The AGU journals ‘Space Weather’, ‘Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics’, ‘Geophysical Research Letters’, ‘Radio Science’, ‘Earth & Space Science’, and Springer’s ‘Solar Physics’ were searched for acknowledgments of services developed and supported by NASA/Goddard’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).
Keywords searched and the number of occurrences across the six journals:
OMNI and/or OMNIWeb were referenced in 321 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 193 papers
Space Physics Data Facility and/or SPDF was referenced in 148 papers
SPDF-FTP was referenced in 44 papers
SSCWeb or TIPSOD was referenced in 4 papers
COHOWeb and/or ATMOweb/ftpbrowser was referenced in 3 papers
VITMO-models was referenced in 22 papers
Journal Total number Number of papers Percentage of papers with acknowledgment SW 134 54 40.3 % JGR 733 291 39.7 % GRL 1717(all areas) 64 RS 110 9 8.2 % ESS 274 9 3.3 % SP 174 32 18.4 %
Science Enabled Research Papers in Space Weather journal for 2020
1. Title=Thermosphere Ionosphere Modeling With Forecastable Inputs: Case Study of the June 2012 High Speed Stream Geomagnetic Storm Authors=Xing Meng; Anthony J. Mannucci; Olga P. Verkhoglyadova; Bruce T. Tsurutani; Aaron J. Ridley; Ja Soon Shim; article=2019SW002352; doi=10.1029/2019SW002352; pubdate=05 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= GSFC and CDAWeb for providing the OMNI data Sample usage= lution data (http:// omniweb are depicted as the Sample usage= and geomagnetic conditions from the OMNI 1-minute reso- Sample usage= testing of ionosphere models iri-2001 and iri-2007, data from satellite 2. Title=When Plasma Streams Tie up Equatorial Plasma Irregularities with Auroral Ones Authors=Irina Zakharenkova; Iurii Cherniak; article=2019SW002375; doi=10.1029/2019SW002375; pubdate=05 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service for 3. Title=Forecasting Megaelectron Volt Electrons inside Earth's Outer Radiation Belt: PreMevE 2.0 Based on Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms Authors=Rafael Pires de Lima; Yue Chen; Youzuo Lin; article=2019SW002399; doi=10.1029/2019SW002399; pubdate=10 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Panel E are downloaded from CDAweb site and added to models Sample usage= Thanks to CDAWeb for providing OMNI data. RBSP and POES data 4. Title=MHD Modeling of the Background Solar Wind in the Inner Heliosphere from 0.1 to 5.5 AU: Comparison with In Situ Observations Authors=Y.X. Wang; X.C. Guo; C. Wang; V. Florinski; F. Shen; H. Li; M. Blanc; article=2019SW002262; doi=10.1029/2019SW002262; pubdate=20 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC Sample usage= be obtained from the CDAWeb ( For the validation of Sample usage= obtained from OMNI website (https:// omniweb, Sample usage= at 1 AU from the OMNI Sample usage= space science data center (nssdc), 5. Title=Interhemispheric Asymmetries in the Ground Magnetic Response to Interplanetary Shocks: The Role of Shock Impact Angle Authors=Z. Xu; M. D. Hartinger; D. M. Oliveira; S. Coyle; C. R. Clauer; D. Weimer; T. R. Edwards; article=2019SW002427; doi=10.1029/2019SW002427; pubdate=28 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= or NASA CDAWeb, 6. Title=TEC Map Completion Using DCGAN and Poisson Blending Authors=Yang Pan; Mingwu Jin; Shunrong Zhang; Yue Deng; article=2019SW002390; doi=10.1029/2019SW002390; pubdate=06 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= data are downloaded from https:// cdaweb (HernndezPajares, 7. Title=Predictive Capabilities and Limitations of Stream Interaction Region Observations at Different Solar Longitudes Authors=R. C. Allen; G. C. Ho; L. K. Jian; G. M. Mason; S. K. Vines; D. Lario; article=2019SW002437; doi=10.1029/2019SW002437; pubdate=16 April 2020 Keywords found: COHOWeb Sample usage= can be found at https://cohoweb.gsfc. 8. Title=A Framework for Understanding and Quantifying the Loss and Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt During Geomagnetic Storms Authors=Kyle R. Murphy; Ian R. Mann; David G. Sibeck; I. Jonathan Rae; C.E.J. Watt; Louis G. Ozeke; Shri G. Kanekal; Daniel N. Baker; article=2020SW002477; doi=10.1029/2020SW002477; pubdate=17 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= = 8 (as provided by CDAWeb and calculated from IGRF) stepped Sample usage= through OMNIweb (omniweb.gsfc. Sample usage= consider only storms where SAMPEX, OMNI, and 9. Title=Application of a Modified Spheromak Model to Simulations of Coronal Mass Ejection in the Inner Heliosphere Authors=Talwinder Singh; Tae K. Kim; Nikolai V. Pogorelov; Charles N. Arge; article=2019SW002405; doi=10.1029/2019SW002405; pubdate=23 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb (King & Papitashvili, Sample usage= density (and temperature) based on OMNI data (Elliott 10. Title=Data Assimilative Optimization of WSA Source Surface and Interface Radii using Particle Filtering Authors=Grant David Meadors; Shaela I. Jones; Kyle S. Hickmann; Charles N. Arge; Humberto C. Godinez Vasquez; Carl J. Henney; article=2020SW002464; doi=10.1029/2020SW002464; pubdate=29 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= available at https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa. 11. Title=Prediction of Dst During Solar Minimum Using In Situ Measurements at L5 Authors=R. L. Bailey; C. Möstl; M. A. Reiss; A. J. Weiss; U. V. Amerstorfer; T. Amerstorfer; J. Hinterreiter; W. Magnes; R. Leonhardt; article=2019SW002424; doi=10.1029/2019SW002424; pubdate=29 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF Sample usage= measurements from STEREO-B (blue), the OMNI data set (red), and the Sample usage= When using the OMNI2 data set as input and Sample usage= (1) OMNI2:\_res\_omni/ 12. Title=Assessment and validation of three ionospheric models (IRI 2016, NeQuick2 and IGS GIM) from 2002 to 2018 Authors=Jun Chen; Xiaodong Ren; Xiaohong Zhang; Jingcheng Zhang; Liangke Huang; article=2019SW002422; doi=10.1029/2019SW002422; pubdate=30 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= https:// omniweb, the IRI-2016 Working group Sample usage= on historical observation data, including International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= of three ionospheric models ( IRI-2016 , NeQuick2 and Sample usage= the last two decades from IRI2001. It is continuously updated 13. Title=Assimilation of GNSS Measurements for Estimation of High Latitude Convection Processes Authors=Daniel S. Miladinovich; Seebany Datta Barua; Aurora Lopez Rubio; Shunrong Zhang; Gary S. Bust; article=2019SW002409; doi=10.1029/2019SW002409; pubdate=15 May 2020 Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, CCMC Sample usage= is available at modelweb /ionospheric/iri/. NRLMSISE- Sample usage= terms are computed using the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI 2007) Sample usage= is available at https:// ccmc NRLMSISE- 14. Title=The Day night Difference and Geomagnetic Activity Variation of Energetic Electron Fluxes in Region of South Atlantic Anomaly Authors=L. Y. Li; S. P. Zhou; S. H. Wei; J. Y. Yang; J. A. Sauvaud; J. J. Berthelier; article=2020SW002479; doi=10.1029/2020SW002479; pubdate=16 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= the OMNI database in the CDAWeb\_phys. We thank all Sample usage= from the OMNI database in the CDAWeb\_phys. 15. Title=Spatial and temporal evolution of different scale ionospheric irregularities in Central and East Siberia during the 27 28 May 2017 geomagnetic storm Authors=V. B. Ovodenko; M. V. Klimenko; I. E. Zakharenkova; A. V. Oinats; D. S. Kotova; A. V. Nikolaev; I. V. Tyutin; D. D. Rogov; K. G. Ratovsky; D. V. Chugunin; P. A. Budnikov; J. C. Coxon; B. J. Anderson; A. A. Chernyshov; article=2019SW002378; doi=10.1029/2019SW002378; pubdate=19 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= data from the OMNIWeb Service. Sample usage= Reinisch, B. W. (2014). The International Reference Ionosphere 2012 - a model of Sample usage= ISTP SD RAS using the IRI-2012 ionospheric median model (Bilitza et 16. Title=Characterizing extreme geomagnetic storms using Extreme Value Analysis: a discussion on the representativeness of short datasets Authors=G. Bernoux; V. Maget; article=2020SW002450; doi=10.1029/2020SW002450; pubdate=23 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= the CDAweb at The results presented Sample usage= are obtained from the hourly OMNIWeb database (King & Sample usage= network and ISGI ( The OMNI data Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at Sunspot 17. Title=Including the Temporal Dimension in the SECS Technique Authors=S. Marsal; J. M. Torta; F. J. Pavn Carrasco; S. P. Blake; M. Piersanti; article=2020SW002491; doi=10.1029/2020SW002491; pubdate=08 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= were taken from the NASA Omniweb repository 18. Title=High speed solar wind imprints on the ionosphere during the recovery phase of the August 2018 geomagnetic storm Authors=Dexin Ren; Jiuhou Lei; Su Zhou; Wenbo Li; Fuqing Huang; Xiaoli Luan; Tong Dang; Yu Liu; article=2020SW002480; doi=10.1029/2020SW002480; pubdate=08 June 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb Sample usage= (41874184 and 41674154). We acknowledge CDAWeb Sample usage= solar wind and IMF data, OMNIWeb 19. Title=Solar wind prediction using deep learning Authors=Vishal Upendran; Mark C. M. Cheung; Shravan Hanasoge; Ganapathy Krishnamurthi; article=2020SW002478; doi=10.1029/2020SW002478; pubdate=10 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= SW speed from the NASA OMNIWEB dataset, measured at Lagragian Sample usage= standard deviation is computed over OMNI measurements for each day, Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb service, and OMNI 20. Title=The value of CME arrival time forecasts for space weather mitigation Authors=M. J. Owens; M. Lockwood; L. A. Barnard; article=2020SW002507; doi=10.1029/2020SW002507; pubdate=10 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= data are available from https:// omniweb Sample usage= ) are obtained from the OMNI dataset 21. Title=Forecasting GOES 15 >2 MeV electron fluxes from solar wind data and geomagnetic indices Authors=C. Forsyth; C. E. J. Watt; M. K. Mooney; I. J. Rae; S. D. Walton; R. B. Horne; article=2019SW002416; doi=10.1029/2019SW002416; pubdate=10 June 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= all obtained through the NASA CDAWeb data service. Sample usage= Grant NE/V002554/1. GOES flux and OMNI data used in this study 22. Title=On the regional variability of dB/dt and its significance to GIC Authors=A. P. Dimmock; L. Rosenqvist; D. Welling; A. Viljanen; I. Honkonen; R. J. Boynton; E. Yordanova; article=2020SW002497; doi=10.1029/2020SW002497; pubdate=25 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= data are obtained via the OMNIWeb service (, Sample usage= drivers are identified based on OMNI data; finally, we investigate the 23. Title=Geomagnetic storm induced plasma density enhancements in the southern polar ionospheric region: a comparative study using St. Patrick-s day storms of 2013 and 2015 Authors=P. R. Shreedevi; R. K. Choudhary; Smitha V. Thampi; Sneha Yadav; T. K. Pant; Yiqun Yu; Ryan McGranaghan; Evan G. Thomas; Anil Bhardwaj; A. K. Sinha; article=2019SW002383; doi=10.1029/2019SW002383; pubdate=02 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= and are available on the CDAWeb ( 24. Title=Evaluation of Physics Based Data Assimilation System Driven by Neutral Density Data from A Single Satellite Authors=Dexin Ren; Jiuhou Lei; article=2020SW002504; doi=10.1029/2020SW002504; pubdate=11 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= Chinese Meridian Project". We acknowledge OMNIWeb ( 25. Title=Measurements and Simulations of the Geomagnetically Induced Currents in Low latitude Power Networks During Geomagnetic Storms Authors=J. J. Zhang; Y. Q. Yu; C. Wang; D. Du; D. Wei; L. G. Liu; article=2020SW002549; doi=10.1029/2020SW002549; pubdate=13 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= data was downloaded from the CDAweb Sample usage= ( For the severe storm Sample usage= were downloaded from the NASA OMNI database Sample usage= acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb service, and 26. Title=Relativistic Electron Flux Prediction at Geosynchronous Orbit Based on the Neural Network and the Quantile Regression Method Authors=Hui Zhang; Suiyan Fu; Lun Xie; Duo Zhao; Chao Yue; Zuyin Pu; Ying Xiong; Tong Wu; Shaojie Zhao; Yixin Sun; Bo Cui; Zhekai Luo; article=2020SW002445; doi=10.1029/2020SW002445; pubdate=22 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= parameters are obtained from the OMNIWeb , and the Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) at Sample usage= data. We also thank the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) at 27. Title=Galactic Cosmic Radiation in the Interplanetary Space Through a Modern Secular Minimum Authors=F. Rahmanifard; W. C. de Wet; N. A. Schwadron; M. J. Owens; A. P. Jordan; J. K. Wilson; C. J. Joyce; H. E. Spence; C. W. Smith; L. W. Townsend; article=2019SW002428; doi=10.1029/2019SW002428; pubdate=23 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= of the HMF from the OMNI dataset. OMNI compiles a set 28. Title=Space weather monitor at the L5 point: a case study of a CME observed with STEREO B Authors=L. Rodriguez; C. Scolini; M. Mierla; A. N. Zhukov; M. J. West; article=2020SW002533; doi=10.1029/2020SW002533; pubdate=23 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= 220 km s1 (from the CDAWeb LASCO CME catalog, https://cdaw. 29. Title=Evaluation of total electron content prediction using three ionosphere thermosphere models Authors=O. Verkhoglyadova; X. Meng; A. J. Mannucci; J. S. Shim; R. McGranaghan; article=2020SW002452; doi=10.1029/2020SW002452; pubdate=04 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= were taken from the OMNI database. The modeling runs were 30. Title=On the assessment of daily Equatorial Plasma Bubble occurrence modeling and forecasting Authors=B. A. Carter; J. L. Currie; T. Dao; E. Yizengaw; J. Retterer; M. Terkildsen; K. Groves; R. Caton; article=2020SW002555; doi=10.1029/2020SW002555; pubdate=10 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= data were obtained from the OMNIWeb website, 31. Title=Variations of TEC over Iberian Peninsula in 2015 due to geomagnetic storms and solar flares Authors=A. L. Morozova; T. V. Barlyaeva; T. Barata; article=2020SW002516; doi=10.1029/2020SW002516; pubdate=10 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= index are from the SPDF OMNIWeb database. The OMNI Sample usage= properties were obtained from the OMNI data base. In this Sample usage= ap index are from the SPDF OMNIWeb database. The OMNI 32. Title=Storm time modeling of the African regional ionospheric Total Electron Content using artificial neural networks Authors=Daniel Okoh; John Bosco Habarulema; Babatunde Rabiu; Gopi Seemala; Joshua Benjamin Wisdom; Joseph Olwendo; Olivier Obrou; Tshimangadzo Merline Matamba; article=2020SW002525; doi=10.1029/2020SW002525; pubdate=10 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= OMNIWeb 33. Title=Impact of Inner Heliospheric Boundary Conditions on Solar Wind Predictions at Earth Authors=Siegfried Gonzi; M. Weinzierl; F. X. Bocquet; M. M. Bisi; D. Odstrcil; B. V. Jackson; A. R. Yeates; D. R. Jackson; C. J. Henney; C. Nikolos Arge; article=2020SW002499; doi=10.1029/2020SW002499; pubdate=21 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= providing the data at: https:// cdaweb Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data. OMNI Sample usage= already hourly averaged in the OMNI data base ( Sample usage= the OMNI data base (https:// spdf .gsfc.nasa Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb service, and OMNI 34. Title=CME arrival prediction using ensemble modeling based on heliospheric imaging observations Authors=Tanja Amerstorfer; Jürgen Hinterreiter; Martin A. Reiss; Christian Moestl; Jackie A. Davies; Rachel L. Bailey; Andreas J. Weiss; Mateja Dumbovic; Maike Bauer; Ute V. Amerstorfer; Richard A. Harrison; article=2020SW002553; doi=10.1029/2020SW002553; pubdate=01 September 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= mean solar wind speed in OMNI data between the years 2004 35. Title=Medium Range Forecasting of Solar Wind: A Case Study of Building Regression Model with Space Weather Forecast Testbed (SWFT) Authors=Chunming Wang; I. Gary Rosen; Bruce T. Tsurutani; Olga P. Verkhoglyadova; Xing Meng; Anthony J. Mannucci; article=2019SW002433; doi=10.1029/2019SW002433; pubdate=01 September 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= OmniWeb /GSFC, Sample usage= D., & Reinisch, B. (2007). International reference ionosphere 2007: Improvements and new parameters. Sample usage= an empirical model such as IRI-2012, MSIS or GPS 36. Title=Assimilation of Sparse Continuous Near Earth Weather Measurements by NECTAR Model Morphing Authors=I. A. Galkin; B. W. Reinisch; A. M. Vesnin; D. Bilitza; S. Fridman; J. B. Habarulema; O. Veliz; article=2020SW002463; doi=10.1029/2020SW002463; pubdate=01 September 2020 Keywords found: NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= Science Data Center, NSSDC /WDC-A-R&S 90-22, Greenbelt, Maryland, November Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility, NASA, GSFC, Greenbelt, MD Sample usage= before, we still use the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model (Bilitza, 1990; 37. Title=Reconstruction of extreme geomagnetic storms: Breaking the data paucity curse Authors=M. I. Sitnov; G. K. Stephens; N. A. Tsyganenko; H. Korth; E. C. Roelof; P. C. Brandt; V. G. Merkin; A. Y. Ukhorskiy; article=2020SW002561; doi=10.1029/2020SW002561; pubdate=30 September 2020 Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= thank the SPDF for the OMNI database for solar wind Sample usage= teams. We also thank the SPDF for the OMNI database for 38. Title=Probabilistic Forecasts of Storm Sudden Commencements from Interplanetary Shocks using Machine Learning Authors=A. W. Smith; I. J. Rae; C. Forsyth; D. M. Oliveira; M. P. Freeman; D. R. Jackson; article=2020SW002603; doi=10.1029/2020SW002603; pubdate=14 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= GSFCs Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb service for data availability (https:// Sample usage= GSFCs Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb service for data 39. Title=Medium Energy Electron Flux in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt (MERLIN): A Machine Learning Model Authors=A. G. Smirnov; M. Berrendorf; Y. Y. Shprits; E. A. Kronberg; H. J. Allison; N. A. Aseev; I. S. Zhelavskaya; S. K. Morley; G. D. Reeves; M. R. Carver; F. Effenberger; article=2020SW002532; doi=10.1029/2020SW002532; pubdate=14 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= the OMNIWeb database \[\]. First, amongst the 40. Title=The Polar Cap (PC) Index: Invalid Index Series and a Different Approach Authors=Peter Stauning; article=2020SW002442; doi=10.1029/2020SW002442; pubdate=15 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= BY component are derived from OMNIweb 41. Title=Ionospheric Current Variations Induced by Solar Flares of 6 and 10 September 2017 Authors=Charles Owolabi; Jiuhou Lei; O. S. Bolaji; Dexin Ren; Akimasa Yoshikawa; article=2020SW002608; doi=10.1029/2020SW002608; pubdate=16 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= research purpose. We thank the CDAWeb team ( for Sample usage= (Kp) indices were obtained from OMNIWeb page to appraise Sample usage= ACE solar wind data and Space Physics Data Facility /Goddard Space Flight Center OMNIWeb 42. Title=Forcing from Lower Thermosphere and Quiet Time Scintillation Longitudinal Dependence Authors=Endawoke Yizengaw; Keith Groves; article=2020SW002610; doi=10.1029/2020SW002610; pubdate=16 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF Sample usage= obtained from (https://cdaweb\_public/). Authors thank the ISSI Sample usage= available at (https://spdf, and SABER temperature profiles 43. Title=Regional ionospheric parameter estimation by assimilating the LSTM trained results into the SAMI2 model Authors=Jeong Heon Kim; Young Sil Kwak; Yong Ha Kim; Su In Moon; Se Heon Jeong; Jong Yeon Yun; article=2020SW002590; doi=10.1029/2020SW002590; pubdate=16 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= index ( because ionospheric parameters are Sample usage= data were obtained from the OMNI webpage mentioned in Sample usage= since it is an international reference ionosphere model designated by COSPAR, which Sample usage= those of the SAMI2 and IRI-2016 models during the geomagnetic quiet Sample usage= ionospheric driver. In contrast, the IRI2016 model used the FORTRAN version 44. Title=Storm Time Plasma Pressure Inferred from Multi Mission Measurements and Its Validation using Van Allen Probes Particle Data Authors=G. K. Stephens; S. T. Bingham; M. I. Sitnov; M. Gkioulidou; S. Merkin; H. Korth; N. A. Tsyganenko; A. Y. Ukhorskiy; article=2020SW002583; doi=10.1029/2020SW002583; pubdate=19 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= OMNI database (https://omniweb\_min.html) which are derived from Sample usage= OMNI database (\_min.html) which are derived Sample usage= teams. We also thank, the SPDF for the OMNI 45. Title=Characterizing auroral zone absorption based on global Kp and regional geomagnetic hourly range indices Authors=R. A. D. Fiori; L. Trichtchenko; C. Balch; E. Spanswick; S. Groleau; article=2020SW002572; doi=10.1029/2020SW002572; pubdate=22 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (\_public/). Figure Sample usage= values reported in the OMNI HRO 1-minute data files available 46. Title=A Simple Method for Correcting Empirical Model Densities during Geomagnetic Storms Using Satellite Orbit Data Authors=Daniel A. Brandt; Charles D. Bussy Virat; Aaron J. Ridley; article=2020SW002565; doi=10.1029/2020SW002565; pubdate=22 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= available through either the NASA OMNIWeb website (https:// Sample usage= are either taken from NASAs Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb service or SWPC. This 47. Title=Long Term Observations of Galactic Cosmic Ray LET Spectra in Lunar Orbit by LRO/CRaTER Authors=M. D. Looper; J. E. Mazur; J. B. Blake; H. E. Spence; N. A. Schwadron; J. K. Wilson; A. P. Jordan; C. Zeitlin; A. W. Case; J. C. Kasper; L. W. Townsend; T. J. Stubbs; article=2020SW002543; doi=10.1029/2020SW002543; pubdate=04 November 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= through OMNIWeb, is animated as a Sample usage= sunspot number extracted from NASA/GSFC's OMNI dataset 48. Title=Geomagnetic Pulsations Driving Geomagnetically Induced Currents Authors=M. J. Heyns; S. I. Lotz; C. T. Gaunt; article=2020SW002557; doi=10.1029/2020SW002557; pubdate=04 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Physics Data Facilitys OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb Sample usage= or ftp) service and OMNI data for the SYM-H index Sample usage= & Gjerloev, 2011) and NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sOMNIWeb (or CDAWeb 49. Title=Forecasting global ionospheric total electron content (TEC) using deep learning approach Authors=Lei Liu; Shasha Zou; Yibin Yao; Zihan Wang; article=2020SW002501; doi=10.1029/2020SW002501; pubdate=09 November 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= ( The IRI-2016 and Sample usage= Truhlik V et al (2017). International Reference Ionosphere 2016: Sample usage= empirical models (IRI-2016 and NeQuick-2). Sample usage= when compared to the traditional IRI2016 and NeQuick-2 models. One can 50. Title=Evaluating the performance of a plasma analyzer for a space weather monitor mission concept Authors=G. Nicolaou; R. T. Wicks; I. J. Rae; D. O. Kataria; article=2020SW002559; doi=10.1029/2020SW002559; pubdate=13 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= 2 data found at, 51. Title=Forecasting SYM H Index: A Comparison Between Long Short Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Networks Authors=F. Siciliano; G. Consolini; R. Tozzi; M. Gentili; F. Giannattasio; P. De Michelis; article=2020SW002589; doi=10.1029/2020SW002589; pubdate=21 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= //cdaweb .gsf, but while SYM-H Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at Sample usage= in the desired sampling (OMNI HRO 5MIN), 5-minute averages of Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 52. Title=Forbush Decrease Characteristics in a Magnetic Cloud Authors=A. S. Petukhova; I. S. Petukhov; S. I. Petukhov; article=2020SW002616; doi=10.1029/2020SW002616; pubdate=21 November 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= database ( The results of CR Sample usage= MC are taken from the OMNI 53. Title=Long term monitoring of energetic protons at the bottom of Earth's radiation belt Authors=K. Yoshioka; Y. Miyoshi; S. Kurita; M. Teramoto; F. Tsuchiya; A. Yamazaki; G. Murakami; T. Kimura; H. Kita; I. Yoshikawa; Y. Kasaba; article=2020SW002611; doi=10.1029/2020SW002611; pubdate=12 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= OMNI Web interface at MSISE model data Sample usage= data were taken from the OMNI database \[King and Papitashvili, 2004\]. Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNI Web interface at 54. Title=Radiation Data Portal: Integration of Radiation Measurements at the Aviation Altitudes and Solar Terrestrial Environment Observations Authors=V.M. Sadykov; I.N. Kitiashvili; W. K. Tobiska; M. Guhathakurta; article=2020SW002653; doi=10.1029/2020SW002653; pubdate=13 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) **Science Enabled Research Papers in [Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics]( for 2020** 1\. Title=A statistical study on the local time dependence of equatorial spread F (ESF) irregularities and their relation to low latitude Es layers under geomagnetic storms Authors=Ram Singh; S. Sripathi; article=2019JA027212; doi=10.1029/2019JA027212; pubdate=03 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= CDAWeb, USA ( and World 2. Title=Morphological features of ionospheric scintillations during high solar activity using GPS observations over the South American sector Authors=R. de Jesus; I.S. Batista; H. Takahashi; E.R. de Paula; D. Barros; C.A.O.B. Figueiredo; A.J. de Abreu; O.F. Jonah; P.R. Fagundes; K. Venkatesh; article=2019JA027441; doi=10.1029/2019JA027441; pubdate=03 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= obtained from https://omniweb website. The yellow rectangle Sample usage= spread F derived by the International Reference Ionosphere and the S4 index 3. Title=Unprecedented hemispheric asymmetries during a surprise ionospheric storm: a game of drivers Authors=Elvira Astafyeva; Mala S. Bagiya; Matthias Förster; Nozomu Nishitani; article=2019JA027261; doi=10.1029/2019JA027261; pubdate=03 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= https:// omniweb\_data.html), did not show strong Sample usage= We acknowledge the NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb 4. Title=Impacts of binning methods on high latitude electrodynamic forcing: static vs boundary oriented binning methods Authors=Qingyu Zhu; Yue Deng; Arthur Richmond; Astrid Maute; Yun Ju Chen; Marc Hairston; Liam Kilcommons; Delores Knipp; Robert Redmon; Elizabeth Mitchell; article=2019JA027270; doi=10.1029/2019JA027270; pubdate=03 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= CDAWeb ( and the DMSP cross-track Sample usage= OMNIWeb interface based on the measurements Sample usage= can be found at NASA SPDF Sample usage= are 5-min averaged data from Space Physics Data Facility 5. Title=Rapid Outer Radiation Belt Flux Dropouts and Fast Acceleration during the March 2015 and 2013 Storms: The Role of ULF Wave Transport from a Dynamic Outer Boundary Authors=L.G. Ozeke; I.R. Mann; S.K.Y. Dufresne; L. Olifer; S.K. Morley; S.G. Claudepierre; K.R. Murphy; H.E. Spence; D.N. Baker; A.W. Degeling; article=2019JA027179; doi=10.1029/2019JA027179; pubdate=12 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and Sample usage= OMNI data. CARISMA is operated by Sample usage= acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and 6. Title=On the Motion of the Heliospheric Magnetic Structure through the Solar Wind Plasma Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky; article=2019JA027377; doi=10.1029/2019JA027377; pubdate=17 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= https:// cdaweb Sample usage= are available at the NASA Space Physics Data Facility 7. Title=Structures of multiple large scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by dense Global Navigation Satellite System networks in China Authors=Ge Chen; Feng Ding; Weixing Wan; Lianhuan Hu; Xiukuan Zhao; Jianyong Li; article=2019JA027032; doi=10.1029/2019JA027032; pubdate=17 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb ( Sample usage= serviced by NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb ( 8. Title=On the Fourier Contribution of Strong Current Sheets to the High Frequency Magnetic Power Spectral Density of the Solar Wind Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky; Brandon L. Burkholder; article=2019JA027307; doi=10.1029/2019JA027307; pubdate=17 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility and current sheet event Sample usage= the NASA Space Physics Data Facility and current sheet event 9. Title=BBF deceleration down tail of X < -15 RE from MMS observation Authors=L.Q. Zhang; W. Baumjohann; Yu V. Khotyaintsev; James L. Burch; J. Webster; J.Y. Wang; C. Wang; L. Dai; C.Y. Zhang; article=2019JA026837; doi=10.1029/2019JA026837; pubdate=18 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= https://cdaweb This study is supported 10. Title=Adiabatic Invariants Calculations for Cluster Mission: A Long term Product for Radiation Belts Studies Authors=A.G. Smirnov; E.A. Kronberg; P.W. Daly; N.A. Aseev; Y.Y. Shprits; A.C. Kellerman; article=2019JA027576; doi=10.1029/2019JA027576; pubdate=27 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= F10.7 indices were taken from OMNIWeb database \[\]. 11. Title=The properties and origins of co rotating plasmaspheric irregularities as revealed through a new tomographic technique Authors=J.F. Helmboldt; J.D. Haiducek; T.E. Clarke; article=2019JA027483; doi=10.1029/2019JA027483; pubdate=27 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= magnetometer data were obtained from CDAWeb Sample usage= The International Reference Ionosphere 2012 - a 12. Title=ML Helio: an emerging community at the intersection between Heliophysics and Machine Learning Authors=Enrico Camporeale; ; article=2019JA027502; doi=10.1029/2019JA027502; pubdate=29 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= data (from e.g. ACE, DSCOVR, OMNI ), 13. Title=Estimation of planar trend model parameters for midlatitude ionosphere Authors=S. Kumbay Yildiz; F. Arikan; article=2019JA027223; doi=10.1029/2019JA027223; pubdate=29 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= index (AE), accessible from the OMNIWeb website of Sample usage= pii/S0273117714008084 (INTERNATIONAL REFERENCE IONOSPHERE AND 14. Title=Suprathermal Fe in the Earth's plasma environment: Cluster RAPID observations Authors=S. Haaland; P.W. Daly; E. Vilenius; P. Krcelic; I. Dandouras; article=2019JA027596; doi=10.1029/2019JA027596; pubdate=03 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb): Sample usage= OMNI data used to check correlations 15. Title=FIDO SIT: The First Forward Model for the In Situ Magnetic Field of CME Driven Sheaths Authors=C. Kay; T. Nieves Chinchilla; L.K. Jian; article=2019JA027423; doi=10.1029/2019JA027423; pubdate=03 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= For these cases we Sample usage= Nodes on the Internet (OMNI) database, which provides a 16. Title=Characteristics of the flank magnetopause: MMS results Authors=S. Haaland; G. Paschmann; M. ieroset; T. Phan; H. Hasegawa; S. Fuselier; V. Constantinescu; S. Eriksson; K.J. Trattner; S. Fadanelli; P. Tenfjord; B. Lavraud; C. Norgren; J.P. Eastwood; H. Hietala; J. Burch; article=2019JA027623; doi=10.1029/2019JA027623; pubdate=03 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= OMNI data set (King & Papitashvili, 17. Title=Dynamical Properties of Peak and Time Integrated Geomagnetic Events inferred from Sample Entropy Authors=D. Mourenas; A.V. Artemyev; X. J. Zhang; article=2019JA027599; doi=10.1029/2019JA027599; pubdate=03 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= the OMNI data (http://omniweb of Dst, ap, AE, Sample usage= indices are retrieved through the OMNI Web service from the National Sample usage= Facility (SPDF) at NASA Goddard Space Sample usage= National Aeronautics and Space Administration space physics data facility, as provided by the 18. Title=An Empirical Model for the Dayside Magnetospheric Plasma Mass Density Derived From EMMA Magnetometer Network Observations Authors=Alfredo Del Corpo; Massimo Vellante; Balazs Heilig; Ermanno Pietropaolo; Jan Reda; Janos Lichtenberger; article=2019JA027381; doi=10.1029/2019JA027381; pubdate=03 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= ( for OMNI data, and Sample usage= parameters, are derived from 1-min OMNI data and are averaged Sample usage= We thank NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility Coordinated Data Analysis Web 19. Title=Pitch Angle Dependence of Electron and Ion Flux Changes During Local Magnetic Dipolarization inside Geosynchronous Orbit Authors=T. Motoba; S. Ohtani; M. Gkioulidou; D.G. Mitchell; S. Ukhorskiy; K. Takahashi; L.J. Lanzerotti; S.G. Claudepierre; H.E. Spence; G.D. Reeves; article=2019JA027543; doi=10.1029/2019JA027543; pubdate=03 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= publicly available from the NASA/CDAWeb 20. Title=Latitude dependence of inter hemispheric field aligned currents (IHFACs) as observed by the Swarm constellation Authors=Jaeheung Park; Yosuke Yamazaki; Hermann Lühr; article=2019JA027694; doi=10.1029/2019JA027694; pubdate=03 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= downloaded from the NASA OMNIWeb ( J. P. was supported 21. Title=Pattern of latitudinal distribution of ionospheric irregularities in the African region and the effect of March, 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm Authors=O.S. Bolaji; S.J. Adebiyi; J.B. Fashae; S.O. Ikubanni; H.A. Adenle; C. Owolabi; article=2019JA027641; doi=10.1029/2019JA027641; pubdate=06 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= (https://omniweb for the interplanetary magnetic Sample usage= NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Space Physics data facility 22. Title=The UV Spectrum of the Lyman Birge Hopfield Band System of N2 Induced by Cascading from Electron Impact Authors=Joseph M. Ajello; J. Scott Evans; Victoir Veibell; Charles P. Malone; Greg M. Holsclaw; Alan C. Hoskins; Rena A. Lee; William E. McClintock; Saurav Aryal; Richard W. Eastes; Nicholas Schneider; article=2019JA027546; doi=10.1029/2019JA027546; pubdate=06 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= (https://cdaweb Sample usage= are available through the NASA Space Physics Data Facility 23. Title=Probing the magnetic structure of a pair of transpolar arcs with a solar wind pressure step Authors=S.E. Milan; J.A. Carter; B. Hubert; article=2019JA027196; doi=10.1029/2019JA027196; pubdate=06 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb service (at, and OMNI Sample usage= indices, accessed through the NASA OMNIWeb portal (King Sample usage= data are time-shifted in the OMNI pre-processing to account for the Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility'sCDAWeb service (at, 24. Title=Tidal variations in the ionosphere and mesosphere over eastern China during 2014 Authors=Sheng Yang Gu; Jiahui Qi; Chen Zhou; Chengyun Yang; Mingjiao Jia; Guozhu Li; Baiqi Ning; Xiankang Dou; article=2019JA027526; doi=10.1029/2019JA027526; pubdate=06 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= https://omniweb 25. Title=Ground and space signatures of VLF noise suppression by whistlers Authors=D.R. Shklyar; J. Manninen; E.E. Titova; O. Santolík; I. Kolmašová; T. Turunen; article=2019JA027430; doi=10.1029/2019JA027430; pubdate=06 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= which is available at public/. 26. Title=A Deep Neural Network Model of Global Topside Electron Temperature Using Incoherent Scatter Radars and Its Application to GNSS Radio Occultation Authors=Andong Hu; Brett Carter; Julie Currie; Robert Norman; Suqin Wu; Kefei Zhang; article=2019JA027263; doi=10.1029/2019JA027263; pubdate=06 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2016 Sample usage= providing ionPrf data and OMNIWeb for providing the Kp and Sample usage= compared to the latest International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. It is found Sample usage= and is applied in the IRI-2016 model. The TBT-2012 model used 27. Title=Inward propagation of flow generated Pi2 waves from the plasma sheet to the inner magnetosphere Authors=Chih Ping Wang; Xiaoyan Xing; Jacob Bortnik; Xiangning Chu; article=2019JA027581; doi=10.1029/2019JA027581; pubdate=07 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= CDAWeb 28. Title=Event Studies of High latitude Field aligned Currents (FACs) with Inverse and Assimilative Analysis of AMPERE Magnetometer Data Authors=Yining Shi; Delores J. Knipp; Tomoko Matsuo; Liam Kilcommons; Brian Anderson; article=2019JA027266; doi=10.1029/2019JA027266; pubdate=07 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= their reported time from the OMNIWeb database (King 29. Title=Remote Sensing Estimates of CME Density in the Ecliptic Using the STEREO Heliospheric Imagers Authors=David Barnes; article=2019JA027175; doi=10.1029/2019JA027175; pubdate=07 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= 30. Title=Modes of Field aligned Currents (FACs) Variability and Their Hemispheric Asymmetry Revealed by Inverse and Assimilative Analysis of Iridium Magnetometer Data Authors=Yining Shi; Delores J. Knipp; Tomoko Matsuo; Liam Kilcommons; Brian Anderson; article=2019JA027265; doi=10.1029/2019JA027265; pubdate=07 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set \[http:// omniweb\]. The Newell universal Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set \[\]. The Newell 31. Title=Investigating Magnetosphere Ionosphere Thermosphere (MIT) coupling occurring during the 7-8 November 2004 Superstorm Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell; article=2019JA027484; doi=10.1029/2019JA027484; pubdate=07 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Polar, and Cluster data (\_public/), and the Sample usage= by the OMNI database. These include the solar 32. Title=Dynamically unstable strong wind shears observed in the polar mesosphere summer echo layer associated with geomagnetic disturbances Authors=Young Sook Lee; Young Sil Kwak; Kyung Chan Kim; Yong Ha Kim; article=2019JA027013; doi=10.1029/2019JA027013; pubdate=09 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= the OMNI web page (\_min.html). The data are Sample usage= in the OMNI web page (\_min.html). The data Sample usage= ESRAD observations. We thank GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb 33. Title=Relative Contributions of Ion Convection and Particle Precipitation to Exciting Large Scale Traveling Atmospheric and Ionospheric Disturbances Authors=Cheng Sheng; Yue Deng; Shun Rong Zhang; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Larry R. Lyons; article=2019JA027342; doi=10.1029/2019JA027342; pubdate=09 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= from OMNIWeb Plus (, and have been 34. Title=Updated neutron monitor yield function: Bridging between in situ and ground based cosmic ray measurements Authors=Alexander L. Mishev; Sergey A. Koldobskiy; Gennady A. Kovaltsov; Agnieszka Gil; Ilya G. Usoskin; article=2019JA027433; doi=10.1029/2019JA027433; pubdate=10 February 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= AMS-02 were obtained from NASA SPDF database 35. Title=Multipoint Observations of Magnetosheath Response to Foreshock Transients Authors=Chunlin Cai; Xinhua Wei; article=2019JA027416; doi=10.1029/2019JA027416; pubdate=13 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= data are obtained from the CDAWeb Sample usage= Figure 2. OMNI data (ACE data time shifted 36. Title=The Relation of N S Auroral Streamers to Auroral Expansion Authors=R.L. McPherron; M. El Alaoui; R.J. Walker; Y. Nishimura; J.M. Weygand; article=2019JA027063; doi=10.1029/2019JA027063; pubdate=13 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF Sample usage= to the present at Sample usage= NSSDC for the one-minute resolution OMNI file of solar wind data Sample usage= include first the NASA NSSDC for the one-minute resolution OMNI Sample usage=, the THEMIS Mission data 37. Title=Selective acceleration of O+ by drift bounce resonance in the Earth's magnetosphere: MMS observations Authors=S. Oimatsu; M. Nos; G. Le; S.A. Fuselier; R.E. Ergun; P. A. Lindqvist; D. Sormakov; article=2019JA027686; doi=10.1029/2019JA027686; pubdate=14 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= the OMNI database at The Dst and 38. Title=Multi instrumental observations of the quasi 16 day variations from the lower thermosphere to the topside ionosphere in the low latitude eastern Asian sector during the 2017 Sudden Stratospheric Warming event Authors=Jing Liu; Donghe Zhang; Yongqiang Hao; Zuo Xiao; article=2019JA027505; doi=10.1029/2019JA027505; pubdate=14 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= wind speed data from the OMNI dataset in the FTP service Sample usage= Center (\_res\_omni/). The code of the Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model at 13:00 LT, Sample usage= (IRI-2012) was downloaded from the 39. Title=Comparison of long term lightning activity and inner radiation belt electron flux perturbations Authors=C. Martinez Calderon; J. Bortnik; W. Li; H. Spence; S.G. Claudepierre; E. Douma; C.J. Rodger; article=2019JA027763; doi=10.1029/2019JA027763; pubdate=19 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= OMNIWeb ( This work is supported Sample usage= data are obtained from the OMNI data base via the SPDF/GSFC Sample usage= OMNI data base via the SPDF/GSFC 40. Title=Comparative investigation of the digisonde derived electron density and IRI profiles at a station near the African magnetic equator during low solar activity Authors=S.J. Adebiyi; J.O. Adeniyi; B.O. Adebesin; S.O. Ikubanni; I.A. Adimula; O.A. Oladipo; A.O. Olawepo; B.J. Adekoya; B.W. Joshua; article=2019JA027477; doi=10.1029/2019JA027477; pubdate=19 February 2020 Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= modelweb /models/iri2016\_vitmo.php. We acknowledge the IRI Sample usage= Bodo Reinisch, B., (2014). The International Reference Ionosphere 2012 a model of Sample usage= tend to converge whereas the IRI-2001 profiles still show marked divergence Sample usage= km, the digisonde, IRI-NeQuick and IRI2001 Cor profiles tend to converge 41. Title=Responses of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere System to Concurrent Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms Authors=Liying Qian; Wenbin Wang; Alan G. Burns; Phillip C. Chamberlin; Stanley C. Solomon; article=2019JA027431; doi=10.1029/2019JA027431; pubdate=19 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= and Bz from the NASA OmniWeb (, during 611 September 2017. 42. Title=Multi event analysis of oscillatory motion of medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by a 630 nm airglow imager over Tromsø; Authors=Sneha Yadav; K. Shiokawa; S. Oyama; Y. Otsuka; article=2019JA027598; doi=10.1029/2019JA027598; pubdate=21 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= from SPDF, NASA, USA (http://omniweb\_min.html). S.Y. duly Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). The Sample usage= AL indices were obtained from Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). The 43. Title=Comparison of observed and modeled magnetic fields in the Earth's magnetosheath Authors=M. Vandas; Z. Nêmecek; J. Safránková; E.P. Romashets; M. Hajos; article=2019JA027705; doi=10.1029/2019JA027705; pubdate=22 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= data are available via (Cluster) and Sample usage= (OMNI). We acknowledge support Sample usage= OMNI database. We have intentionally chosen 44. Title=Quantifying event specific radial diffusion coefficients of radiation belt electrons with the PPMLR MHD simulation Authors=Li Fang Li; Weichao Tu; Lei Dai; Bin Bin Tang; Chi Wang; Mohammad Barani; Gang Zeng; Chao Wei; J.L. Burch; article=2019JA027634; doi=10.1029/2019JA027634; pubdate=25 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= ( AE, Dst index and Sample usage= =0.2. The OMNI data with 1 min time Sample usage= data, available from NASA GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility 45. Title=Nocturnal and Seasonal variation of Na and K Layers simultaneously observed in the MLT Region at 23°S Authors=V.F. Andrioli; J. Xu; P.P. Batista; A.A. Pimenta; L.C.A. Resende; S. Savio; P.R. Fagundes; G. Yang; J. Jiao; X. Cheng; C. Wang; Z. Liu; article=2019JA027164; doi=10.1029/2019JA027164; pubdate=25 February 2020 Keywords found: ModelWeb Sample usage= NRLMSISE-00 modelweb /models/vitmo\_model.cgi 46. Title=On the Confinement of Ultrarelativistic Electron Remnant Belts to low L shells Authors=V.A. Pinto; X. J. Zhang; D. Mourenas; J. Bortnik; A.V. Artemyev; L.R. Lyons; P.S. Moya; article=2019JA027469; doi=10.1029/2019JA027469; pubdate=25 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= was obtained from CDAWeb All the supplementary 47. Title=Generation of turbulence in Kelvin Helmholtz vortices at the Earth's magnetopause: Magnetospheric Multiscale observations Authors=H. Hasegawa; T.K.M. Nakamura; D.J. Gershman; Y. Nariyuki; A.F. Viñas; B.L. Giles; B. Lavraud; C.T. Russell; Y.V. Khotyaintsev; R.E. Ergun; Y. Saito; article=2019JA027595; doi=10.1029/2019JA027595; pubdate=25 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC Sample usage= 10301100 UT based on the OMNIWeb data, which are time shifted Sample usage= for the use of the OMNI 2 data set (OMNI data Sample usage= (NSSDC) of NASA/GSFC for the 48. Title=Challenges to Understanding the Earth's Ionosphere and Thermosphere Authors=R.A. Heelis; A. Maute; article=2019JA027497; doi=10.1029/2019JA027497; pubdate=27 February 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= Centers (e.g., and mission data is 49. Title=Global Prompt Proton Sensor Network: Monitoring Solar Energetic Protons based on GPS Satellite Constellation Authors=Yue Chen; Steven K. Morley; Matthew R. Carver; article=2019JA027679; doi=10.1029/2019JA027679; pubdate=27 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= use their data. Thanks to CDAWeb for providing Sample usage= OMNI data. LANL GPS data used 50. Title=Large scale ionospheric disturbances during the 17 March 2015 storm: A model data comparative study Authors=Gang Lu; Irina Zakharenkova; Iurii Cherniak; Tong Dang; article=2019JA027726; doi=10.1029/2019JA027726; pubdate=27 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= from the NASA CDAWeb at, and the SYM-H 51. Title=Statistical analysis of the main ionospheric trough using Swarm in situ measurements Authors=Ercha Aa; Shasha Zou; Philip J. Erickson; Shun Rong Zhang; Siqing Liu; article=2019JA027583; doi=10.1029/2019JA027583; pubdate=27 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service ( Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service ( 52. Title=Statistical study of ion upflow associated with subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) at substorm time Authors=Qiang Zhang; Yong C. M. Liu; Q. H. Zhang; Zan Yang Xing; Yong Wang; Yu Zhang Ma; article=2019JA027163; doi=10.1029/2019JA027163; pubdate=28 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= ( /high\_res\_omni/). Sample usage= (\_res\_omni/). 