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Acknowledgments of SPDF in 2018

The AGU journals ‘Space Weather’, ‘Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics’, ‘Geophysical Research Letters’, and ‘Radio Science’ were searched for acknowledgments of services developed and supported by NASA/Goddard’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).

Keywords searched and the number of occurrences across all four journals:

OMNI and/or OMNIWeb were referenced in 250 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 160 papers
Space Physics Data Facility and/or SPDF was referenced in 120 papers
SPDF-FTP was referenced in 2 papers
SSCWeb or TIPSOD was referenced in 4 papers
COHOWeb and/or ATMOweb/ftpbrowser was referenced in 3 papers
VITMO-models was referenced in 37 papers

   Journal    Total number     Number of papers      Percentage
                of papers     with acknowledgment        
   SW             164               45                 27.4 %
   JGR            725              206                 28.4 %
   GRL           1580(all areas)    43                 
   RS             122                8                  6.6 %  

Science Enabled Research Papers in Space Weather journal for 2018

1. Title=Forward Modeling of Coronal Mass Ejection Flux Ropes in the Inner Heliosphere with 3DCORE
Authors=Mostl, C.; Amerstorfer, T.; Palmerio, E.; Isavnin, A.; Farrugia, C. J.; Lowder, C.; Winslow, R. M.; Donnerer, J. M.; Kilpua, E. K. J.; Boakes, P. D.;
article=2017SW001735; doi=10.1002/2017SW001735”; pubdate=7 March 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, NSSDCFTP
Sample usage= Wind: [306]
Sample usage= description: [308]\_data.html
Sample usage= [309] omni /low_res_omni/omni2_all_
Sample usage= OMNI2 data set (King & Papitashvili,
Sample usage= [309]

2. Title=Midlatitude Plasma Bubbles Over China and Adjacent Areas During a Magnetic Storm on 8 September 2017
Authors=Ercha Aa; Wengeng Huang; Siqing Liu; Aaron Ridley; Shasha Zou; Liqin Shi; Yanhong Chen; Hua Shen; Tianjiao Yuan; Jianyong Li; Tan Wang;
article=2017SW001776; doi=10.1002/2017SW001776; pubdate=09 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Flight Center Omniweb Interface

3. Title=Underutilized Spaceborne GPS Observations for Space Weather Monitoring
Authors=Irina Zakharenkova; Iurii Cherniak;
article=2017SW001756; doi=10.1002/2017SW001756; pubdate=25 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= 1 min-averaged data from the OMNIWeb Service. IMF = interplanetary magnetic

4. Title=Operational Nowcasting of Electron Flux Levels in the Outer Zone of Earth’s Radiation Belt
Authors=Tim Coleman; James P. McCollough; Shawn Young; E. Joshua Rigler;
article=2017SW001788; doi=10.1029/2017SW001788; pubdate=23 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage=
Sample usage= was collected from the NASA OMNIWeb

5. Title=Effects of Uncertainties in the Atmospheric Density on the Probability of Collision Between Space Objects
Authors=Charles D. Bussy Virat; Aaron J. Ridley; Joel W. Getchius;
article=2017SW001705; doi=10.1029/2017SW001705; pubdate=27 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Facility’s OMNIWeb service and OMNI
Sample usage= Facility’s OMNIWeb service and OMNI

6. Title=Shock Connectivity and the Late Cycle 24 Solar Energetic Particle Events in July and September 2017
Authors=J. G. Luhmann; M. L. Mays; Yan Li; C. O. Lee; H. Bain; D. Odstrcil; R. A. Mewaldt; C. M. S. Cohen; D. Larson; Gordon Petrie;
article=2018SW001860; doi=10.1029/2018SW001860; pubdate=06 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from the OMNI database (https:// omniweb; top panels), and MAVENM’s
Sample usage= M-oM-,M-^Buxes (1-hr resolution) from the OMNI database (; top panels), and

7. Title=An Empirical Model of Vertical Plasma Drift Over the African Sector
Authors=Makhosonke Berthwell Dubazane; John Bosco Habarulema;
article=2018SW001820; doi=10.1029/2018SW001820; pubdate=09 May 2018
Keywords found: SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere
Sample usage= (http:// spdf
Sample usage= Huba et al., 2000) and International Reference Ionosphere (Bilitza & Reinisch,

8. Title=Formation and Evolution of Low Latitude F Region Field Aligned Irregularities During the 7-8 September 2017 Storm: Hainan Coherent Scatter Phased Array Radar and Digisonde Observations
Authors=Han Jin; Shasha Zou; Gang Chen; Chunxiao Yan; Shaodong Zhang; Guotao Yang;
article=2018SW001865; doi=10.1029/2018SW001865; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= obtained from the OMNIWeb Data
Sample usage= data are obtained from the OMNI Web site, and they have

9. Title=A Study of Intense Local dB/dt Variations During Two Geomagnetic Storms
Authors=Chigomezyo M. Ngwira; David Sibeck; Marcos V. D. Silveira; Marina Georgiou; James M. Weygand; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Donald Hampton;
article=2018SW001911; doi=10.1029/2018SW001911; pubdate=24 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= ( The
Sample usage= high-latitude geomagnetic AE index. The OMNI definitive IMF and plasma data
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility

10. Title=Ion Charge States and Potential Geoeffectiveness: The Role of Coronal Spectroscopy for Space Weather Forecasting
Authors=M. J. Owens; M. Lockwood; L. A. Barnard;
article=2018SW001855; doi=10.1029/2018SW001855; pubdate=31 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Data were obtained from and transformed to radial-tangential-normal

11. Title=Multiple hours ahead forecast of the Dst index using a combination of Long Short Term Memory neural network and Gaussian Process
Authors=M. A. Gruet; M. Chandorkar; A. Sicard; E. Camporeale;
article=2018SW001898; doi=10.1029/2018SW001898; pubdate=25 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC
Sample usage= ( maintained by the National
Sample usage= is trained using the hourly OMNI and GPS databases,
Sample usage= (NSSDC) of National Aeronautics and

12. Title=Quantitative Prediction of High Energy Electron Integral Flux at Geostationary Orbit Based on Deep Learning
Authors=Lihang Wei; Qiuzhen Zhong; Ruilin Lin; Jingjing Wang; Siqing Liu; Yong Cao;
article=2018SW001829; doi=10.1029/2018SW001829; pubdate=10 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= ( for
Sample usage= 1-min resolution from the OMNI data compiled by NASAs Space
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) at
Sample usage= OMNI data compiled by NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility.

13. Title=Investigating Upper Atmospheric Joule Heating Using Cross Combination of Data for Two Moderate Substorm Cases
Authors=E. C. Kalafatoglu Eyiguler; Zerefsan Kaymaz; Nathaniel A. Frissell; J. M. Ruohoniemi; Lutz Rastätter;
article=2018SW001956; doi=10.1029/2018SW001956; pubdate=10 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI2012
Sample usage= National Space Science Data Center OMNIWeb ( The last two
Sample usage= Science Data Center OMNIWeb ( The last two
Sample usage= used dayside conductances derived from International Reference Ionosphere Model (IRI2012), nightside conductances derived
Sample usage= that are derived from empirical IRI2012 and

14. Title=The 6 September 2017 X Class Solar Flares and Their Impacts on the Ionosphere, GNSS, and HF Radio Wave Propagation
Authors=Y. Yasyukevich; E. Astafyeva; A. Padokhin; V. Ivanova; S. Syrovatskii; A. Podlesnyi;
article=2018SW001932; doi=10.1029/2018SW001932; pubdate=13 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= We thank the OMNIWeb Plus service

15. Title=The development of a space climatology: 1. Solar wind magnetosphere coupling as a function of timescale and the effect of data gaps
Authors=Mike Lockwood; Sarah N. Bentley; Mathew J. Owens; Luke A. Barnard; Chris J. Scott; Clare E. Watt; Oliver Allanson;
article=2018SW001856; doi=10.1029/2018SW001856; pubdate=17 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, OMNI-2, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage=\_min\_data.html).
Sample usage= of these parameters from the Omni -2
Sample usage= NHe/Np are available in the Omni2 dataset from 1972 and
Sample usage= of these parameters from the Omni-2
Sample usage= 1977 - 1985, NSSDC /WDC-A/R&S, 86-04, NASA, Greenbelt, MD,
Sample usage= Omni2 dataset maintained by the Space Physics Data Facility,

16. Title=An Empirical Dayglow Model for the Lyman Birge Hopfield Long Band Derived From the Polar Ultraviolet Imager Data
Authors=Lingmin Wang; Xiaoli Luan; Jiuhou Lei; Xiankang Dou;
article=2018SW001954; doi=10.1029/2018SW001954; pubdate=25 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= from the website ftp://cdaweb.gsfc.
Sample usage= website

17. Title=September 2017’s Geoeffective Space Weather and Impacts to Caribbean Radio Communications During Hurricane Response
Authors=R. J. Redmon; D. B. Seaton; R. Steenburgh; J. He; J. V. Rodriguez;
article=2018SW001897; doi=10.1029/2018SW001897; pubdate=25 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage=
Sample usage= their Figure 3) and review OMNIWeb‘s solar wind parameters

18. Title=Reproducible Aspects of the Climate of Space Weather Over the Last Five Solar Cycles
Authors=S. C. Chapman; N. W. Watkins; E. Tindale;
article=2018SW001884; doi=10.1029/2018SW001884; pubdate=27 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= (King & Papitashvili, 2005) through OMNIWeb (the OMNI data were obtained
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s OMNI data set (King & Papitashvili,
Sample usage= here is from the extended OMNI2 data set extracted from
Sample usage= the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at Solar
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb

19. Title=Modeling the Evolution and Propagation of 10 September 2017 CMEs and SEPs Arriving at Mars Constrained by Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurement
Authors=Jingnan Guo; Mateja Dumbović; Robert F. Wimmer Schweingruber; Manuela Temmer; Henning Lohf; Yuming Wang; Astrid Veronig; Donald M. Hassler; Leila M. Mays; Cary Zeitlin; Bent Ehresmann; Olivier Witasse; Johan L. Freiherr von Forstner; Bernd Heber; Mats Holmström; Arik Posner;
article=2018SW001973; doi=10.1029/2018SW001973; pubdate=27 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= The Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb database ( provides the solar
Sample usage= (red, yr) for Earth (OMNI), Mars (Mars-EXpress, MEX), and
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/SPDF
Sample usage= 3. The Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb database ( provides the

20. Title=Solar energetic proton access to the magnetosphere during the 10 14 September 2017 particle event
Authors=T. P. O’Brien; J. E. Mazur; M. D. Looper;
article=2018SW001960; doi=10.1029/2018SW001960; pubdate=02 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center at POES/MetOp and

21. Title=Longitudinal and Seasonal Variability of Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities and Electrodynamics
Authors=Endawoke Yizengaw; Keith M. Groves;
article=2018SW001980; doi=10.1029/2018SW001980; pubdate=08 August 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= Analysis Web (https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.
Sample usage= and

22. Title=Prediction of Solar Wind Speed at 1 AU Using an Artificial Neural Network
Authors=Yi Yang; Fang Shen; Zicai Yang; Xueshang Feng;
article=2018SW001955; doi=10.1029/2018SW001955; pubdate=18 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= downloaded from OMNI web (
Sample usage= OMNI data set is a compilation
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) of
Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) of

23. Title=Perturbed Input Ensemble Modeling With the Space Weather Modeling Framework
Authors=S. K. Morley; D. T. Welling; J. R. Woodroffe;
article=2018SW002000; doi=10.1029/2018SW002000; pubdate=23 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= wind by using the spacecraft-specific OMNI
Sample usage= (SPDF) and are available via
Sample usage= NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility

24. Title=Prediction of the Dst Index and Analysis of Its Dependence on Solar Wind Parameters Using Neural Network
Authors=Ahmed Lethy; Mohamed A. El Eraki; Aalaa Samy; Hanafy A. Deebes;
article=2018SW001863; doi=10.1029/2018SW001863; pubdate=25 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service and
Sample usage= obtained from OMNI database (King & Papitashvili, 2005)

25. Title=Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Origin and Propagation: Case Study of the December 2015 Geomagnetic Storm
Authors=Iurii Cherniak; Irina Zakharenkova;
article=2018SW001869; doi=10.1029/2018SW001869; pubdate=26 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= are 1-min-averaged data from the Service.

26. Title=A Hybrid Regression Neural Network (HR NN) Method for Forecasting the Solar Activity
Authors=D. I. Okoh; G. K. Seemala; A. B. Rabiu; J. Uwamahoro; J. B. Habarulema; M. Aggarwal;
article=2018SW001907; doi=10.1029/2018SW001907; pubdate=04 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere
Sample usage= from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at The data
Sample usage= from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at The
Sample usage= ionospheric models like the International Reference Ionosphere model and in several other

27. Title=A 30 year simulation of the outer electron radiation belt
Authors=S. A. Glauert; R. B. Horne; N. P. Meredith;
article=2018SW001981; doi=10.1029/2018SW001981; pubdate=09 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC, AE-8
Sample usage= number were obtained from the OMNIWeb service provided by the Space
Sample usage= AE-8 Trapped Electron Model Environment, NSSDC /WDC-A-R
Sample usage= Vette, J. I. (1991), The AE-8 Trapped Electron Model Environment, NSSDC/WDC-A-R

28. Title=Validation of Ionospheric Specifications During Geomagnetic Storms: TEC and foF2 during the 2013 March Storm Event
Authors=J. S. Shim; I. Tsagouri; L. Goncharenko; L. Rastaetter; M. Kuznetsova; D. Bilitza; M. Codrescu; A. J. Coster; S. C. Solomon; M. Fedrizzi; M. Förster; T. J. Fuller Rowell; L. C. Gardner; J. Huba; A. A. Namgaladze; B. E. Prokhorov; A. J. Ridley; L. Scherliess; R. W. Schunk; J. J. Sojka; L. Zhu;
article=2018SW002034; doi=10.1029/2018SW002034; pubdate=10 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2016
Sample usage= 1minute OMNI data set (; each of them was
Sample usage= minutes) derived from the 1minute OMNI data set (; each of
Sample usage= models used are: IRI (International Reference Ionosphere) storm
Sample usage= IRI-2016 [Bilitza et al., 2014, 2017;

29. Title=New capabilities for prediction of high latitude ionospheric scintillation: A novel approach with machine learning
Authors=Ryan M. McGranaghan; Anthony J. Mannucci; Brian D. Wilson; Christian A. Mattmann; Richard Chadwick;
article=2018SW002018; doi=10.1029/2018SW002018; pubdate=12 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb, These

30. Title=Recommendations for Next Generation Ground Magnetic Perturbation Validation
Authors=D. T. Welling; C. M. Ngwira; H. J. Opgenoorth; J. D. Haiducek; N. P. Savani; S. K. Morley; C. Cid; R. S. Weigel; J. M. Weygand; J. R. Woodroffe; H. J. Singer; L. Rosenqvist; M. W. Liemohn;
article=2018SW002064; doi=10.1029/2018SW002064; pubdate=12 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= the WIND spacecraft via NASAM-bM-^@M-^Ys CDAWeb and the OMNI database.
Sample usage= via NASA’s CDAWeb and the OMNI database.

31. Title=Assessing the Quality of Models of the Ambient Solar Wind
Authors=P. MacNeice; L. K. Jian; S. K. Antiochos; C. N. Arge; C. D. Bussy Virat; M. L. DeRosa; B. V. Jackson; J. A. Linker; Z. Mikic; M. J. Owens; A. J. Ridley; P. Riley; N. Savani; I. Sokolov;
article=2018SW002040; doi=10.1029/2018SW002040; pubdate=17 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= most recent. It uses the OMNI

32. Title=A variational approach to Data Assimilation in the Solar Wind
Authors=Matthew Lang; Mathew J. Owens;
article=2018SW001857; doi=10.1029/2018SW001857; pubdate=17 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= sampled every 5 hours from OMNI -hourly averages, as for the
Sample usage= We are grateful to the Space Physics Data Facility and National

33. Title=First results from sonification and exploratory citizen science of magnetospheric ULF waves: Long lasting decreasing frequency poloidal field line resonances following geomagnetic storms
Authors=M. O. Archer; M. D. Hartinger; R. Redmon; V. Angelopoulos; B. M. Walsh; Eltham Hill School Year 12 Physics students;
article=2018SW001988; doi=10.1029/2018SW001988; pubdate=17 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= was obtained from the NASA/GSFC OMNIWeb interface at
Sample usage= from the OMNI database, revealing a Coronal Mass

34. Title=On the Need to Automate Support for Quality Assessment Studies of Space Weather Models
Authors=Peter MacNeice;
article=2018SW002039; doi=10.1029/2018SW002039; pubdate=25 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= runs, compared with the OMNI wind speed shown by the

35. Title=Environmental conditions during the reported charging anomalies of the two geosynchronous satellites: Telstar 401 and Galaxy 15
Authors=E. Saiz; C. Cid; A. Guerrero;
article=2018SW001974; doi=10.1029/2018SW001974; pubdate=25 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= (, and therefore, shifted to
Sample usage= are 5-minute resolution from the OMNI web database

36. Title=Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Authors=Michael W. Liemohn; James P. McCollough; Vania K. Jordanova; Chigomezyo M. Ngwira; Steven K. Morley; Consuelo Cid; W. Kent Tobiska; Peter Wintoft; Natalia Yu Ganushkina; Daniel T. Welling; Suzy Bingham; Michael A. Balikhin; Hermann J. Opgenoorth; Miles A. Engel; Robert S. Weigel; Howard J. Singer; Dalia Buresova; Sean Bruinsma; Irina S. Zhelavskaya; Yuri Y. Shprits; Ruggero Vasile;
article=2018SW002067; doi=10.1029/2018SW002067; pubdate=06 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility at, Supermag at
Sample usage= ACE, or more generally, the OMNI database of upstream values, which

37. Title=Time Window Approaches to Space Weather Forecast Metrics: A Solar Wind Case Study
Authors=Mathew J. Owens;
article=2018SW002059; doi=10.1029/2018SW002059; pubdate=06 November 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= 2006. Data are from the Omni dataset
Sample usage= data were provided by the Space Physics Data Facility and National Space Science Data

38. Title=The SPASE Data Model: A Metadata Standard for Registering, Finding, Accessing, and Using Heliophysics Data Obtained from Observations and Modeling
Authors=D. Aaron Roberts; James Thieman; Vincent Génot; Todd King; Michel Gangloff; Chris Perry; Chiu Wiegand; Darren De Zeeuw; Shing F. Fung; Baptiste Cecconi; Sebastien Hess;
article=2018SW002038; doi=10.1029/2018SW002038; pubdate=10 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, NSSDC, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= APIs (particularly M-bM-^@M-^\CDASM-bM-^@M-^] for the CDAWeb archive;
Sample usage=, NSSDC (National Space Science Data Center),
Sample usage= Readme file at SPDF
Sample usage= retrieval of data from NASAM-bM-^@M-^Ys Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) M-bM-^@M-^\CDAWebM-bM-^@M-^] archive

39. Title=Geoeffectiveness of Stream Interaction Regions from 1995 to 2016
Authors=Yutian Chi; Chenglong Shen; Bingxian Luo; Yuming Wang; Mengjiao Xu;
article=2018SW001894; doi=10.1029/2018SW001894; pubdate=16 November 2018
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility (SPDF,

40. Title=Forecasting Periods of Strong Southward Magnetic Field Following Interplanetary Shocks
Authors=T. M. Salman; N. Lugaz; C. J. Farrugia; R. M. Winslow; A. B. Galvin; N. A. Schwadron;
article=2018SW002056; doi=10.1029/2018SW002056; pubdate=22 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, OMNI data
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s OMNI data set through OMNIWeb .
Sample usage= near-Earth OMNI data [King and Papitashvili,

41. Title=Evaluation of Kp and Dst predictions using ACE and DSCOVR solar wind data
Authors=P. Wintoft; M. Wik;
article=2018SW001994; doi=10.1029/2018SW001994; pubdate=02 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, FTPBrowser
Sample usage= 4. merged.html
Sample usage= performance. The Dst model used OMNI solar wind data and M-oM-,M-^Anal
Sample usage= 4. ftpbrowser/dscovr merged.html

42. Title=The development of a space climatology: 3. Models of the evolution of distributions of space weather variables with timescale
Authors=Mike Lockwood; Sarah N. Bentley; Mathew J. Owens; Luke A. Barnard; Chris J. Scott; Clare E. Watt; Oliver Allanson; Mervyn P. Freeman;
article=2018SW002017; doi=10.1029/2018SW002017; pubdate=07 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= downloaded from They are also grateful
Sample usage= prepared and made available the OMNI2 dataset used. The data were
Sample usage= grateful to the staff of Space Physics Data Facility, NASA/Goddard Space

43. Title=The development of a space climatology: 2. The distribution of power input into the magnetosphere on a 3 hourly timescale
Authors=Mike Lockwood; Sarah N. Bentley; Mathew J. Owens; Luke A. Barnard; Chris J. Scott; Clare E. Watt; Oliver Allanson; Mervyn P. Freeman;
article=2018SW002016; doi=10.1029/2018SW002016; pubdate=07 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= downloaded from The work presented in
Sample usage= prepared and made available the OMNI2 dataset used. The data were
Sample usage= grateful to the staff of Space Physics Data Facility, NASA/Goddard Space

44. Title=Merging of storm time midlatitude traveling ionospheric disturbances and equatorial plasma bubbles
Authors=Ercha Aa; Shasha Zou; Aaron Ridley; Shun Rong Zhang; Anthea J. Coster; Philip J. Erickson; Siqing Liu; Jiaen Ren;
article=2018SW002101; doi=10.1029/2018SW002101; pubdate=16 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= NASA/GSFCs Space Physics Data Facilitys OMNIWeb service for geophysical parameters. We

45. Title=A Preliminary Risk Assessment of Geomagnetically Induced Currents over the Italian Territory
Authors=R. Tozzi; P. De Michelis; I. Coco; F. Giannattasio;
article=2018SW002065; doi=10.1029/2018SW002065; pubdate=18 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb
Sample usage= and ISGI (isgi.unistra.f r). The OMNI data as Sym-H and
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb

Science Enabled Research Papers in Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics for 2018

1. Title=How Often Do Thermally Excited 630.0 nm Emissions Occur in the Polar Ionosphere?
Authors=Kwagala, Norah Kaggwa; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Lorentzen, Dag A.; Johnsen, Magnar G.;
article=2017JA024744; doi=10.1002/2017JA024744; pubdate=4 January 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb, SPDF, CCMC
Sample usage= were provided by the NASA OMNIWeb service
Sample usage= (IMF) parameters from the GSFC/SPDF OMNI
Sample usage= [333]  modelweb /models/nrlmsise00.php. This
Sample usage= (IMF) parameters from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNI
Sample usage= [333] This

2. Title=SAPS Associated Explosive Brightening on the Duskside: A New Type of Onset Like Disturbance
Authors=Henderson, M. G.; Morley, S. K.; Kepko, L. E.;
article=2017JA024472; doi=10.1002/2017JA024472; pubdate=9 January 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= [262] The DMSP/OLS data
Sample usage= Goddard Space Flight Center’s Space Physics Data Facility at

3. Title=An Empirical Orthogonal Function Reanalysis of the Northern Polar External and Induced Magnetic Field During Solar Cycle 23
Authors=Shore, R. M.; Freeman, M. P.; Gjerloev, J. W.;
article=2017JA024420; doi=10.1002/2017JA024420; pubdate=9 January 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= [317] 
Sample usage= [317]

4. Title=Global MHD Simulations of the Earth's Bow Shock Shape and Motion Under Variable Solar Wind Conditions
Authors=Mejnertsen, L.; Eastwood, J. P.; Hietala, H.; Schwartz, S. J.; Chittenden, J. P.;
article=2017JA024690; doi=10.1002/2017JA024690; pubdate=10 January 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= (CDAWeb). The source code is

5. Title=Spatial Distribution and Semiannual Variation of Cold Dense Plasma Sheet
Authors=Bai, Shichen; Shi, Quanqi; Tian, Anmin; Nowada, Motoharu; Degeling, Alexander W.; Zhou, Xu Zhi; Zong, Qiu Gang; Rae, I. Jonathan; Fu, Suiyan; Zhang, Hui; Pu, Zuyin; Fazakerly, Andrew N.;
article=2017JA024565; doi=10.1002/2017JA024565; pubdate=23 January 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= of OMNI data obtained from OMNIWeb service at
Sample usage= 2015 are used from the OMNI

6. Title=Interplanetary Parameters Leading to Relativistic Electron Enhancement and Persistent Depletion Events at Geosynchronous Orbit and Potential for Prediction
Authors=Pinto, Victor A.; Kim, Hee Jeong; Lyons, Larry R.; Bortnik, Jacob;
article=2017JA024902; doi=10.1002/2017JA024902; pubdate=5 February 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= of such events, using the OMNI database. We found that there

7. Title=Comment on “Modeling Extreme “Carrington Type” Space Weather Events Using Three Dimensional Global MHD Simulations” by C. M. Ngwira, A. Pulkkinen, M. M. Kuznetsova, and A. Glocer”
Authors=Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Lakhina, Gurbax S.; Echer, Ezequiel; Hajra, Rajkumar; Nayak, Chinmaya; Mannucci, Anthony J.; Meng, Xing;
article=2017JA024779; doi=10.1002/2017JA024779; pubdate=26 February 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= average densities taken from the OMNI data site. In the

8. Title=A Study of Observations of Ionospheric Upwelling Made by the EISCAT Svalbard Radar During the International Polar Year Campaign of 2007
Authors=David, T. W.; Wright, D. M.; Milan, S. E.; Cowley, S. W. H.; Davies, J. A.; McCrea, I.;
article=2017JA024802; doi=10.1002/2017JA024802; pubdate=9 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= between 20 and 23 LT. OMNI data indicate that the

9. Title=The Effect of Subauroral Polarization Streams on Ionosphere and Thermosphere During the 2015 St. Patrick’s Day Storm: Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model Simulations
Authors=Jia Peng Guo; Yue Deng; Dong He Zhang; Yang Lu; Cheng Sheng; Shun Rong Zhang;
article=2017JA024781; doi=10.1002/2017JA024781; pubdate=23 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere
Sample usage= were downloaded from And the DMSP data
Sample usage= 1987) and International Reference Ionosphere (Bilitza, 2001) empirical models. The

10. Title=Determining L M N Current Sheet Coordinates at the Magnetopause From Magnetospheric Multiscale Data
Authors=R. E. Denton; B. U. Sonnerup; C. T. Russell; H. Hasegawa; T. D. Phan; R. J. Strangeway; B. L. Giles; R. E Ergun; P. A. Lindqvist; R. B. Torbert; J. L Burch; S. K. Vines;
article=2017JA024619; doi=10.1002/2017JA024619; pubdate=23 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= OMNIWeb (King & Papitashvili, 2005), the
Sample usage= from NASA/Goddard Space Flight CenterM-bM-^@M-^Ys OMNI data set through

11. Title=The Role of Storm Time Electrodynamics in Suppressing the Equatorial Plasma Bubble Development in the Recovery Phase of a Geomagnetic Storm
Authors=S. Sripathi; S. Banola; K. Emperumal; B. Suneel Kumar; Sandro M. Radicella;
article=2017JA024956; doi=10.1002/2017JA024956; pubdate=25 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= obtained from http://omniweb.gsfc.

12. Title=Annual Occurrence Rates of Ionospheric Polar Cap Patches Observed Using Swarm
Authors=Alex T. Chartier; Cathryn N. Mitchell; Ethan S. Miller;
article=2017JA024811; doi=10.1002/2017JA024811; pubdate=25 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data through https://omniweb.gsfc.
Sample usage= NASA OMNI service for providing F10.7

13. Title=Polar Cap Energy Deposition Events During the 5-6 August 2011 Magnetic Storm
Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell;
article=2017JA025102; doi=10.1002/2017JA025102; pubdate=25 March 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= database (https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.
Sample usage= derived parameters provided by the OMNI database. These include the solar

14. Title=Comment on “Pulsating Auroras Produced by Interactions of Electrons and Time Domain Structures” by Mozer Et Al.
Authors=Y. Nishimura; J. Bortnik; W. Li; V. Angelopoulos; E. F. Donovan; E. L. Spanswick;
article=2017JA024844; doi=10.1002/2017JA024844; pubdate=25 March 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= as daily CDF M-oM-,M-^Ales.
Sample usage= (d) magnetic M-oM-,M-^Aeld inclination, (e) OMNI interplanetary

15. Title=Formation of 30 KeV Proton Isotropic Boundaries During Geomagnetic Storms
Authors=S. Dubyagin; N. Yu. Ganushkina; V. Sergeev;
article=2017JA024587; doi=10.1002/2017JA024587; pubdate=26 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at
Sample usage= from the OMNI database from the
Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at

16. Title=Ionospheric Conductance Spatial Distribution During Geomagnetic Field Reversals
Authors=Bruno S. Zossi; Ana G. Elias; Mariano Fagre;
article=2017JA024925; doi=10.1002/2017JA024925; pubdate=26 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI2012, IRI-2012, VITMO
Sample usage= from IRI-2012 (http://omniweb.gsfc.
Sample usage= gov/modelweb/models/nrlmsise00.
Sample usage= species were obtained from the International Reference Ionosphere , IRI2012, (Bilitza et al.,
Sample usage= from IRI-2012 (http://omniweb.gsfc.
Sample usage= from the International Reference Ionosphere, IRI2012, (Bilitza et al., 2014),
Sample usage= NRLMSISE-00 (http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.
Sample usage= /iri2012_vitmo.html),

17. Title=Imaging the Global Distribution of Plasmaspheric Oxygen
Authors=J. Goldstein; C. R. Chappell; M. W. Davis; M. H. Denton; R. E. Denton; D. L. Gallagher; G. R. Gladstone; M. B. Lecocke; B. R. Sandel; D. L. Windt;
article=2017JA024531; doi=10.1002/2017JA024531; pubdate=26 March 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= are publicly available via the CDAWeb page at

18. Title=The Cross Polar Cap Saturation in GUMICS 4 During High Solar Wind Driving
Authors=A. Lakka; T. I. Pulkkinen; A. P. Dimmock; M. Myllys; I. Honkonen; M. Palmroth;
article=2017JA025054; doi=10.1002/2017JA025054; pubdate=26 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= data from OMNIweb service ( The details of
Sample usage= OMNI data. This work has been

19. Title=Study of the Equatorial and Low Latitude Electrodynamic and Ionospheric Disturbances During the 22-23 June 2015 Geomagnetic Storm Using Ground Based and Spaceborne Techniques
Authors=E. Astafyeva; I. Zakharenkova; K. Hozumi; P. Alken; P. Cosson; M. R. Hairston; W. R. Coley;
article=2017JA024981; doi=10.1002/2017JA024981; pubdate=30 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= –Vsw x Bz (, fluctuated between -15 and
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility‘s OMNIWeb
Sample usage= storm are available at https://ccmc.

20. Title=The Dependence of the Peak Velocity of High Speed Solar Wind Streams as Measured in the Ecliptic by ACE and the STEREO satellites on the Area and Co latitude of Their Solar Source Coronal Holes
Authors=Stefan J. Hofmeister; Astrid Veronig; Manuela Temmer; Susanne Vennerstrom; Bernd Heber; Bojan Vrsnak;
article=2017JA024586; doi=10.1002/2017JA024586; pubdate=30 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= in the OMNI database (https://omniweb.gsfc.
Sample usage= index as listed in the OMNI database (https://omniweb.gsfc.

21. Title=Survey of Magnetosheath Plasma Properties at Saturn and Inference of Upstream Flow Conditions
Authors=M. F. Thomsen; A. J. Coates; C. M. Jackman; N. Sergis; X. Jia; K. C. Hansen;
article=2018JA025214; doi=10.1002/2018JA025214; pubdate=30 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= alpha-to-proton ratio available from the OMNI database of near-Earth

22. Title=Large Scale Survey of the Structure of the Dayside Magnetopause by MMS
Authors=G. Paschmann; S. E. Haaland; T. D. Phan; B. U. Sonnerup; J. L. Burch; R. B. Torbert; D. J. Gershman; J. C. Dorelli; B. L. Giles; C. Pollock; Y. Saito; B. Lavraud; C. T. Russell; R. J. Strangeway; W. Baumjohann; S. A. Fuselier;
article=2017JA025121; doi=10.1002/2017JA025121; pubdate=30 March 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= M-oM-,M-^Aeld data from CDAWeb. Based on a determination
Sample usage= OMNI data (King & Papitashvili, 2005)

23. Title=A Statistical Study of Spatial Variation of Relativistic Electron Precipitation Energy Spectra With Polar Operational Environmental Satellites
Authors=S. Shekhar; R. M. Millan; M. K. Hudson;
article=2017JA025041; doi=10.1002/2017JA025041; pubdate=31 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= data from OMNI database ( A histogram
Sample usage= averaged IMF Bz data from OMNI database ( A histogram
Sample usage= GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at

24. Title=How the IMF By Induces a Local By Component During Northward IMF Bz and Characteristic Timescales
Authors=P. Tenfjord; N. Østgaard; S. Haaland; K. Snekvik; K. M. Laundal; J. P. Reistad; R. Strangeway; S. E. Milan; M. Hesse; A. Ohma;
article=2018JA025186; doi=10.1002/2018JA025186; pubdate=31 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, CCMC
Sample usage= 12, 14, and 15 and OMNI data from 1997 to 2017.
Sample usage= NASA/GSFCs Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= different IMF conditions (available at For both runs the

25. Title=Transmission of a Magnetospheric Pc1 Wave Beam Through the Ionosphere to the Ground
Authors=E. N. Fedorov; V. A. Pilipenko; M. J. Engebretson; M. D. Hartinger;
article=2018JA025338; doi=10.1029/2018JA025338; pubdate=04 April 2018
Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, CCMC
Sample usage= model (
Sample usage= from the International Reference Ionosphere model. The spatial structure of
Sample usage= permittivity tensor elements (3), the IRI-2007 model (Bilitza
Sample usage= model (

26. Title=Modeling Study of the Geospace System Response to the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancement on 17 March 2015
Authors=D. S. Ozturk; S. Zou; A. J. Ridley; J. A. Slavin;
article=2017JA025099; doi=10.1002/2017JA025099; pubdate=6 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= from the Wind spacecraft through CDAWeb and the Sym-H index obtained
Sample usage= OMNIWeb are shown on the left
Sample usage= SPDF through CDAWeb. For the ground

27. Title=Interplanetary Magnetic Field Bx Component Influence on Horizontal and Field Aligned Currents in the Ionosphere
Authors=K. M. Laundal; J. P. Reistad; C. C. Finlay; N. Østgaard; P. Tenfjord; K. Snekvik; A. Ohma;
article=2017JA024864; doi=10.1002/2017JA024864; pubdate=06 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Data FacilityM-bM-^@M-^Ys OMNIWeb service
Sample usage= OMNI data points from 1981 to

28. Title=A Review of Alfvenic Turbulence in High Speed Solar Wind Streams: Hints From Cometary Plasma Turbulence
Authors=Bruce T. Tsurutani; Gurbax S. Lakhina; Abhijit Sen; Petr Hellinger; Karl Heinz Glassmeier; Anthony J. Mannucci;
article=2017JA024203; doi=10.1002/2017JA024203; pubdate=6 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= (
Sample usage= obtained from the OMNI database

29. Title=Large Scale Structure of Subauroral Polarization Streams During the Main Phase of a Severe Geomagnetic Storm
Authors=Fei He; Xiao Xin Zhang; Wenbin Wang; Libo Liu; Zhi Peng Ren; Xinan Yue; Lianhuan Hu; Weixing Wan; Hui Wang;
article=2018JA025234; doi=; pubdate=6 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC OMNIWeb for providing the
Sample usage= Figure 1. (a) The OMNI 5-min averaged interplanetary magnetic M-oM-,M-^Aeld

30. Title=Motions of the Convection Reversal Boundary and Local Plasma in the High Latitude Ionosphere
Authors=Yun Ju Chen; Roderick A. Heelis;
article=2017JA024934; doi=; pubdate=6 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface. The IMF data are
Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface. The IMF data

31. Title=Influence of the IMF Cone Angle on Invariant Latitudes of Polar Region Footprints of FACs in the Magnetotail: Cluster Observation
Authors=Z. W. Cheng; J. K. Shi; J. C. Zhang; K. Torkar; L. M. Kistler; M. Dunlop; C. Carr; H. Rème; I. Dandouras; A. Fazakerley;
article=2017JA024941; doi=; pubdate=6 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at
Sample usage= index were obtained from the OMNI database. The
Sample usage= the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at

32. Title=Coordinated Satellite Observations of the Very Low Frequency Transmission Through the Ionospheric D Layer at Low Latitudes, Using Broadband Radio Emissions From Lightning
Authors=Abram R. Jacobson; Robert H. Holzworth; Robert Pfaff; Roderick Heelis;
article=2017JA024942; doi=; pubdate=6 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= data-portal,

33. Title=Understanding the Global Variability in Thermospheric Nitric Oxide Flux Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs)
Authors=Sierra Flynn; Delores J. Knipp; Tomoko Matsuo; Martin Mlynczak; Linda Hunt;
article=2018JA025353; doi=; pubdate=09 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb,
Sample usage=;

34. Title=Large Amplitude High Frequency Waves at Earth’s Magnetopause
Authors=D. B. Graham; A. Vaivads; Yu. V. Khotyaintsev; M. André; O. Le Contel; D. M. Malaspina; P. A. Lindqvist; F. D. Wilder; R. E. Ergun; D. J. Gershman; B. L. Giles; W. Magnes; C. T. Russell; J. L. Burch; R. B. Torbert;
article=2017JA025034; doi=; pubdate=13 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage=
Sample usage= dynamic pressure Dp from the OMNI database. For each wave event

35. Title=Composition of 1-128 keV Magnetospheric ENAs
Authors=P. W. Valek; E. Delmonico; D. J. McComas; J. Goldstein; F. Allegrini; S. Livi;
article=2017JA024997; doi=; pubdate=13 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= propagation of these data (
Sample usage= ACE and time shifted by OMNI. The
Sample usage= shock nose by the Space Physics Data Facility/OMNI data service. The SymH

36. Title=Deriving Global Convection Maps From SuperDARN Measurements
Authors=J. W. Gjerloev; C. L. Waters; R. J. Barnes;
article=2017JA024543; doi=; pubdate=13 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= Panels from top to bottom: OMNI IMF data, SuperMAG sunlit SML/SMU,

37. Title=Multivariable Comprehensive Analysis of Two Great Geomagnetic Storms of 2015
Authors=A. Kashcheyev; Y. Migoya Orue; C. Amory Mazaudier; R. Fleury; B. Nava; K. Alazo Cuartas; S. M. Radicella;
article=2017JA024900; doi=; pubdate=16 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Advanced Composition Explorer (

38. Title=Spatial Distribution of Plasma Sheet Entropy Reduction Caused by a Plasma Bubble: Rice Convection Model Simulations
Authors=Chih Ping Wang; Matina Gkioulidou; Larry R. Lyons; Richard A. Wolf;
article=2018JA025347; doi=; pubdate=16 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= CDAWeb for providing the OMNI data.
Sample usage= CDAWeb for providing the OMNI data.

39. Title=Empirical Characterization of Low Altitude Ion Flux Derived from TWINS
Authors=J. Goldstein; K. LLera; D. J. McComas; J. Redfern; P. W. Valek;
article=2017JA024957; doi=; pubdate=16 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Analysis Web (CDAWeb)

40. Title=Van Allen Probes Observations of Drift Bounce Resonance and Energy Transfer Between Energetic Ring Current Protons and Poloidal Pc4 Wave
Authors=S. Oimatsu; M. Nosé; K. Takahashi; K. Yamamoto; K. Keika; C. A. Kletzing; C. W. Smith; R. J. MacDowall; D. G. Mitchell;
article=2017JA025087; doi=; pubdate=16 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= NASA OMNIweb site: https://omniweb.

41. Title=A Distributed Lag Autoregressive Model of Geostationary Relativistic Electron Fluxes: Comparing the Influences of Waves, Seed and Source Electrons, and Solar Wind Inputs
Authors=Laura Simms; Mark Engebretson; Mark Clilverd; Craig Rodger; Marc Lessard; Jesper Gjerloev; Geoffrey Reeves;
article=2017JA025002; doi=; pubdate=16 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= field), and pressure from the Omniweb database. We use daily

42. Title=Effects of Geomagnetic Storms on the Postsunset Vertical Plasma Drift in the Equatorial Ionosphere
Authors=Chao Song Huang;
article=2018JA025360; doi=; pubdate=16 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage=

43. Title=An Empirical Model of Radiation Belt Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Based On Van Allen Probes Measurements
Authors=H. Zhao; R. H. W. Friedel; Y. Chen; G. D. Reeves; D. N. Baker; X. Li; A. N. Jaynes; S. G. Kanekal; S. G. Claudepierre; J. F. Fennell; J. B. Blake; H. E. Spence;
article=2018JA025277; doi=; pubdate=17 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= provided by OMNIWeb (

44. Title=Nonlinear and Synergistic Effects of ULF Pc5, VLF Chorus, and EMIC Waves on Relativistic Electron Flux at Geosynchronous Orbit
Authors=Laura E. Simms; Mark J. Engebretson; Mark A. Clilverd; Craig J. Rodger; Geoffrey D. Reeves;
article=2017JA025003; doi=; pubdate=18 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Kp index are from the Omniweb database.
Sample usage= Facility at the OMNI Web data website

45. Title=Subsidence of Ionospheric Flows Triggered by Magnetotail Magnetic Reconnection During Transpolar Arc Brightening
Authors=Motoharu Nowada; Robert C. Fear; Adrian Grocott; Quan Qi Shi; Jun Yang; Qiu Gang Zong; Yong Wei; Sui Yan Fu; Zu Yin Pu; Bagrat Mailyan; Hui Zhang;
article=2017JA024701; doi=; pubdate=19 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= (, provided by GSFC/NASA. We

46. Title=Seasonal and Temporal Variations of Field Aligned Currents and Ground Magnetic Deflections During Substorms
Authors=C. Forsyth; M. Shortt; J. C. Coxon; I. J. Rae; M. P. Freeman; N. M. E. Kalmoni; C. M. Jackman; B. J. Anderson; S. E. Milan; A. G. Burrell;
article=2017JA025136; doi=; pubdate=19 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= available from
Sample usage= et al. (2015). OMNI solar wind data are

47. Title=ELF Whistler Dependence on a Sunlit Ionosphere
Authors=Bruce A. Fritz; John Heavisides; Matthew A. Young; Hyomin Kim; Marc R. Lessard;
article=2017JA024912; doi=; pubdate=19 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2016
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s OMNI data set through OMNIWeb. The minimum index value
Sample usage= from NASA/GSFC’s OMNI data set through OMNIWeb. The
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb
Sample usage= from the International Reference Ionosphere 2016 show that the peaks
Sample usage= composition are determined using IRI-2016 for 1 February 2004 above

48. Title=On the role of last closed drift shell dynamics in driving fast losses and Van Allen radiation belt extinction
Authors=L. Olifer; I. R. Mann; S. K. Morley; L. G. Ozeke; D. Choi;
article=2018JA025190; doi=; pubdate=20 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= Node on the Internet (OMNI) database. Energetic particle data

49. Title=ULF Wave Activity in the Magnetosphere: Resolving Solar Wind Interdependencies to Identify Driving Mechanisms
Authors=S. N. Bentley; C. E. J. Watt; M. J. Owens; I. J. Rae;
article=2017JA024740; doi=; pubdate=21 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, VITMO
Sample usage= Center’s OMNI data set through OMNIWeb at, which has already
Sample usage= quantities; for example, in the OMNI data solar wind dynamic
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb
Sample usage= gov/vitmo/cgm_vitmo.html. MLTs are calculated from

50. Title=An Auroral Boundary Oriented Model of Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS)
Authors=R. G. Landry; P. C. Anderson;
article=2017JA024921; doi=10.1002/2017JA024921; pubdate=21 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface

51. Title=Formation of the dayside magnetopause and its boundary layers under the radial IMF
Authors=Gilbert Pi; Zdeněk Němeček; Jana Šafránková; Kostiantyn Grygorov; Jih Hong Shue;
article=2018JA025199; doi=10.1029/2018JA025199; pubdate=22 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb,
Sample usage= (CDAWeb),

52. Title=Magnetosheath propagation time of solar wind directional discontinuities
Authors=A. A. Samsonov; D. G. Sibeck; N. P. Dmitrieva; V. S. Semenov; K. Yu. Slivka; J. Safrankova; Z. Nemecek;
article=2017JA025174; doi=10.1029/2017JA025174; pubdate=23 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb), from

53. Title=The association of high latitude dayside aurora with NBZ field aligned currents
Authors=J. A. Carter; S. E. Milan; A. R. Fogg; L. Paxton; B. J. Anderson;
article=2017JA025082; doi=10.1029/2017JA025082; pubdate=23 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC OMNI facility ( The author’s wish to
Sample usage= the OMNI database [King and Papitashvili, 2005].

54. Title=Statistical Patterns of Ionospheric Convection Derived From Mid latitude, High Latitude, and Polar SuperDARN HF Radar Observations
Authors=E. G. Thomas; S. G. Shepherd;
article=2018JA025280; doi=10.1002/2018JA025280; pubdate=26 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= data are obtained from the OMNIWeb Plus interface (King & Papitashvili,
Sample usage= OMNI data are obtained from the
Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb Plus interface

55. Title=Detailed Regression Model of Plasma Sheet By
Authors=A. A. Petrukovich; A. S. Lukin;
article=2017JA024993; doi=10.1002/2017JA024993; pubdate=26 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI2
Sample usage= high as 0.43 for 2003M-bM-^@M-^S2005. OMNI data for 2003M-bM-^@M-^S2005 spring seasons
Sample usage= data were taken from 5-min OMNI2 data set.

56. Title=Was Magnetic Storm the Only Driver of the Long Duration Enhancements of Daytime Total Electron Content in the Asian Australian Sector Between 7 and 12 September 2017?
Authors=Jiuhou Lei; Fuqing Huang; Xuetao Chen; Jiahao Zhong; Dexin Ren; Wenbin Wang; Xinan Yue; Xiaoli Luan; Mingjiao Jia; Xiankang Dou; Lianhuan Hu; Baiqi Ning; Charles Owolabi; Jinsong Chen; Guozhu Li; Xianghui Xue;
article=2017JA025166; doi=10.1029/2017JA025166; pubdate=26 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= We acknowledge CDAWeb ( for providing
Sample usage= OMNIWeb (https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.

57. Title=Equatorial ionospheric disturbance field aligned plasma drifts observed by C/NOFS
Authors=Ruilong Zhang; Libo Liu; N. Balan; Huijun Le; Yiding Chen; Biqiang Zhao;
article=2018JA025273; doi=10.1029/2018JA025273; pubdate=30 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= C/NOFS was launched into
Sample usage= SYM-H index provided by the OMNI database can be downloaded from

58. Title=Observations of Kelvin Helmholtz waves in the Earth’s magnetotail near lunar orbit
Authors=Yiming Ling; Quanqi Shi; Xiao Chen Shen; Anmin Tian; Wenya Li; Binbin Tang; A. W. Degeling; Hiroshi Hasegawa; Motoharu Nowada; Hui Zhang; I. J. Rae; Qiu Gang Zong; Suiyan Fu; A. N. Fazakerley; Zuyin Pu;
article=2018JA025183; doi=10.1029/2018JA025183; pubdate=30 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= was through CDA web ( This work was supported

59. Title=Collisional Heating of Interstellar Helium Flux at 1 AU
Authors=Mike Gruntman;
article=2018JA025383; doi=10.1029/2018JA025383; pubdate=30 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= derived from the OMNI ( daily data base for
Sample usage= averages are derived from the OMNI ( daily data base for
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at

60. Title=Study on the Curvature and Gradient of the Magnetic Field in Earth’s Cusp Region Based on the Magnetic Curvature Analysis Method
Authors=Chao Xiao; Wenlong Liu; Chao Shen; Hua Zhang; Zhaojin Rong;
article=2017JA025028; doi=10.1029/2017JA025028; pubdate=04 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= data are available at http://cdaweb.gsfc.
Sample usage= Facility’s OMNIWeb service. The OMNI

61. Title=The Morphology of the 6 Day Wave in Both the Neutral Atmosphere and F Region Ionosphere Under Solar Minimum Conditions
Authors=Sheng Yang Gu; Haibing Ruan; Cheng Yun Yang; Quan Gan; Xiankang Dou; Ningning Wang;
article=2018JA025302; doi=10.1029/2018JA025302; pubdate=07 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= at The

62. Title=Van Allen Probes Observation of a Fundamental Poloidal Standing Alfvén Wave Event Related to Giant Pulsations
Authors=Kazue Takahashi; Seth G. Claudepierre; Robert Rankin; Ian R. Mann; Charles W. Smith;
article=2017JA025139; doi=10.1029/2017JA025139; pubdate=08 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Data Facility OMNIWeb
Sample usage= OMNI

63. Title=Simultaneous observations of polar mesosphere winter echoes and cosmic noise absorptions in a common volume by the PANSY radar (69.0 S, 39.6 E)
Authors=T. Nishiyama; K. Sato; T. Nakamura; M. Tsutsumi; T. Sato; Y. Tanaka; K. Nishimura; Y. Tomikawa; M. Kohma;
article=2017JA024717; doi=10.1029/2017JA024717; pubdate=09 May 2018
Keywords found: SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI\d{2,4}
Sample usage= at T. Nishiyama appreciates
Sample usage= be more suitable than the international reference ionosphere
Sample usage= at T. Nishiyama appreciates

64. Title=PYSAT: Python Satellite Data Analysis Toolkit
Authors=R. A. Stoneback; A. G. Burrell; J. Klenzing; M. D. Depew;
article=2018JA025297; doi=10.1029/2018JA025297; pubdate=09 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= a combined netCDF4 and NASA CDAWeb standard employed by the upcoming
Sample usage= IVM, VEFI, PLP, and NASA’s OMNI data sets are all driven

65. Title=The Ionospheric Impact of an ICME Driven Sheath Region Over Indian and American Sectors in the Absence of a Typical Geomagnetic Storm
Authors=Diptiranjan Rout; D. Chakrabarty; S. Sarkhel; R. Sekar; B. G. Fejer; G. D. Reeves; Atul S. Kulkarni; Nestor Aponte; Mike Sulzer; John D. Mathews; Robert B. Kerr; John Noto;
article=2018JA025334; doi=10.1029/2018JA025334; pubdate=09 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= taken from the NASA GSFC CDAWeb

66. Title=Interaction of the Interplanetary Shock and IMF Directional Discontinuity in the Solar Wind
Authors=O. Goncharov; A. Koval; J. Šafránková; Z. Němeček; M. L. Stevens; A. Szabo; L. Přech;
article=2018JA025195; doi=10.1029/2018JA025195; pubdate=09 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= via

67. Title=Solar wind and seasonal influence on ionospheric currents from Swarm and CHAMP measurements
Authors=K. M. Laundal; C. C. Finlay; N. Olsen; J. P. Reistad;
article=2018JA025387; doi=10.1029/2018JA025387; pubdate=10 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= index data were provided through OMNIWeb by the Space Physics Data
Sample usage= omni/highresomni/. We thank the AMPERE
Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF), and downloaded from ftp://spdf.gsfc.
Sample usage= provided through OMNIWeb by the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF), and downloaded from ftp://spdf.gsfc.

68. Title=Global model of plasmaspheric hiss from multiple satellite observations
Authors=Nigel P. Meredith; Richard B. Horne; Tobias Kersten; Wen Li; Jacob Bortnik; Angélica Sicard Piet; Keith H. Yearby;
article=2018JA025226; doi=10.1029/2018JA025226; pubdate=10 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, NSSDC
Sample usage= We acknowledge the CDAWeb ( and the
Sample usage= We acknowledge the NSSDC Omniweb for
Sample usage= We acknowledge the NSSDC Omniweb for

69. Title=Magnetospheric Multiscale Dayside Reconnection Electron Diffusion Region Events
Authors=J. M. Webster; J. L. Burch; P. H. Reiff; A. G. Daou; K. J. Genestreti; D. B. Graham; R. B. Torbert; R. E. Ergun; S. Y. Sazykin; A. Marshall; R. C. Allen; L. J. Chen; S. Wang; T. D. Phan; B. L. Giles; T. E. Moore; S. A. Fuselier; G. Cozzani; C. T. Russell; S. Eriksson; A. C. Rager; J. M. Broll; K. Goodrich; F. Wilder;
article=2018JA025245; doi=10.1029/2018JA025245; pubdate=14 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= We thank CDAWeb data provider J. H. King,
Sample usage= GSFC for the OMNI data.

70. Title=The First Comparison Between Swarm C Accelerometer Derived Thermospheric Densities and Physical and Empirical Model Estimates
Authors=Timothy Kodikara; Brett Carter; Kefei Zhang;
article=2017JA025118; doi=10.1029/2017JA025118; pubdate=15 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, CCMC
Sample usage= <>. SSI data
Sample usage= from the OMNI database
Sample usage= model via <>.

71. Title=Observation of Intermittency Induced Critical Dynamics in Geomagnetic Field Time Series Prior to the Intense Magnetic Storms of March, June, and December 2015
Authors=Georgios Balasis; Ioannis A. Daglis; Yiannis Contoyiannis; Stelios M. Potirakis; Constantinos Papadimitriou; Nikolaos S. Melis; Omiros GIannakis; Athanasios Papaioannou; Anastasios Anastasiadis; Charalampos Kontoes;
article=2017JA025131; doi=10.1002/2017JA025131; pubdate=15 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Web (CDAWeb) online repository

72. Title=Characteristics of Equatorial and Low Latitude Plasma Irregularities as Investigated Using a Meridional Chain of Radio Experiments Over India
Authors=S. Sripathi; Sreeba Sreekumar; S. Banola;
article=2017JA024980; doi=10.1029/2017JA024980; pubdate=17 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= here are obtained from http://omniweb.

73. Title=CESE HLL Magnetic Field Driven Modeling of the Background Solar Wind During Year 2008
Authors=Huichao Li; Xueshang Feng;
article=2017JA025125; doi=10.1029/2017JA025125; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= are obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at
Sample usage= on the Internet (OMNI) in-situ data. These model
Sample usage= are obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service,

74. Title=Poloidal mode wave particle interactions inferred from Van Allen Probes and CARISMA ground based observations
Authors=C. Wang; R. Rankin; Y. Wang; Q. G. Zong; X. Zhou; K. Takahashi; R. Marchand; A. W. Degeling;
article=2017JA025123; doi=10.1029/2017JA025123; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage=, and CARISMA data ( 

75. Title=Observations of asymmetries in ionospheric return flow during different levels of geomagnetic activity
Authors=J. P. Reistad; N. Østgaard; K. M. Laundal; A. Ohma; K. Snekvik; P. Tenfjord; A. Grocott; K. Oksavik; S. E. Milan; S. Haaland;
article=2017JA025051; doi=10.1029/2017JA025051; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( for OMNI data.
Sample usage= We use the 1 min OMNI data product
Sample usage= from NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility [King and Papitashvili, 2005], represented

76. Title=Tailward propagation of magnetic energy density variations with respect to substorm onset times
Authors=John C. Coxon; Mervyn P. Freeman; Caitriona M. Jackman; Colin Forsyth; I. Jonathan Rae; Robert C. Fear;
article=2017JA025147; doi=10.1029/2017JA025147; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= this paper were obtained from CDAWeb
Sample usage= also employ data from the OMNI dataset, namely the Interplanetary Magnetic

77. Title=Comparison of the Ionosphere during an SMC initiating substorm and an isolated substorm
Authors=A. D. DeJong; J. M. Bell; A. J. Ridley;
article=2017JA025055; doi=10.1029/2017JA025055; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= // and the OMNI 
Sample usage= // and the OMNI data
Sample usage= this plot comes from the OMNI data set.

78. Title=Explicit IMF By Dependence in High Latitude Geomagnetic Activity
Authors=L. Holappa; K. Mursula;
article=2018JA025517; doi=10.1029/2018JA025517; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2
Sample usage= from the OMNI2 database ( time shifted to the
Sample usage= 1966-2015 from the OMNI2 database ( time shifted to

79. Title=Electron nonlinear resonant interaction with short and intense parallel chorus wave packets
Authors=D. Mourenas; X. J. Zhang; A. V. Artemyev; V. Angelopoulos; R. M. Thorne; J. Bortnik; A. I. Neishtadt; A. A. Vasiliev;
article=2018JA025417; doi=10.1029/2018JA025417; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Flight Center for providing the OMNI data used in this study.
Sample usage= providing AE index, and the Space Physics Data Facility at

80. Title=Seasonal Propagation Characteristics of MSTIDs Observed at High Latitudes over Central Alaska using the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar
Authors=M. R. Negale; M. J. Taylor; M. J. Nicolls; S. L. Vadas; K. Nielsen; C. J. Heinselman;
article=2017JA024876; doi=10.1029/2017JA024876; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC
Sample usage= NASA’s OMNIWeb during this 10 year
Sample usage= and S.S. Towheed (1995), NSSDC OMNIWeb: The M-oM-,M-^Arst space physics

81. Title=Effects of oblique wave normal angle and non circular polarization of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves on the pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons
Authors=Dae Young Lee; Dae Kyu Shin; Cheong Rim Choi;
article=2018JA025342; doi=10.1029/2018JA025342; pubdate=22 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= can be obtained from NASAM-bM-^@M-^Ys CDAWeb FTP server at and

82. Title=Determining the mode, frequency, and azimuthal wave number of ULF waves during a HSS and moderate geomagnetic storm
Authors=Kyle R. Murphy; Andrew R. Inglis; David G. Sibeck; I. Jonathan Rae; Clare E. J. Watt; Marcos Silveira; Ferdinand Plaschke; Seth G. Claudepierre; Rumi Nakamura;
article=2017JA024877; doi=10.1029/2017JA024877; pubdate=23 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= from the OMNIweb space physics data facility; the
Sample usage= available through the OMNI database at Work at
Sample usage= from the OMNIweb space physics data facility; the solar wind data

83. Title=Semi analytical estimation of energy deposition in the ionosphere by monochromatic Alfven waves
Authors=Olga P. Verkhoglyadova; Xing Meng; Anthony J. Manucci; Ryan M. McGranaghan;
article=2017JA025097; doi=10.1029/2017JA025097; pubdate=31 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI2012, IRI-2012, VITMO
Sample usage= // itmo.html). The NRLMSISE-00
Sample usage= the OMNI 1-minute resolution solar wind data
Sample usage= 2002], modelweb /models/nrlmsise00.php),
Sample usage= and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2012) model ([Bilitza et al.,
Sample usage= and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2012) model ([Bilitza et al.,
Sample usage= be run online at  iri2012 vitmo.html
Sample usage= // itmo.html). The NRLMSISE-00 is

84. Title=Comprehensive analysis of the counter equatorial electrojet: Average properties as deduced from CHAMP observations
Authors=Yun Liang Zhou; Hermann Lühr; Hong wen Xu; Patrick Alken;
article=2018JA025526; doi=10.1029/2018JA025526; pubdate=31 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= at The work of Yun-Liang

85. Title=EISCAT observation of wave like fluctuations in vertical velocity of polar mesospheric summer echoes associated with a geomagnetic disturbance
Authors=Young Sook Lee; Yong Ha Kim; Kyung Chan Kim; Young Sil Kwak; Timothy Sergienko; Sheila Kirkwood; Magnar G. Johnsen;
article=2018JA025399; doi=10.1029/2018JA025399; pubdate=04 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= wind parameters are obtained from OMNIWeb which is
Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb for the provision of

86. Title=Ion injection triggered EMIC waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere
Authors=B. Remya; D. G. Sibeck; A. J. Halford; K. R. Murphy; G. D. Reeves; H. J. Singer; J. R. Wygant; G. Farinas Perez; S. A. Thaller;
article=2018JA025354; doi=10.1029/2018JA025354; pubdate=04 June 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= indices are available at OMNI/CDAWeb: The
Sample usage= are available at OMNI/CDAWeb: The
Sample usage= indices are obtained from the OMNI database.

87. Title=A comparative study of ULF waves’ role in the dynamics of charged particles in the plasmasphere: Van Allen Probes observation
Authors=Jie Ren; Qiu Gang Zong; Yoshizumi Miyoshi; Robert Rankin; Harlan, E Spence; Herbert, O. Funsten; John Wygant; Craig, A. Kletzing;
article=2018JA025255; doi=10.1029/2018JA025255; pubdate=04 June 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= NASA CDAWeb ( for providing all data

88. Title=MMS/FEEPS Observations of Electron Microinjections due to Kelvin Helmholtz Waves and Flux Transfer Events: A case study
Authors=S. Kavosi; H. E. Spence; J. F. Fennell; D. L. Turner; H. K. Connor; J. Raeder;
article=2018JA025244; doi=10.1029/2018JA025244; pubdate=04 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= the top to bottom: the OMNI interplanetary

89. Title=The mid latitude trough and the plasmapause in the nighttime ionosphere simultaneously observed by DEMETER during 2006 2009
Authors=C. Y. Chen; Tiger J. Y. Liu; I. T. Lee; H. Rothkaehl; D. Przepiorka; Loren C. Chang; B. Matyjasiak; K. Ryu; K. I. Oyama;
article=2017JA024840; doi=10.1029/2017JA024840; pubdate=05 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, IGRF
Sample usage= daily F10.7 is employed ( Chen et al.
Sample usage= IGRF2000 ( and L-value

Authors=N. Borisov; F. Honary; H. Li;
article=2018JA025530; doi=10.1029/2018JA025530; pubdate=05 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, IRI2012, VITMO
Sample usage= available through the website (
Sample usage= (
Sample usage= available through the website (
Sample usage= available through the website (

91. Title=Solar wind signatures throughout the high latitude atmosphere
Authors=P. Francia; M. Regi; M. De Lauretis;
article=2018JA025411; doi=10.1029/2018JA025411; pubdate=10 June 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= N. Papatashvilli at NASA and CDAWeb for solar wind data

92. Title=Properties of intense field aligned lower band chorus waves: Implications for nonlinear wave particle interactions
Authors=X. J. Zhang; R. Thorne; A. Artemyev; D. Mourenas; V. Angelopoulos; J. Bortnik; C. A. Kletzing; W. S. Kurth; G. B. Hospodarsky;
article=2018JA025390; doi=10.1029/2018JA025390; pubdate=12 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= Flight Center for providing the OMNI

93. Title=Rapid enhancements of the seed populations in the heart of the Earth’s outer radiation belt: A multicase study
Authors=C. L. Tang; X. J. Xie; B. Ni; Z. P. Su; G. D. Reeves; J. C. Zhang; D. N. Baker; H. E. Spence; H. O. Funsten; J. B. Blake; J. R. Wygant; G. Y. Dai;
article=2017JA025142; doi=10.1029/2017JA025142; pubdate=12 June 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= ( The level 2 spin-averaged

94. Title=Concomitant double ion and electron populations in the Earth’s magnetopause boundary layers from double reconnection with lobe and closed field lines
Authors=Benoit Lavraud; Christian Jacquey; Timothée Achilli; Stephen A. Fuselier; Elena Grigorenko; Tai D. Phan; Marit Øieroset; James McFadden; Vassilis Angelopoulos;
article=2017JA025152; doi=10.1029/2017JA025152; pubdate=19 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from the OMNI dataset ( averaged over the DPBL
Sample usage= dawn and dusk directions), using OMNI data. The

95. Title=Dayside magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to a foreshock transient on June 25, 2008: 1. FLR observed by satellite and ground based magnetometers
Authors=Xiao Chen Shen; Quanqi Shi; Boyi Wang; Hui Zhang; Mary K. Hudson; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Michael D. Hartinger; Anmin Tian; Qiu Gang Zong; I. J. Rae; Alex W. Degeling;
article=2018JA025349; doi=10.1029/2018JA025349; pubdate=20 June 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= obtained from the website:

96. Title=Global Longitudinal Behavior of IRI Bottomside Profile Parameters from FORMOSAT 3/COSMIC Ionospheric Occultations
Authors=Sampad Kumar Panda; Haris Haralambous; Venkatesh Kavutarapu;
article=2018JA025246; doi=10.1029/2018JA025246; pubdate=25 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2012, IRI2012, VITMO
Sample usage= of the IRI-2012 model (\_vitmo.
Sample usage= electron density profile in the international reference ionosphere (IRI) model. We investigated their
Sample usage= are then compared with the IRI-2012 sub-models, i.e., Bil-2000,
Sample usage= of bottomside profilles from existing IRI2012 have been performed with the
Sample usage= of the IRI-2012 model (\_vitmo.

97. Title=Electron flux enhancements at L = 4.2 observed by Global Positioning System satellites: Relationship with solar wind and geomagnetic activity
Authors=X. J. Zhang; D. Mourenas; A. V. Artemyev; V. Angelopoulos; R. M. Thorne;
article=2018JA025497; doi=10.1029/2018JA025497; pubdate=25 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= Flight Center for providing the OMNI

98. Title=ARTEMIS Observations of Solar Wind Proton Scattering off the Lunar Surface
Authors=C. Lue; J. S. Halekas; A. R. Poppe; J. P. McFadden;
article=2018JA025486; doi=10.1029/2018JA025486; pubdate=26 June 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= publicly available at NASA’s CDAWeb

99. Title=Kinetic Scale Ion Flux Fluctuations Behind the Quasi Parallel and Quasi Perpendicular Bow Shock
Authors=L. Rakhmanova; M. Riazantseva; G. Zastenker; M. Verigin;
article=2018JA025179; doi=10.1029/2018JA025179; pubdate=26 June 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Data were downloaded from web source.

100. Title=The Improved Two Dimensional Artificial Neural Network Based Ionospheric Model (ANNIM)
Authors=S. Tulasi Ram; V. Sai Gowtam; Arka Mitra; B. Reinisch;
article=2018JA025559; doi=10.1029/2018JA025559; pubdate=27 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2016
Sample usage= space physics data facility (
Sample usage= space physics data facility (
Sample usage= functions, for example, IRI (International Reference Ionosphere) and NeQuick (Bilitza et
Sample usage= Digisonde measurements and the IRI-2016 model ( under varying solar

101. Title=Plasma Anisotropies and Currents in the Near Earth Plasma Sheet and Inner Magnetosphere
Authors=A. V. Artemyev; X. J. Zhang; V. Angelopoulos; A. Runov; H. E. Spence; B. A. Larsen;
article=2018JA025232; doi=10.1029/2018JA025232; pubdate=30 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= providing the OMNI data used
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility at the NASA

102. Title=Diurnal Variation of Height Distributed Nitric Oxide Radiative Emission During November 2004 Super Storm
Authors=Tikemani Bag;
article=2018JA025239; doi=10.1029/2018JA025239; pubdate=30 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= (, last accessed on December
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) OMNIWeb database
Sample usage= and Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) OMNIWeb database

103. Title=Looking for Evidence of Wind Shear Disconnections of the Earth’s Magnetotail: GEOTAIL Measurements and LFM MHD Simulations
Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky;
article=2018JA025456; doi=10.1029/2018JA025456; pubdate=01 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI2
Sample usage=
Sample usage= for solar wind advection. The OMNI2 1-min-resolution solar

104. Title=Excursions of Interhemispheric Field Aligned Currents in Africa
Authors=O. P. Owolabi; O. S. Bolaji; J. O. Adeniyi; E. O. Oyeyemi; A. B. Rabiu; J. B. Habarulema;
article=2017JA025083; doi=10.1029/2017JA025083; pubdate=03 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Physics data facility at http://omniweb.gsfc.
Sample usage= Space Administration Space Physics data facility at http://omniweb.gsfc.

105. Title=Mapping H3+ Temperatures in Jupiter’s Northern Auroral Ionosphere Using VLT CRIRES
Authors=R. E. Johnson; H. Melin; T. S. Stallard; C. Tao; J. D. Nichols; M. N. Chowdhury;
article=2018JA025511; doi=10.1029/2018JA025511; pubdate=10 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center’s OMNI data set (King & Papitashvili,

106. Title=Comparing two intervals of exceptionally strong solar rotation recurrence of galactic cosmic rays
Authors=A. Gil; K. Mursula;
article=2018JA025523; doi=10.1029/2018JA025523; pubdate=13 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2
Sample usage= variability parameters are from,
Sample usage= parameters are included in the OMNI -2 database, and reM-oM-,M-^Bect the
Sample usage= parameters are included in the OMNI-2 database, and reM-oM-,M-^Bect the solar

107. Title=MENTAT: A new wind model for Earth’s thermosphere
Authors=P. B. Dandenault;
article=2018JA025551; doi=10.1029/2018JA025551; pubdate=13 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, VITMO
Sample usage=\_vitmo.html
Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate to
Sample usage= vitmo /cgm_vitmo.html

108. Title=EMIC wave events during the four GEM QARBM challenge intervals
Authors=M. J. Engebretson; J. L. Posch; D. J. Braun; W. Li; Q. Ma; A. C. Kellerman; C. L. Huang; S. G. Kanekal; C. A. Kletzing; J. R. Wygant; H. E. Spence; D. N. Baker; J. F. Fennell; V. Angelopoulos; H. J. Singer; M. R. Lessard; R. B. Horne; T. Raita; K. Shiokawa; R. Rakhmatulin; E. Dmitriev; E. Ermakova;
article=2018JA025505; doi=10.1029/2018JA025505; pubdate=15 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, CGM, VITMO
Sample usage= Data Facility’s OMNIWeb, SSCweb, and CDAWeb data.
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb, SSCweb , and CDAWeb data.
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb, SSCweb, and CDAWeb data.Sample usage= VITMO ModelWeb,, for epoch 2013.
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility M-bM-^@M-^Ys OMNIWeb, SSCweb, and CDAWeb
Sample usage= are given in bold lettering. CGM = Corrected Geomagnetic Latitude, calculated
Sample usage= VITMO ModelWeb,, for epoch 2013.

109. Title=Cross phase Determination of ULF Wave Harmonic Frequencies and their associated Plasma Mass Density Distributions
Authors=S. J. Wharton; D. M. Wright; T. K. Yeoman; M. K. James; J. K. Sandhu;
article=2018JA025487; doi=10.1029/2018JA025487; pubdate=17 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= values were derived from the OMNI database, where the SymH

110. Title=Kelvin Helmholtz instability in the geotail low latitude boundary layer
Authors=A. S. Leonovich; D. A. Kozlov;
article=2018JA025552; doi=10.1029/2018JA025552; pubdate=20 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= MGF data, the CDAWeb online facility for providing the

111. Title=Inter hemispheric survey of polar cap aurora
Authors=J. A. Reidy; R. C. Fear; D. K. Whiter; B. Lanchester; A. J. Kavanagh; S. E. Milan; J. A. Carter; L. J. Paxton; Y. Zhang;
article=2017JA025153; doi=10.1029/2017JA025153; pubdate=20 July 2018
Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= and respectively. For the Iridium-derived
Sample usage= data were obtained from
Sample usage= Data from OMNI [King and Papitashvili, 2005]

112. Title=The Largest Electron Differential Energy Flux Observed at Mars by the Mars Express Spacecraft, 2004 2016
Authors=R. A. Frahm; J. D. Winningham; A. J. Coates; J. C. Gérard; M. Holmström; S. Barabash;
article=2018JA025311; doi=10.1029/2018JA025311; pubdate=23 July 2018
Keywords found: NSSDC  (DE-2 LAPI data)
Sample usage= Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) in the United States

113. Title=Timescales of dayside and nightside field aligned current response to changes in solar wind magnetosphere coupling
Authors=S. E. Milan; J. A. Carter; H. Sangha; K. Laundal; N. Østgaard; P. Tenfjord; J. Reistad; K. Snekvik; J. C. Coxon; H. Korth; B. J. Anderson;
article=2018JA025645; doi=10.1029/2018JA025645; pubdate=23 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at The SuperMAG
Sample usage= were extracted from the 1-min OMNI database [King and
Sample usage= from the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at The

114. Title=How different are the solar wind interplanetary conditions and the consequent geomagnetic activity during the ascending and early descending phases of the solar cycles 23 and 24?
Authors=Rashmi Rawat; E. Echer; W. D. Gonzalez;
article=2018JA025683; doi=10.1029/2018JA025683; pubdate=24 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= resolution data obtained from the OMNIWeb
Sample usage= project no. CNPq/PQ 302583/2015-7. The OMNI data were obtained from the
Sample usage= GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at Authors

115. Title=The composition of plasma inside geostationary orbit based on Van Allen Probes observations
Authors=Chao Yue; Jacob Bortnik; Wen Li; Qianli Ma; Matina Gkioulidou; Geoffrey D. Reeves; Chih Ping Wang; Richard M. Thorne; Anthony T. Y. Lui; Andrew J. Gerrard; Harlan E. Spence; Donald G. Mitchell;
article=2018JA025344; doi=10.1029/2018JA025344; pubdate=24 July 2018
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= (
Sample usage= ( We thank the Space Physics Data Facility at

116. Title=Effect of Disturbance Electric Fields on Equatorial Electrojet Over Indian Longitudes
Authors=Jayashree Bulusu; Archana R. K.; Kusumita Arora; N. Phani Chandrasekhar; Nandini Nagarajan;
article=2018JA025247; doi=10.1029/2018JA025247; pubdate=25 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= (

117. Title=Statistical properties of meso scale plasma flows in the nightside high latitude ionosphere
Authors=Christine Gabrielse; Yukitoshi Nishimura; Larry Lyons; Beatriz Gallardo Lacourt; Yue Deng; Eric Donovan;
article=2018JA025440; doi=10.1029/2018JA025440; pubdate=25 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= CDAWeb time-shifted to the nose of
Sample usage= used daily values provided by OMNIWeb.
Sample usage= angle, we used 1-min cadence OMNI data provided by

118. Title=IPIM modeling of the ionospheric F2 layer depletion at high latitudes during a high speed stream event
Authors=A. Marchaudon; P. L. Blelly; M. Grandin; A. Aikio; A. Kozlovsky; I. Virtanen;
article=2018JA025744; doi=10.1029/2018JA025744; pubdate=27 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb
Sample usage= the Earth’s bow shock with OMNI display all the
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb

119. Title=Understanding Magnetic Cloud Structure from Shock/Discontinuity Analysis
Authors=P. H. Lin; Y. H. Yang; J. K. Chao; H. Q. Feng; J. Y. Liu;
article=2018JA025225; doi=10.1029/2018JA025225; pubdate=27 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= (\_public/) and the Wind Spacecraft

120. Title=Investigating high latitude energy deposition events occurring during the 17 January 2005 geomagnetic storm
Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell;
article=2018JA025465; doi=10.1029/2018JA025465; pubdate=27 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= and the OMNI database ( for the solar and
Sample usage= parameters provided by the OMNI database. These include the WIND

121. Title=Poynting Flux in the Dayside Polar Cap Boundary Regions from DMSP F15 satellite measurements
Authors=Yang Lu; Yue Deng; Cheng Sheng; Liam Kilcommons; Delores Jane Knipp;
article=2018JA025309; doi=10.1029/2018JA025309; pubdate=04 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= IMF data from OMNIweb ( have been

122. Title=Long term estimation of diurnal vertical E × B drift velocities using C/NOFS and ground based magnetometer observations
Authors=John Bosco Habarulema; Makhosonke B. Dubazane; Zama T. Katamzi Joseph; Endawoke Yizengaw; Mark B. Moldwin; Jean Claude Uwamahoro;
article=2018JA025685; doi=10.1029/2018JA025685; pubdate=06 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility website The SYM-H index data
Sample usage= The C/NOFS mission is
Sample usage= data are available from the Space Physics Data Facility website The SYM-H index

123. Title=Test of ion cyclotron resonance instability using proton distributions obtained from Van Allen Probe A observations
Authors=Sung Jun Noh; Dae Young Lee; Cheong Rim Choi; Hyomin Kim; Ruth Skoug;
article=2018JA025385; doi=10.1029/2018JA025385; pubdate=06 August 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= cdaweb site,

124. Title=Energetic Radiation from Galactic Cosmic Ray Interactions with Saturn’s Main Rings
Authors=John F. Cooper; Steven J. Sturner;
article=2018JA025583; doi=10.1029/2018JA025583; pubdate=07 August 2018
Keywords found: SPDF
Sample usage=\_15min\_ascii/.

125. Title=Exploration of a Composite Index to Describe Magnetospheric Activity: Reduction of the Magnetospheric State Vector to a Single Scalar
Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky; Michael H. Denton;
article=2018JA025430; doi=10.1029/2018JA025430; pubdate=08 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNI2
Sample usage= values is the hourly averaged OMNI2 data set of solar wind

126. Title=Statistical analysis of the phase velocity distribution of mesospheric and ionospheric waves observed in airglow images over a 16 year period: comparison between Rikubetsu and Shigaraki, Japan
Authors=Satoshi Tsuchiya; Kazuo Shiokawa; Hatsuki Fujinami; Yuichi Otsuka; Takuji Nakamura; Mamoru Yamamoto;
article=2018JA025585; doi=10.1029/2018JA025585; pubdate=08 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= paper is available at This research is supported

127. Title=Seasonal and Solar Cycle Variations of Thermally Excited 630.0 nm Emissions in the Polar Ionosphere
Authors=Norah Kaggwa Kwagala; Kjellmar Oksavik; Dag A. Lorentzen; Magnar G. Johnsen; Karl M. Laundal;
article=2018JA025477; doi=10.1029/2018JA025477; pubdate=09 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb
Sample usage= were provided by the NASA OMNIWeb service (https:omniweb.
Sample usage= Simulation results have been

128. Title=Signatures of the solar transient disturbances over the low latitude ionosphere during 6 to 8 September 2017
Authors=Mala S. Bagiya; Smitha V. Thampi; Debrup Hui; A. S. Sunil; D. Chakrabarty; R. K. Choudhary;
article=2018JA025496; doi=10.1029/2018JA025496; pubdate=11 August 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= the NASA CDA database (, includes

129. Title=Ultra wideband rising tone chorus waves observed inside the oscillating plasmapause
Authors=J. yu; L. Y. Li; J. Cui; J. Wang;
article=2018JA025875; doi=10.1029/2018JA025875; pubdate=18 August 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= the OMNI database in the CDAWeb

130. Title=The dependence of solar wind burst size on burst duration and its invariance across solar cycles 23 and 24
Authors=E. Tindale; S. C. Chapman; N. R. Moloney; N. W. Watkins;
article=2018JA025740; doi=10.1029/2018JA025740; pubdate=22 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, FTPBrowser, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, accessed at http://omniweb.gsfc.
Sample usage= sourced from the OMNI data collection. We take data
Sample usage= ftpbrowser /wind_min_merge.html. NWW acknowledges useful discussions
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, accessed at

131. Title=Magnetospheric source region of auroral finger like structures observed by the RBSP A satellite
Authors=Katsuki Nishi; Kazuo Shiokawa; Harlan Spence;
article=2018JA025480; doi=10.1029/2018JA025480; pubdate=22 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at This work
Sample usage= electron and ion OMNI M-oM-,M-^Buxes measured by HOPE increased
Sample usage= the GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at This

132. Title=Response of relativistic electron microbursts to the arrival of high speed solar wind streams and its relation to flux variation of trapped radiation belt electrons
Authors=S. Kurita; Y. Miyoshi; J. B. Blake; R. H. W. Friedel;
article=2018JA025675; doi=10.1029/2018JA025675; pubdate=24 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at We also
Sample usage= Radiation Belt Observatory ( The OMNI data are obtained from the
Sample usage= GSFC/ SPDF OMNIWeb interface at We

133. Title=Seasonal and solar wind control of the reconnection line location on the Earth’s dayside magnetopause
Authors=Y. Hoshi; H. Hasegawa; N. Kitamura; Y. Saito; V. Angelopoulos;
article=2018JA025305; doi=10.1029/2018JA025305; pubdate=24 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF
Sample usage= the NASA/SPDF OMNIWeb database. The solar wind data
Sample usage= the IMF provided by OMNI and the magnetosheath field was
Sample usage= (NSSDC) in the NASA/GSFC for
Sample usage= the NASA/SPDF OMNIWeb database. The solar wind

134. Title=Meso Scale Plasma Convection Perturbations in the High Latitude Ionosphere
Authors=Yun Ju Chen; Roderick A. Heelis;
article=2018JA025716; doi=10.1029/2018JA025716; pubdate=24 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface. The IMF data are
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface. The IMF data

135. Title=Polar ion temperature variations during the 22 January 2012 magnetic storm
Authors=Ildiko Horvath; Brian C. Lovell;
article=2018JA025727; doi=10.1029/2018JA025727; pubdate=27 August 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= database (\_public/) for the solar and
Sample usage= The OMNI database provides solar and IMF

136. Title=Investigation of the causes of the longitudinal and solar cycle variation of the electron density in the Bering Sea and Weddell Sea anomalies
Authors=P. G. Richards; R. R. Meier; Shihping Chen; P. Dandenault;
article=2018JA025413; doi=10.1029/2018JA025413; pubdate=29 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, VITMO
Sample usage= model parameters are from\_vitmo.html.
Sample usage= Bilitza, D., The International Reference Ionosphere -Status 2013 (2015), Adv. Space
Sample usage= (, or at the VITMO website

137. Title=Effects in the near Magnetopause Magnetosheath Elicited by Large Amplitude Alfvénic Fluctuations Terminating in a Field and Flow Discontinuity.
Authors=C. J. Farrugia; Ian, James Cohen; B. J. Vasquez; N. Lugaz; L. Alm; R. B. Torbert; M. R. Argall; K. W. Paulson; B. Lavraud; D. J. Gershman; F. T. Gratton; H. Matsui; A. Rogers; T. G. Forbes; D. Payne; R. E. Ergun; B. Mauk; J. L. Burch; C. T. Russell; R. J. Strangeway; J. Shuster; R. Nakamura; S. A. Fuselier; B. L. Giles; Y. V. Khotyaintsev; P. A. Lindqvist; G. T. Marklund; S. M. Petrinec; C. J. Pollock;
article=2018JA025724; doi=10.1029/2018JA025724; pubdate=30 August 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= CDAWeb site.

138. Title=Reconstructing solar wind inhomogeneous structures from stereoscopic observations in white light: Small transients along the Sun Earth line
Authors=Xiaolei Li; Yuming Wang; Rui Liu; Chenglong Shen; Quanhao Zhang; Bin Zhuang; Jiajia Liu; Yutian Chi;
article=2018JA025485; doi=10.1029/2018JA025485; pubdate=03 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( This work is supported
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility ( This work is supported

139. Title=Dust detection via voltage power spectroscopy on a Cubesat in Earth’s ionosphere
Authors=Ronald Maj; Iver H. Cairns;
article=2018JA025546; doi=10.1029/2018JA025546; pubdate=03 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, VITMO
Sample usage= NASA OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Using model data from the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) around
Sample usage= NASA OMNIWeb vitmo /iri2012_vitmo.html.

140. Title=Convection electric field and plasma convection in a twisted magnetotail: A THEMIS case study 1-2 January 2009
Authors=T. Pitkänen; A. Kullen; Q. Q. Shi; M. Hamrin; A. De Spiegeleer; Y. Nishimura;
article=2018JA025688; doi=10.1029/2018JA025688; pubdate=03 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= nominal bow shock nose ( The magnetotail
Sample usage= The IMF data is 1-min OMNI data propaa
Sample usage= In addition, we acknowledge GSFC SPDF/OMNIWeb for the solar wind

141. Title=Dawnside Wedge Current System Formed during Intense Geomagnetic Storms
Authors=S. Ohtani; J. W. Gjeroloev; B. J. Anderson; R. Kataoka; O. Troshichev; S. Watari;
article=2018JA025678; doi=10.1029/2018JA025678; pubdate=04 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= OMNIWeb interface at The Sym-H,
Sample usage= OMNI data product. To roughly account
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF

142. Title=GPS scintillations and losses of signal lock at high latitudes during the 2015 St. Patrick’s Day storm
Authors=Yaqi Jin; Kjellmar Oksavik;
article=2018JA025933; doi=10.1029/2018JA025933; pubdate=05 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= OMNIWeb service ( The GPS TEC
Sample usage= addition, we also use the OMNI solar wind data, auroral electrojet

143. Title=Oblique ion scale magnetotail flux ropes generated by secondary tearing modes
Authors=Wai Leong Teh; Takuma Nakamura; Rumi Nakamura; Takayuki Umeda;
article=2018JA025775; doi=10.1029/2018JA025775; pubdate=05 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= the NASA CDAWeb at

144. Title=The Response of the Energy Content of the Outer Electron Radiation Belt to Geomagnetic Storms
Authors=Ying Xiong; Lun Xie; Lunjin Chen; Binbin Ni; Suiyan Fu; Zuyin Pu;
article=2018JA025475; doi=10.1029/2018JA025475; pubdate=05 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= are obtained from the SFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at
Sample usage= are obtained from the SFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at

145. Title=Does the peak response of the ionospheric F2 region plasma lag the peak of 27 day solar flux variation by multiple days?
Authors=Dexin Ren; Jiuhou Lei; Wenbin Wang; Alan Burns; Xiaoli Luan; Xiankang Dou;
article=2018JA025835; doi=10.1029/2018JA025835; pubdate=05 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= We acknowledge OMNIWeb ( for providing Kp. The

146. Title=Storm time TEC modelling over African low and mid latitude regions
Authors=Jean Claude Uwamahoro; John Bosco Habarulema; Patrice Martin Okouma;
article=2018JA025455; doi=10.1029/2018JA025455; pubdate=06 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, IRI-2007
Sample usage= data), (3-hour ap and daily
Sample usage= electron content predicted using the IRI-2007 model with GPS observations over

147. Title=Evolution of electron distribution driven by nonlinear resonances with intense field aligned chorus waves
Authors=D. Vainchtein; X. J. Zhang; A. V. Artemyev; D. Mourenas; V. Angelopoulos; R. M. Thorne;
article=2018JA025654; doi=10.1029/2018JA025654; pubdate=08 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Flight Center for providing the OMNI data used in this study.
Sample usage= providing AE index, and the Space Physics Data Facility at

148. Title=Estimating the Kinetic Energy Budget of the Polar Wind Outflow
Authors=Kun Li; Y. Wei; S. Haaland; E. A. Kronberg; Z. J. Rong; L. Maes; R. Maggiolo; M. André; H. Nilsson; E. Grigorenko;
article=2018JA025819; doi=10.1029/2018JA025819; pubdate=08 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage=\_min.html.
Sample usage= nose are obtained from the OMNI data set, with a 1minute

149. Title=Generation of lower L shell dayside chorus by energetic electrons from the plasmasheet
Authors=Yihua He; Fuliang Xiao; Zhenpeng Su; Huinan Zheng; Chang Yang; Si Liu; Qinghua Zhou;
article=2017JA024889; doi=10.1029/2017JA024889; pubdate=11 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= HOPE and MagEIS instruments. The OMNI data are
Sample usage= obtained from

150. Title=Radiation Belt slot region filling events: sustained energetic precipitation into the mesosphere
Authors=Andrew J. Kavanagh; Neil Cobbett; Peter Kirsch;
article=2018JA025890; doi=10.1029/2018JA025890; pubdate=12 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= 2014 inclusive (\_min.html). SYM-H is derived from
Sample usage= SYM-H index taken from the OMNI dataset from 2002 to
Sample usage= of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, and OMNI

151. Title=Physics based Modeling of Earthquake induced Ionospheric Disturbances
Authors=X. Meng; O. P. Verkhoglyadova; A. Komjathy; G. Savastano; A. J. Mannucci;
article=2018JA025253; doi=10.1029/2018JA025253; pubdate=12 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from 1-minute OMNI database (\_public/),
Sample usage= dition from 1-minute OMNI database (,

152. Title=Storm enhanced development of post sunset equatorial plasma bubbles around the meridian 120°E/60°W on 7 8 September 2017
Authors=Guozhu Li; Baiqi Ning; Chi Wang; M. A. Abdu; Yuichi Otsuka; M. Yamamoto; Jian Wu; Jinsong Chen;
article=2018JA025871; doi=10.1029/2018JA025871; pubdate=14 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= the CDAWeb ( and the WDC for

153. Title=The influence of solar wind and geomagnetic indices on Lower Band Chorus emissions in the inner magnetosphere
Authors=R. J. Boynton; H. Aryan; S. N. Walker; V. Krasnoselskikh; M. A. Balikhin;
article=2018JA025704; doi=10.1029/2018JA025704; pubdate=20 September 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= (
Sample usage= this study were obtained from OMNI website

154. Title=MMS, Van Allen Probes, GOES 13, and Ground Based Magnetometer Observations of EMIC Wave Events Before, During, and After a Modest Interplanetary Shock
Authors=M. J. Engebretson; J. L. Posch; N. S. S. Capman; N. G. Campuzano; P. Bělik; R. C. Allen; S. K. Vines; B. J. Anderson; S. Tian; C. A. Cattell; J. R. Wygant; S. A. Fuselier; M. R. Argall; M. R. Lessard; R. B. Torbert; M. B. Moldwin; M. D. Hartinger; H. Kim; C. T. Russell; C. A. Kletzing; G. D. Reeves; H. J. Singer;
article=2018JA025984; doi=10.1029/2018JA025984; pubdate=29 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, CGM, VITMO
Sample usage= SSCweb, and CDAWeb .
Sample usage= SSCweb, and CDAWeb.
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb,
Sample usage= on the magnetopause based on OMNI data
Sample usage= coordinates were calculated using VITMO ModelWeb,
Sample usage= gratefully acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb,
Sample usage= geomagnetic (CGM) coordinates were calculated using
Sample usage= (CGM) coordinates were calculated using VITMO ModelWeb,

155. Title=Multiple satellite analysis of the Earth’s thermosphere and interplanetary magnetic field variations due to ICME/CIR events during 2003-2015
Authors=S. Krauss; M. Temmer; S. Vennerstrom;
article=2018JA025778; doi=10.1029/2018JA025778; pubdate=03 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= through the OMNI database (
Sample usage= resolution of four minutes (OMNI database; King and Papitashvili [2004]).

156. Title=Response of Earth’s neutral sheet to reversals in the IMF By component
Authors=N. A. Case; A. Grocott; S. Haaland; C. J. Martin; T. Nagai;
article=2018JA025712; doi=10.1029/2018JA025712; pubdate=03 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= CDAWeb. Solar wind data were
Sample usage= from NASA’s high-resolution (1 min) OMNIweb
Sample usage= criteria were applied to the OMNI data set for years 1992

157. Title=Characteristics of subpacket structures in Ground EMIC wave Observations
Authors=Bharati Kakad; Yoshiharu Omura; Amar Kakad; Aditi Upadhyay; Ashwini Kumar Sinha;
article=2018JA025473; doi=10.1029/2018JA025473; pubdate=03 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Kyoto for AE index, and CDAWEB
Sample usage= We thank OMNIWeb team for interplanetary data available

158. Title=Spatial extent and temporal correlation of chorus and hiss: statistical results from multi point THEMIS observations
Authors=O. Agapitov; D. Mourenas; A. Artemyev; F. S. Mozer; J. W. Bonnell; V. Angelopoulos; V. Shastun; V. Krasnoselskikh;
article=2018JA025725; doi=10.1029/2018JA025725; pubdate=03 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= available at the CDAWeb site http:// We acknowledge C.

159. Title=Correlations Between the Thermosphere’s Semi Annual Density Variations and Infrared Emissions Measured with the SABER Instrument
Authors=D. R Weimer; M. G. Mlynczak; J. T. Emmert; E. Doornbos; E. K. Sutton; L. A. Hunt;
article=2018JA025668; doi=10.1029/2018JA025668; pubdate=10 October 2018
Keywords found: ModelWeb
Sample usage= modelweb/atmospheric/msis/nrlmsise00/.

160. Title=Magnetotail configuration during a steady convection event as observed by low altitude and magnetospheric spacecraft.
Authors=V. A. Sergeev; N. A. Tsyganenko; V. Angelopoulos; A. V. Runov; H. J. Singer;
article=2018JA025867; doi=10.1029/2018JA025867; pubdate=10 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= CDAWeb site ( The GOES magnetic
Sample usage= at about 0530UT. According to OMNI data (from propagated ACE

161. Title=Long lasting poloidal ULF waves observed by multiple satellites and high latitude SuperDARN radars
Authors=X. Shi; J. B. H. Baker; J. M. Ruohoniemi; M. D. Hartinger; K. R. Murphy; J. V. Rodriguez; Y. Nishimura; K. A. McWilliams; V. Angelopoulos;
article=2018JA026003; doi=10.1029/2018JA026003; pubdate=10 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= from the WIND satellite and OMNI database

162. Title=Observational evidence of large scale multiple reconnection at the Earth’s dayside magnetopause
Authors=S. A. Fuselier; S. M. Petrinec; K. J. Trattner; J. Broll; J. L. Burch; B. L. Giles; R. M. Strangeway; C. T. Russell; B. Lavraud; M. Øieroset; R. B. Torbert; C. J. Farrugia; S. K. Vines; R. G. Gomez; J. Mukherjee; P. A. Cassak;
article=2018JA025681; doi=10.1029/2018JA025681; pubdate=10 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= data were obtained from the CDAWeb. IDL routines

163. Title=Diagnostics of closed magnetic flux depletion in the near Earth magnetotail during the substorm growth phase
Authors=M. A. Shukhtina; E. I. Gordeev; V. A. Sergeev; I. Shinohara;
article=2018JA025979; doi=10.1029/2018JA025979; pubdate=11 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= [\], SUPERMAG magnetometer data
Sample usage= wind OMNI data transferred with solar wind

164. Title=Ionospheric and thermospheric responses to the recent strong solar flares on 06 September 2017
Authors=Wang Li; Jianping Yue; Yang Yang; Changyong He; Andong Hu; Kefei Zhang;
article=2018JA025700; doi=10.1029/2018JA025700; pubdate=11 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= The GPS TECs and

165. Title=Impact of Background Magnetic Field for EMIC wave driven Electron Precipitation
Authors=L. A. Woodger; R. M. Millan; Z. Li; J. G. Sample;
article=2018JA025315; doi=10.1029/2018JA025315; pubdate=12 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= package as well as at CDAWeb website. The authors would like
Sample usage= of Kp was reported by OMNI (not shown) for the event

166. Title=On the forecast horizon of magnetospheric dynamics: a scale to scale approach
Authors=G. Consolini; T. Alberti; P. De Michelis;
article=2018JA025952; doi=10.1029/2018JA025952; pubdate=17 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2
Sample usage= OMNIWeb -database website ( and consist
Sample usage= and made freely available the OMNI2 data, that are used in

167. Title=Unusual generation of localized equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) in the dawn sector triggered by a moderate geomagnetic storm
Authors=S. Sripathi; M. A. Abdu; A. K. Patra; R. N. Ghodpage;
article=2018JA025642; doi=10.1029/2018JA025642; pubdate=17 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= are obtained from omni /high_res_omni/. All the data
Sample usage= are obtained from All the data

168. Title=Local Time Hemispheric Asymmetry in Nitric Oxide Radiative Emission During Geomagnetic Activity
Authors=Tikemani Bag;
article=2018JA025731; doi=10.1029/2018JA025731; pubdate=17 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from OMNI (https: and World Data
Sample usage= from OMNI (https: and

169. Title=An event on simultaneous amplification of exohiss and chorus waves associated with electron density enhancements
Authors=Hui Zhu; Yuri Y. Shprits; Lunjin Chen; Xu Liu; Adam C. Kellerman;
article=2017JA025023; doi=10.1029/2017JA025023; pubdate=17 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= obtained from CDAweb -OMNI database. A weak geomagnetic
Sample usage= used geomagnetic indices provided by OMNIWeb
Sample usage= obtained from CDAweb- OMNI database. A weak geomagnetic storm

170. Title=Long term distribution of meteors in a solar cycle period observed by VHF meteor radars at near equatorial latitudes
Authors=M. Batubara; M. Y. Yamamoto; W. Madkour; T. Manik;
article=2018JA025906; doi=10.1029/2018JA025906; pubdate=22 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

Sample usage= Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or ftp) service, and
Sample usage= as recorded at the NASA OMNIWeb Data Facility (The National Aeronautics
Sample usage= OMNI data. The meteor radar data
Sample usage= ( and
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb (or CDAWeb or

171. Title=Ionospheric O+ momentum balance through charge exchange with thermospheric O atoms
Authors=P. P. Joshi; L. S. Waldrop; C. G. M. Brum;
article=2018JA025821; doi=10.1029/2018JA025821; pubdate=23 October 2018
Keywords found: ModelWeb
Sample usage= modelweb/models/nrlmsise00.php. The authors thank Dr.

172. Title=Quiet daytime Arctic ionospheric D region
Authors=Neil R. Thomson; Mark A. Clilverd; Craig J. Rodger;
article=2018JA025669; doi=10.1029/2018JA025669; pubdate=26 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, CGM, VITMO
Sample usage= (\_vitmo.html), at 69M-BM-: N, at
Sample usage= which corresponds to a (CGM) L-value of ~ 2.55.
Sample usage= (\_vitmo.html), at 69M-BM-: N, at

173. Title=On the Initial Enhancement of Energetic Electrons and the Innermost Plasmapause Locations: CME Driven Storm Periods
Authors=Leng Ying Khoo; Xinlin Li; Hong Zhao; Theodore Sarris; Zheng Xiang; Kun Zhang; Adam Kellerman; J. Bernard Blake;
article=2018JA026074; doi=10.1029/2018JA026074; pubdate=26 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= (
Sample usage= study are obtained from the OMNI database

174. Title=Empirical modeling of dayside magnetic structures associated with polar cusps
Authors=N. A. Tsyganenko; V. A. Andreeva;
article=2018JA025881; doi=10.1029/2018JA025881; pubdate=27 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from the NSSDC CDAWEB online facility, originally made available
Sample usage= SPDF OMNIWEB interface (R. McGuire, N. Papitashvili).
Sample usage= from OMNI data resource. The entire database
Sample usage= were obtained from the NSSDC CDAWEB online facility, originally made
Sample usage= SPDF OMNIWEB interface (R. McGuire, N.

175. Title=Responses of nitrogen oxide to high speed solar wind stream in the polar middle atmosphere
Authors=Ji Hee Lee; Geonhwa Jee; Young Sil Kwak; Sang bum Hong; Heejin Hwang; In Sun Song; Young Sook Lee; Esa Turunen; Dae Young Lee;
article=2017JA025161; doi=10.1029/2017JA025161; pubdate=29 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, NSSDC
Sample usage= Web (CDAWeb) database (
Sample usage= OMNIWeb/CDAWeb in the National
Sample usage= Space Science Data Center (NSSDC), the National

176. Title=Calculation of last closed drift shells for the 2013 GEM radiation belt challenge events
Authors=J. M. Albert; R. S. Selesnick; S. K. Morley; M. G. Henderson; A. C. Kellerman;
article=2018JA025991; doi=10.1029/2018JA025991; pubdate=01 November 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= made available at omnweb:;

177. Title=Evolution of asymmetrically displaced footpoints during substorms
Authors=A. Ohma; N. Østgaard; J. P. Reistad; P. Tenfjord; K. M. Laundal; K. Snekvik; S. Haaland; M. O. Fillingim;
article=2018JA025869; doi=10.1029/2018JA025869; pubdate=05 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= ( earth-camera-full/) and processed
Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface
Sample usage= this study are from the OMNI 1 minute data set [King
Sample usage= can be accessed at, and
Sample usage= data were downloaded from NASAM-bM-^@M-^Ys Space Physics Data Facility

178. Title=Simulations of Van Allen Probes Plasmaspheric Electron Density Observations
Authors=S. De Pascuale; V. K. Jordanova; J. Goldstein; C. A. Kletzing; W. S. Kurth; S. A. Thaller; J. R. Wygant;
article=2018JA025776; doi=10.1029/2018JA025776; pubdate=05 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere
Sample usage= Analysis Web (CDAWeb, public/).
Sample usage= Composition Explorer (ACE) under the OMNI
Sample usage= Bilitza, D. (1986), International reference ionosphere: Recent developments, Radio Sci.,

179. Title=Determination of the equatorial electron differential flux from observations at low Earth orbit
Authors=Hayley J. Allison; Richard B. Horne; Sarah A. Glauert; Giulio Del Zanna;
article=2018JA025786; doi=10.1029/2018JA025786; pubdate=05 November 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= OMNI database access for both Kp

180. Title=Critical evaluation of the impact of disturbance dynamo on equatorial ionosphere during daytime
Authors=Kuldeep Pandey; Dibyendu Chakrabarty; R. Sekar;
article=2018JA025686; doi=10.1029/2018JA025686; pubdate=05 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= nose, are obtained from NASA CDAWeb ( In addition, the

181. Title=Multispacecraft observations of tailward propagation of transient foreshock perturbations to midtail magnetosheath
Authors=Chih Ping Wang; Terry Liu; Xiaoyan Xing; Arnaud Masson;
article=2018JA025921; doi=10.1029/2018JA025921; pubdate=06 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= CDAWeb

182. Title=Drift resonance of compressional ULF waves and substorm injected protons from multi point THEMIS measurements
Authors=A. V. Rubtsov; O. V. Agapitov; P. N. Mager; D. Yu. Klimushkin; O. V. Mager; F. S. Mozer; V. Angelopoulos;
article=2018JA025985; doi=10.1029/2018JA025985; pubdate=06 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= paper are available at the CDAWeb
Sample usage= Center Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb (,
Sample usage= Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb (,

183. Title=A Statistical Analysis of STEVE
Authors=Bea Gallardo Lacourt; Y. Nishimura; E. Donovan; D. M. Gillies; G. W. Perry; W. E. Archer; O. A. Nava; E. L. Spanswick;
article=2018JA025368; doi=10.1029/2018JA025368; pubdate=08 November 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= and respectively. We
Sample usage= resolution OMNI database. From this dataset, we

184. Title=Investigating solar wind driven electric field influence on long term dynamics of Jovian synchrotron radiation
Authors=S. Han; G. Murakami; H. Kita; F. Tsuchiya; C. Tao; H. Misawa; A. Yamazaki; M. Nakamura;
article=2018JA025849; doi=10.1029/2018JA025849; pubdate=09 November 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= C. AMDA database ( The OMNI data used for the solar

185. Title=Quasi 6 day Wave Effects on the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly over a Solar Cycle
Authors=Yosuke Yamazaki;
article=2018JA026014; doi=10.1029/2018JA026014; pubdate=11 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= CDAWeb ( and GES DISC (,
Sample usage= data were downloaded from NASA/GSFC SPDF M-bM-^@M-^Ys

186. Title=Statistical study of phase relationship between magnetic and plasma pressures in the near earth nightside magnetosphere using the THEMIS E satellite
Authors=Katsuki Nishi; Kazuo Shiokawa; Karl Heinz Glassmeier; Johannes Z. D. Mieth;
article=2018JA025846; doi=10.1029/2018JA025846; pubdate=11 November 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC Space physics Data Facility OMNIWeb
Sample usage= ( service, and OMNI data. This work was supported
Sample usage= also acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC Space physics Data Facility OMNIWeb

