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Acknowledgments of SPDF in 2014

The AGU journals ‘Space Weather’, ‘Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics’, ‘Geophysical Research Letters’, and ‘Radio Science’ were searched for acknowledgments of services developed and supported by NASA/Goddard’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).

Keywords searched and the number of occurrences across all four journals:

OMNI and/or OMNIWeb were referenced in 174 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 88 papers
Space Physics Data Facility and/or SPDF was referenced in 61 papers
SPDF-FTP was referenced in 12 papers
SSCWeb was referenced in 4 papers
TIPSOD was referenced in 0 papers
COHOWeb was referenced in 4 papers
VITMO-models was referenced in 43 papers
NSSDC was referenced in 19 papers

   Journal    Total number     Number of papers      Percentage
                of papers     with acknowledgment        
   SW              70               22                 31 %
   JGR            770              200                 26 %
   GRL           1211(all areas)    41                 
   RS             103                8                  8 %  

Science Enabled Research Papers in Space Weather journal for 2014 (22/70)

1. Title=Comparison of magnetic perturbation data from LEO satellite constellations: Statistics of DMSP and AMPERE
Authors=D. J. Knipp T. Matsuo L. Kilcommons A. Richmond B. Anderson H. Korth R. Redmon B. Mero N. Parrish
article=2013SW000987; doi=10.1002/2013SW000987; pubdate=7 JAN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

2. Title=Single-event upsets in the Cluster and Double Star Digital Wave Processor instruments
Authors=K. H. Yearby M. Balikhin S. N. Walker
article=2013SW000985; doi=10.1002/2013SW000985; pubdate=9 JAN 2014
Keywords found: ModelWeb (AP8)

3. Title=Assessment of GIC risk due to geomagnetic sudden commencements and identification of the current systems responsible
Authors=R. A. D. Fiori D. H. Boteler D. M. Gillies
article=2013SW000967; doi=10.1002/2013SW000967; pubdate=29 JAN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility

4. Title=Intercalibration of GOES 8-15 solar proton detectors
Authors=J. V. Rodriguez J. C. Krosschell J. C. Green
article=2013SW000996; doi=10.1002/2013SW000996; pubdate=30 JAN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

5. Title=Modeling the thermosphere as a driven-dissipative thermodynamic system
Authors=W. R. Frey C. S. Lin M. B. Garvin A. O. Acebal
article=2013SW001014; doi=10.1002/2013SW001014; pubdate=7 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDCFTP (jacchia)

6. Title=Inner heliosphere MHD modeling system applicable to space weather forecasting for the other planets
Authors=D. Shiota R. Kataoka Y. Miyoshi T. Hara C. Tao K. Masunaga Y. Futaana N. Terada
article=2013SW000989; doi=10.1002/2013SW000989; pubdate=2 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

7. Title=Ionospheric electron density response to solar flares as viewed by Digisondes
Authors=R. Handzo J. M. Forbes Bodo Reinisch
article=2013SW001020; doi=10.1002/2013SW001020; pubdate=4 APR 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

8. Title=Two-step forecast of geomagnetic storm using coronal mass ejection and solar wind condition
Authors=R.-S. Kim Y.-J. Moon N. Gopalswamy Y.-D. Park Y.-H. Kim
article=2014SW001033; doi=10.1002/2014SW001033; pubdate=14 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

9. Title=Impact of equinoctial high-speed stream structures on thermospheric responses
Authors=Ryan McGranaghan Delores J. Knipp Robert L. McPherron Linda A. Hunt
article=2014SW001045; doi=10.1002/2014SW001045; pubdate=28 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

10, Title=Predictions of the solar wind speed by the probability distribution function model
Authors=C. D. Bussy-Virat A. J. Ridley
article=2014SW001051; doi=10.1002/2014SW001051; pubdate=2 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

11. Title=OVATION Prime-2013: Extension of auroral precipitation model to higher disturbance levels
Authors=P. T. Newell K. Liou Y. Zhang T. Sotirelis L. J. Paxton E. J. Mitchell
article=2014SW001056; doi=10.1002/2014SW001056; pubdate=4 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI-2

12. Title=Energetic particle impact on X-ray imaging with XMM-Newton
Authors=B. M. Walsh K. D. Kuntz M. R. Collier D. G. Sibeck S. L. Snowden N. E. Thomas
article=2014SW001046; doi=10.1002/2014SW001046; pubdate=6 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

13. Title=Validating the Rice neural network and the Wing Kp real-time models
Authors=Ramkumar Bala Patricia Reiff
article=2014SW001075; doi=10.1002/2014SW001075; pubdate=19 JUN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

14. Title=Dynamic linear models for forecasting of radiation belt electrons and limitations on physical interpretation of predictive models
Authors=D. Osthus P. C. Caragea D. Higdon S. K. Morley G. D. Reeves B. P. Weaver
article=2014SW001057; doi=10.1002/2014SW001057; pubdate=20 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI2

15. Title=Specification of%E2%80%89%3E%E2%80%892%E2%80%89MeV electron flux as a function of local time and geomagnetic activity at geosynchronous orbit
Authors=Yi-Jiun Su Jack M. Quinn W. Robert Johnston James P. McCollough Michael J. Starks
article=2014SW001069; doi=10.1002/2014SW001069; pubdate=3 JUL 2014
Keywords found: NSSDC, AE-8

16. Title=The heliospheric magnetic flux  solar wind proton flux  and cosmic ray intensity during the coming solar minimum
Authors=Charles W. Smith K. G. McCracken Nathan A. Schwadron Molly L. Goelzer
article=2014SW001067; doi=10.1002/2014SW001067; pubdate=29 JUL 2014
Keywords found: OMNI2
Sample usage= to the Omni2 data set [King and Papitashvili,

17. Title=Geomagnetic storms  super-storms  and their impacts on GPS-based navigation systems
Authors=E. Astafyeva Yu. Yasyukevich A. Maksikov I. Zhivetiev
article=2014SW001072; doi=10.1002/2014SW001072; pubdate=30 JUL 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

18. Title=CalcDeltaB: An efficient postprocessing tool to calculate ground-level magnetic perturbations from global magnetosphere simulations
Authors=Lutz Rastatter Gabor Toth, Maria M. Kuznetsova Antti A. Pulkkinen
article=2014SW001083; doi=10.1002/2014SW001083; pubdate=1 OCT 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

19. Title=Statistical comparison of seasonal variations in the GUMICS-4 global MHD model ionosphere and measurements
Authors=L. Juusola G. Facsk%C3%B3 I. Honkonen P. Janhunen H. Vanhamaki K. Kauristie T. V. Laitinen S. E. Milan M. Palmroth E. I. Tanskanen A. Viljanen
article=2014SW001082; doi=10.1002/2014SW001082; pubdate=10 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, CCMC

20. Title=Progress toward forecasting of space weather effects on UHF SATCOM after Operation Anaconda
Authors=Michael A. Kelly Joseph M. Comberiate Ethan S. Miller Larry J. Paxton
article=2014SW001081; doi=10.1002/2014SW001081; pubdate=13 OCT 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

21. Title=Meeting Report: Solar Energetic Particle Measurements Intercalibration Workshop  11 April 2014  Boulder  Colorado
Authors=Juan V. Rodriguez Terrance G. Onsager Daniel Heynderickx Piers T. A. Jiggens
article=2014SW001134; doi=10.1002/2014SW001134; pubdate=19 NOV 2014
Keywords found: SPDF (IMP8 GME)

22. Title=Does the worsening galactic cosmic radiation environment observed by CRaTER preclude future manned deep space exploration%3F
Authors=N. A. Schwadron J. B. Blake A. W. Case C. J. Joyce J. Kasper J. Mazur N. Petro M. Quinn J. A. Porter C. W. Smith S. Smith H. E. Spence L. W. Townsend R. Turner J. K. Wilson C. Zeitlin
article=2014SW001084; doi=10.1002/2014SW001084; pubdate=8 NOV 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2

Science Enabled Research Papers in Journal of Geophysical Research / Space Physics for 2014 (200/770)

1. Title=Geo-effectiveness and radial dependence of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection
Authors=Benoit Lavraud Alexis Ruffenach Alexis P. Rouillard Primoz Kajdic Ward B. Manchester Noe Lugaz
article=2013JA019154; doi=10.1002/2013JA019154; pubdate=15 JAN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

2. Title=Solar cycle evolution of dipolar and pseudostreamer belts and their relation to the slow solar wind
Authors=M. J. Owens N. U. Crooker M. Lockwood
article=2013JA019412; doi=10.1002/2013JA019412; pubdate=28 FEB 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

3. Title=An analysis of Alfven radius based on sunspot number from 1749 to today
Authors=Molly L. Goelzer Nathan A. Schwadron Charles W. Smith
article=2013JA019420; doi=10.1002/2013JA019420; pubdate=30 JAN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI2

4. Title=Low-energy electrons (5-50 keV) in the inner magnetosphere
Authors=N. Y. Ganushkina M. W. Liemohn O. A. Amariutei D. Pitchford
article=2013JA019304; doi=10.1002/2013JA019304; pubdate=22 JAN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

5. Title=Three-dimensional electron radiation belt simulations using the BAS Radiation Belt Model with new diffusion models for chorus  plasmaspheric hiss  and lightning-generated whistlers
Authors=Sarah A. Glauert Richard B. Horne Nigel P. Meredith
article=2013JA019281; doi=10.1002/2013JA019281; pubdate=24 JAN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC

6. Title=Solar cycle dependence of nightside field-aligned currents: Effects of dayside ionospheric conductivity on the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
Authors=S. Ohtani S. Wing V. G. Merkin T. Higuchi
article=2013JA019410; doi=10.1002/2013JA019410; pubdate=30 JAN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, NSSDC

7. Title=Data-based modeling of the geomagnetosphere with an IMF-dependent magnetopause
Authors=N. A. Tsyganenko
article=2013JA019346; doi=10.1002/2013JA019346; pubdate=23 JAN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF

8. Title=Empirical model of Poynting flux derived from FAST data and a cusp signature
Authors=Russell B. Cosgrove Hasan Bahcivan Steven Chen Robert J. Strangeway Juan Ortega Mohamed Alhassan Yuchen Xu Megan Van Welie James Rehberger Sebastian Musielak Nicole Cahill
article=2013JA019105; doi=10.1002/2013JA019105; pubdate=8 JAN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

9. Title=Inductive-dynamic magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via MHD waves
Authors=Jiannan Tu Paul Song Vytenis M. Vasyliunas
article=2013JA018982; doi=10.1002/2013JA018982; pubdate=23 JAN 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

10. Title=Spherical cap harmonic analysis of the Arctic ionospheric TEC for one solar cycle
Authors=Jingbin Liu Ruizhi Chen Jiachun An Zemin Wang Juha Hyyppa
article=2013JA019501; doi=10.1002/2013JA019501; pubdate=30 JAN 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