53. Title=A possible explanation of interhemispheric asymmetry of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles in airglow images Authors=D.A. Hickey; S. Sau; V. Lakshmi Narayanan; S. Gurubaran; article=2019JA027592; doi=10.1029/2019JA027592; pubdate=28 February 2020 Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= modelweb /atmospheric/msis/nrlmsise00/ Sample usage= few models, such as the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2016) (Bilitza Sample usage= the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2016) (Bilitza 54. Title=Ballooning Instability in the Plasma Sheet Transition Region in Conjunction with Non Substorm Auroral Wave Structures Authors=Xiaoyan Xing; Chih Ping Wang; Jun Liang; Bing Yang; article=2019JA027340; doi=10.1029/2019JA027340; pubdate=28 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= solar wind conditions obtained from OMNIWeb and Dst index 55. Title=Radial Response of Outer Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons During Enhancement Events at Geostationary Orbit Authors=Victor A. Pinto; Jacob Bortnik; Pablo S. Moya; Larry R. Lyons; David G. Sibeck; Shrikanth G. Kanekal; Harlan E. Spence; Daniel N. Baker; article=2019JA027660; doi=10.1029/2019JA027660; pubdate=05 March 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= OMNIWeb and CDAWeb services and OMNI data for Sample usage= OMNIWeb and CDAWeb services and OMNI Sample usage= that is, we have calculated omni -directional fluxes Sample usage= No. 1191351. We acknowledge NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's 56. Title=Simulated Trends in Ionosphere Thermosphere Climate Due to Predicted Main Magnetic Field Changes From 2015 to 2065 Authors=I. Cnossen; A. Maute; article=2019JA027738; doi=10.1029/2019JA027738; pubdate=10 March 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= available on CDAweb (https://cdaweb. Sample usage= field parameters from the OMNI data set were used to 57. Title=The Relationship Between Cusp Region Ion Outflows and East West Magnetic Field Fluctuations at 4,000 km Altitude Authors=S. M. Hatch; T. Moretto; K. A. Lynch; K. M. Laundal; J. W. Gjerloev; E. J. Lund; article=2019JA027454; doi=10.1029/2019JA027454; pubdate=10 March 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= (https:// cdaweb Sample usage= values were obtained from Group 2 orbits Sample usage= publicly available OMNI database at 58. Title=Simultaneous observations of SAR arc and its ionospheric response at sub auroral conjugate points (L~2.5) during the St. Patrick's Day storm in 2015 Authors=Junseok Hong; Jeong Han Kim; Jong Kyun Chung; Yong Ha Kim; Hosik Kam; Jaeheung Park; Michael Mendillo; article=2019JA027321; doi=10.1029/2019JA027321; pubdate=12 March 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= NASA OMNI Web service UNAVCO RINEX Sample usage= 1. Geomagnetic activity indices from OMNI Web service during the St. 59. Title=Using multiple signatures to improve accuracy of substorm identification Authors=John D. Haiducek; Daniel T. Welling; Steven K. Morley; Natalia Yu Ganushkina; Xiangning Chu; article=2019JA027559; doi=10.1029/2019JA027559; pubdate=15 March 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= wind data were obtained from CDAWeb Sample usage= parameters were obtained from the OMNI dataset, supplemented with data 60. Title=The Polar Wind Modulated by the Spatial Inhomogeneity of the Strength of the Earth's Magnetic Field Authors=Kun Li; Matthias Förster; Zhaojin Rong; Stein Haaland; Elena Kronberg; Jun Cui; Lihui Chai; Yong Wei; article=2020JA027802; doi=10.1029/2020JA027802; pubdate=25 March 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= parameters are available from\_min.html. Sample usage= Andre et al. (2015). The OMNI data for solar 61. Title=Direct Observations of a Polar Cap Patch Formation Associated with Dayside Reconnection Driven Fast Flow Authors=Jiaen Ren; Shasha Zou; Elizabeth Kendall; Anthea Coster; Kevin Sterne; Michael Ruohoniemi; article=2019JA027745; doi=10.1029/2019JA027745; pubdate=25 March 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= NASA OMNI database (\_min.html). Sample usage= were obtained from the NASA OMNI database and 62. Title=Temporal evolution of substorm driven global Alfvén wave power above the auroral acceleration region Authors=Andreas Keiling; Scott Thaller; John Dombeck; John Wygant; article=2019JA027444; doi=10.1029/2019JA027444; pubdate=25 March 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= Data Facility (SPDF), The substorm list 63. Title=Quiet time Day to day Variability of Equatorial Vertical ExB Drift from Atmosphere Perturbations at Dawn Authors=Xu Zhou; Han Li Liu; Xian Lu; Ruilong Zhang; Astrid Maute; Haonan Wu; Xinan Yue; Weixing Wan; article=2020JA027824; doi=10.1029/2020JA027824; pubdate=26 March 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= from This works data are 64. Title=Latitudinal dependence of the Kelvin Helmholtz instability and beta dependence of vortex induced high guide field magnetic reconnection Authors=Y. Vernisse; B. Lavraud; M. Faganello; S. Fadanelli; M. Sisti; F. Califano; S. Eriksson; D.J. Gershman; J. Dorelli; C. Pollock; B. Giles; L. Avanov; J. Burch; J. Dargent; R.E. Ergun; C.J. Farrugia; V. Gnot; H. Hasegawa; C. Jacquey; I. Kacem; R. Kieokaew; M. Kuznetsova; T. Moore; T. Nakamura; W. Paterson; E. Penou; T.D. Phan; C.T. Russell; Y. Saito; J. A. Sauvaud; S. Toledo Redondo; article=2019JA027333; doi=10.1029/2019JA027333; pubdate=26 March 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= The simulations were initialized with OMNI data 65. Title=Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in Foreshock Transients Authors=Terry Z. Liu; San Lu; Drew L. Turner; Imogen Gingell; Vassilis Angelopoulos; Hui Zhang; Anton Artemyev; James L. Burch; article=2020JA027822; doi=10.1029/2020JA027822; pubdate=04 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb, for their analysis 66. Title=Simultaneous observations of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves and pitch angle scattering during a Van Allen Probes conjunction Authors=K. Sigsbee; C.A. Kletzing; J. Faden; A.N. Jaynes; Geoff D. Reeves; J. M. Jahn; article=2019JA027424; doi=10.1029/2019JA027424; pubdate=04 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= online through CDAWeb ( The authors thank I.R. Sample usage= magnetometer data. NASA SSCWeb traced the northern hemisphere magnetic Sample usage= from NASA OMNIWeb ( Wind and ACE data Sample usage= OMNI upstream solar wind parameters \[King 67. Title=Global ENA Imaging and In Situ Observations of Substorm Dipolarization on 10 August 2016 Authors=J. Goldstein; P.W. Valek; D.J. McComas; J. Redfern; H. Spence; R.M. Skoug; B.A. Larsen; G. D. Reeves; R. Nakamura; article=2019JA027733; doi=10.1029/2019JA027733; pubdate=04 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) 68. Title=New Observations of Large Scale Waves Coupling with the Ionosphere Made by the GOLD Mission: Quasi 16 day Wave Signatures in the F region OI 135.6 nm Nightglow During Sudden Stratospheric Warmings Authors=Quan Gan; Richard W. Eastes; Alan G. Burns; Wenbin Wang; Liying Qian; Stanley C. Solomon; Mihail V. Codrescu; William E. McClintock; article=2020JA027880; doi=10.1029/2020JA027880; pubdate=04 April 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= ( The SABER data is Sample usage= Center and at NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility 69. Title=A new dataset of thermospheric molecular oxygen from the Global scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission Authors=J.D. Lumpe; W.E. McClintock; J.S. Evans; J. Correira; V. Veibell; S. Beland; R. Eastes; article=2020JA027812; doi=10.1029/2020JA027812; pubdate=04 April 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility, Sample usage= and NSASs Space Physics Data Facility, 70. Title=On the Transition Between the Inner and Outer Plasma Sheet in the Earth's Magnetotail Authors=Yukinaga Miyashita; Kanako Seki; Kaori Sakaguchi; Yasutaka Hiraki; Masahito Nos; Shinobu Machida; Yoshifumi Saito; William R. Paterson; article=2019JA027561; doi=10.1029/2019JA027561; pubdate=04 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) ( 71. Title=Extreme magnetosphere ionosphere thermosphere responses to the 5 April 2010 supersubstorm Authors=Y. Nishimura; L.R. Lyons; C. Gabrielse; N. Sivadas; E.F. Donovan; R.H. Varney; V. Angelopoulos; J.M. Weygand; M.G. Conde; S.R. Zhang; article=2019JA027654; doi=10.1029/2019JA027654; pubdate=04 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= data were obtained through,, Sample usage= Spectrometer Incoherent Scatter (MSIS) and International Reference Ionosphere 72. Title=Do statistical models capture the dynamics of the magnetopause during sudden magnetospheric compressions? Authors=F.A. Staples; I.J. Rae; C. Forsyth; A.R.A. Smith; K.R. Murphy; K.M. Raymer; F. Plaschke; N.A. Case; C.J. Rodger; J.A. Wild; S.E. Milan; S.M. Imber; article=2019JA027289; doi=10.1029/2019JA027289; pubdate=04 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb; Sample usage= Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb; Sample usage= the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Centers OMNI 73. Title=A neural network based model for daytime vertical ExB drift in the Indian sector Authors=P. Pavan Chaitanya; A.K. Patra; article=2020JA027832; doi=10.1029/2020JA027832; pubdate=06 April 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= Solar F10.7 cm flux 74. Title=Study of a quasi 4 day oscillation during the 2018/2019 SSW over Mohe, China Authors=Zheng Ma; Yun Gong; Shaodong Zhang; Qihou Zhou; Chunming Huang; Kaiming Huang; Jiahui Luo; You Yu; Guozhu Li; article=2019JA027687; doi=10.1029/2019JA027687; pubdate=06 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Sample usage= the atmosphere (refer to the OMNI Web system at 75. Title=Microscopic, multipoint characterization of foreshock bubbles with Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Authors=D.L. Turner; T.Z. Liu; L.B. Wilson; I.J. Cohen; D.G. Gershman; J.F. Fennell; J.B. Blake; B.H. Mauk; N. Omidi; J. Burch; article=2019JA027707; doi=10.1029/2019JA027707; pubdate=06 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= CDAWeb; and mission specific online Sample usage= 2010\] and the OMNI dataset were also included here 76. Title=Observation of thermospheric gravity waves in the Southern Hemisphere with GOLD Authors=Scott L. England; Katelynn R. Greer; Stanley C. Solomon; Richard W. Eastes; William E. McClintock; Alan G. Burns; article=2019JA027405; doi=10.1029/2019JA027405; pubdate=06 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= data are available from NASA’s OMNIWeb Sample usage= ( The Kp and F10.7 Sample usage= and NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= from IRI-2016 (Bilitza, 2018) instead, the total 77. Title=On the production of ionospheric irregularities via Kelvin Helmholtz instability associated with cusp flow channels Authors=Andres Spicher; Kshitija Deshpande; Yaqi Jin; Kjellmar Oksavik; Matthew D. Zettergren; Lasse B.N. Clausen; Jøran I. Moen; Marc R. Hairston; Lisa Baddeley; article=2019JA027734; doi=10.1029/2019JA027734; pubdate=07 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Physics Data Facility (SPDF) ( DMSP Sample usage= density from the 1-min resolution OMNI data Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) ( DMSP Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) ( DMSP 78. Title=Bayesian inference of quasi linear radial diffusion parameters using Van Allen Probes Authors=Rakesh Sarma; Mandar Chandorkar; Irina Zhelavskaya; Yuri Shprits; Alexander Drozdov; Enrico Camporeale; article=2019JA027618; doi=10.1029/2019JA027618; pubdate=07 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= index is obtained from the OMNIWeb database. 79. Title=Jupiter's X ray Emission 2007 Part 2: Comparisons with UV and Radio Emissions and In Situ Solar Wind Measurements Authors=W.R. Dunn; R. Gray; A.D. Wibisono; L. Lamy; C. Louis; S.V. Badman; G. Branduardi Raymont; R. Elsner; Randy Gladstone; R. Ebert; P. Ford; A. Foster; C. Tao; L.C. Ray; Z. Yao; I.J. Rae; E.J. Bunce; P. Rodriguez; C.M. Jackman; G. Nicolaou; J. Clarke; J. Nichols; H. Elliott; R. Kraft; article=2019JA027222; doi=10.1029/2019JA027222; pubdate=07 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= data from the CDAweb service at We also 80. Title=Concurrent Observations Of Magnetic Reconnection From Cluster, IMAGE and SuperDARN: A Comparision Of Reconnection Rates And Energy Conversion Authors=J. Matar; B. Hubert; Z. Yao; R. Guo; S.W.H. Cowley; S.E. Milan; C. Gurgiolo; article=2019JA027264; doi=10.1029/2019JA027264; pubdate=07 April 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= can be accessed at and Installation), 81. Title=Low geo effectiveness of fast halo CMEs related to the 12 X class flares in 2002 Authors=B. Schmieder; R. S. Kim; B. Grison; K. Bocchialini; R. Y. Kwon; S. Poedts; P. Dmoulin; article=2019JA027529; doi=10.1029/2019JA027529; pubdate=08 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= at L1 by using the OMNIWeb service ( 82. Title=On Phase Space Density and its Radial Gradient of Outer Radiation Belt Seed Electrons: MMS/FEEPS Observations Authors=Z. Y. Liu; Q. G. Zong; J.B. Blake; article=2019JA027711; doi=10.1029/2019JA027711; pubdate=14 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= SYM-H index (red curves) from OMNI dataset. The second row shows 83. Title=Observations of the Source Region of Whistler Mode Waves in Magnetosheath Mirror Structures Authors=N. Kitamura; Y. Omura; S. Nakamura; T. Amano; S.A. Boardsen; N. Ahmadi; O. Le Contel; P. A. Lindqvist; R.E. Ergun; Y. Saito; S. Yokota; D.J. Gershman; W.R. Paterson; C.J. Pollock; B.L. Giles; C.T. Russell; R.J. Strangeway; J.L. Burch; article=2019JA027488; doi=10.1029/2019JA027488; pubdate=14 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC Sample usage= set (OMNI data from Sample usage= derived from the 1-minute resolution OMNI solar wind data, the direction Sample usage= Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) in the NASA/GSFC for 84. Title=Unusual Location of the Geotail Magnetopause Near Lunar Orbit: A Case Study Authors=W. S. Shang; B. B. Tang; Q. Q. Shi; A. M. Tian; X. Y. Zhou; Z. H. Yao; A. W. Degeling; I. J. Rae; S. Y. Fu; J. Y. Lu; Z. Y. Pu; A. N. Fazakerley; M. W. Dunlop; G. Facsk; J. Liu; M. Wang; article=2019JA027401; doi=10.1029/2019JA027401; pubdate=15 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= CDAWeb ( 85. Title=Global scale Measurements of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission Implementation: 1. Instrument Design and Early Flight Performance Authors=William E. McClintock; Richard W. Eastes; Alan C. Hoskins; Oswald H.W. Siegmund; Jason B. McPhate; Andrey Krywonos; Stanley C. Solomon; Alan G. Burns; article=2020JA027797; doi=10.1029/2020JA027797; pubdate=15 April 2020 Keywords found: NSSDC, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, AE-8 Sample usage= NAS 1.15:107820, NSSDC /WDC-A-RS-91-24. Greenbelt, MD. Sample usage= ( We thank the reviewers Sample usage= and at NASA's Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Vette, J. I., (1991). The AE-8 trapped electron model environment. NASA-TM-107820, 86. Title=Simultaneous observations of ELF/VLF rising tone quasiperiodic waves and energetic electron precipitations in the high latitude upper ionosphere Authors=Zeren Zhima; Jianping Huang; Xuhui Shen; Zhiyang Xia; Lunjin Chen; Mirko Piersanti; Yanyan Yang; Qiao Wang; Li Zeng; Jungang Lei; Wei Chu; Rui Yan; Shufan Zhao; Yunpeng Hu; Feng Guo; article=2019JA027574; doi=10.1029/2019JA027574; pubdate=15 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= This work is supported 87. Title=Global scale Measurements of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission Implementation: 2. Observations, Data Pipeline and Level 1 Data Products Authors=William E. McClintock; Richard W. Eastes; Stephane Beland; Karen B. Bryant; Alan G. Burns; John Correira; Robert E. Daniell; J. Scott Evans; Connie S. Harper; Deepak K. Karan; Andrey Krywonos; Jerry D. Lumpe; Timothy M. Plummer; Stanley C. Solomon; Blake A. Vanier; Victoir Veibel; article=2020JA027809; doi=10.1029/2020JA027809; pubdate=15 April 2020 Keywords found: Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= and at NASA's Space Physics Data Facility 88. Title=On the multifractal features of low frequency magnetic field fluctuations in the field aligned current ionospheric polar regions: Swarm observations Authors=G. Consolini; P. De Michelis; T. Alberti; F. Giannattasio; I. Coco; R. Tozzi; T.T.S. Chang; article=2019JA027429; doi=10.1029/2019JA027429; pubdate=15 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= NASA CDAWeb team for making these data Sample usage= use permission of 1 min OMNI data and the 89.Title=The dynamics of the inner boundary of the outer radiation belt during geomagnetic storms Authors=Xiaofei Shi; Jie Ren; Q.G. Zong; article=2019JA027309; doi=10.1029/2019JA027309; pubdate=15 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= CDAWeb ( for providing Van Allen Sample usage= OMNIWeb ( MagEIS provides measurements of Sample usage= Van Allen Probe data and OMNI 90. Title=Statistical Analysis of Equatorial Plasma Irregularities Retrieved From Swarm 2013-2019 Observations Authors=Ercha Aa; Shasha Zou; Siqing Liu; article=2019JA027022; doi=10.1029/2019JA027022; pubdate=16 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb Sample usage= cdaweb Kp indices are Sample usage= Facility's OMNIWeb service (https:// 91. Title=Exploring thermospheric variations triggered by severe geomagnetic storm on August 26, 2018 using GRACE Follow On data Authors=S. Krauss; S. Behzadpour; M. Temmer; C. Lhotka; article=2019JA027731; doi=10.1029/2019JA027731; pubdate=17 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= cdaweb We provide the thermospheric Sample usage= time resolution of 5-min ( OMNI data King and Papitashvili (2005)). 92. Title=Mid latitude Spread F structures over the geomagnetic low mid latitude transition region: An observational evidence Authors=M. Sivakandan; S. Mondal; S. Sarkhel; D. Chakrabarty; M. V. Sunil Krishna; P. Pavan Chaitanya; A. K. Patra; R. K. Choudhary; T. K. Pant; A. K. Upadhayaya; Takuya Sori; article=2019JA027531; doi=10.1029/2019JA027531; pubdate=19 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Flight Center ( Global GNSS-TEC data processing Sample usage= subcontinent has been downloaded from Space Physics Data Facility, Goddard Space 93. Title=Quantifying the Effect of Plasmaspheric Hiss on the Electron Loss from the Slot Region Authors=Kyung Chan Kim; Yuri Shprits; Dedong Wang; article=2019JA027555; doi=10.1029/2019JA027555; pubdate=19 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2, SPDF Sample usage= (PAGER). We thank the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb for the provision of Sample usage= AE index obtained from the OMNI -2 website are used. The Sample usage= AE index obtained from the OMNI-2 website are used. The Sample usage= (PAGER). We thank the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb for the provision of 94. Title=Polar Electron Content from GPS data based Global Ionospheric Maps: assessment, case studies and climatology Authors=Manuel Hernández Pajares; Haixia Lyu; Àngela Aragón-Àngel; Enric Monte-Moreno; Jingbin Liu; Jiachun An; Hu Jiang; article=2019JA027677; doi=10.1029/2019JA027677; pubdate=22 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, FTPBrowser, NSSDC, SPDF Sample usage= swe 2m.html Sample usage= /wind swe 2m.html Sample usage= Space Science Data Center (NSSDC), Space Physics Data Sample usage= Facility (SPDF) and Principal Investigator K.W. 95. Title=A Merged Search Coil and Fluxgate Magnetometer Data Product for Parker Solar Probe FIELDS Authors=T.A. Bowen; S.D. Bale; J.W. Bonnell; T. Dudok de Wit; K. Goetz; K. Goodrich; J. Gruesbeck; P.R. Harvey; G. Jannet; A. Koval; R.J. MacDowall; D.M. Malaspina; M. Pulupa; C. Revillet; D. Sheppard; A. Szabo; article=2020JA027813; doi=10.1029/2020JA027813; pubdate=22 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Physics Data Facility (SPDF) https://cdaweb.gsfc Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) Sample usage= fields/l3 and the NASA Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) 96. Title=Classifier neural network models predict relativistic electron events at geosynchronous orbit better than multiple regression or ARMAX models Authors=Laura E. Simms; Mark J. Engebretson; article=2019JA027357; doi=10.1029/2019JA027357; pubdate=27 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= field) parameters (obtained from the OMNIWeb database) (Baker et al., Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility at 97. Title=A Statistical Analysis of the Fluctuations in the Upstream and Downstream Plasmas of 109 Strong Compression Interplanetary Shocks at 1 AU Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky; article=2019JA027518; doi=10.1029/2019JA027518; pubdate=29 April 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Physics Data Facility 98. Title=An improved estimation of SuperDARN Heppner Maynard Boundaries using AMPERE data Authors=A. R. Fogg; M. Lester; T. K. Yeoman; A. G. Burrell; S. M. Imber; S. E. Milan; E. G. Thomas; H. Sangha; B. J. Anderson; article=2019JA027218; doi=10.1029/2019JA027218; pubdate=03 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at Sample usage= Using IMF data from the OMNI data set and Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 99. Title=Understanding Spacecraft Trajectories through Detached Magnetotail Interchange Heads Authors=Evgeny V. Panov; San Lu; Philip L. Pritchett; article=2020JA027930; doi=10.1029/2020JA027930; pubdate=03 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center ( The original simulation data 100. Title=Electromagnetic Radial Diffusion in the Earth's Radiation Belts as Determined by the Solar Wind Immediate Time History and a Toy Model for the Electromagnetic Fields Authors=Solène Lejosne; article=2020JA027893; doi=10.1029/2020JA027893; pubdate=04 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb ( The Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb ( 101. Title=Simulations of electron flux oscillations as observed by MagEIS in response to broadband ULF waves Authors=Theodore E. Sarris; Xinlin Li; Michael Temerin; Hong Zhao; Leng Ying Khoo; Drew L. Turner; Wenlong Liu; Seth G. Claudepierre; article=2020JA027798; doi=10.1029/2020JA027798; pubdate=06 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= instruments are available at:\_public/. 102. Title=A case study of the enhancements in ionospheric electron density and its longitudinal gradient at Chinese low latitudes Authors=Libo Liu; Zonghua Ding; Ruilong Zhang; Yiding Chen; Huijun Le; Hui Zhang; Guozhu Li; Jian Wu; Weixing Wan; article=2019JA027751; doi=10.1029/2019JA027751; pubdate=06 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= from the OMNI web This research was Sample usage= are downloaded from the OMNI web This research was 103. Title=The quasi persistent feature of highly structured field aligned currents in the duskside auroral oval: Conjugate observation via Swarm satellites and a ground all sky imager Authors=Y. Yokoyama; S. Taguchi; T. Iyemori; K. Hosokawa; article=2019JA027594; doi=10.1029/2019JA027594; pubdate=06 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= NASA/ CDAWeb ( The SYM-H index was Sample usage= regions. For IMF, we used OMNI 5-min data. Two events were 104. Title=The effect of F layer zonal neutral wind on the monthly and longitudinal variability of equatorial ionosphere irregularity and drift velocity Authors=Melessew Nigussie; Mark B. Moldwin; Sandro Radicella; Endawoke Yizengaw; Shasha Zou; Bruno Nava; article=2019JA027671; doi=10.1029/2019JA027671; pubdate=06 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= by NASA grant NAS5-01068 (, the authors thank the Sample usage= and Nagy (2009), IRI-2016 (International Reference Ionosphere), Sample usage= in Shunk and Nagy (2009), IRI-2016 (International Reference Ionosphere), 105. Title=Local Heating of Oxygen Ions in the Presence of Magnetosonic Waves: Possible Source for the Warm Plasma Cloak? Authors=S. Hill; N. Buzulukova; S. Boardsen; M. C. Fok; article=2019JA027210; doi=10.1029/2019JA027210; pubdate=06 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= standard products from CDAWeb calculate ion partial densities and 106. Title=Mesopause airglow disturbances driven by nonlinear infrasonic acoustic waves generated by large earthquakes Authors=P. A. Inchin; J. B. Snively; A. Williamson; D. Melgar; J. Aguilar Guerrero; M. D. Zettergren; article=2019JA027628; doi=10.1029/2019JA027628; pubdate=13 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= obtained from OMNIWEB system Sup- 107. Title=The properties and origins of co rotating plasmaspheric irregularities. Part II: Tomography with compact arrays of GPS receivers Authors=J. F. Helmboldt; article=2020JA027858; doi=10.1029/2020JA027858; pubdate=14 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= were obtained from the NASA OMNIWeb Plus 108. Title=A Study of a Magnetic Cloud Propagating through Large-Amplitude Alfvén Waves Authors=C. J. Farrugia; N. Lugaz; B. J. Vasquez; L. B. Wilson; W. Yu; K. Paulson; R. B. Torbert; F. T. Gratton; article=2019JA027638; doi=10.1029/2019JA027638; pubdate=14 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= are mostly from the NASA CDAWeb site, but the electron data 109. Title=Periodic modulation of the upper ionosphere by ULF waves as observed simultaneously by SuperDARN radars and GPS/TEC technique Authors=Olga V. Kozyreva; Vyacheslav A. Pilipenko; Emma C. Bland; Lisa J. Baddeley; Victor I. Zakharov; article=2020JA028032; doi=10.1029/2020JA028032; pubdate=14 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= - OMNI ( Sample usage= interplanetary OMNI data shows that the geomagnetic Sample usage= the IRI-2016 model are rather low: 110. Title=Statistical study of oxygen ions abundance and spatial distribution in the dayside magnetopause boundary layer: MMS observations Authors=Chen Zeng; Chi Wang; Suping Duan; Lei Dai; S. A. Fuselier; J. L. Burch; R. B. Torbert; B. L. Giles; article=2019JA027323; doi=10.1029/2019JA027323; pubdate=14 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= data in CDAweb ( The fields and plasma Sample usage= index are available from the OMNI 111. Title=The Changing Eigenfrequency Continuum during Geomagnetic Storms: Implications for Plasma Mass Dynamics and ULF Wave Couping Authors=S. J. Wharton; I. J. Rae; J. K. Sandhu; M. T. Walach; D. M. Wright; T. K. Yeoman; article=2019JA027648; doi=10.1029/2019JA027648; pubdate=15 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center ( Sample usage= applied to variables from the OMNI dataset, which describes the upstream Sample usage= NASA Space Physics Data Facility, Goddard Space Flight Center 112. Title=Ionospheric outflow during the substorm growth phase: THEMIS observations of oxygen ions at the plasma sheet boundary Authors=A. V. Artemyev; V. Angelopoulos; A. Runov; X. J. Zhang; article=2019JA027612; doi=10.1029/2019JA027612; pubdate=15 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= field Esw (from interpolation of OMNI data, see King and Papitashvili 113. Title=Statistical Analysis of Joule Heating and Thermosphere Response during Geomagnetic Storms of Different Magnitudes Authors=Xin Wang; Juan Miao; Ercha Aa; Tingling Ren; Yuxian Wang; Ji Liu; Siqing Liu; article=2020JA027966; doi=10.1029/2020JA027966; pubdate=15 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb Sample usage= Sample usage= 114. Title=Solar Energetic Proton Access to the Near Equatorial Inner Magnetosphere Authors=Rachael J. Filwett; Allison N. Jaynes; Daniel N. Baker; Shrikanth G. Kanekal; Brian Kress; J. Bern Blake; article=2019JA027584; doi=10.1029/2019JA027584; pubdate=17 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= and the ACE data at CDAWeb 115. Title=New modes and mechanisms of long term ionospheric TEC variations from Global Ionosphere Maps Authors=Andres Calabia; Shuanggen Jin; article=2019JA027703; doi=10.1029/2019JA027703; pubdate=18 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= ( and the International Service Sample usage= from the Low-Resolution OMNI (LRO) dataset of NASA 116. Title=The Acceleration of Lunar Ions by Magnetic Forces in the Terrestrial Magnetotail Lobes Authors=Xin Cao; Jasper Halekas; Andrew Poppe; Feng Chu; Karl Heinz Glassmeier; article=2020JA027829; doi=10.1029/2020JA027829; pubdate=18 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= CDAWeb ( and the ARTEMIS site 117. Title=The Influence of Disturbance Dynamo Electric Field in the Formation of Strong Sporadic E layers over Boa Vista, a Low Latitude Station in American Sector Authors=L. C. A. Resende; J. K. Shi; C. M. Denardini; I. S. Batista; P. A. B. Nogueira; C. Arras; V. F. Andrioli; J. Moro; L. Silva; A. J. Carrasco; P. F. Barbosa; C. Wang; Z. Liu; article=2019JA027519; doi=10.1029/2019JA027519; pubdate=19 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= parameters from the OMNIWeb database, which, in turn, uses 118. Title=Evolution of high speed jets and plasmoids downstream of the quasi perpendicular bow shock Authors=O. Goncharov; H. Gunell; M. Hamrin; S. Chong; article=2019JA027667; doi=10.1029/2019JA027667; pubdate=19 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= data are available through and Sample usage= spacecraft and OMNI solar wind data from 20152017, 119. Title=Early Morning Equatorial Ionization Anomaly from GOLD Observations Authors=F. I. Laskar; R. W. Eastes; C. R. Martinis; R. E. Daniell; N. M. Pedatella; A. G. Burns; W. McClintock; L. P. Goncharenko; A. Coster; M. A. Milla; W. Wang; C. E. Valladares; M. V. Codrescu; article=2019JA027487; doi=10.1029/2019JA027487; pubdate=21 May 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= GNSS TEC data products Sample usage= and at NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility (https:// 120. Title=Statistical study of magnetosheath jet driven bow waves Authors=Terry Z. Liu; Heli Hietala; Vassilis Angelopoulos; Yuri Omelchenko; Rami Vainio; Ferdinand Plaschke; article=2019JA027710; doi=10.1029/2019JA027710; pubdate=23 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Web (CDAWeb, for their analysis Sample usage= et al., 2008). We used OMNI data to infer the solar 121. Title=Initial Observations by the Global scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission Authors=R. W. Eastes; W. E. McClintock; A. G. Burns; D. N. Anderson; L. Andersson; S. Aryal; S. A. Budzien; X. Cai; M. V. Codrescu; J. T. Correira; R. E. Daniell; K. F. Dymond; S. L. England; F. G. Eparvier; J. S. Evans; H. Foroosh; Q. Gan; K. Greer; D. K. Karan; A. Krywonos; F. I. Laskar; J. D. Lumpe; C. R. Martinis; J. B. McPhate; J. Oberheide; O. H. Siegmund; S. C. Solomon; V. Veibel; T. N. Woods; article=2020JA027823; doi=10.1029/2020JA027823; pubdate=23 May 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= ( 122. Title=Dynamics of large scale solar wind streams obtained by the double superposed epoch analysis. 4. Helium abundance Authors=Yu I. Yermolaev; I. G. Lodkina; M. Yu Yermolaev; M. O. Riazantseva; L. S. Rakhmanova; N. L. Borodkova; Yu S. Shugay; V. A. Slemzin; I. S. Veselovsky; D. G. Rodkin; article=2020JA027878; doi=10.1029/2020JA027878; pubdate=23 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF Sample usage=\_data.html#norm\_pla). We repeated Sample usage= (omni/(Yermolaev et al., 2009)) Sample usage= (1-h) data from the OMNI2 dataset and, therefore, we study Sample usage= use data obtained from GSFC/SPDF 123. Title=Magnetic Reconnection inside a Flux Transfer Event like structure in Magnetopause Kelvin Helmholtz Waves Authors=R. Kieokaew; B. Lavraud; C. Foullon; S. Toledo Redondo; N. Fargette; K. J. Hwang; K. Malakit; D. Ru Ruffolo; M. ieroset; T. D. Phan; H. Hasegawa; S. Fadanelli; L. Avanov; J. Burch; D. J. Gershman; B. Giles; J. Dorelli; V. Gnot; C. Jacquey; T. Moore; W. Paterson; C. Pollock; A. Rager; Y. Saito; J. A. Sauvaud; C. Schiff; Y. Vernisse; E. Penou; article=2019JA027527; doi=10.1029/2019JA027527; pubdate=23 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= wind conditions from NASA’s High-Resolution OMNI (HRO) database (King & Papitashvili, 124. Title=Electron acceleration by magnetosheath jet driven bow waves Authors=Terry Z. Liu; Heli Hietala; Vassilis Angelopoulos; Rami Vainio; Yuri Omelchenko; article=2019JA027709; doi=10.1029/2019JA027709; pubdate=28 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Web (CDAWeb, for their Sample usage= Figure 4a shows the averaged omni -directional 125. Title=Use of the L1 Constellation as a Multi Spacecraft Solar Wind Monitor Authors=B. L. Burkholder; K. Nykyri; X. Ma; article=2020JA027978; doi=10.1029/2020JA027978; pubdate=03 June 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= CDAWeb Sample usage= z (right) planes. Image credit sscweb The bottom row shows Sample usage= monitor to all of the OMNIWeb single-spacecraft monitors. The multi-spacecraft monitor Sample usage= on the forecasting ability of OMNI by giving spatially resolved predictions. 126. Title=The evolution of long duration cusp spot emission during lobereconnection with respect to field aligned currents Authors=J. A. Carter; S. E. Milan; A. R. Fogg; H. Sangha; M. Lester; L. J. Paxton; B. J. Anderson; article=2020JA027922; doi=10.1029/2020JA027922; pubdate=10 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= the NASA/GSFC OMNI facility (, and Sample usage= paper were obtained from the OMNI database 127. Title=Thermospheric neutral winds above the Oukaimeden Observatory: effects of geomagnetic activity Authors=A. Loutfi; A. Bounhir; F. Pitout; Z. Benkhaldoun; J. J. Makela; article=2019JA027383; doi=10.1029/2019JA027383; pubdate=10 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= can be downloaded from ( 128. Title=Another Mini Solar Maximum in the Offing: A Prediction for the Amplitude of Solar Cycle 25 Authors=Susanta Kumar Bisoi; P. Janardhan; S. Ananthakrishnan; article=2019JA027508; doi=10.1029/2019JA027508; pubdate=11 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2 Sample usage= ( covering the period Feb. Sample usage= of HMF obtained from the OMNI2 data base at 1 AU 129. Title=Whole atmosphere model simulations of ultra fast Kelvin wave effects in the ionosphere and thermosphere Authors=Y. Yamazaki; Y. Miyoshi; C. Xiong; C. Stolle; G. Soares; A. Yoshikawa; article=2020JA027939; doi=10.1029/2020JA027939; pubdate=11 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF Sample usage= was downloaded from the SPDF OMNIWeb database (https:// Sample usage= F10.7 was downloaded from the SPDF OMNIWeb database (https:// 130. Title=Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities based on In situ Measurements from the Swarm Satellites Authors=Yaqi Jin; Chao Xiong; Lasse Clausen; Andres Spicher; Daria Kotova; Steffen Brask; Guram Kervalishvili; Claudia Stolle; Wojciech Miloch; article=2020JA028103; doi=10.1029/2020JA028103; pubdate=13 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= OMNIWeb interface at The IMF Sample usage= taken from the 5min averaged OMNI data set (King & Sample usage= be obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF Sample usage= H., & Xiong, C. (2010). IRI-2007 model overestimates electron density during 131. Title=Spatial distributions of nitric oxide in the Antarctic winter time middle atmosphere during geomagnetic storms Authors=D. A. Newnham; C. J. Rodger; D. R. Marsh; M. E. Hervig; M. A. Clilverd; article=2020JA027846; doi=10.1029/2020JA027846; pubdate=14 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, CGM, VITMO Sample usage= ( Each of the SH Sample usage= ( Each of the SH Sample usage= Ionosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere Observatory (VITMO) model 132. Title=The November 18 2015 magnetopause crossing: The GEM dayside kinetic challenge event observed by MMS/HPCA Authors=K. J. Trattner; J. L. Burch; S. A. Fuselier; S. M. Petrinec; S. K. Vines; article=2019JA027617; doi=10.1029/2019JA027617; pubdate=14 June 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= magnetopause X-line, are available at CDAWeb. These solar wind context 133. Title=Characteristics of Minor Ions and Electrons in Flux Transfer Events Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Authors=S. M. Petrinec; J. L. Burch; M. Chandler; C. J. Farrugia; S. A. Fuselier; B. L. Giles; R. G. Gomez; J. Mukherjee; W. R. Paterson; C. T. Russell; D. G. Sibeck; R. J. Strangeway; R. B. Torbert; K. J. Trattner; S. K. Vines; C. Zhao; article=2020JA027778; doi=10.1029/2020JA027778; pubdate=14 June 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= are publicly available at the CDAWeb site Sample usage= show energy spectrograms of the omni -directional flux of protons and 134. Title=Dynamics of auroral precipitation boundaries associated with STEVE and SAID Authors=Y. Nishimura; E. F. Donovan; V. Angelopoulos; N. Nishitani; article=2020JA028067; doi=10.1029/2020JA028067; pubdate=19 June 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage=,,, 135. Title=Long term variations of >16 MeV proton fluxes: Measurements from NOAA POES and EUMETSAT MetOp satellites Authors=Ruilin Lin; Jichun Zhang; Xiaoxin Zhang; Binbin Ni; Siqing Liu; Liqin Shi; Jiancun Gong; Hong Wang; Yong Cao; article=2019JA027635; doi=10.1029/2019JA027635; pubdate=19 June 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, AP-8 Sample usage= OMNI data ( The authors also thank Sample usage= solar minimum, NSSDC /WDC-A-R&S, 76-06 Sample usage= and J. I. Vette (1976), AP-8 trapped proton environment for solar 136. Title=Experimental Determination of the Conditions Associated with "Zebra Stripe" Pattern Generation in the Earth's Inner Radiation Belt and Slot Region Authors=Solène Lejosne; F. S. Mozer; article=2020JA027889; doi=10.1029/2020JA027889; pubdate=19 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb ( service and OMNI data. Sample usage= Facility's OMNIWeb ( service and OMNI data. The data 137. Title=Temporal and spatial variations of total electron content enhancements during a geomagnetic storm on 27 and 28 September 2017 Authors=Atsuki Shinbori; Yuichi Otsuka; Takuya Sori; Takuya Tsugawa; Michi Nishioka; article=2019JA026873; doi=10.1029/2019JA026873; pubdate=19 June 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Analysis Web (CDAWeb) (, the AE index Sample usage= this study, we used 1-min OMNI data of the solar wind 138. Title=Observational Validation of Cutoff Models as Boundaries of Solar Proton Event Impact Area Authors=Erkka Heino; Noora Partamies; article=2020JA027935; doi=10.1029/2020JA027935; pubdate=20 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= National Aeronautics and Space Administrations OMNIWeb service at The authors 139. Title=Neutral exospheric temperatures from the Global scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission Authors=J. S. Evans; J. D. Lumpe; J. Correira; V. Veibell; A. Krywonos; W. E. McClintock; S. C. Solomon; R. W. Eastes; article=2020JA027814; doi=10.1029/2020JA027814; pubdate=28 June 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= This work was supported Sample usage= GOLD website, and NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility, 140. Title=Energetics and Alfvénic coupling of a poleward boundary intensification: A Polar case study Authors=Andreas Keiling; John Wygant; Mathew Fillingim; Karlheinz J. Trattner; article=2020JA028041; doi=10.1029/2020JA028041; pubdate=01 July 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF), Sample usage= available at the NASA Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF), 141. Title=Spatial characteristics on the occurrence of the nighttime midlatitude medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbance at topside ionosphere revealed by the Swarm satellite Authors=Xin Wan; Chao Xiong; Hui Wang; Kedeng Zhang; Fan Yin; article=2019JA027739; doi=10.1029/2019JA027739; pubdate=01 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= provided by NASA’s OMNIweb (\_min.html). We also thank 142. Title=On the 2015 St. Patrick Storm Turbulent State of the Ionosphere: Hints from the Swarm Mission Authors=P. De Michelis; A. Pignalberi; G. Consolini; I. Coco; R. Tozzi; M. Pezzopane; F. Giannattasio; G. Balasis; article=2020JA027934; doi=10.1029/2020JA027934; pubdate=03 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= NASA CDAWeb team for making these data Sample usage= use permission of 1 min OMNI data and the 143. Title=Ionospheric and magnetic signatures of a space weather event 25 29 August 2018: CME and HSSWs Authors=W. Younas; C. Amory Mazaudier; Majid Khan; R. Fleury; article=2020JA027981; doi=10.1029/2020JA027981; pubdate=06 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Sample usage= Community for providing GNSS data, OMNI web data 144. Title=Whistler mode waves in the compressional boundary of foreshock transients Authors=Xiaofei Shi; Terry Z. Liu; Vassilis Angelopoulos; Xiaojia Zhang; article=2019JA027758; doi=10.1029/2019JA027758; pubdate=10 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb, for their 145. Title=Arase observation of the source region of auroral arcs and diffuse auroras in the inner magnetosphere Authors=K. Shiokawa; M. Nos; S. Imajo; Y. Tanaka; Y. Miyoshi; K. Hosokawa; M. Connors; M. Engebretson; Y. Kazama; S. Y. Wang; S. W. Y. Tam; Tzu Fang Chang; Bo Jhou Wang; K. Asamura; S. Kasahara; S. Yokota; T. Hori; K. Keika; Y. Kasaba; M. Shoji; Y. Kasahara; A. Matsuoka; I. Shinohara; article=2019JA027310; doi=10.1029/2019JA027310; pubdate=10 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= CDAWeb database. PANG is in the Sample usage= database was provided by Sample usage= SYM-H index obtained from the OMNI database of National Aeronautics and 146. Title=Magnetospheric conditions for STEVE and SAID: Particle injection, substorm surge and field aligned currents Authors=Y. Nishimura; J. Yang; J. M. Weygand; W. Wang; B. Kosar; E. F. Donovan; V. Angelopoulos; L. Paxton; N. Nishitani; article=2020JA027782; doi=10.1029/2020JA027782; pubdate=13 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= data were obtained through,, Sample usage= by the sum of the IRI-90 (International 147. Title=Saturn-s nightside dynamics during Cassini-s F ring and proximal orbits: Response to solar wind and planetary period oscillation modulations Authors=T. J. Bradley; S. W. H. Cowley; E. J. Bunce; H. Melin; G. Provan; J. D. Nichols; M. K. Dougherty; E. Roussos; N. Krupp; C. Tao; L. Lamy; W. R. Pryor; G. J. Hunt; article=2020JA027907; doi=10.1029/2020JA027907; pubdate=15 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= Node on the Internet (OMNI) dataset, and by Stereo-A 148. Title=Interhemispheric Comparisons of Large Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Relevant to GICs Authors=Mark J. Engebretson; Kathryn R. Kirkevold; Erik S. Steinmetz; Viacheslav A. Pilipenko; Mark B. Moldwin; Brett A. McCuen; C. R. Clauer; Michael D. Hartinger; Shane Coyle; Hermann Opgenoorth; Audrey Schillings; Anna N. Willer; Thom R. Edwards; David H. Boteler; Andy J. Gerrard; Mervyn P. Freeman; Michael C. Rose; article=2020JA028128; doi=10.1029/2020JA028128; pubdate=15 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Physics Data Facility at, as are also data Sample usage= each case we also show OMNI interplanetary 149. Title=Longitudinal responses of the equatorial/low latitude ionosphere over the oceanic regions to geomagnetic storms of May and September, 2017 Authors=A. O. Akala; E. O. Oyeyemi; P. O. Amaechi; S. M. Radicella; B. Nava; C. Amory Mazaudier; article=2020JA027963; doi=10.1029/2020JA027963; pubdate=16 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= were obtained at https// ACE satellite is located 150. Title=Long lasting Ground satellite High Coherence of Compressional Dayside Pc3 Pc4 Pulsations Authors=Gi Jeong Kim; Khan Hyuk Kim; Hyuck Jin Kwon; Kazuo Shiokawa; Kazue Takahashi; Junga Hwang; article=2020JA028074; doi=10.1029/2020JA028074; pubdate=16 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= study are available at Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center ( Sample usage= Geomagnetism, Kyoto University. The OMNI solar wind data are publicly Sample usage= available from the NASA Space Physics Data Facility, Goddard Space Flight Center 151. Title=Solar Wind Electron Parameters Determination on Wind Spacecraft Using Quasi Thermal Noise Spectroscopy Authors=Mihailo M. Martinović; Kristopher G. Klein; Savannah R. Gramze; Himanshu Jain; Milan Maksimović; Arnaud Zaslavsky; Chadi Salem; Ioannis Zouganelis; Zoran Simić; article=2020JA028113; doi=10.1029/2020JA028113; pubdate=17 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= sets are available at NASA CDAWeb repository, at wi\_h1\_swe 152. Title=Average ionospheric mid and low latitude night time zonal currents deduced from CHAMP Authors=Yun Liang Zhou; Hermann Lühr; Patrick Alken; article=2019JA027702; doi=10.1029/2019JA027702; pubdate=17 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= can be found at The work of Yun-Liang 153. Title=Multi scale observation of two polar cap arcs occurring on different magnetic field topologies Authors=J. A. Reidy; R. C. Fear; D. K. Whiter; B. S. Lanchester; A. J. Kavanagh; D. J. Price; J. M. Chadney; Y. Zhang; L. J. Paxton; article=2019JA027611; doi=10.1029/2019JA027611; pubdate=20 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= data were obtained from https://omniweb Sample usage= have used data from the OMNI database (King & Papitashvili, 2005) 154. Title=The effects of field line curvature (FLC) scattering on ring current dynamics and isotropic boundary Authors=Yiqun Yu; Xingbin Tian; Vania K. Jordanova; article=2020JA027830; doi=10.1029/2020JA027830; pubdate=21 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= The authors thank the OMNIweb from NASA Goddard Space Flight 155. Title=Interhemispheric conjugacy of concurrent onset and poleward traveling geomagnetic responses for throat aurora observed under quiet solar wind conditions Authors=Hui Ting Feng; De Sheng Han; Xiang Cai Chen; Jian Jun Liu; Zhong Hua Xu; article=2020JA027995; doi=10.1029/2020JA027995; pubdate=22 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= OMNIWeb service at We acknowledge the auroral Sample usage= data set through OMNIWeb. The optical observations are Sample usage= study are extracted from NASA/GSFC's OMNI Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's 156. Title=A Short lived Three Belt Structure for Sub MeV Electrons in the Van Allen Belts: Time Scale and Energy Dependence Authors=Y. X. Hao; Q. G. Zong; X. Z. Zhou; H. Zou; R. Rankin; Y. X. Sun; X. R. Chen; Y. Liu; S. Y. Fu; D. N. Baker; H. E. Spence; J. B. Blake; G. D. Reeves; S. G. Claudepierre; article=2020JA028031; doi=10.1029/2020JA028031; pubdate=23 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= OMNI database ( Sample usage= OMNI database ( 157. Title=A deep learning based approach for modeling the dynamics of AMPERE Birkeland currents Authors=B. S. R. Kunduri; M. Maimaiti; J. B. H. Baker; J. M. Ruohoniemi; B. J. Anderson; S. K. Vines; article=2020JA027908; doi=10.1029/2020JA027908; pubdate=29 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Data Facility’s CDAweb service (at We thank Sample usage= study, we use 1-min averaged OMNI values \[King and Papitashvili, 2005\], 158. Title=Quantifying the effects of EMIC wave scattering and magnetopause shadowing in the outer electron radiation belt by means of data assimilation Authors=S. Cervantes; Y. Y. Shprits; N. A. Aseev; H. J. Allison; article=2020JA028208; doi=10.1029/2020JA028208; pubdate=03 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= service, and OMNI data ( The Kp index was Sample usage= NIWeb service, and OMNI data ( The Kp index Sample usage= authors acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's 159. Title=Daily and monthly variations of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) over the Brazilian sector during the descending phase of the solar cycle 24 Authors=M. A. L. Dias; P. R. Fagundes; K. Venkatesh; V. G. Pillat; B. A. G. Ribeiro; G. K. Seemala; M. O. Arcanjo; article=2020JA027906; doi=10.1029/2020JA027906; pubdate=06 August 2020 Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= ( modelweb/models/iri2016\_vitmo.php). Sample usage= (International Reference Ionosphere) model outputs. The IRI-2016 Sample usage= GPS observations and IRI-2016 model and the results are Sample usage= to estimate the performance of IRI2016 model to predict the EIA 160. Title=Spatial variations in Disturbance Ionospheric currents inference from 12 geomagnetic storms Authors=Jayashree Bulusu; R. K. Archana; Kusumita Arora; article=2019JA027718; doi=10.1029/2019JA027718; pubdate=06 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= NASA’s CDAWEB portal ( 161. Title=Systematical analyses of global ionospheric disturbance current systems caused by multiple processes: Penetration electric fields, solar wind pressure impulses, magnetospheric substorms, and ULF waves Authors=Chao Song Huang; article=2020JA027942; doi=10.1029/2020JA027942; pubdate=06 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( and have Sample usage= are taken from NASA Space Physics Data Facility ( and have 162. Title=Inner Magnetospheric ULF Waves: the Occurrence and Distribution of Broadband and Discrete Wave Activity Authors=K. R. Murphy; A. R. Inglis; D. G. Sibeck; C. E. J. Watt; I. J. Rae; article=2020JA027887; doi=10.1029/2020JA027887; pubdate=10 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= and Sample usage= the 1 minute high resolution OMNI data set providing mea- 163. Title=Inherent length scales of periodic mesoscale density structures in the solar wind over two solar cycles Authors=L. Kepko; N. M. Viall; K. Wolfinger; article=2020JA028037; doi=10.1029/2020JA028037; pubdate=10 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= this study were obtained from CDAWeb 164. Title=Quantification of the Atmospheric Relativistic Electron Precipitation (REP) on 17th January 2013 Authors=S. Shekhar; R. M. Millan; L. A. Woodger; M. Qin; article=2020JA028014; doi=10.1029/2020JA028014; pubdate=11 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= data were taken from RBSP data were taken Sample usage= OMNI data were taken from 165. Title=Dynamics of Energetic Electrons in the Slot Region during Geomagnetically Quiet Times: Losses due to Wave Particle Interactions versus a Source from Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay (CRAND) Authors=Zheng Xiang; Xinlin Li; Binbin Ni; M. A. Temerin; Hong Zhao; Kun Zhang; Leng Ying Khoo; article=2020JA028042; doi=10.1029/2020JA028042; pubdate=11 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= from the OMNI database ( The simulation data in Sample usage= obtained from the OMNI database ( The simulation data Sample usage= and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 2012 (Bilitza et al., 166. Title=Ionospheric planetary wave activity and its role on Equatorial Spread F day to day variability Authors=G. Manju; R. P. Aswathy; article=2020JA027960; doi=10.1029/2020JA027960; pubdate=11 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb Sample usage= winds are archived through Sample usage= 167. Title=The solar wind density control on the Prompt Penetration Electric Field and Equatorial Electrojet Authors=B. Nilam; S. Tulasi Ram; K. Shiokawa; N. Balan; Q. Zhang; article=2020JA027869; doi=10.1029/2020JA027869; pubdate=11 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= (\_min.html). Sample usage= OMNI Sample usage= (SPDF), 168. Title=Statistical characteristics and correlation of low latitude F region bottom type irregularity layers and plasma plumes over Sanya Authors=Lianhuan Hu; Xiukuan Zhao; Wenjie Sun; Zhi Wu; Jianchang Zheng; Haiyong Xie; Zhaoguo Huang; Baiqi Ning; Guozhu Li; article=2020JA027855; doi=10.1029/2020JA027855; pubdate=11 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= OMNIWeb ( and the WDC for 169. Title=Is the Substorm Current Wedge an Ensemble of Wedgelets?:Revisit to Midlatitude Positive Bays Authors=Shinichi Ohtani; Jesper W. Gjerloev; article=2020JA027902; doi=10.1029/2020JA027902; pubdate=11 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= OMNIWeb Sample usage= National Science Foundation (NSF). The OMNI Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF 170. Title=New Insights from Long Term Measurements of Inner Belt Protons (10s of MeV) by SAMPEX, POES, Van Allen Probes, and Simulation Results Authors=Xinlin Li; Zheng Xiang; Kun Zhang; Lengying Khoo; Hong Zhao; Daniel N. Baker; Michael A. Temerin; article=2020JA028198; doi=10.1029/2020JA028198; pubdate=11 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= all publicly available at \[https:// cdaweb, Sample usage= ( Sample usage= study are obtained from the OMNI database Sample usage= running averaged sunspot number \[\] . 171. Title=Why are there so few reports of high energy electron drift resonances? Role of radial phase space density gradients Authors=M. D. Hartinger; G. D. Reeves; A. Boyd; M. G. Henderson; D. L. Turner; C. M. Komar; S. G. Claudepierre; I. R. Mann; A. Breneman; S. Di Matteo; X. J. Zhang; article=2020JA027924; doi=10.1029/2020JA027924; pubdate=13 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, AP-8, AE-8 Sample usage= NASA CDAWeb and are publicly available there: Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface. Sample usage= Based on analysis of these OMNI data and Sample usage= measurements from the the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface. Sample usage= AE-8 Trapped Electron and the AP-8 Trapped Proton Model Environments (Vol. Sample usage= Phase-Space Density Analyses of the AE-8 Trapped Electron and the AP-8 172. Title=Solar wind conditions during the first forty two months of magnetospheric multiscale mission Authors=H. R. Lai; C. T. Russell; Y. D. Jia; X. Blanco Cano; article=2020JA028207; doi=10.1029/2020JA028207; pubdate=13 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= (CDAWeb) in the Space Physics Sample usage= ( Sample usage= Elliott et al. \[2016\] using OMNI data covering Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). Table 1 lists the Sample usage= (CDAWeb) in the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). Table 1 lists the 173. Title=Equatorial North South Difference of Noontime Electron Density Bite out in the F2 layer Authors=Yiding Chen; Libo Liu; Huijun Le; Hui Zhang; article=2020JA028124; doi=10.1029/2020JA028124; pubdate=13 August 2020 Keywords found: IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= with IRI-2007 TEC and TEC-2007 with optional 174. Title=Spatial coherence of interplanetary coronal mass ejection sheaths at 1 AU Authors=Matti Ala Lahti; Julia Ruohotie; Simon Good; Emilia K. J. Kilpua; No Lugaz; article=2020JA028002; doi=10.1029/2020JA028002; pubdate=15 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb, The investigated magnetic 175. Title=Balloons in the Earth-s Auroral Science - BALBOA-s Modern Exploration Authors=X. Y. Zhou; S. B. Rafol; R. G. Michell; D. Hampton; C. Geach; A. Berk; D. Lummerzheim; Y. T. He; article=2019JA027603; doi=10.1029/2019JA027603; pubdate=19 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= ( The AE index was Sample usage= OMNI/Web Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF 176. Title=EMIC Waves in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere as a Function of Solar Wind Structures During Solar Maximum Authors=Konstantin V. Gamayunov; Mark J. Engebretson; Scot R. Elkington; article=2020JA027990; doi=10.1029/2020JA027990; pubdate=20 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Physics Data Facility at Dst, Sample usage= tion OMNI data, and all the SW Sample usage= Center Space Physics Data Facility at Dst, 177. Title=Role of bottom side density gradient in the development of equatorial plasma bubble/spread F (ESF) irregularities: Solar minimum and maximum conditions Authors=M. A. Abdu; E. A. Kherani; J. Sousasantos; article=2020JA027773; doi=10.1029/2020JA027773; pubdate=20 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= Digisonde data over Sao 178. Title=Scale sizes of magnetosheath jets Authors=F. Plaschke; H. Hietala; Z. Vörös; article=2020JA027962; doi=10.1029/2020JA027962; pubdate=21 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Flight Center ( min.html). Magnetosheath Sample usage= measurements, as given by NASA’s OMNI data set (King & Papitashvili, Sample usage= publicly available from the NASA Space Physics Data Facility at the Goddard 179. Title=First zonal drift velocity measurement of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles (EPBs) from a geostationary orbit using GOLD data Authors=Deepak K. Karan; Robert E. Daniell; Scott L. England; Carlos R. Martinis; Richard W. Eastes; Alan G. Burns; William E. McClintock; article=2020JA028173; doi=10.1029/2020JA028173; pubdate=21 August 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( This research was supported Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( This research was supported 180. Title=Characteristics of Reconnection Sites and Fast Flow Channels in an MHD Simulation Authors=R. L. McPherron; M. El Alaoui; R. J. Walker; R. Richard; article=2019JA027701; doi=10.1029/2019JA027701; pubdate=22 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, NSSDC Sample usage= THEMIS ground and spacecraft Sample usage= were downloaded from the NSSDC OMNI data file Sample usage= indices were downloaded from the NSSDC OMNI data file 181. Title=Generalized Substorm Current Wedge Model: Two Types of Dipolarizations in the Inner Magnetosphere Authors=S. Ohtani; T. Motoba; K. Takahashi; S. Califf; article=2020JA027890; doi=10.1029/2020JA027890; pubdate=22 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= ( We are also grateful Sample usage= NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility Coordinated Data Analysis Web 182. Title=Active (Evolving) phase of equatorial plasma bubbles observed over Tirunelveli Authors=B. Kakad; P. Gurram; A. Bhattacharyya; D. S. V. V. D. Prasad; article=2019JA027359; doi=10.1029/2019JA027359; pubdate=22 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= MH (5 minute resolution) from CDAWEB , Sample usage= (2017), International Reference Ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate to 183. Title=Predicting the Time of Arrival of Coronal Mass Ejections at Earth From Heliospheric Imaging Observations Authors=Carlos Roberto Braga; Angelos Vourlidas; Guillermo Stenborg; Alisson Dal Lago; Rafael Rodrigues Souza de Mendonça; Ezequiel Echer; article=2020JA027885; doi=10.1029/2020JA027885; pubdate=22 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb service to make the data Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface Sample usage= from the OMNI database and consists of merged Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface Sample usage= the NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb service to make 184. Title=Storm time coupling of equatorial nighttime F region neutral winds and plasma drifts Authors=L. A. Navarro; B. G. Fejer; article=2020JA028253; doi=10.1029/2020JA028253; pubdate=24 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= ( We thank Prof. John Sample usage= solar wind data from the Space Physics Data Facility 185. Title=The role of hiss, chorus and EMIC waves in the modeling of the dynamics of the multi MeV radiation belt electrons Authors=A. Y. Drozdov; M. E. Usanova; M. Hudson; H. J. Allison; Y. Y. Shprits; article=2020JA028282; doi=10.1029/2020JA028282; pubdate=24 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= used geomagnetic indices provided by OMNIWeb 186. Title=Topside ionosphere of NeQuick2 and IRI 2016 validated by using on board GPS observations from multiple LEO satellites Authors=Xiaodong Ren; Jun Chen; Xiaohong Zhang; Pengxin Yang; article=2020JA027999; doi=10.1029/2020JA027999; pubdate=24 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= Space Administration (NASA) via: https:// omniweb, the IRI2016 Working group Sample usage= The NeQuick and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) models are two commonly Sample usage= Topside ionosphere of NeQuick2 and IRI-2016 validated by using on-board Sample usage= examined the performance of the IRI2016 and NeQuick2 models in representation 187. Title=The Seasonal and Longitudinal Variations of Nighttime OI 135.6nm Emission at Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Crests Observed by the DMSP/SSUSI Authors=Bing Guo; Jiyao Xu; Longchang Sun; Yingjun Lin; Wei Yuan; article=2019JA027764; doi=10.1029/2019JA027764; pubdate=24 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= providing F10.7 data (\_res\_omni/). The JPL Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) at NASA’s Goddard Space Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) at NASA’s Goddard Space 188. Title=Geomagnetic Effects in Spatial Distributions of Particle Precipitation in Terms of Particle Energy Channels Authors=Han Wen Shen; Jih Hong Shue; John Dombeck; Hsien Ming Li; article=2020JA028137; doi=10.1029/2020JA028137; pubdate=24 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= (CDAWeb) Sample usage= index was obtained from the OMNIWeb Sample usage= Machol, J. (2012). POES/MetOp SEM2 omni flux algorithm theory and software 189. Title=Comparison of GOLD nighttime measurements with total electron content: preliminary results Authors=Xuguang Cai; Alan G. Burns; Wenbin Wang; Anthea Coster; Liying Qian; Jing Liu; Stanley C. Solomon; Richard W. Eastes; Robert E. Daniell; William E. McClintock; article=2019JA027767; doi=10.1029/2019JA027767; pubdate=24 August 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= ( Sample usage= and at NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility 190. Title=Importance of Regional Scale Auroral Precipitation and Electrical Field Variability to the Storm Time Thermospheric Temperature Enhancement and Inversion Layer (TTEIL) in the Antarctic E Region Authors=Haonan Wu; Xian Lu; Gang Lu; Xinzhao Chu; Wenbin Wang; Zhibin Yu; Liam M. Kilcommons; Delores J. Knipp; Boyi Wang; Yukitoshi Nishimura; article=2020JA028224; doi=10.1029/2020JA028224; pubdate=24 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= are: (geomagnetic indices), ground magnetometer 191. Title=Generation of non substorm Pi2s at low and mid latitudes Authors=Manjula Lingala; Jayashree Bulusu; Kusumita Arora; Sergey Y. Khomutov; Oksana V. Mandrikova; Igor S. Soloviev; article=2019JA026741; doi=10.1029/2019JA026741; pubdate=24 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= downloaded from CDA web to 192. Title=Equatorial F region plasma waves and instabilities observed near midnight at solar minimum during the NASA Too WINDY sounding rocket experiment Authors=D. L. Hysell; S. Rao; M. F. Larsen; article=2020JA028408; doi=10.1029/2020JA028408; pubdate=25 August 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Physics Data Facility (see Sample usage= Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility (see 193. Title=Height integrated ionospheric conductances parameterised by interplanetary magnetic field and substorm phase Authors=J. A. Carter; S. E. Milan; L. J. Paxton; B. J. Anderson; J. Gjerloev; article=2020JA028121; doi=10.1029/2020JA028121; pubdate=25 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= the NASA/GSFC OMNI facility ( Sample usage= the OMNI database (King & Papitashvili, 2005), 194. Title=Nascent Flux Rope Observations at Earth-s Dayside Magnetopause Authors=S. Eriksson; V. M. Souza; P. A. Cassak; S. Hoilijoki; article=2020JA027919; doi=10.1029/2020JA027919; pubdate=30 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= and from the NASA CDAWeb Sample usage= satellite, OMNI data (King and Papitashvili, 2005) 195. Title=Charge State Dependent Energization of Suprathermal Ions During Substorm Injections Observed by MMS in the Magnetotail Authors=S. T. Bingham; I. J. Cohen; B. H. Mauk; D. L. Turner; D. G. Mitchell; S. K. Vines; S. A. Fuselier; R. B. Torbert; J. L. Burch; article=2020JA028144; doi=10.1029/2020JA028144; pubdate=31 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Additional thanks are extended Sample usage= data comes from the NASA OMNI data set (King & Papitashvili, 196. Title=Dynamic Properties of Particle Injections Inside Geosynchronous Orbit: A Multi satellite Case Study Authors=T. Motoba; S. Ohtani; S. G. Claudepierre; G. D. Reeves; A. Y. Ukhorskiy; L. J. Lanzerotti; article=2020JA028215; doi=10.1029/2020JA028215; pubdate=03 September 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb Sample usage= instrument websites stated above and CDAWeb Sample usage= ( SuperMAG indices and magnetometer 197. Title=Properties of solar wind structures at Mercury's orbit Authors=P. Diego; M. Piersanti; M. Laurenza; U. Villante; article=2020JA028281; doi=10.1029/2020JA028281; pubdate=03 September 2020 Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= have been identified by using OMNI data for the same period Sample usage= 198. Title=Database of storm time equatorial ion temperatures in Earth-s magnetosphere calculated from energetic neutral atom data Authors=A. M. Keesee; R. M. Katus; M. Floyd; E. E. Scime; article=2020JA028266; doi=10.1029/2020JA028266; pubdate=04 September 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF Sample usage= temperature maps is available on CDAWeb Sample usage= Figure 5. Orbital plots from SSCweb for TWINS 1 (red \*) Sample usage= and Dst are obtained from OmniWeb for comparison. Using these data, Sample usage= Physics Data Facility (SPDF) and described in Keesee 199. Title=First Global scale Synoptic Imaging of Solar Eclipse Effects in the Thermosphere. Authors=Saurav Aryal; J. S. Evans; John Correira; Alan G. Burns; Wenbin Wang; Stanley C. Solomon; Fazlul I. Laskar; William E. McClintock; Richard W. Eastes; Tong Dang; Jiuhou Lei; Huixin Liu; Geonhwa Jee; article=2020JA027789; doi=10.1029/2020JA027789; pubdate=04 September 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= Data Facility ( H. Liu acknowledges support 200. Title=Interaction between a Southwestward Propagating MSTID and a Poleward Moving WSA like Plasma Patch on a Magnetically Quiet Night at Mid latitude China Region Authors=Longchang Sun; Jiyao Xu; Yajun Zhu; Wei Yuan; Zhiqing Chen; Yongqiang Hao; Lianhuan Hu; Donghe Zhang; Bing Guo; Xiukuan Zhao; article=2020JA028085; doi=10.1029/2020JA028085; pubdate=21 September 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage=\_500ms\_cdf/. 201. Title=Plasma and field observations in the magnetospheric source region of a stable auroral red (SAR) arc by the Arase satellite on 28 March 2017 Authors=Yudai Inaba; Kazuo Shiokawa; Shin ichiro Oyama; Yuichi Otsuka; Arto Oksanen; Atsuki Shinbori; Artem Yu. Gololobov; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Yoichi Kazama; Shiang Yu Wang; Sunny W. Y. Tam; Tzu Fang Chang; Bo Jhou Wang; Shoichiro Yokota; Satoshi Kasahara; Kunihiro Keika; Tomoaki Hori; Ayako Matsuoka; Yoshiya Kasahara; Atsushi Kumamoto; Yasumasa Kasaba; Fuminori Tsuchiya; Masafumi Shoji; Iku Shinohara; Claudia Stolle; article=2020JA028068; doi=10.1029/2020JA028068; pubdate=21 September 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= were provided by the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface Sample usage= Technology of Japan. The OMNI data were provided by the Sample usage= were provided by the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface 202. Title=Flux transfer event with an electron scale substructure observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission Authors=M. V. D. Silveira; D. G. Sibeck; S. H. Lee; D. Koga; V. M. Souza; W. D. Gonzalez; C. T. Russell; article=2019JA027308; doi=10.1029/2019JA027308; pubdate=21 September 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= ( 203. Title=Lower Band "Monochromatic" Chorus Riser Subelement/Wave Packet Observations Authors=Bruce T. Tsurutani; Rui Chen; Xinliang Gao; Quanming Lu; Jolene S. Pickett; Gurbax S. Lakhina; Abhijit Sen; Rajkumar Hajra; Sang A. Park; Barbara J. Falkowski; article=2020JA028090; doi=10.1029/2020JA028090; pubdate=22 September 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= 204. Title=20 Years of ACE Data: How Superposed Epoch Analyses Reveal Generic Features in Interplanetary CME Profiles Authors=F. Regnault; M. Janvier; P. Démoulin; F. Auchère; A. Strugarek; S. Dasso; C. Noûs; article=2020JA028150; doi=10.1029/2020JA028150; pubdate=25 September 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, FTPBrowser Sample usage= (\\#Details). Sample usage= parameter as derived in the OMNI database Sample usage= (\\#Details). 205. Title=Westward plasma drifts in the nighttime equatorial ionosphere during severe magnetic storms: A new type of penetration electric fields caused by subauroral polarization stream Authors=Chao Song Huang; article=2020JA028300; doi=10.1029/2020JA028300; pubdate=26 September 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center ( Sample usage= are provided by the NASA Space Physics Data Facility at 206. Title=Ionospheric response at conjugate locations during the 7 8 September 2017 geomagnetic storm over the Europe African longitude sector Authors=John Bosco Habarulema; Zama T. Katamzi Joseph; Dalia Burešová; Rendani Nndanganeni; Tshimangadzo Matamba; Mpho Tshisaphungo; Stephan Buchert; Michael Kosch; Stefan Lotz; Pierre Cilliers; Ayman Mahrous; article=2020JA028307; doi=10.1029/2020JA028307; pubdate=29 September 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, Sample usage= CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI data ( 207. Title=The Early Results and Validation of FORMOSAT 7/COSMIC 2 Space Weather Products: Global Ionospheric Specification and Ne Aided Abel Electron Density Profile Authors=Chi Yen Lin; Charles Chien Hung Lin; Jann Yenq Liu; P. K. Rajesh; Tomoko Matsuo; Min Yang Chou; Ho Fang Tsai; Wen Hao Yeh; article=2020JA028028; doi=10.1029/2020JA028028; pubdate=01 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= obtained from The authors gratefully Sample usage= International reference ionosphere 2016: From iono- spheric climate Sample usage= the F7/C2, into the background IRI-2016 model (Bilitza et al., 208. Title=Multi scale coupling during magnetopause reconnection: interface between the electron and ion diffusion regions Authors=K. J. Genestreti; Y. H. Liu; T. D. Phan; R. E. Denton; R. B. Torbert; J. L. Burch; J. M. Webster; S. Wang; K. J. Trattner; M. R. Argall; L. J. Chen; S. A. Fuselier; N. Ahmadi; R. E. Ergun; B. L. Giles; C. T. Russell; R. J. Strangeway; S. Eriksson; article=2020JA027985; doi=10.1029/2020JA027985; pubdate=01 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= and are available publicly from CDAWeb ( 209. Title=Long term Dropout of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt During Two Sequential Geomagnetic Storms Authors=H. Wu; T. Chen; V. V. Kalegaev; M. I. Panasyuk; N. A. Vlasova; S. Duan; X. Zhang; Z. He; J. Luo; C. Wang; article=2020JA028098; doi=10.1029/2020JA028098; pubdate=01 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= database, CDAWeb, WDC and ULF wave Sample usage= resolution data obtained from the Omni database are used to study 210. Title=Automatic Auroral Boundary Determination Algorithm with Deep Feature and Dual Level Set Authors=Chen Jing Tian; Hua Dong Du; Ping Lv Yang; Ze Ming Zhou; Xiao Feng Zhao; Su Zhou; article=2020JA027833; doi=10.1029/2020JA027833; pubdate=02 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= at as well as the Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility for providing Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) 211. Title=Convection in the Magnetosphere Ionosphere System: a Multi Mission Survey of its Response to IMF By Reversals Authors=N. A. Case; A. Grocott; R. C. Fear; S. Haaland; J. H. Lane; article=2019JA027541; doi=10.1029/2019JA027541; pubdate=02 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= NASA Goddard Space Flight Centers CDAWeb ( Sample usage= by the high-resolution (1 min) OMNIweb dataset. These data have been Sample usage= not accounted for in the OMNI dataset. Since we do not 212. Title=Statistical Characteristics of Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Inside the Magnetopasue based on MMS Observations Authors=Haimeng Li; Qianshui Peng; Rongxin Tang; He Zhang; Zhihong Zhong; Xiaohua Deng; Dedong Wang; article=2020JA028291; doi=10.1029/2020JA028291; pubdate=02 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= cdaweb/hro 1min/). Sample usage= Pdyn are obtained by the OMNI data (1-minute Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) of NASA’s Goddard Sample usage= which is public on the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) of NASA’s Goddard 213. Title=Statistical Study of SolarWind, Magnetosheath and Magnetotail Plasma and Field Properties: 12+ Years of THEMIS Observations and MHD Simulations Authors=X. Ma; K. Nykyri; A. Dimmock; C. Chu; article=2020JA028209; doi=10.1029/2020JA028209; pubdate=02 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= which was accessed via the OMNIWeb ( service. The Sample usage= study were obtained from the OMNI 214. Title=An ephemeral red arc appeared at 68° MLat at a pseudo breakup during geomagnetically quiet conditions Authors=S. Oyama; A. Shinbori; Y. Ogawa; M. Kellinsalmi; T. Raita; A. Aikio; H. Vanhamäki; K. Shiokawa; I. Virtanen; L. Cai; A. B. Workayehu; M. Pedersen; K. Kauristie; T. T. Tsuda; B. Kozelov; A. Demekhov; A. Yahnin; F. Tsuchiya; A. Kumamoto; Y. Kasahara; A. Matsuoka; M. Shoji; M. Teramoto; M. Lester; article=2020JA028468; doi=10.1029/2020JA028468; pubdate=03 October 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= obtained using SPEDAS V3.0 through 215. Title=Gravity and Pressure Gradient Currents Using Ionospheric Electron Density Measurements from COSMIC Satellites Authors=J. Sreelakshmi; Geeta Vichare; article=2020JA028401; doi=10.1029/2020JA028401; pubdate=09 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= OMNIWeb database ( Authors thank Tulasi Sample usage= index F10.7 was downloaded from SPDF Sample usage= obtained from the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) (Bilitza et al., 2017) 216. Title=North south Asymmetric Nightside Distorted Transpolar Arcs within A Framework of Deformed Magnetosphere Ionosphere Coupling: IMF-By Dependence, Ionospheric Currents, and Magnetotail Reconnection Authors=Motoharu Nowada; Qiu Gang Zong; Benoît Hubert; Quan Qi Shi; Yong Fu Wang; Jun Yang; Adrian Grocott; Alexander W. Degeling; An Min Tian; Xu Zhi Zhou; Chao Yue; article=2020JA027991; doi=10.1029/2020JA027991; pubdate=09 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= (, provided by NASA Goddard Sample usage= (see the plots of the OMNI and Geotail-measured solar wind data Sample usage= Flight Center (GSFC) Space Physics Data Facility. The Geotail MGF and 217. Title=Dayside polar cap density enhancements formed during substorms Authors=L. V. Goodwin; Y. Nishimura; A. J. Coster; S. Zhang; N. Nishitani; J. M. Ruohoniemi; B. J. Anderson; Q. H. Zhang; article=2020JA028101; doi=10.1029/2020JA028101; pubdate=09 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, Sample usage= CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI data. GPS TEC data 218. Title=Effects of IMF By on ring current asymmetry under southward IMF Bz conditions observed at ground magnetic stations: Case studies Authors=Sandeep Kumar; B. Veenadhari; D. Chakrabarty; S. Tulasi Ram; T. Kikuchi; Y. Miyoshi; article=2019JA027493; doi=10.1029/2019JA027493; pubdate=09 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, CGM, VITMO Sample usage= or Wind and obtained from CDAweb ( The Sym-H (symmetric Sample usage= Omniweb Sample usage= geographic and corrected geomagnetic (CGM) coordinates. CGM coordinates have Sample usage= ( vitmo /cgm.html) is used. In this 219. Title=BURST GEOMAGNETIC PULSATIONS AS INDICATORS OF SUBSTORM EXPANSION ONSETS DURING STORMS Authors=V. V. Mishin; B. Tsegmed; Yu. Yu. Klibanova; M. A. Kurikalova; article=2020JA028521; doi=10.1029/2020JA028521; pubdate=09 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= ( The AE index was 220. Title=A case study on the origin of near Earth plasma Authors=A. Glocer; D. Welling; C. R. Chappell; G. Toth; M. C. Fok; C. Komar; S. B. Kang; N. Buzulukova; C. Ferradas; S. Bingham; C. Mouikis; article=2020JA028205; doi=10.1029/2020JA028205; pubdate=10 October 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( We would also Sample usage= Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility ( We would also 221. Title=Statistical study of ion upflow and downflow observed by the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) Authors=Jiaen Ren; Shasha Zou; Jiayue Lu; Naomi Giertych; Yang Chen; Roger H. Varney; Ashton S. Reimer; article=2020JA028179; doi=10.1029/2020JA028179; pubdate=10 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= OMNIWeb, we match them to Sample usage= IMF parameters, extracted from NASA OMNI data set through Sample usage= acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI 222. Title=The effects of solar wind structure on nanodust dynamics in the inner heliosphere Authors=A. R. Poppe; C. O. Lee; article=2020JA028463; doi=10.1029/2020JA028463; pubdate=10 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= WSA-Enlil results (red) and the OMNI plasma and field dataset 223. Title=Cross scale quantification of storm time dayside magnetospheric magnetic flux content Authors=M. Akhavan Tafti; D. Fontaine; J. A. Slavin; O. Le Contel; D. Turner; article=2020JA028027; doi=10.1029/2020JA028027; pubdate=14 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb ( and OMNIWeb services Sample usage= Data Facility's CDAWeb ( and OMNIWeb services Sample usage= OMNI, Geotail, Cluster, MMS, GOES, 224. Title=Dual lobe reconnection and horse collar auroras Authors=S. E. Milan; J. A. Carter; G. E. Bower; S. M. Imber; L. J. Paxton; B. J. Anderson; M. R. Hairston; B. Hubert; article=2020JA028567; doi=10.1029/2020JA028567; pubdate=14 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb service (at Sample usage= National Aeronautics and Space Administration OMNIWeb portal (King & Papitashvili, 2005). Sample usage=, and OMNI data. The OMNI data and Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb service (at 225. Title=A statistical study of the subauroral polarization stream over North American sector using the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar 1979-2019 measurements Authors=Ercha Aa; Philip J. Erickson; Shun Rong Zhang; Shasha Zou; Anthea J. Coster; Larisa P. Goncharenko; John C. Foster; article=2020JA028584; doi=10.1029/2020JA028584; pubdate=14 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service ( Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service ( Sample usage= clock angle derivation was from OMNI datasets at 1 AU with Sample usage= data is acquired from NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service ( 226. Title=Classifying Magnetosheath Jets using MMS Statistical Properties Authors=Savvas Raptis; Tomas Karlsson; Ferdinand Plaschke; Anita Kullen; Per Arne Lindqvist; article=2019JA027754; doi=10.1029/2019JA027754; pubdate=16 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= 2.2 OMNIWeb/ACE - Solar Wind Data Sample usage= available through the 1-minute resolution OMNI database. This dataset is created 227. Title=Coordinated Ground Based and Space Borne Observations of Ionospheric Response to the Annular Solar Eclipse on 26 December 2019 Authors=Ercha Aa; Shun Rong Zhang; Philip J. Erickson; Larisa P. Goncharenko; Anthea J. Coster; Olusegun F. Jonah; Jiuhou Lei; Fuqing Huang; Tong Dang; Lei Liu; article=2020JA028296; doi=10.1029/2020JA028296; pubdate=17 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Omniweb Interface ( 228. Title=A gray box model for a probabilistic estimate of regional ground magnetic perturbations: Enhancing the NOAA operational Geospace model with machine learning Authors=E. Camporeale; M. D. Cash; H. J. Singer; C. C. Balch; Z. Huang; G. Toth; article=2019JA027684; doi=10.1029/2019JA027684; pubdate=17 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNI 229. Title=A Statistical Study of Polar Cap Flow Channels and their IMF By dependence Authors=K. Herlingshaw; L. J. Baddeley; K. Oksavik; D. A. Lorentzen; article=2020JA028359; doi=10.1029/2020JA028359; pubdate=17 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Data Facility ( The authors acknowledge Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb. The data have been Sample usage= the NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb. The 230. Title=Temporal Characteristics of Energetic Magnetospheric Electron Precipitation as Observed During Long Term Balloon Observations Authors=G. A. Bazilevskaya; M. S. Kalinin; M. B. Krainev; V. S. Makhmutov; Y. I. Stozhkov; A. K. Svirzhevskaya; N. S. Svirzhevsky; B. B. Gvozdevsky; article=2020JA028033; doi=10.1029/2020JA028033; pubdate=22 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF Sample usage= (OMNIWeb, The solar activity Sample usage= silso/datales), GSFC/SPDF 231. Title=Closure of F region dynamo currents: Revisiting CHAMP magnetic field data Authors=Jaeheung Park; Hermann Lühr; Yosuke Yamazaki; article=2020JA028522; doi=10.1029/2020JA028522; pubdate=23 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= were downloaded from the NASA OMNIWeb ( 232. Title=Persistence of the long duration daytime TEC enhancements at different longitudinal sectors during the August 2018 geomagnetic storm Authors=Qiaoling Li; Fuqing Huang; Jiahao Zhong; Ruilong Zhang; Jiawei Kuai; Jiuhou Lei; Libo Liu; Dexin Ren; Han Ma; Akimasa Yoshikawa; Lianhuan Hu; Jiapeng Guo; Wenbo Li; Xu Zhou; Jun Cui; article=2020JA028238; doi=10.1029/2020JA028238; pubdate=29 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= provided from Omni web ( Sample usage= solar wind are provided from Omni web ( 233. Title=Seasonal and Hemispheric Asymmetries of F Region Polar Cap Plasma Density: Swarm and CHAMP Observations Authors=S. M. Hatch; S. Haaland; K. M. Laundal; T. Moretto; A. W. Yau; L. Bjoland; J. P. Reistad; A. Ohma; K. Oksavik; article=2020JA028084; doi=10.1029/2020JA028084; pubdate=31 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= the NASA OMNI database ( The Sample usage= is available via the NASA OMNI database ( The Sample usage= C. (2016). An evaluation of international reference ionosphere electron density in 234. Title=Multipoint Conjugate Observations of Dayside ULF Waves During an Extended Period of Radial IMF Authors=X. Shi; M. D. Hartinger; J. B. H. Baker; J. M. Ruohoniemi; D. Lin; Z. Xu; S. Coyle; B. S. R. Kunduri; L. M. Kilcommons; A. Willer; article=2020JA028364; doi=10.1029/2020JA028364; pubdate=09 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, CGM, VITMO Sample usage= through the CDAWeb ( Sample usage= calculations were done using https://omniweb. Sample usage= GSE coordinates, and (e) ion omni energy spectrum. Sample usage= are in Corrected GeoMagnetic (CGM) coordinates based on the Sample usage= vitmo/cgm.html website. L value of 235. Title=Statistical Structure of Nighttime O2 Aurora from SABER and Its Dependence on Geomagnetic and Solar Activities in Winter Authors=Hong Gao; Jiyao Xu; Guang Ming Chen; Yajun Zhu; Weijun Liu; Chi Wang; article=2020JA028302; doi=10.1029/2020JA028302; pubdate=10 November 2020 Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= in this study are from Sample usage= in this study are from 236. Title=Co located Observations of the E and F region Thermosphere during a Substorm Authors=D. D. Billett; K. A. McWilliams; M. G. Conde; article=2020JA028165; doi=10.1029/2020JA028165; pubdate=10 November 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= from the OMNI dataset (, along with FAC morphol- Sample usage= from the OMNI dataset (, along with FAC 237. Title=Global propagation of magnetospheric Pc5 ULF waves driven by foreshock transients Authors=Boyi Wang; Terry Liu; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Hui Zhang; Michael Hartinger; Xueling Shi; Qianli Ma; Vassilis Angelopoulos; Harald U. Frey; article=2020JA028411; doi=10.1029/2020JA028411; pubdate=11 November 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= and 238. Title=Characteristics of Electron Precipitation during 40 Energetic Electron Injections Inferred via Subionospheric VLF Signal Propagation Authors=R. Ghaffari; C. M. Cully; D. L. Turner; G. D. Reeves; article=2019JA027233; doi=10.1029/2019JA027233; pubdate=11 November 2020 Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Satellite Situation Center (SSCweb) facility at NASA/Goddard Space Sample usage= obtained from OMNI database (King and Papitashvili, 2005). 239. Title=Alfvénic thermospheric upwelling in a global geospace model Authors=Benjamin Hogan; William Lotko; Kevin Pham; article=2020JA028059; doi=10.1029/2020JA028059; pubdate=11 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4} Sample usage= OMNI-combined data available at Sample usage= ( We thank Roger Varney Sample usage= one-minute OMNI -combined data available at Sample usage= (4)-(6) using the most recent International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2016) (Bilitza 2018), the Navy Sample usage= recent International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2016) (Bilitza 2018), the Navy 240. Title=Longitudinal and Interhemispheric ionospheric response to 2009 and 2013 SSW events in the African European and Indian East Asian sectors Authors=Geetashree Kakoti; Bitap Raj Kalita; P. K. Bhuyan; S. Baruah; K. Wang; article=2020JA028570; doi=10.1029/2020JA028570; pubdate=11 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb Sample usage= from\_public. The Earths magnetic field Sample usage= data and OMNIWeb for F10.7 solar flux and 241. Title=Simultaneous Polar and Cluster observations in the northern and southern mid altitude polar cusps around equinox Authors=F. Pitout; A. Marchaudon; K. J. Trattner; J. Berchem; H. Laakso; C. P. Escoubet; article=2020JA028346; doi=10.1029/2020JA028346; pubdate=11 November 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC Sample usage= are also available at Cluster and Sample usage= OMNI data (solar wind and IMF Sample usage= Data Book, Supplement 5, 19881993, NSSDC /WDC-A-R&S 94-08, NASA/National Space Science 242. Title=System identification of local time electron fluencies at geostationary orbit Authors=R. J. Boynton; H. Aryan; A. P. Dimmock; M. A. Balikhin; article=2020JA028262; doi=10.1029/2020JA028262; pubdate=11 November 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= OMNIweb ( Here, the measurements are 243. Title=OI 630.0 nm and N2 1PG emissions in pulsating aurora events observed by an optical spectrograph at Tromsø, Norway Authors=T. T. Tsuda; C. Li; S. Hamada; K. Hosokawa; S. i. Oyama; S. Nozawa; T. Kawabata; A. Mizuno; J. Kurihara; T. Nishiyama; M. J. Kosch; article=2020JA028250; doi=10.1029/2020JA028250; pubdate=13 November 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= University of Norway (UiT). The OMNI data, shown in Supporting Infor- 244. Title=A case study of non resonant mode three second ULF waves observed by MMS Authors=Shan Wang; Li Jen Chen; Jonathan Ng; Naoki Bessho; Guan Le; Shing F. Fung; Daniel J. Gershman; Barbara L. Giles; article=2020JA028557; doi=10.1029/2020JA028557; pubdate=16 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage=, Sample usage= temperature of 5 eV from OMNI dataset, though the 245. Title=Driving of outer belt electron loss by solar wind dynamic pressure structures: Analysis of balloon and satellite data Authors=A. W. Breneman; A. J. Halford; R. M. Millan; L. A. Woodger; X. J. Zhang; J. K. Sandhu; L. Capannolo; W. Li; Q. Ma; C. M. Cully; K. R. Murphy; T. Brito; S. S. Elliott; article=2020JA028097; doi=10.1029/2020JA028097; pubdate=16 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb Sample usage= OMNI database time-shifted from Wind data Sample usage= acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb 246. Title=Simultaneously formed Wedge like Structures of Different Ion Species Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere Authors=Jie Ren; Q. G. Zong; C. Yue; X. Z. Zhou; S. Y. Fu; H. E. Spence; H. O. Funsten; article=2020JA028192; doi=10.1029/2020JA028192; pubdate=18 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= OMNI data are available at CDAWeb Sample usage= AE indices (accessed through the OMNIweb database). Sample usage= The OMNI data are available at CDAWeb 247. Title=On the formation of wedge like ion spectral structures in the nightside inner magnetosphere Authors=Xu Zhi Zhou; Jie Ren; Fan Yang; Chao Yue; Qiu Gang Zong; Sui Yan Fu; Yongfu Wang; article=2020JA028420; doi=10.1029/2020JA028420; pubdate=18 November 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Physics Data Facility at The MATLAB code for Sample usage= indices are available via NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility at The MATLAB code 248. Title=Imprints of sunspot cycles on normal and abnormal geomagnetic fields: Case study from equatorial and low latitude sites of India Authors=N. Phani Chandrasekhar; Arka Roy; article=2020JA028464; doi=10.1029/2020JA028464; pubdate=20 November 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= (; Solar Influences Data analysis 249. Title=Multiple technique observations of the ionospheric responses to the 21 June 2020 solar eclipse Authors=Ruilong Zhang; Huijun Le; Wenbo Li; Han Ma; Yuyan Yang; He Huang; Qiaoling Li; Xiukuan Zhao; Haiyong Xie; Wenjie Sun; Guozhu Li; Yiding Chen; Hui Zhang; Libo Liu; article=2020JA028450; doi=10.1029/2020JA028450; pubdate=21 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, CCMC Sample usage= CDAWeb ( During this period, the Sample usage= (IRI) ( The NmE is often Sample usage= the NmE obtained from the International Reference Ionosphere model Sample usage= (IRI) ( The NmE is often 250. Title=Westward electric fields in the afternoon equatorial ionosphere during geomagnetically quiet times Authors=Ruilong Zhang; Libo Liu; You Yu; Huijun Le; Yiding Chen; article=2020JA028532; doi=10.1029/2020JA028532; pubdate=21 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= The Jicamarca ISR and 251. Title=Dynamic mechanisms associated with high energy electron flux dropout in the Earth's outer radiation belt under the influence of a coronal mass ejection sheath region Authors=L. A. Da Silva; J. Shi; L. R. Alves; D. Sibeck; V. M. Souza; J. P. Marchezi; C. Medeiros; L. E. A. Vieira; O. Agapitov; P. R. Jauer; M. E. S. Alves; C. Wang; H. Li; Z. Liu; A. Dal Lago; M. V. Alves; M. S. Rockenbach; D. N. Baker; S. Y. Zhang; S. G. Kanekal; article=2020JA028492; doi=10.1029/2020JA028492; pubdate=01 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= WIND: Sample usage= from the Kp index (OMNI database) according to equations (8) 252. Title=Multi parameter chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave models Authors=Homayon Aryan; Jacob Bortnik; Nigel P. Meredith; Richard B. Horne; David G. Sibeck; Michael A. Balikhin; article=2020JA028403; doi=10.1029/2020JA028403; pubdate=03 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= online space physics data facility, OMNIWeb, is used to obtain Sample usage= NASA’s GSFC online space physics data facility, OMNIWeb, is used to 253. Title=Complex sub auroral flow channel structure formed by Double Peak Sub Auroral Ion Drifts (DSAID) and Abnormal Sub Auroral Ion Drifts (ASAID) Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell; article=2020JA028475; doi=10.1029/2020JA028475; pubdate=07 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= (\_public/), Sample usage= the OMNI database. Meanwhile, the indices of 254. Title=Ring Current Decay During Geomagnetic Storm Recovery Phase: Comparison Between RBSP Observations and Theoretical Modeling Authors=Ao Chen; Chao Yue; Hongfei Chen; Qiugang Zong; Suiyan Fu; Yongfu Wang; Jie Ren; article=2020JA028500; doi=10.1029/2020JA028500; pubdate=07 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb Sample usage= ( Sample usage= and geomagnetic indices are from OMNI database. The Van Allen Sample usage= sets are obtained online ( modelweb /models/nrlmsise00.php), 255. Title=Application of cold and hot plasma composition measurements to investigate impacts on dusk side electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves Authors=Justin H. Lee; Drew L. Turner; Sarah K. Vines; Robert C. Allen; Sergio Toledo Redondo; Sam T. Bingham; Stephen A. Fuselier; Ian J. Cohen; Michael J. Starkey; Daniel B. Graham; Yuri V. Khotyaintsev; Barry H. Mauk; Craig J. Pollock; Robert E. Ergun; Per Arne Lindqvist; Roy B. Torbert; James L. Burch; article=2020JA028650; doi=10.1029/2020JA028650; pubdate=09 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF Sample usage= were provided by NASA SPDF OMNIWeb Sample usage= data were provided by NASA SPDF OMNIWeb 256. Title=Inner Magnetospheric Response to the IMF By Component: Van Allen Probes and Arase Observations Authors=N. A. Case; D. P. Hartley; A. Grocott; Y. Miyoshi; A. Matsuoka; S. Imajo; S. Kurita; I. Shinohara; M. Teramoto; article=2020JA028765; doi=10.1029/2020JA028765; pubdate=10 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= from the high-resolution (1 min) OMNIweb database (King & Papitashvili, 2005). 257. Title=Magnetosphere ionosphere coupling via prescribed field aligned current simulated by the TIEGCM Authors=A. Maute; A.D Richmond; G. Lu; D.J. Knipp; Y. Shi; B. Anderson; article=2020JA028665; doi=10.1029/2020JA028665; pubdate=10 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, Sample usage= and OMNI data ( min.html). We acknowledge Sample usage= May 2010 based on NASA SPDF -OMNIweb data Sample usage= knowledge the use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, 258. Title=The PC index variations during 23/24 solar cycles: relation to solar wind parameters and magnetospheric disturbances Authors=O. A. Troshichev; S. Dolgacheva; N. A. Stepanov; D. A. Sormakov; article=2020JA028491; doi=10.1029/2020JA028491; pubdate=11 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= ( presents the solar wind Sample usage= in this connection that the OMNI database Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 259. Title=Magnetospheric Multiscale Statistics of High Energy Electrons Trapped in Diamagnetic Cavities Authors=B. L. Burkholder; K. Nykyri; X. Ma; article=2020JA028341; doi=10.1029/2020JA028341; pubdate=11 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= bow shock as reported by OMNIWeb (https:// Sample usage= nose as predicted by the OMNI. The following simplified predictions 260. Title=Van Allen Belt Punctures and their Correlation with Solar Wind, Geomagnetic Activity and ULF Waves Authors=J. Joseph; A. N. Jaynes; D. N. Baker; X. Li; S. G. Kanekal; article=2020JA028679; doi=10.1029/2020JA028679; pubdate=12 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= available from ULF wave activity indices Sample usage= were obtained from the NASA OMNI database. ULF indices were obtained Sample usage=\_fluxes-2sec/. Solar wind OMNI data 261. Title=Occurrence distribution of polar cap patches: dependences on UT, season and hemisphere Authors=A. Kagawa; K. Hosokawa; Y. Ogawa; Y. Ebihara; A. Kadokura; article=2020JA028538; doi=10.1029/2020JA028538; pubdate=14 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= ( ranged from -6 to Sample usage= IMF Bz obtained from the OMNI database 262. Title=Correlated Observation on Global Distributions of Magnetosonic Waves and Proton Rings in the Radiation Belts Authors=Qinghua Zhou; Zheng Jiang; Chang Yang; Yihua He; Si Liu; Fuliang Xiao; article=2020JA028354; doi=10.1029/2020JA028354; pubdate=15 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= at The OMNI data are Sample usage= at The OMNI data are obtained online Sample usage= ( 263. Title=Upper limit of electron fluxes observed in the radiation belts Authors=Kun Zhang; Xinlin Li; Hong Zhao; Zheng Xiang; Leng Ying Khoo; Wenxun Zhang; Benjamin Hogan; Michael A. Temerin; article=2020JA028511; doi=10.1029/2020JA028511; pubdate=15 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= data are available at Dst index is available 264. Title=High density magnetospheric He+ at the dayside magnetopause and its effect on magnetic reconnection Authors=S. A. Fuselier; S. Haaland; P. Tenfjord; G. Paschmann; S. Toledo Redondo; D. Malaspina; M. J. Kim; K. J. Trattner; S. M. Petrinec; B. L. Giles; J. Goldstein; J. L. Burch; R. J. Strangeway; article=2020JA028722; doi=10.1029/2020JA028722; pubdate=15 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= CDAWeb ( Research at SwRI was Sample usage= solar wind from the OMNI data base to specify the 265. Title=Estimating Maximum Extent of Auroral Equatorward Boundary using Historical and Simulated Surface Magnetic Field Data Authors=Seán P. Blake; Antti Pulkkinen; Peter W. Schuck; Alex Glocer; Gabor Tth; article=2020JA028284; doi=10.1029/2020JA028284; pubdate=15 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= WIND spacecraft (accessed via NASA’s OMNIWeb portal - Sample usage= the NASA OMNIweb dataportal (omni - 266. Title=Equatorial pitch angle distributions of 1 - 50 keV electrons in Earth's inner magnetosphere: an empirical model based on the Van Allen Probes observations Authors=H. Zhao; R. H. W. Friedel; Y. Chen; D. N. Baker; X. Li; D. M. Malaspina; B. A. Larsen; R. M. Skoug; H. O. Funsten; G. D. Reeves; A. J. Boyd; article=2020JA028322; doi=10.1029/2020JA028322; pubdate=15 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= Kp index, using data from OmniWeb. 267. Title=Electron density depletion region observed in the polar cap ionosphere Authors=L. M. Bjoland; Y. Ogawa; U. P. Løvhaug; D. A. Lorentzen; S. M. Hatch; K. Oksavik; article=2020JA028432; doi=10.1029/2020JA028432; pubdate=16 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= the NASA OMNI database (https://omniweb Sample usage= is available via the NASA OMNI database (https://omniweb 268. Title=Deriving CME density from remote sensing data and comparison to in situ measurements Authors=M. Temmer; L. Holzknecht; M. Dumbović; B. Vršnak; N. Sachdeva; S.G. Heinemann; K. Dissauer; C. Scolini; E. Asvestari; A. M. Veronig; S. J. Hofmeister; article=2020JA028380; doi=10.1029/2020JA028380; pubdate=17 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= (5-minute averaged) are taken via OMNIweb from the Wind spacecraft and 269. Title=First look at a geomagnetic storm with Santa Maria Digisonde data: F region responses and comparisons over the American sector Authors=J. Moro; J. Xu; C. M. Denardini; L. C. A. Resende; P. F. Barbosa Neto; L. A. Da Silva; R. P. Silva; S. S. Chen; G. A. S. Picanço; C. S. Carmo; Z. Liu; C. Yan; C. Wang; N. J. Schuch; article=2020JA028663; doi=10.1029/2020JA028663; pubdate=18 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= resolution ( The convective IEF east-west Sample usage= data are downloaded from the OMNI Website all at a 1-minute Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) outputs. The Digisondes installed Sample usage= at Jicamarca and comparison with IRI-2001 during solar Sample usage= Schuch (2020). Performance of the IRI2016 over Santa Maria, a Brazilian 270. Title=Study of spatiotemporal development of global distribution of magnetospheric ELF/VLF waves using ground based and satellite observations, and RAM SCB simulations, for the March and November 2017 storms Authors=Yuhei Takeshita; Kazuo Shiokawa; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Mitsunori Ozaki; Yoshiya Kasahara; Shin ichiro Oyama; Martin Connors; Jyrki Manninen; Vania K. Jordanova; Dmitry Baishev; Alexey Oinats; Vladimir Kurkin; article=2020JA028216; doi=10.1029/2020JA028216; pubdate=19 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= publicly available at NASA CDAWeb (\_public/" 271. Title=Responses of thermospheric mass densities to the October 2016 and September 2017 geomagnetic storms revealed from multiple satellites observations Authors=Ruoxi Li; Jiuhou Lei; article=2020JA028534; doi=10.1029/2020JA028534; pubdate=20 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= IMF index are provided by OMNIWeb 272. Title=Impact of GOLD Retrieved Thermospheric Temperatures on a Whole Atmosphere Data Assimilation Model Authors=F. I. Laskar; N. M. Pedatella; M. V. Codrescu; R. W. Eastes; J. S. Evans; A. G. Burns; W. McClintock; article=2020JA028646; doi=10.1029/2020JA028646; pubdate=20 December 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= Data Facility ( 273. Title=Interplanetary origins of some intense geomagnetic storms during Solar Cycle 24 and the responses of Africa equatorial/low latitude ionosphere to them Authors=O. A. Arowolo; A. O. Akala; E. O. Oyeyemi; article=2020JA027929; doi=10.1029/2020JA027929; pubdate=22 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= (nT) were obtained from\_min.html. The Kp index 274. Title=Probabilistic Geomagnetic Storm Forecasting via Deep Learning Authors=Adrian Tasistro Hart; Alexander Grayver; Alexey Kuvshinov; article=2020JA028228; doi=10.1029/2020JA028228; pubdate=23 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= NIWeb interface ( We acknowledge use of Sample usage= 440 km s1 from the OMNI dataset). Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OM- 275. Title=Longitudinal variation of post sunset plasma depletions from the Global scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission Authors=C. Martinis; R. Daniell; R. Eastes; J. Norrell; J. Smith; J. Klenzing; S. Solomon; A. Burns; article=2020JA028510; doi=10.1029/2020JA028510; pubdate=24 December 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( This work uses the Sample usage= and at NASA's Space Physics Data Facility ( This work uses the 276. Title=Extreme Positive Ionosphere Storm Triggered by a Minor Magnetic Storm in Deep Solar Minimum Revealed by FORMOSAT 7/COSMIC 2 and GNSS Observations Authors=P. K Rajesh; C. H. Lin; C. Y. Lin; C. H. Chen; J. Y. Liu; T. Matsuo; S. P. Chen; W. H. Yeh; C. Y. Huang; article=2020JA028261; doi=10.1029/2020JA028261; pubdate=25 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= about 5+ or less ( for the most part Sample usage= Data Facility (SPDF) for Interplanetary magnetic field Sample usage= Bilitza, D. (2001), International Reference Ionosphere 2000, Radio Sci., 36(2), 261275, Sample usage= response in IRI2000, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 277. Title=Ion velocity and temperature variation around topside nighttime irregularities: Contrast between low and mid latitude regions Authors=Jaeheung Park; Roderick Heelis; Chi Kuang Chao; article=2020JA028810; doi=10.1029/2020JA028810; pubdate=25 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= to the public at 278. Title=Ionospheric response over Brazil to the August 2018 geomagnetic storm as probed by CSES 01 and Swarm satellites and by local ground based observations Authors=L Spogli; D Sabbagh; M Regi; C Cesaroni; L Perrone; L Alfonsi; D Di Mauro; S Lepidi; S.A Campuzano; D Marchetti; A De Santis; A Malagnini; C Scotto; G Cianchini; Xuhui Shen; A Piscini; A Ippolito; article=2020JA028368; doi=10.1029/2020JA028368; pubdate=25 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= OMNI database and available on CDAWeb Sample usage= bow shock nose provided by OMNIWeb, and Sample usage= the upstream region, provided by OMNI database and available on CDAWeb 279. Title=A Statistical Survey of Low Frequency Magnetic Fluctuations at Saturn Authors=Dong Xiao Pan; Zhong Hua Yao; Rui Long Guo; Bertrand Bonfond; Yong Wei; William Dunn; Bin Zheng Zhang; Qiu Gang Zong; Xu Zhi Zhou; Denis Grodent; Wei Xing Wan; article=2020JA028387; doi=10.1029/2020JA028387; pubdate=25 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= (, the color bars mark Sample usage= sunspot number adopted from the omni dataset (Figure 280. Title=Observational evidence and formation mechanism of low density cells in the upper thermosphere on 8 September 2017 Authors=Liangliang Yuan; Shuanggen Jin; article=2020JA028915; doi=10.1029/2020JA028915; pubdate=25 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF Sample usage= The IMF Bz showed Sample usage= at the NASA website The first geomagnetic storm 281. Title=Field Aligned Currents in Auroral Vortices Authors=Jay R. Johnson; Simon Wing; Peter Delamere; Steven Petrinec; Shiva Kavosi; article=2020JA028583; doi=10.1029/2020JA028583; pubdate=25 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb Sample usage= are also available at NASA CDAWeb Sample usage= solar wind data from NASA OMNIweb show similar values. The magnetic 282. Title=Variations of thermospheric winds observed by a Fabry-Pérot interferometer at Mohe, China Authors=Wenbo Li; Yiding Chen; Libo Liu; Trond S. Trondsen; Craig Unick; Devin Wyatt; Baiqi Ning; Guozhu Li; Cong Huang; Sipeng Yang; Huijun Le; article=2020JA028655; doi=10.1029/2020JA028655; pubdate=25 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= OMNI web ( We are grateful for Sample usage= OMNI web ( We are grateful 283. Title=Observations of Mirror Mode Structures in the Dawn side Magnetosphere Authors=M. O. Chandler; S. J. Schwartz; L. A. Avanov; V. N. Coffey; B. L. Giles; T. E. Moore; C. J. Pollock; J. L. Burch; C. T. Russell; R. B. Torbert; article=2020JA028649; doi=10.1029/2020JA028649; pubdate=27 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Bartol Research Institute and the CDAWeb 284. Title=A Double Disturbed Lunar Plasma Wake Authors=A. P. Rasca; S. Fatemi; W. M. Farrell; A. R. Poppe; Y. Zheng; article=2020JA028789; doi=10.1029/2020JA028789; pubdate=28 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= available online ( and, respectively). 285. Title=Evolution of pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons during geomagnetic storms: Van Allen Probes Observations Authors=Ashley D. Greeley; Shrikanth G. Kanekal; David G. Sibeck; Quintin Schiller; Daniel N. Baker; article=2020JA028335; doi=10.1029/2020JA028335; pubdate=28 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= using OMNI data (available on CDAweb Sample usage= the likely storm driver, using OMNI data (available on CDAweb 286. Title=Propagation of Ultralow Frequency Waves From the Ion Foreshock Into the Magnetosphere During the Passage of a Magnetic Cloud Authors=Kazue Takahashi; Lucile Turc; Emilia Kilpua; Naoko Takahashi; Andrew Dimmock; Primoz Kajdic; Minna Palmroth; Yann Pfau Kempf; Jan Soucek; Tetsuo Motoba; Michael D. Hartinger; Anton Artemyev; Howard Singer; Urs Ganse; Markus Battarbee; article=2020JA028474; doi=10.1029/2020JA028474; pubdate=29 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= ( for Cluster; Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center (, for OMNI; Sample usage= we use the solar wind OMNI data, which Sample usage= NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility Coordinated Data Analysis Web 287. Title=MMS Observations of the Multi Scale Wave Structures and Parallel Electron Heating in the Vicinity of the Southern Exterior Cusp Authors=K. Nykyri; X. Ma; B. Burkholder; R. Rice; J. Johnson; E K. Kim; P. Delamere; A. Michael; K. Sorathia; D. Lin; S. Merkin; S. Fuselier; J. Broll; O. Le Contel; D. Gershman; I. Cohen; B. Giles; R. J. Strangeway; C. T. Russell; J. Burch; article=2019JA027698; doi=10.1029/2019JA027698; pubdate=29 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= the OMNI ( database \[King and Papitashvili, Sample usage= the OMNI ( database \[King and Papitashvili, 288. Title=Observation of Postsunset OI 135.6 nm radiance Enhancement over South America by the GOLD Mission Authors=Xuguang Cai; Alan G. Burns; Wenbin Wang; Liying Qian; Jing Liu; Stanley C. Solomon; Richard W. Eastes; Robert E. Daniell; Carlos R. Martinis; William E. McClintock; Inez S. Batista; article=2020JA028108; doi=10.1029/2020JA028108; pubdate=29 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= The AE was in 289. Title=Tidal Effects on the Longitudinal Structures of the Martian Thermosphere and Topside Ionosphere Observed by MAVEN Authors=Xiaohua Fang; Jeffrey M. Forbes; Quan Gan; Guiping Liu; Scott Thaller; Stephen Bougher; Laila Andersson; Mehdi Benna; Francis Eparvier; Yingjuan Ma; David Pawlowski; Scott England; Bruce Jakosky; article=2020JA028562; doi=10.1029/2020JA028562; pubdate=31 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Sample usage= number are obtained from the OMNI database at 290. Title=Power Spectral Density Background Estimate and Signal Detection via the Multitaper Method. Authors=S. Di Matteo; N. M. Viall; L. Kepko; article=2020JA028748; doi=10.1029/2020JA028748; pubdate=31 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= at the NASA’s CDAWeb site ( public/). Ground 291. Title=TWINS Observations of the Dynamics of Ring Currents Ion Spectra on 17th March and 7th October 2015 Authors=S. Shekhar; J. D. Perez; C. P. Ferradas; article=2020JA028156; doi=10.1029/2020JA028156; pubdate=31 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) Sample usage= data are available from RBSP and Sample usage= OMNI Solar Wind data are available **Science Enabled Research Papers in [Geophysical Research Letters]( for 2020** 1\. Title=Direct evidence of the pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons induced by EMIC waves Authors=Hui Zhu; Lunjin Chen; Seth G. Claudepierre; Liheng Zheng; article=2019GL085637; doi=10.1029/2019GL085637; pubdate=03 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= ber 2017 obtained from CDAweb -OMNI database. An intense geomagnetic Sample usage= ber 2017 obtained from CDAweb- OMNI database. An intense geomagnetic storm 2. Title=Association between EMIC wave occurrence and enhanced convection periods during ion injections Authors=B. Remya; D.G. Sibeck; J.M. Ruohoniemi; B. Kunduri; A.J. Halford; G.D. Reeves; R.V. Reddy; article=2019GL085676; doi=10.1029/2019GL085676; pubdate=08 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility's OMNI/CDAWeb for solar wind parameters and Sample usage= are obtained from the NASA/GSFC's OMNI database. Sample usage= of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNI/CDAWeb for solar wind 3. Title=Ion Cyclotron Resonant Absorption lines in ELF hiss power spectral density in the low latitude ionosphere Authors=Lunjin Chen; Robert Pfaff; Roderick Heelis; Scott Boardsen; Zhiyang Xia; article=2019GL086315; doi=10.1029/2019GL086315; pubdate=08 January 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= study can be found 4. Title=September 2019 Antarctic sudden stratospheric warming: quasi 6 day wave burst and ionospheric effects Authors=Y. Yamazaki; V. Matthias; Y. Miyoshi; C. Stolle; T. Siddiqui; G. Kervalishvili; J. Laštovička; M. Kozubek; W. Ward; D.R. Themens; S. Kristoffersen; P. Alken; article=2019GL086577; doi=10.1029/2019GL086577; pubdate=08 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF Sample usage= was downloaded from the SPDF OMNIWeb database (https:// Sample usage= F10.7 was downloaded from the SPDF OMNIWeb database (https:// 5. Title=Episodic occurrence of field aligned energetic ions on the dayside Authors=Chao Yue; Jacob Bortnik; Shasha Zou; Yukitoshi Nishimura; John C. Foster; Thomas Coppeans; Qianli Ma; Qiugang Zong; A.J. Hull; Mike Henderson; Geoffrey D. Reeves; Harlan E. Spence; article=2019GL086384; doi=10.1029/2019GL086384; pubdate=09 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= ( Sample usage= OMNI Sample usage= We thank the Space Physics Data Facility at the 6. Title=Comprehensive observations of substorm enhanced plasmaspheric hiss generation, propagation, and dissipation Authors=Nigang Liu; Zhenpeng Su; Zhonglei Gao; Huinan Zheng; Yuming Wang; Shui Wang; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Iku Shinohara; Yoshiya Kasahara; Fuminori Tsuchiya; Atsushi Kumamoto; Shoya Matsuda; Masafumi Shoji; Takefumi Mitani; Takeshi Takashima; Yoichi Kazama; Bo Jhou Wang; Shiang Yu Wang; Chae Woo Jun; Tzu Fang Chang; Sunny W.Y. Tam; Satoshi Kasahara; Shoichiro Yokota; Kunihiro Keika; Tomoaki Hori; Ayako Matsuoka; article=2019GL086040; doi=10.1029/2019GL086040; pubdate=13 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= obtained from the website: ERG (Arase) 7. Title=First Synoptic Observations of Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Global Scale OI 135.6nm Dayglow in the Thermosphere by the Global scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission Authors=Quan Gan; Richard W. Eastes; Alan G. Burns; Wenbin Wang; Liying Qian; Stanley C. Solomon; Mihail V. Codrescu; Joseph McInerney; William E. McClintock; article=2019GL085400; doi=10.1029/2019GL085400; pubdate=21 January 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= ( 8. Title=Using the aa index over the last 14 solar cycles to characterize extreme geomagnetic activity Authors=S.C. Chapman; R.B. Horne; N.W. Watkins; article=2019GL086524; doi=10.1029/2019GL086524; pubdate=22 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, the OMNI data were Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, the OMNI data were obtained from the Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at Sample usage= here was downloaded from NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, the OMNI 9. Title=Multi instrument Observations of Ion Neutral Coupling in the Dayside Cusp Authors=D.D. Billett; K. Hosokawa; A. Grocott; J.A. Wild; A.L. Aruliah; Y. Ogawa; S. Taguchi; M. Lester; article=2019GL085590; doi=10.1029/2019GL085590; pubdate=29 January 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= (OMNI dataset, lagged to the dayside 10. Title=Explicit IMF By dependence in geomagnetic activity: modulation of precipitating electrons Authors=L. Holappa; T. Asikainen; K. Mursula; article=2019GL086676; doi=10.1029/2019GL086676; pubdate=06 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2, CGM Sample usage= from the OMNI2 database ( All the Sample usage= downloaded from the OMNI2 database ( All the Sample usage= MLT and (50 ...70 ) CGM latitude using all available data 11. Title=Azimuthal variation of magnetopause reconnection at scales below an Earth radius Authors=Ying Zou; Brian M. Walsh; Emil Atz; Haoming Liang; Qianli Ma; Vassilis Angelopoulos; article=2019GL086500; doi=10.1029/2019GL086500; pubdate=07 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= data are accessible from Sample usage= data are accessible from OMNI 12. Title=Distinct Formation and Evolution Characteristics of Outer Radiation Belt Electron Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions Observed by Van Allen Probes Authors=Binbin Ni; Ling Yan; Song Fu; Xudong Gu; Xing Cao; Zheng Xiang; Yuannong Zhang; article=2019GL086487; doi=10.1029/2019GL086487; pubdate=11 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= are obtained from the online OMNIWeb ( 13. Title=Chorus acceleration of relativistic electrons in extremely low L-shell during geomagnetic storm of August 2018 Authors=Zhenxia Zhang; Lunjin Chen; Si Liu; Ying Xiong; Xinqiao Li; Yongfu Wang; Wei Chu; Zhima Zeren; Xuhui Shen; article=2019GL086226; doi=10.1029/2019GL086226; pubdate=12 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= The OMNI data are obtained from Sample usage= data are obtained from 14. Title=Pitch Angle Structures of Ring Current Ions Induced by Evolving Poloidal Ultra low Frequency Waves Authors=Z. Y. Liu; Q. G. Zong; X. Z. Zhou; Y. F. Zhu; S. J. Gu; article=2020GL087203; doi=10.1029/2020GL087203; pubdate=12 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= acknowledge the use of NASA CDAWeb (\_public/) 15. Title=Statistical Relationship between Exohiss Waves and Plasmaspheric Hiss Authors=J.L. Wang; L.Y. Li; J. Yu; article=2020GL087023; doi=10.1029/2020GL087023; pubdate=26 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= OMNI database in the CDAWeb\_phys. The Van Allen Probe Sample usage= OMNI database in the CDAWeb\_phys. 16. Title=Persistent EMIC wave activity across the nightside inner magnetosphere Authors=L.W. Blum; B. Remya; M.H. Denton; Q. Schiller; article=2020GL087009; doi=10.1029/2020GL087009; pubdate=29 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= can be found at, along with the omni Sample usage= July 2013 from the NASA OMNI database, which have been 17. Title=Control of the east west component of the interplanetary magnetic field on the occurrence of magnetic substorms Authors=Kan Liou; Thomas Sotirelis; Elizabeth Mitchell; article=2020GL087406; doi=10.1029/2020GL087406; pubdate=29 February 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= IMF data were provided through OMNIWeb Sample usage= cadence) OMNI data, which is propagated from Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility(SPDF) Sample usage= by the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) 18. Title=Auroral Omega Bands are a Significant Cause of Large Geomagnetically Induced Currents Authors=S. V. Apatenkov; V. A. Pilipenko; E. I. Gordeev; A. Viljanen; L. Juusola; V. B. Belakhovsky; Ya. A. Sakharov; V. N. Selivanov; article=2019GL086677; doi=10.1029/2019GL086677; pubdate=03 March 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= available from OMNIweb https:// Sample usage= in Figures 1a1d. Based on OMNI data, the shock reveals itself 19. Title=On the ubiquity of magnetic reconnection inside flux transfer event like structures at the Earth's magnetopause Authors=N. Fargette; B. Lavraud; M. ieroset; T.D. Phan; S. Toledo Redondo; R. Kieokaew; C. Jacquey; S.A. Fuselier; K.J. Trattner; S. Petrinec; H. Hasegawa; P. Garnier; V. Gnot; Q. Lenouvel; S. Fadanelli; E. Penou; J. A. Sauvaud; D.L.A. Avanov; J. Burch; M.O. Chandler; V.N. Coffey; J. Dorelli; J.P. Eastwood; C.J. Farrugia; D.J. Gershman; B.L. Giles; E. Grigorenko; T.E. Moore; W.R. Paterson; C. Pollock; Y. Saito; C. Schiff; S.E. Smith; article=2019GL086726; doi=10.1029/2019GL086726; pubdate=05 March 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= solar wind conditions from the OMNI database (King and Papitashvili 20. Title=The role of the dynamic plasmapause in outer radiation belt electron flux enhancement Authors=M. Bruff; A.N. Jaynes; H. Zhao; J. Goldstein; D.M. Malaspina; D.N. Baker; S.G. Kanekal; H.E. Spence; G.D. Reeves; article=2020GL086991; doi=10.1029/2020GL086991; pubdate=12 March 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF Sample usage= available through the Goddard SPDF CDAWeb distribution: Sample usage= available through the Goddard SPDF CDAWeb distribution: 21. Title=Interhemispheric transport of the ionospheric F region plasma during the 2009 Sudden Stratosphere Warming Authors=Ruilong Zhang; Libo Liu; Huixin Liu; Huijun Le; Yiding Chen; Hui Zhang; article=2020GL087078; doi=10.1029/2020GL087078; pubdate=12 March 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= from the website of The GPSTEC data from 22. Title=Analysis of electric and magnetic lightning generated wave amplitudes measured by the Van Allen Probes Authors=J. F. Ripoll; T. Farges; D.M. Malaspina; E.H. Lay; G.S. Cunningham; G.B. Hospodarsky; C.A. Kletzing; J.R. Wygant; article=2020GL087503; doi=10.1029/2020GL087503; pubdate=13 March 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF Sample usage= data is available at SPDF- CDAWeb Sample usage= The data is available at SPDF -CDAWeb 23. Title=Response of Ionospheric Equatorial Ionization Crests to Lunar Phase Authors=Tsung Yu Wu; Jann Yenq Liu; Chi Yen Lin; Loren C. Chang; article=2019GL086862; doi=10.1029/2019GL086862; pubdate=28 March 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= retrieved from NASA MONIWeb ( 24. Title=Dayside Field Aligned Current Impacts on Ionospheric Irregularities Authors=A. Fhn Follestad; K. Herlingshaw; H. Ghadjari; D. J. Knudsen; K. A. McWilliams; J. I. Moen; A. Spicher; J. Wu; K. Oksavik; article=2019GL086722; doi=10.1029/2019GL086722; pubdate=07 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb and ftp services, and Sample usage= retrieved from the OMNIweb service (King & Papitashvili, 2005), Sample usage= OMNI data. Swarm is a European Sample usage= use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility s CDAWeb and ftp services, 25. Title=Global Model of Whistler Mode Chorus in the Near Equatorial Region (|λm|< 18°) Authors=Nigel P. Meredith; Richard B. Horne; Xiao Chen Shen; Wen Li; Jacob Bortnik; article=2020GL087311; doi=10.1029/2020GL087311; pubdate=24 May 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb Sample usage= We acknowledge the CDAWeb ( for the Sample usage= We acknowledge the NSSDC Omniweb for 26. Title=Simultaneous Observations of Localized and Global Drift Resonance Authors=Y. X. Hao; X. X. Zhao; Q. G. Zong; X. Z. Zhou; R. Rankin; X. R. Chen; Y. Liu; S. Y. Fu; J. B. Blake; G. D. Reeves; S. G. Claudepierre; article=2020GL088019; doi=10.1029/2020GL088019; pubdate=30 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Sample usage= wind conditions from OMNI data set during the interval. 27. Title=Dilatory and downward development of 3 meter scale irregularities in the Funnel like region of a rapidly rising Equatorial Plasma Bubble Authors=S. Tulasi Ram; K. K. Ajith; T. Yokoyama; M. Yamamoto; K. Hozumi; K. Shiokawa; Y. Otsuka; G. Li; article=2020GL087256; doi=10.1029/2020GL087256; pubdate=09 June 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= data is available at NASA- SPDF 28. Title=Asymmetric Development of Auroral Surges in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres Authors=H. A. Uchida; R. Kataoka; A. Kadokura; K. Murase; A. S. Yukimatu; Y. Miyoshi; K. Shiokawa; Y. Ebihara; K. Hosokawa; A. Matsuoka; S. Kurita; S. Fujita; I. Shinohara; article=2020GL088750; doi=10.1029/2020GL088750; pubdate=09 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS Sample usage= 5-min data were obtained through OMNIWeb operated by NASA/GSFC. Sample usage= OMNI 5-min data were obtained through Sample usage= analyzed using the SPEDAS (the Space Physics Environment Data 29. Title=Prominent daytime TEC enhancements under the quiescent condition of January 2017 Authors=Fuqing Huang; Jiuhou Lei; Ruilong Zhang; Na Li; Shengyang Gu; You Yu; Libo Liu; Charles Owolabi; Baiqi Ning; Guozhu Li; Jiahao Zhong; Tong Dang; Dexin Ren; Wen Yi; Xiaoli Luan; Xianghui Xue; Tao Yu; Faquan Li; Xiankang Dou; Akimasa Yoshikawa; article=2020GL088398; doi=10.1029/2020GL088398; pubdate=20 June 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= the paper greatly. We acknowledge OMNIWeb 30. Title=Momentum and pressure balance of a comet ionosphere Authors=Hayley Williamson; Hans Nilsson; Gabriella Stenberg Wieser; A. I. Eriksson; Ingo Richter; Charlotte Goetz; article=2020GL088666; doi=10.1029/2020GL088666; pubdate=08 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb , taken Sample usage= near 1 AU from NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb, taken Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility s OMNIWeb service for OMNI 31. Title=Electron Diffusion by Coexisting Plasmaspheric Hiss and Chorus Waves: Multisatellite Observations and Simulations Authors=J. Yu; J. Wang; L. Y. Li; J. Cui; J. B. Cao; Z. G. He; article=2020GL088753; doi=10.1029/2020GL088753; pubdate=17 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= available at 32. Title=The modulation of plasma and waves by background electron density irregularities in the inner magnetosphere Authors=Chao Yue; Qianli Ma; Chae Woo Jun; Jacob Bortnik; Qiugang Zong; Xuzhi Zhou; Eunjin Jang; Geoffrey D. Reeves; Harlan E. Spence; John R. Wygant; article=2020GL088855; doi=10.1029/2020GL088855; pubdate=17 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= ( Sample usage= OMNI database. It is shown that 33. Title=Electron driven magnetic dip embedded within the proton driven magnetic dip and the related echoes of butterfly distribution of relativistic electrons Authors=Hui Zhu; Lunjin Chen; Zhiyang Xia; article=2020GL088983; doi=10.1029/2020GL088983; pubdate=23 July 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= are obtained at the CDAWeb ( 34. Title=Magnetospheric Multiscale Observation of an Electron Diffusion Region at High Latitudes Authors=B. L. Burkholder; K. Nykyri; X. Ma; R. Rice; S. A. Fuselier; K. J. Trattner; K. R. Pritchard; J. L. Burch; S. M. Petrinec; article=2020GL087268; doi=10.1029/2020GL087268; pubdate=23 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= supplementary information were time-lagged by OMNIWeb from their 35. Title=First global images of ion energization in the terrestrial foreshock by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer Authors=M. A. Dayeh; J. R. Szalay; K. Ogasawara; S. A. Fuselier; D. J. McComas; H. O. Funsten; S. M. Petrinec; N. A. Schwadron; E. J. Zirnstein; article=2020GL088188; doi=10.1029/2020GL088188; pubdate=29 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb Sample usage= parameters are from the 1-minute OMNI dataset convected to the Earths Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb 36. Title=Dominant Roles of High Harmonics on Interactions between AKR and Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons Authors=Sai Zhang; Xiongjun Shang; Yihua He; Si Liu; Fuliang Xiao; article=2020GL088421; doi=10.1029/2020GL088421; pubdate=29 July 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF Sample usage= loaded from Sample usage= The SYM-H and AE 37. Title=The Tidal Response in the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere to the Madden Julian Oscillation Observed by SABER Authors=Komal Kumari; Jens Oberheide; Xian Lu; article=2020GL089172; doi=10.1029/2020GL089172; pubdate=10 August 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= NASA SPDF at The RMM MJO 38. Title=Dayside Auroral Observation Resulting from a Rapid Localized Compression of the Earth’s Magnetic Field Authors=Jennifer Briggs; Gerard Fasel; Marcos Silveira; David Sibeck; Yu Lin; Fred Sigernes; article=2020GL088995; doi=10.1029/2020GL088995; pubdate=21 August 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= can be found at Using the following data 39. Title=The Two Dimensional Evolution of Thermospheric ∑O/N2 Response to Weak Geomagnetic Activity During Solar Minimum Observed by GOLD Authors=Xuguang Cai; Alan G. Burns; Wenbin Wang; Liying Qian; Stanley C. Solomon; Richard W. Eastes; Nicholas Pedatella; Robert E. Daniell; William E. McClintock; article=2020GL088838; doi=10.1029/2020GL088838; pubdate=09 September 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Dst data are from The Sample usage= into 1 hr on the OMNI website), and the AE index 40. Title=Observational Evidence for Solar Wind Proton Heating by Ion Scale Turbulence Authors=G. Q. Zhao; Y. Lin; X. Y. Wang; D. J. Wu; H. Q. Feng; Q. Liu; A. Zhao; H. B. Li; article=2020GL089720; doi=10.1029/2020GL089720; pubdate=09 September 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (https://cdaweb. 41. Title=Neutral atom imaging of the solar wind magnetosphere exosphere interaction near the subsolar magnetopause Authors=S. A. Fuselier; M. A. Dayeh; A. Galli; H. O. Funsten; N. A. Schwadron; S. M. Petrinec; K. J. Trattner; D. J. McComas; J. L. Burch; S. Toledo Redondo; J. R. Szalay; R. J. Strangeway; article=2020GL089362; doi=10.1029/2020GL089362; pubdate=09 September 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= obtained through CDAWeb: Southwest Research 42. Title=Intermittency and Passive Scalar Nature of Electron Density Fluctuations in the High Latitude Ionosphere at Swarm Altitude Authors=G. Consolini; P. De Michelis; T. Alberti; I. Coco; F. Giannattasio; R. Tozzi; V. Carbone; article=2020GL089628; doi=10.1029/2020GL089628; pubdate=09 September 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, NSSDC Sample usage= OMNI data and the NASA CDAWeb team for making geomagnetic indices Sample usage= min OMNI data and the NASA CDAWeb Sample usage= J. King at the NSSDC of the Goddard Space Flight 43. Title=A new approach to constructing models of electron diffusion by EMIC waves in the radiation belts Authors=J. P. J. Ross; S. A. Glauert; R. B. Horne; C. E. Watt; N. P. Meredith; E. E. Woodfield; article=2020GL088976; doi=10.1029/2020GL088976; pubdate=07 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= used geomagnetic indices provided by OMNIWeb 44. Title=A New Type of Polar Cap Arc Observed in the ~1500MLT Sector: 1. Northern Hemisphere Observations Authors=De Sheng Han; Hui Ting Feng; Hong Zhang; Su Zhou; Y. L. Zhang; article=2020GL090261; doi=10.1029/2020GL090261; pubdate=07 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= https:// cdaweb\_public/). We acknowledge the Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb service at\_public/. Sample usage= study. In addition, the 1-min OMNI data are 45. Title=Plasma Convection in the Terrestrial Magnetotail Lobes Measured near the Moon-s Orbit Authors=Xin Cao; Jasper S. Halekas; Feng Chu; Michael Kistler; Andrew R. Poppe; Karl Heinz Glassmeier; article=2020GL090217; doi=10.1029/2020GL090217; pubdate=07 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= are publicly available at NASA’s CDAWeb Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at Sample usage= and OMNI data, we find that the Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 46. Title=Statistical Evidence for EMIC wave Excitation Driven by Substorm Injection and Enhanced Solar Wind Pressure in the Earth-s Magnetosphere: Two different EMIC wave Sources Authors=Huayue Chen; Xinliang Gao; Quanming Lu; Bruce T. Tsurutani; Shui Wang; article=2020GL090275; doi=10.1029/2020GL090275; pubdate=17 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= one-min resolution ( have been used in Sample usage= The OMNI geomagnetic index (AE) and solar Sample usage= Van Allen Probes (VAPs,, which 47. Title=ARTEMIS Observations of Foreshock Transients in the Midtail Foreshock Authors=Terry Z. Liu; Chih Ping Wang; Boyi Wang; Xueyi Wang; Hui Zhang; Yu Lin; Vassilis Angelopoulos; article=2020GL090393; doi=10.1029/2020GL090393; pubdate=26 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= MMS data are available at CDAWeb ( The groundbased magnetometer data 48. Title=Solar cycle dependence of solar wind coupling with giant planet magnetospheres Authors=Daniel J. Gershman; Gina A. DiBraccio; article=2020GL089315; doi=10.1029/2020GL089315; pubdate=29 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb and CDAWeb services, and OMNI data, obtained Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb and CDAWeb services, and OMNI Sample usage= we also obtained corresponding 1-hour OMNI data \[King 49. Title=Lunar dust fountain observed near twilight craters Authors=Lianghai Xie; Xiaoping Zhang; Lei Li; Bin Zhou; Yiteng Zhang; Qi Yan; Yongyong Feng; Dawei Guo; Shuoran Yu; article=2020GL089593; doi=10.1029/2020GL089593; pubdate=29 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, NSSDC, SPDF Sample usage= CDAWeb. The Apollo ephemeris support Sample usage= support data are available at NSSDC ( Sample usage= available at NASA’s CDAWeb ( 50. Title=Statistical Study of Chorus Modulations by Background Magnetic Field and Plasma Density Authors=Zhiyang Xia; Lunjin Chen; Wen Li; article=2020GL089344; doi=10.1029/2020GL089344; pubdate=03 November 2020 Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) Sample usage= paper are provided by the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) 51. Title=Alpha transmitter signal reflection and triggered emissions Authors=Wenyao Gu; Lunjin Chen; Zhiyang Xia; Xin An; Richard B. Horne; article=2020GL090165; doi=10.1029/2020GL090165; pubdate=16 November 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= Facility (SPDF) 52. Title=Formation of the Low Energy "Finger" Ion Spectral Structure Near the Inner Edge of the Plasma Sheet Authors=Y. B. Wang; L. M. Kistler; C. G. Mouikis; J. C. Zhang; J. Y. Lu; D. Welling; L. Rastaetter; S. Bingham; Y. W. Jin; L. Wang; Y. Miyoshi; article=2020GL089875; doi=10.1029/2020GL089875; pubdate=20 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= OMNI data product (at Community Coordinated Modeling Sample usage= the OMNI data product (at Community 53. Title=Relation Between Shock related Impulse and Subsequent ULF wave in the Earth's Magnetosphere Authors=Dianjun Zhang; Wenlong Liu; Xinlin Li; Theodore Sarris; Yongfu Wang; Chao Xiao; Zhao Zhang; John R. Wygant; article=2020GL090027; doi=10.1029/2020GL090027; pubdate=20 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= (CDAWeb) ( The event list 54. Title=Temporal Evolution of Flux Tube Entanglement at the Magnetopause as Observed by the MMS Satellites Authors=Y. Qi; C. T. Russell; Ying Dong Jia; M. Hubbert; article=2020GL090314; doi=10.1029/2020GL090314; pubdate=20 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= wind data are available at CDAWeb Sample usage= event using measurements from the OMNI database (King 55. Title=Interplanetary shock impact angles control magnetospheric ULF wave activity: Wave amplitude, frequency, and power spectra Authors=Denny M. Oliveira; Michael D. Hartinger; Zhonghua Xu; Eftyhia Zesta; Vyacheslav A. Pilipenko; Barbara L. Giles; Marcos V. D. Silveira; article=2020GL090857; doi=10.1029/2020GL090857; pubdate=20 November 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= can be downloaded from the CDAWeb interface provided by NASA’s Space 56. Title=Simultaneous Retrievals of Nighttime O(3P) and Total OH Densities From Satellite Observations of Meinel Band Emissions Authors=Peter A. Panka; Alexander A. Kutepov; Yajun Zhu; Martin Kaufmann; Konstantinos S. Kalogerakis; Ladislav Rezac; Artem G. Feofilov; Daniel R. Marsh; Diego Janches; article=2020GL091053; doi=10.1029/2020GL091053; pubdate=06 December 2020 Keywords found: SPDF Sample usage= Data Facility (SPDF): and the SABER 57. Title=Detection of Hertz Frequency Multi Harmonic Field Line Resonances at Low L (L=1.1 to 1.5) during Van Allen Probe Perigee Passes Authors=F. R. Lena; L. G. Ozeke; J. R. Wygant; S. Tian; A. W. Breneman; I. R. Mann; article=2020GL090632; doi=10.1029/2020GL090632; pubdate=08 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere. URSI/COSPAR, pp. NSSDC 90-22. Sample usage= acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI Sample usage= Bilitza, D. (1990). International Reference Ionosphere. URSI/COSPAR, pp. NSSDC 90-22. 58. Title=Kinetic Scale Turbulence in the Venusian Magnetosheath Authors=T. A. Bowen; S. D. Bale; R. Bandyopadhyay; J.W. Bonnell; A. Case; A. Chasapis; C. H. K. Chen; S. Curry; T. Dudok de Wit; K. Goetz; K. Goodrich; J. Gruesbeck; J. Halekas; P. R. Harvey; G. G. Howes; J.C. Kasper; K. Korreck; D. Larson; R. Livi; R. J. MacDowall; D. M. Malaspina; A. Mallet; M.D. McManus; B. Page; M. Pulupa; N. Raouafi; M.L. Stevens; P. Whittlesey; article=2020GL090783; doi=10.1029/2020GL090783; pubdate=08 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF Sample usage= Data Facility (SPDF) https:// cdaweb FIELDS data is also Sample usage= Data Facility (SPDF) FIELDS data is 59. Title=Solitary magnetic structures at quasi parallel collisionless shocks: Formation Authors=Li Jen Chen; Shan Wang; Jonathan Ng; Naoki Bessho; Jian Ming Tang; Shing F. Fung; Guan Le; Daniel Gershman; Barbara Giles; Christopher T. Russell; Roy Torbert; James Burch; article=2020GL090800; doi=10.1029/2020GL090800; pubdate=11 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= is 4.1 cc (average from OMNI 60. Title=Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Earth-s oblique bow shock reformation by foreshock ultra low frequency waves Authors=Terry Z. Liu; Yufei Hao; Lynn B. Wilson; Drew L. Turner; Hui Zhang; article=2020GL091184; doi=10.1029/2020GL091184; pubdate=19 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb, for their analysis 61. Title=Mesoscale structures in Earth's magnetotail observed using energetic neutral atom imaging Authors=A. M. Keesee; N. Buzulukova; C. Mouikis; E. E. Scime; article=2020GL091467; doi=10.1029/2020GL091467; pubdate=28 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= TWINS data is available on CDAWeb Sample usage= (a) OMNI 1-min solar wind Bz for 62. Title=Prompt emergence and disappearance of EMIC waves driven by the sequentially enhanced solar wind dynamic pressure Authors=Zuxiang Xue; Zhigang Yuan; Xiongdong Yu; article=2020GL091479; doi=10.1029/2020GL091479; pubdate=28 December 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= This work is supported Sample usage= 1a. The SYM-H obtained from OMNI data is shown in Figure 63. Title=Statistical Distribution of Bifurcation of Earth's Inner Energetic Electron Belt at tens of keV Authors=Man Hua; Binbin Ni; Wen Li; Qianli Ma; Xudong Gu; Song Fu; Xing Cao; Yingjie Guo; Yangxizi Liu; article=2020GL091242; doi=10.1029/2020GL091242; pubdate=28 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC Sample usage= channels. The high-resolution (1 minute) OMNIWeb data of Sample usage= NSSDC OMNIWeb for the use of 64. Title=Evidence for Non adiabatic Oxygen Energization in the near Earth Magnetotail from MMS Authors=S. T. Bingham; R. Nikoukar; I. J. Cohen; B. H. Mauk; D. L. Turner; D. G. Mitchell; J. L. Burch; R. G. Gomez; S. A. Fuselier; R. B. Torbert; article=2020GL091697; doi=10.1029/2020GL091697; pubdate=28 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= indices are from We extend special thanks Sample usage= data are obtained from the OMNI database (King & **Science Enabled Research Papers in [Radio Science]( for 2020** 1\. Title=Performance of BDS navigation ionospheric model during the main phase of different classified geomagnetic storms in China region Authors=Junchen Xue; Marcio Aquino; Sreeja Vadakke Veettil; Xiaogong Hu; Lin Quan; article=2019RS007033; doi=10.1029/2019RS007033; pubdate=20 March 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= in the OMNIweb database ( Geomagnetic storms in Sample usage= NASA OMNI \[\] and CMONOC Sample usage= Bilitza, D. (2001). International reference ionosphere 2000 \[Journal Article\]. Radio 2. Title=Impedance and voltage power spectra of a monopole antenna in a warm plasma derivation and application to CubeSats Authors=Ronald Maj; Iver H. Cairns; M.M. Martinović; article=2019RS006956; doi=10.1029/2019RS006956; pubdate=20 March 2020 Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, CCMC Sample usage= gov/ modelweb /models/iri2016\_vitmo.php with parameters of Date: Sample usage= and 1.7 MHz. Using the International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= values in this paper: https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa. 3. Title=Using Data Assimilation to Reconstruct High Latitude Polar Cap Patches Authors=M. R. Negale; J. M. Holmes; R. T. Parris; D. Ober; E. V. Dao; R. F. Kelly; J. V. Eccles; J. Hines; T. R. Pedersen; article=2019RS006937; doi=10.1029/2019RS006937; pubdate=20 May 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= OMNIWeb interface at The MAPGPS Sample usage= clock angle obtained from the OMNI 2 Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate to Sample usage= Ionosphere (IRI2016) (Bilitza et al., 2017) 4. Title=Comparison of performance of the IRI 2016, IRI Plas 2017 and NeQuick 2 models during different solar activity (2013 2018) years over South American sector Authors=Yekoye Asmare Tariku; article=2019RS007047; doi=10.1029/2019RS007047; pubdate=04 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\\d{2,4}, IRI\\d{2,4} Sample usage= Sample usage= ( modelweb /models/iri2016\_vitmo.php) Sample usage= (2017), International Reference Ionosphere 2016: from ionospheric climate to Sample usage= electron content predicted using the IRI-2007 model with GPS Sample usage= (2007) also noted that the IRI2001 predicted slab thickness is higher 5. Title=Ionospheric response to Strong Geomagnetic Storms during 2000 2005: An IMF clock angle perspective Authors=Sumanjit Chakraborty; Sarbani Ray; Abhirup Datta; Ashik Paul; article=2020RS007061; doi=10.1029/2020RS007061; pubdate=20 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= index are obtained from Sample usage= /form/omni min.html for the SYM-H index Sample usage= Center-Space Physics Data Facility (GSFC-SPDF) Sample usage= NASA Goddard Space Flight Center- Space Physics Data Facility (GSFC-SPDF) 6. Title=Variation on Solar Wind Parameters and Total Electron Content over Middle Low Latitude Regions during Intense Geomagnetic Storms Authors=Roshan Kumar Mishra; Binod Adhikari; Narayan Prasad Chapagain; Rabin Baral; Priyanka Kumari Das; Virginia Klausner; Manisha Sharma; article=2020RS007129; doi=10.1029/2020RS007129; pubdate=18 September 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere Sample usage= obtained from the OMNI ( site. Sample usage= data are obtained from the OMNI ( site. Sample usage= Leitinger, 1984) among which International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is broadly used 7. Title=A Methodology for Estimation of Hourly Monthly Stochastic Trend Characteristics of Midlatitude Ionosphere Authors=F. Arikan; O. Koroglu; article=2020RS007079; doi=10.1029/2020RS007079; pubdate=23 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= are extracted online (from https://omniweb.gsfc. 8. Title=Leveraging geodetic GPS receivers for ionospheric scintillation science Authors=Sebastijan Mrak; Joshua Semeter; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Fabiano S. Rodrigues; Anthea J. Coster; Keith Groves; article=2020RS007131; doi=10.1029/2020RS007131; pubdate=30 October 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= available via OMNI database Sample usage= OMNIweb solar wind and geomagnetic indices Sample usage= geomagnetic indices are available via OMNI database 9. Title=A Machine Learning Based Detection of Earthquake Precursors Using Ionospheric Data Authors=A. A. Akyol; O. Arikan; F. Arikan; article=2019RS006931; doi=10.1029/2019RS006931; pubdate=17 November 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF Sample usage= (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center OMNIWeb service (NASA OMNIWeb, SPDF Goddard Sample usage= Center OMNIWeb service (NASA OMNIWeb, SPDF Goddard Space Flight **Science Enabled Research Papers in [Earth and Space Science]( for 2020** 1\. Title=Flow Vortex Associated Downward Field Aligned Current Retreating in the Near Earth Plasma Sheet Authors=Huanzhi Yuan; Hui Zhang; Jianyong Lu; Changbo Zhu; Ming Wang; article=2019EA000916; doi=10.1029/2019EA000916; pubdate=26 January 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA's Space Physics Data Facility: cdaweb, and the geomagnetic Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service. The OMNI data are Sample usage= the T01 model are the OMNI data with a time resolution Sample usage= We also acknowledge the Sample usage= website of NASA's Space Physics Data Facility:, and the geomagnetic 2. Title=Linear vs nonlinear methods for detecting magnetospheric and ionospheric current systems patterns Authors=T. Alberti; F. Giannattasio; P. De Michelis; G. Consolini; article=2019EA000559; doi=10.1029/2019EA000559; pubdate=26 February 2020 Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI Sample usage= website ( Sample usage= resolution were downloaded from the OMNI 3. Title=Solar rotational oscillation and its sub harmonics in solar wind plasma field, geomagnetic and cosmic ray intensity indicator in the solar cycle 24/25 minimum Authors=Y.P. Singh; article=2019EA001068; doi=10.1029/2019EA001068; pubdate=20 March 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC Sample usage= Center (NSSDC), OMNI database and Sample usage= Center (NSSDC), OMNI database and Sample usage= Center (NSSDC), OMNI database and 4. Title=Machine Learning Approach for Solar Wind Categorization Authors=Hui Li; Chi Wang; Cui Tu; Fei Xu; article=2019EA000997; doi=10.1029/2019EA000997; pubdate=14 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= from the OMNI database (, Sample usage= low-resolution, hourly-averaged data from the OMNI database (, Sample usage= in\_res\_omni/. We also thank the 5. Title=Compiling magnetosheath statistical data sets under specific solar wind conditions: lessons learnt from the dayside kinetic southward IMF GEM challenge Authors=A. P. Dimmock; H. Hietala; Y. Zou; article=2020EA001095; doi=10.1029/2020EA001095; pubdate=18 April 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= database was accessed via the OMNIweb ( service to obtain upstream Sample usage= a cadence of 0.33Hz. The OMNI database was accessed via the Sample usage= acknowledge the use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb ( 6. Title=Deep Learning Models for Estimation of the SuperDARN Cross Polar Cap Potential Authors=Erxiao Liu; Hongqiao Hu; Jianjun Liu; Lei Qiao; article=2020EA001219; doi=10.1029/2020EA001219; pubdate=05 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= OMNI data (URL: We thank Professor John Sample usage= resolution OMNI data are obtained from the Sample usage= obtained from the NASA GSFC/SPDF OMNI website and Sample usage= acknowledge the use of NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNI Web service and 7. Title=Random forest model of ultra low frequency magnetospheric wave power Authors=S. N. Bentley; J. Stout; T. E. Bloch; C. E. J. Watt; article=2020EA001274; doi=10.1029/2020EA001274; pubdate=15 August 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= from OMNIWeb (King & Papitashvili, 2005) and Sample usage= acknowledge low-resolution OMNI data, available from the GSFC/SPDF Sample usage= data, available from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at 8. Title=Observations of the electrodynamical ties between sporadic E and the plasmasphere Authors=J. F. Helmboldt; article=2020EA001369; doi=10.1029/2020EA001369; pubdate=14 October 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= were obtained from the NASA OMNIWeb Plus 9. Title=Performance of 6 Different GNSS Receivers at Low Latitude under Moderate and Strong Scintillation Authors=E. R. de Paula; A. F. Martinon; A. O. Moraes; C. Carrano; A. C. Neto; P. Doherty; K. Groves; E.C Valladares; G. Crowley; I. Azeem; A. Reynolds; D. M. Akos; T. Walter; T. L. Beach; J M. Slewaegen; article=2020EA001314; doi=10.1029/2020EA001314; pubdate=29 December 2020 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= and respectively. **Science Enabled Research Papers in [Solar Physics]( for 2020** 1\. Title=Radial Evolution of Sunward Strahl Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere Authors=Allan R. Macneil, Mathew J. Owens, Mike Lockwood, Štˇepán Štverák, Christopher J. Owen article=s11207-019-1579-3; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1579-3; pubdate=2020/01/21 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= Helios initial ascii files. 2. Title=The LASCO Coronal Brightness Index Authors=Karl Battams, Russell A. Howard, Hillary A. Dennison, Robert S. Weigel, Judith L. Lean article=s11207-020-1589-1; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-1589-1; pubdate=2020/02/05 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= data were obtained from the OMNIWeb service2 and used without modification 3. Title=The Solar Wind Speed Expansion Factor \[ v-fs \] Relationship at the Inner Boundary (18 R☉) of the Heliosphere Authors=Chin-Chun Wu, Kan Liou, Harry Warren article=s11207-019-1576-6; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1576-6; pubdate=2020/02/11 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= AU (from the OMNI database:, and blacksolid lines represent Sample usage= at 1 AU (from the OMNI database:, and blacksolid lines 4. Title=Signatures of Coronal Loop Opening via Interchange Reconnection in the Slow Solar Wind at 1 AU Authors=Mathew Owens, Mike Lockwood, Allan Macneil, David Stansby article=s11207-020-01601-7; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01601-7; pubdate=2020/03/02 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= dataset at Thus we limit our 5. Title=Data-Driven Classification of Coronal Hole and Streamer Belt Solar Wind Authors=Téo Bloch, Clare Watt, Mathew Owens, Leland McInnes, Allan R. Macneil article=s11207-020-01609-z; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01609-z; pubdate=2020/03/17 Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF Sample usage= found when classifying ACE or OMNI data. The column labels refer Sample usage= is publicly available at: 6. Title=New Metric for Minimum Variance Analysis Validation in the Study of Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds Authors=Rosemeire Aparecida Rosa Oliveira, Marcos William da Silva Oliveira, Arian Ojeda-González, Victor De La Luz article=s11207-020-01610-6; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01610-6; pubdate=2020/03/23 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= 4\_public/ accessed on October 01, 7. Title=Large Amplitude Fluctuations in the Alfvénic Solar Wind Authors=R. D’Amicis, L. Matteini, R. Bruno, M. Velli article=s11207-020-01606-2; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01606-2; pubdate=2020/03/24 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= are available on the NASA- CDAWeb website: 8. Title=Relationships between Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Characteristics and Geoeffectiveness in the Declining Phase of Solar Cycles 23 and 24 Authors=M. Bendict Lawrance, Y.-J. Moon, A. Shanmugaraju article=s11207-020-01623-1; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01623-1; pubdate=2020/04/24 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= size using the corrected ( ICME ending time. Sample usage= Utilizing the OMNI 1-h data, the minimum negative Sample usage= acknowledge the use of NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility OMNI Web 9. Title=Modeling the Time Delay Problem of Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux in Solar Cycles 21 and 23 Authors=M. Siluszyk, K. Iskra article=s11207-020-01628-w; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01628-w; pubdate=2020/05/25 Keywords found: OMNIWeb Sample usage= Monitor Data Base (NMDB) (OMNIWeb (, 10. Title=On the Emission Region of Type II Radio Bursts in Interplanetary Shock Fronts Authors=E. Aguilar-Rodriguez, P. Corona-Romero article=s11207-020-01643-x; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01643-x; pubdate=2020/06/16 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb service, and the OMNI Sample usage= Facility OMNIWeb service, and the OMNI Sample usage= online. We thank the NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb service, and the OMNI 11. Title=Short-Term Periodicities Observed in Neutron Monitor Counting Rates Authors=A. López-Comazzi, J. J. Blanco article=s11207-020-01649-5; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01649-5; pubdate=2020/06/22 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= (Advanced Composition Explorer) from and daily observations 12. Title=Long- and Short-Term Evolutions of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in High-Speed Streams Authors=Gilbert Pi, Alexander; PitÅa, Alexander; Němeček, Zdenek; Šafránková; Jih-Hong Shue, Ya-Hui Yang article=s11207-020-01646-8; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01646-8; pubdate=2020/07/01 Keywords found: CDAWeb Sample usage= in the data description at CDAWeb 13. Title=The Interconnection between the Periodicities of Solar Wind Parameters Based on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Polarity (1967-2018): A Cross Wavelet Analysis Authors=M. A. El-Borie, A. M. El-Taher, A. A. Thabet, A. A. Bishara article=s11207-020-01692-2; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01692-2; pubdate=2020/09/07 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage=\_tab.html. Sample usage= are thankful to the OMNI database from the National Space 14. Title=The Solar Event of 14-15 July 2012 and Its Geoeffectiveness Authors=Agnieszka Gil, Renata Modzelewska, Szczepan Moskwa, Agnieszka Siluszyk, Marek Siluszyk, Anna Wawrzynczak, Mariusz Pozoga, Lukasz Tomasik article=s11207-020-01703-2; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01703-2; pubdate=2020/10/06 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= and 1-hour data downloaded from OMNIWeb 14 16 July 2012. Sample usage= 2012 from OMNI in function of 15. Title=Uncertainty Estimates of Solar Wind Prediction Using HMI Photospheric Vector and Spatial Standard Deviation Synoptic Maps Authors=B. Poduval, G. Petrie, L. Bertello article=s11207-020-01704-1; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01704-1; pubdate=2020/10/08 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= solar wind data from the OMNIweb archives (http://omniweb. Sample usage= the OMNI solar wind data during the 16. Title=Calibrating GONG Magnetograms with End-to-End Instrument Simulation III: Comparison, Calibration, and Results Authors=Joseph E. Plowman, Thomas E. Berger article=s11207-020-01683-3; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01683-3; pubdate=2020/10/28 Keywords found: OMNI Sample usage= the in situ observations (from OMNI ) 17. Title=Coherence of Coronal Mass Ejections in Near-Earth Space Authors=Mathew J. Owens article=s11207-020-01721-0; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01721-0; pubdate=2020/10/30 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage= data are available from The updated Cane Sample usage= 1-hour OMNI data set from the Space Sample usage= OMNI data set from the Space Physics Data Facility (King and Papitashvili, 2005). 18. Title=Solar Wind Plasma Particles Organized by the Flow Speed Authors=Viviane Pierrard, Marian Lazar, Stepan Štverák article=s11207-020-01730-z; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01730-z; pubdate=2020/11/05 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= OMNI are available on Sample usage= as measured by OMNI are available on 19. Title=On the Radial and Longitudinal Variation of a Magnetic Cloud: ACE, Wind, ARTEMIS and Juno Observations Authors=Emma E. Davies, Robert J. Forsyth, Simon W. Good, Emilia K. J. Kilpua article=s11207-020-01714-z; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01714-z; pubdate=2020/11/10 Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF Sample usage= and the PDS:PPI and SPDF CDAWeb data Sample usage= teams and the PDS:PPI and SPDF CDAWeb data 20. Title=Large Forbush Decreases and their Solar Sources: Features and Characteristics Authors=M. Papailiou, M. Abunina, A. Belov, E. Eroshenko, V. Yanke, H. Mavromichalaki article=s11207-020-01735-8; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01735-8; pubdate=2020/11/24 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI Sample usage= the OMNI database (, the list of sudden Sample usage= the OMNI database (, the list of 21. Title=Consequences of a Solar Wind Stream Interaction Region on the Low Latitude Ionosphere: Event of 7 October 2015 Authors=M. G. Molina, S. Dasso, G. Mansilla, J. H. Namour, M. A. Cabrera, E. Zuccheretti article=s11207-020-01728-7; doi=10.1007/s11207-020-01728-7; pubdate=2020/12/08 Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility Sample usage=, and we included the Sample usage= Data Facility OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data. Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data.