187. Title=Zonal drift velocity of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles during ascending phase of 24th solar cycle using All Sky Imager over Kolhapur, India
Authors=O. B. Gurav; A. K. Sharma; R. N. Ghodpage; D. P. Nade; G. A. Chavan; H. P. Gaikwad; P. T. Patil;
article=2018JA025810; doi=10.1029/2018JA025810; pubdate=11 November 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= internet (\_min.html).
Sample usage= ( We also thank the SPDF,

188. Title=Intraseasonal variations of non migrating tides observed near the mesopause
Authors=Guiping Liu; Diego Janches; Ruth S. Lieberman;
article=2018JA025709; doi=10.1029/2018JA025709; pubdate=12 November 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= solar fluxes (available at are used to

189. Title=Plasmaspheric Hiss: Coherent and Intense
Authors=Bruce T. Tsurutani; Sang A. Park; Barbara J. Falkowski; Gurbax S. Lakhina; Jolene S. Pickett; Jacob Bortnik; George Hospodarsky; Ondrej Santolik; Michel Parrot; Pierre Henri; Rajkumar Hajra;
article=2018JA025975; doi=10.1029/2018JA025975; pubdate=12 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= can be obtained from, NASAM-bM-^@M-^Ys
Sample usage= from the OMNI website (
Sample usage= density measurements taken from the OMNI website. Since

190. Title=Snakes on a Spaceship - An Overview of Python in Heliophysics
Authors=A. G. Burrell; A. J. Halford; J. Klenzing; R. A. Stoneback; S. K. Morley; A. M. Annex; K. M. Laundal; A. C. Kellerman; D. Stansby; J. Ma;
article=2018JA025877; doi=10.1029/2018JA025877; pubdate=16 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere, CGM
Sample usage= Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb), and the Near Earth
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service and OMNI data by
Sample usage= NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) OMNI, Solar Orbiter [MM-BM-(ller et
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFCs Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service and OMNI
Sample usage= [2008, 2015]), the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI; Bilitza et al. [2014,
Sample usage= Corrected geomagnetic (CGM) coordinates are deM-oM-,M-^Aned in

191. Title=The Transition between Anti Parallel and Component Magnetic Reconnection at Earth’s Dayside Magnetopause
Authors=K. J. Trattner; J. L. Burch; P. A. Cassak; R. Ergun; S. Eriksson; S. A. Fuselier; B. L. Giles; R. G. Gomez; E. W. Grimes; S. M. Petrinec; J. M. Webster; F. D. Wilder;
article=2018JA026081; doi=10.1029/2018JA026081; pubdate=16 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= are available at CDAWeb. These solar wind context

192. Title=Ultra Low Frequency waves as an intermediary for solar wind energy input into the radiation belts
Authors=M. Georgiou; I. A. Daglis; I. J. Rae; E. Zesta; D. G. Sibeck; I. R. Mann; G. Balasis; K. Tsinganos;
article=2018JA025355; doi=10.1029/2018JA025355; pubdate=16 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= at, SPDF CDAWeb and the science teams that
Sample usage= at, SPDF CDAWeb and the science teams

193. Title=Density Temperature Synchrony in the Hydrostatic Thermosphere
Authors=Timothy Kodikara; Brett Carter; Robert Norman; Kefei Zhang;
article=2018JA025973; doi=10.1029/2018JA025973; pubdate=07 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= from the OMNI database M-BM-! omniweb .gsfc.nasa.
Sample usage= measurements are obtained from the OMNI database M-BM-!omniweb.gsfc.nasa.

194. Title=Permutation entropy analysis of magnetic field turbulence at 1AU revisited
Authors=C. P. Olivier; N. E. Engelbrecht; R. D. Strauss;
article=2018JA026102; doi=10.1029/2018JA026102; pubdate=08 December 2018
Keywords found: COHOWeb
Sample usage=

195. Title=On ionic contributions to Pedersen conductance
Authors=Bruno S. Zossi; Mariano Fagre; Ana G. Elias;
article=2018JA026011; doi=10.1029/2018JA026011; pubdate=08 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, IRI\d{2,4}
Sample usage= freely obtained from IRI2016 (\_vitmo.html), Sample usage= ( modelweb /models/nrlmsise00.php) and IGRF
Sample usage= were obtained from the International Reference Ionosphere , IRI-2012, (Bilitza et al.,
Sample usage= from the International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2012, (Bilitza et al., 2014),
Sample usage= freely obtained from IRI2016 (\_vitmo.html), NRLMSISE-00

196. Title=The outer radiation belt response to the storm time development of seed electrons and chorus wave activity during CME and CIR storms
Authors=S. T. Bingham; C. G. Mouikis; L. M. Kistler; A. J. Boyd; K. Paulson; C. J. Farrugia; C. L. Huang; H. E. Spence; S. G. Claudepierre; C. Kletzing;
article=2018JA025963; doi=10.1029/2018JA025963; pubdate=08 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2
Sample usage= ( are used to classify
Sample usage= one-minute resolution from the NASA OMNI -2 data set
Sample usage= one-minute resolution from the NASA OMNI-2 data set

197. Title=Near Earth solar wind: plasma characteristics from ARTEMIS measurements
Authors=A. V Artemyev; V. Angelopoulos; J. M. McTiernan;
article=2018JA025904; doi=10.1029/2018JA025904; pubdate=10 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= the OMNI database, consists of solar wind

198. Title=Earthquake/Tsunami linked imprints in the equatorial F region zonal plasma drifts and spatial structures of plasma bubbles
Authors=P. gurram; B. Kakad; R. K. Muppidi; A. Bhattacharyya;
article=2018JA025798; doi=10.1029/2018JA025798; pubdate=10 December 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= // and plotted as

199. Title=System Identification and Data Driven Forecasting of AE Index and Prediction Uncertainty Analysis Using a New Cloud NARX Model
Authors=Y. Gu; Hua Liang Wei; Richard J. Boynton; Simon N. Walker; Michael A. Balikhin;
article=2018JA025957; doi=10.1029/2018JA025957; pubdate=13 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= OMNIweb

200. Title=Ionospheric GNSS imagery of seismic source: possibilities, difficulties, challenges
Authors=E. Astafyeva; K. Shults;
article=2018JA026107; doi=10.1029/2018JA026107; pubdate=14 December 2018
Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, IRI\d{2,4}
Sample usage= (\_vitmo.php) for the online
Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model (Bilitza et al.,
Sample usage= runs of the IRI-2016 model. The authors thank Kosuke
Sample usage= as deduced from the online IRI2016 model

201. Title=Empirical Modeling of the Equatorward Boundary of Auroral Precipitation Using DMSP and DE 2
Authors=R. G. Landry; P. C. Anderson;
article=2018JA025451; doi=10.1029/2018JA025451; pubdate=14 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Data Facility, available through the OMNIWeb
Sample usage= were obtained from NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility. We used the 1-minute

202. Title=Recurrence based quantification of dynamical complexity in the Earth’s magnetosphere at geospace storm timescales
Authors=Reik V. Donner; Georgios Balasis; Veronika Stolbova; Marina Georgiou; Marc Wiedermann; Juergen Kurths;
article=2018JA025318; doi=10.1029/2018JA025318; pubdate=15 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= OMNIWeb at While the corresponding
Sample usage= been retrieved through the NASA space physics data facility

203. Title=Temporal characteristic of the Mesoscale Plasma Flow Perturbations in the High Latitude Ionosphere
Authors=Yun Ju Chen; Roderick A. Heelis;
article=2018JA026128; doi=10.1029/2018JA026128; pubdate=17 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface.
Sample usage= data are available at the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb interface.

204. Title=Ionospheric response to the St. Patrick’s Day space weather events in March 2012, 2013, and 2015 at southern low and mid latitudes
Authors=Sushil Kumar; Vickal V. Kumar;
article=2018JA025674; doi=10.1029/2018JA025674; pubdate=19 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, VITMO
Sample usage=\_vitmo.html to obtain the modeled
Sample usage= interplanetary parameters obtained from the OMNI database associated with
Sample usage= B. Reinisch (2014), The International Reference Ionosphere 2012 - a model of
Sample usage= in foF2 given by the IRI-2016 model is smooth but less
Sample usage= vitmo /IRI-2016_vitmo.html to obtain the modeled

205. Title=Inter comparison of the POES/MEPED Loss Cone Electron fluxes with the CMIP6 Parametrization
Authors=H. Nesse Tyssøy; A. Haderlein; M. I. Sandanger; J. Stadsnes;
article=2018JA025745; doi=10.1029/2018JA025745; pubdate=21 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= for geomagnetic Ap indices (
Sample usage= NOAA data ( and SPDF Goddard Space Flight Center

206. Title=Climatology of the quasi 6 day wave in the mesopause region and its modulations on total electron content during 2003 2017
Authors=Yusong Qin; Sheng Yang Gu; Xiankang Dou; Yun Gong; Gang Chen; Shaodong Zhang; Qian Wu;
article=2018JA025981; doi=10.1029/2018JA025981; pubdate=26 December 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= maps are downloaded at:

Science Enabled Research Papers in Geophysical Research Letters for 2018

1. Title=Does a Local B Minimum Appear in the Tail Current Sheet During a Substorm Growth Phase?
Authors=V. A. Sergeev; E. I. Gordeev; V. G. Merkin; M. I. Sitnov;
article=2018GL077183; doi=10.1002/2018GL077183; pubdate=05 March 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= CDAWeb site (http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.
Sample usage= According to the OMNI database, in this event, under

2. Title=Relations Between vz and Bx Components in Solar Wind and their Effect on Substorm Onset
Authors=Marina Kubyshkina; Vladimir Semenov; Nikolay Erkaev; Evgeny Gordeev; Stepan Dubyagin; Natalia Ganushkina; Maria Shukhtina;
article=2017GL076268; doi=10.1002/2017GL076268; pubdate=26 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Facility (
Sample usage= Each database was complemented with OMNI data, containing 5-min values of

3. Title=GITM Data Comparisons of the Depletion and Enhancement During the 2017 Solar Eclipse
Authors=Chen Wu; A. J. Ridley; Larisa Goncharenko; Gang Chen;
article=2018GL077409; doi=10.1002/2018GL077409; pubdate=30 March 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= with 15-min time resolution (

4. Title=The Global Statistical Response of the Outer Radiation Belt During Geomagnetic Storms
Authors=K. R. Murphy; C. E. J. Watt; I. R. Mann; I. Jonathan Rae; D. G. Sibeck; A. J. Boyd; C. F. Forsyth; D. L. Turner; S. G. Claudepierre; D. N. Baker; H. E. Spence; G. D. Reeves; J. B. Blake; J. Fennell;
article=2017GL076674; doi=10.1002/2017GL076674; pubdate=02 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= the Van Allen Probes and OMNIweb (King & Papitashvili, 2005) to

5. Title=Dependence of Lunar Tide of the Equatorial Electrojet on the Wintertime Polar Vortex, Solar Flux, and QBO
Authors=T. A. Siddiqui; Y. Yamazaki; C. Stolle; H. Lühr; J. Matzka; A. Maute; N. Pedatella;
article=2018GL077510; doi=10.1029/2018GL077510; pubdate=19 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb. The NCEP-NCAR
Sample usage= GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb. The NCEP-NCAR

6. Title=SAMI3 Simulations of a Persistent Plasmasphere Plume
Authors=J. Krall; J. D. Huba; J. E. Borovsky;
article=2017GL076448; doi=10.1002/2017GL076448; pubdate=19 April 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb,

7. Title=Electron Scattering by Plasmaspheric Hiss in a Nightside Plume
Authors=Wenxun Zhang; Song Fu; Xudong Gu; Binbin Ni; Zheng Xiang; Danny Summers; Zhengyang Zou; Xing Cao; Yuequn Lou; Man Hua;
article=2018GL077212; doi=10.1029/2018GL077212; pubdate=01 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= the NASA OmniWeb (http://cdaweb.
Sample usage= the NASA OmniWeb (http://cdaweb.

8. Title=Modeling Amateur Radio Soundings of the Ionospheric Response to the 2017 Great American Eclipse
Authors=N. A. Frissell; J. D. Katz; S. W. Gunning; J. S. Vega; A. J. Gerrard; G. D. Earle; M. L. Moses; M. L. West; J. D. Huba; P. J. Erickson; E. S. Miller; R. B. Gerzoff; W. Liles; H. W. Silver;
article=2018GL077324; doi=10.1029/2018GL077324; pubdate=11 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= accessed through the OMNI database
Sample usage= at the NASA Space Physics Data Facility.

9. Title=ULF Wave Associated Density Irregularities and Scintillation at the Equator
Authors=E. Yizengaw; E. Zesta; M. B. Moldwin; M. Magoun; N. K. Tripathi; C. Surussavadee; Z. Bamba;
article=2018GL078163; doi=10.1029/2018GL078163; pubdate=21 May 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= the CDAWeb database. E. Y. thanks the

10. Title=Reevaluating the Use of O2 a^1 Delta_g Band in Spaceborne Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases
Authors=Kang Sun; Iouli E. Gordon; Christopher E. Sioris; Xiong Liu; Kelly Chance; Steven C. Wofsy;
article=2018GL077823; doi=10.1029/2018GL077823; pubdate=24 May 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, VITMO
Sample usage=
Sample usage= vitmo /msis

11. Title=The Acceleration of Ultrarelativistic Electrons During a Small to Moderate Storm of 21 April 2017
Authors=H. Zhao; D. N. Baker; X. Li; A. N. Jaynes; S. G. Kanekal;
article=2018GL078582; doi=10.1029/2018GL078582; pubdate=12 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= indices are provided by OMNIWeb

12. Title=Observation of Oblique Lower Band Chorus Generated by Nonlinear Three Wave Interaction
Authors=S. Teng; J. Zhao; X. Tao; S. Wang; G. D. Reeves;
article=2018GL078765; doi=10.1029/2018GL078765; pubdate=22 June 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= (CDAWeb) database. For both periods,

13. Title=Self Consistent Modeling of Electron Precipitation and Responses in the Ionosphere: Application to Low Altitude Energization During Substorms
Authors=Yiqun Yu; Vania K. Jordanova; Ryan M. McGranaghan; Stanley C. Solomon;
article=2018GL078828; doi=10.1029/2018GL078828; pubdate=25 June 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere
Sample usage= Analyzer (SOPA) data from and the total ion
Sample usage= 200 km but uses the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) empirical model to specify

14. Title=Drift Bounce Resonance Between Pc5 Pulsations and Ions at Multiple Energies in the Nightside Magnetosphere: Arase and MMS Observations
Authors=S. Oimatsu; M. Nosé; M. Teramoto; K. Yamamoto; A. Matsuoka; S. Kasahara; S. Yokota; K. Keika; G. Le; R. Nomura; A. Fujimoto; D. Sormakov; O. Troshichev; Y. M. Tanaka; M. Shinohara; I. Shinohara; Y. Miyoshi; J. A. Slavin; R. E. Ergun; P. A. Lindqvist;
article=2018GL078961; doi=10.1029/2018GL078961; pubdate=17 July 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= The Dst
Sample usage= (~600M-bM-^@M-^S650 km/s) according to the OMNI database. Pc5 waves

15. Title=Observations of Impulsive Electric Fields Induced by Interplanetary Shock
Authors=Dianjun Zhang; Wenlong Liu; Xinlin Li; Theodore Sarris; Chao Xiao; J. R. Wygant;
article=2018GL078809; doi=10.1029/2018GL078809; pubdate=23 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Analysis Web (CDAWeb) (cdaweb.sci.

16. Title=Plasma Dynamics Associated With Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities
Authors=Jonathon Matthew Smith; R. A. Heelis;
article=2018GL078560; doi=10.1029/2018GL078560; pubdate=23 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI2
Sample usage=
Sample usage= Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb
Sample usage= OMNI2 is from https://omniweb.gsfc.

17. Title=Determining the Wave Vector Direction of Equatorial Fast Magnetosonic Waves
Authors=Scott A. Boardsen; George B. Hospodarsky; Kyungguk Min; Terrance F. Averkamp; Scott R. Bounds; Craig A. Kletzing; Robert F. Pfaff;
article=2018GL078695; doi=10.1029/2018GL078695; pubdate=24 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= available at https://cdaweb.sci.gsfc.

18. Title=Temporal and Spatial Variations of Storm Time Midlatitude Ionospheric Trough Based on Global GNSS TEC and Arase Satellite Observations
Authors=Atsuki Shinbori; Yuichi Otsuka; Takuya Tsugawa; Michi Nishioka; Atsushi Kumamoto; Fuminori Tsuchiya; Shoya Matsuda; Yoshiya Kasahara; Ayako Matsuoka; J. Michael Ruohoniemi; Simon G. Shepherd; Nozomu Nishitani;
article=2018GL078723; doi=10.1029/2018GL078723; pubdate=25 July 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= Analysis Web (CDAWeb); NASA (; geomagnetic indices
Sample usage= 2017, we use the high-resolution OMNI data provided by Coordinated Data

19. Title=A Comparative Study of the Proton Properties of Magnetospheric Substorms at Earth and Mercury in the Near Magnetotail
Authors=W. J. Sun; J. A. Slavin; R. M. Dewey; J. M. Raines; S. Y. Fu; Y. Wei; T. Karlsson; G. K. Poh; X. Jia; D. J. Gershman; Q. G. Zong; W. X. Wan; Q. Q. Shi; Z. Y. Pu; D. Zhao;
article=2018GL079181; doi=10.1029/2018GL079181; pubdate=02 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb
Sample usage= Earth. (a) IMF Bz from OMNI. (b) Auroral ejection index
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb

20. Title=MMS Observations of Harmonic Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
Authors=M. E. Usanova; N. Ahmadi; D. M. Malaspina; R. E. Ergun; K. J. Trattner; Q. Reece; T. Leonard; S. A. Fuselier; R. B. Torbert; C. T. Russell; J. L. Burch;
article=2018GL079006; doi=10.1029/2018GL079006; pubdate=06 August 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb
Sample usage= project. We thank CDAWeb, SSCWeb,
Sample usage= project. We thank CDAWeb, SSCWeb,

21. Title=Electron Energization at a Reconnecting Magnetosheath Current Sheet
Authors=Elin Eriksson; Andris Vaivads; Daniel B. Graham; Andrey Divin; Yuri V. Khotyaintsev; Emiliya Yordanova; Mats André; Barbara L. Giles; Craig J. Pollock; Christopher T. Russell; Olivier Le Contel; Roy B. Torbert; Robert E. Ergun; Per Arne Lindqvist; James L. Burch;
article=2018GL078660; doi=10.1029/2018GL078660; pubdate=06 August 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage=\_public/.
Sample usage= geocentric solar ecliptic coordinates, from OMNI (King & Papitashvili, 2005) and

22. Title=Coincident Observations by the Kharkiv IS Radar and Ionosonde, DMSP and Arase (ERG) Satellites, and FLIP Model Simulations: Implications for the NRLMSISE 00 Hydrogen Density, Plasmasphere, and Ionosphere
Authors=D. V. Kotov; P. G. Richards; V. Truhlík; O. V. Bogomaz; M. O. Shulha; N. Maruyama; M. Hairston; Y. Miyoshi; Y. Kasahara; A. Kumamoto; F. Tsuchiya; A. Matsuoka; I. Shinohara; M. Hernández Pajares; I. F. Domnin; T. G. Zhivolup; L. Ya. Emelyanov; Ya. M. Chepurnyy;
article=2018GL079206; doi=10.1029/2018GL079206; pubdate=13 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= Flight Center SPDF site (
Sample usage= Flight Center SPDF site (

23. Title=Nonlinear Drift Resonance Between Charged Particles and Ultralow Frequency Waves: Theory and Observations
Authors=Li Li; Xu Zhi Zhou; Yoshiharu Omura; Zi Han Wang; Qiu Gang Zong; Ying Liu; Yi Xin Hao; Sui Yan Fu; Margaret G. Kivelson; Robert Rankin; Seth G. Claudepierre; John R. Wygant;
article=2018GL079038; doi=10.1029/2018GL079038; pubdate=24 August 2018
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage=
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility at

24. Title=A Tenuous Lunar Ionosphere in the Geomagnetic Tail
Authors=J. S. Halekas; A. R. Poppe; Y. Harada; J. W. Bonnell; R. E. Ergun; J. P. McFadden;
article=2018GL079936; doi=10.1029/2018GL079936; pubdate=04 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb
Sample usage= publicly available at NASA’s CDAWeb
Sample usage= through OmniWeb (https://omniweb.

25. Title=Combined scattering of outer radiation belt electrons by simultaneously occurring chorus, exohiss and magnetosonic waves
Authors=Man Hua; Binbin Ni; Song Fu; Xudong Gu; Zheng Xiang; Xing Cao; Wenxun Zhang; Ying He; He Huang; Yuequn Lou; Yang Zhang;
article=2018GL079533; doi=10.1029/2018GL079533; pubdate=17 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF
Sample usage= the NASA OMNIWeb ( The input files and
Sample usage= the NASA OMNIWeb ( The input files and
Sample usage= fromhttps:// spdf, and the geomagnetic activity

26. Title=Variation in Plasmaspheric Hiss Wave Power With Plasma Density
Authors=David M. Malaspina; Jean Francois Ripoll; Xiangning Chu; George Hospodarsky; John Wygant;
article=2018GL078564; doi=10.1029/2018GL078564; pubdate=19 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Geomagnetism, Kyoto, retrieved from NASA’s CDAweb ). Plots similar to Figures

27. Title=Fast diffusion of ultra relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt: 17 March 2015 storm event
Authors=A. N. Jaynes; A. F. Ali; S. R. Elkington; D. M. Malaspina; D. N. Baker; X. Li; S. G. Kanekal; M. G. Henderson; C. A. Kletzing; J. Wygant;
article=2018GL079786; doi=10.1029/2018GL079786; pubdate=19 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= publicly available from NASA SPDF CDAWeb , including
Sample usage= an equal number of days. OMNIweb
Sample usage= pressure (OMNI data) reached over 20 nPa
Sample usage= is publicly available from NASA SPDF CDAWeb, including

28. Title=VLF Signal anomalies during cyclone activity in the Atlantic Ocean
Authors=S. NaitAmor; M. B. Cohen; Sushil Kumar; O. Chanrion; T. Neubert;
article=2018GL078988; doi=10.1029/2018GL078988; pubdate=21 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= Web (CDAWeb).

29. Title=Eigenmodes of the transverse Alfvénic resonator at the plasmapause: a Van Allen Probes case study
Authors=Pavel N. Mager; Olga S. Mikhailova; Olga V. Mager; Dmitri Yu. Klimushkin;
article=2018GL079596; doi=10.1029/2018GL079596; pubdate=28 September 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= CDAWeb ( We acknowledge the NASA
Sample usage= Center Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb
Sample usage= the Goddard Space Flight Center Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb

30. Title=Purple auroral rays and global Pc1 pulsations observed at the CIR associated solar wind density enhancement on March 21, 2017
Authors=K. Shiokawa; M. Ozaki; A. Kadokura; Y. Endo; T. Sakanoi; S. Kurita; Y. Miyoshi; S. I. Oyama; M. Connors; I. Schofield; J. Michael Ruohoniemi; M. Nośe; T. Nagatsuma; K. Sakaguchi; D. G. Baishev; A. Pashinin; R. Rakhmatulin; B. Shevtsov; I. Poddelsky; M. Engebretson; Tero Raita; Y. M. Tanaka; M. Shinohara; M. Teramoto; R. Nomura; A. Fujimoto; A. Matsuoka; N. Higashio; T. Takashima; I. Shinohara; Jay M. Albert;
article=2018GL079103; doi=10.1029/2018GL079103; pubdate=01 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= database was provided by The
Sample usage= SYM-H index obtained from the OMNI database of

31. Title=Multipoint observations of nightside plasmaspheric hiss generated by substorm injected electrons
Authors=Zhenpeng Su; Nigang Liu; Huinan Zheng; Yuming Wang; Shui Wang;
article=2018GL079927; doi=10.1029/2018GL079927; pubdate=03 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= The OMNI database of CDAweb (King & Papitashvili, 2005) provided
Sample usage= The OMNI database of CDAweb (King &

32. Title=Diagnosis of ULF wave particle interactions with MeV electrons: The Importance of Ultra High Resolution Energy Channels
Authors=M. D. Hartinger; S. G. Claudepierre; D. L. Turner; G. D. Reeves; A. Breneman; I.R. Mann; T. A. Peek; E. Chang; J. B. Blake; J. F. Fennell; T. P. O’Brien; M. D. Looper;
article=2018GL080291; doi=10.1029/2018GL080291; pubdate=12 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= indices) or CDAWeb interface ( for RBSP
Sample usage= the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb
Sample usage= wind measurements from the the Space Physics Data Facility OMNIWeb

33. Title=Ion kinetics in a Hot Flow Anomaly: MMS Observations
Authors=Steven J. Schwartz; Levon Avanov; Drew Turner; Hui Zhang; Imogen Gingell; Jonathan P. Eastwood; Daniel J. Gershman; Andreas Johlander; Christopher T. Russell; James L. Burch; John C. Dorelli; Stefan Eriksson; Robert E. Ergun; Stephen A. Fuselier; Barbara L. Giles; Katherine A. Goodrich; Yuri V. Khotyaintsev; Benoit Lavraud; Per Arne Lindqvist; Mitsuo Oka; Tai D. Phan; Robert J. Strangeway; Karlhein J. Trattner; Roy B. Torbert; Andris Vaivads; Hanying Wei; Frederick Wilder;
article=2018GL080189; doi=10.1029/2018GL080189; pubdate=19 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= data were drawn from CDAWeb ( and provided by A.

34. Title=Statistical analysis of SAR arc detachment from the main oval based on 11 year, all sky imaging observation at Athabasca, Canada
Authors=Yuki Takagi; Kazuo Shiokawa; Yuichi Otsuka; Martin Connors; Ian Schofield;
article=2018GL079615; doi=10.1029/2018GL079615; pubdate=22 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface
Sample usage= Japan, through the OMNI database. The average values deM-oM-,M-^Aned
Sample usage= were obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface

35. Title=3D analysis of GW propagation in the ionosphere
Authors=Jaroslav Chum; Kateřina Podolská;
article=2018GL079695; doi=10.1029/2018GL079695; pubdate=25 October 2018
Keywords found: ModelWeb
Sample usage= atmospheric model, modelweb /atmos/nrlmsise00.html. Doppler

36. Title=Characteristics, Occurrence and Decay Rates of Remnant Belts associated with Three Belt events in the Earth’s Radiation Belts
Authors=Victor A. Pinto; Jacob Bortnik; Pablo S. Moya; Larry R. Lyons; David G. Sibeck; Shrikanth G Kanekal; Harlan E. Spence; Daniel N. Baker;
article=2018GL080274; doi=10.1029/2018GL080274; pubdate=31 October 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= OMNIWeb and CDAWeb services and OMNI data for
Sample usage= OMNIWeb and CDAWeb services and OMNI
Sample usage= have been obtained from the OMNI database. Magnetopause standoM-oM-,M-^@
Sample usage= Acknowledgments. We acknowledge NASA/GSFCM-bM-^@M-^Ys Space Physics Data Facility M-bM-^@M-^Ys

37. Title=A study on the quarterdiurnal tide in the thermosphere at Arecibo during the February 2016 sudden stratospheric warming event
Authors=Yun Gong; Zheng Ma; Xiedong Lv; Shaodong Zhang; Qihou Zhou; Nestor Aponte; Michael Sulzer;
article=2018GL080422; doi=10.1029/2018GL080422; pubdate=28 November 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= from the website As shown in Figure

38. Title=Estimating the Rate of Cessation of Magnetospheric Activity in AMPERE Field Aligned Currents
Authors=T. Moretto; M. Hesse; S. Vennerstrøm; P. Tenfjord;
article=2018GL080631; doi=10.1029/2018GL080631; pubdate=28 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb
Sample usage= dataset available from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at
Sample usage= The OMNI dataset available from the GSFC/SPDF
Sample usage= dataset available from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at
Sample usage= We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s CDAWeb

39. Title=Statistical distributions of dayside ECH waves observed by MMS
Authors=Yuequn Lou; Xudong Gu; Danny Summers; Binbin Ni; Kaijun Liu; Song Fu; Zheng Xiang; Zhengyang Zou; Xing Cao; Wenxun Zhang; He Huang; Ying He;
article=2018GL080125; doi=10.1029/2018GL080125; pubdate=03 December 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC
Sample usage= OMNIWeb data of solar wind parameters
Sample usage= NSSDC OMNIWeb for the use of

40. Title=Observations on a series of merging magnetic flux ropes within an interplanetary coronal mass ejection
Authors=Hengqiang Feng; Yan Zhao; Guoqing Zhao; Qiang Liu; Dejin Wu;
article=2018GL080063; doi=10.1029/2018GL080063; pubdate=17 December 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= (\_public/). We also acknowledge the

41. Title=Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay (CRAND) as a source of inner belt electrons: Energy spectrum study
Authors=K. Zhang; X. Li; H. Zhao; Q. Schiller; L. Y. Khoo; Z. Xiang; R. Selesnick; M. A. Temerin; J. A. Sauvaud;
article=2018GL080887; doi=10.1029/2018GL080887; pubdate=26 December 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= are publicly available at and

42. Title=On the Driver of Daytime Pc3 Auroral Pulsations
Authors=T. Motoba; Y. Ebihara; Y. Ogawa; A. Kadokura; M. J. Engebretson; V. Angelopoulos; A. J. Gerrard; A. T. Weatherwax;
article=2018GL080842; doi=10.1029/2018GL080842; pubdate=26 December 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI
Sample usage= CDAWeb
Sample usage= (
Sample usage= OMNI database and from Acceleration, Reconnection,

43. Title=Effects of Cross Sheet Density and Temperature Inhomogeneities on Magnetotail Reconnection
Authors=San Lu; A. V. Artemyev; V. Angelopoulos; P. L. Pritchett; A. Runov;
article=2018GL081420; doi=10.1029/2018GL081420; pubdate=28 December 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= downloaded from and The

Science Enabled Research Papers in Radio Science for 2018

1. Title=Solar Influences on the Return Direction of High Frequency Radar Backscatter
Authors=Angeline G. Burrell; Gareth W. Perry; Timothy K. Yeoman; Stephen E. Milan; Russell Stoneback;
article=2017RS006512; doi=10.1002/2017RS006512; pubdate=23 March 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility
Sample usage= OMNIweb. The only exception to
Sample usage= Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center OMNI data set through
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility‘s OMNIWeb service and OMNI

2. Title=Effects of Electric Field and Neutral Wind on the Asymmetry of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
Authors=Sovit M. Khadka; Cesar E. Valladares; Robert Sheehan; Andrew J. Gerrard;
article=2017RS006428; doi=10.1029/2017RS006428; pubdate=17 April 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb
Sample usage= by The six plots in

3. Title=Antenna Array Simulation and Detection Performance Analysis of Sanya Prototype Incoherent Scatter Radar
Authors=Hailong Zhao; Ming Yao; Xiaohua Deng; Kai Yuan; Feng Ding; Lingqi Zeng; Chen Li;
article=2017RS006529; doi=10.1029/2017RS006529; pubdate=06 June 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, VITMO
Sample usage= from
Sample usage= the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model.
Sample usage= vitmo/iri2012_vitmo.html.

4. Title=Polar Topside Ionosphere During Geomagnetic Storms: Comparison of ISIS II With TDIM
Authors=J. J. Sojka; D. Rice; V. Eccles; M. David; R. W. Schunk; R. F. Benson; H. G. James;
article=2018RS006589; doi=10.1029/2018RS006589; pubdate=23 June 2018
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, IRI-2007
Sample usage= accessed via the website
Sample usage= is the NASA Space Physics Data Facility accessed via the website
Sample usage= D. (2009). Evaluation of the IRI-2007 model options for the topside

5. Title=Observations and Modeling of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance Signatures From an Australian Network of Oblique Angle of Arrival Sounders
Authors=Andrew J. Heitmann; Manuel A. Cervera; Robert S. Gardiner Garden; David A. Holdsworth; Andrew D. MacKinnon; Iain M. Reid; Bruce D. Ward;
article=2018RS006613; doi=10.1029/2018RS006613; pubdate=22 August 2018
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere
Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere as the background electron density

6. Title=Faraday Rotation, Total Electron Content, and Their Sensitivity to the Average Parallel Component of the Magnetic Field
Authors=A. C. Cushley; J. M. Noel; K. Kabin;
article=2018RS006667; doi=10.1029/2018RS006667; pubdate=23 August 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, VITMO
Sample usage=
Sample usage= profile (left panel) from the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI)
Sample usage= Bilitza, D. (2007). IRI-2007: Online computation and plotting
Sample usage= vitmo /iri_vitmo.html, and the values for

7. Title=Reconstruction of storm time total electron content using ionospheric tomography and artificial neural networks; A comparative study over the African region.
Authors=Jean Claude Uwamahoro; Nigussie M. Giday; John Bosco Habarulema; Zama T. Katamzi Joseph; Gopi Krishna Seemala;
article=2017RS006499; doi=10.1029/2017RS006499; pubdate=16 October 2018
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, IRI-\d{2,4}, VITMO
Sample usage=\_vitmo.html, with NeQuick as topside
Sample usage= ANNs results were compared with IRI-2016 predictions
Sample usage= vitmo /iri2016_vitmo.html, with NeQuick as topside

8. Title=Enhancing the ISIS I Topside Digital Ionogram Database
Authors=Robert F. Benson; Dieter Bilitza; Shing F. Fung; Vladimir Truhlik; Yongli Wang;
article=2018RS006659; doi=10.1029/2018RS006659; pubdate=16 November 2018
Keywords found: CDAWeb, NSSDC, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-\d{2,4}, IRI\d{2,4}
Sample usage=
Sample usage= E. (1986), Alouette-ISIS Program SummaryRep. NSSDC Report 86-09, NSSDC
Sample usage= Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). They found 248 topside
Sample usage= available from the NASA Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). They found 248 topside
Sample usage= and the predictions of the International Reference Ionosphere 2016 (IRI-2016) model.
Sample usage= International Reference Ionosphere 2016 (IRI-2016) model.
Sample usage= q = 3 and the IRI2016 Ne(h) profiles. In this case