11. Title=The source  statistical properties  and geoeffectiveness of long-duration southward interplanetary magnetic field intervals
Authors=X.-Y. Zhang M. B. Moldwin
article=2013JA018937; doi=10.1002/2013JA018937; pubdate=6 FEB 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

12. Title=First direct observation of sputtered lunar oxygen
Authors=A. Vorburger P. Wurz S. Barabash M. Wieser Y. Futaana M. Holmstrom A. Bhardwaj K. Asamura
article=2013JA019207; doi=10.1002/2013JA019207; pubdate=14 FEB 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

13. Title=The solar wind electric field does not control the dayside reconnection rate
Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky Joachim Birn
article=2013JA019193; doi=10.1002/2013JA019193; pubdate=10 FEB 2014
Keywords found: OMNI2, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

14. Title=Extremely intense ELF magnetosonic waves: A survey of polar observations
Authors=Bruce T. Tsurutani Barbara J. Falkowski Jolene S. Pickett Olga P. Verkhoglyadova Ondrej Santolik Gurbax S. Lakhina
article=2013JA019284; doi=10.1002/2013JA019284; pubdate=12 FEB 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

15. Title=On the use of geomagnetic indices and ULF waves for earthquake precursor signatures
Authors=J. L. Currie C. L. Waters
article=2013JA019530; doi=10.1002/2013JA019530; pubdate=18 FEB 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

16. Title=Size and shape of the distant magnetotail
Authors=D. G. Sibeck R.-Q. Lin
article=2013JA019471; doi=10.1002/2013JA019471; pubdate=20 FEB 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

17. Title=Introduction to the special section on Sun-Earth system response to extreme solar and seismic events
Authors=N. Balan
article=2014JA019756; doi=10.1002/2014JA019756; pubdate=13 FEB 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

18. Title=Energy coupling during the August 2011 magnetic storm
Authors=C. Y. Huang Y.-J. Su E. K. Sutton D. R. Weimer R. L. Davidson
article=2013JA019297; doi=10.1002/2013JA019297; pubdate=11 FEB 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

19. Title=A study on ionospheric scintillation near the EIA crest in relation to equatorial electrodynamics
Authors=S. Chatterjee S. K. Chakraborty B. Veenadhari S. Banola
article=2013JA019466; doi=10.1002/2013JA019466; pubdate=12 FEB 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

20. Title=Ionospheric response to the ultrafast Kelvin wave in the MLT region
Authors=Sheng-Yang Gu Xiankang Dou Jiuhou Lei Tao Li Xiaoli Luan Weixing Wan J. M. Russell
article=2013JA019086; doi=10.1002/2013JA019086; pubdate=27 FEB 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

21. Title=A “breathing” source surface for cycles 23 and 24
Authors=W. M. Arden A. A. Norton X. Sun
article=2013JA019464; doi=10.1002/2013JA019464; pubdate=24 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

22. Title=Coronal electron temperature in the protracted solar minimum  the cycle 24 mini maximum  and over centuries
Authors=N. A. Schwadron M. L. Goelzer C. W. Smith J. C. Kasper K. Korreck R. J. Leamon S. T. Lepri B. A. Maruca D. McComas M. L. Stevens
article=2013JA019397; doi=10.1002/2013JA019397; pubdate=26 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

23. Title=Modulation of galactic cosmic rays during the unusual solar minimum between cycles 23 and 24
Authors=L.-L. Zhao G. Qin M. Zhang B. Heber
article=2013JA019550; doi=10.1002/2013JA019550; pubdate=26 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

24. Title=On the cause and extent of outer radiation belt losses during the 30 September 2012 dropout event
Authors=D. L. Turner V. Angelopoulos S. K. Morley M. G. Henderson G. D. Reeves W. Li D. N. Baker C.-L. Huang A. Boyd H. E. Spence S. G. Claudepierre J. B. Blake J. V. Rodriguez
article=2013JA019446; doi=10.1002/2013JA019446; pubdate=17 MAR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

25. Title=The relationship between sawtooth events and O%2B in the plasma sheet
Authors=J. Liao X. Cai L. M. Kistler C. R. Clauer C. G. Mouikis B. Klecker I. Dandouras
article=2013JA019084; doi=10.1002/2013JA019084; pubdate=5 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

26. Title=Analytic expressions for ULF wave radiation belt radial diffusion coefficients
Authors=Louis G. Ozeke Ian R. Mann Kyle R. Murphy I. Jonathan Rae David K. Milling
article=2013JA019204; doi=10.1002/2013JA019204; pubdate=5 MAR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

27. Title=Application and testing of the L%2A neural network with the self-consistent magnetic field model of RAM-SCB
Authors=Yiqun Yu Josef Koller Vania K. Jordanova Sorin G. Zaharia Reinhard W. Friedel Steven K. Morley Yue Chen Daniel Baker Geoffrey D. Reeves Harlan E. Spence
article=2013JA019350; doi=10.1002/2013JA019350; pubdate=6 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, AE-8

28. Title=REPAD: An empirical model of pitch angle distributions for energetic electrons in the Earth\‘s outer radiation belt
Authors=Yue Chen Reiner H. W. Friedel Michael G. Henderson Seth G. Claudepierre Steven K. Morley Harlan E. Spence
article=2013JA019431; doi=10.1002/2013JA019431; pubdate=7 MAR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, AE-8

29. Title=On the presence and properties of cold ions near Earth\‘s equatorial magnetosphere
Authors=Justin H. Lee Vassilis Angelopoulos
article=2013JA019305; doi=10.1002/2013JA019305; pubdate=12 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

30. Title=Investigating the IMF cone angle control of Pc3-4 pulsations observed on the ground
Authors=Elianna A. Bier Nana Owusu Mark J. Engebretson Jennifer L. Posch Marc R. Lessard Viacheslav A. Pilipenko
article=2013JA019637; doi=10.1002/2013JA019637; pubdate=18 MAR 2014
Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

31. Title=Radial diffusion comparing a THEMIS statistical model with geosynchronous measurements as input
Authors=Zhao Li Mary Hudson Yue Chen
article=2013JA019320; doi=10.1002/2013JA019320; pubdate=24 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

32. Title=Electromagnetic ion cyclotron rising tone emissions observed by THEMIS probes outside the plasmapause
Authors=Satoko Nakamura Yoshiharu Omura Shinobu Machida Masafumi Shoji Masahito Nose Vassilis Angelopoulos
article=2013JA019146; doi=10.1002/2013JA019146; pubdate=24 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

33. Title=Development and validation of inversion technique for substorm current wedge using ground magnetic field data
Authors=Xiangning Chu Tung-Shin Hsu Robert L. McPherron Vassilis Angelopoulos Zuyin Pu James J. Weygand Krishan Khurana Martin Connors Jennifer Kissinger Hui Zhang Olaf Amm
article=2013JA019185; doi=10.1002/2013JA019185; pubdate=26 MAR 2014
Keywords found: NSSDC (ftp)

34. Title=Competing source and loss mechanisms due to wave-particle interactions in Earth’s outer radiation belt during the 30 September to 3 October 2012 geomagnetic storm
Authors=D. L. Turner V. Angelopoulos W. Li J. Bortnik B. Ni Q. Ma R. M. Thorne S. K. Morley M. G. Henderson G. D. Reeves M. Usanova I. R. Mann S. G. Claudepierre J. B. Blake D. N. Baker C.-L. Huang H. Spence W. Kurth C. Kletzing J. V. Rodriguez
article=2014JA019770; doi=10.1002/2014JA019770; pubdate=26 MAR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

35. Title=Annual variations in westward auroral electrojet and substorm occurrence rate during solar cycle 23
Authors=Jianpeng Guo T. I. Pulkkinen E. I. Tanskanen Xueshang Feng Barbara A. Emery Huixin Liu Chaoxu Liu Dingkun Zhong
article=2013JA019742; doi=10.1002/2013JA019742; pubdate=24 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

36. Title=Storm time enhancements of 630.0 nm airglow associated with polar cap patches
Authors=J. Sakai K. Hosokawa S. Taguchi Y. Ogawa
article=2013JA019197; doi=10.1002/2013JA019197; pubdate=17 MAR 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, VITMO (MSIS, IRI)

37. Title=New aspects of the ionospheric response to the October 2003 superstorms from multiple-satellite observations
Authors=Jiuhou Lei Wenbin Wang Alan G. Burns Xinan Yue Xiankang Dou Xiaoli Luan Stanley C. Solomon Yong C.-M. Liu
article=2013JA019575; doi=10.1002/2013JA019575; pubdate=28 MAR 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

38. Title=Comparison of the extended solar minimum of 2006-2009 with the Spoerer  Maunder  and Dalton Grand Minima in solar activity in the past
Authors=K. G. McCracken J. Beer
article=2013JA019504; doi=10.1002/2013JA019504; pubdate=8 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

39. Title=Corotating interaction regions and the 27 day variation of galactic cosmic rays intensity at 1 AU during the cycle 23%2F24 solar minimum
Authors=X. Guo V. Florinski
article=2013JA019546; doi=10.1002/2013JA019546; pubdate=28 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

40. Title=Direct calculation of the ring current distribution and magnetic structure seen by Cluster during geomagnetic storms
Authors=C. Shen Y. Y. Yang Z. J. Rong X. Li M. Dunlop C. M. Carr Z. X. Liu D. N. Baker Z. Q. Chen Y. Ji G. Zeng
article=2013JA019460; doi=10.1002/2013JA019460; pubdate=1 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

41. Title=Field-aligned currents during the extreme solar minimum between the solar cycles 23 and 24
Authors=Simon Wing Shinichi Ohtani Jay Johnson Gordon R. Wilson Tomoyuki Higuchi
article=2013JA019452; doi=10.1002/2013JA019452; pubdate=16 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

42. Title=Magnetospheric conditions for sawtooth event development
Authors=M. A. Noah W. J. Burke
article=2013JA019573; doi=10.1002/2013JA019573; pubdate=1 APR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

43. Title=A survey of quiet auroral arc orientation and the effects of the interplanetary magnetic field
Authors=D. M. Gillies D. J. Knudsen E. F. Donovan E. L. Spanswick C. Hansen D. Keating S. Erion
article=2013JA019469; doi=10.1002/2013JA019469; pubdate=4 APR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility

44. Title=Storm time evolution of ELF%2FVLF waves observed by DEMETER satellite
Authors=Zeren Zhima JinBin Cao WenLong Liu HuiShan Fu TieYan Wang XueMin Zhang XuHui Shen
article=2013JA019237; doi=10.1002/2013JA019237; pubdate=8 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

45. Title=Comparison of equatorial plasma mass densities deduced from field line resonances observed at ground for dipole and IGRF models
Authors=M. Vellante M. Piersanti E. Pietropaolo
article=2013JA019568; doi=10.1002/2013JA019568; pubdate=8 APR 2014
Keywords found: ModelWeb, CGM, CCMC, VITMO(IGRF)

