Acknowledgments of SPDF in 2019

The AGU journals 'Space Weather', 'Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics', 'Geophysical Research Letters', and 'Radio Science' were searched for acknowledgments of services developed and supported by NASA/Goddard's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).

Keywords searched and the number of occurrences across the six journals:

OMNI and/or OMNIWeb were referenced in 179 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 101 papers
Space Physics Data Facility and/or SPDF was referenced in 76 papers
SPDF-FTP was referenced in 14 papers
SSCWeb or TIPSOD was referenced in 7 papers
COHOWeb and/or ATMOweb/ftpbrowser was referenced in 1 papers
VITMO-models was referenced in 18 papers

   Journal    Total number     Number of papers      Percentage
                of papers     with acknowledgment        
   SW             114               52                 45.6 %
   JGR            742              256                 34.5 %
   GRL           1549(all areas)    55                 
   RS              91               22                  8.8 %
   ESS            185                7                  3.8 %
   SP             179               29                 16.2 %

Science Enabled Research Papers in Space Weather journal for 2019

1. Title=HILDCAA Related GIC and Possible Corrosion Hazard in Underground Pipelines: A Comparison Based on Wavelet Transform

Authors=Krishna Khanal; Binod Adhikari; Narayan P. Chapagain; Binod Bhattarai;

article=2018SW001879; doi=10.1029/2018SW001879; pubdate=10 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, CCMC

Sample usage= from the OMNI website (https:// omniweb The interplanetary

Sample usage= data obtained from the OMNI website ( The interplanetary

Sample usage= https://kauai. ccmc


2. Title=High Frequency Communications Response to Solar Activity in September 2017 as Observed by Amateur Radio Networks

Authors=Nathaniel A. Frissell; Joshua S. Vega; Evan Markowitz; Andrew J. Gerrard; William D. Engelke; Philip J. Erickson; Ethan S. Miller; R. Carl Luetzelschwab; Jacob Bortnik;

article=2018SW002008; doi=10.1029/2018SW002008; pubdate=11 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= OMNIWeb [King and Papitashvili , 2006],

Sample usage= index was accessed through the OMNI

Sample usage= database at the NASA Space Physics Data Facility (


3. Title=1 to 10 day forecasts of ionospheric total electron content using a statistical model

Authors=J. L. Lean;

article=2018SW002077; doi=10.1029/2018SW002077; pubdate=29 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= available at http:// cdaweb The Mg index used


4. Title=Initial Results from the GEM Challenge on the Spacecraft Surface Charging Environment

Authors=Yiqun Yu; Lutz Rastaetter; Vania K. Jordanova; Yihua Zheng; Miles Engel; Mei Ching Fok; Maria Kuznetsova;

article=2018SW002031; doi=10.1029/2018SW002031; pubdate=01 February 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, CCMC

Sample usage= CDAWeb (

Sample usage= We thank the OMNIWeb from NASA Goddard Space Flight

Sample usage= https:// ccmc


5. Title=Modeling the multiple CME interaction event on 6 9 September 2017 with WSA ENLIL+Cone

Authors=A. L. E. Werner; E. Yordanova; A. P. Dimmock; M. Temmer;

article=2018SW001993; doi=10.1029/2018SW001993; pubdate=14 February 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= WIND measurements from NASA/GSFCM-bM-^@M-^Ys CDAWeb , which will be addressed

Sample usage= the NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb. Simulation results have

Sample usage= the Community Coordinated Modeling Center; CCMC ) for the most geoeffective

Sample usage= CME Scoreboard (developed at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center ; CCMC) for the most


6. Title=Forecasting the Structure and Orientation of Earthbound Coronal Mass Ejections

Authors=E. K. J. Kilpua; N. Lugaz; L. Mays; M. Temmer;

article=2018SW001944; doi=10.1029/2018SW001944; pubdate=14 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= are from the OMNI database. The panels give: a)

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center ( CCMC ) located at NASA Goddard

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) located at NASA Goddard


7. Title=PreMevE: New Predictive Model for Megaelectron volt Electrons inside Earth's Outer Radiation Belt

Authors=Yue Chen; Geoffrey D. Reeves; Xiangrong Fu; Michael Henderson;

article=2018SW002095; doi=10.1029/2018SW002095; pubdate=20 February 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= use their data. Thanks to CDAWeb for providing OMNI data. We

Sample usage= Thanks to CDAWeb for providing OMNI data. We are grateful


8. Title=Electron intensity measurements by the Cluster/RAPID/IES instrument in Earth's radiation belts and ring current

Authors=A. G. Smirnov; E. A. Kronberg; F. Latallerie; P. W. Daly; N. A. Aseev; Y. Y. Shprits; A. Kellerman; S. Kasahara; D. Turner; M. G. G. T. Taylor;

article=2018SW001989; doi=10.1029/2018SW001989; pubdate=20 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= wind dynamic pressure is SPDF OMNIWeb Plus service [].

Sample usage= analyze the omni -directional electron M-oM-,M-^Buxes.

Sample usage= solar wind dynamic pressure is SPDF OMNIWeb Plus service [].


9. Title=Forbush decreases and Geomagnetic Storms during a Highly Disturbed Solar and Interplanetary Period, 4 10 September 2017

Authors=B. Badruddin; O. P. M. Aslam; M. Derouich; H. Asiri; K. Kudela;

article=2018SW001941; doi=10.1029/2018SW001941; pubdate=27 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= downloaded from the site https:// omniweb where they


10. Title=On the evaluation of data quality in the OMNI interplanetary magnetic field database

Authors=M. V. Vokhmyanin; N. A. Stepanov; V. A. Sergeev;

article=2018SW002113; doi=10.1029/2018SW002113; pubdate=07 March 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= al. 1994) available at http:// cdaweb (the

Sample usage= (2005) and website at https:// omniweb The quality of that

Sample usage= of data quality in the OMNI interplanetary magnetic field


11. Title=Capturing uncertainty in magnetospheric ultra low frequency wave models

Authors=S.N. Bentley; Clare E. J. Watt; I.J. Rae; M.J. Owens; K. Murphy; M. Lockwood; J. K. Sandhu;

article=2018SW002102; doi=10.1029/2018SW002102; pubdate=10 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Center’s OMNI data set through OMNIWeb at and ground-

Sample usage= Center’s OMNI data set through OMNIWeb at

Sample usage= gratefully acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility


12. Title=Validation of Inner Magnetosphere Particle Transport and Acceleration Model (IMPTAM) with long term GOES MAGED measurements of keV electron fluxes at geostationary orbit

Authors=N. Yu. Ganushkina; I. Sillanpää; D. Welling; J. Haiducek; M. Liemohn; S. Dubyagin; J. V. Rodriguez;

article=2018SW002028; doi=10.1029/2018SW002028; pubdate=18 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= together with data from OMNIWeb ( and the World Data

Sample usage= data from 2001-2014 provides the omni -directional

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center ( CCMC ) (

Sample usage= run online at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) (


13. Title=Reanalysis of ring current electron phase space densities using Van Allen Probe observations, convection model, and log normal Kalman filter

Authors=N.A. Aseev; Y.Y. Shprits;

article=2018SW002110; doi=10.1029/2018SW002110; pubdate=01 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNI -

Sample usage= authors acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNI-


14. Title=Generalized Additive Modeling combined with Multiple Collinear for ICME velocity forecasting

Authors=J.Y. Lu; C.Q. Jin; M. Wang; H.S. Ji; K. Iluore; H.Y. Guan; J.F. Li; J.Y. Li;

article=2018SW002135; doi=10.1029/2018SW002135; pubdate=01 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= M-oM-,M-^Bare data (http:// cdaweb, and ACE Science Center



Authors=B.V. Jackson; H. S. Yu; A. Buffington; P.P. Hick; M. Tokumaru; K. Fujiki; J. Kim; J. Yun;

article=2018SW002098; doi=10.1029/2018SW002098; pubdate=03 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= with Dst downloaded from the OMNI

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center ( CCMC ) has also maintained a

Sample usage= Goddard Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) has also maintained a


16. Title=The International Community Coordinated Modeling Center (iCCMC) Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment: Overview of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Activities

Authors=L. Scherliess; I. Tsagouri; E. Yizengaw; S. Bruinsma; J.S. Shim; A. Coster; J.M. Retterer;

article=2018SW002036; doi=10.1029/2018SW002036; pubdate=09 April 2019

Keywords found: IRI-\d{2,4}, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= IRI-2016 using NeQuick for

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center ( CCMC ) has been

Sample usage= The International Community Coordinated Modeling Center (iCCMC)


17. Title=Testing efficiency of empirical, adaptive, and global MHD magnetospheric models to represent the geomagnetic field in a variety of conditions

Authors=M. Kubyshkina; V.A. Sergeev; N.A. Tsyganenko; Y. Zheng;

article=2019SW002157; doi=10.1029/2019SW002157; pubdate=10 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, CCMC

Sample usage= available via CDAWeb site ( The GOES magnetic

Sample usage= solar wind and IMF from OMNI data

Sample usage= CCMC runs were performed for five


18. Title=Using a Numerical MHD Model to Improve Solar Wind Time shifting

Authors=T. G. Cameron; B. Jackel;

article=2019SW002175; doi=10.1029/2019SW002175; pubdate=12 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, CCMC

Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (

Sample usage= resolution OMNI data set (https://omniweb.gsfc

Sample usage= taken by the widely used OMNI data set which provides solar

Sample usage= Wind Disturbances. Retrieved from description.pdf


19. Title=Extension of an empirical electron flux model from 6 to 20 Earth radii using CLUSTER/RAPID observations

Authors=M.H. Denton; M.G.G.T. Taylor; J.V. Rodriguez; M.G. Henderson;

article=2018SW002121; doi=10.1029/2018SW002121; pubdate=04 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= CDAWeb . We acknowledge D. Larson

Sample usage= The authors acknowledge the OMNI database for the solar wind


20. Title=The influence of substorms on extreme rates of change of the surface horizontal magnetic field in the U.K.

Authors=Mervyn P. Freeman; Colin Forsyth; I. Jonathan Rae;

article=2018SW002148; doi=10.1029/2018SW002148; pubdate=18 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, CGM, VITMO

Sample usage= https:// omniweb and sunspot data was

Sample usage= and increasingly so with decreasing CGM latitude as is evident from

Sample usage= vitmo /cgm.html and sunspot data was


21. Title=Response of the Ionosphere Plasmasphere Coupling to the September 2017 Storm: What Erodes the Plasmasphere so Severely?

Authors=Yuki Obana; Naomi Maruyama; Atsuki Shinbori; Kumiko K. Hashimoto; Mariangel Fedrizzi; Masahito Nosé; Yuichi Otsuka; Nozomu Nishitani; Tomoaki Hori; Atsushi Kumamoto; Fuminori Tsuchiya; Shoya Matsuda; Ayako Matsuoka; Yoshiya Kasahara; Akimasa Yoshikawa; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Iku Shinohara;

article=2019SW002168; doi=10.1029/2019SW002168; pubdate=18 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= (https:// omniweb We acknowledge use of

Sample usage= the OMNI website and time-shifted to the


22. Title=The system science development of local time dependent 40 keV electron flux models for geostationary orbit

Authors=R.J. Boynton; O.A. Amariutei; Y.Y. Shprits; M.A. Balikhin;

article=2018SW002128; doi=10.1029/2018SW002128; pubdate=20 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= from the OMNI website (http:// omniweb min.html).

Sample usage= were obtained from the OMNI website ( min.html).


23. Title=Interplanetary magnetic field control of polar ionospheric equivalent current system modes

Authors=R.M. Shore; M.P. Freeman; J.W. Gjerloev;

article=2019SW002161; doi=10.1029/2019SW002161; pubdate=20 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= of Shore et al. (2018). OMNI data were downloaded from

Sample usage= data were downloaded from ftp:// spdf res omni/monthly 1min/


24. Title=Comprehensive Assessment of Models and Events using Library Tools (CAMEL) framework: Time series comparisons

Authors=Lutz Rastaetter; Chiu P. Wiegand; Richard E. Mullinix; Peter MacNeice;

article=2018SW002043; doi=10.1029/2018SW002043; pubdate=22 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= solar wind( and ECT-HOPE data in

Sample usage= (WSA) heliosphere simulations compared against OMNI

Sample usage= lead times compared to hourly OMNI2

Sample usage= being constructed at the CCMC.

Sample usage= framework leverages existing Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) services:


25. Title=Extracting inner heliosphere solar wind speed information from Heliospheric Imager observations

Authors=L.A. Barnard; M.J. Owens; C.J. Scott; S.R. Jones;

article=2019SW002226; doi=10.1029/2019SW002226; pubdate=31 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, CCMC

Sample usage= temperature estimates obtained from https:// omniweb

Sample usage= providing the HI data. The OMNI data were obtained from the

Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at The

Sample usage= Mass Ejections: Analysis of the CCMC CME Scoreboard, Space


26. Title=The GIC and geomagnetic response over Fennoscandia to the 7 8 September 2017 geomagnetic storm

Authors=A.P. Dimmock; L. Rosenqvist; J. O. Hall; A. Viljanen; E. Yordanova; I. Honkonen; M. Andre; E.C. Sjöberg;

article=2018SW002132; doi=10.1029/2018SW002132; pubdate=11 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= data-set (60s resolution) via the OMNIWeb ( service.

Sample usage= 7-8 September ICME according to OMNI data. The results are presented

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, and OMNI


27. Title=Simulation and observations of the polar tongue of ionization at different heights during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm

Authors=Maxim V. Klimenko; Irina E. Zakharenkova; Vladimir V. Klimenko; Renata Yu Lukianova; Iurii V. Cherniak;

article=2018SW002143; doi=10.1029/2018SW002143; pubdate=21 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb

Sample usage= (, NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb


28. Title=On the development of a method for updating an empirical climatological ionospheric model by means of assimilated vTEC measurements from a GNSS receiver network

Authors=A. Pignalberi; J.B. Habarulema; M. Pezzopane; R. Rizzi;

article=2019SW002185; doi=10.1029/2019SW002185; pubdate=21 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}

Sample usage= indices downloaded from the OMNIWeb Data Explorer - NASA site

Sample usage= (1990). International Reference Ionosphere 1990. NSSDC /WDC-A-R&S 90-22.

Sample usage= a procedure for updating the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model by means

Sample usage= (2015). Regional Optimization of the IRI-2012 output


29. Title=Solar Cell Degradation due to Proton Belt Enhancements During Electric Orbit Raising to GEO

Authors=Alexander R. Lozinski; Richard B. Horne; Sarah A. Glauert; Giulio Del Zanna; Daniel Heynderickx; Hugh D.R. Evans;

article=2019SW002213; doi=10.1029/2019SW002213; pubdate=28 June 2019

Keywords found: NSSDC, AP-8, AE-8

Sample usage= program (1964-1991) (Tech. Rep. No. NSSDC /WDC-ARS 91-29).

Sample usage= than predicted by AE-8 and AP-8 , and <20% lower than

Sample usage= the case of the NASA AE-8 and AP8 models (Vette, 1991),


30. Title=Forecasting high speed solar wind streams based on solar extreme ultraviolet images

Authors=X. Bu; B. Luo; C. Shen; S. Liu; J. Gong; Y. Cao; H. Wang;

article=2019SW002186; doi=10.1029/2019SW002186; pubdate=01 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, CCMC

Sample usage= available from the website (http://omniweb

Sample usage= wind, we used 1 h OMNI data, which is available from

Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNI-

Sample usage= heliospheric models installed at the CCMC.


31. Title=The Challenge of Machine Learning in Space Weather: Nowcasting and Forecasting

Authors=E. Camporeale;

article=2018SW002061; doi=10.1029/2018SW002061; pubdate=04 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= https:// omniweb

Sample usage= OMNI database collects data at both

Sample usage= and from nearEarth measurement ( OMNI2 database). By ranking the importance

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), with a public scoreboard

Sample usage= NASAM-bM-^@M-^Ys Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), with a public scoreboard


32. Title=Counter electrojet occurrence as observed from C/NOFS satellite and ground based magnetometer data over the African and American sectors

Authors=John Bosco Habarulema; Gabrielle Lefebvre; Mark B. Moldwin; Zama T Katamzi Joseph; Endawoke Yizengaw;

article=2019SW002236; doi=10.1029/2019SW002236; pubdate=05 July 2019

Keywords found: SPDF

Sample usage= satellite was obtained from


33. Title=Now casting and Predicting the Kp index Using Historical Values and Real time Observations

Authors=Yuri Y. Shprits; Ruggero Vasile; Irina S. Zhelavskaya;

article=2018SW002141; doi=10.1029/2018SW002141; pubdate=16 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= lar wind data from the OMNI website (

Sample usage= from the OMNI website (


34. Title=Solar wind properties and geospace impact of coronal mass ejection driven sheath regions: variation and driver dependence

Authors=E.K.J. Kilpua; D. Fontaine; C. Moissard; M. Ala Lahti; E. Palmerio; E. Yordanova; S.W. Good; M.M.H. Kalliokoski; E. Lumme; A. Osmane; M. Palmroth; L. Turc;

article=2019SW002217; doi=10.1029/2019SW002217; pubdate=27 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb service, which we gratefully

Sample usage= For this study, 1-minute OMNI data have been used. The

Sample usage= OMNI data accessed through NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb service, which


35. Title=Geoelectric field evaluation during the September, 2017 Geomagnetic Storm: MA.I.GIC. model

Authors=M. Piersanti; S. Di Matteo; B.A. Carter; J. Currie; G. D'Angelo;

article=2019SW002202; doi=10.1029/2019SW002202; pubdate=27 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= data were obtained from NASA’s OMNIWeb on-


36. Title=An Hourly Prediction Model of Relativistic Electrons based on Empirical Mode Decomposition

Authors=Yedong Qian; Jianwei Yang; Hua Zhang; Chao Shen; Yewen Wu;

article=2018SW002078; doi=10.1029/2018SW002078; pubdate=29 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= OMNI database (https:// omniweb Geomagnetic indices come

Sample usage= are derived from the NASA OMNI database. Geomagnetic indices are


37. Title=Ionospheric response to the 2018 sudden stratospheric warming event at mid  and low  latitude stations over China sector

Authors=Guoqi Liu; Wengeng Huang; Hua Shen; Ercha Aa; Manxia Li; Siqing Liu; Bingxian Luo;

article=2019SW002160; doi=10.1029/2019SW002160; pubdate=31 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= (https:// cdaweb, which also provides the


38. Title=Estimation of ionospheric critical plasma frequencies from GNSS TEC measurements using artificial neural networks

Authors=Vivian Otugo; Daniel Okoh; Charity Okujagu; Sylvester Onwuneme; Babatunde Rabiu; Jean Uwamahoro; John Bosco Habarulema; Mpho Tshisaphungo; Nicholas Ssessanga;

article=2019SW002257; doi=10.1029/2019SW002257; pubdate=05 August 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= National Space Administration’s omniweb (

Sample usage= Time) indices from the Space Physics Data Facility of the Goddard Space Flight

Sample usage= The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model, which is a


39. Title=A deep learning based approach to forecast the onset of magnetic substorms

Authors=M. Maimaiti; B. Kunduri; J. M. Ruohoniemi; J. B. H. Baker; Leanna L. House;

article=2019SW002251; doi=10.1029/2019SW002251; pubdate=03 September 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= OMNIWeb and CDAWeb service. The solar wind and

Sample usage= nose see https:// omniweb for details.

Sample usage= s resolution. We used 1-minaveraged OMNI SW & IMF observations, which

Sample usage= the use of the NASA/GFSC Space Physics Data Facility’s


40. Title=Satellite orbital drag during magnetic storms

Authors=D. M. Oliveira; E. Zesta;

article=2019SW002287; doi=10.1029/2019SW002287; pubdate=09 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= is located at https:// omniweb The SYM-H data are

Sample usage= data are obtained from the OMNI database. IMF is represented in


41. Title=Systematic Analysis of Machine Learning and Feature Selection Techniques for Prediction of the Kp Index

Authors=I. S. Zhelavskaya; R. Vasile; Y. Y. Shprits; C. Stolle; J. Matzka;

article=2019SW002271; doi=10.1029/2019SW002271; pubdate=10 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= indices were obtained from http:// omniweb .gsfc.nasa


42. Title=On the accuracy of reconstructing plasma sheet electron fluxes from temperature and density models

Authors=S. Dubyagin; N. Ganushkina; M. Liemohn;

article=2019SW002285; doi=10.1029/2019SW002285; pubdate=01 November 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= OMNI database were downloaded via CDAWeb

Sample usage= script calculating these parameters from OMNI database can


43. Title=On the Annual Asymmetry of High Latitude Sporadic F

Authors=Alex T. Chartier; J.D. Huba; Cathryn N. Mitchell;

article=2019SW002305; doi=10.1029/2019SW002305; pubdate=08 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= are available at Flare Irradiance Spectral Model


44. Title=The Influence of Sudden Commencements on the Rate of Change of the Surface Horizontal Magnetic Field in the United Kingdom

Authors=A.W. Smith; M.P. Freeman; I.J. Rae; C. Forsyth;

article=2019SW002281; doi=10.1029/2019SW002281; pubdate=09 November 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service for the

Sample usage= (, containing measurements propagated from

Sample usage= the solar wind from the OMNI database. From left to right,

Sample usage= (, containing measurements propagated from

Sample usage= acknowledge and thank NASA GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or


45. Title=Polar Cap Patch Prediction in the Expanding Contracting Polar Cap Paradigm

Authors=A. Fӕhn Follestad; L.B.N. Clausen; E.G. Thomas; Y. Jin; A. Coster;

article=2019SW002276; doi=10.1029/2019SW002276; pubdate=14 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= OMNIWeb service. Kp is a measure

Sample usage= ica. The OMNI data were obtained from the

Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at http://


46. Title=Effects of Nearly Frontal and Highly Inclined Interplanetary Shocks on High latitude Field aligned Currents (FACs)

Authors=Yining Shi; Denny M. Oliveira; Delores J. Knipp; Eftyhia Zesta; Tomoko Matsuo; Brian Anderson;

article=2019SW002367; doi=10.1029/2019SW002367; pubdate=28 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= speed data are obtained from OMNIWeb. For IMF magnitude


47. Title=A Model of an Integrated Research and Education Program in Space Weather at a Community College

Authors=M.C. Damas; C.M. Ngwira; T.D. Cheung; P. Marchese; M. Kuznetsova; Y. Zheng; A. Chulaki; A. Mohamed;

article=2019SW002307; doi=10.1029/2019SW002307; pubdate=09 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= Data Format (CDF), such as CDAWeb, the

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF), which is a World-Wide-Web-based

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF), which is a World-Wide-Web-based

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), based at the National

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), based at the National


48. Title=The First Intense Storm Event Recorded by the China Seismo Electromagnetic Satellite

Authors=Y. Y. Yang; Z. R. Zhima; X. H. Shen; W. Chu; J. P. Huang; Q. Wang; R. Yan; S. Xu; H. X. Lu; D. P. Liu;

article=2019SW002243; doi=10.1029/2019SW002243; pubdate=09 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= from the OMNI website (https:// omniweb, as

Sample usage= Earth’s bow shock from the OMNI website (, as


49. Title=Development of a 3D plasmapause model with a back propagation neural network

Authors=Zhi Qi Zheng; Jiu Hou Lei; Xinan Yue; Xiao Xin Zhang; Fei He;

article=2019SW002360; doi=10.1029/2019SW002360; pubdate=09 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= We sincerely thank the NASA/GSFC OMNIWeb for providing the 5 min


50. Title=Improving Neutral Density Predictions Using Exospheric Temperatures Calculated on a Geodesic, Polyhedral Grid

Authors=D.R. Weimer; P.M. Mehta; W.K. Tobiska; E. Doornbos; M.G. Mlynczak; D.P. Drob; J.T. Emmert;

article=2019SW002355; doi=10.1029/2019SW002355; pubdate=10 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, ModelWeb, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= the NASA archives at

Sample usage= modelweb /atmospheric/msis/nrlmsise00/

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center ( CCMC ) (Shim et al., 2012),

Sample usage= by the NASA Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) (Shim et al., 2012),


51. Title=Superposed epoch analysis of the energetic electron flux variations during CIRs measured by BD IES

Authors=Zefan Yin; Hong Zou; Yuguang Ye; Qiugang Zong; Yongfu Wang;

article=2019SW002296; doi=10.1029/2019SW002296; pubdate=11 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= data and NASA CDAWeb ( for OMNI data. The

Sample usage= (

Sample usage= are all available in NASA OMNI Web


52. Title=Features and Source Current of Long period Induced Geoelectric Field during Magnetic Storms:A Case Study

Authors=S.Y. Wu; S. Yao; X.D. Feng; W.B. Wei; Y.T. Yin; L.T. Zhang; H. Dong; G.W. Wang; J.J. Liu; Y.Q. Yu; D. Wei;

article=2019SW002298; doi=10.1029/2019SW002298; pubdate=27 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= interplanetary magnetic field provided by OMNIWeb are also studied. The studied

Sample usage= Nov, 2012. In 2012, the OMNI IMF data is averaged from

Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modelling Center (CCMC).

