Acknowledgments of SPDF in 2013

The AGU journals ‘Space Weather’, ‘Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics’, ‘Geophysical Research Letters’, and ‘Radio Science’ were searched for acknowledgments of services developed and supported by NASA/Goddard’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).

Keywords searched and the number of occurrences across all four journals:

OMNI and/or OMNIWeb were referenced in 136 papers
COHOWeb was referenced in 0 papers
SPDF was referenced in 23 papers
Space Physics Data Facility was referenced in   19 papers
ModelWeb was referenced in 14 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 60 papers
FTPBrowser was referenced in 1 paper
ATMOWeb was referenced in 0 papers
HelioWeb was referenced in 0 papers
SSCWeb was referenced in 4 papers
TIPSOD was referenced in 0 papers
NSSDC was referenced in 18 papers
NSSDCFTP was referenced in 3 papers

   Journal    Total number     Number of papers      Percentage
                of papers     with acknowledgment        
   SW              86               10                 12 %
   JGR            711              166                 23 %
   GRL            121               16                 13 %
   RS              73                7                 10 %  

Science Enabled Research Papers in Space Weather journal for 2013

  1. Title=Relativistic electron flux forecast at geostationary orbit using Kalman filter based on multivariate autoregressive model
    Authors=K. Sakaguchi Y. Miyoshi S. Saito T. Nagatsuma K. Seki K. T. Murata
    article=swe.20020; doi=10.1002/swe.20020; pubdate=28 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: Space Physics Data Facility

  2. Title=Ensemble forecasting of coronal mass ejections using the WSA-ENLIL with CONED Model
    Authors=D. Emmons A. Acebal A. Pulkkinen A. Taktakishvili P. MacNeice D. Odstrcil
    article=swe.20019; doi=10.1002/swe.20019; pubdate=4 MAR 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb

  3. Title=Extended study of extreme geoelectric field event scenarios for geomagnetically induced current applications
    Authors=Chigomezyo M. Ngwira Antti Pulkkinen Frederick D. Wilder Geoffrey Crowley
    article=swe.20021; doi=10.1002/swe.20021; pubdate=29 MAR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  4. Title=Space weather effects on Earth\‘s environment associated to the 24-25 October 2011 geomagnetic storm
    Authors=E. Blanch S. Marsal A. Segarra J. M. Torta D. Altadill J. J. Curto
    article=swe.20035; doi=10.1002/swe.20035; pubdate=8 APR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

  5. Title=Geospace environment modeling 2008-2009 challenge: Dst index
    Authors=L. Rastatter M. M. Kuznetsova A. Glocer D. Welling X. Meng J. Raeder M. Wiltberger V. K. Jordanova Y. Yu S. Zaharia R. S. Weigel S. Sazykin R. Boynton H. Wei V. Eccles W. Horton M. L. Mays J. Gannon
    article=swe.20036; doi=10.1002/swe.20036; pubdate=11 APR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2

  6. Title=A 27 day persistence model of near-Earth solar wind conditions: A long lead-time forecast and a benchmark for dynamical models
    Authors=M. J. Owens R. Challen J. Methven E. Henley D. R. Jackson
    article=swe.20040; doi=10.1002/swe.20040; pubdate=2 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

  7. Title=The Kp index and solar wind speed relationship: Insights for improving space weather forecasts
    Authors=Heather A. Elliott J%C3%B6rg-Micha Jahn David J. McComas
    article=swe.20053; doi=10.1002/swe.20053; pubdate=4 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

  8. Title=Community-wide validation of geospace model ground magnetic field perturbation predictions to support model transition to operations
    Authors=A. Pulkkinen L. Rastatter M. Kuznetsova H. Singer C. Balch D. Weimer G. Toth A. Ridley T. Gombosi M. Wiltberger J. Raeder R. Weigel
    article=swe.20056; doi=10.1002/swe.20056; pubdate=27 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  9. Title=Empirical determination of solar proton access to the atmosphere: Impact on polar flight paths
    Authors=Jason J. Neal Craig J. Rodger Janet C. Green
    article=swe.20066; doi=10.1002/swe.20066; pubdate=18 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  10. Title=Space weather radiation effects on geostationary satellite solid-state power amplifiers
    Authors=W.Q. Lohmeyer K. Cahoy
    article=swe.20071; doi=10.1002/swe.20071; pubdate=27 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2

Science Enabled Research Papers in Journal of Geophysical Research / Space Physics for 2013

  1. Title=MHD simulation of the inner-heliospheric magnetic field
    Authors=T. Wiengarten J. Kleimann H. Fichtner R. Cameron J. Jiang R. Kissmann K. Scherer
    article=2012JA018089; doi=10.1029/2012JA018089; pubdate=27 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  2. Title=Large deviations of the magnetic field from the Parker spiral in CRRs: Validity of the Schwadron model
    Authors=Edward J. Smith
    article=jgra.50098; doi=10.1002/jgra.50098; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  3. Title=Transport of the plasma sheet electrons to the geostationary distances
    Authors=N. Y. Ganushkina O. A. Amariutei Y. Y. Shprits M. W. Liemohn
    article=2012JA017923; doi=10.1029/2012JA017923; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  4. Title=Evidence for potential and inductive convection during intense geomagnetic events using normalized superposed epoch analysis
    Authors=Roxanne M. Katus Michael W. Liemohn Dennis L. Gallagher Aaron Ridley Shasha Zou
    article=2012JA017915; doi=10.1029/2012JA017915; pubdate=17 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

5.Title=Influence of interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind on auroral brightness in different regions
Authors=Y. F. Yang J. Y. Lu J.-S. Wang Z. Peng L. Zhou
article=2012JA017727; doi=10.1029/2012JA017727; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
Keyword found: OMNI

  1. Title=Geomagnetic and solar wind fluctuations at discrete frequencies: A case study
    Authors=U. Villante A. Del Corpo P. Francia
    article=2012JA017971; doi=10.1029/2012JA017971; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  2. Title=Spatial distributions of ion pitch angle anisotropy in the near-Earth magnetosphere and tail plasma sheet
    Authors=Chih-Ping Wang Sorin G. Zaharia Larry R. Lyons Vassilis Angelopoulos
    article=2012JA018275; doi=10.1029/2012JA018275; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  3. Title=THEMIS observations of ULF wave excitation in the nightside plasma sheet during sudden impulse events
    Authors=Q. Q. Shi M. Hartinger V. Angelopoulos Q.-G. Zong X.-Z. Zhou X.-Y. Zhou A. Kellerman A. M. Tian J. Weygand S. Y. Fu Z. Y. Pu J. Raeder Y. S. Ge Y. F. Wang H. Zhang Z. H. Yao
    article=2012JA017984; doi=10.1029/2012JA017984; pubdate=24 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  4. Title=The role of transient ion foreshock phenomena in driving Pc5 ULF wave activity
    Authors=M. D. Hartinger D. L. Turner F. Plaschke V. Angelopoulos H. Singer
    article=2012JA018349; doi=10.1029/2012JA018349; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  5. Title=A sunward propagating fast wave in the magnetosheath observed after the passage of an interplanetary shock
    Authors=G. Pallocchia
    article=2012JA017851; doi=10.1029/2012JA017851; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  6. Title=Ionospheric signatures of a plasma sheet rebound flow during a substorm onset
    Authors=L. Juusola M. Kubyshkina R. Nakamura T. Pitkanen O. Amm K. Kauristie N. Partamies H. Reme K. Snekvik D. Whiter
    article=2012JA018132; doi=10.1029/2012JA018132; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  7. Title=Substorms under northward interplanetary magnetic field: Statistical study
    Authors=Z. Peng C. Wang Y. F. Yang H. Li Y. Q. Hu J. Du
    article=2012JA018065; doi=10.1029/2012JA018065; pubdate=27 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  8. Title=Interplanetary origins of moderate (-100 nT < Dst <= -50 nT) geomagnetic storms during solar cycle 23 (1996-2008)
    Authors=E. Echer B. T. Tsurutani W. D. Gonzalez
    article=2012JA018086; doi=10.1029/2012JA018086; pubdate=16 JAN 2013
    Keyword found:OMNI

  9. Title=Cluster observations of hot flow anomalies with large flow deflections: 2. Bow shock geometry at HFA edges
    Authors=Shan Wang Qiugang Zong Hui Zhang
    article=2012JA018204; doi=10.1029/2012JA018204; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

15, Title=Steep plasma depletion in dayside polar cap during a CME-driven magnetic storm
Authors=J. Sakai S. Taguchi K. Hosokawa Y. Ogawa
article=2012JA018138; doi=10.1029/2012JA018138; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
Keyword found: OMNI

  1. Title=Wave signatures in the midlatitude ionosphere during a sudden stratospheric warming of January 2010
    Authors=Larisa P. Goncharenko Vicki W. Hsu Christiano Garnett Marques Brum Shun-Rong Zhang Jonathan T. Fentzke
    article=2012JA018251; doi=10.1029/2012JA018251; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: NSSDC

  2. Title=East-west differences in F-region electron density at midlatitude: Evidence from the Far East region
    Authors=Biqiang Zhao Min Wang Yungang Wang Zhipeng Ren Xinan Yue Jie Zhu Weixing Wan Baiqi Ning Jing Liu Bo Xiong
    article=2012JA018235; doi=10.1029/2012JA018235; pubdate=31 JAN 2013
    Keyword found: Modelweb

  3. Title=Synthetic four-solar-cycle solar wind at 1 AU generated from the OMNI data set
    Authors=L.J. Thatcher H.-R. M%C3%BCller
    article=jgra.50150; doi=10.1002/jgra.50150; pubdate=27 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF

  4.  Title=Analysis of trends between solar wind velocity and energetic electron fluxes at geostationary orbit using the reverse arrangement test
    Authors=Homayon Aryan Richard J. Boynton Simon N. Walker
    article=2012JA018216; doi=10.1029/2012JA018216; pubdate=26 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  5.  Title=Structures of dayside whistler-mode waves deduced from conjugate diffuse aurora
    Authors=Y. Nishimura J. Bortnik W. Li R. M. Thorne B. Ni L. R. Lyons V. Angelopoulos Y. Ebihara J. W. Bonnell O. Le Contel U. Auster
    article=2012JA018242; doi=10.1029/2012JA018242; pubdate=11 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  6.  Title=Cluster observations of kinetic structures and electron acceleration within a dynamic plasma bubble
    Authors=Meng Zhou Xiaohua Deng Maha Ashour-Abdalla Raymond Walker Ye Pang Chaoling Tang Shiyong Huang Mostafa El-Alaoui Zhigang Yuan Huimin Li
    article=2012JA018323; doi=10.1029/2012JA018323; pubdate=11 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  7. Title=The Heppner-Maynard Boundary measured by SuperDARN as a proxy for the latitude of the auroral oval
    Authors=S. M. Imber S. E. Milan M. Lester
    article=2012JA018222; doi=10.1029/2012JA018222; pubdate=12 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  8. Title=Comparative analysis of low-altitude ENA emissions in two substorms
    Authors=N. Buzulukova M.-C. Fok E. Roelof J. Redfern J. Goldstein P. Valek D. McComas
    article=jgra.50103;doi=10.1002/jgra.50103; pubdate=25 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  9. Title=Cluster observations of hot flow anomalies with large flow deflections: 1. Velocity deflections
    Authors=Shan Wang Qiugang Zong Hui Zhang
    article=jgra.50100; doi=10.1002/jgra.50100; pubdate=25 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  10. Title=Inward shift of outer radiation belt electrons as a function of Dst index and the influence of the solar wind on electron injections into the slot region
    Authors=H. Zhao X. Li
    article=2012JA018179; doi=10.1029/2012JA018179; pubdate=26 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  11. Title=Observations of polar cap flow channel and plasma sheet flow bursts during substorm expansion
    Authors=T. Pitkanen A. T. Aikio L. Juusola
    article=jgra.50119; doi=10.1002/jgra.50119; pubdate=27 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  12. Title=Statistical study of global modes outside the plasmasphere
    Authors=M. D. Hartinger V. Angelopoulos M. B. Moldwin K. Takahashi L. B. N. Clausen
    article=jgra.50140; doi=10.1002/jgra.50140; pubdate=28 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  13. Title=On the occurrence of equatorial F-region irregularities during solar minimum using radio occultation measurements
    Authors=B. A. Carter K. Zhang R. Norman V. V. Kumar Sushil Kumar
    article=jgra.50089; doi=10.1002/jgra.50089; pubdate=26 FEB 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  14. Title=Shocklets  SLAMS  and field-aligned ion beams in the terrestrial foreshock
    Authors=L. B. Wilson A. Koval D. G. Sibeck A. Szabo C. A. Cattell J. C. Kasper B. A. Maruca M. Pulupa C. S. Salem M. Wilber
    article=2012JA018186; doi=10.1029/2012JA018186; pubdate=6 MAR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  15. Title=The magnetospheric banana current
    Authors=Michael W. Liemohn Natalia Yu. Ganushkina Roxanne M. Katus Darren L. De Zeeuw Daniel T. Welling
    article=jgra.50153; doi=10.1002/jgra.50153; pubdate=1 MAR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  16. Title=Effects of different geomagnetic storm drivers on the ring current: CRCM results
    Authors=W.D. Cramer N.E. Turner M.-C. Fok N.Y. Buzulukova
    article=jgra.50138; doi=10.1002/jgra.50138; pubdate=4 MAR 2013;
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  17. Title=Asymmetry of magnetosheath flows and magnetopause shape during low Alfven Mach number solar wind
    Authors=B. Lavraud E. Larroque E. Budnik V. Genot J. E. Borovsky M. W. Dunlop C. Foullon H. Hasegawa C. Jacquey K. Nykyri A. Ruffenach M. G. G. T. Taylor I. Dandouras H. Reme
    article=jgra.50145; doi=10.1002/jgra.50145; pubdate=8 MAR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  18. Title=Terrestrial myriametric radio burst observed by IMAGE and Geotail satellites
    Authors=Shing F. Fung Kozo Hashimoto Hirotsugu Kojima Scott A. Boardsen Leonard N. Garcia Hiroshi Matsumoto James L. Green Bodo W. Reinisch
    article=jgra.50149; doi=10.1002/jgra.50149; pubdate=15 MAR 2013
    Keyword found:SSCWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  19. Title=Universal time control of AKR: Earth is a spin-modulated variable radio source
    Authors=Akira Morioka Yoshizumi Miyoshi Satoshi Kurita Yasumasa Kasaba Vassilis Angelopoulos Hiroaki Misawa Hirotsugu Kojima James P. McFadden
    article=jgra.50180; doi=10.1002/jgra.50180; pubdate=19 MAR 2013
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  20. Title=Direct observations of the role of convection electric field in the formation of a polar tongue of ionization from storm enhanced density
    Authors=E. G. Thomas J. B. H. Baker J. M. Ruohoniemi L. B. N. Clausen A. J. Coster J. C. Foster P. J. Erickson
    article=jgra.50116; doi=10.1002/jgra.50116; pubdate=1 MAR 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  21. Title=Geomagnetic and auroral activity driven by corotating interaction regions during the declining phase of Solar Cycle 23
    Authors=Xiaoli Luan Wenbin Wang Jiuhou Lei Alan Burns Xiankang Dou Jiyao Xu
    article=jgra.50195; doi=10.1002/jgra.50195; pubdate=20 MAR 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  22. Title=Thermospheric atomic oxygen density estimates using the EISCAT Svalbard Radar
    Authors=H. Vickers M. J. Kosch E. Sutton Y. Ogawa C. La Hoz
    article=jgra.50169; doi=10.1002/jgra.50169; pubdate=31 MAR 2013
    Keyword found: SSCWeb

  23. Title=Orientation of solar wind dynamic pressure phase fronts
    Authors=Brian J. Jackel Taylor Cameron James M. Weygand
    article=jgra.50183; doi=10.1002/jgra.50183; pubdate=16 APR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  24. Title=The hemispheric conjugate observation of postnoon %E2%80%9Cbright spots%E2%80%9D%2Fauroral spirals
    Authors=Ze-Jun Hu Hui-Gen Yang Hong-Qiao Hu Bei-Chen Zhang De-Hong Huang Zhuo-Tian Chen Q. Wang
    article=jgra.50243; doi=10.1002/jgra.50243; pubdate=30 APR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  25. Title=Joint responses of geosynchronous magnetic field and relativistic electrons to external changes in solar wind dynamic pressure and interplanetary magnetic field
    Authors=L. Y. Li J. B. Cao J. Y. Yang Y. X. Dong
    article=jgra.50201; doi=10.1002/jgra.50201; pubdate=5 APR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  26. Title=The analysis of electron fluxes at geosynchronous orbit employing a NARMAX approach
    Authors=R. J. Boynton M. A. Balikhin S. A. Billings G. D. Reeves N. Ganushkina M. Gedalin O. A. Amariutei J. E. Borovsky S. N. Walker
    article=jgra.50192; doi=10.1002/jgra.50192; pubdate=9 APR 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  27. Title=First observations of foreshock bubbles upstream of Earth\‘s bow shock: Characteristics and comparisons to HFAs
    Authors=D. L. Turner N. Omidi D. G. Sibeck V. Angelopoulos
    article=jgra.50198; doi=10.1002/jgra.50198; pubdate=22 APR 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  28. Title=Fundamental properties of substorm time energetic electrons in the inner magnetosphere
    Authors=Y. Ebihara T. Tanaka
    article=jgra.50115; doi=10.1002/jgra.50115; pubdate=26 APR 2013
    Keyword found: NSSDC, AE-8

  29. Title=The spectral extent of chorus in the off-equatorial magnetosphere
    Authors=N. L. Bunch M. Spasojevic Y. Y. Shprits X. Gu F. Foust
    article=2012JA018182; doi=10.1029/2012JA018182; pubdate=24 APR 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  30. Title=Comment on %E2%80%9CWhat causes the flux excess in the heliospheric magnetic field%3F%E2%80%9D by E. J. Smith
    Authors=M. Lockwood M. J. Owens
    article=jgra.50223; doi=10.1002/jgra.50223; pubdate=24 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  31. Title=Statistical study of geomagnetic field line resonances observed by CHAMP and on the ground
    Authors=B. Heilig P. R. Sutcliffe D. C. Ndiitwani A. B. Collier
    article=jgra.50215; doi=10.1002/jgra.50215; pubdate=3 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  32. Title=Spatial variation of energy conversion at the Earth\‘s magnetopause: Statistics from Cluster observations
    Authors=Chandrasekhar R. Anekallu M. Palmroth Hannu E. J. Koskinen E. Lucek I. Dandouras
    article=jgra.50233;doi=10.1002/jgra.50233; pubdate=3 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  33. Title=Heavy ion effects on substorm loading and unloading in the Earth\‘s magnetotail
    Authors=Yanhua Liu Lynn M. Kistler Christopher G. Mouikis Berndt Klecker Iannis Dandouras
    article=jgra.50240; doi=10.1002/jgra.50240; pubdate=20 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  34. Title=Physical improvements to the solar wind reconnection control function for the Earth\‘s magnetosphere
    Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky
    article=jgra.50110; doi=10.1002/jgra.50110; pubdate=21 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  35. Title=Search for Saturn\‘s X-ray aurorae at the arrival of a solar wind shock
    Authors=G. Branduardi-Raymont P. G. Ford K. C. Hansen L. Lamy A. Masters B. Cecconi A. J. Coates M. K. Dougherty G. R. Gladstone P. Zarka
    article=jgra.50112; doi=10.1002/jgra.50112; pubdate=22 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  36. Title=A new three-dimensional magnetopause model with a support vector regression machine and a large database of multiple spacecraft observations
    Authors=Y. Wang D. G. Sibeck J. Merka S. A. Boardsen H. Karimabadi T. B. Sipes J. %C5%A0afr%C3%A1nkov%C3%A1 K. Jel%C3%ADnek R. Lin
    article=jgra.50226; doi=10.1002/jgra.50226; pubdate=23 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, FTPBrowser, NSSDC, SPDF

  37. Title=On the storm-time evolution of relativistic electron phase space density in Earth\‘s outer radiation belt
    Authors=D. L. Turner V. Angelopoulos W. Li M. D. Hartinger M. Usanova I. R. Mann J. Bortnik Y. Shprits
    article=jgra.50151; doi=10.1002/jgra.50151; pubdate=24 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  38. Title=Long-lasting daytime equatorial plasma bubbles observed by the C%2FNOFS satellite
    Authors=Chao-Song Huang O. La Beaujardiere P. A. Roddy D. E. Hunton J. O. Ballenthin M. R. Hairston
    article=jgra.50252;doi=10.1002/jgra.50252; pubdate=6 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  39. Title=Statistical comparison of isolated and non-isolated auroral substorms
    Authors=Kan Liou Patrick T. Newell Yong-Liang Zhang Larry J. Paxton
    article=jgra.50218; doi=10.1002/jgra.50218; pubdate=13 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, NSSDCFTP, NSSDC

  40. Title=Ground-based GPS observation of SED-associated irregularities over CONUS
    Authors=Yang-Yi Sun Tomoko Matsuo Eduardo A. Araujo-Pradere Jann-Yenq Liu
    article=2012JA018103; doi=10.1029/2012JA018103; pubdate=15 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  41. Title=Storm time meridional wind perturbations in the equatorial upper thermosphere
    Authors=R. A. Haaser R. Davidson R. A. Heelis G. D. Earle S. Venkatraman J. Klenzing
    article=jgra.50299; doi=10.1002/jgra.50299; pubdate=30 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  42. Title=Heliolatitudinal and time variations of the solar wind mass flux: Inferences from the backscattered solar Lyman-alpha intensity maps
    Authors=O. A. Katushkina V. V. Izmodenov E. Quemerais J. M. Sok%C3%B3%C5%82
    article=jgra.50303; doi=10.1002/jgra.50303; pubdate=7 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, NSSDCFTP

  43. Title=The role pickup ions play in the termination shock
    Authors=D. Ariad M. Gedalin
    article=jgra.50170; doi=10.1002/jgra.50170; pubdate=24 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: Space Physics Data Facility

  44. Title=Determining radial boundary conditions of outer radiation belt electrons using THEMIS observations
    Authors=D.-K. Shin D.-Y. Lee
    article=jgra.50334; doi=10.1002/jgra.50334; pubdate=10 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  45. Title=Response of Uranus\’ auroras to solar wind compressions at equinox
    Authors=S. W. H. Cowley
    article=jgra.50323; doi=10.1002/jgra.50323; pubdate=18 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  46. Title=On the influence of open magnetic flux on substorm intensity: Ground- and space-based observations
    Authors=L. B. N. Clausen S. E. Milan J. B. H. Baker J. M. Ruohoniemi K.-H. Glassmeier J. C. Coxon B. J. Anderson
    article=jgra.50308; doi=10.1002/jgra.50308; pubdate=4 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  47. Title=Multi-instrument observations from Svalbard of a traveling convection vortex  electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave burst  and proton precipitation associated with a bow shock instability
    Authors=M. J. Engebretson T. K. Yeoman K. Oksavik F. S%C3%B8raas F. Sigernes J. I. Moen M. G. Johnsen V. A. Pilipenko J. L. Posch M. R. Lessard B. Lavraud M. D. Hartinger L. B. N. Clausen T. Raita C. Stolle
    article=jgra.50291; doi=10.1002/jgra.50291; pubdate=6 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, ModelWeb

  48. Title=Temporal and spatial dynamics of the regions 1 and 2 Birkeland currents during substorms
    Authors=L. B. N. Clausen J. B. H. Baker J. M. Ruohoniemi S. E. Milan J. C. Coxon S. Wing S. Ohtani B. J. Anderson
    article=jgra.50288; doi=10.1002/jgra.50288; pubdate=7 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  49. Title=The role of enhanced thermal pressure in the earthward motion of the Earth\‘s magnetopause
    Authors=J.-H. Shue J.-K. Chao
    article=jgra.50290; doi=10.1002/jgra.50290; pubdate=7 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  50. Title=Characterizing the dayside magnetosheath using energetic neutral atoms: IBEX and THEMIS observations
    Authors=K. Ogasawara V. Angelopoulos M. A. Dayeh S. A. Fuselier G. Livadiotis D. J. McComas J. P. McFadden
    article=jgra.50353; doi=10.1002/jgra.50353; pubdate=17 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  51. Title=Verification of the GUMICS-4 global MHD code using empirical relationships
    Authors=E. Gordeev G. Facsk%C3%B3 V. Sergeev I. Honkonen M. Palmroth P. Janhunen S. Milan
    article=jgra.50359; doi=10.1002/jgra.50359; pubdate=17 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  52. Title=Interplanetary shock-induced current sheet disturbances leading to auroral activations: THEMIS observations
    Authors=Xiaoyan Zhou Xu-Zhi Zhou Vassilis Angelopoulos Quanqi Shi Chih-Ping Wang Harald Frey
    article=jgra.50175; doi=10.1002/jgra.50175; pubdate=19 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

  53. Title=Substorm-associated explosive magnetic field stretching near the earthward edge of the plasma sheet
    Authors=T. V. Kozelova B. V. Kozelov
    article=jgra.50344; doi=10.1002/jgra.50344; pubdate=24 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  54. Title=Coordinated THEMIS spacecraft and all-sky imager observations of interplanetary shock effects on plasma sheet flow bursts  poleward boundary intensifications  and streamers
    Authors=Chao Yue Yukitoshi Nishimura Larry R. Lyons Vassilis Angelopoulos Eric F. Donovan Quanqi Shi Zhonghua Yao John W. Bonnell
    article=jgra.50372; doi=10.1002/jgra.50372; pubdate=24 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  55. Title=Oxygen-hydrogen differentiated observations from TWINS: The 22 July 2009 storm
    Authors=P. W. Valek J. Goldstein D. J. McComas R. IIie N. Buzulukova M.-C. Fok J. D. Perez
    article=jgra.50204; doi=10.1002/jgra.50204; pubdate=25 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  56. Title=On the non-conjugacy of nightside aurora and their generator mechanisms
    Authors=J. P. Reistad N. %C3%98stgaard K. M. Laundal K. Oksavik
    article=jgra.50300; doi=10.1002/jgra.50300; pubdate=25 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  57. Title=Statistics of whistler mode waves in the outer radiation belt: Cluster STAFF-SA measurements
    Authors=Oleksiy Agapitov Anton Artemyev Vladimir Krasnoselskikh Yuri V. Khotyaintsev Didier Mourenas Hugo Breuillard Michael Balikhin Guy Rolland
    article=jgra.50312; doi=10.1002/jgra.50312; pubdate=25 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  58. Title=Saturn suprathermal O2%2B and mass-28%2B molecular ions: Long-term seasonal and solar variation
    Authors=S. P. Christon D. C. Hamilton R. D. DiFabio D. G. Mitchell S. M. Krimigis D. S. Jontof-Hutter
    article=jgra.50383; doi=10.1002/jgra.50383; pubdate=28 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: NSSDC

  59. Title=Long-term trend of foF2 at a West African equatorial station linked to greenhouse gas increase and dip equator secular displacement
    Authors=Doua A. Gnabahou Ana G. Elias Frederic Ouattara
    article=jgra.50381; doi=10.1002/jgra.50381; pubdate=27 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, IRI

  60. Title=Interplanetary and geomagnetic consequences of 5 January 2005 CMEs associated with eruptive filaments
    Authors=Rahul Sharma Nandita Srivastava D. Chakrabarty Christian M%C3%B6stl Qiang Hu
    article=jgra.50362; doi=10.1002/jgra.50362; pubdate=16 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  61. Title=Inner magnetospheric heavy ion composition during high-speed stream-driven storms
    Authors=D. R. Forster M. H. Denton M. Grande C. H. Perry
    article=jgra.50292; doi=10.1002/jgra.50292; pubdate=1 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

  62. Title=Revision of empirical electric field modeling in the inner magnetosphere using Cluster data
    Authors=H. Matsui R. B. Torbert H. E. Spence Yu. V. Khotyaintsev P.-A. Lindqvist
    article=jgra.50373; doi=10.1002/jgra.50373; pubdate=11 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  63. Title=Links between the plasmapause and the radiation belt boundaries as observed by the instruments CIS  RAPID  and WHISPER onboard Cluster
    Authors=F. Darrouzet V. Pierrard S. Benck G. Lointier J. Cabrera K. Borremans N. Yu Ganushkina J. De Keyser
    article=jgra.50239; doi=10.1002/jgra.50239; pubdate=19 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: NSSDC, AE-8