46. Title=Solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling efficiency and partitioning: HILDCAAs and preceding CIR storms during solar cycle 23
Authors=Rajkumar Hajra Ezequiel Echer Bruce T. Tsurutani Walter D. Gonzalez
article=2013JA019646; doi=10.1002/2013JA019646; pubdate=14 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

47. Title=Consequences of geomagnetic activity on energization and loss of radiation belt electrons by oblique chorus waves
Authors=D. Mourenas A. V. Artemyev O. V. Agapitov V. Krasnoselskikh
article=2013JA019674; doi=10.1002/2013JA019674; pubdate=21 APR 2014
Keywords found: AE-8

48. Title=Spatial variation in the plasma sheet composition: Dependence on geomagnetic and solar activity
Authors=R. Maggiolo L. M. Kistler
article=2013JA019517; doi=10.1002/2013JA019517; pubdate=24 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

49. Title=Correlation of core field polarity of magnetotail flux ropes with the IMF By: Reconnection guide field dependency
Authors=W.-L. Teh R. Nakamura H. Karimabadi W. Baumjohann T. L. Zhang
article=2013JA019454; doi=10.1002/2013JA019454; pubdate=25 APR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

50. Title=Electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave modeling during the geospace environment modeling challenge event
Authors=Lunjin Chen Vania K. Jordanova Maria Spasojevi%C4%87 Richard M. Thorne Richard B. Horne
article=2013JA019595; doi=10.1002/2013JA019595; pubdate=28 APR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

51. Title=Substorm occurrence during quiet solar wind driving
Authors=T. I. Pulkkinen N. Partamies E. K. J. Kilpua
article=2013JA019503; doi=10.1002/2013JA019503; pubdate=28 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

52. Title=First Palmer and Millstone Hill midlatitude conjugate observation of thermospheric winds
Authors=Qian Wu John Noto Robert Kerr Sudha Kapali Juanita Riccobono Wenbin Wang Elsayed R. Talaat
article=2013JA019062; doi=10.1002/2013JA019062; pubdate=14 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

53. Title=The origin of spectral resonance structures of the ionospheric Alfven resonator. Single high-altitude reflection or resonant cavity excitation%3F
Authors=E. Fedorov A. Schekotov Y. Hobara R. Nakamura N. Yagova M. Hayakawa
article=2013JA019428; doi=10.1002/2013JA019428; pubdate=16 APR 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

54. Title=Interplanetary magnetic field control of the ionospheric field-aligned current and convection distributions
Authors=L. Juusola S. E.%E2%80%89Milan M. Lester A. Grocott S. M.%E2%80%89Imber
article=2013JA019455; doi=10.1002/2013JA019455; pubdate=16 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

55. Title=An analysis of the quiet time day-to-day variability in the formation of postsunset equatorial plasma bubbles in the Southeast Asian region
Authors=B. A. Carter E. Yizengaw J. M. Retterer M. Francis M. Terkildsen R. Marshall R. Norman K. Zhang
article=2013JA019570; doi=10.1002/2013JA019570; pubdate=30 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

56. Title=Proton temperature change with heliocentric distance from 0.3 to 1 AU according to relative temperatures
Authors=Leslie J. Lamarche Bernard J. Vasquez Charles W. Smith
article=2013JA019529; doi=10.1002/2013JA019529; pubdate=16 MAY 2014
Keywords found: NSSDCFTP (helios1/merged)

57. Title=Chorus acceleration of radiation belt relativistic electrons during March 2013 geomagnetic storm
Authors=Fuliang Xiao Chang Yang Zhaoguo He Zhenpeng Su Qinghua Zhou Yihua He C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves H. O. Funsten J. B. Blake D. N. Baker J. R. Wygant
article=2014JA019822; doi=10.1002/2014JA019822; pubdate=23 MAY 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

58. Title=Coordinated ionospheric observations indicating coupling between preonset flow bursts and waves that lead to substorm onset
Authors=Y. Nishimura L. R. Lyons M. J. Nicolls D. L. Hampton R. G. Michell M. Samara W. A. Bristow E. F. Donovan E. Spanswick V. Angelopoulos S. B. Mende
article=2014JA019773; doi=10.1002/2014JA019773; pubdate=1 MAY 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

59. Title=First results using TWINS-derived ion temperature boundary conditions in CRCM
Authors=J. G. Elfritz A. M. Keesee N. Buzulukova M. -C. Fok E. E. Scime
article=2013JA019555; doi=10.1002/2013JA019555; pubdate=6 MAY 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

60. Title=The relation between transpolar potential and reconnection rates during sudden enhancement of solar wind dynamic pressure: OpenGGCM-CTIM results
Authors=H. K. Connor E. Zesta D. M. Ober J. Raeder
article=2013JA019728; doi=10.1002/2013JA019728; pubdate=9 MAY 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

61. Title=Pi2 pulsation simultaneously observed in the E and F region ionosphere with the SuperDARN Hokkaido radar
Authors=M. Teramoto N. Nishitani V. Pilipenko T. Ogawa K. Shiokawa T. Nagatsuma A. Yoshikawa D. Baishev K. T. Murata
article=2012JA018585; doi=10.1002/2012JA018585; pubdate=14 MAY 2014
Keywords found: OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2001

62. Title=Properties of plasma ions in the distant Jovian magnetosheath using Solar Wind Around Pluto data on New Horizons
Authors=G. Nicolaou D. J. McComas F. Bagenal H. A. Elliott
article=2013JA019665; doi=10.1002/2013JA019665; pubdate=14 MAY 2014
Keywords found: COHOWeb

63. Title=Association of consecutive Pi2-Ps6 band pulsations with earthward fast flows in the plasma sheet in response to IMF variations
Authors=Ching-Chang Cheng Ian R. Mann Wolfgang Baumjohann
article=2013JA019275; doi=10.1002/2013JA019275; pubdate=27 MAY 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

64. Title=Geospace variability during the 2008-2009 Whole Heliosphere Intervals
Authors=J. L. Lean S. E. McDonald J. D. Huba J. T. Emmert D. P. Drob C. L. Siefring
article=2013JA019485; doi=10.1002/2013JA019485; pubdate=5 MAY 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI2

65. Title=Solar cycle variation of the electron density in the topside ionosphere at local nighttime observed by DEMETER during 2006-2008
Authors=Xuemin Zhang Jiadong Qian Xuhui Shen
article=2013JA019463; doi=10.1002/2013JA019463; pubdate=7 MAY 2014
Keywords found: VITMO (IRI, MSIS), IRI2012, IRI-2007

66. Title=Data-driven numerical simulations of equatorial spread F in the Peruvian sector
Authors=D. L. Hysell R. Jafari M. A. Milla J. W. Meriwether
article=2014JA019889; doi=10.1002/2014JA019889; pubdate=7 MAY 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere
Sample usage= as to agree with the International Reference Ionosphere

67. Title=Ionospheric model-observation comparisons: E layer at Arecibo Incorporation of SDO-EVE solar irradiances
Authors=Jan J. Sojka Joseph B. Jensen Michael David Robert W. Schunk Tom Woods Frank Eparvier Michael P. Sulzer Sixto A. Gonzalez J. Vincent Eccles
article=2013JA019528; doi=10.1002/2013JA019528; pubdate=8 MAY 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

68. Title=Ionospheric effects of the missile destruction on 9 December 2009
Authors=Alexander Kozlovsky Sergey Shalimov Renata Lukianova Mark Lester
article=2013JA019531; doi=10.1002/2013JA019531; pubdate=12 MAY 2014
Keywords found: NSSDCFTP (HWM)

69. Title=A statistical approach to determining energetic outer radiation belt electron precipitation fluxes
Authors=Mea Simon Wedlund Mark A. Clilverd Craig J. Rodger Kathy Cresswell-Moorcock Neil Cobbett Paul Breen Donald Danskin Emma Spanswick Juan V. Rodriguez
article=2013JA019715; doi=10.1002/2013JA019715; pubdate=21 MAY 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, IRI-2007, VITMO(IRI)

70. Title=Peculiarities of cosmic ray modulation in the solar minimum 23%2F24
Authors=M. V. Alania R. Modzelewska A. Wawrzynczak
article=2013JA019500; doi=10.1002/2013JA019500; pubdate=2 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

71. Title=Solar wind pressure pulse-driven magnetospheric vortices and their global consequences
Authors=Q. Q. Shi M.D. Hartinger V. Angelopoulos A.M. Tian S.Y. Fu Q.-G. Zong J. M. Weygand J. Raeder Z.Y. Pu X.Z. Zhou M.W. Dunlop W.L. Liu H. Zhang Z.H. Yao X.C. Shen
article=2013JA019551; doi=10.1002/2013JA019551; pubdate=24 JUN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

72. Title=Exploring the cross correlations and autocorrelations of the ULF indices and incorporating the ULF indices into the systems science of the solar wind-driven magnetosphere
Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky Michael H. Denton
article=2014JA019876; doi=10.1002/2014JA019876; pubdate=2 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI2

73. Title=Steady magnetospheric convection events: How much does steadiness matter?
Authors=A. D. DeJong
article=2013JA019220; doi=10.1002/2013JA019220; pubdate=5 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

74. Title=Evaluating the diffusive equilibrium models: Comparison with the IMAGE RPI field-aligned electron density measurements
Authors=P. Ozhogin P. Song J. Tu B. W. Reinisch
article=2014JA019982; doi=10.1002/2014JA019982; pubdate=5 JUN 2014
Keywords found: IRI-2007

75. Title=Thermospheric density perturbations in response to substorms
Authors=L. B. N. Clausen S. E. Milan A. Grocott
article=2014JA019837; doi=10.1002/2014JA019837; pubdate=11 JUN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

76. Title=Magnetopause reconnection and energy conversion as influenced by the dipole tilt and the IMF Bx
Authors=Sanni Hoilijoki Vitor M. Souza Brian M. Walsh Pekka Janhunen Minna Palmroth
article=2013JA019693; doi=10.1002/2013JA019693; pubdate=13 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

77. Title=Annual fractions of high-speed streams from principal component analysis of local geomagnetic activity
Authors=L. Holappa K. Mursula T. Asikainen I.%E2%80%89G. Richardson
article=2014JA019958; doi=10.1002/2014JA019958; pubdate=18 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI,

78. Title=Electron number density  temperature  and energy density at GEO and links to the solar wind: A simple predictive capability
Authors=D. P. Hartley M. H. Denton J. V. Rodriguez
article=2014JA019779; doi=10.1002/2014JA019779; pubdate=18 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

79. Title=A vortical dawn flank boundary layer for near-radial IMF: Wind observations on 24 October 2001
Authors=C. J. Farrugia F. T. Gratton G. Gnavi R. B. Torbert Lynn B. Wilson
article=2013JA019578; doi=10.1002/2013JA019578; pubdate=19 JUN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

80. Title=Density and temperature evolution of the plasma sheet during a simulated interval of northward interplanetary magnetic field
Authors=Wendy J. Mata Colby Lemon Chih-Ping Wang Larry R. Lyons
article=2013JA019336; doi=10.1002/2013JA019336; pubdate=19 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

81. Title=Exploring the efficacy of different electric field models in driving a model of the plasmasphere
Authors=A.%E2%80%89J. Ridley A. M. Dodger M. W. Liemohn
article=2014JA019836; doi=10.1002/2014JA019836; pubdate=20 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

82. Title=Statistical analysis of geosynchronous magnetic field perturbations near midnight during sudden commencements
Authors=J.-S. Park K.-H. Kim H.-J. Kwon E. Lee D.-H. Lee H. Jin J. Hwang
article=2013JA019380; doi=10.1002/2013JA019380; pubdate=24 JUN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

83. Title=Radiation belt electron acceleration by chorus waves during the 17 March 2013 storm
Authors=W. Li R. M. Thorne Q. Ma B. Ni J. Bortnik D. N. Baker H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves S. G. Kanekal J. C. Green C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky J. B. Blake J. F. Fennell S. G. Claudepierre
article=2014JA019945; doi=10.1002/2014JA019945; pubdate=26 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

84. Title=Geotail observation of upper band and lower band chorus elements in the outer magnetosphere
Authors=Satoshi Yagitani Toshihiro Habagishi Yoshiharu Omura
article=2013JA019678; doi=10.1002/2013JA019678; pubdate=26 JUN 2014
Keywords found: Space Physics Data Facility

85. Title=Multisatellite observations of an intensified equatorial ionization anomaly in relation to the northern Sumatra earthquake of March 2005
Authors=K. Ryu E. Lee J. S. Chae M. Parrot K.-I. Oyama
article=2013JA019685; doi=10.1002/2013JA019685; pubdate=2 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

86. Title=Auroral electrojet indices in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres: A statistical comparison
Authors=J. M. Weygand E. Zesta O. Troshichev
article=2013JA019377; doi=10.1002/2013JA019377; pubdate=3 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, VITMO (CGM),

87. Title=Global-scale ionospheric flow and aurora precursors of auroral substorms: Coordinated SuperDARN and IMAGE%2FWIC observations
Authors=Yong Shi Eftyhia Zesta
article=2013JA019175; doi=10.1002/2013JA019175; pubdate=6 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

88. Title=Investigation of the temperature gradient instability as the source of midlatitude quiet time decameter-scale ionospheric irregularities: 1. Observations
Authors=S. Larquier A. Eltrass A. Mahmoudian J. M. Ruohoniemi J.B.H. Baker W. A. Scales P. J. Erickson R. A. Greenwald
article=2013JA019643; doi=10.1002/2013JA019643; pubdate=9 JUN 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

89. Title=D region electron profiles observed with substantial spatial and temporal change near thunderstorms
Authors=Erin H. Lay Xuan-Min Shao Abram R. Jacobson
article=2013JA019430; doi=10.1002/2013JA019430; pubdate=10 JUN 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

90. Title=The effect of the thermosphere on quiet time plasmasphere morphology
Authors=J. Krall J. D. Huba R. E. Denton G. Crowley T.-W. Wu
article=2014JA019850; doi=10.1002/2014JA019850; pubdate=18 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

91. Title=On the performance of the IRI-2012 and NeQuick2 models during the increasing phase of the unusual 24th solar cycle in the Brazilian equatorial and low-latitude sectors
Authors=K. Venkatesh P. R. Fagundes Gopi K. Seemala R. Jesus A. J. Abreu V. G. Pillat
article=2014JA019960; doi=10.1002/2014JA019960; pubdate=27 JUN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb(IRI), NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2001, IRI-2007, VITMO, IRI-2012

92. Title=Full-halo coronal mass ejections: Arrival at the Earth
Authors=Chenglong Shen Yuming Wang Zonghao Pan Bin Miao Pinzhong Ye S. Wang
article=2014JA020001; doi=10.1002/2014JA020001; pubdate=2 JUL 2014
Keywords found: NSSDC(SPDFtp)

93. Title=The effects of solar wind velocity distributions on the refilling of the lunar wake: ARTEMIS observations and comparisons to one-dimensional theory
Authors=J. S. Halekas A. R. Poppe J. P. McFadden
article=2014JA020083; doi=10.1002/2014JA020083; pubdate=8 JUL 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

94. Title=The bird’s ear view of space physics: Audification as a tool for the spectral analysis of time series data
Authors=Robert L. Alexander Sile O\‘Modhrain D. Aaron Roberts Jason A. Gilbert Thomas H. Zurbuchen
article=2014JA020025; doi=10.1002/2014JA020025; pubdate=25 JUL 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

95. Title=Dependence of IMF By penetration into the neutral sheet on IMF Bz and geomagnetic activity
Authors=JinBin Cao Aiying Duan M. Dunlop Xinhua Wei Cunlin Cai
article=2014JA019827; doi=10.1002/2014JA019827; pubdate=2 JUL 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

96. Title=Evolution of nightside subauroral proton aurora caused by transient plasma sheet flows
Authors=Y. Nishimura J. Bortnik W. Li L. R. Lyons E. F. Donovan V. Angelopoulos S. B. Mende
article=2014JA020029; doi=10.1002/2014JA020029; pubdate=3 JUL 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

97. Title=Local time resolved dynamics of field-aligned currents and their response to solar wind variability
Authors=Maosheng He Joachim Vogt Hermann L%C3%BChr Eugen Sorbalo
article=2014JA019776; doi=10.1002/2014JA019776; pubdate=31 JUL 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

98. Title=Global morphology and spectral properties of EMIC waves derived from CRRES observations
Authors=Nigel P. Meredith Richard B. Horne Tobias Kersten Brian J. Fraser Russell S. Grew
article=2014JA020064; doi=10.1002/2014JA020064; pubdate=1 JUL 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC

99. Title=Canonical correlation analysis of the combined solar wind and geomagnetic index data sets
Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky
article=2013JA019607; doi=10.1002/2013JA019607; pubdate=7 JUL 2014
Keywords found: OMNI2

100. Title=Solar filament impact on 21 January 2005: Geospace consequences
Authors=J. U. Kozyra M. W. Liemohn C. Cattell D. De Zeeuw C. P. Escoubet D. S. Evans X. Fang M.-C. Fok H. U. Frey W. D. Gonzalez M. Hairston R. Heelis G. Lu W. B. Manchester S. Mende L. J. Paxton L. Rastaetter A. Ridley M. Sandanger F. Soraas T. Sotirelis M. W. Thomsen B. T. Tsurutani O. Verkhoglyadova
article=2013JA019748; doi=10.1002/2013JA019748; pubdate=9 JUL 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

101. Title=Effects of prolonged southward interplanetary magnetic field on low-latitude ionospheric electron density
Authors=Mala S. Bagiya Rumajyoti Hazarika Fazlul I. Laskar Surendra Sunda S. Gurubaran D. Chakrabarty P. K. Bhuyan R. Sridharan B. Veenadhari D. Pallamraju
article=2014JA020156; doi=10.1002/2014JA020156; pubdate=3 JUL 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

102. Title=The influence of IMF clock angle timescales on the morphology of ionospheric convection
Authors=A. Grocott S. E. Milan
article=2014JA020136; doi=10.1002/2014JA020136; pubdate=21 JUL 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

103. Title=Broad plasma depletions detected in the bottomside of the equatorial F region: Simultaneous ROCSAT-1 and JULIA observations
Authors=Hyosub Kil Young-Sil Kwak Woo Kyoung Lee Seung-Jun Oh Marco Milla Ivan Galkin
article=2014JA019964; doi=10.1002/2014JA019964; pubdate=28 JUL 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb(Indices)

104. Title=Investigation of the seasonal and local time variations of the high-altitude sporadic Na layer (Nas) formation and the associated midlatitude descending E layer (Es) in lower E region
Authors=T. Yuan Jihong Wang Xuguang Cai J. Sojka D. Rice J. Oberheide N. Criddle
article=2014JA019942; doi=10.1002/2014JA019942; pubdate=28 JUL 2014
Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

105. Title=The Centennial Gleissberg Cycle and its association with extended minima
Authors=J. Feynman A. Ruzmaikin
article=2013JA019478; doi=10.1002/2013JA019478; pubdate=25 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

106. Title=Heliosheath magnetic field and plasma observed by Voyager 2 during 2011
Authors=L. F. Burlaga N. F. Ness J. D. Richardson
article=2014JA020297; doi=10.1002/2014JA020297; pubdate=26 AUG 2014
Keywords found: COHOWeb, OMNIWeb, SPDF

107. Title=Statistical study of chorus wave distributions in the inner magnetosphere using Ae and solar wind parameters
Authors=Homayon Aryan Keith Yearby Michael Balikhin Oleksiy Agapitov Vladimir Krasnoselskikh Richard Boynton
article=2014JA019939; doi=10.1002/2014JA019939; pubdate=18 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

108. Title=Solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function fitting: Results from a global MHD simulation
Authors=C. Wang J. P. Han H. Li Z. Peng J. D. Richardson
article=2014JA019834; doi=10.1002/2014JA019834; pubdate=6 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

109. Title=Comparison of energetic electron intensities outside and inside the radiation belts
Authors=A. T. Y. Lui D. G. Mitchell L. J. Lanzerotti
article=2014JA020049; doi=10.1002/2014JA020049; pubdate=7 AUG 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

110. Title=A statistical study of magnetic field fluctuations in the dayside magnetosheath and their dependence on upstream solar wind conditions
Authors=A. P. Dimmock K. Nykyri T. I. Pulkkinen
article=2014JA020009; doi=10.1002/2014JA020009; pubdate=11 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

111. Title=Fine-scale transient arcs seen in a shock aurora
Authors=T. Motoba Y. Ebihara A. Kadokura A. T. Weatherwax
article=2014JA020229; doi=10.1002/2014JA020229; pubdate=11 AUG 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

112. Title=The force-free configuration of flux ropes in geomagnetotail: Cluster observations
Authors=Y. Y. Yang C. Shen Y. C. Zhang Z. J. Rong X. Li M. Dunlop Y. H. Ma Z. X. Liu C. M. Carr H. Reme
article=2013JA019642; doi=10.1002/2013JA019642; pubdate=15 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

113. Title=Statistical analysis of electron lifetimes at GEO: Comparisons with chorus-driven losses
Authors=R. J. Boynton M. A. Balikhin D. Mourenas
article=2014JA019920; doi=10.1002/2014JA019920; pubdate=21 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

114. Title=The effects and correction of the geometric factor for the POES%2FMEPED electron flux instrument using a multisatellite comparison
Authors=Ian C. Whittaker Craig J. Rodger Mark A. Clilverd Jean-Andre Sauvaud
article=2014JA020021; doi=10.1002/2014JA020021; pubdate=22 AUG 2014
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility (NOAA-14)

115. Title=Evolution of mass density and O%2B concentration at geostationary orbit during storm and quiet events
Authors=R. E. Denton K. Takahashi M. F. Thomsen J. E. Borovsky H. J. Singer Y. Wang J. Goldstein P. C. Brandt B. W. Reinisch
article=2014JA019888; doi=10.1002/2014JA019888; pubdate=22 AUG 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

116. Title=Long-lived plasmaspheric drainage plumes: Where does the plasma come from?
Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky Daniel T. Welling Michelle F. Thomsen Michael H. Denton
article=2014JA020228; doi=10.1002/2014JA020228; pubdate=26 AUG 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

117. Title=PC index as a proxy of the solar wind energy that entered into the magnetosphere: Development of magnetic substorms
Authors=O. A. Troshichev N. A. Podorozhkina D. A. Sormakov A. S. Janzhura
article=2014JA019940; doi=10.1002/2014JA019940; pubdate=27 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb(indices)

118. Title=Observations of the inner radiation belt: CRAND and trapped solar protons
Authors=R. S. Selesnick D. N. Baker A. N. Jaynes X. Li S. G. Kanekal M. K. Hudson B. T. Kress
article=2014JA020188; doi=10.1002/2014JA020188; pubdate=27 AUG 2014
Keywords found: NSSDC, AP-8

119. Title=THEMIS observations of the current sheet dynamics in response to the intrusion of the high-velocity plasma flow into the near-Earth magnetotail
Authors=E. E. Grigorenko J.-A. Sauvaud L. Palin C. Jacquey L. M. Zelenyi
article=2013JA019729; doi=10.1002/2013JA019729; pubdate=27 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

120. Title=Attribution of interminima changes in the global thermosphere and ionosphere
Authors=J. T. Emmert S. E. McDonald D. P. Drob R. R. Meier J. L. Lean J. M. Picone
article=2013JA019484; doi=10.1002/2013JA019484; pubdate=1 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2

121. Title=A top to bottom evaluation of IRI 2007 within the polar cap
Authors=David R. Themens P. Thayyil Jayachandran Michael J. Nicolls John W. MacDougall
article=2014JA020052; doi=10.1002/2014JA020052; pubdate=5 AUG 2014
Keywords found: NSSDC, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-95, IRI-2001, IRI-2007

122. Title=Geomagnetic lunar and solar daily variations during the last 100 years
Authors=Y. Yamazaki M. J. Kosch
article=2014JA020203; doi=10.1002/2014JA020203; pubdate=7 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere

123. Title=A solar cycle of upper thermosphere density observations from the EISCAT Svalbard Radar
Authors=H. Vickers M. J. Kosch E. Sutton L. Bjoland Y. Ogawa C. La Hoz
article=2014JA019885; doi=10.1002/2014JA019885; pubdate=19 AUG 2014
Keywords found: SSCWeb

124. Title=Thermospheric planetary wave-type oscillations observed by FPIs over Xinglong and Millstone Hill
Authors=Xiao Liu Jiyao Xu Shunrong Zhang Guoying Jiang Qihou Zhou Wei Yuan John Noto Robert Kerr
article=2014JA020043; doi=10.1002/2014JA020043; pubdate=25 AUG 2014
Keywords found: SPDF(ftp)

125. Title=Seasonal trends of nighttime plasma density enhancements in the topside ionosphere
Authors=Ewa Slominska Jan Blecki Jean-Pierre Lebreton Michel Parrot Jan Slominski
article=2014JA020181; doi=10.1002/2014JA020181; pubdate=27 AUG 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI2012

126. Title=Propagation of gravity waves and spread F in the low-latitude ionosphere over Tucuman Argentina  by continuous Doppler sounding: First results
Authors=J. Chum F. A. M. Bonomi J. Fiser M. A. Cabrera R. G. Ezquer D. Buresova  J. Lastovicka J. Base F. Hruska M. G. Molina J. E. Ise J. I. Cangemi T. Sindelarova
article=2014JA020184; doi=10.1002/2014JA020184; pubdate=28 AUG 2014
Keywords found: VITMO(IRI,HWM), International Reference Ionosphere,

127. Title=A reexamination of long-duration radial IMF events
Authors=Gilbert Pi Jih-Hong Shue Jih-Kwin Chao Zdenek N%C4%9Bme%C4%8Dek Jana %C5%A0afr%C3%A1nkov%C3%A1 Chia-Hsien Lin
article=2014JA019993; doi=10.1002/2014JA019993; pubdate=4 SEP 2014
Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC

128. Title=Comparison of interplanetary CME arrival times and solar wind parameters based on the WSA-ENLIL model with three cone types and observations
Authors=Soojeong Jang Y.-J. Moon Jae-Ok Lee Hyeonock Na
article=2014JA020339; doi=10.1002/2014JA020339; pubdate=26 SEP 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

129. Title=Evolution of the 12 July 2012 CME from the Sun to the Earth: Data-constrained three-dimensional MHD simulations
Authors=Fang Shen Chenglong Shen Jie Zhang Phillip Hess Yuming Wang Xueshang Feng Hongze Cheng Yi Yang
article=2014JA020365; doi=10.1002/2014JA020365; pubdate=26 SEP 2014

130. Title=RCM-E and AMIE studies of the Harang reversal formation during a steady magnetospheric convection event
Authors=Jian Yang Frank Toffoletto Gang Lu Michael Wiltberger
article=2014JA020207; doi=10.1002/2014JA020207; pubdate=12 SEP 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

131. Title=Properties of low-latitude mantle plasma in the Earth\‘s magnetotail: ARTEMIS observations and global MHD predictions
Authors=Chih-Ping Wang Larry R. Lyons Vassilis Angelopoulos
article=2014JA020060; doi=10.1002/2014JA020060; pubdate=15 SEP 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

132. Title=Prediction of relativistic electron flux at geostationary orbit following storms: Multiple regression analysis
Authors=Laura E. Simms Viacheslav Pilipenko Mark J. Engebretson Geoffrey D. Reeves A. J. Smith Mark Clilverd
article=2014JA019955; doi=10.1002/2014JA019955; pubdate=18 SEP 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

133. Title=The role of small-scale ion injections in the buildup of Earth\‘s ring current pressure: Van Allen Probes observations of the 17 March 2013 storm
Authors=Matina Gkioulidou A. Y. Ukhorskiy D. G. Mitchell T. Sotirelis B. H. Mauk L. J. Lanzerotti
article=2014JA020096; doi=10.1002/2014JA020096; pubdate=19 SEP 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

134. Title=Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes - VLF-CHAIN Campaign
Authors=Kazuo Shiokawa Yu Yokoyama Akimasa Ieda Yoshizumi Miyoshi Reiko Nomura Sungeun Lee Naoki Sunagawa Yukinaga Miyashita Mitsunori Ozaki Kazumasa Ishizaka Satoshi Yagitani Ryuho Kataoka Fuminori Tsuchiya Ian Schofield Martin Connors
article=2014JA020161; doi=10.1002/2014JA020161; pubdate=22 SEP 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

135. Title=The importance of storm time steady magnetospheric convection in determining the final relativistic electron flux level
Authors=Jennifer Kissinger Larry Kepko Daniel N. Baker Shri Kanekal Wen Li Robert L. McPherron Vassilis Angelopoulos
article=2014JA019948; doi=10.1002/2014JA019948; pubdate=23 SEP 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

136. Title=Simulation of Van Allen Probes plasmapause encounters
Authors=J. Goldstein S. De Pascuale C. Kletzing W. Kurth K. J. Genestreti R. M. Skoug B. A. Larsen L. M. Kistler C. Mouikis H. Spence
article=2014JA020252; doi=10.1002/2014JA020252; pubdate=23 SEP 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

137. Title=Properties of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at the magnetopause under northward interplanetary magnetic field: Statistical study
Authors=Dong Lin Chi Wang Wenya Li Binbin Tang Xiaocheng Guo Zhong Peng
article=2014JA020379; doi=10.1002/2014JA020379; pubdate=23 SEP 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

138. Title=The Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Model
Authors=M.-C. Fok N. Y. Buzulukova S.-H. Chen A. Glocer T. Nagai P. Valek J. D. Perez
article=2014JA020239; doi=10.1002/2014JA020239; pubdate=24 SEP 2014
Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC, AE-8, CCMC

139. Title=Model of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the inner magnetosphere
Authors=K. V. Gamayunov M. J. Engebretson M. Zhang H. K. Rassoul
article=2014JA020032; doi=10.1002/2014JA020032; pubdate=25 SEP 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

140. Title=Linear separation of orthogonal merging component and viscous interactions in solar wind-geospace coupling
Authors=R. E. Lopez R. Bruntz K. Pham
article=2014JA020153; doi=10.1002/2014JA020153; pubdate=26 SEP 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

141. Title=Wave number determination of Pc 1-2 mantle waves considering He+ ions: A Cluster study
Authors=B. Grison C. P. Escoubet O. Santol%C3%ADk N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin Y. Khotyaintsev
article=2013JA019719; doi=10.1002/2013JA019719; pubdate=30 SEP 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

142. Title=Ground-based observations of nitric oxide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over Antarctica in 2012-2013
Authors=Yasuko Isono Akira Mizuno Tomoo Nagahama Yoshizumi Miyoshi Takuji Nakamura Ryuho Kataoka Masaki Tsutsumi Mitsumu K. Ejiri Hitoshi Fujiwara Hiroyuki Maezawa Miku Uemura
article=2014JA019881; doi=10.1002/2014JA019881; pubdate=12 SEP 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, VITMO(MSIS)

143. Title=Strong E region ionization caused by the 1767 trail during the 2002 Leonids
Authors=Asta K. Pellinen-Wannberg Ingemar Haggstr%C3%B6m Juan Diego Carrillo S%C3%A1nchez John M. C. Plane Assar Westman
article=2014JA020290; doi=10.1002/2014JA020290; pubdate=22 SEP 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

144. Title=MHD heliosphere with boundary conditions from a tomographic reconstruction using interplanetary scintillation data
Authors=T. K. Kim N. V. Pogorelov S. N. Borovikov B. V. Jackson H.-S. Yu M. Tokumaru
article=2013JA019755; doi=10.1002/2013JA019755; pubdate=8 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

145. Title=Inner magnetospheric electron temperature and spacecraft potential estimated from concurrent Polar upper hybrid frequency and relative potential measurements
Authors=S. A. Boardsen M. L. Adrian R. Pfaff J. D. Menietti
article=2014JA019852; doi=10.1002/2014JA019852; pubdate=3 OCT 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF

146. Title=Influence of the interplanetary driver type on the durations of the main and recovery phases of magnetic storms
Authors=Yu. I. Yermolaev I. G. Lodkina N. S. Nikolaeva M. Yu. Yermolaev
article=2014JA019826; doi=10.1002/2014JA019826; pubdate=8 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

147. Title=Current sheet scattering and ion isotropic boundary under 3-D empirical force-balanced magnetic field
Authors=Chao Yue Chih-Ping Wang Larry Lyons Jun Liang Eric F. Donovan Sorin G. Zaharia Michael Henderson
article=2014JA020172; doi=10.1002/2014JA020172; pubdate=16 OCT 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

148. Title=Auroral fragmentation into patches
Authors=Kazuo Shiokawa Ayumi Hashimoto Tomoaki Hori Kaori Sakaguchi Yasunobu Ogawa Eric Donovan Emma Spanswick Martin Connors Yuichi Otsuka Shin-Ichiro Oyama Satonori Nozawa Kathryn McWilliams
article=2014JA020050; doi=10.1002/2014JA020050; pubdate=21 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

149. Title=Interactions of energetic electrons with ULF waves triggered by interplanetary shock: Van Allen Probes observations in the magnetotail
Authors=Y. X. Hao Q.-G. Zong Y. F. Wang X.-Z. Zhou Hui Zhang S. Y. Fu Z. Y. Pu H. E. Spence J. B. Blake J. Bonnell J. R. Wygant C. A. Kletzing
article=2014JA020023; doi=10.1002/2014JA020023; pubdate=21 OCT 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

150. Title=Statistical analysis of ground-based chorus observations during geomagnetic storms
Authors=M. Spasojevic
article=2014JA019975; doi=10.1002/2014JA019975; pubdate=22 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

151. Title=Interchange motion as a transport mechanism for formation of cold-dense plasma sheet
Authors=Chih-Ping Wang Matina Gkioulidou Larry R. Lyons Xiaoyan Xing Richard A. Wolf
article=2014JA020251; doi=10.1002/2014JA020251; pubdate=22 OCT 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

152. Title=Solar cycle variation of plasma mass density in the outer magnetosphere: Magnetoseismic analysis of toroidal standing Alfven waves detected by Geotail
Authors=Kazue Takahashi Richard E. Denton Masafumi Hirahara Kyungguk Min Shin-ichi Ohtani Ennio Sanchez
article=2014JA020274; doi=10.1002/2014JA020274; pubdate=23 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

153. Title=Loss of geosynchronous relativistic electrons by EMIC wave scattering under quiet geomagnetic conditions
Authors=K. Hyun K.-H. Kim E. Lee H.-J. Kwon D.-H. Lee H. Jin
article=2014JA020234; doi=10.1002/2014JA020234; pubdate=23 OCT 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

154. Title=Modeling gradual diffusion changes in radiation belt electron phase space density for the March 2013 Van Allen Probes case study
Authors=Zhao Li Mary Hudson Allison Jaynes Alexander Boyd David Malaspina Scott Thaller John Wygant Michael Henderson
article=2014JA020359; doi=10.1002/2014JA020359; pubdate=28 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC

155. Title=Solar cycle and diurnal dependence of auroral structures
Authors=N. Partamies D. Whiter M. Syrjasuo K. Kauristie
article=2013JA019631; doi=10.1002/2013JA019631; pubdate=1 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

156. Title=Influence of precipitating energetic ions caused by EMIC waves on the subauroral ionospheric E region during a geomagnetic storm
Authors=Zhigang Yuan Ying Xiong Haimeng Li Shiyong Huang Zheng Qiao Zhenzhen Wang Meng Zhou Dedong Wang Xiaohua Deng Tero Raita Jingfang Wang
article=2014JA020303; doi=10.1002/2014JA020303; pubdate=2 OCT 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

157. Title=Seismo-ionospheric coupling appearing as equatorial electron density enhancements observed via DEMETER electron density measurements
Authors=K. Ryu E. Lee J. S. Chae M. Parrot S. Pulinets
article=2014JA020284; doi=10.1002/2014JA020284; pubdate=9 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb(indices), OMNI

158. Title=On the generation/decay of the storm-enhanced density plumes: Role of the convection flow and field-aligned ion flow
Authors=Shasha Zou Mark B. Moldwin Aaron J. Ridley Michael J. Nicolls Anthea J. Coster Evan G. Thomas J. Michael Ruohoniemi
article=2014JA020408; doi=10.1002/2014JA020408; pubdate=10 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

159. Title=GPS scintillation and irregularities at the front of an ionization tongue in the nightside polar ionosphere
Authors=Christer Meeren Kjellmar Oksavik Dag Lorentzen J%C3%B8ran Idar Moen Vincenzo Romano
article=2014JA020114; doi=10.1002/2014JA020114; pubdate=16 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

160. Title=TEC retrieval from spaceborne SAR data and its applications
Authors=Cheng Wang Min Zhang Zheng-Wen Xu Hai-Sheng Zhao
article=2014JA020078; doi=10.1002/2014JA020078; pubdate=22 OCT 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

161. Title=Electron losses from the radiation belts caused by EMIC waves
Authors=Tobias Kersten Richard B. Horne Sarah A. Glauert Nigel P. Meredith Brian J. Fraser Russell S. Grew
article=2014JA020366; doi=10.1002/2014JA020366; pubdate=5 NOV 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb(Kp), NSSDC

162. Title=Modeling radiation belt electron acceleration by ULF fast mode waves  launched by solar wind dynamic pressure fluctuations
Authors=A. W. Degeling R. Rankin Q.-G. Zong
article=2013JA019672; doi=10.1002/2013JA019672; pubdate=13 NOV 2014
Keywords found: NSSDC, AE-8

163. Title=Observations and modeling of EMIC wave properties in the presence of multiple ion species as function of magnetic local time
Authors=Justin H. Lee Vassilis Angelopoulos
article=2014JA020469; doi=10.1002/2014JA020469; pubdate=13 NOV 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

164. Title=Evidence for the core field polarity of magnetic flux ropes against the reconnection guide field
Authors=W.-L. Teh M. Abdullah A. M. Hasbi
article=2014JA020509; doi=10.1002/2014JA020509; pubdate=13 NOV 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

165. Title=Characteristics of the flank magnetopause: Cluster observations
Authors=S. Haaland J. Reistad P. Tenfjord J. Gjerloev L. Maes J. DeKeyser R. Maggiolo C. Anekallu N. Dorville
article=2014JA020539; doi=10.1002/2014JA020539; pubdate=20 NOV 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

166. Title=An unusual long-lived relativistic electron enhancement event excited by sequential CMEs
Authors=Xiao C. Yang Guang W. Zhu Xiao X. Zhang Yue Q. Sun Jin B. Liang Xin H. Wei
article=2014JA019797; doi=10.1002/2014JA019797; pubdate=21 NOV 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

167. Title=Magnetic field topology for northward IMF reconnection: Ion observations
Authors=S. A. Fuselier S. M. Petrinec K. J. Trattner B. Lavraud
article=2014JA020351; doi=10.1002/2014JA020351; pubdate=21 NOV 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

168. Title=Whistler-mode waves inside flux pileup region: Structured or unstructured%3F
Authors=H. S. Fu J. B. Cao C. M. Cully Y. V. Khotyaintsev A. Vaivads V. Angelopoulos Q.-G. Zong O. Santol%C3%ADk E. Mac%C3%BA%C5%A1ov%C3%A1 M. Andre W. L. Liu H. Y. Lu M. Zhou S. Y. Huang Z. Zhima
article=2014JA020204; doi=10.1002/2014JA020204; pubdate=25 NOV 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

169. Title=Enhancement of ultralow frequency wave amplitudes at the plasmapause
Authors=L. B. N. Clausen K.-H. Glassmeier
article=2014JA020072; doi=10.1002/2014JA020072; pubdate=26 NOV 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

170. Title=Observations and modeling of magnetic flux tube refilling of the plasmasphere at geosynchronous orbit
Authors=M. H. Denton J. E. Borovsky
article=2014JA020491; doi=10.1002/2014JA020491; pubdate=25 NOV 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

171. Title=Low-latitude ionospheric effects of energetic electrons during a recurrent magnetic storm
Authors=A. V. Suvorova C.-M. Huang H. Matsumoto A. V. Dmitriev V. E. Kunitsyn E. S. Andreeva I. A. Nesterov L.-C. Tsai
article=2014JA020349; doi=10.1002/2014JA020349; pubdate=28 NOV 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

172. Title=Using a 3-D MHD simulation to interpret propagation and evolution of a coronal mass ejection observed by multiple spacecraft: The 3 April 2010 event
Authors=Yufen Zhou Xueshang Feng Xinhua Zhao
article=2014JA020347; doi=10.1002/2014JA020347; pubdate=4 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

173. Title=The interplay of Kappa and core populations in the solar wind: Electromagnetic electron cyclotron instability
Authors=M. Lazar S. Poedts R. Schlickeiser
article=2014JA020668; doi=10.1002/2014JA020668; pubdate=18 DEC 2014
Keywords found: SPDF(Ulysses)

174. Title=A new method to estimate annual solar wind parameters and contributions of different solar wind structures to geomagnetic activity
Authors=L. Holappa K. Mursula T. Asikainen
article=2014JA020599; doi=10.1002/2014JA020599; pubdate=18 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

175. Title=Sudden impulse observations in the dayside magnetosphere by THEMIS
Authors=A. A. Samsonov D. G. Sibeck B. M. Walsh N. V. Zolotova
article=2014JA020012; doi=10.1002/2014JA020012; pubdate=1 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

176. Title=Intensity asymmetries in the dusk sector of the poleward auroral oval due to IMF Bx
Authors=J. P. Reistad N. %C3%98stgaard K. M. Laundal S. Haaland P. Tenfjord K. Snekvik K. Oksavik S. E. Milan
article=2014JA020216; doi=10.1002/2014JA020216; pubdate=1 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

177. Title=Turbulence in the Earth’s cusp region: The k-filtering analysis
Authors=Tieyan Wang Jin-Bin Cao Huishan Fu Wenlong Liu Malcolm Dunlop
article=2014JA019997; doi=10.1002/2014JA019997; pubdate=2 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

178. Title=Evolution of relativistic outer belt electrons during an extended quiescent period
Authors=A. N. Jaynes X. Li Q. G. Schiller L. W. Blum W. Tu D. L. Turner B. Ni J. Bortnik D. N. Baker S. G. Kanekal J. B. Blake J. Wygant
article=2014JA020125; doi=10.1002/2014JA020125; pubdate=3 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

179. Title=Hot magnetospheric O%2B and cold ion behavior in magnetopause reconnection: Cluster observations
Authors=S. Wang L. M. Kistler C. G. Mouikis Y. Liu K. J. Genestreti
article=2014JA020402; doi=10.1002/2014JA020402; pubdate=3 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

180. Title=Event study combining magnetospheric and ionospheric perspectives of the substorm current wedge modeling
Authors=V. A. Sergeev A. V. Nikolaev M. V. Kubyshkina N. A. Tsyganenko H. J. Singer J. V. Rodriguez V. Angelopoulos R. Nakamura S. E. Milan J. C. Coxon B. J. Anderson H. Korth
article=2014JA020522; doi=10.1002/2014JA020522; pubdate=9 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

181. Title=The magnitudes of the regions 1 and 2 Birkeland currents observed by AMPERE and their role in solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
Authors=J. C. Coxon S. E. Milan L. B. N. Clausen B. J. Anderson H. Korth
article=2014JA020138; doi=10.1002/2014JA020138; pubdate=12 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

182. Title=A superposed epoch analysis of the regions 1 and 2 Birkeland currents observed by AMPERE during substorms
Authors=J. C. Coxon S. E. Milan L. B. N. Clausen B. J. Anderson H. Korth
article=2014JA020500; doi=10.1002/2014JA020500; pubdate=15 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

183. Title=Source and structure of bursty hot electron enhancements in the tail magnetosheath: Simultaneous two-probe observation by ARTEMIS
Authors=Chih-Ping Wang Xiaoyan Xing T. K. M. Nakamura Larry R. Lyons Vassilis Angelopoulos
article=2014JA020603; doi=10.1002/2014JA020603; pubdate=16 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

184. Title=THEMIS measurements of quasi-static electric fields in the inner magnetosphere
Authors=S. Califf X. Li L. Blum A. Jaynes Q. Schiller H. Zhao D. Malaspina M. Hartinger R. A. Wolf D. E. Rowland J. R. Wygant J. W. Bonnell
article=2014JA020360; doi=10.1002/2014JA020360; pubdate=18 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

185. Title=Quantifying the relative contributions of substorm injections and chorus waves to the rapid outward extension of electron radiation belt
Authors=Zhenpeng Su Hui Zhu Fuliang Xiao Huinan Zheng Yuming Wang Q.-G. Zong Zhaoguo He Chao Shen Min Zhang Shui Wang C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves H. O. Funsten J. B. Blake D. N. Baker
article=2014JA020709; doi=10.1002/2014JA020709; pubdate=19 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNI

186. Title=CME front and severe space weather
Authors=N. Balan R. Skoug S. Tulasi Ram P. K. Rajesh K. Shiokawa Y. Otsuka I. S. Batista Y. Ebihara T. Nakamura
article=2014JA020151; doi=10.1002/2014JA020151; pubdate=22 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

187. Title=Flapping current sheet with superposed waves seen in space and on the ground
Authors=G. Q. Wang M. Volwerk R. Nakamura P. Boakes T. L. Zhang A. Yoshikawa D. G. Baishev
article=2014JA020526; doi=10.1002/2014JA020526; pubdate=29 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

188. Title=Modulation of the dayside diffuse auroral intensity by the solar wind dynamic pressure
Authors=Run Shi Ze-Jun Hu Binbin Ni Desheng Han Xiang-Cai Chen Chen Zhou Xudong Gu
article=2014JA020180; doi=10.1002/2014JA020180; pubdate=31 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

189. Title=Does sudden stratospheric warming induce meridional circulation in the mesosphere thermosphere system?
Authors=Fazlul I. Laskar Duggirala Pallamraju
article=2014JA020086; doi=10.1002/2014JA020086; pubdate=17 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb(indices)

190. Title=DEMETER observations of bursty MF emissions and their relation to ground-level auroral MF burst
Authors=M. C. Broughton J. LaBelle M. Parrot
article=2014JA020410; doi=10.1002/2014JA020410; pubdate=1 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

191. Title=Characterization of seasonal and longitudinal variability of EEJ in the Indian region
Authors=N. Phani Chandrasekhar Kusumita Arora Nandini Nagarajan
article=2014JA020183; doi=10.1002/2014JA020183; pubdate=5 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

192. Title=Suspected seismo-ionospheric coupling observed by satellite measurements and GPS TEC related to the M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008
Authors=K. Ryu M. Parrot S. G. Kim K. S. Jeong J. S. Chae S. Pulinets K.-I. Oyama
article=2014JA020613; doi=10.1002/2014JA020613; pubdate=5 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

193. Title=Response of the American equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere to the X1.5 solar flare on 13 September 2005
Authors=Bo Xiong Weixing Wan Biqiang Zhao You Yu Yong Wei Zhipeng Ren Jing Liu
article=2014JA020536; doi=10.1002/2014JA020536; pubdate=5 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

194. Title=Global ionospheric and thermospheric response to the 5 April 2010 geomagnetic storm: An integrated data-model investigation
Authors=G. Lu M. E. Hagan K. Hausler E. Doornbos S. Bruinsma B. J. Anderson H. Korth
article=2014JA020555; doi=10.1002/2014JA020555; pubdate=9 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

195. Title=Observation of the neutral-ion coupling through 6%E2%80%89day planetary wave
Authors=Sheng-Yang Gu Han-Li Liu Tao Li Xiankang Dou Qian Wu James M. Russell
article=2014JA020530; doi=10.1002/2014JA020530; pubdate=11 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

196. Title=Approximate forms of daytime ionospheric conductance
Authors=A. Ieda S. Oyama H. Vanhamaki R. Fujii A. Nakamizo O. Amm T. Hori M. Takeda G. Ueno A. Yoshikawa R. J. Redmon W. F. Denig Y. Kamide N. Nishitani
article=2014JA020665; doi=10.1002/2014JA020665; pubdate=12 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere

197. Title=Solar wind effect on Joule heating in the high-latitude ionosphere
Authors=L. Cai A. T. Aikio T. Nygren
article=2014JA020269; doi=10.1002/2014JA020269; pubdate=15 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

198. Title=Nonlinear growth  bifurcation  and pinching of equatorial plasma bubble simulated by three-dimensional high-resolution bubble model
Authors=T. Yokoyama H. Shinagawa H. Jin
article=2014JA020708; doi=10.1002/2014JA020708; pubdate=17 DEC 2014
Keywords found: IRI-2007,  NRLMSISE-00

199. Title=Modeling subsolar thermospheric waves during a solar flare and penetration electric fields
Authors=Jie Zhu Aaron J. Ridley
article=2014JA020473; doi=10.1002/2014JA020473; pubdate=18 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

200. Title=Investigation of sudden electron density depletions observed in the dusk sector by the Poker Flat  Alaska incoherent scatter radar in summer
Authors=P. G. Richards M. J. Nicolls J.-P. St.-Maurice L. Goodwin J. M. Ruohoniemi
article=2014JA020541; doi=10.1002/2014JA020541; pubdate=20 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

Science Enabled Research Papers in Geophysical Research Letters for 2014 (41/1211 all disciplines)

1. Title=A nonstorm time enhancement of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt
Authors=Quintin Schiller Xinlin Li Lauren Blum Weichao Tu Drew L. Turner J. B. Blake
article=2013GL058485; doi=10.1002/2013GL058485; pubdate=15 JAN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

2. Title=Radio-tomographic images of postmidnight equatorial plasma depletions
Authors=Matthew A. Hei Paul A. Bernhardt Carl L. Siefring Matthew R. Wilkens Joseph D. Huba Jonathan F. Krall Cesar E. Valladares Roderick A. Heelis Marc R. Hairston W. Robin Coley Jorge L. Chau Cesar De La Jara
article=2013GL056112; doi=10.1002/2013GL056112; pubdate=15 JAN 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

3. Title=Nonstorm time dynamics of electron radiation belts observed by the Van Allen Probes
Authors=Zhenpeng Su Fuliang Xiao Huinan Zheng Zhaoguo He Hui Zhu Min Zhang Chao Shen Yuming Wang Shui Wang C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves H. O. Funsten J. B. Blake D. N. Baker
article=2013GL058912; doi=10.1002/2013GL058912; pubdate=22 JAN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

4. Title=An empirically observed pitch-angle diffusion eigenmode in the Earth’s electron belt near L*=5.0
Authors=T. P. O’Brien S. G. Claudepierre J. B. Blake J. F. Fennell J. H. Clemmons J. L. Roeder H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves D. N. Baker
article=2013GL058713; doi=10.1002/2013GL058713; pubdate=27 JAN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

5. Title=Global model of low-frequency chorus (fLHR<f<0.1fce) from multiple satellite observations
Authors=Nigel P. Meredith Richard B. Horne Wen Li Richard M. Thorne Angelica Sicard-Piet
article=2013GL059050; doi=10.1002/2013GL059050; pubdate=30 JAN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

6. Title=F region dusk ion temperature spikes at the equatorward edge of the high-latitude convection pattern
Authors=L. Goodwin J.-P. St.-Maurice P. Richards M. Nicolls M. Hairston
article=2013GL058442; doi=10.1002/2013GL058442; pubdate=17 JAN 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

7. Title=Rebuilding of the Earth\‘s outer electron belt during 8-10 October 2012
Authors=B. T. Kress M. K. Hudson J. Paral
article=2013GL058588; doi=10.1002/2013GL058588; pubdate=4 FEB 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, NSSDC

8. Title=Global time-dependent chorus maps from low-Earth-orbit electron precipitation and Van Allen Probes data
Authors=Yue Chen Geoffrey D. Reeves Reiner H. W. Friedel Gregory S. Cunningham
article=2013GL059181; doi=10.1002/2013GL059181; pubdate=7 FEB 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

9. Title=On the %E2%80%9Cbowl-shaped%E2%80%9D deformation of planetary equatorial current sheets
Authors=N. A. Tsyganenko V. A. Andreeva
article=2014GL059295; doi=10.1002/2014GL059295; pubdate=19 FEB 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

10. Title=On the conditions preceding sudden magnetotail magnetic flux unloading
Authors=M. A. Shukhtina N. P. Dmitrieva V. A. Sergeev
article=2014GL059290; doi=10.1002/2014GL059290; pubdate=19 FEB 2014
Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

11. Title=Simulated magnetopause losses and Van Allen Probe flux dropouts
Authors=M. K. Hudson D. N. Baker J. Goldstein B. T. Kress J. Paral F. R. Toffoletto M. Wiltberger
article=2014GL059222; doi=10.1002/2014GL059222; pubdate=22 FEB 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC

12. Title=The role of ring current particle injections: Global simulations and Van Allen Probes observations during 17 March 2013 storm
Authors=Yiqun Yu Vania Jordanova Dan Welling Brian Larsen Seth G. Claudepierre Craig Kletzing
article=2014GL059322; doi=10.1002/2014GL059322; pubdate=22 FEB 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

13. Title=Evidence for injection of relativistic electrons into the Earth\‘s outer radiation belt via intense substorm electric fields
Authors=Lei Dai John R. Wygant Cynthia A. Cattell Scott Thaller Kris Kersten Aaron Breneman Xiangwei Tang Reiner H. Friedel Seth G. Claudepierre Xin Tao
article=2014GL059228; doi=10.1002/2014GL059228; pubdate=22 FEB 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

14. Title=Cluster observations of fast magnetosonic waves in the heliosphere current sheet
Authors=Lei Dai John R. Wygant Cynthia A. Cattell Scott Thaller Kris Kersten Aaron Breneman Xiangwei Tang
article=2014GL059223; doi=10.1002/2014GL059223; pubdate=12 MAR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

15. Title=MHD analysis of the velocity oscillations in the outer heliosphere
Authors=Ken’ichi Fujiki Haruichi Washimi Keiji Hayashi Gary P. Zank Munetoshi Tokumaru Takashi Tanaka Vladimir Florinski Yuki Kubo
article=2014GL059391; doi=10.1002/2014GL059391; pubdate=13 MAR 2014
Keywords found: COHOWeb, NSSDC

16. Title=RCM-E simulation of bimodal transport in the plasma sheet
Authors=Jian Yang Richard A. Wolf Frank R. Toffoletto Stanislav Sazykin Chih-Ping Wang
article=2014GL059400; doi=10.1002/2014GL059400; pubdate=18 MAR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

17. Title=Van Allen Probes observations of direct wave-particle interactions
Authors=J. F. Fennell J. L. Roeder W. S. Kurth M. G. Henderson B. A. Larsen G. Hospodarsky J. R. Wygant J. S. G. Claudepierre J. B. Blake H. E. Spence J. H. Clemmons H. O. Funsten C. A. Kletzing G. D. Reeves
article=2013GL059165; doi=10.1002/2013GL059165; pubdate=31 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

18. Title=Relativistic electron acceleration during high-intensity  long-duration  continuous AE activity (HILDCAA) events: Solar cycle phase dependences
Authors=Rajkumar Hajra Bruce T. Tsurutani Ezequiel Echer Walter D. Gonzalez
article=2014GL059383; doi=10.1002/2014GL059383; pubdate=31 MAR 2014
Keywords found: OMNI2

19. Title=Depleting effects of ICME-driven sheath regions on the outer electron radiation belt
Authors=H. Hietala E. K. J. Kilpua D. L. Turner V. Angelopoulos
article=2014GL059551; doi=10.1002/2014GL059551; pubdate=11 APR 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

20. Title=Quantifying the radiation belt seed population in the 17 March 2013 electron acceleration event
Authors=A. J. Boyd H. E. Spence S. G. Claudepierre J. F. Fennell J. B. Blake D. N. Baker G. D. Reeves D. L. Turner
article=2014GL059626; doi=10.1002/2014GL059626; pubdate=15 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

21. Title=Variations of nitric oxide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over Antarctica associated with a magnetic storm in April 2012
Authors=Yasuko Isono Akira Mizuno Tomoo Nagahama Yoshizumi Miyoshi Takuji Nakamura Ryuho Kataoka Masaki Tsutsumi Mitsumu K. Ejiri Hitoshi Fujiwara Hiroyuki Maezawa
article=2014GL059360; doi=10.1002/2014GL059360; pubdate=1 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, MSIS

22. Title=Anomalous expansion of coronal mass ejections during solar cycle 24 and its space weather implications
Authors=Nat Gopalswamy Sachiko Akiyama Seiji Yashiro Hong Xie Pertti Makela Grzegorz Michalek
article=2014GL059858; doi=10.1002/2014GL059858; pubdate=16 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

23. Title=Simulations of inner magnetosphere dynamics with an expanded RAM-SCB model and comparisons with Van Allen Probes observations
Authors=V. K. Jordanova Y. Yu J. T. Niehof R. M. Skoug G. D. Reeves C. A. Kletzing J. F. Fennell H. E. Spence
article=2014GL059533; doi=10.1002/2014GL059533; pubdate=16 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

24. Title=Reconstruction of gaps in the past history of solar wind parameters
Authors=D. Kondrashov R. Denton Y. Y. Shprits H. J. Singer
article=2014GL059741; doi=10.1002/2014GL059741; pubdate=22 APR 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF

25. Title=Day-night coupling by a localized flow channel visualized by polar cap patch propagation
Authors=Y. Nishimura L. R. Lyons Y. Zou K. Oksavik J. I. Moen L. B. Clausen E. F. Donovan V. Angelopoulos K. Shiokawa J. M. Ruohoniemi N. Nishitani K. A. McWilliams M. Lester
article=2014GL060301; doi=10.1002/2014GL060301; pubdate=2 JUN 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

26. Title=Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices observed by THEMIS at the duskside of the magnetopause under southward interplanetary magnetic field
Authors=G. Q. Yan F. S. Mozer C. Shen T. Chen G. K. Parks C. L. Cai J. P. McFadden
article=2014GL060589; doi=10.1002/2014GL060589; pubdate=2 JUL 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

27. Title=Cross calibration of NOAA GOES solar proton detectors using corrected NASA IMP-8 GME data
Authors=I. Sandberg P. Jiggens D. Heynderickx I. A. Daglis
article=2014GL060469; doi=10.1002/2014GL060469; pubdate=8 JUL 2014
Keywords found: SPDF (imp8_GME)

28. Title=A test for whether or not Voyager 1 has crossed the heliopause
Authors=G. Gloeckler L. A. Fisk
article=2014GL060781; doi=10.1002/2014GL060781; pubdate=6 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, COHO

29. Title=Geomagnetic control of equatorial plasma bubble activity modeled by the TIEGCM with Kp
Authors=B. A. Carter J. M. Retterer E. Yizengaw K. Groves R. Caton L. McNamara C. Bridgwood M. Francis M. Terkildsen R. Norman K. Zhang
article=2014GL060953; doi=10.1002/2014GL060953; pubdate=1 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

30. Title=External versus internal triggering of substorms: An information-theoretical approach
Authors=Jay R. Johnson Simon Wing
article=2014GL060928; doi=10.1002/2014GL060928; pubdate=29 AUG 2014
Keywords found: NSSDC, CDAW

31. Title=Solar wind-driven geopotential height anomalies originate in the Antarctic lower troposphere
Authors=Mai Mai Lam Gareth Chisham Mervyn P. Freeman
article=2014GL061421; doi=10.1002/2014GL061421; pubdate=22 SEP 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

32. Title=Study of a global auroral Pc5 pulsation event with concurrent ULF waves
Authors=Kan Liou David G. Sibeck
article=2014GL060755; doi=10.1002/2014GL060755; pubdate=14 OCT 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

33. Title=A ULF wave driver of ring current energization
Authors=Kyle R. Murphy Ian R. Mann Louis G. Ozeke
article=2014GL061253; doi=10.1002/2014GL061253; pubdate=13 OCT 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

34. Title=Neutral density variation from specular meteor echo observations spanning one solar cycle
Authors=G. Stober V. Matthias P. Brown J. L. Chau
article=2014GL061273; doi=10.1002/2014GL061273; pubdate=1 OCT 2014
Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, MSIS

35. Title=Evidence for small-scale collisionless shocks at the Moon from ARTEMIS
Authors=J. S. Halekas A. R. Poppe J. P. McFadden V. Angelopoulos K.-H. Glassmeier D. A. Brain
article=2014GL061973; doi=10.1002/2014GL061973; pubdate=5 NOV 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb

36. Title=Ion-scale spectral break of solar wind turbulence at high and low beta
Authors=C. H. K. Chen L. Leung S. Boldyrev B. A. Maruca S. D. Bale
article=2014GL062009; doi=10.1002/2014GL062009; pubdate=25 NOV 2014
Keywords found: SPDF (ftp)

37. Title=Van Allen Probe observations of periodic rising frequencies of the fast magnetosonic mode
Authors=S. A. Boardsen G. B. Hospodarsky C. A. Kletzing R. F. Pfaff W. S. Kurth J. R. Wygant E. A. MacDonald
article=2014GL062020; doi=10.1002/2014GL062020; pubdate=2 DEC 2014
Keywords found: SPDF (ftp), Space Physics Data Facility

38. Title=Storm time ionosphere and plasmasphere structuring: SAMI3-RCM simulation of the 31 March 2001 geomagnetic storm
Authors=J. D. Huba S. Sazykin
article=2014GL062110; doi=10.1002/2014GL062110; pubdate=9 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

39. Title=A missing variable in solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling studies
Authors=V. A. Sergeev D. A. Sormakov V. Angelopoulos
article=2014GL062271; doi=10.1002/2014GL062271; pubdate=11 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC

40. Title=Increases in plasma sheet temperature with solar wind driving during substorm growth phases
Authors=C. Forsyth C. E. J. Watt I. J. Rae A. N. Fazakerley N. M. E. Kalmoni M. P. Freeman P. D. Boakes R. Nakamura I. Dandouras L. M. Kistler C. M. Jackman J. C. Coxon C. M. Carr
article=2014GL062400; doi=10.1002/2014GL062400; pubdate=23 DEC 2014
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, NSSDCFTP

41. Title=Investigation of EMIC wave scattering as the cause for the BARREL 17 January 2013 relativistic electron precipitation event: A quantitative comparison of simulation with observations
Authors=Zan Li Robyn M. Millan Mary K. Hudson Leslie A. Woodger David M. Smith Yue Chen Reiner Friedel Juan V. Rodriguez Mark J. Engebretson Jerry Goldstein Joseph F. Fennell Harlan E. Spence
article=2014GL062273; doi=10.1002/2014GL062273; pubdate=23 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNI

Science Enabled Research Papers in Radio Science for 2014 (8/103)

1. Title=Semiempirical Model for Ionospheric Absorption based on the NRLMSISE-00 atmospheric model
Authors=L. H. Pederick M. A. Cervera
article=2013RS005274; doi=10.1002/2013RS005274; pubdate=5 FEB 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2012

2. Title=Evaluation of ionospheric profilers using topside sounding data
Authors=T. Verhulst S. M. Stankov
article=2013RS005263; doi=10.1002/2013RS005263; pubdate=18 MAR 2014
Keywords found: NSSDC (ISIS, Alouette)

3. Title=North-south components of the annual asymmetry in the ionosphere
Authors=T. L. Gulyaeva F. Arikan M. Hernandez-Pajares I. S. Veselovsky
article=2014RS005401; doi=10.1002/2014RS005401; pubdate=10 JUL 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

4. Title=Ionospheric tomography using ADS-B signals
Authors=A. C. Cushley J.-M. Noel
article=2013RS005354; doi=10.1002/2013RS005354; pubdate=30 JUL 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007, VITMO

5. Title=Characterizing the pre-Space Age ionosphere over Washington  DC
Authors=D. D. Rice J. J. Sojka J. V. Eccles R. Redmon R. D. Hunsucker
article=2014RS005427; doi=10.1002/2014RS005427; pubdate=18 AUG 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI2012

6. Title=Observation of the ionospheric irregularities over the Northern Hemisphere: Methodology and service
Authors=Iurii Cherniak Andrzej Krankowski Irina Zakharenkova
article=2014RS005433; doi=10.1002/2014RS005433; pubdate=21 AUG 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

7. Title=Electron density and electric field over Resolute Bay and F region ionospheric echo detection with the Rankin Inlet and Inuvik SuperDARN radars
Authors=A. V. Koustov P. V. Ponomarenko M. Ghezelbash D. R. Themens P. T. Jayachandran
article=2014RS005579; doi=10.1002/2014RS005579; pubdate=5 DEC 2014
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

8. Title=Observed high-latitude GNSS disturbances during a less-than-minor geomagnetic storm
Authors=Y. L. Andalsvik K. S. Jacobsen
article=2014RS005418; doi=10.1002/2014RS005418; pubdate=26 DEC 2014
Keywords found: OMNIWeb