Sample usage= available for use at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC).

Science Enabled Research Papers in Journal of Geophysical Research / Space Physics for 2019

1. Title=First MMS Observation of Energetic Particles Trapped in High Latitude Magnetic Field Depressions

Authors=K. Nykyri; C. Chu; X. Ma; S. Fuselier; R. Rice;

article=2018JA026131; doi=10.1029/2018JA026131; pubdate=08 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= taken from the OMNI ( database

Sample usage= taken from the OMNI ( database

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb

Sample usage= community coordinated modeling center (CCMC)


2. Title=Improvement of a deep learning algorithm for total electron content (TEC) maps: image completion

Authors=Zhou Chen; Mingwu Jin; Yue Deng; Jing Song Wang; Heng Huang; Xiaohua Deng; Chun Ming Huang;

article=2018JA026167; doi=10.1029/2018JA026167; pubdate=09 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= data facility, online at The

Sample usage= Center, space physics data facility, online at


3. Title=New diagnosis for energy flow from solar wind to ionosphere during substorm: Global MHD simulation

Authors=Y. Ebihara; T. Tanaka; N. Kamiyoshikawa;

article=2018JA026177; doi=10.1029/2018JA026177; pubdate=10 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data. The

Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data. The observed SML/SMU


4. Title=Global view of current sheet thinning: plasma pressure gradients and large scale currents.

Authors=A. V. Artemyev; V. Angelopoulos; A. Runov; A. A Petrukovich;

article=2018JA026113; doi=10.1029/2018JA026113; pubdate=10 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= OMNI parameters obtained from

Sample usage= FGM) obtained from and OMNI parameters obtained from


5. Title=Investigating the development of abnormal subauroral ion drift (ASAID) and abnormal subauroral polarization stream (ASAPS) during the magnetically quiet times of October 2003

Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell;

article=2018JA026230; doi=10.1029/2018JA026230; pubdate=10 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= (https:// cdaweb,

Sample usage= IMF measurements obtained from the OMNI database. These


6. Title=A statistical study of EMIC waves associated with and without energetic particle injection from the magnetotail

Authors=C. W. Jun; C. Yue; J. Bortnik; L. R. Lyons; Y. Nishimura; C. A. Kletzing; J. Wygant; H. Spence;

article=2018JA025886; doi=10.1029/2018JA025886; pubdate=10 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage=

Sample usage= data were obtained from the SPDF/Goddard Space Flight Center interface


7. Title=Storm time EMIC waves observed by Swarm and Van Allen Probe satellites

Authors=Hui Wang; Yangfan He; Hermann Lühr; Lynn Kistler; Anthony Saikin; Eric Lund; Shuying Ma;

article=2018JA026299; doi=10.1029/2018JA026299; pubdate=10 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb at https://

Sample usage= This study used the OMNI data set with a resolution

Sample usage= data were from NASA/GSF Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb at https://


8. Title=Global Empirical Picture of Magnetospheric Substorms Inferred from Multi Mission Magnetometer Data

Authors=G. K. Stephens; M. I. Sitnov; H. Korth; N. A. Tsyganenko; S. Ohtani; M. Gkioulidou; A. Y. Ukhorskiy;

article=2018JA025843; doi=10.1029/2018JA025843; pubdate=11 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= from the OMNI database (

Sample usage= datafiles from the OMNI database (

Sample usage= https:// spdf This study represents the

Sample usage= described and available on the Space Physics Data Facility at the following


9. Title=The response of Earth's electron radiation belts to geomagnetic storms: Statistics from the Van Allen Probes era including effects from different storm drivers

Authors=D. L. Turner; E. K. J. Kilpua; H. Hietala; S. G. Claudepierre; T. P. O’Brien; J. F. Fennell; J. B. Blake; A. N. Jaynes; S. Kanekal; D. N. Baker; H. E. Spence; J. F. Ripoll; G. D. Reeves;

article=2018JA026066; doi=10.1029/2018JA026066; pubdate=11 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS

Sample usage= solar wind data; and NASA CDAWeb and mission specific online databases.

Sample usage= al., 2013) and the OMNI dataset of solar wind quantities

Sample usage= software development teams for SPEDAS  and


10. Title=Ionospheric plasma irregularities characterized by the Swarm satellites: statistics at high latitudes

Authors=Yaqi Jin; Andres Spicher; Chao Xiong; Lasse Clausen; Guram Kervalishvili; Claudia Stolle; Wojciech Miloch;

article=2018JA026063; doi=10.1029/2018JA026063; pubdate=11 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= NASA OMNIWeb service ( The GPS TEC

Sample usage= from the 5 min averaged OMNI dataset [King and Papitashvili, 2005].


11. Title=D region high latitude forcing factors

Authors=Edith L. Macotela; Mark Clilverd; Jyrki Manninen; Tracy Moffat Griffin; David A. Newnham; Tero Raita; Craig J. Rodger;

article=2018JA026049; doi=10.1029/2018JA026049; pubdate=12 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= the OMNIWeb interface ( The

Sample usage= NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center’s (GSFC’S) OMNI data set through


12. Title=Identification of auroral zone activity driving large scale traveling ionospheric disturbances

Authors=L. R. Lyons; Y. Nishimura; S. R. Zhang; A. J. Coster; A. Bhatt; E. Kendall; Y. Deng;

article=2018JA025980; doi=10.1029/2018JA025980; pubdate=15 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= are courtesy of OMNI (https:// omniweb We

Sample usage= Wind data are courtesy of OMNI ( We


13. Title=Equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics over Jicamarca during the 6 11 September 2017 space weather event

Authors=Ruilong Zhang; Libo Liu; Huijun Le; Yiding Chen;

article=2018JA026295; doi=10.1029/2018JA026295; pubdate=18 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= available at are used for identifying

Sample usage= parameters in the OMNI dataset are absent on 9


14. Title=Statistical modelling of the coupled F region ionosphere thermosphere at high latitude during polar darkness

Authors=G. D. Dorrian; A. G. Wood; A. Ronksley; A. Aruliah; G. Shahtahmassebi;

article=2018JA026171; doi=10.1029/2018JA026171; pubdate=18 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= CDAWeb . The geophysical proxies were


15. Title=The March 2015 Superstorm Revisited: Phase Space Density Profiles and Fast ULF Wave Diffusive Transport

Authors=L. G. Ozeke; I. R. Mann; S. G. Claudepierre; M. Henderson; S. K. Morley; K. R. Murphy; L. Olifer; H. E. Spence; D. N. Baker;

article=2018JA026326; doi=10.1029/2018JA026326; pubdate=18 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data. Van

Sample usage= Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data. Van Allen Probes ECT


16. Title=Variable Responses of Equatorial ionosphere during Undershielding and Overshielding conditions

Authors=Debrup Hui; Geeta Vichare;

article=2018JA025999; doi=10.1029/2018JA025999; pubdate=18 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, CCMC

Sample usage= (http:// cdaweb The ISR drift data

Sample usage= shock nose (time-shifted data from OMNI /CDA

Sample usage= (https:// ccmc D.H. thanks Ja Soon,


17. Title=On the influence of the Earth's magnetic dipole eccentricity and magnetospheric ring current on the magnetopause location

Authors=A. Machková; F. Němec; Z. Němeček; J. Šafránková;

article=2018JA026070; doi=10.1029/2018JA026070; pubdate=19 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb)


18. Title=A revised look at relativistic electrons in the Earth's inner radiation zone and slot region

Authors=S. G. Claudepierre; T. P. O'Brien; M. D. Looper; J, Bernard Blake; J. F. Fennell; J. L. Roeder; J. H. Clemmons; J. E. Mazur; D. L. Turner; G. D. Reeves; H. E. Spence;

article=2018JA026349; doi=10.1029/2018JA026349; pubdate=19 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, Autoplot

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb service and OMNI data. One

Sample usage= Data Facility’s CDAWeb service and OMNI data. One author (SGC)

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb service and OMNI

Sample usage= all of the developers of Autoplot.


19. Title=Transport and Loss of Ring Current Electrons Inside Geosynchronous Orbit during the 17 March 2013 Storm

Authors=N. A. Aseev; Y. Y. Shprits; D. Wang; J. Wygant; A. Y. Drozdov; A. C. Kellerman; G. D. Reeves;

article=2018JA026031; doi=10.1029/2018JA026031; pubdate=21 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data.

Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data.


20. Title=Subauroral neutral wind driving and its feedback to SAPS during the March 17, 2013 geomagnetic storm

Authors=Banafsheh Ferdousi; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Naomi Maruyama; Larry R. Lyons;

article=2018JA026193; doi=10.1029/2018JA026193; pubdate=28 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNI

Sample usage= the OMNI data set. IMF Bz first


21. Title=Multi satellite analysis of plasma pressure in the inner magnetosphere during the 1 June 2013 geomagnetic storm

Authors=M. Stepanova; E. E. Antonova; P. S. Moya; V. A. Pinto; J. A. Valdivia;

article=2018JA025965; doi=10.1029/2018JA025965; pubdate=28 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNI

Sample usage= parameters from the OMNI database for that particular event.


22. Title=Global scale ULF waves associated with SSC accelerate magnetospheric ultra relativistic electrons

Authors=Y. Hao; Q. G. Zong; X. Z. Zhou; R. Rankin; X. R. Chen; Y. Liu; S. Fu; D. N. Baker; H. E. Spence; J. B. Blake; G. D. Reeves; S. G. Claudepierre;

article=2018JA026134; doi=10.1029/2018JA026134; pubdate=28 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNI

Sample usage= z component of IMF from OMNI on July 16, 2017. (d-e)


23. Title=Identifying ULF wave eigenfrequencies in SuperDARN backscatter using a Lomb Scargle cross phase analysis

Authors=S. J. Wharton; D. M. Wright; T. K. Yeoman; A. S. Reimer;

article=2018JA025859; doi=10.1029/2018JA025859; pubdate=01 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= (

Sample usage= The OMNI solar wind data are publicly

Sample usage= publicly available from the NASA Space Physics Data Facility ,


24. Title=Using mutual information to determine geoeffectiveness of solar wind phase fronts with different front orientations

Authors=T. G. Cameron; B. J. Jackel; D. M. Oliveira;

article=2018JA026080; doi=10.1029/2018JA026080; pubdate=04 February 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= cdaweb


25. Title=On the accuracy of adiabaticity parameter estimations using magnetospheric models

Authors=John D. Haiducek; Natalia Y. Ganushkina; Stepan Dubyagin; Daniel T. Welling;

article=2018JA025916; doi=10.1029/2018JA025916; pubdate=12 February 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= data were obtained from CDAWeb (

Sample usage= the 1-minute OMNI dataset provided by the NASA


26. Title=Exospheric neutral hydrogen density at the nominal 10 RE subsolar point deduced from XMM Newton X ray observations

Authors=Hyunju K. Connor; Jennifer A. Carter;

article=2018JA026187; doi=10.1029/2018JA026187; pubdate=13 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= IMF data downloaded from

Sample usage= study uses OMNI solar wind and IMF data


27. Title=SWAN/SOHO Lyman α mapping: the Hydrogen Geocorona Extends Well Beyond The Moon

Authors=I. I. Baliukin; J. L. Bertaux; E. Quémerais; V. V. Izmodenov; W. Schmidt;

article=2018JA026136; doi=10.1029/2018JA026136; pubdate=15 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= taken from


28. Title=Understanding the behaviors of thermospheric Nitric Oxide cooling during the 15 May 2005 geomagnetic storm

Authors=Zheng Li; Delores Knipp; Wenbin Wang;

article=2018JA026247; doi=10.1029/2018JA026247; pubdate=15 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= (, and the AE, Kp

Sample usage= IMF data are provided by OMNI database


29. Title=Does the solar wind electric field control the reconnection rate at Earth's subsolar magnetopause?

Authors=John C. Dorelli;

article=2018JA025868; doi=10.1029/2018JA025868; pubdate=20 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2

Sample usage= can be accessed at The author acknowledges

Sample usage= using OMNI2 hourly-averaged data from 1963-2017, with


30. Title=Two Dimensional Reconstruction of Magnetic Mirror Structures with Pressure Anisotropy: Theory and Application

Authors=Wai Leong Teh;

article=2018JA026416; doi=10.1029/2018JA026416; pubdate=22 February 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= be downloaded through the NASA CDAWeb at


31. Title=An improved ionosonde based parameter to assess Sporadic E layer intensities. A simple idea and an algorithm

Authors=Christos Haldoupis;

article=2018JA026441; doi=10.1029/2018JA026441; pubdate=22 February 2019

Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, CCMC

Sample usage= modelweb /models/iri2016_vitmo.php. The IRI runs

Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model predictions of E

Sample usage= obtained by running online the IRI-2016 model at

Sample usage= https:// ccmc The IRI runs


32. Title=Contribution of ULF wave activity to the global recovery of the outer radiation belt during the passage of a high speed solar wind stream observed in September 2014

Authors=L. A. Da Silva; D. Sibeck; L. R. Alves; V. M. Souza; P. R. Jauer; S. G. Claudepierre; J. P. Marchezi; O. Agapitov; C. Medeiros; L. E. A. Vieira; C. Wang; S. Jiankui; Z. Liu; W. Gonzalez; A. Dal Lago; M. Rockenbach; M. B. Padua; M. V. Alves; M. V. G. Barbosa; M. C. Fok; D. Baker; C. Kletzing; S. G. Kanekal; M. Georgiou;

article=2018JA026184; doi=10.1029/2018JA026184; pubdate=22 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= Kp index from both the OMNI database (King &

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC). We acknowledge the

Sample usage= NASA Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC). We acknowledge


33. Title=Simultaneous trapping of EMIC and MS waves by background plasmas

Authors=Zhigang Yuan; Xiongdong Yu; Zhihai Ouyang; Fei Yao; Shiyong Huang; H. O. Funsten;

article=2018JA026149; doi=10.1029/2018JA026149; pubdate=22 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= This work is supported

Sample usage= OMNI

Sample usage= SPDF


34. Title=Multi instrumental observation of storm induced ionospheric plasma bubbles at equatorial and middle latitudes

Authors=Iurii Cherniak; Irina Zakharenkova; Sergey Sokolovsky;

article=2018JA026309; doi=10.1029/2018JA026309; pubdate=22 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service

Sample usage= CDAS services from NASA/Goddard Space Physics Data Facility (R. McGuire)


35. Title=Dynamics of MeV Electrons Observed in the Inner Belt by PROBA V/EPT

Authors=V. Pierrard; G. Lopez Rosson; E. Botek;

article=2018JA026289; doi=10.1029/2018JA026289; pubdate=22 February 2019

Keywords found: AE-8

Sample usage= Vette, J. I. (1991), The AE-8 trapped electron model environment. NASA


36. Title=The Extra Magnetospheric Ion Environment as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (MMS HPCA)

Authors=R. G. Gomez; S. A. Fuselier; J. Mukherjee; C. A. Gonzalez; J. L. Burch; R. J. Strangeway; M. J. Starkey;

article=2018JA025392; doi=10.1029/2018JA025392; pubdate=23 February 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= https:// cdaweb


37. Title=Hemispheric asymmetry of the premidnight aurora associated with the dawn dusk component of the interplanetary magnetic field

Authors=K. Liou; E. J. Mitchell;

article=2018JA025953; doi=10.1029/2018JA025953; pubdate=24 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb

Sample usage= based on high resolution (HRO) OMNI data (1-minute cadence)

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). The OMNI/HRO data sets

Sample usage= provided by NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). The OMNI/HRO data


38. Title=Solar rotation period driven modulations of plasmaspheric density and convective electric field in the inner magnetosphere

Authors=S. A. Thaller; J. R. Wygant; C. A. Cattell; A. W. Breneman; E. Tyler; S. Tian; A. Engel; S. De Pascuale; W. S. Kurth; C. A. Kletzing; J. Tears; David M. Malaspina;

article=2018JA026365; doi=10.1029/2018JA026365; pubdate=24 February 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= NASA GSFC for OMNI data; CDAweb through which the OMNI

Sample usage= solar wind and Kp (OMNI) data, and solar EUV


39. Title=Evolution of large scale magnetic fields from near Earth space during the last 11 solar cycles

Authors=Leonie Pick; Monika Korte; Yannik Thomas; Natalie Krivova; Chi Ju Wu;

article=2018JA026185; doi=10.1029/2018JA026185; pubdate=28 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI-2

Sample usage= quantities are taken from the OMNI -2 low resolution (hourly-averaged) data

Sample usage= quantities are taken from the OMNI-2 low resolution (hourly-averaged) data


40. Title=Morphology of Martian low altitude ionospheric layer: MGS Observations

Authors=Sumedha Gupta; A. K. Upadhayaya;

article=2018JA026162; doi=10.1029/2018JA026162; pubdate=28 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= taken from the website Though the


41. Title=Global Energy Dynamics During Substorms On 9 March 2008 And 26 February 2008 Using Satellite Observations And The WINDMI Model

Authors=E. Spencer; P. Srinivas; S. K. Vadepu;

article=2018JA025582; doi=10.1029/2018JA025582; pubdate=07 March 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, CCMC

Sample usage= satellite measurements ( The geomagnetic indices

Sample usage= were obtained from NASA CDF SPDF website from the ACE

Sample usage= at the NASA Space Physics Data Facility . We propagate the solar

Sample usage= Coordinated Modeling Center (NASA CCMC)(


42. Title=Observation of Electron Density Depletion due to Maneuver Operation of H II Transfer Vehicle

Authors=T. Okumura; D. Tsujita; H. Tani; Y. Daimon; Y. Kobayashi; T. Nagata; T. Kasai; Y. Ohkawa; H. Okamoto;

article=2018JA026233; doi=10.1029/2018JA026233; pubdate=07 March 2019

Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, CCMC

Sample usage= website: modelweb/models/nrlmsise00.php. The

Sample usage= calculated by using International Reference Ionosphere 2016, IRI-2016. Figure 3

Sample usage= using International Reference Ionosphere 2016, IRI-2016. Figure 3 shows the

Sample usage= website: The


43. Title=Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During 6 - 11 September 2017

Authors=Liying Qian; Wenbin Wang; Alan G. Burns; Phillip C. Chamberlin; Anthea Coster; Shun Rong Zhang; Stanley C. Solomon;

article=2018JA026175; doi=10.1029/2018JA026175; pubdate=07 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNI

Sample usage= Bz (figure 1c) from the Omni database, the Dst index (figure


44. Title=Modulation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves by Pc5 ULF waves and energetic ring current ions

Authors=Amar Kakad; Bharati Kakad; Yoshiharu Omura; Ashwini K. Sinha; Aditi Upadhyay; Rahul Rawat;

article=2017JA024930; doi=10.1029/2017JA024930; pubdate=07 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, CCMC

Sample usage= parameters were obtained from the OMNIWEB web-

Sample usage= // We thank omniweb team


45. Title=Dependence of Thermodynamic Processes on Upstream Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions for Magnetosheath Ions

Authors=Jong Sun Park; Jih Hong Shue; Yasuhiro Nariyuki; Monio Kartalev;

article=2018JA026108; doi=10.1029/2018JA026108; pubdate=07 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, SPEDAS

Sample usage=

Sample usage= OMNI database, which are time-shifted from

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) in the NASA/GSFC at

Sample usage= accessible via the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) in the NASA/GSFC at

Sample usage= Environment Data Analysis Software (SPEDAS).


46. Title=The effects of geomagnetic storms and solar wind conditions on the ultrarelativistic electron flux enhancements

Authors=H. Zhao; D. N. Baker; X. Li; A. N. Jaynes; S. G. Kanekal;

article=2018JA026257; doi=10.1029/2018JA026257; pubdate=08 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= OMNIWeb (


47. Title=Multi instrument observations of Meso Scale enhancement of Sub Auroral Polarization Stream associated with an injection

Authors=Zihan Wang; Shasha Zou; Simon G. Shepherd; Jun Liang; Jesper W. Gjerloev; J. Michael Ruohoniemi; Bharat Kunduri; John R. Wygant;

article=2019JA026535; doi=10.1029/2019JA026535; pubdate=08 March 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= OMNI data are available at CDAWeb.

Sample usage= NASA OMNI database and shown in Figure


48. Title=The First Direct Observational Confirmation of Kinematic Collisionless Relaxation in Very Low Mach Number Shocks near the Earth

Authors=S. A. Pope; M. Gedalin; M. A. Balikhin;

article=2018JA026223; doi=10.1029/2018JA026223; pubdate=08 March 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) service


49. Title=Statistical analysis of hiss waves in plasmaspheric plumes using Van Allen Probe observations

Authors=Kyung Chan Kim; Yuri Shprits;

article=2018JA026458; doi=10.1029/2018JA026458; pubdate=09 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

Sample usage= OMNIWeb for the provision of the

Sample usage= (PROGRESS). We thank the GSFC/ SPDF


50. Title=Substorm onset latitude and the steadiness of magnetospheric convection

Authors=S. E. Milan; M. T. Walach; J. A. Carter; H. Sangha; B. J. Anderson;

article=2018JA025969; doi=10.1029/2018JA025969; pubdate=10 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at

Sample usage= are provided by the 1-min OMNI dataset [King and Papitashvili ,

Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at


51. Title=Outer Van Allen radiation belt response to interacting interplanetary coronal mass ejections

Authors=E. K. J. Kilpua; D. L. Turner; A. Jaynes; H. Hietala; H. E. J. Koskinen; A. Osmane; M. Palmroth; T. I. Pulkkinen; R. Vainio; D. Baker; S. Claudepierre;

article=2018JA026238; doi=10.1029/2018JA026238; pubdate=12 March 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= CDAWeb ( We thank Craig

Sample usage= shock times are based on OMNI data (i.e., shifted to the


52. Title=How Well Can We Estimate Pedersen Conductance from the THEMIS White Light All Sky Cameras?

Authors=M. M. Lam; M. P. Freeman; C. M. Jackman; I. J. Rae; N. M. E. Kalmoni; J. K. Sandhu; C. Forsyth;

article=2018JA026067; doi=10.1029/2018JA026067; pubdate=12 March 2019

Keywords found: NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, SPEDAS

Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere: IRI-90,,

Sample usage= Bilitza, D. (1990), International Reference Ionosphere: IRI-90,,

Sample usage= D. (1990), International Reference Ionosphere:IRI-90,,

Sample usage= Environment Data Analysis Software (SPEDAS)


53. Title=EMIC wave properties associated with and without injections in the inner magnetosphere

Authors=C. W. Jun; C. Yue; J. Bortnik; L. R. Lyons; Y. Nishimura; C. Kletzing;

article=2018JA026279; doi=10.1029/2018JA026279; pubdate=12 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

Sample usage= Flight Center interface at

Sample usage= data were obtained from the SPDF/Goddard Space Flight Center interface


54. Title=Validation of the neutron monitor yield function using data from AMS 02 experiment, 2011-2017

Authors=Sergey Koldobskiy; Veronica Bindi; Claudio Corti; Gennady A. Kovaltsov; Ilya G. Usoskin;

article=2018JA026340; doi=10.1029/2018JA026340; pubdate=12 March 2019

Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) Database (see Acknowledgements). The

Sample usage= as available at the NASA Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) Database (see Acknowledgements). The


55. Title=Multi Year Measurements of Radiation Belt Electrons: Acceleration, Transport, and Loss

Authors=Daniel N. Baker; Vaughn Hoxie; Hong Zhao; Allison N. Jaynes; Shri Kanekal; Xinlin Li; Scot Elkington;

article=2018JA026259; doi=10.1029/2018JA026259; pubdate=13 March 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

Sample usage= the " CDAWeb " data set (https://cdaweb.sci.gsfc.nasa.

Sample usage= are provided by OMNIWeb (


56. Title=Ground based observations of VLF waves as a proxy for satellite observations: Development of models including the influence of solar illumination and geomagnetic disturbance levels

Authors=Laura E. Simms; Mark J. Engebretson; Mark A. Clilverd; Craig J. Rodger;

article=2018JA026407; doi=10.1029/2018JA026407; pubdate=18 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= obtained from OMNIWeb.

Sample usage= from Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility at the OMNIWeb


57. Title=Jensen Shannon Complexity and Permutation Entropy Analysis of Geomagnetic Auroral Currents

Authors=Adnane Osmane; Andrew P. Dimmock; Tuija I. Pulkkinen;

article=2018JA026248; doi=10.1029/2018JA026248; pubdate=18 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= from the OMNI database (, which

Sample usage= data are obtained from the OMNI database (,


58. Title=Tracking the region of high correlation between pulsating aurora and chorus: simultaneous observations with Arase satellite and ground based all sky imager in Russia

Authors=S. Kawamura; K. Hosokawa; S. Kurita; S. Oyama; Y. Miyoshi; Y. Kasahara; M. Ozaki; S. Matsuda; A. Matsuoka; B. Kozelov; Y. Kawamura; I. Shinohara;

article=2019JA026496; doi=10.1029/2019JA026496; pubdate=25 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI-2

Sample usage= by input parameters from the OMNI -2 database. The measured magnetic

Sample usage= by input parameters from the OMNI-2 database. The measured magnetic field


59. Title=Dependence of properties of magnetospheric line radiation and quasiperiodic emissions on solar wind parameters and geomagnetic activity

Authors=B. Bezdekova; F. Nemec; M. Parrot; M. Hajos; J. Zahlava; O. Santolik;

article=2018JA026378; doi=10.1029/2018JA026378; pubdate=27 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= data are available from,

Sample usage= OMNI solar wind data propagated to


60. Title=On the relative strength of electric and magnetic ULF wave radial diffusion during the March 2015 geomagnetic storm

Authors=L. Olifer; I. R. Mann; L. G. Ozeke; I. J. Rae; S. K. Morley;

article=2018JA026348; doi=10.1029/2018JA026348; pubdate=27 March 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= Web (CDAWeb) database in geocentric solar

Sample usage= satellites is available at https:// sscweb THEMIS FGM and EFI

Sample usage= indices are obtained from NASA OMNIWeb (

Sample usage= (OMNI) database [King, 2005]. Van

Sample usage= Data Facility (SPDF) Locator database. Meanwhile, the


61. Title=Response of the Geospace System to the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Decrease on 11 June 2017: Numerical Models and Observations

Authors=Dogacan S. Ozturk; Shasha Zou; James A. Slavin; Aaron J. Ridley;

article=2018JA026315; doi=10.1029/2018JA026315; pubdate=01 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Physics Data FacilityM-bM-^@M-^Ys OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and OMNI

Sample usage= Physics Data FacilityM-bM-^@M-^Ys OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service,

Sample usage= 1437 UT according to the OMNI solar wind data. The solar


62. Title=SuperDARN Evidence for Convection Driven Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the Ionosphere

Authors=U. Ramirez; N. Wang; A. Chartier; S. Datta Barua;

article=2018JA026225; doi=10.1029/2018JA026225; pubdate=01 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= OMNIWeb interface at The authors

Sample usage= OMNI database (King & Papitashvili, 2005).

Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF


63. Title=The magnetic local time distribution of storm geomagnetic field disturbance under different conditions of solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field

Authors=Bao Jia Liu; Xiao Xin Zhang; Fei He; Qiu Gang Zong;

article=2018JA026287; doi=10.1029/2018JA026287; pubdate=01 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= the Dst indices, and NASA’s OMNIWeb

Sample usage= processed, and then matched with OMNI solar wind


64. Title=Oscillatory flows in the magnetotail plasma sheet: Cluster observations of the distribution function

Authors=A. De Spiegeleer; M. Hamrin; H. Gunell; M. Volwerk; L. Andersson; T. Karlsson; T. Pitknen; C.G. Mouikis; H. Nilsson; L.M. Kistler;

article=2018JA026116; doi=10.1029/2018JA026116; pubdate=05 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= OMNI solar wind data ( are used.

Sample usage= as the 1 min OMNI solar wind data ( are

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) for the OMNI

Sample usage= AL index data and the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) for the OMNI


65. Title=Direct measurement of low energy electron foreshock beams

Authors=Jan Soucek; David Písa; Ondrej Santolík;

article=2019JA026470; doi=10.1029/2019JA026470; pubdate=06 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= NIWeb interface at https:// omniweb We thank the Cluster

Sample usage= stand-off distance taken from the OMNI dataset. The local electron plasma

Sample usage= were obtained through the GSFC/ SPDF OM-


66. Title=On the importance of gradients in the low energy electron phase space density for relativistic electron acceleration

Authors=Hayley J. Allison; Richard B. Horne; Sarah A. Glauert; Giulio Del Zanna;

article=2019JA026516; doi=10.1029/2019JA026516; pubdate=06 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNI

Sample usage= The authors acknowledge the OMNI database access for the provision


67. Title=Understanding the Role of α Particles in Oblique Heliospheric Shock Oscillations

Authors=L. Ofman; A. Koval; L.B. Wilson; A. Szabo;

article=2018JA026301; doi=10.1029/2018JA026301; pubdate=08 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= is publicly available via https:// cdaweb The July 29,


68. Title=Some Properties of the Solar Wind Turbulence at 1 AU Statistically Examined in the Different Types of Solar Wind Plasma

Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky; Michael H. Denton; Charles W. Smith;

article=2019JA026580; doi=10.1029/2019JA026580; pubdate=10 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2, CCMC

Sample usage=

Sample usage= OMNI2 data set are plotted in

Sample usage= Statistics of wind-shear events and CCMC simulations of magnetotail


69. Title=On the statistics of acceleration and loss of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt: a superposed epoch analysis

Authors=Ch. Katsavrias; I.A. Daglis; W. Li;

article=2019JA026569; doi=10.1029/2019JA026569; pubdate=11 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= acknowledge the NASA CDAWeb for providing SYM-H index and

Sample usage= from the NASA/OMNI database (

Sample usage= and AL from the NASA/OMNI database (


70. Title=Explicit IMF By effect maximizes at subauroral latitudes (Dedicated to the memory of Eigil Friis Christensen)

Authors=L. Holappa; N. Gopalswamy; K. Mursula;

article=2018JA026285; doi=10.1029/2018JA026285; pubdate=12 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2

Sample usage= from the OMNI2 database (

Sample usage= GSM coordinate system from the OMNI2 database (


71. Title=Modulation of locally generated equatorial noise by ULF wave

Authors=Hui Zhu; Lunjin Chen; Xu Liu; Yuri Y. Shprits;

article=2018JA026199; doi=10.1029/2018JA026199; pubdate=12 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= 10-18 April 2014 obtained from CDAweb -OMNI database. A moderate

Sample usage= used geomagnetic indices provided by OMNIWeb

Sample usage= April 2014 obtained from CDAweb- OMNI database. A moderate geomagnetic


72. Title=Seasonal Variations of Low latitude Migrating and Non migrating Diurnal and Semi diurnal Tides in TIMED SABER Temperature and Their Relationship with Source Variations

Authors=S. Sridharan;

article=2018JA026190; doi=10.1029/2018JA026190; pubdate=13 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= ( The GIMs are believed


73. Title=Global Ionospheric Current System Associated with Penetration Electric Field and New Mechanism for the Generation of Dayside Westward Electric Field at Low Latitudes during Northward IMF

Authors=Chao Song Huang;

article=2018JA026345; doi=10.1029/2018JA026345; pubdate=15 April 2019

Keywords found: Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= drift data, and the NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility


74. Title=Characteristics of CME  and CIR driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere

Authors=Y. Ogawa; K. Seki; K. Keika; Y. Ebihara;

article=2018JA025870; doi=10.1029/2018JA025870; pubdate=15 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= data obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface

Sample usage= AL index. We used the OMNI data base for the solar

Sample usage= data obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface


75. Title=On the nature of the intra seasonal variability of night time ionospheric irregularities over Taiwan

Authors=L.M. Joshi; L. C. Tsai; S. Y. Su; Ronald G. Caton; K.M. Groves; C. H. Lu;

article=2018JA026419; doi=10.1029/2018JA026419; pubdate=15 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= data have been obtained from OmniWeb data repository.


76. Title=The intense substorm incidence in response to interplanetary shock impacts and influence on energetic electron fluxes at geosynchronous orbit

Authors=X. H. Ma; Q. G. Zong; Ying Liu;

article=2018JA026115; doi=10.1029/2018JA026115; pubdate=15 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= CDAWeb ( for ACE, GOES, and

Sample usage= data from OMNI ( The

Sample usage= data from OMNI ( The


77. Title=The efficiency of Coronal Mass Ejection with different IMF preconditions on the production of MeV electron content in the outer radiation belt

Authors=C. J. Yuan; Q. G. Zong;

article=2018JA026263; doi=10.1029/2018JA026263; pubdate=22 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF

Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (

Sample usage= at

Sample usage= Analysis Web at The OMNI data were

Sample usage= geomagnetic indices are obtained from OMNI2 database

Sample usage= obtained from GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at


78. Title=Proton and Electron Injection Path at Geosynchronous Altitude

Authors=T. Nagai; I. Shinohara; H.J. Singer; J. Rodriguez; T.G. Onsager;

article=2018JA026281; doi=10.1029/2018JA026281; pubdate=29 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= ( and the NASA/CDAWeb


79. Title=Long term variations in solar wind parameters, magnetopause location, and geomagnetic activity over the last five solar cycles

Authors=A.A. Samsonov; Y.V. Bogdanova; G. Branduardi Raymont; J. Safrankova; Z. Nemecek; J. S. Park;

article=2018JA026355; doi=10.1029/2018JA026355; pubdate=30 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb),

Sample usage= nose are available in the OMNIWeb database for almost five

Sample usage= in the space era using OMNI data and empirical magnetopause models.


80. Title=The Solar and Interplanetary Causes of Superstorms (Minimum Dst ≤  250 nT) During the Space Age

Authors=Xing Meng; Bruce T. Tsurutani; Anthony J. Mannucci;

article=2018JA026425; doi=10.1029/2018JA026425; pubdate=30 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= at AdnetSystems, NASA GSFC and CDAWeb for

Sample usage= superstorms. We employ OMNI solar wind data of 1-minute


81. Title=Small scale aurora associated with magnetospheric flow vortices after a solar wind dynamic pressure decrease

Authors=Huayu Zhao; Xu Zhi Zhou; Qiu Gang Zong; James M. Weygand; Quanqi Shi; Ying Liu; Zhonghua Yao; Yongfu Wang; Xiao Chen Shen; Jie Ren; Han Liu; Anmin Tian;

article=2018JA026234; doi=10.1029/2018JA026234; pubdate=30 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= authors would like to thank CDAWeb for


82. Title=Kelvin Helmholtz Waves Magnetic Curvature and Vorticity: Four spacecraft Cluster Observations

Authors=Rungployphan Kieokaew; Claire Foullon;

article=2019JA026484; doi=10.1029/2019JA026484; pubdate=01 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNI

Sample usage= NASA High-Resolution OMNI (HRO) product that is initially


83. Title=The role of current sheet scattering in the proton isotropic boundary formation during geomagnetic storms

Authors=John D. Haiducek; Natalia Y. Ganushkina; Stepan Dubyagin; Daniel T. Welling;

article=2018JA026290; doi=10.1029/2018JA026290; pubdate=01 May 2019

Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Satellite Situation Center Web ( The mark-

Sample usage= 1 come from the 1-minute OMNI data


84. Title=Conjugate ionosphere magnetosphere observations of a sub Alfvénic compressional intermediate m wave: a case study using EKB radar and Van Allen Probes

Authors=Olga V. Mager; Maksim A. Chelpanov; Pavel N. Mager; Dmitri Yu. Klimushkin; Oleg I. Berngardt;

article=2019JA026541; doi=10.1029/2019JA026541; pubdate=01 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, CCMC

Sample usage= Space Physiscs Data Facility CDAWeb ( We

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb (, and the auroral indices

Sample usage= ( modelweb/magnetospheric/tsyganenko) and Nikolai


Sample usage= able for download at The Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) website


85. Title=Quantifying the uncertainty of using solar wind measurements for geospace inputs

Authors=B.M. Walsh; T. Bhakyapaibul; Y. Zou;

article=2019JA026507; doi=10.1029/2019JA026507; pubdate=01 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS

Sample usage= and were obtained from

Sample usage= point. Statistical measurements from the OMNI dataset are combined with

Sample usage= Analysis was conducted with the SPEDAS software [Angelopoulos et al., 2019].


86. Title=Effect of Low harmonic Magnetosonic Waves on the Radiation Belt Electrons inside the Plasmasphere

Authors=J. Yu; L.Y. Li; J. Cui; J.B. Cao; J. Wang;

article=2018JA026328; doi=10.1029/2018JA026328; pubdate=02 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= http:// cdaweb


87. Title=Investigating loss of relativistic electrons associated with EMIC waves at low L values on 22 June 2015

Authors=Murong Qin; Mary Hudson; Zhao Li; Robyn Millan; Xiaochen Shen; Yuri Shprits; Leslie Woodger; Allison Jaynes; Craig Kletzing;

article=2018JA025726; doi=10.1029/2018JA025726; pubdate=06 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI-2

Sample usage= June 2015, with 1-min resolution OMNI -2 data. An inter-

Sample usage= June 2015, with 1-min resolution OMNI-2 data. An inter-


88. Title=On the use of different magnetic field models for simulating the dynamics of the outer radiation belt electrons during the October 1990 storm

Authors=Vivien Loridan; Jean Francois Ripoll; Weichao Tu; Gregory Scott Cunningham;

article=2018JA026392; doi=10.1029/2018JA026392; pubdate=06 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= which has been derived from OMNIWeb data using the method described


89. Title=Characteristics of the flank magnetopause: THEMIS observations

Authors=S. Haaland; A. Runov; A. Artemyev; V. Angelopoulos;

article=2019JA026459; doi=10.1029/2019JA026459; pubdate=06 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= geomagnetic disturbance indices downloaded from CDAWEB

Sample usage= the time shifted IMF from OMNI is probably a


90. Title=Kinetic properties of solar wind discontinuities at 1AU observed by ARTEMIS

Authors=A.V. Artemyev; V. Angelopoulos; I.Y. Vasko;

article=2019JA026597; doi=10.1029/2019JA026597; pubdate=06 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, CCMC, SPEDAS

Sample usage= lower time resolution (1 min) OMNI data (King & Papitashvili, 2005).

Sample usage= of wind shear events and CCMC simulations

Sample usage= and processing was done using SPEDAS V3.1, see Angelopoulos et al.


91. Title=First ground based conjugate observations of Stable Auroral Red (SAR) Arcs

Authors=C. Martinis; J. Baumgardner; M. Mendillo; M.J. Taylor; T. Moffat Griffin; J. Wroten; C. Sullivan; R. Macinnis; B. Alford; Y. Nishimura;

article=2018JA026017; doi=10.1029/2018JA026017; pubdate=06 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= the OMNI website at

Sample usage= parameters were obtained from the OMNI website at


92. Title=Properties and geoeffectiveness of solar wind high speed streams and stream interaction regions during solar cycles 23 and 24

Authors=Maxime Grandin; Anita T. Aikio; Alexander Kozlovsky;

article=2018JA026396; doi=10.1029/2018JA026396; pubdate=06 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at http://omniweb.gsfc.

Sample usage= 1963M-bM-^@M-^S2013 from OMNI data. However, when comparing results

Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at http://omniweb.gsfc.


93. Title=Characteristics of the Quiet time Hotspot Gravity Waves Observed by GOCE over the Southern Andes on 5 July 2010

Authors=Sharon L. Vadas; Shuang Xu; Jia Yue; Katrina Bossert; Erich Becker; Gerd Baumgarten;

article=2019JA026693; doi=10.1029/2019JA026693; pubdate=08 May 2019

Keywords found: ModelWeb, CCMC

Sample usage= available at Data from

Sample usage= available at Data from


94. Title=The Martian bow shock over solar cycle 23 24 as observed by the Mars Express mission

Authors=B.E.S. Hall; B. Sánchez Cano; J.A. Wild; M. Lester; M. Holmstrom;

article=2018JA026404; doi=10.1029/2018JA026404; pubdate=17 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2, SPDF

Sample usage= ( and we are grateful

Sample usage= are available on the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb platform

Sample usage= radio flux, F10.7, from the OMNI -2 dataset (King and

Sample usage= radio flux, F10.7, from the OMNI-2 dataset (King and

Sample usage= are available on the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb platform


95. Title=Investigation of Forbush Decreases and other Solar/Geophysical agents associated with Lightning Over the US latitude band and the continental Africa

Authors=O. Okike;

article=2018JA026456; doi=10.1029/2018JA026456; pubdate=20 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= Kp are selected from https:// omniweb data


96. Title=Event studies of O+ density variability within quiet time plasma sheet

Authors=Chih Ping Wang; Stephen A. Fuselier; Marc Hairston; Xiao jia Zhang; Shasha Zou; Levon A. Avanov; Robert J. Strangeway; Narges Ahmadi; Jacob Bortnik;

article=2019JA026644; doi=10.1029/2019JA026644; pubdate=20 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS

Sample usage= GSFC and CDAWeb for providing the OMNI data.

Sample usage= use 1 min OMNI solar wind and IMF data

Sample usage= Center ( and SPEDAS . The DMSP


97. Title=Impact of significant time integrated geomagnetic activity on 2 MeV electron flux

Authors=D. Mourenas; A. V. Artemyev; X. J. Zhang;

article=2019JA026659; doi=10.1029/2019JA026659; pubdate=20 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= providing the OMNI data (

Sample usage= in nT as in the OMNI database, although the average


98. Title=Alfvén ion cyclotron waves in sheath regions driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejections

Authors=Matti Ala Lahti; Emilia K.J. Kilpua; Jan Souček; Tuija I. Pulkkinen; Andrew P. Dimmock;

article=2019JA026579; doi=10.1029/2019JA026579; pubdate=21 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= [ CDAWeb,].


99. Title=Cross calibration of >16 MeV proton measurements from NOAA POES and EUMETSAT MetOp satellites

Authors=Ruilin Lin; Jichun Zhang; Robert J. Redmon; Binbin Ni; Siqing Liu; Xiaoxin Zhang; Liqin Shi; Jiancun Gong; Dong Chen; Yonghong Cheng; Hong Wang; Yong Cao;

article=2018JA026076; doi=10.1029/2018JA026076; pubdate=21 May 2019

Keywords found: SSCWeb, AP-8

Sample usage= NOAA-14 is available from

Sample usage= and J. I. Vette (1976), AP-8 trapped proton environment for solar


100. Title=Velocity Rotation Events in the Outer Magnetosphere Near the Magnetopause

Authors=H. Matsui; C.J. Farrugia; J. Goldstein; R.B. Torbert; M.R. Argall; H. Vaith; C.T. Russell; R.J. Strangeway; B.L. Giles; C.J. Pollock; S. Taguchi; K. Hosokawa;

article=2019JA026548; doi=10.1029/2019JA026548; pubdate=21 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= the OMNIWeb ( (King & Papitashvili, 2005)

Sample usage= check interplanetary data from the OMNI data set available at


101. Title=Improved simulations of the inner magnetosphere during high geomagnetic activity with the RAM SCB model

Authors=Miles A. Engel; Steven K. Morley; Michael G. Henderson; Vania K. Jordanova; Jesse R. Woodroffe; Rehana Mahfuz;

article=2018JA026260; doi=10.1029/2018JA026260; pubdate=22 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, CCMC

Sample usage= 1-minute resolution data from the OMNI data set [King and Papitashvili,

Sample usage= at ccmc : assessing the dst output


102. Title=Characteristics of high energy proton responses to geomagnetic activities in the inner radiation belt observed by the RBSP satellite

Authors=Jiyao Xu; Zhaohai He; D.N. Baker; Ilan Roth; C. Wang; S.G. Kanekal; A.N. Jaynes; Xiao Liu;

article=2018JA026205; doi=10.1029/2018JA026205; pubdate=22 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= We acknowledge the World


103. Title=Epoch Based Model for Stormtime Plasmapause Location

Authors=J. Goldstein; S. De Pascuale; W. S. Kurth;

article=2018JA025996; doi=10.1029/2018JA025996; pubdate=25 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= p data are accessible via CDAWeb at

Sample usage= ulation drivers were 5-minute OMNI data, and 3-hour K p


104. Title=Morphology of Nightside Subauroral Ionospheric Convection: Monthly, Seasonal, Kp, and IMF Dependencies

Authors=M. Maimaiti; J. B. H. Baker; J. M. Ruohoniemi; B. Kunduri;

article=2018JA026268; doi=10.1029/2018JA026268; pubdate=29 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb and CDAWeb service. The planetary three-

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb and CDAWeb service. The planetary

Sample usage= OMNI IMF: We have used 1-min-averaged


105. Title=Diffuse Auroral Electron and Ion Precipitation Effects on RCM E Comparisons with Satellite Data During the March 17, 2013 Storm

Authors=Margaret W. Chen; Colby L. Lemon; James Hecht; Stanislav Sazykin; Richard A. Wolf; Alexander Boyd; Philip Valek;

article=2019JA026545; doi=10.1029/2019JA026545; pubdate=29 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}

Sample usage= parameters, provided by NASA’s OMNIWeb Plus data portal, is used

Sample usage= OMNI

Sample usage= GSFC/ SPDF

Sample usage= Bilitza and Reinisch, B. (2008), International Reference Ionosphere 2007: Improvements and

Sample usage= specified using the empirical IRI-2007 (Bilitza and Reinisch, 2008) model


106. Title=Generation of EMIC Waves and Effects on Particle Precipitation During a Solar Wind Pressure Intensification with Bz > 0

Authors=Marc R. Lessard; Kristoff Paulson; Harlan E. Spence; Carol Weaver; Mark J. Engebretson; Robyn Millan; Leslie Woodger; Alexa Halford; Richard Horne; Craig J. Rodger; Aaron Hendry;

article=2019JA026477; doi=10.1029/2019JA026477; pubdate=29 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= 17 Jan 2013 from the OMNIWeb

Sample usage= were used to calculate the OMNI


107. Title=Characterization of Thermospheric Vertical Wind Activity at 225—295 km Altitude Using GOCE Data and Validation Against Explorer Missions

Authors=T. Visser; G. March; E.N. Doornbos; C.C. de Visser; P.N.A.M. Visser;

article=2019JA026568; doi=10.1029/2019JA026568; pubdate=29 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, FTPBrowser

Sample usage= are publicly available through NASAM-bM-^@M-^Ys OmniWeb

Sample usage= service, on ftpbrowser /index.html. The AE index


108. Title=Can Enhanced Flux Loading by High Speed Jets Lead to a Substorm? Multi point Detection of the Christmas Day Substorm Onset at 08:17 UT, 2015

Authors=K. Nykyri; M. Bengtson; V. Angelopoulos; Y. Nishimura; S. Wing;

article=2018JA026357; doi=10.1029/2018JA026357; pubdate=29 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, CCMC

Sample usage= NASA CDAweb ( The MHD simulation

Sample usage= from the OMNI (

Sample usage= OMNI data-base, which were propagated to

Sample usage= settings can be found at CCMC (


109. Title=Patch size evolution during pulsating aurora

Authors=Noora Partamies; Karl Bolmgren; Erkka Heino; Nickolay Ivchenko; Joseph E. Borovsky; Hanna Sundberg;

article=2018JA026423; doi=10.1029/2018JA026423; pubdate=30 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= Center, solar wind data from OMNIWeb. The authors thank


110. Title=Modeling of Topside Ionospheric Vertical Scale Height Based on Ionospheric Radio Occultation Measurements

Authors=Andong Hu; Brett Carter; Julie Currie; Robert Norman; Suqin Wu; Xiaoming Wang; Kefei Zhang;

article=2018JA026280; doi=10.1029/2018JA026280; pubdate=30 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}

Sample usage= providing topside sounder data (, and OMNIWeb for providing

Sample usage= topside sounder data (, and OMNIWeb for providing the Kp and

Sample usage= (NSSDC) have been used as

Sample usage= for comparison. VSHs from the International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= of the IRI model (i.e. IRI-2016


111. Title=Characterization and Evolution of Radiation Belt Electron Energy Spectra Based on the Van Allen Probes Measurements

Authors=H. Zhao; W.R. Johnston; D.N. Baker; X. Li; B. Ni; A.N. Jaynes; S.G. Kanekal; J.B. Blake; S.G. Claudepierre; G.D. Reeves; A.J. Boyd;

article=2019JA026697; doi=10.1029/2019JA026697; pubdate=31 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= AE indices are available at OMNIWeb


112. Title=A new artificial neural network based global three dimensional ionospheric model (ANNIM 3D) using long term ionospheric observations: Preliminary results

Authors=V. Sai Gowtam; S. Tulasi Ram; B. Reinisch; A. Prajapati;

article=2019JA026540; doi=10.1029/2019JA026540; pubdate=31 May 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDCFTP, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}

Sample usage= physics data facility (

Sample usage= Data Facility center (SPDF; The daily

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility center (SPDF; The daily

Sample usage= AdministrationM-bM-^@M-^Ys Space Physics Data Facility center (SPDF; The daily

Sample usage= the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) [Bilitza, 2001, Bilitza &

Sample usage= empirical IRI-2016 model. The ANNIM-3D simulations of


113. Title=Effects of Alignment Between Particle Precipitation and Ion Convection Patterns on Joule Heating

Authors=Cheng Sheng; Yue Deng; Yun Ju Chen; Roderick A. Heelis; Yanshi Huang;

article=2018JA026446; doi=10.1029/2018JA026446; pubdate=05 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

Sample usage= data are available through NASA CDAWeb (

Sample usage= and IMF data are from OMNIweb ( min.html).


114. Title=Traveling ionospheric disturbances and ionospheric perturbations associated with solar flares in September 2017

Authors=Shun Rong Zhang; Anthea J. Coster; Philip J. Erickson; Larisa Goncharenko; William Rideout; Juha Vierinen;

article=2019JA026585; doi=10.1029/2019JA026585; pubdate=06 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= https:// omniweb


115. Title=Statistical analysis on plasmatrough exohiss waves from the Van Allen Probes

Authors=Hui Zhu; Wenyao Gu; Lunjin Chen;

article=2018JA026359; doi=10.1029/2018JA026359; pubdate=08 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= indices are obtained at the CDAWeb


116. Title=SuperDARN observations during geomagnetic storms, geomagnetically active times and enhanced solar wind driving

Authors=M. T. Walach; A. Grocott;

article=2019JA026816; doi=10.1029/2019JA026816; pubdate=08 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= data is available from

Sample usage= lar wind (1-Min averaged OMNI) data is available from


117. Title=Equatorial disturbance dynamo vertical plasma drifts over Jicamarca: Bi monthly and solar cycle dependence

Authors=L. Bingley; V. Angelopoulos; D. Sibeck; X. Zhang; A. Halford;

article=2018JA026292; doi=10.1029/2018JA026292; pubdate=18 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, SPEDAS

Sample usage= this study (https://omniweb

Sample usage= interval obtained from the OMNI database. Blue dashed lines indicate

Sample usage= thank the Space Physics Data Facility at NASA Goddard for providing

Sample usage= and processing was done using SPEDAS V3.1, see Angelopoulos et al.


118. Title=High resolution measurements of the cross shock potential, ion reflection, and electron heating at an interplanetary shock by MMS

Authors=Ian J. Cohen; Steven J. Schwartz; Katherine A. Goodrich; Narges Ahmadi; Robert E. Ergun; Stephen A. Fuselier; Mihir I. Desai; Eric R. Christian; David J. McComas; Gary P. Zank; Jason R. Shuster; Sarah K. Vines; Barry H. Mauk; Robert B. Decker; Brian J. Anderson; Joseph H. Westlake; Olivier Le Contel; Hugo Breuillard; Barbara L. Giles; Roy B. Torbert; James L. Burch;

article=2018JA026197; doi=10.1029/2018JA026197; pubdate=18 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPEDAS

Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) service at

Sample usage= System (SPEDAS), Space Sci. Rev., 215,


119. Title=An investigation of VLF transmitter wave power in the inner radiation belt and slot region

Authors=Nigel P. Meredith; Richard B. Horne; Mark A. Clilverd; Johnathan P. J. Ross;

article=2019JA026715; doi=10.1029/2019JA026715; pubdate=22 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC

Sample usage= We thank the NSSDC Omniweb for the

Sample usage= We thank the NSSDC Omniweb for the


120. Title=The role of the phase of QBO in modulating the influence of the SSW effect on the Equatorial Ionosphere

Authors=Sneha Yadav; C. Vineeth; K.K. Kumar; R.K. Choudhary; T.K. Pant; S. Sunda;

article=2019JA026518; doi=10.1029/2019JA026518; pubdate=24 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= OMNIWeb. Among these, the year


121. Title=Highly Relativistic Electron Flux Enhancement During the Weak Geomagnetic Storm of April-May 2017

Authors=Ch. Katsavrias; I. Sandberg; W. Li; O. Podladchikova; I.A. Daglis; C. Papadimitriou; C. Tsironis; S. Aminalragia Giamini;

article=2019JA026743; doi=10.1029/2019JA026743; pubdate=26 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= NASA CDAWeb for providing SYM-H

Sample usage= (,

Sample usage= and AL from the NASA/ OMNI database are also considered.


122. Title=Response of Thermospheric Nightglow Emissions over the magnetic Equator to Prompt Penetration Electric Field Events

Authors=C. Vineeth; A. Ajesh; T.K. Pant; J.M. Ruohoniemi;

article=2018JA026317; doi=10.1029/2018JA026317; pubdate=26 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= ( and the Symmetric-H component

Sample usage= OMNI

Sample usage= GSFC/ SPDF

Sample usage= electron temperature obtained from the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model


123. Title=The Magnetosphere Ionosphere Electron Precipitation Dynamics and Their Geospace Consequences During the 17 March 2013 Storm

Authors=George V. Khazanov; Margaret W. Chen; Colby L. Lemon; David G. Sibeck;

article=2019JA026589; doi=10.1029/2019JA026589; pubdate=26 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at We thank

Sample usage= The OMNI data used as input for

Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at We

Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere (


124. Title=Pedersen Ionic Contribution in Different Time Scales

Authors=Bruno S. Zossi; Mariano Fagre; Ana G. Elias;

article=2019JA026884; doi=10.1029/2019JA026884; pubdate=30 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, CCMC, VITMO

Sample usage= (http:// omniweb, NRLMSISE-00

Sample usage= ( modelweb /models/nrlmsise00.php), and IGRF

Sample usage= obtained from the International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2012 (Bilitza et al.,

Sample usage= from the International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2012 (Bilitza et al., 2014), while

Sample usage= (, and IGRF

Sample usage= ( vitmo /iri2016_vitmo.html), NRLMSISE-00


125. Title=Super fountain effect linked with 17 March 2015 geomagnetic storm manifesting distinct F3 layer

Authors=K. Venkatesh; A.K. Patra; N. Balan; P.R. Fagundes; S. Tulasi Ram; I.S. Batista; B.W. Reinisch;

article=2019JA026721; doi=10.1029/2019JA026721; pubdate=30 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

Sample usage= The Universal Time (UT)

Sample usage= ( SPDF )


126. Title=Two typical ionospheric irregularities associated with the tropical cyclones Tembin (2012) and Hagibis (2014)

Authors=Yidong Lou; Xiaomin Luo; Shengfeng Gu; Chao Xiong; Qian Song; Biyan Chen; Qinqin Xiao; Dezhong Chen; Zheng Zhang; Gang Zheng;

article=2019JA026861; doi=10.1029/2019JA026861; pubdate=30 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC Space Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service ( for


127. Title=Abnormal subauroral ion drifts (ASAID) and Pi2s during cross tail current disruptions observed by Polar on the magnetically quiet days of October 2003

Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell;

article=2019JA026725; doi=10.1029/2019JA026725; pubdate=30 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= database ( for the solar and

Sample usage= by the OMNI database. These include the X


128. Title=Investigation on the variability of the geomagnetic daily current during sudden stratospheric warmings

Authors=Charles Owolabi; Jiuhou Lei; O.S. Bolaji; Oluwaseyi Jimoh; Haibing Ruan; Na Li; Xiaojuan Niu; Akimasa Yoshikawa;

article=2019JA026667; doi=10.1029/2019JA026667; pubdate=02 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

Sample usage= (

Sample usage= this study. We thank the SPDF /GSFC for providing record


129. Title=SAPS in the 2013 March 17 Storm Event: Initial Results from the Coupled Magnetosphere Ionosphere Thermosphere Model

Authors=Dong Lin; Wenbin Wang; Wayne A. Scales; Kevin Pham; Jing Liu; Binzheng Zhang; Viacheslav Merkin; Xueling Shi; Bharat Kunduri; Maimaitirebike Maimaiti;

article=2019JA026698; doi=10.1029/2019JA026698; pubdate=02 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= from model output (blue) and CDAWeb database (black). The time on

Sample usage= data were obtained from the OMNI database and used

Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFCM-bM-^@M-^Ys Space Physics Data Facility M-bM-^@M-^Ys CDAWeb


130. Title=Earth's bow shock: A new three dimensional asymmetric model with dipole tilt effects

Authors=J.Y. Lu; Y. Zhou; X. Ma; M. Wang; K. Kabin; H.Z. Yuan;

article=2018JA026144; doi=10.1029/2018JA026144; pubdate=04 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= from

Sample usage= the OMNI database ( We found that 29

Sample usage= the OMNI database. The shape and size

Sample usage= the OMNI data base (http:// nssdc We found that 29

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility database from four spacecrafts: IMP


131. Title=The Variation of Resonating Magnetospheric Field Lines with Changing Geomagnetic and Solar Wind Conditions

Authors=S. J. Wharton; D. M. Wright; T. K. Yeoman; M. K. James; J. K. Sandhu;

article=2019JA026848; doi=10.1029/2019JA026848; pubdate=04 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center (

Sample usage= and used correlations with the OMNI dataset to understand under what


132. Title=Separation and quantification of ionospheric convection sources: 2. The dipole tilt angle influence on reverse convection cells during northward IMF

Authors=J.P. Reistad; K.M. Laundal; N. Østgaard; A. Ohma; E.G. Thomas; S. Haaland; K. Oksavik; S.E. Milan;

article=2019JA026641; doi=10.1029/2019JA026641; pubdate=04 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility ( for OMNI data.

Sample usage= 1 min OMNI data [King and Papitashvili, 2005],


133. Title=Separation and quantification of ionospheric convection sources: 1. A new technique

Authors=J.P. Reistad; K.M. Laundal; N. Østgaard; A. Ohma; S. Haaland; K. Oksavik; S.E. Milan;

article=2019JA026634; doi=10.1029/2019JA026634; pubdate=04 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( for OMNI data.

Sample usage= Data Facility ( for OMNI data. Financial

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( for OMNI data.


134. Title=Spatial variation in the responses of the surface external and induced magnetic field to the solar wind

Authors=R. M. Shore; M. P. Freeman; J. C. Coxon; E. G. Thomas; J. W. Gjerloev; N. Olsen;

article=2019JA026543; doi=10.1029/2019JA026543; pubdate=05 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= // omniweb Specifically, we use the

Sample usage= solar wind variations we use OMNI 1-min data (described at http:

Sample usage= density) were obtained from


135. Title=Utilizing the Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory to Understand Particle Injections: Their Scale Sizes and Propagation Directions

Authors=Christine Gabrielse; Emma Spanswick; Anton Artemyev; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Andrei Runov; Larry Lyons; Vassilis Angelopoulos; Drew L. Turner; Geoff Reeves; Robert McPherron; Eric Donovan;

article=2018JA025588; doi=10.1029/2018JA025588; pubdate=06 July 2019

Keywords found: TIPSOD, SPEDAS

Sample usage= Goddard’s 4D Orbit Viewer, TIPSOD.

Sample usage= SPEDAS software provided by the THEMIS


136. Title=Does adding solar wind Poynting flux improve the optimum solar wind   magnetosphere coupling function?

Authors=Mike Lockwood;

article=2019JA026639; doi=10.1029/2019JA026639; pubdate=12 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= data were downloaded from They are also grateful

Sample usage= 1995-2017 (inclusive), downloaded from the Omni

Sample usage= prepared and made available the OMNI2 dataset used. The

Sample usage= compiled and maintained by the Space Physics Data Facility at NASA


137. Title=Variation of Radiation belt electron flux during CME and CIR driven geomagnetic storms: Van Allen Probes observations

Authors=Megha Pandya; B. Veenadhari; Y. Ebihara; S.G. Kanekal; D.N. Baker;

article=2019JA026771; doi=10.1029/2019JA026771; pubdate=12 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= solar wind data; and NASA CDAWeb and mission

Sample usage= are available from

Sample usage= Earth’s orbit are from the OMNI database


138. Title=The storm time development of source electrons and chorus wave activity during CME  and CIR driven storms

Authors=S.T. Bingham; C.G. Mouikis; L.M. Kistler; K.W. Paulson; C.J. Farrugia; C.L. Huang; H.E. Spence; G.D. Reeves; C. Kletzing;

article=2019JA026689; doi=10.1029/2019JA026689; pubdate=15 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2

Sample usage=

Sample usage= criteria. Panel 1f shows the omni-directional electron flux and Panels

Sample usage=, and the NASA OMNI-2 data set was obtained from


139. Title=Empirical modeling of the geomagnetosphere for SIR and CME driven magnetic storms

Authors=V.A. Andreeva; N.A. Tsyganenko;

article=2018JA026008; doi=10.1029/2018JA026008; pubdate=16 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF

Sample usage= from the NSSDC CDAWEB online facility (originally provided by

Sample usage=

Sample usage= from 1997 to 2016 and OMNI 5-minute data

Sample usage= from the NSSDC CDAWEB online facility (originally provided

Sample usage= obtained from the SPDF OMNIWEB interface (,


140. Title=Estimating the Azimuthal Mode Structure of ULF Waves Based on Multiple GOES Satellite Observations

Authors=Mohammad Barani; Weichao Tu; Theodore Sarris; Kevin Pham; Rob J. Redmon;

article=2019JA026927; doi=10.1029/2019JA026927; pubdate=17 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNI

Sample usage= storm based on the OMNI data set, including IMF


141. Title=Rapid precipitation of relativistic electron by EMIC rising tone emissions observed by the Van Allen Probes

Authors=S. Nakamura; Y. Omura; C. Kletzing; D.N. Baker;

article=2019JA026772; doi=10.1029/2019JA026772; pubdate=17 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= and solar wind data (http://omniweb.gsfc. This work was

Sample usage= AE index ( and OMNI database for SYM-H


142. Title=Wave Normal Angle Distribution of Fast Magnetosonic Waves: A Survey of Van Allen Probes EMFISIS Observations

Authors=Zhengyang Zou; Pingbing Zuo; Binbin Ni; Fengsi Wei; Zhengyu Zhao; Xing Cao; Song Fu; Xudong Gu;

article=2019JA026556; doi=10.1029/2019JA026556; pubdate=17 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= from the NASA OmniWeb (

Sample usage= from the NASA OmniWeb (

Sample usage= Omni -Web

Sample usage= ( as the indicator of


143. Title=Unusual multiple excitation of large scale gravity waves by successive stream interactions: the role of Alfvénic fluctuations

Authors=Jianpeng Guo; Zehao Wang; Jianchuan Zheng; Jun Cui; Yong Wei; Weixing Wan;

article=2019JA026655; doi=10.1029/2019JA026655; pubdate=18 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= sunspot number are available at CDAWeb.


144. Title=Dynamic response of ionospheric plasma density to the geomagnetic storm of 22 23 June 2015

Authors=Chigomezyo M. Ngwira; John Bosco Habarulema; Elvira Astafyeva; Endawoke Yizengaw; Olusegun F. Jonah; Geoff Crowley; Andrew Gisler; Victoria Coffey;

article=2018JA026172; doi=10.1029/2018JA026172; pubdate=18 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Facility ( We thank the

Sample usage= 1. The figure exhibits: (a) OMNI interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz


145. Title=Solar Illumination Dependence of the Auroral Electrojet Intensity: Interplay between the Solar Zenith Angle and Dipole Tilt

Authors=S. Ohtani; J.W. Gjerloev; M.G. Johnsen; M. Yamauchi; U. Brändström; A.M. Lewis;

article=2019JA026707; doi=10.1029/2019JA026707; pubdate=18 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb at

Sample usage= used OMNI data set, for which the

Sample usage= GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb at


146. Title=Temperature Dependence of Plasmaspheric Ion Composition

Authors=J. Goldstein; D. Gallagher; P.D. Craven; R.H. Comfort; K.J. Genestreti; C. Mouikis; H. Spence; W. Kurth; J. Wygant; R.M. Skoug; B.A. Larsen; G. D. Reeves; S. De Pascuale;

article=2019JA026822; doi=10.1029/2019JA026822; pubdate=20 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= from OMNI, available at This research has made

Sample usage= data are from OMNI, available at This


147. Title=Solar Wind Proton Deceleration in Front of the Terrestrial Bow Shock

Authors=J. Urbář; Z. Nĕmeček; J. Šafránková; L. Přech;

article=2019JA026734; doi=10.1029/2019JA026734; pubdate=22 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS

Sample usage= SPEDAS v3.1 software was

Sample usage= density with those from the OMNI database.

Sample usage= ion energy distributions by the SPEDAS software. In the magnetospheric mode


148. Title=Meridional Distribution of Middle energy Protons And Pressure Driven Currents in the Nightside Inner Magnetosphere: Arase Observations

Authors=S. Imajo; M. Nosé; S. Kasahara; S. Yokota; A. Matsuoka; K. Keika; T. Hori; M. Teramoto; K. Yamamoto; S. Oimatsu; R. Nomura; A. Fujimoto; I. Shinohara; Y. Miyoshi;

article=2019JA026682; doi=10.1029/2019JA026682; pubdate=23 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= available at OMNI web (https:// omniweb

Sample usage= pressure data are available at OMNI web (


149. Title=Predicting lower band chorus with autoregressive moving average transfer function (ARMAX) models

Authors=Laura E. Simms; Mark J. Engebretson; Craig J. Rodger; Jesper W. Gjerloev; Geoffrey D. Reeves;

article=2019JA026726; doi=10.1029/2019JA026726; pubdate=24 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= pressure (nPa) are from the OMNIWeb database (collected at

Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility at the OMNIWeb data website


150. Title=Beyond the mini solar maximum of solar cycle 24: Declining solar magnetic fields and the response of the terrestrial magnetosphere

Authors=M. Ingale; P. Janardhan; S.K. Bisoi;

article=2019JA026616; doi=10.1029/2019JA026616; pubdate=30 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2

Sample usage= .gov/ omniweb while the Carrington-rotation averaged sunspot

Sample usage= daily measurements obtained from the OMNI data base http://gsfc.nasa

Sample usage= of rmp obtained from the OMNI2 data base between the period


151. Title=Statistical Study on Multi spacecraft Widespread Solar Energetic Particle Events during Solar Cycle 24

Authors=H. Xie; O.C. St. Cyr; P. Mäkelä; N. Gopalswamy;

article=2019JA026832; doi=10.1029/2019JA026832; pubdate=30 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= data were obtained from public/. This work was


152. Title=2D structure of foreshock driven field line resonances observed by THEMIS satellite and ground based imager conjunctions

Authors=Boyi Wang; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Hui Zhang; Xiao Chen Shen; Larry Lyons; Vassilis Angelopoulos; Yusuke Ebihara; Allan Weatherwax; Andrew J. Gerrard; Harald U. Frey;

article=2019JA026668; doi=10.1029/2019JA026668; pubdate=31 July 2019

Keywords found: SPDF, SPEDAS

Sample usage= as daily CDF files, as daily CDF

Sample usage= and processing was done using SPEDAS V3.1, see


153. Title=Variation of the Equatorial Height Anomaly (EHA) during the main phase of 2015 St. Patrick's Day geomagnetic storm using ANNIM and TIEGCM

Authors=V. Sai Gowtam; Jiuhou Lei; S. Tulasi Ram; Xiaoli Luan; Dexin Ren; Jiahao Zhong;

article=2019JA026703; doi=10.1029/2019JA026703; pubdate=31 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= OMNIWEB , Goddard Space Flight Center


154. Title=Spatially Resolved Neutral Wind Response Times During High Geomagnetic Activity Above Svalbard

Authors=D. D. Billett; J. A. Wild; A. Grocott; A. L. Aruliah; A. M. Ronksley; M. T. Walach; M. Lester;

article=2019JA026627; doi=10.1029/2019JA026627; pubdate=31 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= During this

Sample usage= OMNI solar wind data can be


155. Title=Interhemispheric Asymmetry in Response of Low Latitude Ionosphere to Perturbation Electric Fields in Main Phase of Geomagnetic Storms

Authors=N. Dashora; Sunanda Suresh; K. Niranjan;

article=2019JA026671; doi=10.1029/2019JA026671; pubdate=31 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

Sample usage= downloaded from ‘’. Observations of IMF-Bz and

Sample usage= GSFC/ SPDF


156. Title=Source of the Bursty Bulk Flow Diffuse Aurora: Electrostatic Cyclotron Harmonic and Whistler Waves in the Coupling of Bursty Bulk Flows to Auroral Precipitation

Authors=D.E. Wendel; G.V. Khazanov; A.K. Tripathi; R.P. Singhal; E. Zesta;

article=2019JA026606; doi=10.1029/2019JA026606; pubdate=31 July 2019

Keywords found: SSCWeb, SPEDAS

Sample usage= Satellite Situation Center Web (SSCWeb) at NASA GSFC provided

Sample usage= We used SPEDAS V3.1, (see Angelopoulos et al.,


157. Title=Simultaneous Rocket and Scintillation Observations of Plasma Irregularities associated with a Reversed Flow Event in the Cusp Ionosphere

Authors=Yaqi Jin; Jøran I. Moen; Andres Spicher; Kjellmar Oksavik; Wojciech J. Miloch; Lasse B.N. Clausen; Mariusz Pożoga; Yoshifumi Saito;

article=2019JA026942; doi=10.1029/2019JA026942; pubdate=02 August 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= OMNIWeb service ( EISCAT is an

Sample usage= electrojet (AE) indices from the OMNI database are used to present


158. Title=The difference between isolated flux transfer events and flux transfer event cascades

Authors=A. Kullen; S. Thor; T. Karlsson;

article=2019JA026629; doi=10.1029/2019JA026629; pubdate=23 August 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= the OMNI dataset at the CDAWeb

Sample usage= at This data set consists

Sample usage= FTEs was taken from the OMNI data set, which can be


159. Title=Global Alfven wave power in the auroral zone in relation to the AE index

Authors=Andreas Keiling; Scott Thaller; John Wygant; John Dombeck;

article=2019JA026805; doi=10.1029/2019JA026805; pubdate=23 August 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (https:// cdaweb Calibrated data, used in


160. Title=Analyzing EMIC Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere using Long term Van Allen Probes Observations

Authors=Huayue Chen; Xinliang Gao; Quanming Lu; Shui Wang;

article=2019JA026965; doi=10.1029/2019JA026965; pubdate=23 August 2019

Keywords found: SPDF

Sample usage=


161. Title=Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: 1. Survey and Statistical Analysis

Authors=M. J. Engebretson; V. A. Pilipenko; L. Y. Ahmed; J. L. Posch; E. S. Steinmetz; M. B. Moldwin; M. G. Connors; J. M. Weygand; I. R. Mann; D. H. Boteler; C. T. Russell; A. V. Vorobev;

article=2019JA026794; doi=10.1029/2019JA026794; pubdate=28 August 2019

Keywords found: OMNI

Sample usage= solar wind data from the OMNI data base and the SYM/H


162. Title=On the Sources of the Ionospheric Variability in the South American Magnetic Anomaly During Solar Minimum

Authors=J. Moro; J. Xu; C. M. Denardini; L. C. A. Resende; R. P. Silva; Z. Liu; H. Li; C. Yan; C. Wang; N. J. Schuch;

article=2019JA026780; doi=10.1029/2019JA026780; pubdate=28 August 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= any, are provided online (https:// omniweb

Sample usage= with the modeled results by International Reference Ionosphere , in which it showed


163. Title=Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: 2. Multiple Instrument Observations

Authors=M. J. Engebretson; E. S. Steinmetz; J. L. Posch; V. A. Pilipenko; M. B. Moldwin; M. G. Connors; D. H. Boteler; I. R. Mann; M. D. Hartinger; J. M. Weygand; L. R. Lyons; Y. Nishimura; H. J. Singer; S. Ohtani; C. T. Russell; A. Fazakerley; L. M. Kistler;

article=2019JA026797; doi=10.1029/2019JA026797; pubdate=29 August 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= data set (available at, the SuperMAG SME auroral

Sample usage= 2015, based on the default SSCweb T89C Kp = 3 model

Sample usage= wind conditions based on the OMNI time

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (https://


164. Title=Oxygen Ion Dynamics in the Earth's Ring Current: Van Allen Probes Observations

Authors=Chao Yue; Jacob Bortnik; Wen Li; Qianli Ma; Chih Ping Wang; Richard M. Thorne; Larry Lyons; Geoffrey D. Reeves; Harlan E. Spence; Andrew J. Gerrard; Matina Gkioulidou; Donald G. Mitchell;

article=2019JA026801; doi=10.1029/2019JA026801; pubdate=01 September 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= (

Sample usage= OMNI

Sample usage= ( We thank the Space Physics Data Facility at


165. Title=Mesoscale Convection Structures Associated With Airglow Patches Characterized Using Cluster Imager Conjunctions

Authors=L. V. Goodwin; Y. Nishimura; Y. Zou; K. Shiokawa; P. T. Jayachandran;

article=2019JA026611; doi=10.1029/2019JA026611; pubdate=02 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage=, https://omniweb.gsfc.


166. Title=Significant electric field perturbations in low latitude ionosphere due to the passage of two consecutive ICMEs during 6 8 September 2017

Authors=Diptiranjan Rout; Kuldeep Pandey; D. Chakrabarty; R. Sekar; Xian Lu;

article=2019JA027133; doi=10.1029/2019JA027133; pubdate=03 September 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= taken from the NASA GSFC CDAWeb


167. Title=Terrestrial energetic neutral atom emissions and the ground based geomagnetic indices: implications from IBEX observations

Authors=K. Ogasawara; M.A. Dayeh; S.A. Fuselier; J. Goldstein; D.J. McComas; P. Valek;

article=2019JA026976; doi=10.1029/2019JA026976; pubdate=06 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= // omniweb .gsf, whicharederivedf romACEandW indsolarwindplasmaandmagneticf

Sample usage= keV and 3.1-6.0 keV) to OMNI AE, AU, and AL indices;


168. Title=The source, significance, and magnetospheric impact of periodic density structures within stream interaction regions

Authors=L. Kepko; N. M. Viall;

article=2019JA026962; doi=10.1029/2019JA026962; pubdate=09 September 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= Geotail data were obtained from CDAWeb (


169. Title=Finding the Normal Direction of Interplanetary Directional Discontinuities  A New Scheme

Authors=Y. H. Yang; J.K. Chao; L. Yang; Q.H. Li; D.J. Wu;

article=2019JA026869; doi=10.1029/2019JA026869; pubdate=12 September 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= signs) obtained from the NASA/GSFC CDAWeb


170. Title=A statistical study on the climatology of the Equatorial Plasma Depletions occurrence at topside ionosphere during geomagnetic disturbed periods

Authors=Xin Wan; Chao Xiong; Hui Wang; Kedeng Zhang; Zhichao Zheng; Yangfan He; Lei Yu;

article=2019JA026926; doi=10.1029/2019JA026926; pubdate=13 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= The authors thank NASA’s OMNIWeb ( for providing


171. Title=Comparison of electron loss models in the inner magnetosphere during the 2013 St. Patrick's Day geomagnetic storm

Authors=C.P. Ferradas; V.K. Jordanova; G.D. Reeves; B.A. Larsen;

article=2019JA026649; doi=10.1029/2019JA026649; pubdate=13 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= were collected through the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF)/OMNI data repository and have

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF)/OMNI data repository and have

Sample usage= were collected from the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF)/OMNI data repository and have


172. Title=Efficacy of Electric Field Models in Reproducing Observed Ring Current Ion Spectra During Two Geomagnetic Storms

Authors=A.M. Menz; L.M. Kistler; C.G. Mouikis; H. Matsui; H.E. Spence; S.A. Thaller; J.R. Wygant;

article=2019JA026683; doi=10.1029/2019JA026683; pubdate=30 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= indices were obtained from

Sample usage= model using OMNI solar wind data from the


173. Title=Characteristics of GNSS total electron content enhancements over the mid latitudes during a geomagnetic storm on November 7 and 8, 2004

Authors=T. Sori; A. Shinbori; Y. Otsuka; T. Tsugawa; M. Nishioka;

article=2019JA026713; doi=10.1029/2019JA026713; pubdate=10 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, CGM, VITMO

Sample usage= Analysis Web (CDAWeb) and NASA ( index/.html)

Sample usage= ( to run the International

Sample usage= 8, 2004, we used high-resolution OMNI data provided by Coordinated Data

Sample usage= ( to run the International

Sample usage= ( to run the International


174. Title=Statistical study of auroral/resonant scattering 427.8 nm emission observed at subauroral latitudes over 14 years

Authors=K. Shiokawa; Y. Otsuka; M. Connors;

article=2019JA026704; doi=10.1029/2019JA026704; pubdate=10 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage=

Sample usage= F10.7 fluxes provided by the OMNI database of NASA.


175. Title=On the Acceleration Mechanism of Ultrarelativistic Electrons in the Center of the Outer Radiation Belt: A Statistical Study

Authors=H. Zhao; D.N. Baker; X. Li; D.M. Malaspina; A.N. Jaynes; S.G. Kanekal;

article=2019JA027111; doi=10.1029/2019JA027111; pubdate=10 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= from CDAWeb (


176. Title=Direct comparison between magnetospheric plasma waves and polar mesosphere winter echoes in both hemispheres

Authors=Y. M. Tanaka; T. Nishiyama; A. Kadokura; M. Ozaki; Y. Miyoshi; K. Shiokawa; S. I. Oyama; R. Kataoka; M. Tsutsumi; K. Nishimura; K. Sato; Y. Kasahara; A. Kumamoto; F. Tsuchiya; M. Fukizawa; M. Hikishima; S. Matsuda; A. Matsuoka; I. Shinohara; M. Nosé; T. Nagatsuma; M. Shinohara; A. Fujimoto; M. Teramoto; R. Nomura; A. Sessai Yukimatu; K. Hosokawa; M. Shoji; R. Latteck;

article=2019JA026891; doi=10.1029/2019JA026891; pubdate=10 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, SPEDAS

Sample usage= ( The AE index was

Sample usage= ( The AE index was

Sample usage= and analyzed using the software SPEDAS ( with the plugins


177. Title=Signatures of non ideal plasma evolution during substorms obtained by mining multi mission magnetometer data

Authors=M.I. Sitnov; G.K. Stephens; N.A. Tsyganenko; Y. Miyashita; V.G. Merkin; T. Motoba; S. Ohtani; K.J. Genestreti;

article=2019JA027037; doi=10.1029/2019JA027037; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= thank the SPDF for the OMNI

Sample usage= teams. We also thank the SPDF for the OMNI


178. Title=Expanding Auroral Loops

Authors=Gerhard Haerendel;

article=2019JA026983; doi=10.1029/2019JA026983; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) for hosting the data.

Sample usage= the support of NASA/Goddard's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) for hosting the data.


179. Title=Isolated auroral spots observed by DMSP/SSUSI

Authors=Su Zhou; Xiaoli Luan; Viviane Pierrard; Desheng Han;

article=2019JA026853; doi=10.1029/2019JA026853; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data. The

Sample usage= present study were obtained from OMNI with temporal

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility's OMNIWeb service, and OMNI


180. Title=Variations in the winter troughs' position with local time, longitude, and solar activity in the Northern and Southern hemispheres

Authors=A.T. Karpachev;

article=2019JA026631; doi=10.1029/2019JA026631; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, VITMO

Sample usage= The latitudinal cross-section of

Sample usage= The latitudinal cross-section of


181. Title=The storm time ring current response to ICMEs and CIRs using Van Allen Probe Observations

Authors=C.G. Mouikis; S.T. Bingham; L.M. Kistler; C.J. Farrugia; H.E. Spence; G.D. Reeves; M. Gkioulidou; D.G. Mitchell; C.A. Kletzing;

article=2019JA026695; doi=10.1029/2019JA026695; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2

Sample usage= set was obtained from

Sample usage= data from the 1 hour OMNI resolution data set. Dst* represents

Sample usage= OMNI-2 data set was obtained from


182. Title=Transient oscillations near the dayside open closed boundary: evidence of magnetopause surface mode?

Authors=O. Kozyreva; V. Pilipenko; D. Lorentzen; L. Baddeley; M. Hartinger;

article=2018JA025684; doi=10.1029/2018JA025684; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= (

Sample usage= have been taken from the OMNI database


183. Title=Topside Ionospheric Conditions during the 7 8 September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm

Authors=Oluwaseyi Jimoh; Jiuhou Lei; Jiahao Zhong; Charles Owolabi; Xiaoli Luan; Xiankang Dou;

article=2019JA026590; doi=10.1029/2019JA026590; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= data were obtained from Figure 1


184. Title=Comparison of IRI 2016 F2 Layer Model Parameters with Ionosonde Measurements

Authors=Feza Arikan; Umut Sezen; Tamara L. Gulyaeva;

article=2019JA027048; doi=10.1029/2019JA027048; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, IRI\d{2,4}, VITMO

Sample usage=, the foF2 CCIR model

Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is the international standard

Sample usage= Comparison of IRI-2016 F2 Layer Model Parameters with

Sample usage= response in IRI2000. Journal of Geophysical Research:

Sample usage=, the foF2 CCIR model


185. Title=Can reconnection be triggered as a solar wind directional discontinuity crosses the bow shock? - A case of asymmetric reconnection

Authors=M. Hamrin; H. Gunell; O. Goncharov; A. De Spiegeleer; S. Fuselier; J. Mukherjee; A. Vaivads; T. Pitkänen; R.B. Torbert; B. Giles;

article=2019JA027006; doi=10.1029/2019JA027006; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= sis Web (CDAWeb) while the Cluster data

Sample usage= Space Science Data Center and Space Physics Data Facility. All data are


186. Title=Substorm Energy Transport from the Magnetotail to the Nightside Ionosphere

Authors=S. Ohtani;

article=2019JA026964; doi=10.1029/2019JA026964; pubdate=13 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= as well as at NASA’s CDAWeb


187. Title=Contribution of bursty bulk flows to the global dipolarization of the magnetotail during an isolated substorm

Authors=V. G. Merkin; E. V. Panov; K. A. Sorathia; A. Ukhorskiy;

article=2019JA026872; doi=10.1029/2019JA026872; pubdate=14 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, and OMNI solar wind

Sample usage= the OMNI data after about 09:40 UT,

Sample usage= of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, and OMNI


188. Title=A study of fluctuations in magnetic cloud driven sheaths

Authors=C. Moissard; D. Fontaine; P. Savoini;

article=2019JA026952; doi=10.1029/2019JA026952; pubdate=16 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= can be downloaded from Two of the events


189. Title=Conjugate observations of dayside and nightside VLF chorus and QP emissions between Arase (ERG) and Kannuslehto, Finland

Authors=Claudia Martinez Calderon; Yuto Katoh; Jyrki Manninen; Yoshiya Kasahara; Shoya Matsuda; Atsushi Kumamoto; Fuminori Tsuchiya; Ayako Matsuoka; Masafumi Shoji; Mariko Teramoto; Iku Shinohara; Kazuo Shiokawa; Yoshizumi Miyoshi;

article=2019JA026663; doi=10.1029/2019JA026663; pubdate=16 October 2019

Keywords found: SPDF

Sample usage= wind parameters were obtained from SPDF /GSFC OM-


190. Title=Signatures of magnetic separatrices at the borders of a crater flux transfer event connected to an active X line

Authors=L. Trenchi; J.C. Coxon; R.C. Fear; J.P. Eastwood; M.W. Dunlop; K.J. Trattner; D.J. Gershman; D.B. Graham; Yu. Khotyaintsev; B. Lavraud;

article=2018JA026126; doi=10.1029/2018JA026126; pubdate=17 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= CDAWeb

Sample usage= (IMF) observed by Omni [King & Papitashvili, 2004] during


191. Title=Stationarity of the Reconnection X Line at Earth's Magnetopause for Southward IMF

Authors=S.A. Fuselier; K.J. Trattner; S.M. Petrinec; K.R. Pritchard; J.L. Burch; P.A. Cassak; B.L. Giles; B. Lavraud; R.J. Strangeway;

article=2019JA027143; doi=10.1029/2019JA027143; pubdate=17 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPEDAS

Sample usage= data were obtained from the CDAWeb. IDL routines for

Sample usage= publicly available in the current SPEDAS software package,


192. Title=A simulation of the field aligned plasma transport in the plasmaspheric plume during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm

Authors=Zheng Qiao; Zhigang Yuan; Jiannan Tu;

article=2019JA027031; doi=10.1029/2019JA027031; pubdate=17 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= This work was supported


193. Title=Ionospheric interhemispheric asymmetry induced by planetary wave under solar minimum condition

Authors=Yusong Qin; Sheng Yang Gu; Tong Dang; Xiankang Dou;

article=2019JA026968; doi=10.1029/2019JA026968; pubdate=17 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= maps are downloaded at: The model outputs could


194. Title=Seasonal Variations and Global Wave Distributions in the Mars Thermosphere from MAVEN and Multi Satellites Accelerometer derived Mass Densities

Authors=Jiandong Liu; Shuanggen Jin; Yawen Li;

article=2019JA026720; doi=10.1029/2019JA026720; pubdate=17 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= obtained from


195. Title=Long Lasting Penetration Electric Fields during Geomagnetic Storms: Observations and Mechanisms

Authors=Chao Song Huang;

article=2019JA026793; doi=10.1029/2019JA026793; pubdate=18 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= Center ( for providing the solar

Sample usage= radar ion drift data, the Space Physics Data Facility at Goddard Space Flight

Sample usage= electron temperature. We use the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI)


196. Title=An EOFs study of thermospheric nitric oxide flux based on TIEGCM simulations

Authors=Zheng Li; Delores Knipp; Wenbin Wang; Yining Shi; Miao Wang; Ye Su; Jingyuan Li;

article=2019JA027004; doi=10.1029/2019JA027004; pubdate=18 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= provided by OMNI database (, and the AE, Kp

Sample usage= provided by OMNI database (, and the AE,


197. Title=Responses of Multi day Oscillations in the Night time Thermospheric Temperature to Solar and Geomagnetic Activities measured by FPI in China

Authors=Yangkun Liu; Jiyao Xu; Xiao Liu; Shun Rong Zhang; Wei Yuan; Weijun Liu; Kun Wu; Chi Wang;

article=2019JA027237; doi=10.1029/2019JA027237; pubdate=18 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= geomagnetic indices are from the OMNI 2

Sample usage= database (ftp:// spdf This work was supported


198. Title=Ionospheric Response to Disturbed Winds during the 29 October 2003 Geomagnetic Storm in the Brazilian Sector

Authors=M.A. Bravo; I.S. Batista; J.R. Souza; A.J. Foppiano;

article=2019JA027187; doi=10.1029/2019JA027187; pubdate=18 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= ( However, there are big


199. Title=Drifting Electron Holes Occurring during Geomagnetically Quiet Times: BD IES Observations

Authors=Z. Y. Liu; Q. G. Zong; H. Zou; Y. F. Wang; B. Wang;

article=2019JA027194; doi=10.1029/2019JA027194; pubdate=20 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb

Sample usage= us with BD-IES data, NASA Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb


200. Title=Cold plasmaspheric electrons affected by ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere: a Van Allen Probes statistical study

Authors=Jie Ren; Q.G. Zong; X.Z. Zhou; H.E. Spence; H.O. Funsten; J.R. Wygant; R. Rankin;

article=2019JA027009; doi=10.1029/2019JA027009; pubdate=23 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= available at CDAWeb (

Sample usage= we use 1 min-averaged multi-spacecraft OMNIweb

Sample usage= RBSP/EFW website ( The OMNI data are


201. Title=Fine Structure of Interplanetary Shock Front   Results from BMSW Experiment with High Time Resolution

Authors=N.L. Borodkova; V.G. Eselevich; G.N. Zastenker; O.V. Sapunova; Yu.I. Yermolaev; J. Safrankova; Z. Nemecek; L. Prech;

article=2018JA026255; doi=10.1029/2018JA026255; pubdate=25 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= taken from the site were shifted


202. Title=The cold ion population at geosynchronous orbit and transport to the dayside magnetopause: September 2015 to February 2016

Authors=M.H. Denton; M.G. Henderson; N. Maruyama; S.A. Fuselier;

article=2019JA026973; doi=10.1029/2019JA026973; pubdate=26 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= acknowledge the OMNI database ( for the solar wind

Sample usage= The authors acknowledge the OMNI database ( for the solar


203. Title=High speed solar wind streams in 2007 2008: Turning on the Russell McPherron effect

Authors=C. Munteanu; A. Hamada; K. Mursula;

article=2019JA026846; doi=10.1029/2019JA026846; pubdate=30 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

Sample usage= indices were downloaded from:

Sample usage= from the NASA/NSSDC OMNI dataset at 1-minute time resolution.

Sample usage= from the NASA/ NSSDC OMNI dataset at 1-minute time


204. Title=A Study of Automatically Detected Flow Channels in the Polar Cap Ionosphere

Authors=K. Herlingshaw; L.J. Baddeley; K. Oksavik; D.A. Lorentzen; E.C. Bland;

article=2019JA026916; doi=10.1029/2019JA026916; pubdate=30 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= ( SuperDARN data were obtained

Sample usage= OMNI Solar wind data time-lagged to

Sample usage= the Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility


205. Title=Observations of Asymmetric Lobe Convection for Weak and Strong Tail Activity

Authors=A. Ohma; N. Ostgaard; J.P. Reistad; P. Tenfjord; K.M. Laundal; T. Moretto Jorgensen; S.E. Haaland; P. Krcelic; S. Milan;

article=2019JA026773; doi=10.1029/2019JA026773; pubdate=30 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data, which

Sample usage= solar wind data from the OMNI 1-min data set [King and

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, and OMNI


206. Title=Cusp and Nightside Auroral Sources of O+ in the Plasma Sheet

Authors=L.M. Kistler; C.G. Mouikis; K. Asamura; S. Yokota; S. Kasahara; Y. Miyoshi; K. Keika; A. Matsuoka; I. Shinohara; T. Hori; N. Kitamura; S.M. Petrinec; I.J. Cohen; D.C. Delcourt;

article=2019JA027061; doi=10.1029/2019JA027061; pubdate=07 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS

Sample usage= from

Sample usage= solar wind parameters, from the OMNI database, have been propagated

Sample usage= Environmental Data Analysis Software (SPEDAS) package was used to


207. Title=Weak Magnetic Storms Can Modulate Ionosphere Plasmasphere Interaction Significantly: Mechanisms and Manifestations at Mid Latitudes

Authors=D.V. Kotov; P.G. Richards; V. Truhlik; N. Maruyama; M. Fedrizzi; M.O. Shulha; O.V. Bogomaz; J. Lichtenberger; M. Hernandez Pajares; L.F. Chernogor; L. Ya Emelyanov; T.G. Zhivolup; Ya.M. Chepurnyy; I.F. Domnin;

article=2019JA027076; doi=10.1029/2019JA027076; pubdate=07 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= Flight Center SPDF site (

Sample usage= at Goddard Space Flight Center SPDF site (

Sample usage= implemented in International Reference Ionosphere model-2016 [Truhlik et al., 2015;

Sample usage= model ( IRI-2016 ).

Sample usage= Center ( Vertical TEC data are

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center (Shim et al., 2018).


208. Title=How sudden, intense energetic electron enhancements correlate with the innermost plasmapause locations under various solar wind drivers and geomagnetic conditions

Authors=L. Y. Khoo; X. Li; H. Zhao; X. Chu; Z. Xiang; K. Zhang;

article=2019JA027412; doi=10.1029/2019JA027412; pubdate=07 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= (http:// omniweb

Sample usage= study are obtained from the OMNI database


209. Title=Solar wind interaction with Jupiter's magnetosphere: A statistical study of Galileo in situ data and modeled upstream solar wind conditions

Authors=Marissa F. Vogt; Szilard Gyalay; Elena A. Kronberg; Emma J. Bunce; William S. Kurth; Bertalan Zieger; Chihiro Tao;

article=2019JA026950; doi=10.1029/2019JA026950; pubdate=08 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= OMNIWeb database at, from the


210. Title=Traveling Ionosphere Disturbance Signatures on Ground Based Observations of the O(1D) Nightglow Inferred From 1 D Modeling

Authors=Fabio Vargas;

article=2019JA027356; doi=10.1029/2019JA027356; pubdate=11 November 2019

Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI\d{2,4}, CCMC

Sample usage= modelweb /models/

Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere IRI2016 were obtained from the

Sample usage= our simulations taken from the IRI2016 and

Sample usage= were obtained from the https:// ccmc .


211. Title=Oxygen ion flow reversals in Earth's magnetotail: a Cluster statistical study

Authors=A. De Spiegeleer; M. Hamrin; M. Volwerk; T. Karlsson; H. Gunell; G.S. Chong; T. Pitkonen; H. Nilsson;

article=2019JA027054; doi=10.1029/2019JA027054; pubdate=13 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage=, https:// omniweb, http://wdc.kugi


212. Title=What fraction of the outer radiation belt relativistic electron flux at L≈3 4.5 was lost to the atmosphere during the dropout event of the St Patrick's Day storm of 2015?

Authors=Sneha Gokani; Mike Kosch; Mark Clilverd; Craig J. Rodger; Ashwini K. Sinha;

article=2018JA026278; doi=10.1029/2018JA026278; pubdate=13 November 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}

Sample usage= data can be found on CDAWeb

Sample usage= We thank ACE, Wind and OMNIWeb

Sample usage= processed OMNI data. The Wind spacecraft recorded

Sample usage= provided by the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2007) appropriate for the middle

Sample usage= the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2007) appropriate for the middle


213. Title=Eastward Propagating Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves Triggered by Temporary Outward Gradient of Proton Phase Space Density: Van Allen Probe A Observation

Authors=K. Yamamoto; M. Nosé; K. Keika; D.P. Hartley; C.W. Smith; R.J. MacDowall; L.J. Lanzerotti; D.G. Mitchell; H.E. Spence; G.D. Reeves; J.R. Wygant; J.W. Bonnell; S. Oimatsu;

article=2019JA027158; doi=10.1029/2019JA027158; pubdate=13 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= https:// omniweb The Kp index is

Sample usage= The OMNI data are obtained from


214. Title=Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection: Its Dependence on Solar Wind and Magnetosheath Conditions

Authors=D. Koga; W. D. Gonzalez; V. M. Souza; F. R. Cardoso; C. Wang; Z. K. Liu;

article=2019JA026889; doi=10.1029/2019JA026889; pubdate=14 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= acknowledge the OMNIWeb for access

Sample usage= were obtained from the NASA OMNI database (King & Papitashvili,


215. Title=Quiet time structured Pc1 waves generated during transient foreshock

Authors=A.V. Suvorova; A.V. Dmitriev; V.A. Parkhomov; B. Tsegmed;

article=2019JA026936; doi=10.1029/2019JA026936; pubdate=16 November 2019


Sample usage= experimental data of energetic particles. CDAWEB

Sample usage= using the NSSDC tools

Sample usage= pressure and IMF components from OMNI data base and measurements of

Sample usage= 2008 using the NSSDC tools

Sample usage= using the NSSDC tools cgm .html

Sample usage= using the NSSDC tools vitmo /cgm.html

Sample usage= available from We thank SPEDAS (Space Physics Environment Data Analysis


216. Title=HL TWiM empirical model of high latitude upper thermospheric winds

Authors=Manbharat S. Dhadly; John T. Emmert; Douglas P. Drob; Mark G. Conde; Anasuya Aruliah; Eelco Doornbos; Gordon G. Shepherd; Qian Wu; Jonathan J. Makela; Rick J. Niciejewski; Changsup Lee; Geonhwa Jee; Aaron J. Ridley;

article=2019JA027188; doi=10.1029/2019JA027188; pubdate=16 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= indexes are available at NASA OMNIWeb data explorer (


217. Title=The He++/H+ Density Ratio Across Earth's Subsolar Magnetopause and its Implications for the Presence of a Mass Dependent Reflection Coefficient

Authors=K. Delano; S.A. Fuselier; H.A. Elliott; J.L. Burch; J. Mukherjee; S. Petrinec; R.J. Strangeway; K.J. Trattner;

article=2019JA027182; doi=10.1029/2019JA027182; pubdate=21 November 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= study are publicly available at CDAWeb . This research at the


218. Title=Multi spacecraft study of the interaction between an interplanetary shock and a solar wind flux rope

Authors=X. Blanco Cano; D. Burgess; T. Sundberg; P. Kajdič;

article=2019JA026748; doi=10.1029/2019JA026748; pubdate=21 November 2019

Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) for providing

Sample usage= WIND instrument teams and NASAM’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) for providing


219. Title=Reconstruction of local magnetic structures by a modified radial basis function method

Authors=Wenming Chen; Xiaogang Wang; N.A. Tsyganenko; V.A. Andreeva; V.S. Semenov;

article=2019JA027078; doi=10.1029/2019JA027078; pubdate=22 November 2019

Keywords found: SPDF

Sample usage= This work is supported


220. Title=Low Frequency (f < 200 Hz) Polar Plasmaspheric Hiss: Coherent and Intense

Authors=Bruce T. Tsurutani; Sang A. Park; Barbara A. Falkowski; Jacob Bortnik; Gurbax S. Lakhina; Abhijit Sen; Jolene S. Pickett; Rajkumar Hajra; Michel Parrot; Pierre Henri;

article=2019JA027102; doi=10.1029/2019JA027102; pubdate=23 November 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= at NASA’s CDAW website:

Sample usage= from the OMNI website (

Sample usage= from the OMNI website. Since solar wind pressure


221. Title=Longitudinal Variations of the Occurrence Probability of the Ionospheric F1 Layer Peak at Middle and High Latitudes

Authors=Zhenxing Li; Xiaoli Luan; Dexin Ren;

article=2018JA026236; doi=10.1029/2018JA026236; pubdate=23 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= This work was

Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model in the same


222. Title=Three different episodes of prompt equatorial electric field perturbations under steady southward IMF Bz during St. Patrick's day storm

Authors=S. Tulasi Ram; B. Nilam; N. Balan; Q. Zhang; K. Shiokawa; D. Chakrabarty; Z. Xing; K. Venkatesh; B. Veenadhari; A. Yoshikawa;

article=2019JA027069; doi=10.1029/2019JA027069; pubdate=26 November 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Bz, SYMH, AU, AL indices; CDAWeb (http:// for the energetic

Sample usage= ( for the solar wind

Sample usage= from NASA’s OMNI space physics data facility. The

Sample usage= (SPDF),

Sample usage= from NASA’s OMNI space physics data facility. The solar wind data


223. Title=Low latitude whistler wave spectra and polarization from VEFI and CINDI payloads on C/NOFS satellite

Authors=Abram R. Jacobson; Robert H. Holzworth; Robert Pfaff; Roderick Heelis;

article=2019JA027074; doi=10.1029/2019JA027074; pubdate=30 November 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= https:// cdaweb


224. Title=Spatial Characteristics of Mesoscale Plasma Flow Perturbations and Accompanying Electron Precipitation in the High Latitude Ionosphere

Authors=Yun Ju Chen; Roderick A. Heelis;

article=2019JA027166; doi=10.1029/2019JA027166; pubdate=03 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= obtained at NASA SPDF CDAWeb

Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface. The IMF data are

Sample usage= obtained at NASA SPDF CDAWeb

Sample usage= and are available via the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface. The IMF data


225. Title=Formation of double tongues of ionization during the 17 March 2013 geomagnetic storm

Authors=Tong Dang; Jiuhou Lei; Wenbin Wang; Boyi Wang; Binzheng Zhang; Jing Liu; Alan Burns; Yukitoshi Nishimura;

article=2019JA027268; doi=10.1029/2019JA027268; pubdate=09 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= omni /high_res_omni,

Sample usage=,


226. Title=X ray Signatures of Lightning induced Electron Precipitation

Authors=R.A. Marshall; W. Xu; A. Sousa; M. McCarthy; R. Millan;

article=2019JA027044; doi=10.1029/2019JA027044; pubdate=09 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= Web ( CDAWeb ) at The simulation


227. Title=Morning overshoot of electron temperature as observed by the Swarm constellation and the International Space Station

Authors=T. Y. Yang; J. Park; Y. S. Kwak; K. I. Oyama; Joseph I. Minow; J. J. Lee;

article=2019JA027299; doi=10.1029/2019JA027299; pubdate=09 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb, SPDF, CCMC

Sample usage= cdaweb

Sample usage= OMNIWeb

Sample usage= OMNI

Sample usage= was run online at modelweb /models/nrlmsise00.php with the

Sample usage=

Sample usage= was run online at with the


228. Title=Incidence of Alfvenic SC pulse onto the conjugate ionospheres

Authors=Vyacheslav A. Pilipenko; Evgeniy N. Fedorov; Zhonghua Xu; Michael D. Hartinger; Mark J. Engebretson; Thom R. Edwards;

article=2019JA027397; doi=10.1029/2019JA027397; pubdate=11 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, CGM, VITMO

Sample usage= publicly available via the NASA CDAWeb database ( and via the

Sample usage= VITMO model ( for epoch 2015:

Sample usage= D., & Reinisch, B. (2008). International Reference Ionosphere 2007: Improvements and new parameters,

Sample usage= University (, based on the IRI-2016 model

Sample usage= CGM CGM.

Sample usage= VITMO model ( for epoch 2015:


229. Title=Suprathermal Magnetospheric Atomic and Molecular Heavy Ions At and Near Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn: Observations and Identification

Authors=S.P. Christon; D.C. Hamilton; D.G. Mitchell; J.M.C. Plane; S.R. Nylund;

article=2019JA027271; doi=10.1029/2019JA027271; pubdate=15 December 2019

Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, CCMC,

Sample usage= Solar and geomagnetic indices

Sample usage= and The

Sample usage= ( 

Sample usage= Reinisch, B. (2014). The International Reference Ionosphere 2012 - a model of

Sample usage= https:// ccmc


230. Title=Ion Beams in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: MMS Observations and Test Particle Simulations

Authors=J. Birn; M. Chandler; R. Nakamura;

article=2019JA027113; doi=10.1029/2019JA027113; pubdate=15 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= OMNI data obtained at


231. Title=Dependence of the Equatorial Electrojet on Auroral Activity and in situ Solar Insulation

Authors=Hui Wang; Hermann Lühr; Zhichao Zheng; Kedeng Zhang;

article=2019JA027320; doi=10.1029/2019JA027320; pubdate=15 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’S Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb at The authors greatly

Sample usage= Here we use the continuous OMNI solar wind plasma

Sample usage= index data were from NASA/GSFC’S Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb at The


232. Title=Comparison of multiple and logistic regression analyses of relativistic electron flux enhancement at geosynchronous orbit following storms

Authors=N.S.S. Capman; L.E. Simms; M.J. Engebretson; M.A. Clilverd; C.J. Rodger; G.D. Reeves; M.R. Lessard; J. Gjerloev;

article=2019JA027132; doi=10.1029/2019JA027132; pubdate=15 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Dst values obtained from the Omniweb database. A geomagnetic storm was

Sample usage= from Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility at the OMNIWeb


233. Title=High density O+ in Earth's outer magnetosphere and its effect on dayside magnetopause magnetic reconnection

Authors=S.A. Fuselier; J. Mukherjee; M.H. Denton; S.M. Petrinec; K.J. Trattner; S. Toledo Redondo; M. André; N. Aunai; C.R. Chappell; A. Glocer; S. Haaland; M. Hesse; L.M. Kistler; B. Lavraud; W.Y. Li; T.E. Moore; D. Graham; P. Tenfjord; J. Dargent; S.K. Vines; R.J. Strangeway; J.L. Burch;

article=2019JA027396; doi=10.1029/2019JA027396; pubdate=15 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= and were obtained through the CDAWeb Research


234. Title=A Statistical Study of Near Earth Magnetotail Evolution during Pseudosubstorms and Substorms with THEMIS Data

Authors=Kento Fukui; Yukinaga Miyashita; Shinobu Machida; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Akimasa Ieda; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Vassilis Angelopoulos;

article=2019JA026642; doi=10.1029/2019JA026642; pubdate=17 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS

Sample usage= CDAWeb ( THEMIS and OMNI data

Sample usage= wind dynamic pressure from the OMNI data (King & Papitashvili, 2005)

Sample usage= Environment Data Analysis System (SPEDAS) version


235. Title=A Third Generation Field Aligned Current Model

Authors=Thom R. Edwards; D.R. Weimer; Nils Olsen; Hermann Lühr; W.K. Tobiska; B.J. Anderson;

article=2019JA027249; doi=10.1029/2019JA027249; pubdate=19 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= the NASA archives at https://cdaweb.sci

Sample usage= Science Data Center, the Space Physics Data Facility, and the ACE Principal


236. Title=Plasma flow in the north-south aligned discrete aurora equatorward of the cusp

Authors=S. Taguchi; K. Hosokawa; Y. Ogawa;

article=2019JA026895; doi=10.1029/2019JA026895; pubdate=20 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= data were obtained through NASA/CDAWeb

Sample usage= we used the International Reference Ionosphere (Bilitza 2001). We also used


237. Title=The use of monthly mean average for investigating the presence of hysteresis and long term trends in ionospheric NmF2

Authors=Jianping Huang; Yongqiang Hao; Donghe Zhang; Zuo Xiao;

article=2019JA026905; doi=10.1029/2019JA026905; pubdate=20 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

Sample usage=

Sample usage= is obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at http://omniweb.gsfc


238. Title=Effects of Solar Wind Plasma Flow and Interplanetary Magnetic Field on the Spatial Structure of Earth's Radiation Belts

Authors=L.Y. Li; S.S. Yang; J.B. Cao; J. Yu; X.Y. Luo; J.B. Blake;

article=2019JA027284; doi=10.1029/2019JA027284; pubdate=22 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Analysis Web (CDAWeb). Meanwhile, the fluxes of

Sample usage= dynamic pressure) come from the OMNI database in the Coordinated Data


239. Title=Features of storm induced ionospheric irregularities from ground based and spaceborne GPS observations during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm

Authors=Irina Zakharenkova; Iurii Cherniak; Andrzej Krankowski;

article=2019JA026782; doi=10.1029/2019JA026782; pubdate=22 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service

Sample usage= data (, NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service


240. Title=Relative timing of nightside and dayside plasmapause motion: two events in June 2001

Authors=J. Goldstein; B.R. Sandel;

article=2019JA027153; doi=10.1029/2019JA027153; pubdate=22 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= dinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) site (

Sample usage= the 1-minute OMNI dataset (

Sample usage= the magnetopause for the 1-minute OMNI dataset (


242. Title=Evolution of a Long Duration Coronal Mass Ejection and its Sheath Region Between Mercury and Earth on 2013 July 9 14

Authors=N. Lugaz; R.M. Winslow; C.J. Farrugia;

article=2019JA027213; doi=10.1029/2019JA027213; pubdate=22 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, CCMC

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb service for Wind data available

Sample usage= Data System ( and NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb service for Wind

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) of NASA Goddard Space


243. Title=Diagnosing the Role of Alfvén Waves in Global Field Aligned Current System Dynamics During Southward IMF: Swarm Observations

Authors=I.P. Pakhotin; I.R. Mann; D.J. Knudsen; R.L. Lysak; J.K. Burchill;

article=2019JA027277; doi=10.1029/2019JA027277; pubdate=22 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= obtained from the NASA OMNIWeb tool (King and Papitashvilli, 2005).


244. Title=Formation of a 3 D oscillatory current system associated with global high correlation Pi 2 event: A case study

Authors=T. Uozumi; A. Yoshikawa; S. Ohtani;

article=2019JA026988; doi=10.1029/2019JA026988; pubdate=22 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= The vector magnetic-field data


245. Title=Solar wind deflection in the foreshock: model data comparison

Authors=O. Gutynska; N. Omidi; D.G. Sibeck; Z. Nemecek; J. Safrankova; A. Lynnyk;

article=2019JA026970; doi=10.1029/2019JA026970; pubdate=26 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= The present work was


246. Title=A Multi Ion, Flux Corrected Transport Based Hydrodynamic Model for the Plasmasphere Refilling Problem

Authors=K. Chatterjee; R.W. Schunk;

article=2019JA026834; doi=10.1029/2019JA026834; pubdate=26 December 2019

Keywords found: ModelWeb, CCMC

Sample usage= modelweb /models/m-sis_vitmo.php

Sample usage=


247. Title=Ionospheric perturbations induced by a Very Severe Cyclonic Storm (VSCS): a case study of Phailin VSCS

Authors=Adarsh Dube; Rajesh Singh; Ajeet K. Maurya; Sanjay Kumar; P.S. Sunil; A.K. Singh;

article=2019JA027197; doi=10.1029/2019JA027197; pubdate=26 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage=;;


248. Title=Coordinated ground based and space based observations of equatorial plasma bubbles

Authors=Ercha Aa; Shasha Zou; Richard Eastes; Deepak K. Karan; Shun Rong Zhang; Philip J. Erickson; Anthea J. Coster;

article=2019JA027569; doi=10.1029/2019JA027569; pubdate=26 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= NIWeb service (https:// cdaweb We acknowledge the University


249. Title=Evolution of Pitch Angle Distributed MeV Electrons During each Phase of the Geomagnetic Storm

Authors=Megha Pandya; B. Veenadhari; Y. Ebihara; S.G. Kanekal; D.N. Baker;

article=2019JA027086; doi=10.1029/2019JA027086; pubdate=26 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= high-resolution data-set from online OMNIWEB data service. The present analysis


250. Title=Magnetospheric 'penetration' of IMF By viewed through the lens of an empirical RBF modeling

Authors=N.A. Tsyganenko; V.A. Andreeva;

article=2019JA027439; doi=10.1029/2019JA027439; pubdate=27 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF

Sample usage= were obtained from the NSSDC CDAWEB online facility,

Sample usage= webpage ( min.html) in the form

Sample usage= data were downloaded from the OMNI

Sample usage= data were obtained from the NSSDC CDAWEB online facility,

Sample usage= data were obtained from the SPDF OMNIWEB interface (R. McGuire, N.


251. Title=Multiharmonic Toroidal Standing Alfven Waves in the Midnight Sector Observed During a Geomagnetically Quiet Period

Authors=Kazue Takahashi; Massimo Vellante; Alfredo Del Corpo; Seth G. Claudepierre; Craig Kletzing; John Wygant; Kiyokazu Koga;

article=2019JA027370; doi=10.1029/2019JA027370; pubdate=28 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web ( for Van Allen Probes;

Sample usage= from the following sources: NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility Coordinated Data Analysis Web (

Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate to


252. Title=Identifying radiation belt electron source and loss processes by assimilating spacecraft data in a three dimensional diffusion model

Authors=S. Cervantes; Y.Y. Shprits; N.A. Aseev; A.Y. Drozdov; A. Castillo; C. Stolle;

article=2019JA027514; doi=10.1029/2019JA027514; pubdate=28 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= from the online OMNIWEB database with one-hour resolution. As

Sample usage= service, and OMNI data ( The Kp index

Sample usage= authors acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb


253. Title=Bifurcated Region 2 Field Aligned Currents Associated With Substorms

Authors=H. Sangha; S.E. Milan; J.A. Carter; A.R. Fogg; B.J. Anderson; H. Korth; L.J. Paxton;

article=2019JA027041; doi=10.1029/2019JA027041; pubdate=28 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Facility’s OMNIWeb service (

Sample usage= the OMNI dataset [King and Papitashvili,


254. Title=Radial Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections Between MESSENGER, Venus Express, STEREO, and L1: Catalog and Analysis

Authors=T.M. Salman; R.M. Winslow; N. Lugaz;

article=2019JA027084; doi=10.1029/2019JA027084; pubdate=30 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, COHOWeb, HelioWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= NASA/GSFCM-bM-^@M-^Ys Space Physics Data FacilityM-bM-^@M-^Ys CDAWeb service for STEREO, Wind, and

Sample usage= are listed from HelioWeb (https://cohoweb.gsfc.nasa

Sample usage= HGI coordinates] are listed from HelioWeb (https://cohoweb.gsfc.nasa

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb service for STEREO,


255. Title=A new framework to incorporate high latitude input for meso scale electrodynamics: HIME

Authors=D.S. Ozturk; X. Meng; O.P. Verkhoglyadova; R.H. Varney; A.S. Reimer; J.L. Semeter;

article=2019JA027562; doi=10.1029/2019JA027562; pubdate=30 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= from the OMNI database (https://omniweb.gsfc

Sample usage= AE (f) data from the OMNI database (https://omniweb.gsfc

Sample usage= measurements and the International Reference Ionosphere.


256. Title=Polar ionospheric large scale structures and dynamics revealed by TEC keogram extracted from TEC maps

Authors=Y. Wang; Q. H. Zhang; Y. Z. Ma; P.T. Jayachandran; Z. Y. Xing; Balan N.; S. R. Zhang;

article=2019JA027020; doi=10.1029/2019JA027020; pubdate=30 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2

Sample usage= (https:// omniweb; the data have been

Sample usage= indices are available on the OMNI -2 website

Sample usage= indices are available on the OMNI-2 website


Science Enabled Research Papers in Geophysical Research Letters for 2019

1. Title=Solar wind directional change triggering flapping motions of the current sheet: MMS observations

Authors=G. Q. Wang; T. L. Zhang; M. Y. Wu; D. Schmid; J. B. Cao; M. Volwerk;

article=2018GL080023; doi=10.1029/2018GL080023; pubdate=03 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= acknowledge CDAWeb service for OMNI data at

Sample usage= AE index data are from OMNI


2. Title=Evolution of the Subauroral Polarization Stream Oscillations during the Severe Geomagnetic Storm on 20 November 2003

Authors=Fei He; Xiao Xin Zhang; Wenbin Wang; Zu Yin Pu; Qiu Gang Zong; Zhonghua Yao; Yong Wei; Zhi Peng Ren; Xinan Yue; Libo Liu; Weixing Wan;

article=2018GL081446; doi=10.1029/2018GL081446; pubdate=15 January 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= the DMSP data; NASA/GSFC OMNIWeb for providing the solar wind

Sample usage= 2003. Figures 1a-1d show the OMNI 5-min averaged IMF BY, IMF


3. Title=Local generation of high frequency plasmaspheric hiss observed by Van Allen Probes

Authors=Zhaoguo He; Lunjin Chen; Xu Liu; Hui Zhu; Si Liu; Zhonglei Gao; Yong Cao;

article=2018GL081578; doi=10.1029/2018GL081578; pubdate=28 January 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= (https : // cdaweb public/; http : //emM-oM-,M-^


4. Title=Quantification of Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Plume Whistler Mode Waves, Plasmaspheric Hiss, and Exohiss

Authors=W. Li; X. C. Shen; Q. Ma; L. Capannolo; R. Shi; R. J. Redmon; J. V. Rodriguez; G. D. Reeves; C. A. Kletzing; W. S. Kurth; G. B. Hospodarsky;

article=2019GL082095; doi=10.1029/2019GL082095; pubdate=11 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= from the OMNI dataset (https://

Sample usage= indices were obtained from the OMNI dataset (


5. Title=Drift dispersed flux dropouts of energetic electrons observed in Earth's middle magnetosphere by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission

Authors=Ian J. Cohen; Barry H. Mauk; Drew L. Turner; Joseph F. Fennell; J. Bernard Blake; Geoffrey D. Reeves; Trevor W. Leonard; Daniel N. Baker; Allison N. Jaynes; Harlan E. Spence; Christine Gabrielse;

article=2019GL082008; doi=10.1029/2019GL082008; pubdate=12 March 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, SPEDAS

Sample usage= The OMNI and geomagnetic parameter data included

Sample usage= (https:// spdf

Sample usage= Environment Data Analysis Software ( SPEDAS ) IDL framework


6. Title=Overview of the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling Sounding Rocket 2 (RENU2)

Authors=Marc R. Lessard; Bruce Fritz; Brent Sadler; Ian Cohen; David Kenward; Niharika Godbole; James H. Clemmons; James H. Hecht; Kristina A. Lynch; Meghan Harrington; Thomas M. Roberts; David Hysell; Geoff Crowely; Fred Sigernes; Mikko Syrjäsuo; Pal Ellingson; Noora Partamies; Joran Moen; Lasse Clausen; Kjellmar Oksavik; Timothy Yeoman;

article=2018GL081885; doi=10.1029/2018GL081885; pubdate=26 March 2019

Keywords found: SPDF

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility ( SPDF,


7. Title=Typical characteristics of whistler mode waves categorized by their spectral properties using Van Allen Probes observations

Authors=Shangchun Teng; Xin Tao; Wen Li;

article=2019GL082161; doi=10.1029/2019GL082161; pubdate=28 March 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= to the public and the CDAWeb for the use of AE


8. Title=Storm time meso scale plasma flows in the nightside high latitude ionosphere: A statistical survey of characteristics

Authors=Christine Gabrielse; Victor Pinto; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Larry Lyons; Bea Gallardo Lacourt; Yue Deng;

article=2018GL081539; doi=10.1029/2018GL081539; pubdate=28 March 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, CCMC, SPEDAS

Sample usage= CDAWeb ( Data access and processing

Sample usage= Dst values were collected from OMNI via

Sample usage= Academy, as well as NASA CCMC M-bM-^@M-^Ys DONKI

Sample usage= done using SPEDAS , see Angelopoulos et al.,


9. Title=The relationship between EMIC wave properties and proton distributions based on Van Allen Probes observations

Authors=Chao Yue; Chae Woo Jun; Jacob Bortnik; Xin An; Qianli Ma; Geoffrey D. Reeves; Harlan E. Spence; Andrew J. Gerrard; Matina Gkioulidou; Donald G. Mitchell; Craig A. Kletzing;

article=2019GL082633; doi=10.1029/2019GL082633; pubdate=04 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= OMNI

Sample usage= (ftp:// spdf

Sample usage= ( We thank the Space Physics Data Facility at


10. Title=Global distribution of the solar wind flux and velocity from SOHO/SWAN during SC 23 and SC 24

Authors=D. Koutroumpa; E. Quémerais; S. Ferron; W. Schmidt;

article=2019GL082402; doi=10.1029/2019GL082402; pubdate=10 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, OMNI-2, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= have been intercalibrated into the OMNIWeb /OMNI-2 dataset

Sample usage= energy M-oM-,M-^Bux conservation (calculated from OMNI data) over latitude. SWAN reproduces

Sample usage= hosted by UPMC-Sorbonne Universits. The OMNI2 and Ulysses data were retrieved

Sample usage= been intercalibrated into the OMNIWeb/ OMNI-2 dataset

Sample usage= The IPS velocity data

Sample usage= were retrieved from NASAM-bM-^@M-^Ys GSFC Space Physics Data Facility, at


11. Title=Magnetospheric signatures of STEVE: Implication for the magnetospheric energy source and inter hemispheric conjugacy

Authors=Y. Nishimura; B. Gallardo Lacourt; Y. Zou; E. Mishin; D.J. Knudsen; E.F. Donovan; V. Angelopoulos; Rocky Raybell;

article=2019GL082460; doi=10.1029/2019GL082460; pubdate=16 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS

Sample usage=, cdaweb, and

Sample usage= magnetic field model (T01) and OMNI solar

Sample usage= using SPEDAS V3.1, see Angelopoulos et al.


12. Title=A New Technique for Estimating The Lifetime of Bursts of Electron Precipitation From Sounding Rocket Measurements

Authors=J. H. Hecht; J. H. Clemmons; M. R. Lessard; D. L. Kenward; F. B. Sadler; B. A. Fritz; J. S. Evans; K. A. Lynch;

article=2019GL082894; doi=10.1029/2019GL082894; pubdate=29 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= Facility, https:// which keeps sounding


13. Title=Triggered plasmaspheric hiss: Rising tone structures

Authors=Hui Zhu; Xu Liu; Lunjin Chen;

article=2019GL082688; doi=10.1029/2019GL082688; pubdate=01 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS

Sample usage= 20 August 2013 obtained from CDAweb -OMNI database. During this interval,

Sample usage= August 2013 obtained from CDAweb- OMNI database. During this interval,

Sample usage= obtained from fUHR . Similarly, SPEDAS is also able to em-


14. Title=RENU2 UV PMT observations of the cusp

Authors=Bruce A. Fritz; Marc R. Lessard; Kenneth F. Dymond; David R. Kenward; Kristina A. Lynch; James H. Hecht; James H. Clemmons; Timothy Cook; Supriya Chakrabarti; Stanley C. Solomon;

article=2019GL082314; doi=10.1029/2019GL082314; pubdate=02 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}

Sample usage= NASA CDAWeb ( GLOW v0.981 is available

Sample usage= NRLMSISE-00 and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-90) (Bilitza et al., 1990).

Sample usage= and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-90) (Bilitza et al., 1990).


15. Title=Transient ionospheric upflow driven by poleward moving auroral forms observed during the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) campaign

Authors=M. Burleigh; M. Zettergren; K. Lynch; M. Lessard; J. Moen; L. Clausen; D. Kenward; D. Hysell; M. Liemohn;

article=2018GL081886; doi=10.1029/2018GL081886; pubdate=11 May 2019

Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF , spdf

Sample usage= data are available at NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF, spdf


16. Title=Interplanetary shock parameters near Jupiter's orbit

Authors=E. Echer;

article=2019GL082126; doi=10.1029/2019GL082126; pubdate=16 May 2019

Keywords found: COHOWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Center/NASA (https:// Data were selected only

Sample usage= downloaded through the Space Physics Data Facility at the Goddard Space Flight


17. Title=Quenching of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves by Substorm Proton Injections

Authors=Guyue Dai; Zhenpeng Su; Nigang Liu; Bin Wang; Huinan Zheng; Yuming Wang; Shui Wang;

article=2019GL082944; doi=10.1029/2019GL082944; pubdate=23 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= , pub/ and


18. Title=Topside ionospheric disturbances detected using radio occultation measurements during the August 2017 solar eclipse

Authors=G.W. Perry; C. Watson; A.D. Howarth; D.R. Themens; V. Foss; R.B. Langley; A.W. Yau;

article=2019GL083195; doi=10.1029/2019GL083195; pubdate=28 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= (, CDAWeb


19. Title=How do Ultra Low Frequency waves access the inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms?

Authors=I. Jonathan Rae; Kyle R. Murphy; Clare E.J. Watt; Jasmine K. Sandhu; Marina Georgiou; Alex W. Degeling; Colin Forsyth; Sarah N. Bentley; Frances A. Staples; Quanqi Shi;

article=2019GL082395; doi=10.1029/2019GL082395; pubdate=30 May 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= http:// cdaweb and


20. Title=The magnetospheric driving source of double peak subauroral ion drifts (DSAIDs): Double ring current pressure peaks

Authors=Dong Wei; Yiqun Yu; Fei He;

article=2019GL083186; doi=10.1029/2019GL083186; pubdate=03 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= can be found at http:// The DMSP data are

Sample usage= Talents. The authors thank the OMNIweb

Sample usage= March 2015 obtained from the OMNI website, the simulation

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center ( CCMC ). Simulations were performed on

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC). Simulations were performed on


21. Title=Mass loading the Earth's dayside magnetopause boundary layer and its effect on magnetic reconnection

Authors=S.A. Fuselier; K.J. Trattner; S.M. Petrinec; M.H. Denton; S. Toledo Redondo; M. Andre; N. Aunai; C.R. Chappell; A. Glocer; S. Haaland; M. Hesse; L.M. Kistler; B. Lavraud; W. Li; T.E. Moore; D. Graham; L. Alm; P. Tenfjord; J. Dargent; S.K. Vines; K. Nykyri; J.L. Burch; R.J. Strangeway;

article=2019GL082384; doi=10.1029/2019GL082384; pubdate=05 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= and were obtained through the CDAWeb . Research at Southwest Research


22. Title=Substorm related Near Earth Reconnection Surge: Combining Telescopic and Microscopic Views

Authors=V.A. Sergeev; S.V. Apatenkov; R. Nakamura; W. Baumjohann; Y.V. Khotyaintsev; K. Kauristie; M. van de Kamp; J.L. Burch; R.E. Ergun; P. A. Lindqvist; R. Torbert; C.T. Russell; B.L. Giles;

article=2019GL083057; doi=10.1029/2019GL083057; pubdate=07 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= have been made available via CDAWeb site

Sample usage= wind. According to the OMNI data base, the solar wind


23. Title=EMIC waves in the outer magnetosphere: Observations of an off equator source region

Authors=S.K. Vines; R.C. Allen; B.J. Anderson; M.J. Engebretson; S.A. Fuselier; C.T. Russell; R.J. Strangeway; R.E. Ergun; P. A. Lindqvist; R.B. Torbert; J.L. Burch;

article=2019GL082152; doi=10.1029/2019GL082152; pubdate=07 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF, SPEDAS

Sample usage= [King and Papitashvili, 1994; https:// omniweb] that is interpolated

Sample usage= OMNI data [King and Papitashvili, 1994;

Sample usage= 1988-1993, NSSDC /WDC-A-R&S 94-08, NASA/National Space Science

Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb Interface

Sample usage= available in the current SPEDAS software package, which can be 


24. Title=Magnetospheric Multiscale Observation of Quasi Periodic EMIC Waves Associated with Enhanced Solar Wind Pressure

Authors=Si Liu; Zhiyang Xia; Lunjin Chen; Yang Liu; Zedong Liao; Hui Zhu;

article=2019GL083421; doi=10.1029/2019GL083421; pubdate=17 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPEDAS

Sample usage= from the OMNI website (https:// omniweb

Sample usage= 24 December 2015, from the OMNI website (

Sample usage= for SPEDAS (h i). This work


25. Title=Characteristics of rising tone whistler mode waves inside the Earth's plasmasphere, plasmaspheric plumes and plasmatrough

Authors=S. Teng; W. Li; X. Tao; X. C. Shen; Q. Ma;

article=2019GL083372; doi=10.1029/2019GL083372; pubdate=20 June 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= to the public and the CDAWeb for the use


26. Title=Simulation of Prompt Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons during the 16 July 2017 storm

Authors=Maulik Patel; Zhao Li; Mary Hudson; Seth Claudepierre; John Wygant;

article=2019GL083257; doi=10.1029/2019GL083257; pubdate=28 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= obtained from OMNIWeb (, a database produced


27. Title=On How High latitude Chorus Waves Tip the Balance between Acceleration and Loss of Relativistic Electrons

Authors=Dedong Wang; Yuri Y. Shprits;

article=2019GL082681; doi=10.1029/2019GL082681; pubdate=08 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= was downloaded from the SPDF OMNI web. We sincerly ac-

Sample usage= index was downloaded from the SPDF OMNI web. We sincerly ac-


28. Title=Global occurrences of auroral kilometric radiation related to suprathermal electrons in radiation belts

Authors=Wanli Zhao; Si Liu; Sai Zhang; Qinghua Zhou; Chang Yang; Yihua He; Zhonglei Gao; Fuliang Xiao;

article=2019GL083944; doi=10.1029/2019GL083944; pubdate=08 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= by the HOPE instrument. The OMNI data are

Sample usage= obtained from ftp:// spdf


29. Title=Ionospheric cold ions detected by MMS behind dipolarization fronts

Authors=Y. Xu; H.S. Fu; C. Norgren; S. Toledo Redondo; C.M. Liu; X.C. Dong;

article=2019GL083885; doi=10.1029/2019GL083885; pubdate=08 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= OMNI database (King & Papitashvili, 2005)

Sample usage= web ( for providing the data


30. Title=Segmentation of Storm Enhanced Density (SED) by Boundary Flows Associated with Westward Drifting Partial Ring current

Authors=Zihan Wang; Shasha Zou; Thomas Coppeans; Jiaen Ren; Aaron Ridley; Tamas Gombosi;

article=2019GL084041; doi=10.1029/2019GL084041; pubdate=22 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= observed solar wind data from OMNIWeb. Starting from Sep 6

Sample usage= the NASA OmniWeb. The simulation results for


31. Title=Statistical properties of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite

Authors=K. Seki; K. Keika; S. Kasahara; S. Yokota; T. Hori; K. Asamura; N. Higashio; M. Takada; Y. Ogawa; A. Matsuoka; M. Teramoto; Y. Miyoshi; I. Shinohara;

article=2019GL084163; doi=10.1029/2019GL084163; pubdate=22 July 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb ( Part

Sample usage= NASA/GSFC's OMNI data set through OMNIWeb (

Sample usage= & Reinisch, B. W. (2008) International reference ionosphere 2007: improvements


32. Title=THEMIS observations of particle acceleration by a magnetosheath jet driven bow wave

Authors=Terry Z. Liu; Heli Hietala; Vassilis Angelopoulos; Yuri Omelchenko; Vadim Roytershteyn; Rami Vainio;

article=2019GL082614; doi=10.1029/2019GL082614; pubdate=22 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPEDAS

Sample usage= Web (CDAWeb, for their

Sample usage= and THEMIS software (TDAS, a SPEDAS v3.1 plugin, see Angelopoulos et


33. Title=Timescales of Birkeland Currents Driven by the IMF

Authors=John C. Coxon; Robert M. Shore; Mervyn P. Freeman; Robert C. Fear; Stephen D. Browett; Andrew W. Smith; Daniel K. Whiter; Brian J. Anderson;

article=2018GL081658; doi=10.1029/2018GL081658; pubdate=24 July 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility's CDAweb service

Sample usage= Earth's bow shock nose. http:// omniweb .gsfc.nasa.

Sample usage= 2. AMPERE and OMNI


34. Title=ULF Waves Modulating and Acting as Mass Spectrometer for Dayside Ionospheric Outflow Ions

Authors=Z. Y. Liu; Q. G. Zong; X. Z. Zhou; Y.X. Hao; A.W. Yau; H. Zhang; X. R. Chen; S.Y. Fu; C.J. Pollock; G. Le; R.E. Ergun; P. A. Lindqvist;

article=2019GL083849; doi=10.1029/2019GL083849; pubdate=01 August 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= Facility’s CDAWeb service ( for obtaining the


35. Title=Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Observations of Reconnecting Electric Fields in the Magnetotail on Kinetic Scales

Authors=W.M. Macek; M.V.D. Silveira; D.G. Sibeck; B.L. Giles; J.L. Burch;

article=2019GL083782; doi=10.1029/2019GL083782; pubdate=02 August 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= are available from For the ion and


36. Title=Global scale Observations of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly

Authors=R.W. Eastes; S.C. Solomon; R.E. Daniell; D.N. Anderson; A.G. Burns; S.L. England; C.R. Martinis; W.E. McClintock;

article=2019GL084199; doi=10.1029/2019GL084199; pubdate=07 August 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= at AdnetSystems, NASA GSFC and CDAWeb

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (

Sample usage= ( and at NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility (


37. Title=Low latitude ionospheric TEC oscillations associated with periodic changes in IMF Bz polarity

Authors=Guozhu Li; Baiqi Ning; Xiukuan Zhao; Wenjie Sun; Lianhuan Hu; Haiyong Xie; Kangkang Liu; K.K. Ajith;

article=2019GL084428; doi=10.1029/2019GL084428; pubdate=19 August 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= SYM-H data obtained from the CDAWeb

Sample usage= (ACE OMNI 1-min resolution) and SYM-H data


38. Title=Acceleration of Interstellar Pickup He+ at Earth's Perpendicular Bow Shock

Authors=M. J. Starkey; S. A. Fuselier; M. I. Desai; J. L. Burch; R. G. Gomez; J. Mukherjee; C. T. Russell; H. Lai; S. J. Schwartz;

article=2019GL084198; doi=10.1029/2019GL084198; pubdate=06 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb website

Sample usage= we use the OMNI bulk solar wind velocity (V

Sample usage= GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb website


39. Title=Modeling the Electron Flux Enhancement and Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions on L shells < 2.5

Authors=Man Hua; Wen Li; Qianli Ma; Binbin Ni; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Xiao Chen Shen; Haimeng Li;

article=2019GL084822; doi=10.1029/2019GL084822; pubdate=11 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, CCMC

Sample usage= from the OMNI dataset (https:// omniweb

Sample usage= indices were obtained from the OMNI dataset (

Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate to

Sample usage= ionic species density from the IRI-2016 model (Bilitza et al., 2017),

Sample usage= Request system (http://


40. Title=Time dependent Response of the Terrestrial Exosphere to a Geomagnetic Storm

Authors=Gonzalo Cucho Padin; Lara Waldrop;

article=2019GL084327; doi=10.1029/2019GL084327; pubdate=12 September 2019

Keywords found: Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility. Interplanetary background data can


41. Title=Properties of Localized Precipitation of Energetic Protons Equatorward of the Isotropic Boundary

Authors=N.V. Semenova; A.G. Yahnin; T.A. Yahnina; A.G. Demekhov;

article=2019GL085373; doi=10.1029/2019GL085373; pubdate=16 September 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= providing the OMNI data ( for the geomagnetic activity

Sample usage= providing the OMNI data ( for the geomagnetic

Sample usage= Kyoto and the Space Physics Data Facility at NASA Goddard Space Flight


42. Title=Characteristics and Generation of Low Frequency Magnetosonic Waves Below the Proton Gyrofrequency

Authors=S. Teng; W. Li; X. Tao; Q. Ma; X. C. Shen;

article=2019GL085372; doi=10.1029/2019GL085372; pubdate=25 October 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

Sample usage= and the CDAWeb for the use of AE

Sample usage= website https:// omniweb, which is originally from


43. Title=Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) measurements and modeling of peculiar electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves

Authors=Justin H. Lee; Drew L. Turner; Sergio Toledo Redondo; Sarah K. Vines; Robert C. Allen; Stephen A. Fuselier; Yuri V. Khotyaintsev; Ian J. Cohen; Barry H. Mauk; Christopher T. Russell; Craig J. Pollock; Robert E. Ergun; Per Arne L. Lindqvist; James L. Burch;

article=2019GL085182; doi=10.1029/2019GL085182; pubdate=25 October 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, SPEDAS

Sample usage= provided by NASA SPDF OMNIWeb ( and the WDC for

Sample usage= provided by NASA SPDF OMNIWeb ( and the WDC

Sample usage= the AFM sub-interval 14:43:33M-bM-^@M-^S14:44:33UT using SPEDAS (Angelopoulos


44. Title=Remote Detection of Drift Resonance Between Energetic Electrons and Ultralow Frequency Waves: Multisatellite Coordinated Observation by Arase and Van Allen Probes

Authors=M. Teramoto; T. Hori; S. Saito; Y. Miyoshi; S. Kurita; N. Higashio; A. Matsuoka; Y. Kasahara; Y. Kasaba; T. Takashima; R. Nomura; M. Nosé; A. Fujimoto; Y. M. Tanaka; M. Shoji; Y. Tsugawa; M. Shinohara; I. Shinohara; J. B. Blake; J.F. Fennell; S.G. Claudepierre; D. L. Turner; C. A. Kletzing; D. Sormakov; O. Troshichev;

article=2019GL084379; doi=10.1029/2019GL084379; pubdate=05 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, SPEDAS

Sample usage= OMNI database, which were provided

Sample usage= by the Space Physics Data Facility of

Sample usage= SPEDAS software (


45. Title=IMF By Influence on Magnetospheric Convection in Earth's Magnetotail Plasma Sheet

Authors=T. Pitkonen; A. Kullen; K. M. Laundal; P. Tenfjord; Q. Q. Shi; J. S. Park; M. Hamrin; A. De Spiegeleer; G. S. Chong; A. M. Tian;

article=2019GL084190; doi=10.1029/2019GL084190; pubdate=06 November 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= https:// cdaweb

Sample usage= nominal bow shock nose (http:// omniweb .gsfc.nasa.

Sample usage= utilized IMF data are 1-min OMNI data propagated to the nominal

Sample usage= acknowledge GSFC SPDF /OMNIWeb


46. Title=Identifying STEVE's magnetospheric driver using conjugate observations in the magnetosphere and on the ground

Authors=Xiangning Chu; David Malaspina; Bea Gallardo Lacourt; Jun Liang; Laila Andersson; Qianli Ma; Anton Artemyev; Jiang Liu; Bob Ergun; Scott Thaller; Hassanali Akbari; Hong Zhao; Brian Larsen; Geoffrey Reeves; John Wygant; Aaron Breneman; Sheng Tian; Martin Connors; Eric Donovan; William Archer; Elizabeth A. MacDonald;

article=2019GL082789; doi=10.1029/2019GL082789; pubdate=11 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF, SPEDAS

Sample usage= AUGSO data. We acknowledge NSSDC Omniweb for geomagnetic activity indices

Sample usage= parallel electron flux to the omni -directional flux in Figure 3h).

Sample usage= AUGSO data. We acknowledge NSSDC Omniweb for geomagnetic activity indices

Sample usage= ( spdf The authors thank the

Sample usage= done using SPEDAS [Angelopoulos et al., 2019].


47. Title=Thermospheric heating and cooling times during geomagnetic storms, including extreme events

Authors=Eftyhia Zesta; Denny M. Oliveira;

article=2019GL085120; doi=10.1029/2019GL085120; pubdate=11 November 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

Sample usage= OMNIWeb

Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNI team for solar wind and

Sample usage= GSFC/ SPDF OMNI team for solar wind


48. Title=Statistical Study of Energetic Electron Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions during Magnetic Dip Events

Authors=Ying Xiong; Lun Xie; Suiyan Fu; Zuyin Pu;

article=2019GL085091; doi=10.1029/2019GL085091; pubdate=03 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

Sample usage= are obtained from the SFC/SPDF OMNIWeb

Sample usage= are obtained from the SFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb


49. Title=On the observation of electrostatic harmonics associated with EMIC waves

Authors=Hui Zhu; Lunjin Chen;

article=2019GL085528; doi=10.1029/2019GL085528; pubdate=04 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= indices are obtained at the CDAWeb (


50. Title=Generation and Characteristics of Unusual High Frequency EMIC Waves

Authors=S. Teng; W. Li; X. Tao; Q. Ma; Y. Wu; L. Capannolo; X. C. Shen; L. Gan;

article=2019GL085220; doi=10.1029/2019GL085220; pubdate=09 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= to the public and the CDAWeb for the use of AE


51. Title=VLF emissions with banded structure in the 16-39 kHz frequency range measured by a high latitude ground based receiver

Authors=Edith L. Macotela; Frantisek Němec; Jyrki Manninen; Ondřej Santolík; Ivana Kolmasová; Tauno Turunen;

article=2019GL086127; doi=10.1029/2019GL086127; pubdate=10 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= https:// omniweb (OMNIWeb, Geomagnetic indices)


52. Title=An explicit IMF By dependence on solar wind   magnetosphere coupling

Authors=J.P. Reistad; K.M. Laundal; A. Ohma; T. Moretto; S.E. Milan;

article=2019GL086062; doi=10.1029/2019GL086062; pubdate=10 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (http:// omniweb .

Sample usage= OMNI database [King and Papitashvili, 2005],

Sample usage= acknowledge the use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility (http://omniweb.


53. Title=Thermospheric composition O/N2 response to an altered meridional mean circulation during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings observed by GOLD

Authors=J. Oberheide; N.M. Pedatella; Q. Gan; K. Kumari; A.G. Burns; R.W. Eastes;

article=2019GL086313; doi=10.1029/2019GL086313; pubdate=23 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

Sample usage= cm radio flux from NASA/GSFC OMNIWeb at

Sample usage= cility at https:// spdf TIE-GCM and WACCM-X can


54. Title=Magnetized dust clouds penetrating the terrestrial bow shock detected by multiple spacecraft

Authors=H.R. Lai; C.T. Russell; Y.D. Jia; M. Connors;

article=2019GL085818; doi=10.1029/2019GL085818; pubdate=23 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= We thank CDAWeb for providing the magnetic field


55. Title=The Magnetic Structure of the Solar Wind: Ionic Composition and the Electron Strahl

Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky;

article=2019GL084586; doi=10.1029/2019GL084586; pubdate=30 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, CCMC

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility https:// cdaweb

Sample usage= available at the NASA Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Statistics of wind-shear events and CCMC simulations of magnetotail disconnections.

Science Enabled Research Papers in Radio Science for 2019

1. Title=A Hybrid Correlation Model for the Spaced Receiver Technique

Authors=Jun Wang; Y. Jade Morton;

article=2018RS006662; doi=10.1029/2018RS006662; pubdate=28 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= at its maximum intensity [ OMNIWeb service,

Sample usage= obtained from NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service


2. Title=VHF scintillation and drift studied using spaced receivers in southern Taiwan

Authors=L.M. Joshi; L. C. Tsai; S. Y. Su; Ronald G. Caton; C. H. Lu; K.M. Groves;

article=2018RS006722; doi=10.1029/2018RS006722; pubdate=16 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= been obtained from OmniWeb data repository.


3. Title=Pattern of Ionization Gradient, Solar Quiet magnetic element, and F2 layer bottomside thickness parameter at African equatorial location

Authors=B.O. Adebesin; J.O. Adeniyi; I.A. Adimula; S.J. Adebiyi; S.O. Ikubanni; O.A. Oladipo; A.O. Olawepo;

article=2018RS006742; doi=10.1029/2018RS006742; pubdate=17 April 2019

Keywords found: IRI-\d{2,4}

Sample usage= solar epochs and comparison with IRI-2012 model. Journal of Earth System


4. Title=Real time techniques for interpretation of ionospheric backscatter sounding data

Authors=M.S. Penzin; S.N. Ponomarchuk; V.P. Grozov; V.I. Kurkin;

article=2018RS006656; doi=10.1029/2018RS006656; pubdate=07 May 2019

Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}

Sample usage= X. (2017). International reference ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate

Sample usage= profiles N (h) provided by IRI-2016


5. Title=Variation of Digisonde derived scale height during quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions over an African equatorial station

Authors=S.J. Adebiyi; J.O. Adeniyi; B.W. Reinisch; B.O. Adebesin; S.O. Ikubanni; I.A. Adimula; O.A. Oladipo; A.O. Olawepo; B.W. Joshua; B.J. Adekoya;

article=2018RS006762; doi=10.1029/2018RS006762; pubdate=29 June 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}

Sample usage= management teams of NSSDC ( omniweb ) and Helmholtz Centre

Sample usage= management teams of NSSDC ( and Helmholtz Centre

Sample usage= three options of the International Reference Ionosphere 2016 (IRI-2016)-B0 model (i.e. the

Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere 2016 ( IRI-2016 )-B0 model (i.e. the


6. Title=A method of estimating equatorial plasma vertical drift velocity and its evaluation using C/NOFS observations

Authors=H. Marew; M. Nigussie; D. Hui; B. Damitie;

article=2019RS006800; doi=10.1029/2019RS006800; pubdate=03 July 2019

Keywords found: SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, IRI\d{2,4}

Sample usage= College; C/NOFS data (https:// spdf; World magnetic data

Sample usage= included to the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model of the electron

Sample usage= including that of the IRI-2016 vertical drift model which is

Sample usage= Anderson’s model performs better than IRI2016 in all of the cases


7. Title=Three Dimensional Mapping of Lightning Produced Ionospheric Reflections

Authors=J.B. Malins; K.S. Obenberger; G.B. Taylor; J. Dowell;

article=2019RS006857; doi=10.1029/2019RS006857; pubdate=12 October 2019

Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= model ionosphere derived from the International Reference Ionosphere (Bilitza


8. Title=Ionospheric sounding and tomography using Automatic Identification System (AIS) and other signals of opportunity

Authors=A.C. Cushley; J. M. Noel;

article=2019RS006872; doi=10.1029/2019RS006872; pubdate=21 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, VITMO

Sample usage= model available at http:// omniweb vitmo.html, and the val-

Sample usage= the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) [Bilitza, 2007; Bilitza et

Sample usage= Bilitza, D., IRI-2007 : Online computation and plotting

Sample usage= model available at vitmo /iri vitmo.html, and the val-

Science Enabled Research Papers in Earth and space Science for 2019

1. Title=Variation of Solar Wind Parameters Along With the Understanding of Energy Dynamics Within the Magnetospheric System During Geomagnetic Disturbances

Authors=Prashant Poudel; Sunil Simkhada; Binod Adhikari; Deepak Sharma; Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi;

article=2018EA000495; doi=10.1029/2018EA000495; pubdate=04 February 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= (http:// omniweb (Table 1).

Sample usage= obtained from the OMNI website


2. Title=An SOC Approach to Study the Solar Wind Magnetosphere Energy Coupling

Authors=Adrija Banerjee; Amaresh Bej; T. N. Chatterjee; Abhijit Majumdar;

article=2018EA000468; doi=10.1029/2018EA000468; pubdate=06 February 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service,

Sample usage= set has been obtained from OMNIWeb . To remove the noise

Sample usage= Space Flight Center) OMNI data set through OMNIWeb (King

Sample usage= obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF (Space Physics Data Facility) OMNIWeb

Sample usage= obtained from the GSFC/SPDF ( Space Physics Data Facility ) OMNIWeb interface at the


3. Title=Response of Ionospheric Profile Parameters to Equatorial Electrojet Over Peruvian Station

Authors=S. A. Bello; M. Abdullah; N. S. A. Hamid; B. W. Reinisch; A. Yoshikawa; A. Fujimoto;

article=2018EA000537; doi=10.1029/2018EA000537; pubdate=06 April 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

Sample usage= from the OmniWeb (https://omniweb.

Sample usage= Bilitza, D. (2000). International reference ionosphere 2000. Radio Science, 36(2),

4. Title=Intermittency in Solar Wind Turbulence From Fluid to Kinetic Scales

Authors=Roberto Bruno;

article=2018EA000535; doi=10.1029/2018EA000535; pubdate=15 April 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= cdaweb This work


5. Title=Study of Variation of Polar Cap Potential during Geomagnetic Storm Events of 24th Nov 2001 and 24th August 2005 as Observed from LFM and BATS R US Simulation

Authors=D. Poudel; S.K. Bhattarai; B. Ghimire; C. Gurung; N.P. Chapagain;

article=2019EA000558; doi=10.1029/2019EA000558; pubdate=21 August 2019

Keywords found: OMNI, CCMC

Sample usage= data that was usable from OMNI database. During this

Sample usage= Center ( CCMC ) resource and contains 755,136


6. Title=Latitudinal variation of α Chapman scale height during quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions

Authors=S.J. Adebiyi; J.O. Adeniyi; S.O. Ikubanni; B.O. Adebesin; B.J. Adekoya; B.W. Joshua;

article=2019EA000784; doi=10.1029/2019EA000784; pubdate=05 December 2019

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= (http:// omniweb The data spanned a

Sample usage= data is provided by NASA Space Physics Data Facility available at


7. Title=First observation of ionospheric convection from the Jiamusi HF radar during a strong geomagnetic storm

Authors=J.J. Zhang; W. Wang; C. Wang; A.L. Lan; J.Y. Yan; D. Xiang; Q.H. Zhang; J.M. Ruohoniemi; B.S.R. Kunduri; N. Nishitani; X. Shi; H.B. Qiu;

article=2019EA000911; doi=10.1029/2019EA000911; pubdate=11 December 2019

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= the OMNI database on the CDAweb

Sample usage= (https:// omniweb The parameters from top

Sample usage= August 2018 obtained from the OMNI database on the CDAweb

Science Enabled Research Papers in Solar Physics for 2019

1. Title=Characteristics of SEP Events and Their Solar Origin During the Evolut

Authors=L. K. Kashapova, R. Miteva, I. N. Myagkova, A. V. Bogomolov

article=s11207-019-1400-3; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1400-3; pubdate=2019/01/22

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= 2 https:// cdaweb


2. Title=Spectral Analysis of Solar and Geomagnetic Parameters in Relation to C

Authors=M. Tsichla, M. Gerontidou, H. Mavromichalaki

article=s11207-019-1403-0; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1403-0; pubdate=2019/01/29

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= Data Facility ( omniweb, were also used. It


3. Title=Unexpected Behavior of the Solar Wind Mass Flux During Solar Maxima: T

Authors=Olga Katushkina, Vladislav Izmodenov, Dimitra Koutroumpa, Eric QuM-CM-)merais, Lan K. Jian

article=s11207-018-1391-5; doi=10.1007/s11207-018-1391-5; pubdate=2019/02/04

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= orbit) and collected by the OMNIWeb database

Sample usage= SWAN to the in situ OMNI data in

Sample usage= Community Coordinated Modeling Center ( CCMC ). The results of the

Sample usage= Enlil model installed at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC). The results of the


4. Title=Estimating Total Open Heliospheric Magnetic Flux

Authors=S. Wallace, C. N. Arge, M. Pattichis, R. A. Hock-Mysliwiec, C. J. Henney

article=s11207-019-1402-1; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1402-1; pubdate=2019/02/08

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= measurements near 1 AU ( omniweb, and from

Sample usage= OMNI . However, our results have

Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service and OMNI


5. Title=Onset Time of the GLE 72 Observed at Neutron Monitors and its Relation

Authors=V. Kurt, A. Belov, K. Kudela, H. Mavromichalaki, L. Kashapova, B. Yushkov, C. Sgouropoulos

article=s11207-019-1407-9; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1407-9; pubdate=2019/02/13

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

Sample usage= at https:// cdaweb The spatial pitch-angle distribution

Sample usage= km s-1 (data from https:// omniweb The solar wind velocity


6. Title=Study of the Solar Rotational Period and Its Harmonics in Solar Activi

Authors=Y. P. Singh, Badruddin

article=s11207-019-1413-y; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1413-y; pubdate=2019/03/01

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

Sample usage= (https://www. omniweb, and the cosmic ray

Sample usage= Space Science Data Center (NSSDC), OMNI database

Sample usage= Space Science Data Center ( NSSDC ), OMNI database


7. Title=Comparative Study of Microwave Polar Brightening, Coronal Holes, and S

Authors=KenM-bM-^@M-^Yichi Fujiki, Kiyoto Shibasaki, Seiji Yashiro, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Kazumasa Iwai, Satoshi Masuda

article=s11207-019-1418-6; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1418-6; pubdate=2019/03/06

Keywords found: COHOWeb

Sample usage= synoptic magnetograms. We also thank COHOWeb /NASA for the use of


8. Title=Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) Observations of Strea

Authors=L. K. Jian, J. G. Luhmann, C. T. Russell, A. B. Galvin

article=s11207-019-1416-8; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1416-8; pubdate=2019/03/06

Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, CCMC

Sample usage= et al., 2018). Using the OMNI

Sample usage= team and NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility for providing the data needed

Sample usage= Notifications, Knowledge, Information (DONKI: kauai. ccmc .gsfc.


9. Title=Origin of Solar Rotational Periodicity and Harmonics Identified in the

Authors=Kyung-Eun Choi, Dae-Young Lee

article=s11207-019-1433-7; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1433-7; pubdate=2019/04/18

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= IMF parameters available at http:// omniweb .

Sample usage= Nodes on the Internet ( OMNI ) data base of NASAM-bM-^@M-^Ys


10. Title=Connection Between Solar Hemispheric Toroidal Cycles and Geomagnetic V

Authors=J. MurakM-CM-6zy

article=s11207-019-1438-2; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1438-2; pubdate=2019/04/19

Keywords found: OMNI

Sample usage= the OMNI database, which contains data from


11. Title=Study of Interplanetary CMEs/Shocks During Solar Cycle 24 Using Drag-B

Authors=K. Suresh, S. Prasanna Subramanian, A. Shanmugaraju, Bojan VrM-EM-!nak, S. Umapathy

article=s11207-019-1432-8; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1432-8; pubdate=2019/04/19

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= website https:// cdaweb The sudden increase of

Sample usage= 1 AU are found from OMNI spacecraft high


12. Title=Temporal Evolution of Heavy-Ion Spectra in Solar Energetic Particle Ev

Authors=Donald J. Doran, Silvia Dalla, Peter Zelina

article=s11207-019-1431-9; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1431-9; pubdate=2019/05/06

Keywords found: VEPO

Sample usage= We acknowledge use of the VEPO analysis tool as well as


13. Title=Forward Modeling of the Type III Radio Burst Exciter

Authors=Peijin Zhang, Chuanbing Wang, Lin Ye, Yuming Wang

article=s11207-019-1448-0; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1448-0; pubdate=2019/05/22

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= website cdaweb in the form of


14. Title=Impacts on Proton Fluxes Observed During Different Interplanetary Cond

Authors=Binod Adhikari, Niraj Adhikari, Binil Aryal, Narayan P. Chapagain, Ildiko Horvath

article=s11207-019-1450-6; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1450-6; pubdate=2019/05/22

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= from the OMNI database (https:// omniweb and therefore are accurately

Sample usage= SW data are from the OMNI database ( and therefore are


15. Title=A Catalogue of Forbush Decreases Recorded on the Surface of Mars from

Authors=A. Papaioannou, A. Belov, M. Abunina, J. Guo, A. Anastasiadis, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, E. Eroshenko, A. Melkumyan, A. Abunin, B. Heber, K. Herbst, C. T. Steigies

article=s11207-019-1454-2; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1454-2; pubdate=2019/06/03

Keywords found: OMNI, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Sample usage= Node on the Internet ( OMNI ) database IP data, the

Sample usage= Notifications, Knowledge, Information (DONKI) (https://kauai. ccmc, this

Sample usage= have been provided by the Community Coordinated Modeling Center at Goddard Space Flight Center


16. Title=An Extended Study of the Precursory Signs of Forbush Decreases: New Fi

Authors=D. Lingri, H. Mavromichalaki, A. Belov, M. Abunina, E. Eroshenko, A. Abunin

article=s11207-019-1461-3; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1461-3; pubdate=2019/06/05

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= from the OMNIWeb site ( Cosmic ray intensity

Sample usage= IZMIRAN/FEID, ACE/Wind, OMNI and NOAA data centers.


17. Title=Towards Construction of a Solar Wind M-bM-^@M-^\ReanalysisM-bM-^@M-^] Dataset: Application

Authors=Mathew J. Owens, Matthew Lang, Pete Riley, David Stansby

article=s11207-019-1479-6; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1479-6; pubdate=2019/06/26

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= https:// cdaweb

Sample usage= spacecraft as part of the Omni dataset (King and Papitashvili, 2005)


18. Title=On the Origin of Ortho-Gardenhose Heliospheric Flux

Authors=Mike Lockwood, Mathew J. Owens, Allan Macneil

article=s11207-019-1478-7; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1478-7; pubdate=2019/06/28

Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= made available by SPDF via CDAWeb

Sample usage= NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center from omniweb (King and

Sample usage= AU) we here employ the Omni composite of data

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( SPDF ),

Sample usage= resolution (made available by the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF),


19. Title=Unraveling the Internal Magnetic Field Structure of the Earth-directed

Authors=Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla, Lan K. Jian, Laura Balmaceda, Angelos Vourlidas, Luiz F. G. dos Santos, Adam Szabo

article=s11207-019-1477-8; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1477-8; pubdate=2019/07/09

Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( SPDF ) for making the data

Sample usage= Wind team and the NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) for making the data


20. Title=Modeling the Global Distribution of Solar Wind Parameters on the Sourc

Authors=Yi Yang, Fang Shen

article=s11207-019-1496-5; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1496-5; pubdate=2019/08/26

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= OMNI web interface (http:// omniweb The four rows from

Sample usage= OMNI web interface ( The four

Sample usage= service provided by the NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility . The Ulysses and near-Earth


21. Title=Experimental Investigation of the Delay Time in Galactic Cosmic Ray Fl

Authors=Krzysztof Iskra, Marek Siluszyk, Michael Alania, Witold Wozniak

article=s11207-019-1509-4; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1509-4; pubdate=2019/09/11

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= data from the websites: http:// omniweb, http://spidr.


22. Title=Periodicity Variation of Solar Activity and Cosmic Rays During Solar C

Authors=Prithvi Raj Singh, C. M. Tiwari, S. L. Agrawal, Tarun Kumar Pant

article=s11207-019-1511-x; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1511-x; pubdate=2019/09/12

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= from the database in http:// omniweb


23. Title=CMEM-bM-^@M-^SHSS Interaction and Characteristics Tracked from Sun to Earth

Authors=Stephan G. Heinemann, Manuela Temmer, Charles J. Farrugia, Karin Dissauer, Christina Kay, Thomas Wiegelmann, Mateja DumboviM-DM-^G, Astrid M. Veronig, Tatiana Podladchikova, Stefan J. Hofmeister, NoM-CM-) Lugaz, Fernando Carcaboso

article=s11207-019-1515-6; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1515-6; pubdate=2019/09/13

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Sample usage= 1 https:// omniweb

Sample usage= and ACE data from the OMNI database of a 24 h


24. Title=Onset of a CME-Related Shock Within the Large-Angle Spectrometric Coro

Authors=V. G. Fainshtein, Y. I. Egorov

article=s11207-019-1519-2; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1519-2; pubdate=2019/09/19

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= SSW. Using data from OMNIWeb Plus (, one can find


25. Title=Asymmetric Latitudinal Gradients of Galactic Cosmic Rays at Low and Hi

Authors=T. Yeeram

article=s11207-019-1521-8; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1521-8; pubdate=2019/09/27

Keywords found: OMNIWeb

Sample usage= data are accessible through the OMNIWeb interface.


26. Title=Parametric Study of ICME Properties Related to Space Weather Disturban

Authors=Junmo An, Tetsuya Magara, Keiji Hayashi, Yong-Jae Moon

article=s11207-019-1531-6; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1531-6; pubdate=2019/10/22

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= (https:// omniweb to compare our simulation

Sample usage= We also used onehour averaged OMNI 2 data obtained from NASA/Goddard

Sample usage= also acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility


27. Title=Intermittencies and Local Heating in Magnetic Cloud Boundary Layers

Authors=Zilu Zhou, Pingbing Zuo, Xueshang Feng, Yi Wang, Chaowei Jiang, Xiaojian Song

article=s11207-019-1537-0; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1537-0; pubdate=2019/10/30

Keywords found: CDAWeb

Sample usage= SWE, and 3DP teams and CDAWeb for making


28. Title=Assessing the Performance of EUHFORIA Modeling the Background Solar Wi

Authors=Jürgen Hinterreiter, Jasmina Magdalenic, Manuela Temmer, Christine Verbeke, Immanuel Christopher Jebaraj, Evangelia Samara, Eleanna Asvestari, Stefaan Poedts, Jens Pomoell, Emilia Kilpua, Luciano Rodriguez, Camilla Scolini, Alexey Isavnin

article=s11207-019-1558-8; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1558-8; pubdate=2019/12/05

Keywords found: OMNI, CCMC

Sample usage= model based on helios and OMNI observations. Astron.

Sample usage= models installed at the CCMC . Space Weather 13, 316.


29. Title=On the Relationships Between Sunspot Number and Solar Radio Flux at 10

Authors=Daniel Okoh, Eucharia Okoro

article=s11207-019-1566-8; doi=10.1007/s11207-019-1566-8; pubdate=2019/12/31

Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

Sample usage= are obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb

Sample usage= are obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb