie Chen; Hanxian Fang; Zhendi Liu; 
article=2020JA028418; doi=10.1029/2020JA028418; pubdate=11 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= (https:// cdaweb We choose GPS products 

36. Title=Energy Resolved Detection of Precipitating Electrons of 30-100 keV by a
Sounding Rocket Associated With Dayside Chorus Waves
Authors=S. Sugo; O. Kawashima; S. Kasahara; K. Asamura; R. Nomura; Y. Miyoshi; Y. Ogawa;
K. Hosokawa; T. Mitani; T. Namekawa; T. Sakanoi; M.
Fukizawa; N. Yagi; Y. Fedorenko; A. Nikitenko; S. Yokota; K. Keika; T. Hori; C. Koehler; 
article=2020JA028477; doi=10.1029/2020JA028477; pubdate=12 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= NOAA POES and documentation (https:// cdaweb .gsfc.nasa.

37. Title=Observations of density cavities and associated warm ion flux enhancements in
the inner magnetosphere
Authors=C. P. Ferradas; S. A. Boardsen; M. C. Fok; N. Buzulukova; G. D. Reeves; B. A.
article=2020JA028326; doi=10.1029/2020JA028326; pubdate=13 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= ( CDAWeb ) 
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at The tables 
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at The 

38. Title=Nitric oxide ion density profiles in Earth's nightside high latitude E and F
region ionosphere
Authors=Mohammed Ferdi; Mourad Djebli; 
article=2020JA028517; doi=10.1029/2020JA028517; pubdate=13 February 2021
Keywords found: ModelWeb, VITMO
Sample usage= due to chemical reactions. modelweb
/models/iri2016 vitmo.php 
Sample usage= due to chemical reactions. vitmo .php 

39. Title=Energetic electron enhancement and dropout echoes induced by solar wind dynamic
pressure decrease: the effect of phase space
density profile
Authors=X. H. Ma; Q. G. Zong; C. Yue; Y. X. Hao; Y. Liu; 
article=2020JA028863; doi=10.1029/2020JA028863; pubdate=13 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= 1-min resolution OMNI data (http:// cdaweb
public), the solar wind 
Sample usage= (a), based on 1-min resolution OMNI data
( public), the solar 

40. Title=Vortex Generation and Auroral Response to a Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
Increase: Event Analyses
Authors=Jinyan Zhao; Quanqi Shi; Anmin Tian; Xiao Chen Shen; James M Weygand; Huizi Wang;
Shutao Yao; Xiao Ma; Alexander William Degeling;
I. Jonathan Rae; Hui Zhang; Xiao Jia Zhang; Shi Chen Bai; Wensai Shang; Jong Sun Park; 
article=2020JA028753; doi=10.1029/2020JA028753; pubdate=13 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI 
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp)
Sample usage= 24 January 2012 from the OMNI database, are shown in Figure 
Sample usage= as the use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb

41. Title=Evidence for the Significant Differences in Response Times of Equatorial
Ionization Anomaly Crest Corresponding to Plasma
Fountains During Daytime and Post Sunset Hours
Authors=A. Kumar; D. Chakrabarty; K. Pandey; B. G. Fejer; S. Sunda; G. K. Seemala; S.
Sripathi; A. K. Yadav; 
article=2020JA028628; doi=10.1029/2020JA028628; pubdate=13 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, 
Sample usage= global GPS TEC maps (https:// cdaweb Such an enhancement
Sample usage= Equation 1 are taken from IRI -16 (Bilitza etal., 2017), NRLMSISE-00 

42. Title=Statistical Analysis of Pc1 Wave Ducting Deduced From Swarm Satellites
Authors=Hyangpyo Kim; Kazuo Shiokawa; Jaeheung Park; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Claudia Stolle;
Stephan Buchert; 
article=2020JA029016; doi=10.1029/2020JA029016; pubdate=15 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from OMNI web database (https:// omniweb Acknowledgments 
Sample usage= data were downloaded online from OMNI web database (https:// 

43. Title=An Encounter With the Ion and Electron Diffusion Regions at a Flapping and
Twisted Tail Current Sheet
Authors=C. J. Farrugia; A. J. Rogers; R. B. Torbert; K. J. Genestreti; T. K. M. Nakamura;
B. Lavraud; P. Montag; J. Egedal; D. Payne; A.
Keesee; N. Ahmadi; R. Ergun; P. Reiff; M. Argall; H. Matsui; L. B. Wilson; N. Lugaz; J. L.
Burch; C. T. Russell; S. A. Fuselier; I. Dors; 
article=2020JA028903; doi=10.1029/2020JA028903; pubdate=15 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from NASA's SPDF/ CDAWeb . Level 3 electric field 
Sample usage= indices are obtained from NASA/ OMNI data website, and the geomagnetic 
Sample usage= data were obtained from NASA's SPDF /CDAWeb. Level 3 electric field 

44. Title=The First Observation of N+ Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
Authors=M. Fraz Bashir; Raluca Ilie; 
article=2020JA028716; doi=10.1029/2020JA028716; pubdate=17 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= use of OMNI data from CDAweb using 
Sample usage= to calculate the ellipticity. The OMNI data set provided the solar 
Sample usage= study is available from https:// spdf We also
acknowledge the 

45. Title=Investigation of small scale electron density irregularities observed by the
Arase and Van Allen Probes satellites inside and
outside the plasmasphere
Authors=Neethal Thomas; Kazuo Shiokawa; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Yoshiya Kasahara; Iku
Shinohara; Atsushi Kumamoto; Fuminori Tsuchiya; Ayako
Matsuoka; Satoshi Kasahara; Shoichiro Yokota; Kunihiro Keika; Tomo Hori; Kazushi Asamura;
Shiang Yu Wang; Yoichi Kazama; Sunny Wing Yee Tam;
Tzu Fang Chang; Bo Jhou Wang; John Wygant; Aaron Breneman; Geoff Reeves; 
article=2020JA027917; doi=10.1029/2020JA027917; pubdate=18 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis web (https:// cdaweb
This work is supported 

46. Title=Comparing electron precipitation fluxes calculated from pitch angle diffusion
coefficients to LEO satellite observations
Authors=J. A. Reidy; R. B. Horne; S. A. Glauert; M. A. Clilverd; N. P. Meredith; E. E.
Woodfield; J. P. Ross; H. J. Allison; C. J. Rodger; 
article=2020JA028410; doi=10.1029/2020JA028410; pubdate=18 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from the OMNI database (https:// omniweb The data used in 
Sample usage= from the OMNI database ( The data used 

47. Title=Superthermal proton and electron fluxes in the plasma sheet transition region
and their dependence on solar wind parameters
Authors=N.A. Stepanov; V. A. Sergeev; D.A. Sormakov; V. A. Andreeva; S. V. Dubagin; N.
Ganushkina; V. Angelopoulos; A. V. Runov; 
article=2020JA028580; doi=10.1029/2020JA028580; pubdate=18 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from the OMNI database (http:// omniweb ). Based on previous 
Sample usage= resolution were taken from the OMNI database (
). Based on 

48. Title=Heavy Metal and Rock in Space: Cluster RAPID observations of Fe and Si
Authors=Stein Haaland; Patrick W. Daly; Esa Vilenius; 
article=2020JA028852; doi=10.1029/2020JA028852; pubdate=18 February 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ): (CDAWeb): Acknowledgments 
Sample usage= (2020); Kronberg et al. (2020). OMNI data used to check correlations 

49. Title=Comparison of Synoptic Maps and PFSS Solutions for The Declining Phase of Solar
Cycle 24
Authors=Huichao Li; Xueshang Feng; Fengsi Wei; 
article=2020JA028870; doi=10.1029/2020JA028870; pubdate=18 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data
Sample usage= near-Earth insitu observation obtained from OMNI . We first calculate the 
Sample usage= data (https://omniweb. and ftps:// spdf Acknowledgments 
Sample usage= authors acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's
OMNIWeb service, and OMNI 

50. Title=The Diffuse Auroral Eraser
Authors=R. N. Troyer; A. N. Jaynes; S. L. Jones; D. J. Knudsen; T. S. Trondsen; 
article=2020JA028805; doi=10.1029/2020JA028805; pubdate=18 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb , was between 340 and 
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb, was 
Sample usage= service, and OMNI data (https:// spdf The
Dst and AE 
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb 

51. Title=Determining EMIC wave vector properties through multi point measurements: The
wave curl analysis
Authors=S. K. Vines; B. J. Anderson; R. C. Allen; R. E. Denton; M. J. Engebretson; J. R.
Johnson; S. Toledo Redondo; J. H. Lee; D. L Turner;
R. E. Ergun; R. J. Strangeway; C. T. Russell; H. Wei; R. B. Torbert; S. A. Fuselier; B. L.
Giles; J. L. Burch; 
article=2020JA028922; doi=10.1029/2020JA028922; pubdate=19 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= King and Papitashvili, 1994; https:// omniweb  for
2015-10-28/15:42 UT. The 
Sample usage= solar wind conditions from the OMNI dataset King and Papitashvili, 1994; 

52. Title=A combined neural network  and physics based approach for modeling plasmasphere
Authors=I. S. Zhelavskaya; N. A. Aseev; Y. Y. Shprits; 
article=2020JA028077; doi=10.1029/2020JA028077; pubdate=19 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= from the OMNIWeb data service. We have used 

53. Title=Validation of ICON MIGHTI thermospheric wind observations: 2. Green line
comparisons to specular meteor radars
Authors=Brian J. Harding; Jorge L. Chau; Maosheng He; Christoph R. Englert; John M.
Harlander; Kenneth D. Marr; Jonathan J. Makela; Matthias
Clahsen; Guozhu Li; M. Venkat Ratnam; S. Vijaya Bhaskar Rao; Yen Jung J. Wu; Scott L.
England; Thomas J. Immel; 
article=2020JA028947; doi=10.1029/2020JA028947; pubdate=22 February 2021
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// spdf The Ledong,
Wuhan and 
Sample usage= soon be available at the Space Physics Data Facility
( The Ledong, Wuhan and 

54. Title=On the ion precipitation due to field line curvature (FLC) and EMIC wave
scattering and their subsequent impact on ionospheric
Authors=Minghui Zhu; Yiqun Yu; Xingbin Tian; PR Shreedevi; Vania K. Jordanova; 
article=2020JA028812; doi=10.1029/2020JA028812; pubdate=22 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= discussion. The authors thank the OMNIweb (
from helpful discussion. The 

55. Title=GPS Scintillations and TEC Variations in Association With a Polar Cap Arc
Authors=Yong Wang; Zheng Cao; Zan Yang Xing; Qing He Zhang; P. T. Jayachandran; K.
Oksavik; Nanan Balan; K. Shiokawa; 
article=2020JA028968; doi=10.1029/2020JA028968; pubdate=23 February 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2
Sample usage= website ( and the NASA OmniWeb for providing the solar wind 
Sample usage= data were obtained from the OMNI -2 website. These data are 
Sample usage= data were obtained from the OMNI-2 website. These data are already 

56. Title=Data driven modeling of atomic oxygen airglow over a period of three solar
Authors=. Mackovjak; M. Varga; S. Hrivak; O. Palkoci; G. G. Didebulidze; 
article=2020JA028991; doi=10.1029/2020JA028991; pubdate=08 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, VITMO
Sample usage= all available data from the OMNIWeb ture values. For the appropriate 
Sample usage= Available at: modelweb /models/nrlmsise00.php
(Picone et al., 2002) 
Sample usage= Available at: vitmo .php
(Bilitza et al., 2017) 

57. Title=New Developments in the Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere Ionosphere (CIMI)
Authors=M. C. Fok; S. B. Kang; C. P. Ferradas; N. B. Buzulukova; A. Glocer; C. M. Komar; 
article=2020JA028987; doi=10.1029/2020JA028987; pubdate=08 March 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ) at
The AE, 

58. Title=Magnetotail Inner Magnetosphere Transport Associated With Fast Flows Based on
Combined Global Hybrid and CIMI Simulation
Authors=Y. Lin; X. Y. Wang; M. C. Fok; N. Buzulukova; J. D. Perez; L. Cheng; L. J. Chen; 
article=2020JA028405; doi=10.1029/2020JA028405; pubdate=08 March 2021
Keywords found: NSSDC
Sample usage= trapped electron model environment. In Nssdc /wdc-a-r&s 91-24. Greenbelt,

59. Title=Long term variations of the geomagnetic activity: a comparison between the
strong and weak solar activity cycles and implications
for the space climate
Authors=Rajkumar Hajra; Adriane Marques de Souza Franco; Ezequiel Echer; Mauricio Jos
Alves Bolzan; 
article=2020JA028695; doi=10.1029/2020JA028695; pubdate=08 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data are obtained from the OMNIWeb ( The OMNI
database is 
Sample usage= from the OMNIWeb ( The OMNI database is
formed by timeshifting 

60. Title=Generation of Subauroral Longitudinally Extended Emissions Following
Intensifications of the Poleward Boundary of the Substorm
Bulge and Streamer Production
Authors=Michael G. Henderson; 
article=2020JA028556; doi=10.1029/2020JA028556; pubdate=10 March 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ) archive at Data 

61. Title=SABER observation of storm time hemispheric asymmetry in Nitric Oxide radiative
Authors=Tikemani Bag; Zheng Li; D. Rout; 
article=2020JA028849; doi=10.1029/2020JA028849; pubdate=10 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= OMNI database (htt ps : omniweb .gs f and World 
Sample usage= from OMNI database (htt ps : 

62. Title=Auroral enhanced Plasma Lines by Suprathermal Electrons Observed by EISCAT
Authors=Ting Feng; Moran Liu; Bin Xu; Tong Xu; Shuaihe Gao; Xiang Wang; Chen Zhou; 
article=2020JA028495; doi=10.1029/2020JA028495; pubdate=10 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= (https:// omniweb ( 
Sample usage= indices are provided by the OMNI dataset with 1 min resolution 

63. Title=Long and Active Magnetopause Reconnection X lines during Changing IMF conditions
Authors=K.J. Trattner; S.A. Fuselier; S.M. Petrinec; J.L. Burch; R. Ergun; E.W. Grimes; 
article=2020JA028926; doi=10.1029/2020JA028926; pubdate=10 March 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= are available at CDAWeb (\_public/). The
solar wind plasma 

64. Title=Pitch Angle Phase Shift in Ring Current Ions Interacting with ULF Waves: Van
Allen Probes Observations
Authors=Xing Yu Li; Zhi Yang Liu; Qiu Gang Zong; Xu Zhi Zhou; Yi Xin Hao; Robert Rankin;
Xiao Xin Zhang; 
article=2020JA029025; doi=10.1029/2020JA029025; pubdate=11 March 2021
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (http:// spdf are downloaded
from NASAs 
Sample usage= paper are downloaded from NASAs Space Physics Data Facility
( are downloaded from NASAs 

65. Title=Seasonal variation characteristics of geomagnetic Sq external and internal
equivalent current systems in East Asia and Oceania
Authors=Xiaocan Liu; Peng Han; Katsumi Hattori; Huaran Chen; Chie Yoshino; Xudong Zhao;
Liguo Jiao; Xinxin Ma; Yu Lei; 
article=2021JA029113; doi=10.1029/2021JA029113; pubdate=11 March 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= were downloaded from NASA (https:// cdaweb data were downloaded from 

66. Title=Multi event Analysis of Plasma and Field Variations in Source of Stable Auroral
Red (SAR) Arcs in Inner Magnetosphere during Non
storm time Substorms
Authors=Yudai Inaba; Kazuo Shiokawa; Shin ichiro Oyama; Yuichi Otsuka; Martin Connors; Ian
Schofield; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Shun Imajo; Atsuki
Shinbori; Artem Yu. Gololobov; Yoichi Kazama; Shiang Yu Wang; Sunny W. Y. Tam; Tzu Fang
Chang; Bo Jhou Wang; Kazushi Asamura; Shoichiro
Yokota; Satoshi Kasahara; Kunihiro Keika; Tomoaki Hori; Ayako Matsuoka; Yoshiya Kasahara;
Atsushi Kumamoto; Shoya Matsuda; Yasumasa Kasaba;
Fuminori Tsuchiya; Masafumi Shoji; Masahiro Kitahara; Satoko Nakamura; Iku Shinohara;
Harlan E. Spence; Geoff D. Reeves; Robert J.
Macdowall; Charles W. Smith; John R. Wygant; John W. Bonnell; 
article=2020JA029081; doi=10.1029/2020JA029081; pubdate=12 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were provided by the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface
( The solar were 
Sample usage= for Scientific Research. The OMNI data Boston College, Institute for 
Sample usage= were provided by the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface
( The solar 

67. Title=The characteristics of summer descending sporadic E layer observed with the
ionosondes in the China region
Authors=LiHui Qiu; Xiaomin Zuo; Tao Yu; Yangyi Sun; Huixin Liu; Lingfeng Sun; Biqiang
article=2020JA028729; doi=10.1029/2020JA028729; pubdate=14 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service
( Data Facility's OMNIWeb 

68. Title=Ionospheric signatures of secondary waves from quasi 6 day wave and tide
Authors=Y. Yamazaki; Y. Miyoshi; 
article=2020JA028360; doi=10.1029/2020JA028360; pubdate=18 March 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= and downloadable from the SPDF CDAWeb database (https:// de Catalunya (UPC) 
Sample usage= was downloaded from the SPDF OMNIWeb database (F10.7 was downloaded 
Sample usage= (UPC) and downloadable from the SPDF CDAWeb database (https:// de Catalunya 

69. Title=DMSP observations of high latitude dayside aurora (HiLDA)
Authors=L. Cai; A. Kullen; Y. Zhang; T. Karlsson; A. Vaivads; 
article=2020JA028808; doi=10.1029/2020JA028808; pubdate=21 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= indices are obtained from the OMNI database. data with geomagnetic indices 

70. Title=On Alfvnic slow wind: a journey from the Earth back to the Sun
Authors=R. DAmicis; D. Perrone; R. Bruno; M. Velli; 
article=2020JA028996; doi=10.1029/2020JA028996; pubdate=22 March 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= are available on the NASA CDAWeb website:
and PSP data 

71. Title=Hemispheric Asymmetries in the Mid latitude Ionosphere During the September 7 8
2017 Storm: Multi Instrument Observations
Authors=Zihan Wang; Shasha Zou; Lei Liu; Jiaen Ren; Ercha Aa; 
article=2020JA028829; doi=10.1029/2020JA028829; pubdate=22 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= are obtained from the NASA Omni web. The digisonde data are 

72. Title=In situ Observations of Whistler mode Chorus Waves Guided by Density Ducts
Authors=Rui Chen; Xinliang Gao; Quanming Lu; Lunjin Chen; Bruce T. Tsurutani; Wen Li;
Binbin Ni; Shui Wang; 
article=2020JA028814; doi=10.1029/2020JA028814; pubdate=22 March 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= available from the website: https:// spdf
from the website: 

73. Title=Nodal Structure of Toroidal Standing Alfvn Waves and Its Implication for Field
Line Mass Density Distribution
Authors=Kazue Takahashi; Richard E. Denton; 
article=2020JA028981; doi=10.1029/2020JA028981; pubdate=23 March 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (https:// cdaweb for Van Allen
Sample usage= NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility Coordinated
Data Analysis Web ( 

74. Title=ULF Wave Driven Radial Diffusion During Geomagnetic Storms: A statistical
analysis of Van Allen Probes observations
Authors=J. K. Sandhu; I. J. Rae; J. R. Wygant; A. W. Breneman; S. Tian; C. E. J. Watt; R.
B. Horne; L. G. Ozeke; M. Georgiou; M. T. Walach; 
article=2020JA029024; doi=10.1029/2020JA029024; pubdate=24 March 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= is publicly available online (https:// cdaweb
The solar wind data 

75. Title=Average Ionospheric Electric Field Morphologies during Geomagnetic Storm Phases
Authors=M. T. Walach; A. Grocott; S. E. Milan; 
article=2020JA028512; doi=10.1029/2020JA028512; pubdate=24 March 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= We acknowledge the use of OMNI 1-min solar wind data, which 
Sample usage= can be downloaded from https:// spdf has been
shifted to 

75. Title=Electrostatic Waves and Electron Heating Observed over Lunar Crustal Magnetic
Authors=F. Chu; J. S. Halekas; Xin Cao; J. P. McFadden; J. W. Bonnell; K. H. Glassmeier; 
article=2020JA028880; doi=10.1029/2020JA028880; pubdate=03 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= able at NASAs CDAWeb ( and the ARTEMIS able

76. Title=Sustained Oxygen Spectral Gaps and Their Dynamic Evolution in the Inner
Authors=Chao Yue; Xu Zhi Zhou; Jacob Bortnik; Qiu Gang Zong; Yuxuan Li; Jie Ren; Geoffrey
D. Reeves; Harlan E. Spence; 
article=2020JA029092; doi=10.1029/2020JA029092; pubdate=03 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= providing the OMNI data (https:// cdaweb data
Sample usage= Flight Center for providing the OMNI thank the Space Physics Data 
Sample usage= NAS5-01072. The authors thank the Space Physics Data Facility at the NASA
Goddard Space 

77. Title=Study of a Quasi 27 Day Wave in the MLT Region During Recurrent Geomagnetic
Storms in Autumn 2018
Authors=Zheng Ma; Yun Gong; Shaodong Zhang; Junwei Xue; Jiahui Luo; Qihou Zhou; Chunming
Huang; Kaiming Huang; You Yu; Guozhu Li; 
article=2020JA028865; doi=10.1029/2020JA028865; pubdate=04 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= OMNI Web system at https:// omniweb Since the
variation of 
Sample usage= indices are obtained from the OMNI Web system at Since 

78. Title=Energy transfer between hot protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in
compressional Pc5 ultra low frequency waves
Authors=N. Kitamura; M. Shoji; S. Nakamura; M. Kitahara; T. Amano; Y. Omura; H. Hasegawa;
S. A. Boardsen; Y. Miyoshi; Y. Katoh; M. Teramoto;
Y. Saito; S. Yokota; M. Hirahara; D. J. Gershman; B. L. Giles; C. T. Russell; R. J.
Strangeway; N. Ahmadi; P. A. Lindqvist; R. E. Ergun; S.
A. Fuselier; J. L. Burch; 
article=2020JA028912; doi=10.1029/2020JA028912; pubdate=05 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= set (OMNI data from http:// omniweb Refer ences 
Sample usage= The time-shifted solar wind ( OMNI 5-minute) data between the Kp 

79. Title=Explicit IMF By Dependence in Geomagnetic Activity: Quantifying Ionospheric
Authors=L. Holappa; R. M. Robinson; A. Pulkkinen; T. Asikainen; K. Mursula; 
article=2021JA029202; doi=10.1029/2021JA029202; pubdate=09 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2
Sample usage= of the OMNI database (http:// omniweb For this range of 
Sample usage= solar wind data of the OMNI database We calculate the hourly 
Sample usage= IMF) were downloaded from the OMNI2 database (http://omniweb. the OMNI2

80. Title=Evolution of Dynamical Complexities in Geospace as Captured by Dst Over Four
Solar Cycles 1964-2008.
Authors=S. T. Ogunjo; A. B. Rabiu; I. A. Fuwape; A. A. Obafaye; 
article=2020JA027873; doi=10.1029/2020JA027873; pubdate=09 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (https:// cdaweb
Analysis Web
Sample usage= 23 were obtained from the OMNI database (1min averaged data (SYM-H) 

81. Title=Modeling Interplanetary Expansion and Deformation of CMEs with ANTEATR PARADE I:
Relative Contribution of Different Forces
Authors=C. Kay; T. Nieves Chinchilla; 
article=2020JA028911; doi=10.1029/2020JA028911; pubdate=11 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= nT, which are based on OMNI database CMEs (Lepping et al., 

82. Title=Low Altitude Ion Upflow Observed by EISCAT and its Effects on Supply of
Molecular Ions in the Ring Current Detected by Arase (ERG)
Authors=M. Takada; K. Seki; Y. Ogawa; K. Keika; S. Kasahara; S. Yokota; T. Hori; K.
Asamura; Y. Miyoshi; I. Shinohara; 
article=2020JA028951; doi=10.1029/2020JA028951; pubdate=13 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= this paper, we used the omni flux data provided as the 

83. Title=Empirical Loss Timescales of Slot Region Electrons due to Plasmaspheric Hiss
Based on Van Allen Probes Observations
Authors=Qi Zhu; Xing Cao; Xudong Gu; Binbin Ni; Zheng Xiang; Song Fu; Danny Summers; Man
Hua; Yuequn Lou; Xin Ma; Yingjie Guo; Deyu Guo;
Wenxun Zhang; 
article=2020JA029057; doi=10.1029/2020JA029057; pubdate=14 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= at the NASA OMNIWeb (http:// cdaweb geomagnetic activity
indices are 
Sample usage= publicly available at the NASA OMNIWeb (
geomagnetic activity indices are 

84. Title=Observations of Energized Electrons in the Martian Magnetosheath
Authors=K. Horaites; L. Andersson; S. J. Schwartz; S. Xu; D. L. Mitchell; C. Mazelle; J.
Halekas; J. Gruesbeck; 
article=2020JA028984; doi=10.1029/2020JA028984; pubdate=15 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= summary data available from the CDAWeb database at The solar 

85. Title=Relationship Between the Locations of the Midlatitude Trough and Plasmapause
Using GNSS TEC and Arase Satellite Observation Data
Authors=Atsuki Shinbori; Yuichi Otsuka; Takuya Tsugawa; Michi Nishioka; Atsushi Kumamoto;
Fuminori Tsuchiya; Shoya Matsuda; Yoshiya
Kasahara; Ayako Matsuoka; 
article=2020JA028943; doi=10.1029/2020JA028943; pubdate=15 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ). magnetic coordinates, solar 
Sample usage= We use 1-min high resolution OMNI (HRO) data of the By 

86. Title=Statistical Study of Foreshock Transients in the Midtail Foreshock
Authors=Terry Z. Liu; Hui Zhang; Chih Ping Wang; Vassilis Angelopoulos; Andrew Vu; Xueyi
Wang; Yu Lin; 
article=2021JA029156; doi=10.1029/2021JA029156; pubdate=15 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= OMNI data are available at CDAWeb. are available at 
Sample usage= magnetometer (Auster etal.,2008). We used OMNI etal.,2008) and magnetic
field data 

87. Title=Disturbances in Sporadic E During the Great Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017
Authors=G. Chen; J. Wang; B. W. Reinisch; Y. Li; W. Gong; 
article=2020JA028986; doi=10.1029/2020JA028986; pubdate=16 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= F10.7 data come from the OMNIWeb (https://omniweb. (The Kp, Dst, 

88. Title=Evidence of Alfvenic Poynting Flux as the Primary Driver of Auroral Motion
During a Geomagnetic Substorm
Authors=S. Tian; C. A. Colpitts; J. R. Wygant; C. A. Cattell; C. P. Ferradas; A. B. Igl;
B. A. Larsen; G. D. Reeves; E. F. Donovan; 
article=2020JA029019; doi=10.1029/2020JA029019; pubdate=16 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= data are available at https:// cdaweb THEMIS
all-sky php. EFW 

89. Title=The Relative Importance of Geomagnetic Storm Signatures on the Total Electron
Content Perturbations Over the Continental US
Authors=Shantanab Debchoudhury; Disha Sardana; Gregory D. Earle; 
article=2020JA028125; doi=10.1029/2020JA028125; pubdate=16 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= data are available from the OMNIWeb (, and the
quiet days 

90. Title=On the Assessment of Day To Day Occurrence of Equatorial Plasma Bubble
Authors=S. K. Das; A. K. Patra;  K. Niranjan; 
article=2021JA029129; doi=10.1029/2021JA029129; pubdate=19 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= have been taken from https:// cdaweb KN KN acknowledges 

91. Title=The Combined Influence of Lower Band Chorus and ULF Waves on Radiation Belt
Electron Fluxes at Individual L Shells
Authors=Laura E. Simms; Mark J. Engebretson; Craig J. Rodger; Stavros Dimitrakoudis; Ian.
R. Mann; Peter J. Chi; 
article=2020JA028755; doi=10.1029/2020JA028755; pubdate=19 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= can be accessed through the CDAWeb at The ULF Pc5 

92. Title=The Relationship Between Large Scale Thermospheric Density Enhancements and the
Spatial Distribution of Poynting Flux
Authors=D. D. Billett; G. W. Perry; L. B. N. Clausen; W. E. Archer; K. A. McWilliams; S.
Haaland; J. P. Reistad; J. K. Burchill; M. R.
Patrick; B. K. Humberset; B. J. Anderson; 
article=2021JA029205; doi=10.1029/2021JA029205; pubdate=22 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data set (retrieved from http:// omniweb and is time-shifted
Sample usage= measurement using the 1-min resolution OMNI data set (retrieved from http://

93. Title=Hints on the Multiscale Nature of Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations During Quiet
and Disturbed Periods
Authors=L. Santarelli; P. De Michelis; G. Consolini; 
article=2020JA028596; doi=10.1029/2020JA028596; pubdate=22 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= OMNI data and the NASA CDAWeb team for making these data 
Sample usage= use permission of 1 min OMNI data and the NASA CDAWeb 

94. Title=Foreshock Cavities: Direct Transmission Through the Bow Shock
Authors=D. G. Sibeck; S. H. Lee; N. Omidi; V. Angelopoulos; 
article=2021JA029201; doi=10.1029/2021JA029201; pubdate=22 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASAs Space Physics Data Facility CDAWeb at
CDAWeb at 
Sample usage= study are available from NASAs Space Physics Data Facility All THEMIS
observations presented in 

95. Title=The Latitudinal Variation and Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Ionospheric Lunitidal
Signatures in the American Sector During Major
Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
Authors=Jing Liu; Donghe Zhang; Larisa P. Goncharenko; Shun Rong Zhang; Maosheng He;
Yongqiang Hao; Zuo Xiao; 
article=2020JA028859; doi=10.1029/2020JA028859; pubdate=23 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= the OMNI data set (https:// omniweb
gov/ngdcinfo/onlineaccess.html). The SYM-H index 
Sample usage= index was downloaded from the OMNI data set
( gov/ngdcinfo/onlineaccess.html). The 

96. Title=Investigation of a neutral tongue- observed by GOLD during the geomagnetic storm
on May 11,2019
Authors=Xuguang Cai; Alan G. Burns; Wenbin Wang; Liying Qian; Stanley C. Solomon; Richard
W. Eastes; William E. McClintock; F. I. Laskar; 
article=2020JA028817; doi=10.1029/2020JA028817; pubdate=25 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ). The coordinated Data 

97. Title=Magnetosphere Ionosphere Thermosphere (M I T) Coupling Leading to Equatorial
Upward and Westward Drifting Supersonic Plasma Bubble
Development and Amplified Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During the January 21,
2005 Moderate Storm
Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell; 
article=2020JA028548; doi=10.1029/2020JA028548; pubdate=26 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= acknowledge the ACE data (https:// cdaweb data
( cdaweb/istp\_public/), and 
Sample usage= wind and provided by the OMNI database as parameters that are 

98. Title=Dependence of Relativistic Electron Precipitation in the Ionosphere on EMIC Wave
Minimum Resonant Energy at the Conjugate Equator
Authors=X. J. Zhang; D. Mourenas; X. C. Shen; M. Qin; A. V. Artemyev; Q. Ma; W. Li; M. K.
Hudson; V. Angelopoulos; 
article=2021JA029193; doi=10.1029/2021JA029193; pubdate=28 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= data from NOAA at https:// cdaweb public/data/ and OMNI
Sample usage= parameters (derived from data on OMNIWeb ) were provided by Richard 
Sample usage= 2007) and from the 1-min OMNI data) using the LANL neural 
Sample usage= and OMNI data at https:// spdf cdaweb.
Some magnetic field 

99. Title=Dayside cusp aurorae and ionospheric convection under radial interplanetary
magnetic fields
Authors=Hsien Ming Li; Jih Hong Shue; Satoshi Taguchi; Masahito Nos; Keisuke Hosokawa; J.
Michael Ruohoniemi; Yongliang Zhang; Simon Wing;
Mark Lester; 
article=2019JA027664; doi=10.1029/2019JA027664; pubdate=29 April 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= the SYM H index through CDAWeb /NASA (, and
the World 
Sample usage= H index through CDAWeb/NASA (https:// omniweb, and the World
Sample usage= purely radial IMF of the OMNI database time shift between the 

100. Title=A Comparison of the CIR  and CME  Induced Geomagnetic Activity Effects on
Mesosphere and Lower Thermospheric Temperature
Authors=Ningchao Wang; Jia Yue; Wenbin Wang; Liying Qian; Lan Jian; Jie Zhang; 
article=2020JA029029; doi=10.1029/2020JA029029; pubdate=29 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, FTPBrowser
Sample usage= AE and Dst, from https:// omniweb merge.html
for Bz and 
Sample usage= AE and Dst, from ftpbrowser /ace merge.html
for Bz and 

101. Title=Persistent occurrence of strip like plasma density bulges at conjugate lower
mid latitudes during the 8-9 September 2017
geomagnetic storm
Authors=Xin Wan; Jiahao Zhong; Chao Xiong; Hui Wang; Yiwen Liu; Qiaoling Li; Jiawei Kuai;
Libin Weng; Jun Cui; 
article=2020JA029020; doi=10.1029/2020JA029020; pubdate=29 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= CHAOS-7 model), the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb database for providing the solar 
Sample usage= CHAOS-7 model), the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb database for providing the 

102. Title=Ionospheric plasma fluctuations induced by the NWC very low frequency signal
Authors=Magnus F Ivarsen; Jaeheung Park; Yaqi Jin; Lasse B N Clausen; 
article=2021JA029213; doi=10.1029/2021JA029213; pubdate=30 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service. The NorSat-1 data used 
Sample usage= & Showalter, 2006), provided by omni (King & Papitashvili, 2005), as 
Sample usage= and acknowledge NASA/GSFC for the Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb
service. The NorSat-1 

103. Title=A statistical study of F region 3.2 m scale field aligned irregularities (FAIs)
occurrence and vertical plasma drift over Hainan:
Solar activity, season and magnetic activity dependences
Authors=Han Jin; Shasha Zou; Chunxiao Yan; Guotao Yang; Gang Chen; Shaodong Zhang; Jingye
Yan; Shan Yi; Zhihua Wang; 
article=2020JA028932; doi=10.1029/2020JA028932; pubdate=30 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= AE index obtained from the OMNIWeb Data electrojet activity levels. The 

104. Title=Global ionospheric response to a periodic sequence of HSS/CIR events during the
2007 2008 solar minimum
Authors=C. Negrea; C. Munteanu; M. M. Echim; 
article=2020JA029071; doi=10.1029/2020JA029071; pubdate=30 April 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage=, as well as complementary OMNI datasets (King and Papitashvili, 2005) 

105. Title=Multi spacecraft Measurement of Anisotropic Spatial Correlation Functions at
Kinetic Range in the Magnetosheath Turbulence
Authors=S. Y. Huang; Q. Y. Xiong; Z. G. Yuan; H. L. Zhan; X. H. Deng; K. Jiang; P. F.
Zhao; J. Zhang; S. B. Xu; Y. Y. Wei; L. Yu; T. R. Lin;

article=2020JA028780; doi=10.1029/2020JA028780; pubdate=02 May 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= https:// spdf Cluster Data is publicly 

106. Title=Observation of an Intriguing Equatorial Plasma Bubble Event over Indian sector
Authors=R. N. Ghodpage; O. B. Gurav; A. Taori; S. Sau; P. T. Patil; V. C. Erram; S.
article=2020JA028308; doi=10.1029/2020JA028308; pubdate=03 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= through CDAWEB ( The
international quiet days 

107. Title=A Multi Instrument Study of a Dipolarization Event in the Inner Magnetosphere
Authors=H. Matsui; R. B. Torbert; H. E. Spence; M. R. Argall; I. J. Cohen; M. B. Cooper;
R. E. Ergun; C. J. Farrugia; J. F. Fennell; S. A.
Fuselier; M. Gkioulidou; Yu. V. Khotyaintsev; P. A. Lindqvist; A. Matsuoka; C. T. Russell;
M. Shoji; R. J. Strangeway; D. L. Turner; H.
Vaith; J. R. Wygant; 
article=2021JA029294; doi=10.1029/2021JA029294; pubdate=05 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data are available at https:// omniweb Dst and AL indices 
Sample usage= field (IMF BZ) in the OMNI data (King & Papitashvili,2005) turned 

108. Title=Whistler on a Shelf
Authors=Anatoly V. Streltsov; 
article=2021JA029403; doi=10.1029/2021JA029403; pubdate=05 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= of Iowa and NASA CDAWeb ( CDAWeb

109. Title=Magnetic Holes in the Solar Wind and Magnetosheath Near Mercury
Authors=T. Karlsson; D. Heyner; M. Volwerk; M. Morooka; F. Plaschke; C. Goetz; L. Hadid; 
article=2020JA028961; doi=10.1029/2020JA028961; pubdate=05 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= recent study, Parkhomov etal.(2019) using OMNI solar wind holes that had 

110. Title=Magnetotail Dipolarizations and Ion Flux Variations During the Main Phase of
Magnetic Storms
Authors=A. Runov; V. Angelopoulos; M. G. Henderson; C. Gabrielse; A. Artemyev; 
article=2020JA028470; doi=10.1029/2020JA028470; pubdate=05 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= AE geomagnetic indices from the OMNI data set on July 14, 

111. Title=The Occurrence Feature of Plasma Bubbles in the Equatorial to Midlatitude
Ionosphere During Geomagnetic Storms Using Long Term
Authors=T. Sori; A. Shinbori; Y. Otsuka; T. Tsugawa; M. Nishioka; 
article=2020JA029010; doi=10.1029/2020JA029010; pubdate=06 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb )
( and geomagnetic Coordinated 
Sample usage= geomagnetic storms, we used high-resolution OMNI data provided by National

112. Title=Cusp Dynamics and Polar Cap Patch Formation Associated With a Small IMF
Southward Turning
Authors=Y. Nishimura; F. B. Sadler; R. H. Varney; R. Gilles; S. R. Zhang; A. J. Coster; N.
Nishitani; A. Otto; 
article=2020JA029090; doi=10.1029/2020JA029090; pubdate=06 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= obtained through,, and cdaweb The simulation data are 
Sample usage= Convection and TEC Figure1a shows OMNI IMF at 1721 UT on 

113. Title=Simultaneous Development of Multiple Auroral Substorms: Double Auroral Bulge
Authors=S. Ohtani; J W. Gjerloev; K. A. McWilliams; J. M. Ruohoniemi; H. U. Frey; 
article=2020JA028883; doi=10.1029/2020JA028883; pubdate=06 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= OMNIWeb at Support for this 
Sample usage= to Earth (by shifting the OMNI data by five additional minutes), 
Sample usage= were provided by the GSFC/ SPDF The OMNI data were provided 

114. Title=Assessing Machine Learning Techniques for Identifying Field Line Resonance
Frequencies From Cross Phase Spectra
Authors=Raffaello Foldes; Alfredo Del Corpo; Ermanno Pietropaolo; Massimo Vellante; 
article=2020JA029008; doi=10.1029/2020JA029008; pubdate=07 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= field are derived from the OMNIWeb database. Notes. The geomagnetic indexes,

Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI Facility's OMNIWeb service, and

115. Title=MMS Observations of Field Line Resonances Under Disturbed Solar Wind Conditions
Authors=G. Le; P. J. Chi; R. J. Strangeway; C. T. Russell; J. A. Slavin; B. Anderson; R.
Nakamura; F. Plaschke; R. Torbert; F. Wilder; 
article=2020JA028936; doi=10.1029/2020JA028936; pubdate=07 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ) at
They are 
Sample usage= indices are available at the OMNIWeb at NASA Goddard Space Flight 
Sample usage= Figure1 shows the 5min resolution OMNI caused a moderate geomagnetic storm 
Sample usage= NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility , NASA Goddard Space 

116. Title=Modeling the Dynamics of Radiation Belt Electrons with Source and Loss Driven
by the Solar Wind
Authors=Zheng Xiang; Xinlin Li; Sudha Kapali; Jennifer Gannon; Binbin Ni; Hong Zhao; Kun
Zhang; Leng Ying Khoo; 
article=2020JA028988; doi=10.1029/2020JA028988; pubdate=14 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Solar wind parameters are from OMNIWeb ( (d)
L=5 and (c) 

117. Title=The Ionosphere at Middle and Low Latitudes Under Geomagnetic Quiet Time of
December 2019
Authors=Jiawei Kuai; Qiaoling Li; Jiahao Zhong; Xu Zhou; Libo Liu; Akimasa Yoshikawa;
Lianhuan Hu; Haiyong Xie; Chaoyan Huang; Xumin Yu; Xin
Wan; Jun Cui; 
article=2020JA028964; doi=10.1029/2020JA028964; pubdate=14 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= data are obtained from the OMNIWeb interface at The geomagnetic 

118. Title=The Influence of Ionospheric Neutral Wind Variations on the Morphology and
Propagation of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric
Disturbances on 8th August 2016
Authors=Ji Luo; Jiyao Xu; Kun Wu; Wenbin Wang; Chao Xiong; Wei Yuan; 
article=2020JA029037; doi=10.1029/2020JA029037; pubdate=14 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, VITMO
Sample usage= magnetic data are from https:// omniweb
magnetic data are from 
Sample usage= magnetic data are from vitmo /cgm.html.
magnetic data are from 

119. Title=Oblique High Mach Number Heliospheric Shocks: The Role of  Particles
Authors=L. Ofman; L. B. Wilson; A. Koval; A. Szabo; 
article=2020JA028962; doi=10.1029/2020JA028962; pubdate=15 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ), and
the high 

120. Title=The Observation and SD-WACCM Simulation of Planetary Wave Activity in the
Middle Atmosphere During the 2019 Southern Hemispheric
Sudden Stratospheric Warming
Authors=Wonseok Lee; In-Sun Song; Jeong-Han Kim; Yong Ha Kim; Se-Heon Jeong; S. Eswaraiah;
D. J. Murphy; 
article=2020JA029094; doi=10.1029/2020JA029094; pubdate=17 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) OMNI hourly data (King & Papitashvilli, 
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( SPDF ) OMNI hourly data (King 

121. Title=First comparison of travelling atmospheric disturbances observed in the middle
thermosphere by GOLD to travelling ionospheric
disturbances seen in ground-based total electron content observations
Authors=Scott L. England; Katelynn R. Greer; Shun-Rong Zhang; Scott Evans; Stanley C.
Solomon; Richard W. Eastes; William E. McClintock;
Alan G. Burns; 
article=2021JA029248; doi=10.1029/2021JA029248; pubdate=17 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= F10.7 index (available from NASAs OMNIWeb at
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// spdf GPS TEC data

122. Title=On the Interplanetary Parameter Schemes Which Drive the Variability of the
Source/Seed Electron Population at GEO
Authors=Ch. Katsavrias; S. AminalragiaGiamini; C. Papadimitriou; I. Sandberg; P. Jiggens;
I.A. Daglis; H. Evans; 
article=2020JA028939; doi=10.1029/2020JA028939; pubdate=17 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= geomagnetic parameters available by the OMNIWeb service of the Space Physics

Sample usage= 1 omni -directional differential electron fluxes (FEDOcm 
Sample usage= the OMNIWeb service of the Space Physics Data Facility at the Goddard Space

123. Title=Observations of closed magnetic flux embedded in the lobes during periods of
northward IMF
Authors=L. J. Fryer; R. C. Fear; J. C. Coxon; I. L. Gingell; 
article=2021JA029281; doi=10.1029/2021JA029281; pubdate=18 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= discussed in this paper.) The OMNI dataset is used to provide 

124. Title=Investigating the link between outer radiation belt losses and energetic
electron escape at the magnetopause: A case study using
multi-mission observations and simulations
Authors=I. J. Cohen; D. L. Turner; A. T. Michael; K. A. Sorathia; A. Y. Ukhorskiy; 
article=2021JA029261; doi=10.1029/2021JA029261; pubdate=20 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= shows an overview of the OMNI solar wind and MMS observations 

125. Title=Embedded Region 1 and 2 Field-Aligned Currents: Newly Recognized from
Low-Altitude Spacecraft Observations
Authors=Jiang Liu; L. R. Lyons; Chih-Ping Wang; Yuzhang Ma; R. J. Strangeway; Yongliang
Zhang; M. Kivelson; Ying Zou; K. Khurana; 
article=2021JA029207; doi=10.1029/2021JA029207; pubdate=21 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= (CDA Web (https:// cdaweb, and the World Data 
Sample usage= thank the DMSP, Swarm, THEMIS, OMNI and Kyoto indices teams for 

126. Title=Dynamics of the tongue of ionizations during the geomagnetic storm on September
7, 2015
Authors=Kedeng Zhang; Hui Wang; Jing Liu; Zhichao Zheng; Yangfan He; Jie Gao; Luyuan Sun;
Yunfang Zhong; 
article=2020JA029038; doi=10.1029/2020JA029038; pubdate=21 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= from the OMNI website (https:// omniweb The present work
Sample usage= point) point downloaded from the OMNI website
( The present work 
Sample usage= from the OMNI website (https:// spdf\_res\_omni/). The simulation data are 

127. Title=Observations and simulations of dropout events and flux decays in October 2013:
Comparing MEO equatorial with LEO polar orbit
Authors=V. Pierrard; J.-F. Ripoll; G. Cunningham; E. Botek; O. Santolik; S. Thaller; W. S.
Kurth; M. Cosmides; 
article=2020JA028850; doi=10.1029/2020JA028850; pubdate=26 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// cdaweb The diffusion
coefficients and 
Sample usage= Solar wind data are from OMNI data, available from NASA GSFC's 
Sample usage= data, available from NASA GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility
( The diffusion coefficients and 

128. Title=Comparison of MMS Observations of Foreshock Bubbles with a Global Hybrid
Authors=S. H. Lee; D. G. Sibeck; N. Omidi; M. V. D. Silveira; B. L. Giles; R. B. Torbert;
C. T. Russell; H. Wei; J. L. Burch; 
article=2020JA028848; doi=10.1029/2020JA028848; pubdate=26 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= online at  https:// omniweb, respectively. The THEMIS data 
Sample usage= so we also checked the OMNI database and ACE data from 

129. Title=Dependence of parallel electrical conductivity in the topside ionosphere on
solar and geomagnetic activity
Authors=F. Giannattasio; A. Pignalberi; P. De Michelis; I. Coco; G. Consolini; M.
Pezzopane; R. Tozzi; 
article=2021JA029138; doi=10.1029/2021JA029138; pubdate=27 May 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Center (OMNI data set, https:// cdaweb Figure 2 shows
Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center ( OMNI data set,
Figure 2 

130. Title=Statistical Survey of Collisionless Dissipation in the Terrestrial
Authors=Yanwen Wang; Riddhi Bandyopadhyay; Rohit Chhiber; William H. Matthaeus; Alexandros
Chasapis; Yan Yang; Frederick D. Wilder; Daniel
J. Gershman; Barbara L. Giles; Craig J. Pollock; John Dorelli; Christopher T. Russell;
Robert J. Strangeway; Roy T. Torbert; Thomas E.
Moore; James L. Burch; 
article=2020JA029000; doi=10.1029/2020JA029000; pubdate=27 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= can be found at https:// omniweb The authors thank the 

131. Title=The characteristics of EMIC waves in the magnetosphere based on the Van Allen
Probes and Arase observations
Authors=C.-W Jun; Y. Miyoshi; S. Kurita; C. Yue; J. Bortnik; L. Lyons; S. Nakamura; M.
Shoji; S. Imajo; C. Kletzing; Y. Kasahara; Y. Kasaba;
S. Matsuda; F. Tsuchiya; A. Kumamoto; A. Matsuoka; I. Shinohara; 
article=2020JA029001; doi=10.1029/2020JA029001; pubdate=27 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= from the OMNI database (https:// omniweb 
Sample usage= and AL index from the OMNI database ( 
Sample usage= SYM-H) were obtained from the SPDF /Goddard Space Flight Center interface 

132. Title=Geospace plume and its impact on dayside magnetopause reconnection rate
Authors=Ying Zou; Brian M. Walsh; Xueling Shi; Larry Lyons; Jiang Liu; Vassilis
Angelopoulos; J. Michael Ruohoniemi; Anthea J. Coster;
Michael G. Henderson; 
article=2021JA029117; doi=10.1029/2021JA029117; pubdate=27 May 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= on January 17, 2013 from OMNI dataset. The SYM-H index showed 

133. Title=Transpolar Arcs During a Prolonged Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field
Authors=Jong-Sun Park; Quan Qi Shi; Motoharu Nowada; Jih-Hong Shue; Khan-Hyuk Kim;
Dong-Hun Lee; Qiu-Gang Zong; Alexander W. Degeling; An
Min Tian; Timo Pitknen; Yongliang Zhang; I. Jonathan Rae; Marc R. Hairston; 
article=2021JA029197; doi=10.1029/2021JA029197; pubdate=28 May 2021
Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= https:// sscweb into AACGM coordinates
Sample usage= https:// omniweb The software used to 
Sample usage= wind data provided by the OMNI database (King & Papitashvili, 2006) 

134. Title=Effects of bubble injections on the plasma sheet configuration
Authors=Sina Sadeghzadeh; Jian Yang; Chih-Ping Wang; Ameneh Mousavi; Wenrui Wang; Weiqin
Sun; Frank Toffoletto; Richard Wolf; 
article=2021JA029127; doi=10.1029/2021JA029127; pubdate=04 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= T. Mukai at ISAS and CDAWeb for the use of the 

135. Title=Anomalous increase in the occurrence of post-midnight FAI radar echoes in
September 2019 and its relation with the austral sudden
stratospheric warming
Authors=S. Meenakshi; S. Sridharan; J. Solomon Ivan; K. Hozumi; C. Y. Yatini; T. Yokoyama;
H. Hashiguchi; 
article=2020JA028902; doi=10.1029/2020JA028902; pubdate=04 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= magnetic field obtained from the OMNIWeb database. The important property of

136. Title=Subauroral flow channel structures and auroral undulations triggered by
Kelvin-Helmholtz waves
Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell; 
article=2021JA029144; doi=10.1029/2021JA029144; pubdate=07 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= (https:// cdaweb\_public/), 
Sample usage= and are provided by the OMNI database. We utilized the SYM-H 

137. Title=Electrostatic solitary waves in the Earth's bow shock: nature, properties,
lifetimes and origin
Authors=R. Wang; I. Y. Vasko; F. S. Mozer; S. D. Bale; I.V. Kuzichev; A. V. Artemyev; K.
Steinvall; R. Ergun; B. Giles; Y. Khotyaintsev;
P.-A. Lindqvist; C.T. Russell; R. Strangeway; 
article=2021JA029357; doi=10.1029/2021JA029357; pubdate=07 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Wind spacecraft (the website https:// cdaweb provides Wind
spacecraft measurements 

138. Title=A dynamical model of equatorial magnetosonic waves in the inner magnetosphere:
A machine learning approach
Authors=R. J. Boynton; S. N. Walker; H. Aryan; Y. Hobara; M. A. Balikhin; 
article=2020JA028439; doi=10.1029/2020JA028439; pubdate=08 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= study were taken from 1-minute OMNIweb solar wind data
( min.html). 

139. Title=Multi-Instrument Characterisation of Magnetospheric Cold Plasma Dynamics in the
22 June 2015 Geomagnetic Storm
Authors=M. Vellante; K. Takahashi; A. Del Corpo; I. S. Zhelavskaya; J. Goldstein; I. R.
Mann; E. Pietropaolo; J. Reda; B. Heilig; 
article=2021JA029292; doi=10.1029/2021JA029292; pubdate=09 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (https:// cdaweb for magnetic
and electric 
Sample usage= in GSM coordinates (solar wind OMNI data), and the hourly averages 

140. Title=Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Global Ionospheric Storm Drivers and Hemispherical
Asymmetry during 17-18 March 2015 Geomagnetic
Authors=Dejene Ambisa Terefe; Melessew Nigussie; 
article=2021JA029348; doi=10.1029/2021JA029348; pubdate=10 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= 16-20, 2015 are extracted from OMNIWeb interface at
( Solar wind 

141. Title=Dependence of Penetration Electric Field Efficiency on the Interplanetary
Electric Field
Authors=Jack R. Ross; Chao-Song Huang; 
article=2021JA029397; doi=10.1029/2021JA029397; pubdate=10 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center (https:// omniweb The IMF/IEF
data are 
Sample usage= wind data from the NASA Space Physics Data Facility at Goddard Space Flight

142. Title=Contribution of electron pressure to ring current and ground magnetic
depression using RAM-SCB simulations and Arase observations
during 7-8 November 2017 magnetic storm
Authors=Sandeep Kumar; Y. Miyoshi; V. K. Jordanova; M. Engel; K. Asamura; S. Yokota; S.
Kasahara; Y. Kazama; S-Y. Wang; T. Mitani; K. Keika;
T. Hori; C. Jun; I. Shinohara; 
article=2021JA029109; doi=10.1029/2021JA029109; pubdate=11 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb )

143. Title=Changes in the Magnetic Field Topology and the Dayside/Nightside Reconnection
Rates in Response to a Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
Front: A Case Study
Authors=A. Boudouridis; H. K. Connor; D. Lummerzheim; A. J. Ridley; E. Zesta; 
article=2020JA028768; doi=10.1029/2020JA028768; pubdate=12 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= can be found at the CDAWeb website
. The AMIE 

144. Title=Latitudinal Impacts of Joule Heating on the High-Latitude Thermospheric Density
Enhancement during Geomagnetic Storms
Authors=Xin Wang; Juan Miao; Xian Lu; Ercha Aa; Ji Liu; Yuxian Wang; Siqing Liu; 
article=2020JA028747; doi=10.1029/2020JA028747; pubdate=17 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= from https:// cdaweb and CHAMP data 
Sample usage= from and https:// omniweb CHAMP data and GRACE 

145. Title=Evening side EMIC waves and related proton precipitation induced by a substorm
Authors=A. G. Yahnin; T. A. Popova; A. G. Demekhov; A. A. Lubchich; A. Matsuoka; K.
Asamura; Y. Miyoshi; S. Yokota; S. Kasahara; K. Keika;
T. Hori; F. Tsuchiya; A. Kumamoto; Y. Kasahara; M. Shoji; Y. Kasaba; S. Nakamura; I.
Shinohara; H. Kim; S. Noh; T. Raita; 
article=2020JA029091; doi=10.1029/2020JA029091; pubdate=17 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb . We thank the Arctic 
Sample usage= with solar wind parameters from OMNI data set integrated into the 

146. Title=Ground-based Magnetometer Response to Impacting Magnetosheath Jets
Authors=L. Norenius; M. Hamrin; O. Goncharov; H. Gunell; H. Opgenoorth; T. Pitknen; S.
Chong; N. Partamies; L. Baddeley; 
article=2021JA029115; doi=10.1029/2021JA029115; pubdate=18 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= are provided by the NASA OMNIweb (King & Papitashvili, 2005). The 
Sample usage= & Phan, 2016) and the OMNI data (King & Papitashvili, 2005). 

147. Title=Observation of unusual chorus elements by Van Allen Probes
Authors=Si Liu; Zhonglei Gao; Fuliang Xiao; Qian He; Tong Li; Xiongjun Shang; Qinghua
Zhou; Chang Yang; Sai Zhang; 
article=2021JA029258; doi=10.1029/2021JA029258; pubdate=18 June 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= at the following website: https:// spdf 

148. Title=Rocket Observation of sub-relativistic electrons in the quiet dayside auroral
Authors=T. Namekawa; T. Mitani; K. Asamura; Y. Miyoshi; K. Hosokawa; Y. Ogawa; S. Saito;
T. Hori; S. Sugo; O. Kawashima; S. Kasahara; R.
Nomura; N. Yagi; M. Fukizawa; T. Sakanoi; Y. Saito; A. Matsuoka; I. Shinohara; Y.
Fedorenko; A. Nikitenko; C. Koehler; 
article=2020JA028633; doi=10.1029/2020JA028633; pubdate=19 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= was obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb ( We
thank Dr. Janet 
Sample usage= solar wind parameters from the OMNI 2 data set King & 
Sample usage= was obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb ( We
thank Dr. 

149. Title=Global Pc5 pulsations from the polar cap to the equator: Wave characteristics,
phase variations, disturbance current system, and
signal transmission
Authors=Chao-Song Huang; 
article=2020JA029093; doi=10.1029/2020JA029093; pubdate=19 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= (https:// omniweb for providing solar wind, 

150. Title=Relevance of the north-south electric field component in the propagation of
fast convective earthward flows in the magnetotail:
An event study
Authors=T. Pitknen; M. Hamrin; G. S. Chong; A. Kullen; 
article=2021JA029233; doi=10.1029/2021JA029233; pubdate=22 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= nominal bow shock nose) (https:// omniweb (King &
Papitashvili, 2005) 
Sample usage= data, which are from the OMNI database (propagated to the nominal 
Sample usage=  Furthermore, we acknowledge GSFC SPDF /OMNIWeb for the IMF data, 

151. Title=Salient midlatitude ionosphere-thermosphere disturbances associated with SAPS
during a minor but geo-effective storm at deep
solar minimum
Authors=Ercha Aa; Shun-Rong Zhang; Philip J. Erickson; Anthea J. Coster; Larisa P.
Goncharenko; Roger H. Varney; Richard Eastes; 
article=2021JA029509; doi=10.1029/2021JA029509; pubdate=23 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Data Facilitys OMNIWeb service (https:// cdaweb and Kyoto
world data 
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service
( and Kyoto world 
Sample usage= data is acquired from NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb
service ( and 

152. Title=Automated Technique for the Detection of Step-Like Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
Changes: Application to the Response of the
Transpolar Potential to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Fronts
Authors=A. Boudouridis; E. Zesta; 
article=2021JA029198; doi=10.1029/2021JA029198; pubdate=23 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Application of the procedure to OMNIWeb dataset that is most commonly 

153. Title=Probing the Magnetosheath Boundaries Using Interstellar Boundary Explorer
(IBEX) Orbital Encounters
Authors=S. T. Hart; M. A. Dayeh; D. B. Reisenfeld; P. H. Janzen; D. J. McComas; F.
Allegrini; S. A. Fuselier; K. Ogasawara; J. R. Szalay; H.
O. Funsten; S. M. Petrinec; 
article=2021JA029278; doi=10.1029/2021JA029278; pubdate=24 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= solar wind conditions from the OMNIWeb database. As IBEX orbits
Sample usage= McComas at Princeton University ( OMNI data were
obtained from the 
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at, which 

154. Title=Preliminary Statistical Comparisons of Spin-Averaged Electron Data from Arase
and Van Allen Probes Instruments
Authors=Mtys Szab-Roberts; Yuri Y. Shprits; Hayley J. Allison; Ruggero Vasile; Artem G.
Smirnov; Nikita A. Aseev; Alexander Y. Drozdov;
Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Seth G. Claudepierre; Satoshi Kasahara; Shoichiro Yokota; Takefumi
Mitani; Takeshi Takashima; Nana Higashio; Tomo Hori;
Kunihiro Keika; Shun Imajo; Iku Shinohara; 
article=2020JA028929; doi=10.1029/2020JA028929; pubdate=24 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Physics Data Facilitys OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI 
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp)
Sample usage= CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI data for Kp. 
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb (or
CDAWeb or 

155. Title=Data-Driven Basis Functions for SuperDARN Ionospheric Plasma Flow
Characterisation and Prediction
Authors=R. M. Shore; M. P. Freeman; G. Chisham; 
article=2021JA029272; doi=10.1029/2021JA029272; pubdate=24 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= study is available at . OMNI IMF data were downloaded from 
Sample usage= data were downloaded from ftp:// spdf res

156. Title=Solar Energetic Proton Access to the Inner Magnetosphere during the 7-8
September 2017 event
Authors=Zhao Li; Miles Engel; Mary Hudson; Brian Kress; Maulik Patel; Murong Qin; Richard
article=2021JA029107; doi=10.1029/2021JA029107; pubdate=24 June 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from 6- 14 Re (NASA OMNIWeb ). 
Sample usage= wind parameters, geomagnetic indices from OMNI web and the magnetopause

157. Title=The Characteristics of Three-belt Structure of Sub-MeV Electrons in the
Radiation Belts
Authors=Yu-Xuan Li; Chao Yue; Yi-Xin Hao; Qiu-Gang Zong; Xu-Zhi Zhou; Sui-Yan Fu; Xing-Ran
Chen; Xing-Xin Zhao; 
article=2021JA029385; doi=10.1029/2021JA029385; pubdate=25 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= providing the OMNI data (https:// cdaweb 
Sample usage= wind parameters from the NASA OMNI database to investigate the relationship 
Sample usage= ECTREPT team; We thank the Space Physics Data Facility at the NASA Goddard

158. Title=Statistical analysis of throat aurora using long term DMSP/SSUSI observation
Authors=R. Selvakumaran; Desheng Han; Sneha A Gokani; Y.L. Zhang; 
article=2021JA029164; doi=10.1029/2021JA029164; pubdate=25 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= the solar wind data (https:// cdaweb
Sample usage= thank the ACE, Wind, and OMNIWeb teams for providing the solar 

159. Title=The Roles of the Magnetopause and Plasmapause in Storm-Time ULF Wave Power
Authors=J. K. Sandhu; I. J. Rae; F. A. Staples; D. P. Hartley; M.-T. Walach; T. Elsden; K.
R. Murphy; 
article=2021JA029337; doi=10.1029/2021JA029337; pubdate=29 June 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= are publicly available online (https:// cdaweb 
Sample usage= resolution of 1 minute through OMNIWeb (https:// The radial distance 
Sample usage= are provided by the NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set at a time 
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb
service for the 

160. Title=Daytime Pc5 Diffuse Auroral Pulsations and Their Association With Outer
Magnetospheric ULF Waves
Authors=T. Motoba; Y. Ogawa; Y. Ebihara; A. Kadokura; A. J. Gerrard; A. T. Weatherwax; 
article=2021JA029218; doi=10.1029/2021JA029218; pubdate=09 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= and ARTEMIS; OMNI website (https:// omniweb for
high-resolution OMNI data; 
Sample usage= we primarily use the 1-min OMNI data set shifted to the 

161 Title=Importance of the Northward IMF for the Quasistatic Mesoscale Field-Aligned
Currents Embedded in the Diminished Region 1/2 Current
System in the Dusk Sector
Authors=Y. Yokoyama; S. Taguchi; T. Iyemori; 
article=2020JA028774; doi=10.1029/2020JA028774; pubdate=10 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data were obtained through NASA/ CDAWeb
( The authors wish to 
Sample usage= and IMF, we used the OMNI 1-min data. 

162. Title=Detailed structure of very high- Earth bow shock
Authors=A. A. Petrukovich; O. M. Chugunova; 
article=2020JA029004; doi=10.1029/2020JA029004; pubdate=10 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2
Sample usage= and spin-averaged magnetic field from CDAWeb archive.  values are
Sample usage= CDAWeb ( and OMNI (https:// omniweb We are specially thankful 
Sample usage= search procedure). We used 1-hour OMNI data set to automatically find 
Sample usage=  values are precalculated in OMNI-2 , assuming constant electron temperature

163. Title=Ionospheric electron density and conductance changes in the auroral zone during
Authors=N.A. Stepanov; V.A. Sergeev; M.A. Shukhtina; Y. Ogawa; X. Chu; D. Rogov; 
article=2021JA029572; doi=10.1029/2021JA029572; pubdate=12 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, 
Sample usage= from the OMNI database (https:// omniweb Solar proton
events lists 
Sample usage= data are available from the OMNI database (
Solar proton events 

164. Title=Non-Linear Magnetic Gradients and Complete Magnetic Geometry from
Multi-Spacecraft Measurements
Authors=Chao Shen; Chi Zhang; Zhaojin Rong; Zuyin Pu; M. Dunlop; C. Philippe Escoubet; C.
T. Russell; Gang Zeng; Nian Ren; J. L. Burch;
Yufei Zhou; 
article=2020JA028846; doi=10.1029/2020JA028846; pubdate=14 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= providing the MMS data (https:// cdaweb The codes for the 

165. Title=The role of storm-time Electrodynamics in the Dawn and Dusk sectors across
equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere during 19-21
December 2015
Authors=Ram Singh; S Sripathi; 
article=2020JA029072; doi=10.1029/2020JA029072; pubdate=15 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= field are obtained from the CDAWeb ( The
temporal resolution of 

166. Title=Evaluating the de Hoffmann-Teller cross-shock potential at real collisionless
Authors=Steven J Schwartz; Robert Ergun; Harald Kucharek; Lynn Wilson; Li-Jen Chen;
Katherine Goodrich; Drew Turner; Imogen Gingell; Hadi
Madanian; Daniel Gershman; Robert Strangeway; 
article=2021JA029295; doi=10.1029/2021JA029295; pubdate=15 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were drawn from the SPDF/ CDAWEB repository (https:// 
Sample usage= (c), (d) ion and electron omni -directional energy spectra (e) electron 
Sample usage= data were drawn from the SPDF /CDAWEB repository (https:// 

167. Title=Superposed Epoch Analysis of Dispersionless Particle Injections Inside
Geosynchronous Orbit
Authors=T. Motoba; S. Ohtani; M. Gkioulidou; A. Y. Ukhorskiy; L. J. Lanzerotti; S. G.
article=2021JA029546; doi=10.1029/2021JA029546; pubdate=16 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= CDAWeb 
Sample usage= (https:// omniweb 

168. Title=Field-aligned low-energy O+ flux enhancements in the inner magnetosphere
observed by Arase
Authors=M. Nos; A. Matsuoka; Y. Miyoshi; K. Asamura; T. Hori; M. Teramoto; I. Shinohara;
M. Hirahara; 
article=2021JA029168; doi=10.1029/2021JA029168; pubdate=16 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service and OMNI data
Sample usage= In this 2-hour interval, the OMNI data (not shown here) indicate 
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
service and OMNI 

169. Title=Storm-time effects on latitudinal distribution of ionospheric TEC in American
and Asian-Australian sectors: 25-26 August 2018
geomagnetic storm
Authors=O.S. Bolaji; J.B. Fashae; S.J. Adebiyi; Charles Owolabi; B.O. Adebesin; R.O Kaka;
Jewel Ibanga; M. Abass; O.O. Akinola; B.J.
Adekoya; W. Younas; 
article=2020JA029068; doi=10.1029/2020JA029068; pubdate=16 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= by ACE satellite at http:// omniweb and PCN index is 
Sample usage= greatly appreciated. We thank the OMNI Goddard Fligt Centre
( for 

170. Title=Composition of Coronal Hole Boundary Layers at Low Heliographic Latitudes
Authors=K. Delano; H. A. Elliott; S. T. Lepri; S. A. Fuselier; 
article=2021JA029187; doi=10.1029/2021JA029187; pubdate=16 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= The authors acknowledge using NASA/GSFC's CDAWeb to obtain these data

171. Title=Van Allen Probes Observations of Multi-MeV Electron Drift-Periodic Flux
Oscillations in Earth-s Outer Radiation Belt During the
March 2017 Event
Authors=Hong Zhao; Theodore E. Sarris; Xinlin Li; Max Weiner; Isabela G. Huckabee; Daniel
N. Baker; Allison J. Jaynes; Shrikanth G. Kanekal;
Scot R. Elkington; Mohammad Barani; Weichao Tu; Wenlong Liu; Dianjun Zhang; Michael D.
article=2021JA029284; doi=10.1029/2021JA029284; pubdate=19 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= geomagnetic indices are provided by OmniWeb (
GOES magnetic field observations 

172. Title=Low Frequency ULF Waves in the Earth-s Inner Magnetosphere: Statistics During
Coronal Mass Ejections and Seeding of EMIC Waves
Authors=Konstantin V. Gamayunov; Mark J. Engebretson; 
article=2021JA029247; doi=10.1029/2021JA029247; pubdate=19 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data are available at https:// omniweb .gsfc.nasa 
Sample usage= .gov/form/ omni min.html, and the Kp index 

173. Title=Cluster after 20 Years of Operations: Science Highlights and Technical
Authors=C.P. Escoubet; A. Masson; H. Laakso; M. L. Goldstein; T. Dimbylow; Y.V. Bogdanova;
M. Hapgood; B. Sousa; D. Sieg; M.G.G.T. Taylor; 
article=2021JA029474; doi=10.1029/2021JA029474; pubdate=20 July 2021
Keywords found: SSCWeb
Sample usage= every few months to NASA SSCweb for coordination with other spacecraft. 

174. Title=A Comparison of Radial Diffusion Coefficients in 1-D and 3-D Long-Term
Radiation Belt Simulations
Authors=A. Y. Drozdov; H. J. Allison; Y. Y. Shprits; S.R. Elkington; N.A. Aseev; 
article=2020JA028707; doi=10.1029/2020JA028707; pubdate=22 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= used geomagnetic indices provided by and are grateful 

175. Title=Observational evidence of the excitation of magnetosonic waves by an He ion
ring distribution
Authors=S. G. Claudepierre; X. Liu; L. Chen; K. Takahashi; 
article=2021JA029532; doi=10.1029/2021JA029532; pubdate=22 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb service and OMNI data. 
Sample usage= OMNI database. Gaps in the OMNI 

176. Title=Automated identification of current sheets  a new tool to study turbulence and
intermittency in the solar wind
Authors=Olga Khabarova; Timothy Sagitov; Roman Kislov; Gang Li; 
article=2020JA029099; doi=10.1029/2020JA029099; pubdate=22 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, FTPBrowser
Sample usage= the proton temperature T (https:// cdaweb The other dataset
Sample usage= at https:// omniweb\_derivation.html ). At the
Sample usage= at ftpbrowser /bow\_derivation.html ). At the

177. Title=Comparison of CIMI simulations and TWINS observations on 28th-29th June 2013
Authors=S. Shekhar; J. D. Perez; K. Davidson; M. C. Fok; 
article=2020JA028388; doi=10.1029/2020JA028388; pubdate=22 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ) ( All
simulations in 
Sample usage= on 30th June 2013 (source: omniweb since the CIMI
Sample usage= teams for L1 data and OMNI for providing availability of the 

178. Title=ULF-modulation of whistler-mode waves in the inner magnetosphere during solar
wind compression
Authors=Xiongjun Shang; Si Liu; Lunjin Chen; Zhonglei Gao; Geng Wang; Qian He; Tong Li;
Fuliang Xiao; 
article=2021JA029353; doi=10.1029/2021JA029353; pubdate=23 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= data are downloaded from https:// omniweb 
Sample usage= at the following website: https:// spdf The
Psw , Kp, 

179. Title=The universal time variations of the intensity of afternoon aurora in
equinoctial seasons
Authors=Lingmin Wang; Xiaoli Luan; Jiuhou Lei; Kristina A. Lynch; Binzheng Zhang; 
article=2020JA028504; doi=10.1029/2020JA028504; pubdate=26 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= downloaded from the website https:// cdaweb\_level1/. We thank the Active 
Sample usage= indices are obtained from https:// omniweb References 

180. Title=The flux of flux ropes embedded within magnetic clouds near 5 AU
Authors=Yan Zhao; Hengqiang Feng; Qiang Liu; Ake Zhao; Guoqing Zhao; Zhanjun Tian; 
article=2020JA028594; doi=10.1029/2020JA028594; pubdate=27 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= https:// cdaweb\_COHO1HR\_MERGED\_MA

181. Title=On the Pre-Magnetic Storm Signatures in NmF2 in Some Equatorial, Low and
Mid-Latitude Stations
Authors=Joshua B. W; Adeniyi J. O; C Amory-Mazaudier; Adebiyi S. J; 
article=2021JA029459; doi=10.1029/2021JA029459; pubdate=28 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC
Sample usage= from NSSDCs OMNI database (https:// omniweb
The Kp values used 
Sample usage= ap; were obtained from NSSDCs OMNI database
( The Kp values 
Sample usage= and ap; were obtained from NSSDC s OMNI database
( The 

182. Title=Periodic variations in solar wind and responses of the magnetosphere and
thermosphere in March 2017Periodic variations in solar
wind and responses of the magnetosphere and thermosphere in March 2017
Authors=Yongliang Zhang; Larry Paxton; Wenbin Wang; Chaosong Huang; 
article=2021JA029387; doi=10.1029/2021JA029387; pubdate=28 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data were obtained from https:// cdaweb The
Sample usage= b, and e show ACE OMNI data for IMF By, Bz 

183. Title=The field of shock-generated Alfven oscillations near the plasmapause
Authors=A. S. Leonovich; Q.-G Zong; D. A. Kozlov; I. P. Kotovschikov; 
article=2021JA029488; doi=10.1029/2021JA029488; pubdate=29 July 2021
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility at http:// spdf The work of D.K. 
Sample usage= be obtained online from NASAs Space Physics Data Facility at The work of 

184. Title=High-energy electron flux enhancement pattern in the outer radiation belt in
response to the Alfvnic fluctuations within
high-speed solar wind stream: A statistical analysis
Authors=L. A Da Silva; J. Shi; L. R. Alves; D. Sibeck; J. P. Marchezi; C. Medeiros; L. E.
A. Vieira; O. Agapitov; F. R. Cardoso; V. M.
Souza; A. Dal Lago; P. R. Jauer; C. Wang; H. Li; Z. Liu; M. V. Alves; M. S Rockenbach; 
article=2021JA029363; doi=10.1029/2021JA029363; pubdate=29 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= used are available: ECT: https:// cdaweb 
Sample usage= time cadence is obtained at OMNIWeb ( 
Sample usage= obtained at OMNIWeb: High Resolution OMNI (5-min averaged). Case study 1 

185. Title=The role of strong meridional neutral winds in the formation of deep equatorial
ionization trough in CHAMP observations
Authors=Yaoyu Tian; Yongqiang Hao; Quanhan Li; Jianguang Guo; Xiaoxin Zhang; Donghe Zhang;
Zuo Xiao; 
article=2021JA029319; doi=10.1029/2021JA029319; pubdate=29 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GFSC Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb service
( This work makes 
Sample usage= database is available from NASA/GFSC Space Physics Data Facility'sCDAWeb
service ( This 

186. Title=Prompt penetration and substorm effects over Jicamarca during the September
2017 geomagnetic storm
Authors=B. G. Fejer; L. A. Navarro; S. Sazykin; A. Newheart; M. A. Milla; P. Condor; 
article=2021JA029651; doi=10.1029/2021JA029651; pubdate=30 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// omniweb We thank the
Sample usage= location obtained from the NASA OMNI database. In addition, Figure 2 
Sample usage= solar wind data from the Space Physics Data Facility
( We thank the Jicamarca 

187. Title=Characteristics of Energetic Oxygen Ions Escaping from Mars: MAVEN Observations
Authors=R. T. Lin; S. Y. Huang; Z. G. Yuan; K. Jiang; S. B. Xu; Y. Y. Wei; Q. Y. Xiong; J.
Zhang; Z. H. Zhang; L. Yu; J. McFadden; 
article=2021JA029507; doi=10.1029/2021JA029507; pubdate=30 July 2021
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( SPDF ) at 
Sample usage= publicly available from the NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) at 

188. Title=Middle-low latitude neutral composition and temperature responses to the 20-21
November 2003 superstorm from GUVI dayside limb
Authors=Tingting Yu; Wenbin Wang; Zhipeng Ren; Jia Yue; Xinan Yue; Maosheng He; 
article=2020JA028427; doi=10.1029/2020JA028427; pubdate=30 July 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= F10.7p indices are from https:// cdaweb\_phys/. 

189. Title=Polarization Reversal of Low Frequency Magnetic Variation in the Lunar Wake
Authors=Tomoko Nakagawa; Futoshi Takahashi; Yoshifumi Saito; Hisayoshi Shimizu; 
article=2021JA029299; doi=10.1029/2021JA029299; pubdate=30 July 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb Plus was used for statistical 
Sample usage= Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft. NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through
OMNIWeb Plus 
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
service, and OMNI 

190. Title=Statistical characteristics of substorms with different intensity
Authors=Haobo Fu; Chao Yue; Qiu-Gang Zong; Xu-Zhi Zhou; Suiyan Fu; 
article=2021JA029318; doi=10.1029/2021JA029318; pubdate=05 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= providing the OMNI data (https:// cdaweb and
Johns Hopkins Applied 
Sample usage= during these substorms by using OMNI and SuperMag networks dataset. We 
Sample usage= China 2020YFE0202100. We thank the Space Physics Data Facility at the NASA
Goddard Space 

191. Title=Thermospheric mass density disturbances due to magnetospheric forcing from
2014-2020 CASSIOPE precise orbits
Authors=Andrs Calabia; Shuanggen Jin; 
article=2021JA029540; doi=10.1029/2021JA029540; pubdate=06 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= (LRO) dataset of NASA, http:// omniweb The
merging electric field 
Sample usage= website of the Low Resolution OMNI (LRO) dataset of NASA, 

192. Title=Hot plasma in the magnetotail lobes shows characteristics consistent with
closed field lines trapped in the lobes
Authors=John C. Coxon; Robert C. Fear; Jade A. Reidy; Laura J. Fryer; James Plank; 
article=2021JA029516; doi=10.1029/2021JA029516; pubdate=09 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= obtained from CDAweb at The Python pack- 
Sample usage= http:// omniweb 
Sample usage= 1996). Finally, we employ the OMNI HRO dataset at a cadence 

193. Title=A survey of 25 years- transpolar voltage data from the SuperDARN radar network
and the Expanding-Contracting Polar Cap model
Authors=Mike Lockwood; Kathryn A. McWilliams; 
article=2021JA029554; doi=10.1029/2021JA029554; pubdate=09 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= data were downloaded from http:// omniweb; the World
Data Center 
Sample usage= , both taken from the OMNI dataset, compiled and maintained by 
Sample usage= prepared and made available the OMNI2 dataset used: these interplanetary
Sample usage= to the staff of: the Space Physics Data Facility , NASA/Goddard Space Flight

194. Title=Dense low energy ions in Earth-s outer magnetosphere: Spatial distribution,
moment properties, and relation to solar wind dynamic
pressure and magnetospheric activity
Authors=A. J. Hull; O. Agapitov; F. S. Mozer; J. P. McFadden; V. Angelopoulos; 
article=2021JA029208; doi=10.1029/2021JA029208; pubdate=12 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= NASA OMNIWeb solar wind parameters (e.g., IMF, 
Sample usage= licly available at the. OMNI plasma and field data from 

195. Title=Solar wind entry into midtail current sheet via low-latitude mantle under
dominant IMF By: ARTEMIS observation
Authors=Chih-Ping Wang; Xiaoyan Xing; 
article=2021JA029402; doi=10.1029/2021JA029402; pubdate=13 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= OMNI data are available at CDAWeb ( We thank
J.H. King, 
Sample usage= we use the 1-m resolution OMNI data. The OMNI data have 

196. Title=Investigating the coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (M-I-T)
system-s responses to the 20 November 2003 Superstorm
Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell; 
article=2021JA029215; doi=10.1029/2021JA029215; pubdate=16 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= LANL, and ROCSAT-1 data (https:// cdaweb\_public/), 
Sample usage= that are provided by the OMNI database. These include the solar 

197. Title=Superposed Epoch Analysis of Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in
Arctic Canada
Authors=Mark J. Engebretson; Lidiya Y. Ahmed; Viacheslav A. Pilipenko; Erik S. Steinmetz;
Mark B. Moldwin; Martin G. Connors; David H.
Boteler; James M. Weygand; Shane Coyle; Shin Ohtani; Jesper Gjerloev; Christopher T.
article=2021JA029465; doi=10.1029/2021JA029465; pubdate=17 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility at https:// cdaweb The
SME index is 
Sample usage= the solar wind (from the OMNI database) time shifted to the 

198. Title=Magnetic field in magnetosheath jets: A statistical study of  near the
Authors=Laura Vuorinen; Heli Hietala; Ferdinand Plaschke; Adrian T. LaMoury; 
article=2021JA029188; doi=10.1029/2021JA029188; pubdate=20 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (https:// cdaweb The
magnetosheath and jet 
Sample usage= (THEMIS) spacecraft and solar wind OMNI data, we statistically study for 
Sample usage= Data Set Data set. . NASA Space Physics Data Facility . doi:
10.48322/45bb-8792 Phan, T. 

199. Title=Longitudinal evolution of the velocity of subauroral polarization streams
(SAPS) in different phases of magnetic storms:
SuperDARN observations
Authors=Qiang Zhang; Yong.C.-M Liu; Q.-H. Zhang; Zan-Yang Xing; Yu-Zhang Ma; 
article=2021JA029340; doi=10.1029/2021JA029340; pubdate=21 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= We thank the NASA OMNIWeb for the solar wind and 
Sample usage= the three cases. (a): The OMNI solar wind conditions on February 

200. Title=Magnetic Field and Energetic Particle Flux Oscillations and High-Frequency
Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere during Substorm
Dipolarization: ERG Observations
Authors=Yukinaga Miyashita; Tzu-Fang Chang; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Tomoaki Hori; Akira
Kadokura; Satoshi Kasahara; Shiang-Yu Wang; Kunihiro
Keika; Ayako Matsuoka; Yoshimasa Tanaka; Yoshiya Kasahara; Mariko Teramoto; Chae-Woo Jun;
Kazushi Asamura; Yoichi Kazama; Sunny W. Y. Tam;
Bo-Jhou Wang; Shoichiro Yokota; Atsushi Kumamoto; Fuminori Tsuchiya; Masafumi Shoji;
Satoshi Kurita; Shun Imajo; Iku Shinohara; 
article=2020JA029095; doi=10.1029/2020JA029095; pubdate=21 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= footprints are available at NASA CDAWeb (King & Papitashvili, 2005;
Sample usage= Research, Japan. OMNI solar wind data and the 

201. Title=Equatorial plasma drifts during the magnetic storm on 7-11 November 2004:
Identifications of the roles of penetration and
disturbance dynamo electric fields with multi-instrumental measurements
Authors=Chaosong Huang; Yongliang Zhang; 
article=2021JA029386; doi=10.1029/2021JA029386; pubdate=23 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// omniweb and have been
Sample usage= data are taken from NASA Space Physics Data Facility
( and have been shifted 

202. Title=Invalid Polar Cap (PC) indices: Erroneous scaling parameters.
Authors=P. Stauning; 
article=2020JA028292; doi=10.1029/2020JA028292; pubdate=24 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= until recently (2015) by the OMNIweb space data service. 2. Consequences 
Sample usage= data supplied from NASA GSFC OMNI data service at These 

203. Title=Night-time Ionospheric Localized Enhancements (NILE) Observed in North America
Following Geomagnetic Disturbances
Authors=A.T. Chartier; S. Datta-Barua; S. McDonald; G.S. Bust; J. Tate; L.P. Goncharenko;
G. Romeo; R. Schaefer; 
article=2021JA029324; doi=10.1029/2021JA029324; pubdate=24 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= obtained from NASA OMNI: https:// omniweb Ground GPS data
Sample usage= Geophysical indices obtained from NASA OMNI :
Ground GPS data 

204. Title=Magnetic Reconnection within the Boundary Layer of a Magnetic Cloud in the
Solar Wind
Authors=Zoltn Vrs; Ali Varsani; Emiliya Yordanova; Yury L. Sasunov; Owen W. Roberts; rpd
Kis; Rumi Nakamura; Yasuhito Narita; 
article=2021JA029415; doi=10.1029/2021JA029415; pubdate=24 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= paper are available from https:// cdaweb ACE/SWEPAM data
are available 

205. Title=Variations in cosmic noise absorption in association with equatorward
development of the pulsating auroral patch: A case study to
estimate the energy spectra of auroral precipitating electrons
Authors=Taishiro Miyamoto; Shin-ichiro Oyama; Tero Raita; Keisuke Hosokawa; Yoshizumi
Miyoshi; Yasunobu Ogawa; Satoshi Kurita; 
article=2021JA029309; doi=10.1029/2021JA029309; pubdate=25 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= the AL index provided by CDAWeb , NASA ( and the 
Sample usage= and LRV: Leirvogur) and the OMNI AL index (gray) from 18 

206. Title=A Study of Magnetic Conjugate Property in a Large Density Irregularity
Structure Using Hilbert-Huang Transform
Authors=S.-Y. Su; C.-K. Chao; Y.-Y. Sun; L.-C. Tsai; C. H. Liu; 
article=2020JA028731; doi=10.1029/2020JA028731; pubdate=26 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= panel of Figure 1 (http:// Omniweb 

207. Title=Evidence for the in-situ generation of plasma depletion structures over the
transition region of geomagnetic low-mid latitude
Authors=M. Sivakandan; S. Mondal; S. Sarkhel; D. Chakrabarty; M. V. Sunil Krishna; A. K.
Upadhayaya; A. Shinbori; T. Sori; S. Kannaujiya; P.
K. Champati Ray; 
article=2020JA028837; doi=10.1029/2020JA028837; pubdate=27 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center (https:// cdaweb
Global GNSS-TEC data processing 
Sample usage= subcontinent has been downloaded from Space Physics Data Facility , Goddard
Space Flight Center 

208. Title=Multiresolution Modeling of High-latitude Ionospheric Electric Field
Variability and Impact on Joule Heating Using SuperDARN Data
Authors=Tomoko Matsuo; Minjie Fan; Xueling Shi; Caleb Miller; J. Michael Ruohoniemi;
Debashis Paul; Thomas C. M. Lee; 
article=2021JA029196; doi=10.1029/2021JA029196; pubdate=27 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Web at https:// omniweb The authors are grateful 
Sample usage= GSFC Space Physics Data Facility OMNI - 
Sample usage= are obtained from the GSFC Space Physics Data Facility OMNI- 

209. Title=The Scalable Plasma Ion Composition and Electron Density (SPICED) model for
Earth-s inner magnetosphere
Authors=Matthew K. James; Tim K. Yeoman; Petra Jones; Jasmine K. Sandhu; Jerry Goldstein; 
article=2021JA029565; doi=10.1029/2021JA029565; pubdate=28 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at
Sample usage= densities from HOPE level 3 omni -directional spectra by integrating the 
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at

210. Title=Toward a Physics Based Model of Hypervelocity Dust Impacts
Authors=Paul J Kellogg; S.D Bale; Keith Goetz; Steven J. Monson; 
article=2020JA028415; doi=10.1029/2020JA028415; pubdate=28 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= were obtained from STA\_L2\_PLA\_1DMAX\_1MIN on CDAWeb and from Antoinette
Galvin. As 

211. Title=TRICE 2 Observations of Low-energy Magnetospheric Ions within the Cusp
Authors=R. P. Sawyer; S.A. Fuselier; C. A. Kletzing; J. W. Bonnell; R. Roglans; S. R.
Bounds; M. J. Kim; S. K. Vines; I. H. Cairns; C.
Moser; J. LaBelle; J. I. Moen; K. J. Trattner; S. M. Petrinec; J. L. Burch; B. L. Giles;
D. George; 
article=2021JA029382; doi=10.1029/2021JA029382; pubdate=29 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= observations from OMNI web (https:// omniweb showing the
solar wind 
Sample usage= Energy-time spectrogram of the scaled omni -directional ion energy flux; (b)

212. Title=First results from the retrieved column O/N2 ratio from the Ionospheric
Connection Explorer (ICON): Evidence of the impacts of
nonmigrating tides
Authors=Scott L. England; R. R. Meier; Harald U. Frey; Stephen B. Mende; Andrew W.
Stephan; Christopher S. Krier; Chihoko Y. Cullens;
Yen-Jung J. Wu; Colin C. Triplett; Martin M. Sirk; Eric J. Korpela; Brian J. Harding;
Christoph R. Englert; Thomas J. Immel; 
article=2021JA029575; doi=10.1029/2021JA029575; pubdate=30 August 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, ModelWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// cdaweb
The TIEGCM winds and 
Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center (
modelweb /). RRM acknowledges support from 
Sample usage= ICON website and NASAs Space Physics Data Facility
( The TIEGCM winds and 

213. Title=New findings of the Sporadic E (Es) layer development around the magnetic
equator during a high-speed solar (HSS) wind stream
Authors=L. C. A. Resende; Y. Zhu; C. M. Denardini; I. S. Batista; J. Shi; J. Moro; S. S.
Chen; F. Conceiao-Santos; L. A. Da Silva; V. F.
Andrioli; M. T. A. H. Muella; P. R. Fagundes; A. J. Carrasco; V. G. Pillat; C. Wang; Z.
article=2021JA029416; doi=10.1029/2021JA029416; pubdate=30 August 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= model. The authors thank the OMNIWeb
( for providing the interplanetary 

214. Title=Observational Evidence of Transient Lobe Reconnection Triggered by Sudden
Northern Enhancement of IMF Bz
Authors=Zhiwei Wang; Hongqiao Hu; Jianyong Lu; Desheng Han; Jianjun Liu; Yewen Wu; Zejun
article=2021JA029410; doi=10.1029/2021JA029410; pubdate=01 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// omniweb for OMNI IMF data. 
Sample usage= with 1-min time resolution from OMNI , which has been time-shifted 

215. Title=Nighttime ionosphere perturbed by the annular solar eclipse on 21 June 2020
Authors=Yang-Yi Sun; Chieh-Hung Chen; Haiyin Qing; Rui Xu; Xiaoning Su; Chunhua Jiang; Tao
Yu; Jin Wang; Huiru Xu; Kai Lin; 
article=2021JA029419; doi=10.1029/2021JA029419; pubdate=02 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= on the eclipse day (https:// omniweb The Dst index is 

216. Title=Understanding the total electron content variability over Europe during 2009
and 2019 SSWs
Authors=T. A. Siddiqui; Y. Yamazaki; C. Stolle; A. Maute; J. Lastovika; I. K. Edemskiy; Z.
Mosna; M. Sivakandan; 
article=2020JA028751; doi=10.1029/2020JA028751; pubdate=02 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Flight Center through the OMNIWeb 
Sample usage= F10.7 was downloaded from the SPDF OMNIWeb database 
Sample usage= Space Physics Data facility of the Goddard Space Flight 

217. Title=Measurability of the nonlinear response of electron distribution function to
chorus emissions in the Earth-s radiation belt
Authors=M. Hanzelka; O. Santolk; Y. Omura; I. Kolmasov; 
article=2021JA029624; doi=10.1029/2021JA029624; pubdate=03 September 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility, repository https:// spdf Data 

218. Title=A Review of Electrostatic Solitary Wave Research from the Cluster Mission
Authors=J. S. Pickett; 
article=2021JA029548; doi=10.1029/2021JA029548; pubdate=04 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web, URL cdaweb 

219. Title=Detecting Seismo-ionospheric Anomalies Possibly Associated with the 2019
Ridgecrest (California) Earthquakes by GNSS, CSES and
Swarm Observations
Authors=Ting Xie; Biyan Chen; Lixin Wu; Wujiao Dai; Cuilin Kuang; Zelang Miao; 
article=2020JA028761; doi=10.1029/2020JA028761; pubdate=04 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= were downloaded from the https:// omniweb\_source.html#ind. The LIS ISS Science 

220. Title=Anomalous Reconnection Layer at Earth-s Dayside Magnetopause
Authors=G. Paschmann; B.U.Sonnerup; T. Phan; S.A. Fuselier; S. Haaland; R.E. Denton; J.L.
Burch; K. J. Trattner; B.L. Giles; D.J. Gershman;
I.J. Cohen; C. T. Russell; 
article=2021JA029678; doi=10.1029/2021JA029678; pubdate=09 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= the OMNI dataset on NASAs CDAWeb . 
Sample usage= data are taken from the OMNI dataset on NASAs CDAWeb. 

221. Title=Properties of the recovery phase of extreme storms
Authors=Komal Choraghe; Anil Raghav; D. Chakrabarty; S. Kasthurirangan; N. Bijewar; 
article=2020JA028685; doi=10.1029/2020JA028685; pubdate=10 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= OMNI database Available at https:// cdaweb
(King & Papitashvili, 2005). 
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp)
Sample usage= SY M H data from OMNI database Available at (King 
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb (or
CDAWeb or 

222. Title=Drop of solar wind at the end of the 20th century
Authors=Yuri I. Yermolaev; Irina G. Lodkina; Alexander A. Khokhlachev; Michael Yu.
Yermolaev; Maria O. Riazantseva; Liudmila S. Rakhmanova;
Natalia L. Borodkova; Olga V. Sapunova; Anastasiia V. Moskaleva; 
article=2021JA029618; doi=10.1029/2021JA029618; pubdate=12 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= solar wind measurement database (http:// omniweb, King &
Papitashvili, 2005 
Sample usage= on the basis of the OMNI database
( Since changes in 
Sample usage= of the OMNI database (https:// spdf Since
changes in the 

223. Title=Solar Wind Control of Magnetosheath Jet Formation and Propagation to the
Authors=Adrian T. LaMoury; Heli Hietala; Ferdinand Plaschke; Laura Vuorinen; Jonathan P.
article=2021JA029592; doi=10.1029/2021JA029592; pubdate=12 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= THEMIS and OMNI data from 20082018 are used 

224. Title=Intercalibration of the Plasma Density Measurements in Earth's Topside
Authors=Artem Smirnov; Yuri Shprits; Irina Zhelavskaya; Hermann Lhr; Chao Xiong; Andreas
Goss; Fabricio S. Prol; Michael Schmidt; Mainul
Hoque; Nicholas Pedatella; Mtys Szab-Roberts; 
article=2021JA029334; doi=10.1029/2021JA029334; pubdate=12 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, 
Sample usage= index was downloaded from the OMNIWeb database ( 
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( SPDF , 
Sample usage= data were obtained through NASAs Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF, 

225. Title=The signature of geomagnetic field external drivers in virtual observatory
30-day means derived from Swarm data
Authors=D. Saturnino; M. A. Pais; J. Domingos; 
article=2021JA029579; doi=10.1029/2021JA029579; pubdate=12 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= to the OMNI database (https:// omniweb; the
Edinburgh World Data 
Sample usage= Daily averages were downloaded from OMNI database for i) the solar 

226. Title=Reconstructing substorms via historical data mining: Is it really feasible?
Authors=N. A. Tsyganenko; V. A. Andreeva; M. I. Sitnov; G. K. Stephens; J. W. Gjerloev; X.
Chu; O. A. Troshichev; 
article=2021JA029604; doi=10.1029/2021JA029604; pubdate=13 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF
Sample usage= Japan) via the NSSDC CDAWEB at: Clus- 
Sample usage= from SPDF OMNIWEB at: (R. McGuire, N. 
Sample usage= IMF drivers were derived from OMNI data of upstream moni- 
Sample usage= Japan) via the NSSDC CDAWEB at: Clus- 
Sample usage= from SPDF OMNIWEB at: (R. McGuire, 

227. Title=Deducing Non-Migrating Diurnal Tides in the Middle Thermosphere With GOLD
Observations of the Earth's far Ultraviolet Dayglow
From Geostationary Orbit
Authors=Christopher S. Krier; Scott L. England; Katelynn R. Greer; J. Scott Evans; Alan G.
Burns; Richard W. Eastes; 
article=2021JA029563; doi=10.1029/2021JA029563; pubdate=16 September 2021
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https:// spdf The TIE-GCM
tidal parameters 
Sample usage= Center (The TIE-GCM tidal parameters 

228. Title=Shock Mach Number Estimates Using Incomplete Measurements
Authors=Michael Gedalin; Christopher T. Russell; Andrew P. Dimmock; 
article=2021JA029519; doi=10.1029/2021JA029519; pubdate=17 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= widely accepted to use the OMNI data (King & Papitashvili,2005). The 
Sample usage= authors acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNI
service and OMNI 

229. Title=Observations and Validation of Plasma Density, Temperature, and  Abundance From
a Langmuir Probe Onboard the International Space
Authors=Shantanab Debchoudhury; Aroh Barjatya; Joseph I. Minow; Victoria N. Coffey;
Michael O. Chandler; 
article=2021JA029393; doi=10.1029/2021JA029393; pubdate=17 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, 
Sample usage= Data facility (SPDF) at https:// cdaweb The temporal and
Sample usage= Space Physics Data facility ( SPDF ) at The
Sample usage= dataset hosted at the NASA Space Physics Data Facility hosted at In addition 

230. Title=Ion Kappa Distribution Parameters in the Magnetosphere of the Earth at
Geocentric Distances Smaller Than 20 RE During Quiet
Geomagnetic Conditions
Authors=I. P. Kirpichev; E. E. Antonova; M. Stepanova; A. V. Eyelade; C. M. Espinoza; I.
L. Ovchinnikov; V. G. Vorobjev; O. I. Yagodkina; 
article=2021JA029409; doi=10.1029/2021JA029409; pubdate=17 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= available online via, http:// cdaweb The ion spectra were 
Sample usage= indexes were taken from the OMNI database
The spectra obtained 

231. Title=Cross- Coherence of the Outer Radiation Belt during Storms and the Role of the
Authors=S. D. Walton; C. Forsyth; I. J. Rae; C. E. J. Watt; R. L. Thompson; R. B. Horne;
N. P. Meredith; C. J. Rodger; M.-T. Walach; M. A.
Clilverd; S. A. Glauert; 
article=2021JA029308; doi=10.1029/2021JA029308; pubdate=17 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF
Sample usage= plasmapause can be found via OMNIWeb res omni/. 
Sample usage= found via OMNIWeb: .gov/pub/data/ omni /high res omni/. S. D. 
Sample usage= , 4218. Retrieved from http:// nssdc doi: 
Sample usage= be found via OMNIWeb: https:// spdf .gsfc.nasa .gov/pub/data/omni/high res
omni/. S. 

232. Title=Kinetic-Scale Magnetic Holes Inside Foreshock Transients
Authors=Terry Z. Liu; Hui Zhang; Drew L. Turner; Katherine A. Goodrich; Xin An; Xiaojia
article=2021JA029748; doi=10.1029/2021JA029748; pubdate=20 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb. gov/) for their 

233. Title=Field-Aligned Electron Density Distribution of the Inner Magnetosphere Inferred
From Coordinated Observations of Arase and Van
Allen Probes
Authors=Yuki Obana; Yukinaga Miyashita; Naomi Maruyama; Atsuki Shinbori; Masahito Nos;
Masafumi Shoji; Atsushi Kumamoto; Fuminori Tsuchiya;
Shoya Matsuda; Ayako Matsuoka; Yoshiya Kasahara; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Iku Shinohara; William
S. Kurth; Charles W. Smith; Robert J. MacDowall; 
article=2020JA029073; doi=10.1029/2020JA029073; pubdate=20 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, IRI
Sample usage= the NASA OMNI website (https:// omniweb We acknowledge the
Sample usage= are obtained from the NASA OMNI website ( We
acknowledge the 
Sample usage= acknowledge the use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
service and OMNI 
Sample usage= F2 topside and plasmasphere for IRI using IMAGE/RPI and ISIS data. 

234. Title=Retrieval of Airglow Emission Rates in Analytical Form for Limb-Viewing
Satellite Observations at Low Latitudes
Authors=Sunny W. Y. Tam; Chih-Yu Chiang; Ke-Chen Huang; Tzu-Fang Chang; 
article=2021JA029490; doi=10.1029/2021JA029490; pubdate=21 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, 
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ): The
IRI model 

235. Title=The Response of Middle Thermosphere (160 km) Composition to the November
20 and 21, 2003 Superstorm
Authors=Tingting Yu; Wenbin Wang; Zhipeng Ren; Xuguang Cai; Xinan Yue; Maosheng He; 
article=2021JA029449; doi=10.1029/2021JA029449; pubdate=21 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Dst indices are at https:// cdaweb\_phys/. The
TIEGCM simulation results 

236. Title=A Study of the Solar Wind Ion and Electron Measurements From the Magnetospheric
Multiscale Mission's Fast Plasma Investigation
Authors=O. W. Roberts; R. Nakamura; V. N. Coffey; D. J. Gershman; M. Volwerk; A. Varsani;
B. L. Giles; J. C. Dorelli; C. Pollock; 
article=2021JA029784; doi=10.1029/2021JA029784; pubdate=21 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service and OMNI data. 
Sample usage= (FPI) are compared with the OMNI solar wind database  The 
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
service and OMNI 

237. Title=Effects of Subauroral Polarization Streams on the Equatorial Electrojet During
the Geomagnetic Storm on June 1, 2013
Authors=Kedeng Zhang; Hui Wang; Yosuke Yamazaki; Chao Xiong; 
article=2021JA029681; doi=10.1029/2021JA029681; pubdate=22 September 2021
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= database. The data type is SPDF , which is available in 
Sample usage= auroral boundary was accessed at Space Physics Data Facility
( The ground-based magnetometer data

238. Title=Case Studies of Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities Over Queen Maud Land,
Authors=Arnlaug H. Skjveland; Daria S. Kotova; Wojciech J. Miloch; 
article=2021JA029963; doi=10.1029/2021JA029963; pubdate=23 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= solar wind data from NASA's OMNIWeb Service, data from Defense
Sample usage= Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). The OMNI solar wind data are obtained 

239. Title=Effect of Interplanetary Magnetic Field on Hemispheric Asymmetry in Ionospheric
Horizontal and Field-Aligned Currents During
Different Seasons
Authors=A. B. Workayehu; H. Vanhamki; A. T. Aikio; S. G. Shepherd; 
article=2021JA029475; doi=10.1029/2021JA029475; pubdate=24 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, IRI
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb at The CHAOS 
Sample usage= resolution IMF and solar wind OMNI data propagated to the Earth's 
Sample usage= data were obtained from NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
Sample usage= role of background conductances using IRI , CHAOS and MSISE models 

240. Title=Periodicities and Colors of Pulsating Auroras: DSLR Camera Observations From
the International Space Station
Authors=Sota Nanjo; Yuta Hozumi; Keisuke Hosokawa; Ryuho Kataoka; Yoshizumi Miyoshi;
Shin-ichiro Oyama; Mitsunori Ozaki; Kazuo Shiokawa;
Satoshi Kurita; 
article=2021JA029564; doi=10.1029/2021JA029564; pubdate=25 September 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Center's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb services for providing solar
Sample usage= NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
services for providing 

241. Title=Observations of an Electron-Cold Ion Component Reconnection at the Edge of an
Ion-Scale Antiparallel Reconnection at the Dayside
Authors=S. Q. Zhao; H. Zhang; Terry Z. Liu; Huirong Yan; C. J. Xiao; Mingzhe Liu; Q.-G.
Zong; Xiaogang Wang; Mijie Shi; Shangchun Teng;
Huizi Wang; R. Rankin; C. Pollock; G. Le; 
article=2021JA029390; doi=10.1029/2021JA029390; pubdate=25 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ), the NASA OMNIWeb, and 
Sample usage= resolution are from the NASA OMNIWeb . ZHAO ET AL. 
Sample usage= data are found online (https:// spdf Data analysis is

242. Title=ULF Waves Observed by Lunar Prospector
Authors=Seul-Min Baek; Khan-Hyuk Kim; Jungjoon Seough; Young-Jun Choi; Ho Jin; 
article=2021JA029680; doi=10.1029/2021JA029680; pubdate=29 September 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= IMF data were obtained from CDAweb ( The magnetic
field of 

243. Title=Field-Aligned and Ionospheric Currents by AMPERE and SuperMAG During
HSS/SIR-Driven Storms
Authors=M. N. Pedersen; H. Vanhamki; A. T. Aikio; S. Kki; A. B. Workayehu; C. L. Waters;
J. W. Gjerloev; 
article=2021JA029437; doi=10.1029/2021JA029437; pubdate=05 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= from AMPERE, SuperMAG and the OMNIWeb have been used. The AMPERE 
Sample usage= and 2MLAT (Waters etal.,2015). The OMNI SW and IMF data, mapped 
Sample usage= we gratefully thank NASA/ GSFCs Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb 

244. Title=Drift Resonance Between Particles and Compressional Toroidal ULF Waves in
Dipole Magnetic Field
Authors=Li Li; Xu-Zhi Zhou; Yoshiharu Omura; Qiu-Gang Zong; Robert Rankin; Xing-Ran Chen;
Ying Liu; Chao Yue; Sui-Yan Fu; 
article=2020JA028842; doi=10.1029/2020JA028842; pubdate=07 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= Data Facility (SPDF) at https:// omniweb The authors also
Sample usage= study are available from the OMNI database. 
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( SPDF ) at The

245. Title=Ionospheric Response to Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Across Longitudes
During Solar Cycle 24
Authors=Sumedha Gupta; A. K. Upadhayaya; Devendraa Siingh; 
article=2021JA029206; doi=10.1029/2021JA029206; pubdate=11 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, IRI
Sample usage= available at the website http:// omniweb .gsfc.nasa. gov/form/dx1.html. The
F10.7 index 
Sample usage= Low-latitude ionospheric response from GPS, IRI and TIE-GCM TEC to solar 

246. Title=Driving Parameters for Multi-MeV Electrons Flux Variations in Outer Radiation
Authors=G. Behailu; M. Nigussie; G. D. Reeves; S. Wing; 
article=2021JA029625; doi=10.1029/2021JA029625; pubdate=12 October 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb ) service and OMNI database. 
Sample usage= used, which are obtained from OMNIweb database provided by NASA. The 
Sample usage= OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb) service and OMNI database. Solar wind and IMF 
Sample usage= data were obtained from GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 
Sample usage= authors acknowledge NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb (or
CDAWeb) service 

247. Title=Magnetic Structure and Propagation of Two Interacting CMEs From the Sun to
Authors=Erika Palmerio; Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla; Emilia K. J. Kilpua; David Barnes;
Andrei N. Zhukov; Lan K. Jian; Olivier Witasse;
Gabrielle Provan; Chihiro Tao; Laurent Lamy; Thomas J. Bradley; M. Leila Mays; Christian
Mstl; Elias Roussos; Yoshifumi Futaana; Adam
Masters; Beatriz Snchez-Cano; 
article=2021JA029770; doi=10.1029/2021JA029770; pubdate=14 October 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ) database
( NMDB data 

248. Title=Characteristics of Ionospheric Storm on October 13, 2016 at the Greenwich
Authors=Qingtao Wan; Guanyi Ma; Takashi Maruyama; Jinghua Li; Xiaolan Wang; Weijun Lu; 
article=2020JA028823; doi=10.1029/2020JA028823; pubdate=15 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= TheIMF B data were from OMNIWeb (gov/form/omni\_min.html). The geomagnetic

249. Title=Effective Polytropic Index of Small-Scale and Force-Free Magnetic Flux Ropes in
the Solar Wind
Authors=Wai-Leong Teh; 
article=2021JA029944; doi=10.1029/2021JA029944; pubdate=15 October 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= publicly available at the NASA CDAWeb at

250. Title=Relative Contribution of ULF Waves and Whistler-Mode Chorus to the Radiation
Belt Variation During the May 2017 Storm
Authors=Naoko Takahashi; Kanako Seki; Mei-Ching Fok; Yihua Zheng; Yoshizumi Miyoshi;
Satoshi Kasahara; Kunihiro Keika; David Hartley;
Yoshiya Kasahara; Yasumasa Kasaba; Nana Higashio; Ayako Matsuoka; Shoichiro Yokota;
Tomoaki Hori; Masafumi Shoji; Satoko Nakamura; Shun
Imajo; Iku Shinohara; 
article=2020JA028972; doi=10.1029/2020JA028972; pubdate=18 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= wind data were obtained from OMNIweb and are also available online 
Sample usage= wind parameters obtained from the OMNI database was used as input. 

251. Title=Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes and Possible Signatures of Pulsating Aurora
Detected by the Meteor Radar
Authors=A. Kozlovsky; S. Shalimov; M. Lester; E. Belova; 
article=2020JA028855; doi=10.1029/2020JA028855; pubdate=20 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at The ESRAD 
Sample usage= data were obtained from the OMNI database (King & Papitashvili,2005). One 
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at The 

252. Title=Multipoint Analysis of Source Regions of EMIC Waves and Rapid Growth of
Authors=Biswajit Ojha; Yoshiharu Omura; Satyavir Singh; Gurbax S. Lakhina; 
article=2021JA029514; doi=10.1029/2021JA029514; pubdate=20 October 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= ESA data available at https:// cdaweb the/
and OMNI database 
Sample usage= Grant 17H06140. Biswajit Ojha acknowledges SSCWeb
( for using 
Sample usage= 3. Solar wind parameters from OMNIWEB : The figure demonstrate solar 
Sample usage=   ,  OMNI dataset; (a), (b), and (c) 

253. Title=The Magnitude of IMF By Influences the Magnetotail Response to Solar Wind
Authors=Lauri Holappa; Jone Peter Reistad; Anders Ohma; Christine Gabrielse; Dibyendu Sur;

article=2021JA029752; doi=10.1029/2021JA029752; pubdate=21 October 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2
Sample usage= from the OMNI2 database (http:// omniweb All the original
Sample usage= solar wind observations from the OMNI dataset (King & Papitashvili,2005),
Sample usage= data were downloaded from the OMNI2 database
( All the original 

254. Title=Alfvn Waves Generated Through the Drift-Bounce Resonant Instability in the Ring
Current: A THEMIS Multi-Spacecraft Case Study
Authors=Olga V. Mager; 
article=2021JA029241; doi=10.1029/2021JA029241; pubdate=21 October 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= article are available at the CDAWeb site (
The solar wind 
Sample usage= Center Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb (,
and the geomagnetic indices 
Sample usage= were studied using 1 min OMNI data. Auroral activity indices provided 
Sample usage= the Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb
(, and the geomagnetic 

255. Title=SECS Analysis of Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic
Authors=James M. Weygand; Mark J. Engebretson; Viacheslav A. Pilipenko; Erik S. Steinmetz;
Mark B. Moldwin; Martin G. Connors; Yukitoshi
Nishimura; Larry R. Lyons; Christopher T. Russell; Shin-Ichi Ohtani; Jesper Gjerloev; 
article=2021JA029839; doi=10.1029/2021JA029839; pubdate=23 October 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= the OMNI database at https:// cdaweb This
period resembles a 
Sample usage= consistently below 2nPa (based on OMNI data time-shifted to the nose 

256. Title=Determining the Global Scale Size of Chorus Waves in the Magnetosphere
Authors=Shuai Zhang; I. Jonathan Rae; Clare E. J. Watt; Alexander W. Degeling; Anmin Tian;
Quanqi Shi; Xiao-Chen Shen; Shutao Yao; Ruilong
Guo; Mengmeng Wang; Xiaoqiong Zhu; Huizi Wang; 
article=2021JA029569; doi=10.1029/2021JA029569; pubdate=03 November 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= Allen Probes data at https:// spdf Acknowledgments 

257. Title=Motion of Classic and Spontaneous Hot Flow Anomalies Observed by Cluster
Authors=Xiaoqiong Zhu; Mengmeng Wang; Quanqi Shi; Hui Zhang; Anmin Tian; Shutao Yao;
Ruilong Guo; Ji Liu; Shichen Bai; Alexander William
Degeling; Shuai Zhang; Zhe Niu; Jinyan Zhao; Yuchen Xiao; Wensai Shang; 
article=2021JA029418; doi=10.1029/2021JA029418; pubdate=04 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= for providing OMNI data (https:// omniweb, WIND
(, and ACE 
Sample usage= solar wind conditions (from the OMNI database) are used to determine 
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( SPDF ) for providing OMNI data 
Sample usage= Science Archive the NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) for providing
OMNI data 

258. Title=Multi-Event Studies of Sudden Energetic Electron Enhancements in the Inner
Magnetosphere and Its Association With Plasmapause
Authors=L.-Y. Khoo; X. Li; H. Zhao; S. A. Thaller; B. Hogan; 
article=2021JA029769; doi=10.1029/2021JA029769; pubdate=05 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= spacecraft is obtained from https:// cdaweb
The plasma density results 
Sample usage= from the OMNI database (http:// omniweb Data from GOES
Sample usage= study are obtained from the OMNI database (
Data from GOES 

259. Title=Reconnection X-Line Orientations at the Earth's Magnetopause
Authors=S. A. Fuselier; J. M. Webster; K. J. Trattner; S. M. Petrinec; K. J. Genestreti;
K. R. Pritchard; K. LLera; J. M. Broll; J. L.
Burch; R. J. Strangeway; 
article=2021JA029789; doi=10.1029/2021JA029789; pubdate=06 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= spacecraft were obtained from the CDAWeb : https:// MMS data 

260. Title=Electron Lifetimes and Diffusion Rates Inferred From ELFIN Measurements at Low
Altitude: First Results
Authors=D. Mourenas; A. V. Artemyev; X. -J. Zhang; V. Angelopoulos; E. Tsai; C. Wilkins; 
article=2021JA029757; doi=10.1029/2021JA029757; pubdate=06 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= data available from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb at https://omniweb.

Sample usage= for the SME index, and OMNI data available from the GSFC/SPDF 
Sample usage= data available from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb at https://omniweb. 

261. Title=Quantifying the Lobe Reconnection Rate During Dominant IMF By Periods and
Different Dipole Tilt Orientations
Authors=J. P. Reistad; K. M. Laundal; N. stgaard; A. Ohma; A. G. Burrell; S. M. Hatch; S.
Haaland; E. G. Thomas; 
article=2021JA029742; doi=10.1029/2021JA029742; pubdate=06 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (http:// omniweb for OMNI data,
Sample usage= minute resolution data from NASA's OMNI database), and the dipole tilt 
Sample usage= acknowledge the use of NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility
( for OMNI data, and 

262. Title=Whistlers in Micro Ducts
Authors=Anatoly V. Streltsov; Ravinder Goyal; 
article=2021JA029868; doi=10.1029/2021JA029868; pubdate=06 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= of Iowa and NASA CDAWeb ( 

263. Title=Solar WindMagnetosphere Coupling During Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field
Conditions: Simultaneous Multi-Point Observations
Authors=S. Toledo-Redondo; K.-J. Hwang; C. P. Escoubet; B. Lavraud; J. Fornieles; N.
Aunai; R. C. Fear; J. Dargent; H. S. Fu; S. A.
Fuselier; K. J. Genestreti; Yu V. Khotyaintsev; W. Y. Li; C. Norgren; T. D. Phan; 
article=2021JA029506; doi=10.1029/2021JA029506; pubdate=07 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= is publicly available at https:// omniweb The MMS database
Sample usage= solar wind conditions from the OMNI database, i.e., propagated to the 

264. Title=Dawn-Dusk Confinement of Magnetic Reconnection Site in the Near-Earth
Magnetotail and Its Implication for Dipolarization and
Substorm Current System
Authors=Tsugunobu Nagai; Iku Shinohara; 
article=2021JA029691; doi=10.1029/2021JA029691; pubdate=12 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= can be obtained on the CDAWeb site. The Geotail data are 
Sample usage= Geotail footpoint is determined via SSCWEB and all local magnetic time 
Sample usage= dynamic pressure changes, using the OMNI data. Events accompanied by changes

265. Title=Ionospheric Plasma Vertical Drift and Zonal Wind Variations Cause Unusual
Evolution of EPBs During a Geomagnetically Quiet Night
Authors=Kun Wu; Jiyao Xu; Yajun Zhu; Wei Yuan; 
article=2021JA029893; doi=10.1029/2021JA029893; pubdate=12 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= and F10.7 come from the OMNIWeb 

266. Title=Thermospheric Composition and Solar EUV Flux From the Global-Scale Observations
of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
Authors=J. Correira; J. S. Evans; J. D. Lumpe; A. Krywonos; R. Daniell; V. Veibell; W. E.
McClintock; R. W. Eastes; 
article=2021JA029517; doi=10.1029/2021JA029517; pubdate=14 November 2021
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility, https:// spdf TEC data used in 
Sample usage= GOLD website,  NASA's Space Physics Data Facility , TEC data used 

267. Title=Mapping MMS Observations of Solitary Waves in Earth's Magnetic Field
Authors=P. J. Hansel; F. D. Wilder; D. M. Malaspina; R. E. Ergun; N. Ahmadi; J. C. Holmes;
K. A. Goodrich; S. Fuselier; B. Giles; C. T.
Russell; R. Torbert; R. Strangeway; Y. Khotyaintsev; P. -A. Lindqvist; J. Burch; 
article=2021JA029389; doi=10.1029/2021JA029389; pubdate=16 November 2021
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center (https:// spdf
Sample usage= also publicly accessible at the Space Physics Data Facility at the NASA
Goddard Space 

268. Title=On the Variability of EMIC Waves and the Consequences for the Relativistic
Electron Radiation Belt Population
Authors=J. P. J. Ross; S. A. Glauert; R. B. Horne; C. E. J. Watt; N. P. Meredith; 
article=2021JA029754; doi=10.1029/2021JA029754; pubdate=17 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge OMNIWeb
( for the 
Sample usage= and geomagnetic indices from the OMNI web. For consistency with our 

269. Title=HAPI: An API Standard for Accessing Heliophysics Time Series Data
Authors=Robert S. Weigel; Jon Vandegriff; Jeremy Faden; Todd King; D Aaron Roberts;
Bernard Harris; Robert Candey; Nand Lal; Scott Boardsen;
Chris Lindholm; Doug Lindholm; Thomas Baltzer; Lawrence E. Brown; Eric W. Grimes; Baptiste
Cecconi; Vincent Gnot; Benjamin Renard; Arnaud
Masson; Beatriz Martinez; 
article=2021JA029534; doi=10.1029/2021JA029534; pubdate=18 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= CDAWeb 
Sample usage= SSCWeb 
Sample usage= https:// omniweb 

270. Title=An Unusually Large Electron Temperature Increase Over Arecibo Associated With
an Intense Geomagnetic Storm
Authors=Xiedong Lv; Yun Gong; Shaodong Zhang; Qihou Zhou; Zheng Ma; 
article=2021JA029836; doi=10.1029/2021JA029836; pubdate=18 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= was downloaded from the SPDF CDAWeb database
( The data  
Sample usage= were downloaded from the SPDF OmniWeb database
( The solar wind 
Sample usage= SYM-H were downloaded from the SPDF OmniWeb database
( The solar 

271. Title=On Optimum Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling Functions for Transpolar Voltage
and Planetary Geomagnetic Activity
Authors=Mike Lockwood; Kathryn A. McWilliams; 
article=2021JA029946; doi=10.1029/2021JA029946; pubdate=19 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ); satellite locations from 
Sample usage= NASAs satellite Situation Center https:// sscweb; the AL
index data 
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility http:// omniweb the
Themis-B data from 
Sample usage= 1-min resolution averages of the Omni dataset of near-Earth measurements of 
Sample usage= field B available from the Omni2 dataset for 19952020, inclusive (King 

272. Title=Terrestrial Resonant Oscillations During the 11 April 2012 Sumatra Doublet
Authors=Srinivas Nayak; Mala S. Bagiya; Satish Maurya; Nava Kumar Hazarika; A. S. Sunil
Kumar; D. S. V. V. D. Prasad; D. S. Ramesh; 
article=2021JA029169; doi=10.1029/2021JA029169; pubdate=19 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= (Feltens & Schaer,1998; Wienia,2008) (http:// cdaweb Each
map contains the 

273. Title=Determining Parameters of Whistler Waves Trapped in High-Density Ducts
Authors=Daniel D. Williams; Anatoly V. Streltsov; 
article=2021JA029228; doi=10.1029/2021JA029228; pubdate=21 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= from  and NASA CDAWeb . 

274. Title=Ion Convection as a Function of Distance to the Neutral Sheet in Earth's
Authors=Ghai Siung Chong; T. Pitknen; M. Hamrin; A. Schillings; 
article=2021JA029694; doi=10.1029/2021JA029694; pubdate=21 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= THEMIS data are available from CDAWeb , Cluster data are 

275. Title=Auroral Heating of Plasma Patches Due to High-Latitude Reconnection
Authors=Joaqun Daz Pea; Joshua Semeter; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Roger Varney; Ashton Reimer;
Marc Hairston; Matthew Zettergren; Michael Hirsch;
Olga Verkhoglyadova; Keisuke Hosokawa; Kazuo Shiokawa; 
article=2021JA029657; doi=10.1029/2021JA029657; pubdate=23 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI 
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb , and have been time-shifted 
Sample usage= were obtained from the NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb, and 
Sample usage= authors acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's
OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or 

276. Title=Statistics of the Intense Current Structure in the Dayside Magnetopause
Boundary Layer
Authors=Hengyan Man; Meng Zhou; Zhihong Zhong; Xiaohua Deng; Haimeng Li; 
article=2021JA029890; doi=10.1029/2021JA029890; pubdate=24 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= pressure is directly from the OMNI data (1-min resolution) provided by 
Sample usage= and the OMNI website (https:// spdf\_cdaweb/hro\_1min/). Acknowledgments 

277. Title=The Role of Diffuse Electron Precipitation in the Formation of Subauroral
Polarization Streams
Authors=Dong Lin; Kareem Sorathia; Wenbin Wang; Viacheslav Merkin; Shanshan Bao; Kevin
Pham; Michael Wiltberger; Xueling Shi; Frank
Toffoletto; Adam Michael; John Lyon; Jeffrey Garretson; Brian Anderson; 
article=2021JA029792; doi=10.1029/2021JA029792; pubdate=24 November 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= for March 17, 2013 from CDAWeb OMNI data product. 
Sample usage= March 17, 2013 from CDAWeb OMNI data product. 

278. Title=Electron Acceleration by Magnetosonic Waves in the Deep Inner Belt
(L = 1.5-2) Region During Geomagnetic Storm of
August 2018
Authors=Zhenxia Zhang; Zheng Xiang; Yongfu Wang; Binbin Ni; Xinqiao Li; 
article=2021JA029797; doi=10.1029/2021JA029797; pubdate=25 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= data were obtained from omni . 
Sample usage= data were obtained from https:// spdf 

279. Title=Study of Substorm-Related Auroral Absorption: Latitudinal Width and Factors
Affecting the Peak Intensity of Energetic Electron
Authors=A. V. Nikolaev; V. A. Sergeev; M. A. Shukhtina; E. Spanswick; D. D. Rogov; N. A.
article=2021JA029779; doi=10.1029/2021JA029779; pubdate=25 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Solar Wind data available from OMNIWeb at 

280. Title=Study of an Equatorward Detachment of Auroral Arc From the Oval Using
Ground-Space Observations and the BATS-R-US-CIMI Model
Authors=Sneha Yadav; K. Shiokawa; S. Oyama; Y. Inaba; N. Takahashi; K. Seki; K. Keika;
Tzu-Fang Chang; S. W. Y. Tam; B.-J. Wang; Y. Kazama;
S.-Y. Wang; K. Asamura; S. Kasahara; S. Yokota; T. Hori; Y. Kasaba; F. Tsuchiya; A.
Kumamoto; M. Shoji; Y. Kasahara; A. Matsuoka; S.
Matsuda; C.-W. Jun; S. Imajo; Y. Miyoshi; I. Shinohara; 
article=2020JA029080; doi=10.1029/2020JA029080; pubdate=26 November 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, FTPBrowser, SPDF
Sample usage= the DSCOVR L2 data https:// omniweb\_merged.html. The solar wind parameters 
Sample usage= the DSCOVR L2 data ftpbrowser
/dscovr\_merged.html. The solar wind parameters 
Sample usage= AU/AL index were obtained from SPDF , NASA, USA
(\_min\_def.html). The 

281. Title=Turning Instrument Background Into Science Data for Structural Features of
Radiation Belts
Authors=N. Yu. Ganushkina; I. Dandouras; M. W. Liemohn; H. Rme; J. Cao; 
article=2021JA030014; doi=10.1029/2021JA030014; pubdate=05 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= (5min) data were obtained from OMNIWeb (https://omniweb.
Variations of (a) 

282. Title=Impact of the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure on the Field-Aligned Currents in the
Magnetotail: Cluster Observation
Authors=Z. W. Cheng; J. K. Shi; K. Torkar; G. P. Lu; M. W. Dunlop; C. M. Carr; H. Rme; I.
Dandouras; A. Fazakerley; 
article=2021JA029785; doi=10.1029/2021JA029785; pubdate=05 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 
Sample usage= Dst) were obtained from the OMNI database. Cluster consists of four 
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 

283. Title=Observational Properties of 15MLT-PCA in the Southern Hemisphere and the
Switching Effects of IMF By on 15MLT-PCA Occurrence
Authors=Hui-Ting Feng; De-Sheng Han; Hui-Xuan Qiu; Run Shi; Hui-Gen Yang; Y.-L. Zhang; 
article=2021JA029140; doi=10.1029/2021JA029140; pubdate=05 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= OMNI Web service at https:// cdaweb . 
Sample usage= were also used. The 1-min OMNI data used in this work 
Sample usage= the use of NASA/ GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNI Web service at 

284. Title=Transmission of an ICME Sheath Into the Earth's Magnetosheath and the
Occurrence of Traveling Foreshocks
Authors=Matti Ala-Lahti; Andrew P. Dimmock; Tuija I. Pulkkinen; Simon W. Good; Emilya
Yordanova; Lucile Turc; Emilia K. J. Kilpua; 
article=2021JA029896; doi=10.1029/2021JA029896; pubdate=07 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb , The
investigated magnetic 

285. Title=Field-Aligned Current During an Interval of BY-Dominated Interplanetary-Field;
Modeled-to-Observed Comparisons
Authors=J. A. Carter; A. A. Samsonov; S. E. Milan; G. Branduardi-Raymont; A. J. Ridley; L.
J. Paxton; B. J. Anderson; C. L. Waters; T.
article=2021JA029722; doi=10.1029/2021JA029722; pubdate=08 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= the NASA/GSFC OMNI facility (http:// omniweb, and included
the geomagnetic 
Sample usage= wind conditions, as taken from OMNI data (King & Papitashvili,2005), that 

286. Title=MLT-Dependence of Sustained Spectral Gaps of Proton and Oxygen in the Inner
Authors=Chao Yue; Ying Liu; Xuzhi Zhou; Qiu-Gang Zong; Geoffrey D. Reeves; Harlan E.
article=2021JA029935; doi=10.1029/2021JA029935; pubdate=09 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= providing the OMNI data (https:// cdaweb html/) and
the GFZ 
Sample usage= Flight Center for providing the OMNI data
( html/) and the 
Sample usage= number NAS5-01072; They thank the Space Physics Data Facility at the NASA
Goddard Space 

287. Title=Multi-Point Observations of Modulated Whistler-Mode Waves and Energetic
Electron Precipitation
Authors=Murong Qin; Wen Li; Qianli Ma; Leslie Woodger; Robyn Millan; Xiao-Chen Shen; Luisa
article=2021JA029505; doi=10.1029/2021JA029505; pubdate=10 December 2021
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= data are available from https:// spdf
The data for the 

288. Title=HEPPA III Intercomparison Experiment on Electron Precipitation Impacts: 1.
Estimated Ionization Rates During a Geomagnetic Active
Period in April 2010
Authors=H. Nesse Tyssy; M. Sinnhuber; T. Asikainen; S. Bender; M. A. Clilverd; B. Funke;
M. van de Kamp; J. M. Pettit; C. E. Randall; T.
Reddmann; C. J. Rodger; E. Rozanov; C. Smith-Johnsen; T. Sukhodolov; P. T. Verronen; J. M.
Wissing; O. Yakovchuk; 
article=2021JA029128; doi=10.1029/2021JA029128; pubdate=11 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= from the NASA OMNIWeb (http:// cdaweb Furthermore, the
AIMOS and 
Sample usage= are obtained from the NASA OMNIWeb (
Furthermore, the AIMOS and 

289. Title=Ionospheric Current Variations by Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis: Solar
Activity Dependence and Longitudinal Differences
Authors=Charles Owolabi; Haibing Ruan; Y. Yamazaki; R. O. Kaka; O. O. Akinola; Akimasa
article=2021JA029903; doi=10.1029/2021JA029903; pubdate=13 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface. The quasi-magnetic latitude
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface. The quasi-magnetic

290. Title=Average Ring Current Response to Solar Wind Drivers: Statistical Analysis of
61 Days of ENA Images
Authors=J. Goldstein; P. W. Valek; D. J. McComas; J. Redfern; 
article=2021JA029938; doi=10.1029/2021JA029938; pubdate=13 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( CDAWeb ) ( Dst
data are 
Sample usage= 1 and TWINS 2, and OMNI -propagated solar wind and IMF 
Sample usage= Earth's bow shock by the SPDF /OMNI data service. In this 

291. Title=Massive Multi-Mission Statistical Study and Analytical Modeling of the Earth's
Magnetopause: 1. A Gradient Boosting Based
Automatic Detection of Near-Earth Regions
Authors=G. Nguyen; N. Aunai; B. Michotte de Welle; A. Jeandet; B. Lavraud; D. Fontaine; 
article=2021JA029773; doi=10.1029/2021JA029773; pubdate=14 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis web (https:// cdaweb
index.html/). Cluster and Double 
Sample usage= that we obtained from the OMNI data shifted from the actual 

292. Title=Massive Multi-Mission Statistical Study and Analytical Modeling of the Earth's
Magnetopause: 3. An Asymmetric Non Indented
Magnetopause Analytical Model
Authors=G. Nguyen; N. Aunai; B. Michotte de Welle; A. Jeandet; B. Lavraud; D. Fontaine; 
article=2021JA030112; doi=10.1029/2021JA030112; pubdate=16 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis web (https:// cdaweb
index.html/). Cluster and Double 
Sample usage= each crossings were obtained from OMNI data by applying the two-step 

293. Title=Massive Multi-Mission Statistical Study and Analytical Modeling of the Earth's
Magnetopause: 2. Shape and Location
Authors=G. Nguyen; N. Aunai; B. Michotte de Welle; A. Jeandet; B. Lavraud; D. Fontaine; 
article=2021JA029774; doi=10.1029/2021JA029774; pubdate=16 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis web (https:// cdaweb
index.html/). Cluster and Double 
Sample usage= with a temporal shift of OMNI data. We determine this shift 

294. Title=Suppression of Ionospheric Irregularity Due to Auroral Particle Impact
Authors=Toru Takahashi; Andres Spicher; Francesca Di Mare; Douglas E. Rowland; Robert F.
Pfaff; Michael R. Collier; Lasse Boy Novock
Clausen; Jran Idar Moen; 
article=2020JA028725; doi=10.1029/2020JA028725; pubdate=16 December 2021
Keywords found: ModelWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, 
Sample usage= can be downloaded from modelweb
/models/iri2012\_vitmo.php. The rocket data are 
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility, https:// spdf The m-NLP data
Sample usage= are being archived on the Space Physics Data Facility , The m-NLP data 

295. Title=Low-Latitude Zonal Ion Drifts and Their Relationship With Subauroral
Polarization Streams and Auroral Return Flows During Intense
Magnetic Storms
Authors=Chao-Song Huang; Yongliang Zhang; Wenbin Wang; Dong Lin; Qian Wu; 
article=2021JA030001; doi=10.1029/2021JA030001; pubdate=16 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center (https:// omniweb for providing
solar wind 

296. Title=Identification of Controlling Geomagnetic and Solar Wind Factors for
Magnetospheric Chorus Intensity Using Feature Selection
Authors=Yingjie Guo; Binbin Ni; Song Fu; Dedong Wang; Y. Y. Shprits; I. S. Zhelavskaya;
Minghang Feng; Deyu Guo; 
article=2021JA029926; doi=10.1029/2021JA029926; pubdate=16 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from the OMNI website (http:// omniweb, and geomagnetic
indices from 
Sample usage= solar wind data from the OMNI website (, and
geomagnetic indices 

297. Title=Massive Multi-Mission Statistical Study and Analytical Modeling of the Earth's
Magnetopause: 4. On the Near-Cusp Magnetopause
Authors=G. Nguyen; N. Aunai; B. Michotte de Welle; A. Jeandet; B. Lavraud; D. Fontaine; 
article=2021JA029776; doi=10.1029/2021JA029776; pubdate=16 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis web (https:// cdaweb
index.html/). Cluster and Double 
Sample usage= with a temporal shift of OMNI data determined by applying the 

298. Title=The Response of the D and E Regions of the Equatorial Ionosphere to Solar Flare
Authors=P. G. Gopika; K. M. Ambili; R. K. Choudhary; 
article=2021JA029350; doi=10.1029/2021JA029350; pubdate=16 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, 
Sample usage= Incoherent Scatter radar-E90(MSIS-E90) model (http:// omniweb vitm0/msis\_vitmo.html). The altitude profile 
Sample usage= ion and electron temperature ( modelweb
/models/iri\_vitmo.php). The SOLAR 2000 model 

299. Title=Ionospheric Disturbances and Irregularities During the 25-26 August 2018
Geomagnetic Storm
Authors=E. Astafyeva; Y. V. Yasyukevich; B. Maletckii; A. Oinats; A. Vesnin; A. S.
Yasyukevich; S. Syrovatskii; N. Guendouz; 
article=2021JA029843; doi=10.1029/2021JA029843; pubdate=18 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service (https://omniweb. for the 
Sample usage= The authors acknowledge the NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's
OMNIWeb service (https://omniweb. 

300. Title=On the Interplay Between Solar Wind Parameters and ULF Wave Power as a Function
of Geomagnetic Activity at High- and
Authors=Stavros Dimitrakoudis; Ian R. Mann; Georgios Balasis; Constantinos Papadimitriou;
Anastasios Anastasiadis; Ioannis A. Daglis; 
article=2021JA029693; doi=10.1029/2021JA029693; pubdate=19 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI 
Sample usage= OMNI data are available at: omniweb .gsfc. 
Sample usage=  using data from the OMNI database (King Those measurements were 
Sample usage= also acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 's OMNIWeb
(or CDAWeb or 

301. Title=Comment on "Properties of the Recovery Phase of Extreme Storms" by Choraghe
et al. (2021)
Authors=C. Cid; E. Saiz; 
article=2021JA029999; doi=10.1029/2021JA029999; pubdate=20 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= plot data available from the OMNIweb database. This database is the 
Sample usage= We acknowledge the use of OMNI database as source of interplanetary 

302. Title=Transport Path of Cold-Dense Plasmas in the Dusk Magnetotail Plasma Sheet: MMS
Authors=M. N. Nishino; H. Hasegawa; Y. Saito; N. Kitamura; Y. Miyashita; T. Nagai; S.
Yokota; C. T. Russell; D. J. Gershman; B. L. Giles; 
article=2021JA029747; doi=10.1029/2021JA029747; pubdate=23 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= providing solar wind data through CDAWeb at NASA. Finally, Kazushi Asamura 
Sample usage= the duskside. We used the OMNI solar wind data as upstream 

303. Title=Proton Temperature Anisotropies in the Venus Plasma Environment During Solar
Minimum and Maximum
Authors=Sebastin Rojas Mata; Gabriella Stenberg Wieser; Yoshifumi Futaana; Alexander
Bader; Moa Persson; Andrey Fedorov; Tielong Zhang; 
article=2021JA029611; doi=10.1029/2021JA029611; pubdate=24 December 2021
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= activity: Analysis of 36-year long OMNI dataset. Geophysical Research
Letters, 27(17), 

304. Title=A Statistical Study of the Solar Wind Dependence of Multi-Harmonic Toroidal ULF
Waves Observed by the Arase Satellite
Authors=K. Yamamoto; K. Seki; A. Matsuoka; S. Imajo; M. Teramoto; M. Kitahara; Y.
Kasahara; A. Kumamoto; F. Tsuchiya; M. Shoji; S. Nakamura;
Y. Miyoshi; I. Shinohara; 
article=2021JA029840; doi=10.1029/2021JA029840; pubdate=28 December 2021
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= WIND satellite are available at CDAWeb
( Acknowledgments 
Sample usage= data were obtained from the OMNIWeb database to study the relation 
Sample usage= WIND satellite (Lin etal.,1995). The OMNI data have been time-shifted to 


**Science Enabled Research Papers in [Geophysical Research Letters]( for 2021**

1\. Kataoka, R. and Nakano, S., “Reconstructing Solar Wind Profiles Associated With Extreme
Magnetic Storms: A Machine Learning Approach”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no.
23, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL096275.

2. Rubtsov, A. V., Mikhailova, O. S., Mager, P. N., Klimushkin, D. Y., Ren, J., and Zong,
Q.-G., “Multispacecraft Observation of the Presubstorm Long-Lasting Poloidal ULF Wave”,
Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 23, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL096182.

3. Zhang, H., “A Meandering Lunar Wake Produced by the Pickup of Reflected Solar-Wind
Ions”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 24, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL096039.

4. Sibeck, D. G., Collier, M. R., and Silveira, M. V. D., “Neutral Densities in the Outer
Exosphere Near the Subsolar Magnetopause”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 23,
2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL093383.

5. Guo, D., “Bounce Resonance Scattering of Radiation Belt Energetic Electrons by
Extremely Low-Frequency Chorus Waves”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 22,
2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL095714.

6.Turner, D. L., “Can Earth's Magnetotail Plasma Sheet Produce a Source of Relativistic
Electrons for the Radiation Belts?”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 21, 2021.

7. Zhu, H., Chen, L., Artemyev, A. V., Zhang, X.-J., and Breneman, A. W., “Superposed
Epoch Analyses of Electron-Driven and Proton-Driven Magnetic Dips”, Geophysical Research
Letters, vol. 48, no. 21, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL094934.

8. Kunduri, B. S. R., “An Examination of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Influences During a SAPS
Event”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 19, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL095751.

9. Liu, L., Morton, Y. J., and Liu, Y., “Machine Learning Prediction of Storm-Time
High-Latitude Ionospheric Irregularities From GNSS-Derived ROTI Maps”, Geophysical
Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 20, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL095561.

10. Li, G., “Constraints on the Electron Acceleration Process in Solar Flare: A Case
Study”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 20, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL095138.

11. Fu, H., “Frequency-Dependent Responses of Plasmaspheric Hiss to the Impact of an
Interplanetary Shock”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 20, 2021.

12. Michael, A. T., “Modeling Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the High-Latitude Boundary
Layer in a Global Magnetosphere Simulation”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no.
19, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL094002.

13. Wang, H., Lühr, H., and Zhang, K. D., “Longitudinal Variation in the Thermospheric
Superrotation: CHAMP Observation and TIE-GCM Simulation”, Geophysical Research Letters,
vol. 48, no. 18, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL095439.

14. Harada, Y., “Global Maps of Solar Wind Electron Modification by Electrostatic Waves
Above the Lunar Day Side: Kaguya Observations”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no.
17, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL095260.

15. Knipp, D., Kilcommons, L., Hairston, M., and Coley, W. R., “Hemispheric Asymmetries in
Poynting Flux Derived From DMSP Spacecraft”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no.
17, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL094781.

16. Liu, G., “Evaluation of Atmospheric 3-Day Waves as a Source of Day-to-Day Variation of
the Ionospheric Longitudinal Structure”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 15,
2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL094877.

17. Nurhan, Y. I., Johnson, J. R., Homan, J. R., Wing, S., and Aschwanden, M. J., “Role of
the Solar Minimum in the Waiting Time Distribution Throughout the Heliosphere”,
Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 16, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL094348.

18. Laskar, F. I., “Response of GOLD Retrieved Thermospheric Temperatures to Geomagnetic
Activities of Varying Magnitudes”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 15, 2021.

19. Teng, S., Ma, Q., and Tao, X., “Simultaneous Observations and Combined Effects of
Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Magnetosonic Waves”, Geophysical Research Letters,
vol. 48, no. 16, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL093885.

20. Katsavrias, C., Raptis, S., Daglis, I. A., Karlsson, T., Georgiou, M., and Balasis,
G., “On the Generation of Pi2 Pulsations due to Plasma Flow Patterns Around Magnetosheath
Jets”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 15, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL093611.

21. Sergeev, V. A., Sun, W., Yang, J., and Panov, E. V., “Manifestations of Magnetotail
Flow Channels in Energetic Particle Signatures at Low-Altitude Orbit”, Geophysical
Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 15, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL093543.

22. Liu, X., Gu, W., Xia, Z., Chen, L., and Horne, R. B., “Frequency-Dependent Modulation
of Whistler-Mode Waves by Density Irregularities During the Recovery Phase of a
Geomagnetic Storm”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 16, 2021.

23. Zhai, C., “Characterization of High-m ULF Wave Signatures in GPS TEC Data”,
Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 14, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL094282.

24. Liu, Z.-Y., Wang, B., Zong, Q.-G., Yao, S. T., Pollock, C. J., and Le, G., “Thermal
Electron Behavior in Obliquely Propagating Whistler Waves: MMS Observations in the Solar
Wind”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 14, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL094099.

25. Sun, W., Sadeghzadeh, S., Yang, J., Wang, W., and Cui, J., “Development of Multiple
Injection Channels During a Sawtooth Substorm Event”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.
48, no. 13, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL094097.

26. Yan, L., Cao, X., Hua, M., Ni, B., and Zhang, Y., “Statistics of Magnetosonic Waves in
the Slot Region Observed by Van Allen Probes”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no.
14, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL094015.

27. Xie, L., “Inside a Lunar Mini-Magnetosphere: First Energetic Neutral Atom Measurements
on the Lunar Surface”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 14, 2021.

28. Ren, J., “The Link Between Wedge-Like and Nose-Like Ion Spectral Structures in the
Inner Magnetosphere”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 13, 2021.

29. Gomez, R. G., “Multipoint Density Measurements of Geocoronal Pickup Ions”, Geophysical
Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 13, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL093695.

30. Kajdič, P., Raptis, S., Blanco-Cano, X., and Karlsson, T., “Causes of Jets in the
Quasi-Perpendicular Magnetosheath”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 13, 2021.

31. Zhou, Y.-J., He, F., Zhang, X.-X., Yao, Z.-H., Wei, Y., and Zhang, Y.-L., “Statistical
Characteristics of Giant Undulations During Geomagnetic Storms”, Geophysical Research
Letters, vol. 48, no. 13, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL093098.

32. Yamazaki, Y., Harding, B. J., Stolle, C., and Matzka, J., “Neutral Wind Profiles
During Periods of Eastward and Westward Equatorial Electrojet”, Geophysical Research
Letters, vol. 48, no. 11, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL093567.

33. Cai, X., “Variations in Thermosphere Composition and Ionosphere Total Electron Content
Under "Geomagnetically Quiet" Conditions at Solar-Minimum”, Geophysical Research Letters,
vol. 48, no. 11, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL093300.

34. Blum, L. W., “Prompt Response of the Dayside Magnetosphere to Discrete Structures
Within the Sheath Region of a Coronal Mass Ejection”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.
48, no. 11, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL092700.

35. Liuzzo, L., Poppe, A. R., Halekas, J. S., Simon, S., and Cao, X., “Investigating the
Moon's Interaction With the Terrestrial Magnetotail Lobe Plasma”, Geophysical Research
Letters, vol. 48, no. 9, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL093566.

36. Kim, H.-J., “Rapid Injections of MeV Electrons and Extremely Fast Step Like Outer
Radiation Belt Enhancements”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 9, 2021.

37. Nykyri, K., “Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of the Source Region of Energetic
Electron Microinjections Along the Duskside, High Latitude Magnetopause Boundary Layer”,
Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 9, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL092466.

38. Collinson, G. A., Ramstad, R., Glocer, A., Wilson, L., and Brosius, A., “Depleted
Plasma Densities in the Ionosphere of Venus Near Solar Minimum From Parker Solar Probe
Observations of Upper Hybrid Resonance Emission”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48,
no. 9, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL092243.

39. Yin, Z.-F., “Inner Magnetospheric Magnetic Dips and Energetic Protons Trapped Therein:
Multi Spacecraft Observations and Simulations”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no.
7, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL092567.

40. Zhang, H., “Whistler Wings and Reflected Particles During Solar Wind Interaction of
Lunar Magnetic Anomalies”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 8, 2021.

41. Qiu, H.-X., Han, D.-S., Feng, H.-T., Shi, R., Zhou, S., and Zhang, Y.-L., “The
Critical Factor in Controlling the Auroral Intensity in the Cusp Region as Revealed by a
Statistical Study on Midday Gap and Non Gap Events”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.
48, no. 8, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL092414.

42. Ke, Y., “Whistler Mode Waves Trapped by Density Irregularities in the Earth's
Magnetosphere”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 7, 2021.

43. Meredith, N. P., Bortnik, J., Horne, R. B., Li, W., and Shen, X.-C., “Statistical
Investigation of the Frequency Dependence of the Chorus Source Mechanism of Plasmaspheric
Hiss”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 6, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021GL092725.

44. Teng, S., Liu, N., Ma, Q., Tao, X., and Li, W., “Direct Observational Evidence of the
Simultaneous Excitation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Magnetosonic Waves by
an Anisotropic Proton Ring Distribution”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 8,
2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL091850.

45. Kieokaew, R., “Statistical Relationship Between Interplanetary Magnetic Field
Conditions and the Helicity Sign of Flux Transfer Event Flux Ropes”, Geophysical Research
Letters, vol. 48, no. 6, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL091257.

46. Kazama, Y., “Extremely Collimated Electron Beams in the High Latitude Magnetosphere
Observed by Arase”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 5, 2021.

47. Schwartz, S. J., “Energy Conversion Within Current Sheets in the Earth's Quasi
Parallel Magnetosheath”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 4, 2021.

48. Wei, D., Dunlop, M. W., Yang, J., Dong, X., Yu, Y., and Wang, T., “Intense dB/dt
Variations Driven by Near Earth Bursty Bulk Flows (BBFs): A Case Study”, Geophysical
Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 4, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL091781.

49. Bingham, S. T., “Evidence for Nonadiabatic Oxygen Energization in the Near Earth
Magnetotail From MMS”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 4, 2021.

50. Yi, J., “Global Distribution of Reversed Energy Spectra of Ring Current Protons Based
on Van Allen Probes Observations”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 4, 2021.

51. Keesee, A. M., Buzulukova, N., Mouikis, C., and Scime, E. E., “Mesoscale Structures in
Earth's Magnetotail Observed Using Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging”, Geophysical Research
Letters, vol. 48, no. 3, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL091467.

52. Allen, R. C., “Radial Evolution of a CIR: Observations From a Nearly Radially Aligned
Event Between Parker Solar Probe and STEREO A”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no.
3, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL091376.

53. Hua, M., “Statistical Distribution of Bifurcation of Earth's Inner Energetic Electron
Belt at Tens of keV”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 3, 2021.

54. Grison, B., Santolík, O., Lukačevič, J., and Usanova, M. E., “Occurrence of EMIC Waves
in the Magnetosphere According to Their Distance to the Magnetopause”, Geophysical
Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 3, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL090921.

55. Yi, W., “First Observations of Antarctic Mesospheric Tidal Wind Responses to Recurrent
Geomagnetic Activity”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 4, 2021.

56. Lipatov, A. S., Avanov, L. A., and Giles, B. L., “Particle Acceleration by Dense
Impulsive Structures Moving in Ambient Magnetospheric Plasma. 3 D Hybrid Kinetic Modeling
and MMS Observations”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 3, 2021.

57. Xue, Z., Yuan, Z., and Yu, X., “Prompt Emergence and Disappearance of EMIC Waves
Driven by the Sequentially Enhanced Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure”, Geophysical Research
Letters, vol. 48, no. 2, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL091479.

58. Liu, T. Z., Hao, Y., Wilson, L. B., Turner, D. L., and Zhang, H., “Magnetospheric
Multiscale Observations of Earth's Oblique Bow Shock Reformation by Foreshock
Ultralow-Frequency Waves”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 2, 2021.

59. Panka, P. A., “Simultaneous Retrievals of Nighttime O(3P) and Total OH
Densities From Satellite Observations of Meinel Band Emissions”, Geophysical Research
Letters, vol. 48, no. 1, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL091053.

60. Chen, L.-J., “Solitary Magnetic Structures at Quasi-Parallel Collisionless Shocks:
Formation”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 1, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL090800.

61. Bowen, T. A., “Kinetic-Scale Turbulence in the Venusian Magnetosheath”, Geophysical
Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 2, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL090783.

62. Lena, F. R., Ozeke, L. G., Wygant, J. R., Tian, S., Breneman, A. W., and Mann, I. R.,
“Detection of Hertz Frequency Multiharmonic Field Line Resonances at Low-L (L = 1.1-1.5)
During Van Allen Probe Perigee Passes”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 1,
2021. doi:10.1029/2020GL090632.


**Science Enabled Research Papers in [Radio Science]( for 2021**

1\. Tariku, Y. A., “The Geomagnetic Storm Time Response of the Mid Latitude Ionosphere
During Solar Cycle 24”, Radio Science, vol. 56, no. 12, 2021.

2. Conroy, J. P., Deshpande, K., Kunduri, B., Varney, R. H., Scales, W., and Zaghloul, A.,
“Ionospheric Scintillation Data Inversion to Characterize the Structures Associated With a
Series of Polar Cap Patches”, Radio Science, vol. 56, no. 8, 2021.

3. Silwal, A., “Global Positioning System Observations of Ionospheric Total Electron
Content Variations During the 15th January 2010 and 21st June 2020 Solar Eclipse”,
Radio Science, vol. 56, no. 5, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020RS007215.

4. Tilahun, S., “C/NOFS, COSMIC and GNSS Observations of Plasma Irregularity During the
Evening and Nighttimes in East African Sector”, Radio Science, vol. 56, no. 4,
2021. doi:10.1029/2019RS007032.

5. Tilahun, S., “Estimating the Daytime Vertical E × B Drift From Magnetometer and C/NOFS
Measurements and Comparison With Empirical Models Over the East African Sector”, _Radio Science_, vol. 56, no. 2, 2021. doi:10.1029/2019RS007037.


**Science Enabled Research Papers in [Earth and Space Science]( for 2021**

1\. Lomidze, L., Burchill, J. K., Knudsen, D. J., and Huba, J. D., “Estimation of Ion
Temperature in the Upper Ionosphere Along the Swarm Satellite Orbits”, Earth and Space
Science, vol. 8, no. 11, 2021. doi:10.1029/2021EA001925.

2. Olifer, L., “Swarm Observations of Dawn/Dusk Asymmetries Between Pedersen Conductance
in Upward and Downward Field-Aligned Current Regions”, Earth and Space Science,
vol. 8, no. 7, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020EA001167.

3. Bloch, T., Watt, C. E. J., Owens, M. J., Thompson, R. L., and Agiwal, O., “Constraining
the Location of the Outer Boundary of Earth's Outer Radiation Belt”, _Earth and Space Science_, vol. 8, no. 6, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020EA001610.

4. de Paula, E. R., “Performance of 6 Different Global Navigation Satellite System
Receivers at Low Latitude Under Moderate and Strong Scintillation”, _Earth and Space Science_, vol. 8, no. 2, 2021. doi:10.1029/2020EA001314.


**Science Enabled Research Papers in [Solar Physics]( for 2021**


1\. Verbanac, G. and Bandić, M., “Origin and Characteristics of the Southward Component of
the Interplanetary Magnetic Field”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 12, 2021.

2. Nampoothiri, G. G., Thampi, R. S., Thampi, S. V., Pant, T. K., and Abhishek, J. K.,
“Nature and Variability of the Electron Velocity Distribution Functions and the
Nonequilibrium Boltzmann Entropy in the Solar Wind at the First Lagrangian (L1) Point
During the Halo CME Event on 25 July 2004”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 11, 2021.

3. Choi, K.-E., Lee, D.-Y., Wang, H.-E., Lee, S., Kim, K.-C., and Park, K. S.,
“Characteristics of Suprathermal Electrons in Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their
Implications on the Magnetic Connection to the Sun”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no.
10, 2021. doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01888-0.

4. Gil, A., Modzelewska, R., Wawrzaszek, A., Piekart, B., and Milosz, T., “Solar Rotation
Multiples in Space-Weather Effects”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 8, 2021.

5. Modzelewska, R., Krasińska, A., Wawrzaszek, A., and Gil, A., “Scaling Features of
Diurnal Variation of Galactic Cosmic Rays”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 8, 2021.

6. Castillo, Y., Pais, M. A., Fernandes, J., Ribeiro, P., Morozova, A. L., and Pinheiro,
F. J. G., “Relating 27-Day Averages of Solar, Interplanetary Medium Parameters, and
Geomagnetic Activity Proxies in Solar Cycle 24”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 7,
2021. doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01856-8.

7. Čalogović, J., “Probabilistic Drag-Based Ensemble Model (DBEM) Evaluation for
Heliospheric Propagation of CMEs”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 7, 2021.

8. Hu, Q., “Optimal Fitting of the Freidberg Solution to In Situ Spacecraft Measurements
of Magnetic Clouds”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 6, 2021.

9. Papailiou, M., “Precursory Signs of Large Forbush Decreases”, Solar Physics,
vol. 296, no. 6, 2021. doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01844-y.

10. Alvarez, C., “HAWC as a Ground-Based Space-Weather Observatory”, Solar Physics,
vol. 296, no. 6, 2021. doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01827-z.

11. Webster, L., Vainchtein, D., and Artemyev, A., “Solar Wind Discontinuity Interaction
with the Bow Shock: Current Density Growth and Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry”, Solar Physics,
vol. 296, no. 6, 2021. doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01824-2.

12. Rast, M. P., “Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST)”,
Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 4, 2021. doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01789-2.

13. de Pablos, D., Long, D. M., Owen, C. J., Valori, G., Nicolaou, G., and Harra, L. K.,
“Matching Temporal Signatures of Solar Features to Their Corresponding Solar-Wind
Outflows”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 4, 2021. doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01813-5.

14. Alterman, B. L., Kasper, J. C., Leamon, R. J., and McIntosh, S. W., “Solar Wind Helium
Abundance Heralds Solar Cycle Onset”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 4, 2021.

15. Hajra, R., “September 2017 Space-Weather Events: A Study on Magnetic Reconnection and
Geoeffectiveness”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 3, 2021.

16. Hajra, R., “Weakest Solar Cycle of the Space Age: A Study on Solar Wind-Magnetosphere
Energy Coupling and Geomagnetic Activity”, Solar Physics, vol. 296, no. 2, 2021.

17. Kiran, K., Ajithprasad, K. C., Ananda Kumar, V. M., and Harikrishnan, K. P.,
“Nonlinear Analysis of Radial Evolution of Solar Wind in the Inner Heliosphere”, _Solar Physics_, vol. 296, no. 1, 2021. doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01761-0.


**Science Enabled Research Papers in [Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics](
physics) for 2021**


1\. Shepherd, G. G., Billett, D., Shepherd, M. G., and McWilliams, K. A., “SuperDARN,
WINDII and WACCM-X neutral and ion winds observed at high latitudes during geomagnetic
disturbances”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 225,
2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105773.
2. Zhu, M., Yu, Y., and Jordanova, V. K., “Simulating the effects of warm O+ ions on the
growth of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 224, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105737.
3. Chidinma, O. E., Yan, Y.-. hua ., Yin, Z., Kingsley, O. U., and Nneka, O. F., “Impact
of solar and geomagnetic activities on total column ozone in China”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 223, 2021.
4. Picanço, G. A. S., “Equatorial ionospheric response to storm-time electric fields
during two intense geomagnetic storms over the Brazilian region using a Disturbance
Ionosphere indeX”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 223,
2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105734.
5. Kravtsova, M. V., Olemskoy, S. V., and Sdobnov, V. E., “Ground level enhancements of
cosmic rays on October-November 2003”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 221, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105707.
6. Gulyaeva, T., Haralambous, H., and Stanislawska, I., “Persistent perturbations of
ionosphere at diminution of solar and geomagnetic activity during 21-24 solar cycles”,
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 221, 2021.
7. Habarulema, J. B., “A global 3-D electron density reconstruction model based on radio
occultation data and neural networks”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 221, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105702.
8. Bussy-Virat, C. D. and Ridley, A. J., “Estimation of the thermospheric density using
ephemerides of the CYGNSS and Swarm constellations”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 221, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105687.
9. Okoh, D. I., “An experimental investigation into the possible connections between the
zonal neutral wind speeds and equatorial plasma bubble drift velocities over the African
equatorial region”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 220,
2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105663.
10. Moretto, T., Hesse, M., Kuznetsova, M., Rastätter, L., Vennerstrøm, S., and Tenfjord,
P., “How does the magnetosphere go to sleep?”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 220, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105626.
11. Liemohn, M. W., Shane, A. D., Azari, A. R., Petersen, A. K., Swiger, B. M., and
Mukhopadhyay, A., “RMSE is not enough: Guidelines to robust data-model comparisons for
magnetospheric physics”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol.
218, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105624.
12. Otto, A. and Zhang, H., “Bow shock transients caused by solar wind dynamic pressure
depletions”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 218, 2021.
13. Alberti, T., Consolini, G., and De Michelis, P., “Complexity measures of geomagnetic
indices in the last two solar cycles”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 217, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105583.
14. Staszak, T., “Turbulence generated small-scale structures as PMWE formation mechanism:
Results from a rocket campaign”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 217, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105559.
15. Wu, M., Xu, X., Li, F., Guo, P., and Fu, N., “Plasmaspheric scale height modeling
based on COSMIC radio occultation data”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 217, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105555.
16. Consolini, G., “High-latitude polar pattern of ionospheric electron density: Scaling
features and IMF dependence”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,
vol. 217, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105531.
17. Ferradas, C. P., “The effects of the location and the timing of local convection
electric field enhancements in the formation of ion multiple-nose structures”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 216, 2021.
18. Gong, Y., Lv, X., Zhang, S., Zhou, Q., and Ma, Z., “Climatology and seasonal variation
of the thermospheric tides and their response to solar activities over Arecibo”,
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 215, 2021.
19. Muñoz, V., Domínguez, M., Nigro, G., Riquelme, M., and Carbone, V., “Fractality of an
MHD shell model for turbulent plasma driven by solar wind data: A review”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 214, 2021.
20. Li, Z., Elkington, S., Hudson, M., Patel, M., Boyd, A., and Wygant, J., “Modeling
advective transport of radiation belt electrons”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 214, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105509.
21. Burke, W. J. and Lai, P.-C., “Early main-phase electrodynamics of the ring current
inferred from DMSP”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol.
213, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105523.
22. Klausner, V., “Principal component analysis in the modeling of HILDCAAs during the
Solar Minimum of Cycle 23/24”, _Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics_, vol. 213, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105516.
23. Dinsmore, R., “Multi-instrument observations of SCIPS: 1. ISR and GPS TEC results”,
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 213, 2021.
24. Stepanova, M., Pinto, V. A., and Antonova, E. E., “Adiabatic and non-adiabatic
evolution of relativistic electrons in the heart of the outer radiation belt during the 1
June 2013 geomagnetic storm”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,
vol. 212, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105479.


**Science Enabled Research Papers in [Advances in Space Research]( for 2021**


1\. Li, W., “Adaptation of the NeQuick2 model for GNSS wide-area ionospheric delay
correction in China and the surrounding areas”, Advances in Space Research, vol.
68, no. 12, pp. 4884–4897, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2020.11.016.

2. Dey, A., Joshi, L. M., Chhibba, R., and Sharma, N., “A study of ionospheric effects on
IRNSS/NavIC positioning at equatorial latitudes”, Advances in Space Research, vol.
68, no. 12, pp. 4872–4883, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2020.09.038.

3. Hammou Ali, O., Zaourar, N., Fleury, R., and Amory-Mazaudier, C., “Transient variations
of vertical total electron content at low latitude during the period 2013-2017”,
Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 4857–4871, 2021.

4. Badruddin, B., Aslam, O. P. M., Derouich, M., and Qutub, S., “Study of the development
and mechanism of large amplitude decreases in cosmic ray intensity during geomagnetic
disturbances in the magnetosphere”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 11,
pp. 4702–4712, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.08.019.

5. Sousasantos, J., Abdu, M. A., Moraes, A. O., Vani, B. C., Silva, R. P., and Sobral, J.
H. A., “Long-lasting stagnant equatorial plasma bubble event and the related scintillation
over the Brazilian region”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 11, pp.
4678–4690, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.08.040.

6. Getahun, B. and Nigussie, M., “Performance of GPS-TEC assisted NTCM-model to describe
the East-African equatorial ionosphere”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no.
11, pp. 4665–4677, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.08.029.

7. Park, S. M., Ryu, K., and Min, K., “Ionospheric anomalies related to strong earthquakes
in North America as observed by TEC”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 10,
pp. 4137–4154, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.07.026.

8. Aswathy, R. P. and Manju, G., “Equatorial Ionization Anomaly crest magnitude and its
implications on the nocturnal equatorial ionospheric plasma irregularity characteristics”,
Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 10, pp. 4129–4136, 2021.

9. Zhang, B., “A single station ionospheric empirical model using GPS-TEC observations
based on nonlinear least square estimation method”, Advances in Space Research,
vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 3821–3834, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.07.017.

10. Aa, E., Zhang, S.-R., Shen, H., Liu, S., and Li, J., “Local and conjugate ionospheric
total electron content variation during the 21 June 2020 solar eclipse”, _Advances in Space Research_, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 3435–3454, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.06.015.

11. Simi, K. G., “Responses of the Indian Equatorial Ionization Anomaly to two CME-induced
geomagnetic storms during the peak phase of solar cycle 24”, _Advances in Space Research_, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 3417–3434, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.06.013.

12. Feng, J., Zhang, T., Han, B., and Zhao, Z., “Analysis of spatiotemporal
characteristics of internal coincidence accuracy in global TEC grid data”, _Advances in Space Research_, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 3365–3380, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.06.002.

13. Mosotho, M. G. and Strauss, R. D., “The use and validation of the Convection-Diffusion
approximation in cosmic-rays modulation studies”, Advances in Space Research, vol.
68, no. 7, pp. 2974–2987, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.06.001.

14. Petrakou, E., “Planetary statistics and forecasting for solar flares”, _Advances in Space Research_, vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 2963–2973, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.05.034.

15. Maghrabi, A., Aldosari, A., and Almutairi, M., “Correlation analyses between solar
activity parameters and cosmic ray muons between 2002 and 2012 at high cutoff rigidity”,
Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 2941–2952, 2021.

16. Sahu, S., Trivedi, R., Choudhary, R. K., Jain, A., and Jain, S., “Prediction of Total
Electron Content (TEC) using Neural Network over Anomaly Crest Region Bhopal”, _Advances in Space Research_, vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 2919–2929, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.05.027.

17. Boschini, M. J., “A quantitative study on the effects of external geomagnetic fields
by using the GeoMagSphere back-tracing code”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68,
no. 7, pp. 2904–2918, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.05.022.

18. Das, U., “Spatial variability in long-term temperature trends in the middle atmosphere
from SABER/TIMED observations”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 7, pp.
2890–2903, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.05.014.

19. Sai Gowtam, V., Tulasi Ram, S., and Ankita, M., “An aided Abel inversion technique
assisted by artificial neural network-based background ionospheric model for near
real-time correction of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 data”, Advances in Space Research, vol.
68, no. 7, pp. 2865–2875, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.05.008.

20. Bhargawa, A. and Singh, A. K., “Elucidation of some solar parameters observed during
solar cycles 21-24”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 2643–2660,
2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.04.037.

21. Bag, T., “Local-time, seasonal and solar cycle variation of Nitric Oxide radiative
emission over Indian longitude sector”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 6,
pp. 2332–2338, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.05.003.

22. Okoro, E. C., Yan, Y.-. hua ., Bisoi, S. K., and Zhang, Y., “Response and periodic
variation of total atmospheric ozone to solar activity over Mountain Waliguan”,
Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 2257–2271, 2021.

23. AbuElezz, O. A., Cilliers, P. J., Mahrous, A. M., Yassen, A. M., and Youssef, M., “A
proposed method for improving the IRI2016 model by means of Swarm over the American Sector
during the event of 5-11 September 2017”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no.
5, pp. 2204–2217, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.01.031.

24. Pignalberi, A., Aksonova, K. D., Zhang, S.-R., Truhlik, V., Gurram, P., and Pavlou,
C., “Climatological study of the ion temperature in the ionosphere as recorded by
Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar and comparison with the IRI model”, _Advances in Space Research_, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 2186–2203, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2020.10.025.

25. Pignalberi, A., Pietrella, M., Pezzopane, M., and Habarulema, J. B., “Investigating
different vTEC calibration methods for data assimilation in ionospheric empirical models”,
Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 2138–2151, 2021.

26. Bilitza, D. and Xiong, C., “A solar activity correction term for the IRI topside
electron density model”, Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 2124–2137,
2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2020.11.012.

27. Castaño, J. M., Natali, M. P., and Meza, A., “Postmidnight mid-latitude ionospheric
trough position oscillations during solar cycle 24”, Advances in Space Research,
vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 1876–1889, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.04.027.

28. Adebiyi, S. J., “Equatorial F-region irregularities at different seasons in Africa”,
Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 1850–1863, 2021.

29. Lissa, D., Venkatesh, K., Prasad, D. S. V. V. D., Niranjan, K., and Seemala, G. K.,
“GPS TEC variations under quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions during the descending
phase of 24th solar cycle over the Indian equatorial and low latitude regions”,
Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 1836–1849, 2021.

30. Chakraborty, M., Singh, A. K., and Rao, S. S., “Solar flares and geomagnetic storms of
September 2017: Their impacts on the TEC over 75°E longitude sector”, _Advances in Space Research_, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 1825–1835, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.04.012.

31. Sur, D., Ray, S., and Paul, A., “Impact of CME and HSSW driven geomagnetic storms on
thermosphere and ionosphere as observed from mid-latitudes”, _Advances in Space Research_, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 1441–1460, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.03.027.

32. Oludehinwa, I. A., Olusola, O. I., Bolaji, O. S., and Odeyemi, O. O., “Nonlinear
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