  64. Title=Significant loss of energetic electrons at the heart of the outer radiation belt during weak magnetic storms
    Authors=J. Hwang D.-Y. Lee K.-C. Kim D.-K. Shin J.-H. Kim J.-H. Cho M.-Y. Park D. L. Turner
    article=jgra.50410; doi=10.1002/jgra.50410; pubdate=19 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  65. Title=Solar wind impacts on growth phase duration and substorm intensity: A statistical approach
    Authors=H. Li C. Wang Z. Peng
    article=jgra.50399; doi=10.1002/jgra.50399; pubdate=23 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  66. Title=Investigation of the interhemispheric asymmetry in reverse convection near solstice during northward interplanetary magnetic field conditions using MHD simulations
    Authors=F. D. Wilder S. Eriksson M. Wiltberger
    article=jgra.50421; doi=10.1002/jgra.50421; pubdate=23 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  67. Title=Multispacecraft observations of fundamental poloidal waves without ground magnetic signatures
    Authors=Kazue Takahashi Michael D. Hartinger Vassilis Angelopoulos Karl-Heinz Glassmeier Howard J. Singer
    article=jgra.50405; doi=10.1002/jgra.50405; pubdate=24 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  68. Title=Simultaneous observations of precipitating radiation belt electrons and ring current ions associated with the plasmaspheric plume
    Authors=Zhigang Yuan Ming Li Ying Xiong Haimeng Li Meng Zhou Dedong Wang Shiyong Huang Xiaohua Deng Jingfang Wang
    article=jgra.50432; doi=10.1002/jgra.50432; pubdate=25 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  69. Title=Responses of Earth\‘s radiation belts to solar wind dynamic pressure variations in 2002 analyzed using multisatellite data and Kalman filtering
    Authors=Binbin Ni Yuri Y. Shprits Reiner H. W. Friedel Richard M. Thorne Marianne Daae Yue Chen
    article=jgra.50437; doi=10.1002/jgra.50437; pubdate=25 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  70. Title=The free escape continuum of diffuse ions upstream of the Earth\‘s quasi-parallel bow shock
    Authors=K. J. Trattner F. Allegrini M. A. Dayeh H. O. Funsten S. A. Fuselier D. Heirtzler P. Janzen H. Kucharek D. J. McComas E. M%C3%B6bius T. E. Moore S. M. Petrinec D. B. Reisenfeld N. A. Schwadron P. Wurz
    article=jgra.50447; doi=10.1002/jgra.50447; pubdate=29 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  71. Title=Energization of O%2B ions in the Earth\‘s inner magnetosphere and the effects on ring current buildup: A review of previous observations and possible mechanisms
    Authors=Kunihiro Keika Lynn M. Kistler Pontus C. Brandt
    article=jgra.50371; doi=10.1002/jgra.50371; pubdate=11 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  72. Title=The optical manifestation of dispersive field-aligned bursts in auroral breakup arcs
    Authors=H. Dahlgren J. L. Semeter R. A. Marshall M. Zettergren
    article=jgra.50415; doi=10.1002/jgra.50415; pubdate=22 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  73. Title=Investigations on vertical coupling of atmospheric regions using combined multiwavelength optical dayglow  magnetic  and radio measurements
    Authors=Fazlul I. Laskar Duggirala Pallamraju T. Vijaya Lakshmi M. Anji Reddy B. M. Pathan Supriya Chakrabarti
    article=jgra.50426; doi=10.1002/jgra.50426; pubdate=24 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  74. Title=Equatorial evening prereversal vertical drift dependence on solar EUV flux and F10.7 index during quiet and disturbed periods over Brazil
    Authors=A. M. Santos M. A. Abdu J. H. A. Sobral M. Mascarenhas P. A. B. Nogueira
    article=jgra.50438; doi=10.1002/jgra.50438; pubdate=29 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  75. Title=TEC evidence for near-equatorial energy deposition by 30 keV electrons in the topside ionosphere
    Authors=A. V. Suvorova A. V. Dmitriev L.-C. Tsai V. E. Kunitsyn E. S. Andreeva I. A. Nesterov L. L. Lazutin
    article=jgra.50439; doi=10.1002/jgra.50439; pubdate=29 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  76. Title=Characteristics of penetration electric fields to the equatorial ionosphere during southward and northward IMF turnings
    Authors=Ankush Bhaskar Geeta Vichare
    article=jgra.50436; doi=10.1002/jgra.50436; pubdate=31 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  77. Title=Solar magnetic polarity dependency of the cosmic ray diurnal variation
    Authors=I. Sabbah
    article=jgra.50431; doi=10.1002/jgra.50431; pubdate=2 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  78. Title=Occurrence rate of extreme magnetic storms
    Authors=Y. I. Yermolaev I. G. Lodkina N. S. Nikolaeva M. Y. Yermolaev
    article=jgra.50467; doi=10.1002/jgra.50467; pubdate=22 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  79. Title=Observations of transverse Z mode and parametric decay in the solar wind
    Authors=P. J. Kellogg K. Goetz S. J. Monson A. Opitz
    article=jgra.50443; doi=10.1002/jgra.50443; pubdate=26 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  80. Title=Reduction of the field-aligned potential drop in the polar cap during large geomagnetic storms
    Authors=N. Kitamura K. Seki Y. Nishimura T. Hori N. Terada T. Ono R. J. Strangeway
    article=jgra.50450; doi=10.1002/jgra.50450; pubdate=2 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  81. Title=Pulsating auroral electron flux modulations in the equatorial magnetosphere
    Authors=A. N. Jaynes M. R. Lessard J. V. Rodriguez E. Donovan T. M. Loto\‘aniu K. Rychert
    article=jgra.50434; doi=10.1002/jgra.50434; pubdate=5 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  82. Title=Comparison of TWINS and THEMIS observations of proton pitch angle distributions in the ring current during the 29 May 2010 geomagnetic storm
    Authors=E. W. Grimes J. D. Perez J. Goldstein D. J. McComas P. Valek D. Turner
    article=jgra.50455; doi=10.1002/jgra.50455; pubdate=8 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  83. Title=Multiprobe estimation of field line curvature radius in the equatorial magnetosphere and the use of proton precipitations in magnetosphere-ionosphere mapping
    Authors=Jun Liang E. Donovan E. Spanswick V. Angelopoulos
    article=jgra.50454; doi=10.1002/jgra.50454; pubdate=9 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  84. Title=The statistical mapping of magnetosheath plasma properties based on THEMIS measurements in the magnetosheath interplanetary medium reference frame
    Authors=A. P. Dimmock K. Nykyri
    article=jgra.50465; doi=10.1002/jgra.50465; pubdate=12 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  85. Title=Global evolution of Birkeland currents on 10 min timescales: MHD simulations and observations
    Authors=V. G. Merkin B. J. Anderson J. G. Lyon H. Korth M. Wiltberger T. Motoba
    article=jgra.50466; doi=10.1002/jgra.50466; pubdate=13 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  86. Title=The Polar Cap index: A critical review of methods and a new approach
    Authors=Peter Stauning
    article=jgra.50462; doi=10.1002/jgra.50462; pubdate=16 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  87. Title=Duskside relativistic electron precipitation as measured by SAMPEX: A statistical survey
    Authors=Max D. Comess David M. Smith Richard S. Selesnick Robyn M. Millan John G. Sample
    article=jgra.50481; doi=10.1002/jgra.50481; pubdate=22 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  88. Title=Impact of MHD shock physics on magnetosheath asymmetry and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
    Authors=K. Nykyri
    article=jgra.50499; doi=10.1002/jgra.50499; pubdate=23 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  89. Title=Comparison of neural network and support vector machine methods for Kp forecasting
    Authors=Eun-Young Ji Y.-J. Moon Jongyeob Park Jin-Yi Lee D.-H. Lee
    article=jgra.50500; doi=10.1002/jgra.50500; pubdate=27 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  90. Title=Sawtooth-substorm connections: A closer look
    Authors=M. A. Noah W. J. Burke
    article=jgra.50440; doi=10.1002/jgra.50440; pubdate=28 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  91. Title=Vertical and meridional equatorial ion flows observed by CINDI during the 26 September 2011 storm
    Authors=Marc R. Hairston W. Robin Coley Russell Stoneback
    article=jgra.50411; doi=10.1002/jgra.50411; pubdate=6 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  92. Title=Rapid-run ionosonde observations of traveling ionospheric disturbances in the auroral ionosphere
    Authors=Alexander Kozlovsky Tauno Turunen Thomas Ulich
    article=jgra.50474; doi=10.1002/jgra.50474; pubdate=13 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: ModelWeb

  93. Title=A method to predict electric field spectra from empirically modeled geomagnetic ULF activity
    Authors=L. Rosenqvist
    article=jgra.50453; doi=10.1002/jgra.50453; pubdate=19 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  94. Title=Spatio-temporal entropy analysis of the magnetic field to help magnetic cloud characterization
    Authors=A. Ojeda G. O. Mendes M. A. Calzadilla M. O. Domingues
    article=jgra.50504; doi=10.1002/jgra.50504; pubdate=5 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  95. Title=Transport of cold ions from the polar ionosphere to the plasma sheet
    Authors=Kun Li S. Haaland A. Eriksson M. Andre E. Engwall Y. Wei E. A. Kronberg M. Franz P. W. Daly H. Zhao Q. Y. Ren
    article=jgra.50518; doi=10.1002/jgra.50518; pubdate=6 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  96. Title=The differences between storms driven by helmet streamer CIRs and storms driven by pseudostreamer CIRs
    Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky Michael H. Denton
    article=jgra.50524; doi=10.1002/jgra.50524; pubdate=6 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  97. Title=Simulation of O%2B upflows created by electron precipitation and Alfven waves in the ionosphere
    Authors=D. Sydorenko R. Rankin
    article=jgra.50531; doi=10.1002/jgra.50531; pubdate=10 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: NSSDCFTP, IRI

  98. Title=EMIC waves observed by Cluster near the plasmapause
    Authors=Y. H. Liu B. J. Fraser F. W. Menk
    article=jgra.50486; doi=10.1002/jgra.50486; pubdate=12 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, NSSDC

  99. Title=Storm time duskside equatorial current and its closure path
    Authors=S. Dubyagin N. Ganushkina S. Apatenkov M. Kubyshkina S.-I. Ohtani H. Singer M. Liemohn
    article=jgra.50512; doi=10.1002/jgra.50512; pubdate=12 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  100. Title=Solar cycle dependence of High-Intensity Long-Duration Continuous AE Activity (HILDCAA) events  relativistic electron predictors%3F
    Authors=R. Hajra E. Echer B. T. Tsurutani W. D. Gonzalez
    article=jgra.50530; doi=10.1002/jgra.50530; pubdate=12 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  101. Title=Pressure anisotropy in global magnetospheric simulations: Coupling with ring current models
    Authors=X. Meng G. T%C3%B3th A. Glocer M.-C. Fok T. I. Gombosi
    article=jgra.50539; doi=10.1002/jgra.50539; pubdate=12 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  102. Title=Energy transfer and flow in the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system: A new coupling function
    Authors=P. Tenfjord N. %C3%98stgaard
    article=jgra.50545; doi=10.1002/jgra.50545; pubdate=16 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  103. Title=Estimating the effects of ionospheric plasma on solar wind%2Fmagnetosphere coupling via mass loading of dayside reconnection: Ion-plasma-sheet oxygen  plasmaspheric drainage plumes  and the plasma cloak
    Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky Michael H. Denton Richard E. Denton Vania K. Jordanova Jonathan Krall
    article=jgra.50527; doi=10.1002/jgra.50527; pubdate=19 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  104. Title=Tail reconnection region versus auroral activity inferred from conjugate ARTEMIS plasma sheet flow and auroral observations
    Authors=Y. Nishimura L. R. Lyons X. Xing V. Angelopoulos E. F. Donovan S. B. Mende J. W. Bonnell U. Auster
    article=jgra.50549; doi=10.1002/jgra.50549; pubdate=23 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  105. Title=Interaction of substorm injections with the subauroral geospace: 1. Multispacecraft observations of SAID
    Authors=Evgeny V. Mishin
    article=jgra.50548; doi=10.1002/jgra.50548; pubdate=24 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  106. Title=Long-period prompt-penetration electric fields derived from CHAMP satellite magnetic measurements
    Authors=C. Manoj S. Maus P. Alken
    article=jgra.50511; doi=10.1002/jgra.50511; pubdate=11 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  107. Title=Earth\‘s collision with a solar filament on 21 January 2005: Overview
    Authors=J. U. Kozyra W. B. Manchester C. P. Escoubet S. T. Lepri M. W. Liemohn W. D. Gonzalez M. W. Thomsen B. T. Tsurutani
    article=jgra.50567; doi=10.1002/jgra.50567; pubdate=1 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  108. Title=An automated identification method for Alfvenic streams and their geoeffectiveness
    Authors=K. Snekvik E. I. Tanskanen E. K. J. Kilpua
    article=jgra.50588; doi=10.1002/jgra.50588; pubdate=11 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  109. Title=The effects of ionospheric outflow on ICME and SIR driven sawtooth%E2%80%89events
    Authors=O. J. Brambles W. Lotko B. Zhang J. Ouellette J. Lyon M. Wiltberger
    article=jgra.50522; doi=10.1002/jgra.50522; pubdate=1 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  110. Title=Sources of electron pitch angle anisotropy in the magnetotail plasma%E2%80%89sheet
    Authors=Andrew P. Walsh A. N. Fazakerley C. Forsyth C. J. Owen M. G. G. T. Taylor I. J. Rae
    article=jgra.50553; doi=10.1002/jgra.50553; pubdate=1 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  111. Title=Geomagnetic response to solar wind dynamic pressure impulse events at high-latitude conjugate points
    Authors=H. Kim X. Cai C. R. Clauer B. S. R. Kunduri J. Matzka C. Stolle D. R. Weimer
    article=jgra.50555; doi=10.1002/jgra.50555; pubdate=1 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  112. Title=Quiet time equatorial mass density distribution derived from AMPTE%2FCCE and GOES using the magnetoseismology technique
    Authors=Kyungguk Min Jacob Bortnik Richard E. Denton Kazue Takahashi Jeongwoo Lee Howard J. Singer
    article=jgra.50563; doi=10.1002/jgra.50563; pubdate=3 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  113. Title=The location of the Earth\‘s magnetopause: A comparison of modeled position and in situ Cluster data
    Authors=N. A. Case J. A. Wild
    article=jgra.50572; doi=10.1002/jgra.50572; pubdate=3 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  114. Title=Plasma sheet magnetic fields and flows during steady magnetospheric convection events
    Authors=T. I. Pulkkinen N. Partamies J. Kissinger R. L. McPherron K.-H. Glassmeier C. Carlson
    article=jgra.50574; doi=10.1002/jgra.50574; pubdate=3 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF

  115. Title=Low-latitude Pi2 pulsations during intervals of quiet geomagnetic conditions (Kp<=1)
    Authors=H.-J. Kwon K.-H. Kim C.-W. Jun K. Takahashi D.-H. Lee E. Lee H. Jin J. Seon Y.-D. Park J. Hwang
    article=jgra.50582; doi=10.1002/jgra.50582; pubdate=3 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  116. Title=Empirical modeling of plasma sheet pressure and three-dimensional force-balanced magnetospheric magnetic field structure: 1. Observation
    Authors=Chih-Ping Wang Chao Yue Sorin Zaharia Xiaoyan Xing Larry Lyons Vassilis Angelopoulos Tsugunobu Nagai Tony Lui
    article=jgra.50585; doi=10.1002/jgra.50585; pubdate=3 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  117. Title=Solar cycle variations in polar cap area measured by the superDARN radars
    Authors=S. M. Imber S. E. Milan M. Lester
    article=jgra.50509; doi=10.1002/jgra.50509; pubdate=4 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  118. Title=Survey of the ULF wave Poynting vector near the Earth\‘s magnetic equatorial plane
    Authors=M. D. Hartinger M. B. Moldwin K. Takahashi J. W. Bonnell V. Angelopoulos
    article=jgra.50591; doi=10.1002/jgra.50591; pubdate=7 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  119. Title=Empirically modeled global distribution of magnetospheric chorus amplitude using an artificial neural network
    Authors=Kyung-Chan Kim Yuri Shprits Jaejin Lee Junga Hwang
    article=jgra.50595; doi=10.1002/jgra.50595; pubdate=7 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  120. Title=Space climate implications from substorm frequency
    Authors=P. T. Newell J. W. Gjerloev E. J. Mitchell
    article=jgra.50597; doi=10.1002/jgra.50597; pubdate=7 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  121. Title=Multiple bidirectional EMIC waves observed by Cluster at middle magnetic latitudes in the dayside magnetosphere
    Authors=R. C. Allen J. -C. Zhang L. M. Kistler H. E. Spence R. -L. Lin M. W. Dunlop M. Andre
    article=jgra.50600; doi=10.1002/jgra.50600; pubdate=9 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  122. Title=The double-belt outer radiation belt during CME- and CIR-driven geomagnetic storms
    Authors=Chongjing Yuan Qiugang Zong
    article=jgra.50564; doi=10.1002/jgra.50564; pubdate=10 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  123. Title=A new diffusion matrix for whistler mode chorus waves
    Authors=Richard B. Horne Tobias Kersten Sarah A. Glauert Nigel P. Meredith Daniel Boscher Angelica Sicard-Piet Richard M. Thorne Wen Li
    article=jgra.50594; doi=10.1002/jgra.50594; pubdate=15 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, NSSDC

  124. Title=Auroral wave structures and ballooning instabilities in the plasma sheet
    Authors=Xiaoyan Xing Jun Liang Emma Spanswick Larry Lyons Vassilis Angelopoulos
    article=2013JA019068; doi=10.1002/2013JA019068; pubdate=16 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  125. Title=Predicting the location of polar cusp in the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry global magnetosphere simulation
    Authors=B. Zhang O. Brambles W. Lotko W. Dunlap-Shohl R. Smith M. Wiltberger J. Lyon
    article=jgra.50565; doi=10.1002/jgra.50565; pubdate=17 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  126. Title=Simultaneous traveling convection vortex events and Pc1 wave bursts at cusp latitudes observed in Arctic Canada and Svalbard
    Authors=J. L. Posch M. J. Engebretson A. J. Witte D. L. Murr M. R. Lessard M. G. Johnsen H. J. Singer M. D. Hartinger
    article=jgra.50604; doi=10.1002/jgra.50604; pubdate=18 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: SSCWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility

  127. Title=Generation of Pi2 pulsations by intermittent earthward propagating dipolarization fronts: An MHD case study
    Authors=J. B. Ream R. J. Walker M. Ashour-Abdalla M. El-Alaoui M. G. Kivelson M. L. Goldstein
    article=2013JA018734; doi=10.1002/2013JA018734; pubdate=18 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  128. Title=Magnetospheric sawtooth events during the solar cycle 23
    Authors=X. Cai C. R. Clauer
    article=2013JA018819; doi=10.1002/2013JA018819; pubdate=22 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  129. Title=An empirical model for the location and occurrence rate of near-Earth magnetotail reconnection
    Authors=K. J. Genestreti S. A. Fuselier J. Goldstein T. Nagai
    article=2013JA019125; doi=10.1002/2013JA019125; pubdate=23 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  130. Title=Confirmation of secondary cosmic ray flux enhancement during the total lunar eclipse of 10 December 2011
    Authors=Anil Raghav Ankush Bhaskar Virendra Yadav Nitinkumar Bijewar Chintamani Pai Ashish Koli Nilam Navale Gurinderpal Singh Nitin Dubey Sushant Pawar Pradnya Parab Gandhali Narvankar Vaibhav Rawoot Vikas Rawat Satish Borse Nagnath Garad Carl Rozario Nitin Kaushal Shailendrakumar Tiwari M. R. Press
    article=2013JA019007; doi=10.1002/2013JA019007; pubdate=24 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  131. Title=Are ionospheric storms the same during different solar cycles%3F
    Authors=Michael Mendillo Clara Narvaez Angela G. Marusiak
    article=2013JA019102; doi=10.1002/2013JA019102; pubdate=29 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, CGM

  132. Title=Longitudinal variations of positive dayside ionospheric storms related to recurrent geomagnetic storms
    Authors=A. V. Dmitriev C.-M. Huang P. S. Brahmanandam L. C. Chang K.-T. Chen L.-C. Tsai
    article=jgra.50575; doi=10.1002/jgra.50575; pubdate=31 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  133. Title=Full halo coronal mass ejections: Do we need to correct the projection effect in terms of velocity%3F
    Authors=Chenglong Shen Yuming Wang Zonghao Pan Min Zhang Pinzhong Ye S. Wang
    article=2013JA018872; doi=10.1002/2013JA018872; pubdate=21 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: NSSDC

  134. Title=An MHD simulation model of time-dependent global solar corona with temporally varying solar-surface magnetic field maps
    Authors=K. Hayashi
    article=2013JA018991; doi=10.1002/2013JA018991; pubdate=25 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  135. Title=Energetic electron precipitation characteristics observed from Antarctica during a flux dropout event
    Authors=Mark A. Clilverd Neil Cobbett Craig J. Rodger James B. Brundell Michael H. Denton David P. Hartley Juan V. Rodriguez Donald Danskin Tero Raita Emma L. Spanswick
    article=2013JA019067; doi=10.1002/2013JA019067; pubdate=5 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  136. Title=Coherent transmission of upstream waves to polar latitudes through magnetotail lobes
    Authors=M. Regi P. Francia M. De Lauretis K. H. Glassmeier U. Villante
    article=2012JA018472; doi=10.1002/2012JA018472; pubdate=8 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  137. Title=Case studies of the impact of high-speed solar wind streams on the electron radiation belt at geosynchronous orbit: Flux  magnetic field  and phase space density
    Authors=D. P. Hartley M. H. Denton J. C. Green T. G. Onsager J. V. Rodriguez H. J. Singer
    article=2013JA018923; doi=10.1002/2013JA018923; pubdate=8 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  138. Title=Long-term modulations of Saturn\‘s auroral radio emissions by the solar wind and seasonal variations controlled by the solar ultraviolet flux
    Authors=T. Kimura L. Lamy C. Tao S. V. Badman S. Kasahara B. Cecconi P. Zarka A. Morioka Y. Miyoshi D. Maruno Y. Kasaba M. Fujimoto
    article=2013JA018833; doi=10.1002/2013JA018833; pubdate=14 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, SPDF

  139. Title=Physics-based solar wind driver functions for the magnetosphere: Combining the reconnection-coupled MHD generator with the viscous interaction
    Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky
    article=jgra.50557; doi=10.1002/jgra.50557; pubdate=20 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  140. Title=Relations of the energetic proton fluxes in the central plasma sheet with solar wind and geomagnetic activities
    Authors=Jinbin Cao Aiying Duan Henri Reme Iannis Dandouras
    article=2013JA019289; doi=10.1002/2013JA019289; pubdate=27 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  141. Title=On the generation of magnetosheath high%E2%80%92speed jets by bow shock ripples
    Authors=H. Hietala F. Plaschke
    article=2013JA019172; doi=10.1002/2013JA019172; pubdate=27 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  142. Title=An analysis of heliospheric magnetic field flux based on sunspot number from 1749 to today and prediction for the coming solar minimum
    Authors=Molly L. Goelzer Charles W. Smith Nathan A. Schwadron K. G. McCracken
    article=2013JA019404; doi=10.1002/2013JA019404; pubdate=20 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  143. Title=Relativistic electron fluxes dropout in the outer radiation belt under different solar wind conditions
    Authors=Chongjing Yuan Qiugang Zong
    article=2013JA019066; doi=10.1002/2013JA019066; pubdate=2 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  144.  Title=On the relation between asymmetries in the ring current and magnetopause current
    Authors=S. Haaland J. Gjerloev
    article=2013JA019345; doi=10.1002/2013JA019345; pubdate=6 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  145. Title=Effect of the northward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field on the dipolarization
    Authors=Z. Peng C. Wang
    article=2013JA018942; doi=10.1002/2013JA018942; pubdate=6 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  146. Title=The role of compressional Pc5 pulsations in modulating precipitation of energetic electrons
    Authors=T. Motoba K. Takahashi J. Gjerloev S. Ohtani D. K. Milling
    article=2013JA018912; doi=10.1002/2013JA018912; pubdate=26 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  147. Title=Multi-instrument observations of SED during 24-25 October 2011 storm: Implications for SED formation processes
    Authors=Shasha Zou Aaron J. Ridley Mark B. Moldwin Michael J. Nicolls Anthea J. Coster Evan G. Thomas J. Michael Ruohoniemi
    article=2013JA018860; doi=10.1002/2013JA018860; pubdate=3 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  148. Title=Comparison between POES energetic electron precipitation observations and riometer absorptions: Implications for determining true precipitation fluxes
    Authors=Craig J. Rodger Andrew J. Kavanagh Mark A. Clilverd Steve R. Marple
    article=2013JA019439; doi=10.1002/2013JA019439; pubdate=3 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, IRI-2007

  149. Title=Long-term observations of the quasi two-day wave by Hawaii MF radar
    Authors=Sheng-Yang Gu Tao Li Xiankang Dou Ning-Ning Wang Dennis Riggin David Fritts
    article=2013JA018858; doi=10.1002/2013JA018858; pubdate=13 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  150. Title=Mesoscale and large-scale variability in high-latitude ionospheric convection: Dominant modes and spatial%2Ftemporal coherence
    Authors=E. D. P. Cousins Tomoko Matsuo A. D. Richmond
    article=2013JA019319; doi=10.1002/2013JA019319; pubdate=17 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  151. Title=SuperDARN assimilative mapping
    Authors=E. D. P. Cousins Tomoko Matsuo A. D. Richmond
    article=2013JA019321; doi=10.1002/2013JA019321; pubdate=19 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

Science Enabled Research Papers in Geophysical Research Letters for 2013

  1. Title=Insignificant solar-terrestrial triggering of earthquakes
    Authors=Jeffrey J. Love Jeremy N. Thomas
    article=grl.50211; doi=10.1002/grl.50211; pubdate=16 MAR 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb

  2. Title=Thermospheric damping response to sheath-enhanced geospace storms
    Authors=D. Knipp L. Kilcommons L. Hunt M. Mlynczak V. Pilipenko B. Bowman Y. Deng K. Drake
    article=grl.50197; doi=10.1002/grl.50197; pubdate=15 APR 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb

  3. Title=Effect of the ring current on preconditioning the magnetosphere for steady magnetospheric convection
    Authors=L. Juusola N. Partamies E. Tanskanen
    article=grl.50405; doi=10.1002/grl.50405; pubdate=30 MAY 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  4. Title=Global statistical evidence for chorus as the embryonic source of%E2%80%89plasmaspheric hiss
    Authors=Nigel P. Meredith Richard B. Horne Jacob Bortnik Richard M. Thorne Lunjin Chen Wen Li Angelica Sicard-Piet
    article=grl.50593; doi=10.1002/grl.50593; pubdate=18 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  5. Title=Polar cap patch segmentation of the tongue of ionization in the morning convection cell
    Authors=Q.-H. Zhang B.-C. Zhang J. Moen M. Lockwood I. W. McCrea H.-G. Yang H.-Q. Hu R.-Y. Liu S.-R. Zhang M. Lester
    article=grl.50616; doi=10.1002/grl.50616; pubdate=20 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  6. Title=Evolution and slow decay of an unusual narrow ring of relativistic electrons near L%E2%80%89~%E2%80%893.2 following the September 2012 magnetic storm
    Authors=R. M. Thorne W. Li B. Ni Q. Ma J. Bortnik D. N. Baker H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves M. G. Henderson C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky D. Turner V. Angelopoulos
    article=grl.50627; doi=10.1002/grl.50627; pubdate=26 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb

  7. Title=Sector structure of the interplanetary magnetic field in the nineteenth century
    Authors=M. V. Vokhmyanin D. I. Ponyavin
    article=grl.50749; doi=10.1002/grl.50749; pubdate=30 JUL 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

  8. Title=Variations in cutoff latitude during the January 2012 solar proton event and implication for the distribution of particle energy deposition
    Authors=H. Nesse Tyss%C3%B8y J. Stadsnes F. S%C3%B8raas M. S%C3%B8rb%C3%B8
    article=grl.50815; doi=10.1002/grl.50815; pubdate=22 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, CGM

  9. Title=Long-periodic strong radar echoes in the summer polar D region correlated with oscillations of high-speed solar wind streams
    Authors=Young-Sook Lee Sheila Kirkwood Gordon G. Shepherd Young-Sil Kwak Kyung-Chan Kim
    article=grl.50821; doi=10.1002/grl.50821; pubdate=27 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, OMNI-2

  10. Title=Van Allen Probes observation of localized drift resonance between poloidal mode ultra-low frequency waves and 60 keV electrons
    Authors=S. G. Claudepierre I. R. Mann K. Takahashi J. F. Fennell M. K. Hudson J. B. Blake J. L. Roeder J. H. Clemmons H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves D. N. Baker H. O. Funsten R. H. W. Friedel M. G. Henderson C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth R. J. MacDowall C. W. Smith J. R. Wygant
    article=grl.50901; doi=10.1002/grl.50901; pubdate=6 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  11. Title=Scale dependence and frontal formation of nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances
    Authors=Tatsuhiro Yokoyama
    pubdate=9 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: IRI-2007 (used IRIweb)

  12. Title=High-speed solar wind with southward interplanetary magnetic field causes relativistic electron flux enhancement of the outer radiation belt via enhanced condition of whistler waves
    Authors=Y. Miyoshi R. Kataoka Y. Kasahara A. Kumamoto T. Nagai M. F. Thomsen
    article=grl.50916; doi=10.1002/grl.50916; pubdate=11 SEP 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI, OMNI-2, NSSDC

  13. Title=Magnetospheric %E2%80%9Cmagic%E2%80%9D frequencies as magnetopause surface eigenmodes
    Authors=M. O. Archer M. D. Hartinger T. S. Horbury
    article=grl.50979; doi=10.1002/grl.50979; pubdate=4 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  14. Title=Large-scale structures in the Polar Rain
    Authors=Yongliang Zhang Larry Paxton Hyosub Kil
    article=2013GL058245; doi=10.1002/2013GL058245; pubdate=4 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb

  15. Title=IMF dependence of the azimuthal direction of earthward magnetotail fast flows
    Authors=T. Pitkanen M. Hamrin P. Norqvist T. Karlsson H. Nilsson
    article=2013GL058136; doi=10.1002/2013GL058136; pubdate=13 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  16. Title=DEMETER observations of high-latitude chorus waves penetrating the plasmasphere during a geomagnetic storm
    Authors=Zeren Zhima Jinbin Cao Wenlong Liu Huishan Fu Junying Yang Xuemin Zhang Xuhui Shen
    article=2013GL058089; doi=10.1002/2013GL058089; pubdate=22 NOV 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Science Enabled Research Papers in Radio Science for 2013

  1. Title=Assimilation procedures for updating ionospheric profiles below the F2 peak
    Authors=Leo F. McNamara Matthew J. Angling Sean Elvidge Sergey V. Fridman Mark A. Hausman L. J. Nickisch Lee-Anne McKinnell
    article=rds.20020; doi=10.1002/rds.20020; pubdate=24 APR 2013
    Keyword found: IRI-2007  (using IRIweb)

  2. Title=Long-term analysis of ionospheric polar patches based on CHAMP TEC data
    Authors=M. Noja C. Stolle J. Park H. L%C3%BChr
    article=rds.20033; doi=10.1002/rds.20033; pubdate=19 JUN 2013
    Keyword found: OMNI

  3. Title=In situ irregularity identification and scintillation estimation using wavelets and CINDI on C%2FNOFS
    Authors=R. A. Stoneback R. A. Heelis R. G. Caton Y.-J. Su K. M. Groves
    article=rds.20050; doi=10.1002/rds.20050; pubdate=2 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: International Reference Ionosphere (using IRIweb)

  4. Title=A study of intense ionospheric scintillation observed during a quiet day in the East African low-latitude region
    Authors=Chigomezyo M. Ngwira Jeff Klenzing Joseph Olwendo Florence M. D\‘ujanga Russell Stoneback Paul Baki
    article=rds.20045; doi=10.1002/rds.20045; pubdate=6 AUG 2013
    Keyword found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  5. Title=Signature of polar cap inhomogeneities in vertical sounding data
    Authors=E. V. Moskaleva N. Y. Zaalov
    article=rds.20060; doi=10.1002/rds.20060; pubdate=3 OCT 2013
    Keyword found: OMNIWeb  (using IRIweb on omniweb)

  6. Title=Elevation angle-of-arrival determination for a standard and a modified superDARN HF radar layout
    Authors=Andrew J. McDonald James Whittington Sebastien Larquier Edhem Custovic Thomas A. Kane John C. Devlin
    article=2013RS005157; doi=10.1002/2013RS005157; pubdate=12 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: IRI-2012 (using IRIweb)

  7. Title=An automatic scaling technique for obtaining F2 parameters and F1 critical frequency from vertical incidence ionograms
    Authors=Chunhua Jiang Guobin Yang Zhengyu Zhao Yuannong Zhang Peng Zhu Hengqing Sun
    article=2013RS005223; doi=10.1002/2013RS005223; pubdate=13 DEC 2013
    Keyword found: NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere