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Acknowledgments of SPDF in 2012

The AGU journals ‘Space Weather’, ‘Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics’, ‘Geophysical Research Letters’, and ‘Radio Science’ were searched for acknowledgments of services developed and supported by NASA/Goddard’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).

Keywords searched and the number of occurrences across all four journals:

OMNI and/or OMNI-2 and/or OMNIWeb were referenced in 117 papers
COHOWeb was referenced in 3 papers
SPDF was referenced in 28 papers
ModelWeb was referenced in 46 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 72 papers
FTPBrowser was referenced in 0 paper
ATMOWeb was referenced in 0 papers
HelioWeb was referenced in 0 papers
SSCWeb was referenced in 3 papers
TIPSOD was referenced in 1 papers
NSSDC was referenced in 26 papers
NSSDCFTP was referenced in 12 papers

   Journal    Total number     Number of papers      Percentage
                of papers     with acknowledgment        
   SW              80               15                 19 %
   JGR            708              168                 24 %
   GRL            113               15                 13 %
   RS             116               12                 10 %  

Science Enabled Research Papers in Space Weather journal for 2012

  1. Title=Evaluation of OVATION Prime as a forecast model for visible aurorae
    Authors=Janet L. Machol Janet C. Green Robert J. Redmon Rodney A. Viereck Patrick T. Newell
    article=2011SW000746; doi=10.1029/2011SW000746; pubdate=9 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI2

  2. Title=Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model: DREAM
    Authors=G. D. Reeves Y. Chen G. S. Cunningham R. W. H. Friedel M. G. Henderson V. K. Jordanova J. Koller S. K. Morley M. F. Thomsen S. Zaharia
    article=2011SW000729; doi=10.1029/2011SW000729; pubdate=21 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, AE-8

  3. Title=Bayesian prediction of geomagnetic storms: Wind data  1996-2010
    Authors=James Chen Steven P. Slinker Ioana Triandaf
    article=2011SW000740; doi=10.1029/2011SW000740; pubdate=26 APR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC

  4. Title=Modeling geomagnetically induced electric field and currents by combining a global MHD model with a local one-dimensional method
    Authors=J. J. Zhang C. Wang B. B. Tang
    article=2012SW000772; doi=10.1029/2012SW000772; pubdate=30 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  5. Title=Improvements in short-term forecasting of geomagnetic activity
    Authors=Ramkumar Bala Patricia Reiff
    article=2012SW000779; doi=10.1029/2012SW000779; pubdate=6 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  6. Title=Geomagnetically induced currents in a power grid of northeastern Spain
    Authors=J. Miquel Torta Llu%C3%ADs Serrano J. Ramon Regue Albert M. S%C3%A1nchez Elionor Rold%C3%A1n
    article=2012SW000793; doi=10.1029/2012SW000793; pubdate=7 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: CGM

  7. Title=Extended geomagnetic storm forecast ahead of available solar wind measurements
    Authors=T. V. Podladchikova A. A. Petrukovich
    article=2012SW000786; doi=10.1029/2012SW000786; pubdate=3 JUL 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  8. Title=New Opportunities for a Historic Spacecraft
    Authors=L. Garcia R. Farquhar T. Eastman
    article=2012SW000832; doi=10.1029/2012SW000832; pubdate=15 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC.

  9. Title=Localized adaptive inflation in ensemble data assimilation for a radiation belt model
    Authors=H. C. Godinez J. Koller
    article=2012SW000767; doi=10.1029/2012SW000767; pubdate=1 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, AE-8

  10. Title=Toward the probabilistic forecasting of high-latitude GPS phase scintillation
    Authors=P. Prikryl P. T. Jayachandran S. C. Mushini I. G. Richardson
    article=2012SW000800; doi=10.1029/2012SW000800; pubdate=14 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, CGM

  11. Title=A real-time forecast service for the ionospheric equatorial zonal electric field
    Authors=C. Manoj S. Maus
    article=2012SW000825; doi=10.1029/2012SW000825; pubdate=18 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  12. Title=Anik-E1 and E2 satellite failures of January 1994 revisited
    Authors=H.-L. Lam D. H. Boteler B. Burlton J. Evans
    article=2012SW000811; doi=10.1029/2012SW000811; pubdate=10 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, AE-8

  13. Title=A comparison of IRI-TEC predictions with GPS-TEC measurements over Nsukka  Nigeria
    Authors=Daniel Okoh Ambrose Eze Oluweseye Adedoja Bonaventure Okere P. N. Okeke
    article=2012SW000830; doi=10.1029/2012SW000830; pubdate=10 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

  14. Title=CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for systematic assessment of ionosphere%2Fthermosphere models: Electron density  neutral density  NmF2  and hmF2 using space based observations
    Authors=J. S. Shim M. Kuznetsova L. Rastatter D. Bilitza M. Butala M. Codrescu B. A. Emery B. Foster T. J. Fuller-Rowell J. Huba A. J. Mannucci X. Pi A. Ridley L. Scherliess R. W. Schunk J. J. Sojka P. Stephens D. C. Thompson D. Weimer L. Zhu E. Sutton
    article=2012SW000851; doi=10.1029/2012SW000851; pubdate=18 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: IRI-2007, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

  15. Title=Commercial Space Tourism and Space Weather: An Update
    Authors=Ronald E. Turner
    article=2012SW000868; doi=10.1029/2012SW000868; pubdate=16 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC

Science Enabled Research Papers in Journal of Geophysical Research / Space Physics for 2012

  1. Title=Ionosphere response to recurrent geomagnetic activity in 1974
    Authors=Tzu-Wei Fang Jeffrey M. Forbes
    article=2011JA017017; doi=10.1029/2011JA017017; pubdate=26 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  2. Title=Interplanetary magnetic field control and magnetic conjugacy of auroral E region backscatter
    Authors=Roman A. Makarevich A. V. Koustov B. A. Carter
    article=2011JA016943; doi=10.1029/2011JA016943; pubdate=12 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  3. Title=A survey of the polar cap density based on Cluster EFW probe measurements: Solar wind and solar irradiation dependence
    Authors=S. Haaland K. Svenes B. Lybekk A. Pedersen
    article=2011JA017250; doi=10.1029/2011JA017250; pubdate=31 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, CGM

  4. Title=A study of the changes of the near-Earth plasma sheet and lobe driven by multiple substorms: Comparison with a full particle simulation of reconnection
    Authors=J.-A. Sauvaud C. Jacquey M. Oka L. Palin G. Fruit L. M. Kistler A. Balogh J. B. Cao G. Reeves T. Mukai I. Shinohara E. Grigorenko
    article=2011JA017033; doi=10.1029/2011JA017033; pubdate=31 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  5. Title=Bow shock and magnetopause contributions to the magnetospheric current system: Hints from the Cluster observations
    Authors=B. B. Tang C. Wang X. C. Guo
    article=2011JA016681; doi=10.1029/2011JA016681; pubdate=27 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, NSSDC

  6. Title=Magnetospheric location of the equatorward prebreakup arc
    Authors=V. Sergeev Y. Nishimura M. Kubyshkina V. Angelopoulos R. Nakamura H. Singer
    article=2011JA017154; doi=10.1029/2011JA017154; pubdate=25 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  7. Title=A case study of upstream wave transmission to the ground at polar and low latitudes
    Authors=P. Francia M. Regi M. De Lauretis U. Villante V. A. Pilipenko
    article=2011JA016751; doi=10.1029/2011JA016751; pubdate=20 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  8. Title=Chorus intensification in response to interplanetary shock
    Authors=H. S. Fu J. B. Cao F. S. Mozer H. Y. Lu B. Yang
    article=2011JA016913; doi=10.1029/2011JA016913; pubdate=6 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  9. Title=The location of reconnection at the magnetopause: Testing the maximum magnetic shear model with THEMIS observations
    Authors=K. J. Trattner S. M. Petrinec S. A. Fuselier T. D. Phan
    article=2011JA016959; doi=10.1029/2011JA016959; pubdate=4 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  10. Title=Using a 3-D spherical plasmoid to interpret the Sun-to-Earth propagation of the 4 November 1997 coronal mass ejection event
    Authors=Y. F. Zhou X. S. Feng S. T. Wu D. Du F. Shen C. Q. Xiang
    article=2010JA016380; doi=10.1029/2010JA016380; pubdate=10 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  11. Title=Statistical analysis of dayside equatorial ionospheric electric fields and electrojet currents produced by magnetospheric substorms during sawtooth events
    Authors=Chao-Song Huang
    article=2011JA017398; doi=10.1029/2011JA017398; pubdate=28 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  12. Title=Empirical model of ionospheric storm effects on the F2 layer peak height associated with changes of peak electron density
    Authors=T. L. Gulyaeva
    article=2011JA017158; doi=10.1029/2011JA017158; pubdate=3 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere

  13. Title=A statistical analysis of the optical dayside open%2Fclosed field line boundary
    Authors=M. G. Johnsen D. A. Lorentzen
    article=2011JA016984; doi=10.1029/2011JA016984; pubdate=28 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  14. Title=Changes in the magnetotail configuration before near-Earth reconnection
    Authors=K. Snekvik E. Tanskanen N. %C3%98stgaard L. Juusola K. Laundal E. I. Gordeev A. L. Borg
    article=2011JA017040; doi=10.1029/2011JA017040; pubdate=28 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  15. Title=Fundamental characteristics of field-aligned auroral acceleration derived from AKR spectra
    Authors=A. Morioka Y. Miyoshi N. Kitamura H. Misawa F. Tsuchiya J. D. Menietti F. Honary
    article=2011JA017137; doi=10.1029/2011JA017137; pubdate=23 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  16. Title=Coupling of dipolarization front flow bursts to substorm expansion phase phenomena within the magnetosphere and ionosphere
    Authors=L. R. Lyons Y. Nishimura X. Xing A. Runov V. Angelopoulos E. Donovan T. Kikuchi
    article=2011JA017265; doi=10.1029/2011JA017265; pubdate=22 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  17. Title=Comment on %E2%80%9CSubstorm growth and expansion onset as observed with ideal ground-spacecraft THEMIS coverage%E2%80%9D by V. Sergeev et al.
    Authors=M. Connors
    article=2011JA017254; doi=10.1029/2011JA017254; pubdate=16 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  18. Title=The 8 June 2000 ULF wave activity: A case study
    Authors=M. Piersanti U. Villante C. Waters I. Coco
    article=2011JA016857; doi=10.1029/2011JA016857; pubdate=8 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb
    Sample usage= WIND satellite were obtained from CDAWeb

  19. Title=Dayside auroral emissions controlled by IMF: A survey for dayside auroral excitation at 557.7 and 630.0 nm in Ny-%C3%85lesund  Svalbard
    Authors=Ze-Jun Hu Hui-Gen Yang De-Sheng Han De-Hong Huang Bei-Chen Zhang Hong-Qiao Hu Rui-Yuan Liu
    article=2011JA017188; doi=10.1029/2011JA017188; pubdate=1 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  20. Title=A statistical comparison of solar wind propagation delays derived from multispacecraft techniques
    Authors=N. A. Case J. A. Wild
    article=2011JA016946; doi=10.1029/2011JA016946; pubdate=9 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  21. Title=A statistical study of low latitude F region irregularities at Brazilian longitudinal sector response to geomagnetic storms during post-sunset hours in solar cycle 23
    Authors=Y. Y. Sun J. Y. Liu C. H. Lin
    article=2011JA017419; doi=10.1029/2011JA017419; pubdate=31 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

  22. Title=Extreme changes in the equatorial electrojet under the influence of interplanetary electric field and the associated modification in the low-latitude F region plasma distribution
    Authors=K. G. Simi Smitha V. Thampi D. Chakrabarty B. M. Pathan S. R. Prabhakaran Nayar Tarun Kumar Pant
    article=2011JA017328; doi=10.1029/2011JA017328; pubdate=28 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  23. Title=Response of the equatorial topside ionosphere to 27-day variations in solar EUV input during a low solar activity period using C%2FNOFS
    Authors=W. R. Coley R. A. Heelis
    article=2011JA017301; doi=10.1029/2011JA017301; pubdate=28 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  24. Title=The dayside open%2Fclosed field line boundary as seen from space- and ground-based instrumentation
    Authors=M. G. Johnsen D. A. Lorentzen
    article=2011JA016983; doi=10.1029/2011JA016983; pubdate=16 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  25. Title=Statistical characteristics of small-scale spatial and temporal electric field variability in the high-latitude ionosphere
    Authors=E. D. P. Cousins S. G. Shepherd
    article=2011JA017383; doi=10.1029/2011JA017383; pubdate=16 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  26. Title=An improved model of the lightning electromagnetic field interaction with the D-region ionosphere
    Authors=R. A. Marshall
    article=2011JA017408; doi=10.1029/2011JA017408; pubdate=14 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  27. Title=Multiple ion species fluid modeling of sprite halos and the role of electron detachment of O- in their dynamics
    Authors=Ningyu Liu
    article=2011JA017062; doi=10.1029/2011JA017062; pubdate=7 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb-MSIS, VITMO

  28. Title=Effect of sudden stratospheric warming on lunar tidal modulation of the equatorial electrojet
    Authors=Jaeheung Park Hermann Luehr Markus Kunze Bela G. Fejer Kyoung Wook Min
    article=2011JA017351; doi=10.1029/2011JA017351; pubdate=6 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  29. Title=Relationship between interplanetary parameters and the magnetopause reconnection rate quantified from observations of the expanding polar cap
    Authors=S. E. Milan J. S. Gosling B. Hubert
    article=2011JA017082; doi=10.1029/2011JA017082; pubdate=28 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

  30. Title=RCM-E simulation of the 13 March 2009 steady magnetospheric convection event
    Authors=J. Yang F. R. Toffoletto X. Xing V. Angelopoulos
    article=2011JA017245; doi=10.1029/2011JA017245; pubdate=27 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

  31. Title=Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom Spectrometers and Interstellar Boundary Explorer energetic neutral atom imaging of the 5 April 2010 substorm
    Authors=D. J. McComas N. Buzulukova M. G. Connors M. A. Dayeh J. Goldstein H. O. Funsten S. Fuselier N. A. Schwadron P. Valek
    article=2011JA017273; doi=10.1029/2011JA017273; pubdate=27 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  32. Title=Magnetospheric electron density long-term (%3E1 day) refilling rates inferred from passive radio emissions measured by IMAGE RPI during geomagnetically quiet times
    Authors=R. E. Denton Y. Wang P. A. Webb P. M. Tengdin J. Goldstein J. A. Redfern B. W. Reinisch
    article=2011JA017274; doi=10.1029/2011JA017274; pubdate=17 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  33. Title=Ionospheric Pc5 plasma oscillations observed by the King Salmon HF radar and their comparison with geomagnetic pulsations on the ground and in geostationary orbit
    Authors=K. Sakaguchi T. Nagatsuma T. Ogawa T. Obara O. A. Troshichev
    article=2011JA016923; doi=10.1029/2011JA016923; pubdate=15 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI2, Space Physics Data Facility

  34. Title=The IMF dependence of the local time of transpolar arcs: Implications for formation mechanism
    Authors=R. C. Fear S. E. Milan
    article=2011JA017209; doi=10.1029/2011JA017209; pubdate=13 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

  35. Title=Comparison of Dst forecast models for intense geomagnetic storms
    Authors=Eun-Young Ji Y.-J. Moon N. Gopalswamy D.-H. Lee
    article=2011JA016872; doi=10.1029/2011JA016872; pubdate=10 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  36. Title=Enhanced atmospheric oxygen outflow on Earth and Mars driven by a corotating interaction region
    Authors=Y. Wei M. Fraenz E. Dubinin J. Woch H. L%C3%BChr W. Wan Q.-G. Zong T. L. Zhang Z. Y. Pu S. Y. Fu S. Barabash R. Lundin I. Dandouras
    article=2011JA017340; doi=10.1029/2011JA017340; pubdate=9 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  37. Title=Wave-particle interaction in a plasmaspheric plume observed by a Cluster satellite
    Authors=Zhigang Yuan Ying Xiong Ye Pang Meng Zhou Xiaohua Deng Jean Gabriel Trotignon Elizabeth Lucek Jingfang Wang
    article=2011JA017152; doi=10.1029/2011JA017152; pubdate=6 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

  38. Title=Correction to %E2%80%9CA statistical comparison of solar wind propagation delays derived from multispacecraft techniques%E2%80%9D
    Authors=N. A. Case J. A. Wild
    article=2012JA017629; doi=10.1029/2012JA017629; pubdate=23 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  39. Title=Auroral electrojets variations caused by recurrent high-speed solar wind streams during the extreme solar minimum of 2008
    Authors=Jianpeng Guo Xueshang Feng T. I. Pulkkinen E. I. Tanskanen Wenyao Xu Jiuhou Lei Barbara A. Emery
    article=2011JA017458; doi=10.1029/2011JA017458; pubdate=6 APR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  40. Title=Globally averaged exospheric temperatures derived from CHAMP and GRACE accelerometer measurements
    Authors=J. O. Wise W. J. Burke E. K. Sutton
    article=2011JA017108; doi=10.1029/2011JA017108; pubdate=12 APR 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDCFTP

  41. Title=Explaining polarization reversals in STEREO wave data
    Authors=A. Breneman C. Cattell J. Wygant K. Kersten L. B. Wilson L. Dai C. Colpitts P. J. Kellogg K. Goetz A. Paradise
    article=2011JA017425; doi=10.1029/2011JA017425; pubdate=25 APR 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  42. Title=Modeling measurements of ionospheric density structures using the polarization of high-frequency waves detected by the Radio Receiver Instrument on the enhanced Polar Outflow Probe
    Authors=R. G. Gillies G. C. Hussey G. J. Sofko H. G. James
    article=2011JA017457; doi=10.1029/2011JA017457; pubdate=25 APR 2012
    Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere

  43. Title=Variation of the first cut-off frequency of the Earth-ionosphere waveguide observed by DEMETER
    Authors=S. Toledo-Redondo M. Parrot A. Salinas
    article=2011JA017400; doi=10.1029/2011JA017400; pubdate=28 APR 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, International Reference Ionosphere

  44. Title=Dynamic modeling of cusp ion structures
    Authors=H. J. Connor J. Raeder K. J. Trattner
    article=2011JA017203; doi=10.1029/2011JA017203; pubdate=5 APR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  45. Title=Off-equatorial chorus occurrence and wave amplitude distributions as observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Instrument
    Authors=N. L. Bunch M. Spasojevic Y. Y. Shprits
    article=2011JA017228; doi=10.1029/2011JA017228; pubdate=6 APR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  46. Title=Dependence of the amplitude of Pc5-band magnetic field variations on the solar wind and solar activity
    Authors=Kazue Takahashi Kiyohumi Yumoto Seth G. Claudepierre Ennio R. Sanchez Oleg A. Troshichev Alexander S. Janzhura
    article=2011JA017120; doi=10.1029/2011JA017120; pubdate=10 APR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, CGM, VITMO

  47. Title=Global-scale observations of ionospheric convection variation in response to sudden increases in the solar wind dynamic pressure
    Authors=D. M. Gillies J.-P. St.-Maurice K. A. McWilliams S. Milan
    article=2011JA017255; doi=10.1029/2011JA017255; pubdate=11 APR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility

  48. Title=ULF wave derived radiation belt radial diffusion coefficients
    Authors=Louis G. Ozeke Ian R. Mann Kyle R. Murphy I. Jonathan Rae David K. Milling Scot R. Elkington Anthony A. Chan Howard J. Singer
    article=2011JA017463; doi=10.1029/2011JA017463; pubdate=24 APR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  49. Title=Ground-based magnetometer determination of in situ Pc4-5 ULF electric field wave spectra as a function of solar wind speed
    Authors=I. Jonathan Rae Ian R. Mann Kyle R. Murphy Louis G. Ozeke David K. Milling Anthony A. Chan Scot R. Elkington Farideh Honary
    article=2011JA017335; doi=10.1029/2011JA017335; pubdate=24 APR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDCFTP

  50. Title=Large-scale current systems and ground magnetic disturbance during deep substorm injections
    Authors=J. Yang F. R. Toffoletto R. A. Wolf S. Sazykin P. A. Ontiveros J. M. Weygand
    article=2011JA017415; doi=10.1029/2011JA017415; pubdate=25 APR 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  51. Title=Characteristics of magnetospheric energetics during geomagnetic storms
    Authors=H. Li C. Wang W. Y. Xu J. R. Kan
    article=2012JA017584; doi=10.1029/2012JA017584; pubdate=28 APR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  52. Title=Understanding shock dynamics in the inner heliosphere with modeling and Type II radio data: The 2010-04-03 event
    Authors=H. Xie D. Odstrcil L. Mays O. C. St. Cyr N. Gopalswamy H. Cremades
    article=2011JA017304; doi=10.1029/2011JA017304; pubdate=21 APR 2012
    Keywords found: Space Physics Data Facility

  53. Title=Large-scale observations of a subauroral polarization stream by midlatitude SuperDARN radars: Instantaneous longitudinal velocity variations
    Authors=L. B. N. Clausen J. B. H. Baker J. M. Ruohoniemi R. A. Greenwald E. G. Thomas S. G. Shepherd E. R. Talaat W. A. Bristow Y. Zheng A. J. Coster S. Sazykin
    article=2011JA017232; doi=10.1029/2011JA017232; pubdate=4 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  54. Title=GPS total electron content variations associated with poleward moving Sun-aligned arcs
    Authors=P. T. Jayachandran K. Hosokawa K. Shiokawa Y. Otsuka C. Watson S. C. Mushini J. W. MacDougall P. Prikryl R. Chadwick T. D. Kelly
    article=2011JA017423; doi=10.1029/2011JA017423; pubdate=9 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  55. Title=The source of the steep plasma density gradient in middle latitudes during the 11-12 April 2001 storm
    Authors=S. Park K.-H. Kim H. Kil G. Jee D.-H. Lee J. Goldstein
    article=2011JA017349; doi=10.1029/2011JA017349; pubdate=15 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  56. Title=HF beam parameters in ELF%2FVLF wave generation via modulated heating of the ionosphere
    Authors=M. B. Cohen M. Golkowski N. G. Lehtinen U. S. Inan M. J. McCarrick
    article=2012JA017585; doi=10.1029/2012JA017585; pubdate=25 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb-IRI, International Reference Ionosphere, VITMO

  57. Title=Geostationary magnetic field response to solar wind pressure variations: Time delay and local time variation
    Authors=Brian J. Jackel Breege McKiernan Howard J. Singer
    article=2011JA017210; doi=10.1029/2011JA017210; pubdate=2 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, NSSDC, SPDF

  58. Title=Diversion of plasma due to high pressure in the inner magnetosphere during steady magnetospheric convection
    Authors=J. Kissinger R. L. McPherron T.-S. Hsu V. Angelopoulos
    article=2012JA017579; doi=10.1029/2012JA017579; pubdate=3 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  59. Title=Intense dayside Joule heating during the 5 April 2010 geomagnetic storm recovery phase observed by AMIE and AMPERE
    Authors=F. D. Wilder G. Crowley B. J. Anderson A. D. Richmond
    article=2011JA017262; doi=10.1029/2011JA017262; pubdate=3 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  60. Title=Organization of the magnetosphere during substorms
    Authors=T. %C5%BDivkovi%C4%87 K. Rypdal
    article=2011JA016878; doi=10.1029/2011JA016878; pubdate=5 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  61. Title=Global simulation of proton precipitation due to field line curvature during substorms
    Authors=M. L. Gilson J. Raeder E. Donovan Y. S. Ge L. Kepko
    article=2012JA017562; doi=10.1029/2012JA017562; pubdate=9 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  62. Title=Statistical modeling of in situ hiss amplitudes using ground measurements
    Authors=D. I. Golden M. Spasojevic W. Li Y. Nishimura
    article=2011JA017376; doi=10.1029/2011JA017376; pubdate=10 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  63. Title=On the influence of solar wind conditions on the outer-electron radiation belt
    Authors=A. C. Kellerman Y. Y. Shprits
    article=2011JA017253; doi=10.1029/2011JA017253; pubdate=10 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI2, NSSDCFTP

  64. Title=Different Bz response regions in the nightside magnetosphere after the arrival of an interplanetary shock: Multipoint observations compared with MHD simulations
    Authors=T. R. Sun C. Wang Y. Wang
    article=2011JA017303; doi=10.1029/2011JA017303; pubdate=19 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  65. Title=On the formation of tilted flux ropes in the Earth\‘s magnetotail observed with ARTEMIS
    Authors=S. A. Kiehas V. Angelopoulos A. Runov M. B. Moldwin C. M%C3%B6stl
    article=2011JA017377; doi=10.1029/2011JA017377; pubdate=26 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: SSCWeb, TIPSOD

  66. Title=SpICE: A program to study small-scale disturbances in the ionosphere
    Authors=T. J. Harris M. A. Cervera D. H. Meehan
    article=2011JA017438; doi=10.1029/2011JA017438; pubdate=29 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

  67. Title=Equatorial plasma bubble zonal velocity using 630.0 nm airglow observations and plasma drift modeling over Ascension Island
    Authors=Narayan P. Chapagain Michael J. Taylor Jonathan J. Makela Timothy M. Duly
    article=2012JA017750; doi=10.1029/2012JA017750; pubdate=27 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  68. Title=Forcing the TIEGCM model with Birkeland currents from the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment
    Authors=S. Marsal A. D. Richmond A. Maute B. J. Anderson
    article=2011JA017416; doi=10.1029/2011JA017416; pubdate=6 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  69. Title=Signatures of the 3-day wave in the low-latitude and midlatitude ionosphere during the January 2010 URSI World Day campaign
    Authors=Guiping Liu Scott L. England Thomas J. Immel Karanam K. Kumar Geetha Ramkumar Larisa P. Goncharenko
    article=2012JA017588; doi=10.1029/2012JA017588; pubdate=6 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb-IRI, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

  70. Title=Coordinated observations of a high-altitude auroral electrojet by UHF%2FVHF receivers  magnetometers and meridian scanning photometer
    Authors=H. A. Gallagher S. Bayne T. W. Garner A. T. Weatherwax J. Secan
    article=2011JA017392; doi=10.1029/2011JA017392; pubdate=6 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  71. Title=SuperDARN observations of the driver wave associated with FLRs
    Authors=A. Z. Nedie R. Rankin F. R. Fenrich
    article=2011JA017387; doi=10.1029/2011JA017387; pubdate=30 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  72. Title=Dynamics of the region 1 Birkeland current oval derived from the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE)
    Authors=L. B. N. Clausen J. B. H. Baker J. M. Ruohoniemi S. E. Milan B. J. Anderson
    article=2012JA017666; doi=10.1029/2012JA017666; pubdate=30 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDCFTP
    Sample usage= from the OMNI dataset [King and Papitashvili, 2006]
    Sample usage= EarthM-bM-^@M-^Ys bow shock nose, http:// nssdcftp

  73. Title=Kinetic ballooning%2Finterchange instability in a bent plasma sheet
    Authors=E. V. Panov R. Nakamura W. Baumjohann M. G. Kubyshkina A. V. Artemyev V. A. Sergeev A. A. Petrukovich V. Angelopoulos K.-H. Glassmeier J. P. McFadden D. Larson
    article=2011JA017496; doi=10.1029/2011JA017496; pubdate=28 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  74. Title=Undulations in MeV solar energetic particle fluxes in Earth\‘s magnetosphere associated with substorm magnetic field reconfigurations
    Authors=J. V. Rodriguez
    article=2012JA017618; doi=10.1029/2012JA017618; pubdate=28 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  75. Title=Field-aligned distribution of the plasmaspheric electron density: An empirical model derived from the IMAGE RPI measurements
    Authors=P. Ozhogin J. Tu P. Song B. W. Reinisch
    article=2011JA017330; doi=10.1029/2011JA017330; pubdate=27 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

  76. Title=Profile of strong magnetic field By component in magnetotail current sheets
    Authors=Z. J. Rong W. X. Wan C. Shen X. Li M. W. Dunlop A. A. Petrukovich L.-N. Hau T. L. Zhang H. Reme A. M. Du E. Lucek
    article=2011JA017402; doi=10.1029/2011JA017402; pubdate=12 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  77. Title=Observations of a Pc5 global (cavity%2Fwaveguide) mode outside the plasmasphere by THEMIS
    Authors=Michael Hartinger Vassilis Angelopoulos Mark B. Moldwin Yukitoshi Nishimura Drew L. Turner Karl-Heinz Glassmeier Margaret G. Kivelson Juergen Matzka Claudia Stolle
    article=2011JA017266; doi=10.1029/2011JA017266; pubdate=1 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  78. Title=Long-term evolution in the global distribution of solar wind speed and density fluctuations during 1997-2009
    Authors=Munetoshi Tokumaru Masayoshi Kojima Ken\‘ichi Fujiki
    article=2011JA017379; doi=10.1029/2011JA017379; pubdate=29 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  79. Title=Looking for evidence of mixing in the solar wind from 0.31 to 0.98 AU
    Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky
    article=2012JA017525; doi=10.1029/2012JA017525; pubdate=27 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  80. Title=Pickup protons: Comparisons using the three-dimensional MHD HHMS-PI model and Ulysses SWICS measurements
    Authors=Devrie S. Intriligator Thomas Detman George Gloecker Christine Gloeckler Murray Dryer Wei Sun James Intriligator Charles Deehr
    article=2011JA017424; doi=10.1029/2011JA017424; pubdate=12 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, Ulysses SWOOPS data

  81. Title=Inferring interplanetary magnetic field polarities from geomagnetic variations
    Authors=M. V. Vokhmyanin D. I. Ponyavin
    article=2011JA017060; doi=10.1029/2011JA017060; pubdate=6 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC

  82. Title=Magnetic latitude and local time distributions of ionospheric currents during a geomagnetic storm
    Authors=Yuji Tsuji Atsuki Shinbori Takashi Kikuchi Tsutomu Nagatsuma
    article=2012JA017566; doi=10.1029/2012JA017566; pubdate=25 JUL 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, NSSDC

  83. Title=Estimating the capture and loss of cold plasma from ionospheric outflow
    Authors=S. Haaland A. Eriksson E. Engwall B. Lybekk H. Nilsson A. Pedersen K. Svenes M. Andre M. F%C3%B6rster K. Li C. Johnsen N. %C3%98stgaard
    article=2012JA017679; doi=10.1029/2012JA017679; pubdate=18 JUL 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  84. Title=Reply to comment by D.J. Strickland et al. on %E2%80%9CLong-term variation in the thermosphere: TIMED%2FGUVI observations%E2%80%9D
    Authors=Yongliang Zhang Larry J. Paxton
    article=2012JA017594; doi=10.1029/2012JA017594; pubdate=4 JUL 2012
    Keywords found: ModelWeb-MSIS, VITMO

  85. Title=Efficiency of solar wind energy coupling to the ionosphere
    Authors=Jianpeng Guo Xueshang Feng Barbara A. Emery Yi Wang
    article=2012JA017627; doi=10.1029/2012JA017627; pubdate=4 JUL 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  86. Title=Dayside and nightside segments of a polar arc: The particle characteristics
    Authors=J. Park K. W. Min G. K. Parks Y. Zhang J.-J. Lee J. B. H. Baker H. J. Kim J. Hwang K. Yumoto T. Uozumi C. N. Lee
    article=2011JA017323; doi=10.1029/2011JA017323; pubdate=31 JUL 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  87. Title=Tailward leap of multiple expansions of the plasma sheet during a moderately intense substorm: THEMIS observations
    Authors=Yonghui Ma Chao Shen V. Angelopoulos A. T. Y. Lui Xinlin Li H. U. Frey M. Dunlop H. U. Auster J. P. McFadden D. Larson
    article=2012JA017768; doi=10.1029/2012JA017768; pubdate=26 JUL 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  88. Title=PENGUIn%2FAGO and THEMIS conjugate observations of whistler mode chorus waves in the dayside uniform zone under steady solar wind and quiet geomagnetic conditions
    Authors=Kunihiro Keika Maria Spasojevic Wen Li Jacob Bortnik Yoshizumi Miyoshi Vassilis Angelopoulos
    article=2012JA017708; doi=10.1029/2012JA017708; pubdate=18 JUL 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  89. Title=Influence of interplanetary solar wind sector polarity on the ionosphere
    Authors=Jing Liu Libo Liu Biqiang Zhao Weixing Wan
    article=2012JA017859; doi=10.1029/2012JA017859; pubdate=30 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDCFTP

  90. Title=A statistical analysis of SuperDARN scattering volume electron densities and velocity corrections using a radar frequency shifting technique
    Authors=R. G. Gillies G. C. Hussey G. J. Sofko K. A. McWilliams
    article=2012JA017866; doi=10.1029/2012JA017866; pubdate=21 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere

  91. Title=Magnetic local time and latitude dependence of amplitude of the main impulse (MI) of geomagnetic sudden commencements and its seasonal variation
    Authors=Atsuki Shinbori Yuji Tsuji Takashi Kikuchi Tohru Araki Akihiro Ikeda Teiji Uozumi Dmitry Baishev Boris M. Shevtsov Tsutomu Nagatsuma Kiyohumi Yumoto
    article=2012JA018006; doi=10.1029/2012JA018006; pubdate=21 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  92. Title=Analyzing the hemispheric asymmetry in the thermospheric density response to geomagnetic storms
    Authors=Ercha A Aaron J. Ridley Donghe Zhang Zuo Xiao
    article=2011JA017259; doi=10.1029/2011JA017259; pubdate=17 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  93. Title=Dual-spacecraft radio occultation measurement of the electron density near the lunar surface by the SELENE mission
    Authors=H. Ando T. Imamura A. Nabatov Y. Futaana T. Iwata H. Hanada K. Matsumoto N. Mochizuki Y. Kono H. Noda Q. Liu K.-I. Oyama Z. Yamamoto A. Saito
    article=2011JA017141; doi=10.1029/2011JA017141; pubdate=3 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  94. Title=A feasibility study of the radio occultation electron density retrieval aided by a global ionospheric data assimilation model
    Authors=Xinan Yue William S. Schreiner Ying-Hwa Kuo
    article=2011JA017446; doi=10.1029/2011JA017446; pubdate=1 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  95. Title=The first in situ observation of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at high-latitude magnetopause during strongly dawnward interplanetary magnetic field conditions
    Authors=K.-J. Hwang M. L. Goldstein M. M. Kuznetsova Y. Wang A. F. Vi%C3%B1as D. G. Sibeck
    article=2011JA017256; doi=10.1029/2011JA017256; pubdate=29 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  96. Title=An examination of inter-hemispheric conjugacy in a subauroral polarization stream
    Authors=B. S. R. Kunduri J. B. H. Baker J. M. Ruohoniemi L. B. N. Clausen A. Grocott E. G. Thomas M. P. Freeman E. R. Talaat
    article=2012JA017784; doi=10.1029/2012JA017784; pubdate=28 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

  97. Title=Equatorial trench at the magnetopause under saturation
    Authors=A. Dmitriev A. Suvorova
    article=2012JA017834; doi=10.1029/2012JA017834; pubdate=28 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  98. Title=On the formation of pre-onset azimuthal pressure gradient in the near-Earth plasma sheet
    Authors=X. Xing L. R. Lyons X.-Z. Zhou V. Angelopoulos E. Donovan D. Larson C. Carlson U. Auster
    article=2012JA017840; doi=10.1029/2012JA017840; pubdate=25 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  99. Title=Traveling magnetopause distortion related to a large-scale magnetosheath plasma jet: THEMIS and ground-based observations
    Authors=A. V. Dmitriev A. V. Suvorova
    article=2011JA016861; doi=10.1029/2011JA016861; pubdate=14 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  100. Title=Pressure anisotropy in global magnetospheric simulations: A magnetohydrodynamics model
    Authors=X. Meng G. T%C3%B3th M. W. Liemohn T. I. Gombosi A. Runov
    article=2012JA017791; doi=10.1029/2012JA017791; pubdate=11 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  101. Title=Spatial distributions of the ion to electron temperature ratio in the magnetosheath and plasma sheet
    Authors=Chih-Ping Wang Matina Gkioulidou Larry R. Lyons Vassilis Angelopoulos
    article=2012JA017658; doi=10.1029/2012JA017658; pubdate=10 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  102. Title=Evolution of chorus waves and their source electrons during storms driven by corotating interaction regions
    Authors=Wen Li Richard Thorne Jacob Bortnik Robert McPherron Yukitoshi Nishimura Vassilis Angelopoulos Ian G. Richardson
    article=2012JA017797; doi=10.1029/2012JA017797; pubdate=7 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2

  103. Title=Recovery phase of magnetic storms induced by different interplanetary drivers
    Authors=Y. I. Yermolaev I. G. Lodkina N. S. Nikolaeva M. Y. Yermolaev
    article=2012JA017716; doi=10.1029/2012JA017716; pubdate=3 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  104. Title=The double auroral oval in the dusk-midnight sector: Formation  mapping and dynamics
    Authors=S. Ohtani H. Korth S. Wing E. R. Talaat H. U. Frey J. W. Gjerloev
    article=2011JA017501; doi=10.1029/2011JA017501; pubdate=2 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  105. Title=Time-dependent MHD modeling of the global solar corona for year 2007: Driven by daily-updated magnetic field synoptic data
    Authors=L. P. Yang X. S. Feng C. Q. Xiang Yang Liu Xuepu Zhao S. T. Wu
    article=2011JA017494; doi=10.1029/2011JA017494; pubdate=28 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: COHOWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  106. Title=An MHD simulation model of time-dependent co-rotating solar wind
    Authors=K. Hayashi
    article=2011JA017490; doi=10.1029/2011JA017490; pubdate=15 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  107. Title=The wide skirt of the bashful ballerina: Hemispheric asymmetry of the heliospheric magnetic field in the inner and outer heliosphere
    Authors=K. Mursula I. I. Virtanen
    article=2011JA017197; doi=10.1029/2011JA017197; pubdate=15 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: COHOWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility

  108. Title=Global 3-D ionospheric electron density reanalysis based on multisource data assimilation
    Authors=Xinan Yue William S. Schreiner Ying-Hwa Kuo Douglas C. Hunt Wenbin Wang Stanley C. Solomon Alan G. Burns Dieter Bilitza Jann-Yenq Liu Weixing Wan Jens Wickert
    article=2012JA017968; doi=10.1029/2012JA017968; pubdate=29 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

  109. Title=Global S4 index variations observed using FORMOSAT-3%2FCOSMIC GPS RO technique during a solar minimum year
    Authors=P. S. Brahmanandam G. Uma J. Y. Liu Y. H. Chu N. S. M. P. Latha Devi Y. Kakinami
    article=2012JA017966; doi=10.1029/2012JA017966; pubdate=27 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: IRI-2007

  110. Title=Effects of sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) on the lunitidal modulation of the F-region dynamo
    Authors=Jaeheung Park Hermann L%C3%BChr
    article=2012JA018035; doi=10.1029/2012JA018035; pubdate=26 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb-IRI, SPDF, IRI-2007, VITMO

  111. Title=Anomalously low geomagnetic energy inputs during 2008 solar minimum
    Authors=Yue Deng Yanshi Huang Stan Solomon Liying Qian Delores Knipp Daniel R. Weimer Jing-Song Wang
    article=2012JA018039; doi=10.1029/2012JA018039; pubdate=14 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  112. Title=Solar wind density controlling penetration electric field at the equatorial ionosphere during a saturation of cross polar cap potential
    Authors=Y. Wei W. Wan B. Zhao M. Hong A. Ridley Z. Ren M. Fraenz E. Dubinin M. He
    article=2012JA017597; doi=10.1029/2012JA017597; pubdate=14 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  113. Title=Examination of the absence of noontime bite-out in equatorial total electron content
    Authors=Chien-Chih Lee
    article=2012JA017909; doi=10.1029/2012JA017909; pubdate=6 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: IRI-2001, IRI-2007

  114. Title=Response of ionospheric convection to sharp southward IMF turnings inferred from magnetometer and radar data
    Authors=R. A. D. Fiori D. H. Boteler A. V. Koustov
    article=2012JA017755; doi=10.1029/2012JA017755; pubdate=6 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

  115. Title=Modeling studies of the impact of high-speed streams and co-rotating interaction regions on the thermosphere-ionosphere
    Authors=Stanley C. Solomon Alan G. Burns Barbara A. Emery Martin G. Mlynczak Liying Qian Wenbin Wang Daniel R. Weimer Michael Wiltberger
    article=2011JA017417; doi=10.1029/2011JA017417; pubdate=1 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  116. Title=Superposed epoch analyses of thermospheric response to CIRs: Solar cycle and seasonal dependencies
    Authors=Jing Liu Libo Liu Biqiang Zhao Jiuhou Lei Jeffrey P. Thayer Robert L. McPherron
    article=2011JA017315; doi=10.1029/2011JA017315; pubdate=20 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDCFTP

  117. Title=Ionospheric observations during the geomagnetic storm events on 24-27 July 2004: Long-duration positive storm effects
    Authors=Chigomezyo M. Ngwira Lee-Anne McKinnell Pierre J. Cilliers Anthea J. Coster
    article=2011JA016990; doi=10.1029/2011JA016990; pubdate=12 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

  118. Title=Ionospheric flows relating to transpolar arc formation
    Authors=R. C. Fear S. E. Milan
    article=2012JA017830; doi=10.1029/2012JA017830; pubdate=29 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC

  119. Title=Simulation of ionospheric disturbances created by Alfven waves
    Authors=D. Sydorenko R. Rankin
    article=2012JA017693; doi=10.1029/2012JA017693; pubdate=29 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, IRI

  120. Title=Comparison of self-consistent simulations with observed magnetic field and ion plasma parameters in the ring current during the 10 August 2000 magnetic storm
    Authors=Margaret W. Chen Colby L. Lemon Timothy B. Guild Michael Schulz James L. Roeder Guan Le
    article=2012JA017788; doi=10.1029/2012JA017788; pubdate=29 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  121. Title=Evolution of CIR storm on 22 July 2009
    Authors=J. D. Perez E. W. Grimes J. Goldstein D. J. McComas P. Valek N. Billor
    article=2012JA017572; doi=10.1029/2012JA017572; pubdate=19 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

  122. Title=Determining the axial direction of high-shear flux transfer events: Implications for models of FTE structure
    Authors=R. C. Fear S. E. Milan K. Oksavik
    article=2012JA017831; doi=10.1029/2012JA017831; pubdate=18 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  123. Title=Statistical analysis of SC-associated geosynchronous magnetic field perturbations
    Authors=J.-S. Park K.-H. Kim D.-H. Lee T. Araki E. Lee H. Jin
    article=2012JA017648; doi=10.1029/2012JA017648; pubdate=14 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  124. Title=Observational evidence of Alfven wings at the Earth
    Authors=E. Chane J. Saur F. M. Neubauer J. Raeder S. Poedts
    article=2012JA017628; doi=10.1029/2012JA017628; pubdate=15 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere

  125. Title=Magnetotail origins of auroral Alfvenic power
    Authors=B. Zhang W. Lotko O. Brambles P. Damiano M. Wiltberger J. Lyon
    article=2012JA017680; doi=10.1029/2012JA017680; pubdate=6 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  126. Title=Key features of %3E30 keV electron precipitation during high speed solar wind streams: A superposed epoch analysis
    Authors=A. J. Kavanagh F. Honary E. F. Donovan T. Ulich M. H. Denton
    article=2011JA017320; doi=10.1029/2011JA017320; pubdate=7 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2

  127. Title=Modeling ring current ion and electron dynamics and plasma instabilities during a high-speed stream driven storm
    Authors=V. K. Jordanova D. T. Welling S. G. Zaharia L. Chen R. M. Thorne
    article=2011JA017433; doi=10.1029/2011JA017433; pubdate=16 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  128. Title=Inner magnetosphere convection and magnetotail structure of hot ions imaged by ENA during a HSS-driven storm
    Authors=A. M. Keesee J. G. Elfritz D. J. McComas E. E. Scime
    article=2011JA017319; doi=10.1029/2011JA017319; pubdate=8 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  129. Title=Magnetosphere response to high-speed solar wind streams: A comparison of weak and strong driving and the importance of extended periods of fast solar wind
    Authors=M. H. Denton J. E. Borovsky
    article=2011JA017124; doi=10.1029/2011JA017124; pubdate=1 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI2, AE-8

  130. Title=Inner magnetosphere currents during the CIR%2FHSS storm on July 21-23  2009
    Authors=N. Y. Ganushkina S. Dubyagin M. Kubyshkina M. Liemohn A. Runov
    article=2011JA017393; doi=10.1029/2011JA017393; pubdate=28 APR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  131. Title=Is the storm time response of the inner magnetospheric hot ions universally similar or driver dependent%3F
    Authors=Michael W. Liemohn Roxanne Katus
    article=2011JA017389; doi=10.1029/2011JA017389; pubdate=7 APR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  132. Title=Do Langmuir wave packets in the solar wind collapse%3F
    Authors=D. B. Graham Iver H. Cairns D. R. Prabhakar R. E. Ergun D. M. Malaspina S. D. Bale K. Goetz P. J. Kellogg
    article=2012JA018033; doi=10.1029/2012JA018033; pubdate=26 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  133. Title=On secular changes of correlation between geomagnetic indices and variations in solar activity
    Authors=Jean-Louis Le Mou%C3%ABl Elena Blanter Mikhail Shnirman Vincent Courtillot
    article=2012JA017643; doi=10.1029/2012JA017643; pubdate=18 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  134. Title=Coincidence of composition and speed boundaries of the slow solar wind
    Authors=N. U. Crooker R. L. McPherron
    article=2012JA017837; doi=10.1029/2012JA017837; pubdate=18 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  135. Title=Temporal and radial variation of the solar wind temperature-speed relationship
    Authors=H. A. Elliott C. J. Henney D. J. McComas C. W. Smith B. J. Vasquez
    article=2011JA017125; doi=10.1029/2011JA017125; pubdate=14 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

  136. Title=Geoeffectiveness and efficiency of CIR  sheath  and ICME in generation of magnetic storms
    Authors=Y. I. Yermolaev N. S. Nikolaeva I. G. Lodkina M. Y. Yermolaev
    article=2011JA017139; doi=10.1029/2011JA017139; pubdate=10 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  137. Title=Scale dependence of the variance anisotropy near the proton gyroradius scale: Additional evidence for kinetic Alfven waves in the solar wind at 1 AU
    Authors=John J. Podesta Jason M. TenBarge
    article=2012JA017724; doi=10.1029/2012JA017724; pubdate=18 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  138. Title=Nonzero azimuthal magnetic fields at the solar source surface: Extraction  model  and implications
    Authors=Hagen Schulte in den Baumen Iver H. Cairns P. A. Robinson
    article=2012JA017705; doi=10.1029/2012JA017705; pubdate=11 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  139. Title=Fine scale structures of pulsating auroras in the early recovery phase of substorm using ground-based EMCCD camera
    Authors=Takanori Nishiyama Takeshi Sakanoi Yoshizumi Miyoshi Ryuho Kataoka Donald Hampton Yuto Katoh Kazushi Asamura Shoichi Okano
    article=2012JA017921; doi=10.1029/2012JA017921; pubdate=27 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2, SPDF

  140. Title=Global model of lower band and upper band chorus from multiple satellite observations
    Authors=Nigel P. Meredith Richard B. Horne Angelica Sicard-Piet Daniel Boscher Keith H. Yearby Wen Li Richard M. Thorne
    article=2012JA017978; doi=10.1029/2012JA017978; pubdate=20 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, NSSDC, SPDF

  141. Title=Solar cycle dependence of the cusp O%2Baccess to the near-Earth magnetotail
    Authors=J. Liao L. M. Kistler C. G. Mouikis B. Klecker I. Dandouras
    article=2012JA017819; doi=10.1029/2012JA017819; pubdate=13 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  142. Title=THEMIS observations of electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave occurrence: Dependence on AE  SYMH  and solar wind dynamic pressure
    Authors=M. E. Usanova I. R. Mann J. Bortnik L. Shao V. Angelopoulos
    article=2012JA018049; doi=10.1029/2012JA018049; pubdate=12 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, NSSDCFTP

  143. Title=Cluster observations of band-limited Pc 1 waves associated with streaming H%2B and O%2Bions in the high-altitude plasma mantle
    Authors=M. J. Engebretson C. R. G. Kahlstorf D. L. Murr J. L. Posch A. Keiling B. Lavraud H. Reme M. R. Lessard E.-H. Kim J. R. Johnson J. Dombeck B. Grison P. Robert K.-H. Glassmeier P. M. E. Decreau
    article=2012JA017982; doi=10.1029/2012JA017982; pubdate=12 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNI

  144. Title=Quantifying radial diffusion coefficients of radiation belt electrons based on global MHD simulation and spacecraft measurements
    Authors=Weichao Tu Scot R. Elkington Xinlin Li Wenlong Liu J. Bonnell
    article=2012JA017901; doi=10.1029/2012JA017901; pubdate=9 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  145. Title=Energetic particle injections to geostationary orbit: Relationship to flow bursts and magnetospheric state
    Authors=V. A. Sergeev I. A. Chernyaev S. V. Dubyagin Y. Miyashita V. Angelopoulos P. D. Boakes R. Nakamura M. G. Henderson
    article=2012JA017773; doi=10.1029/2012JA017773; pubdate=6 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  146. Title=Magnetospheric responses to the passage of the interplanetary shock on 24 November 2008
    Authors=K.-H. Kim D.-H. Lee K. Shiokawa E. Lee J.-S. Park H.-J. Kwon V. Angelopoulos Y.-D. Park J. Hwang N. Nishitani T. Hori K. Koga T. Obara K. Yumoto D. G. Baishev
    article=2012JA017871; doi=10.1029/2012JA017871; pubdate=6 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  147. Title=Effect of a solar flare on a traveling atmospheric disturbance
    Authors=Liying Qian Alan G. Burns Hanli Liu Phillip C. Chamberlin
    article=2012JA017806; doi=10.1029/2012JA017806; pubdate=13 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  148. Title=Equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics associated with high-speed solar wind streams during January-April 2007
    Authors=Chao-Song Huang
    article=2012JA017930; doi=10.1029/2012JA017930; pubdate=10 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb

  149. Title=High-speed stream impacts on the equatorial ionization anomaly region during the deep solar minimum year 2008
    Authors=Jing Liu Libo Liu Biqiang Zhao Yong Wei Lianhuan Hu B. Xiong
    article=2012JA018015; doi=10.1029/2012JA018015; pubdate=4 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  150. Title=Direct penetration of the interplanetary electric field to low geomagnetic latitudes and its effect on magnetotelluric sounding
    Authors=Dirk Brandlein Hermann L%C3%BChr Oliver Ritter
    article=2012JA018008; doi=10.1029/2012JA018008; pubdate=22 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  151. Title=Ionospheric plasma caves under the equatorial ionization anomaly
    Authors=I. T. Lee J. Y. Liu C. H. Lin K.-I. Oyama C. Y. Chen C. H. Chen
    article=2012JA017868; doi=10.1029/2012JA017868; pubdate=14 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2000, IRI-2007

  152. Title=Nighttime D region electron density measurements from ELF-VLF tweek radio atmospherics recorded at low latitudes
    Authors=Ajeet K. Maurya B. Veenadhari Rajesh Singh Sushil Kumar M. B. Cohen R. Selvakumaran Sneha Gokani P. Pant A. K. Singh Umran S. Inan
    article=2012JA017876; doi=10.1029/2012JA017876; pubdate=14 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-95, IRI-2001, IRI-2007

  153. Title=Ionospheric Joule heating  fast flow channels  and magnetic field line topology for IMF By-dominant conditions: Observations and comparisons with predicted reconnection jet speeds
    Authors=F. D. Wilder G. Crowley S. Eriksson P. T. Newell M. R. Hairston
    article=2012JA017914; doi=10.1029/2012JA017914; pubdate=14 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere

  154. Title=Detection of ionospheric Alfven resonator signatures in the equatorial ionosphere
    Authors=Fernando Sim%C3%B5es Jeffrey Klenzing Stoyan Ivanov Robert Pfaff Henry Freudenreich Dieter Bilitza Douglas Rowland Kenneth Bromund Maria Carmen Liebrecht Steven Martin Peter Schuck Paulo Uribe Tatsuhiro Yokoyama
    article=2012JA017709; doi=10.1029/2012JA017709; pubdate=8 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-95, IRI-2007

  155. Title=Seasonal and diurnal variation of geomagnetic activity: Russell-McPherron effect during different IMF polarity and%2For extreme solar wind conditions
    Authors=H. Zhao Q.-G. Zong
    article=2012JA017845; doi=10.1029/2012JA017845; pubdate=29 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  156. Title=Frequency doubling and field-aligned ion streaming in a long-period poloidal pulsation
    Authors=D. G. Sibeck G. Korotova D. L. Turner V. Angelopoulos K.-H. Gla%C3%9Fmeier J. P. McFadden
    article=2011JA017473; doi=10.1029/2011JA017473; pubdate=21 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  157. Title=Storm-time electron density enhancement in the cleft ion fountain
    Authors=N. Kitamura Y. Nishimura M. O. Chandler T. E. Moore N. Terada T. Ono A. Shinbori A. Kumamoto
    article=2012JA017900; doi=10.1029/2012JA017900; pubdate=16 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  158. Title=Quantitative aspects of variations of 1.5-6.0 MeV electrons in the outer radiation belt during magnetic storms
    Authors=C. J. Yuan Q.-G. Zong
    article=2011JA017346; doi=10.1029/2011JA017346; pubdate=14 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI2

  159. Title=LEEM: A new empirical model of radiation-belt electrons in the low-Earth-orbit region
    Authors=Yue Chen Geoffrey Reeves Reiner H. W. Friedel Michelle F. Thomsen Mark Looper David Evans Jean-Andre Sauvaud
    article=2012JA017941; doi=10.1029/2012JA017941; pubdate=8 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb, NSSDC, AE-8

  160. Title=Structure and dynamics of the nightside poleward boundary: Sounding rocket and ground-based observations of auroral electron precipitation in a rayed curtain
    Authors=K. A. Lynch D. Hampton M. Mella Binzheng Zhang H. Dahlgren M. Disbrow P. M. Kintner M. Lessard E. Lundberg H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen
    article=2012JA017691; doi=10.1029/2012JA017691; pubdate=3 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  161. Title=Statistical maps of small-scale electric field variability in the high-latitude ionosphere
    Authors=E. D. P. Cousins S. G. Shepherd
    article=2012JA017929; doi=10.1029/2012JA017929; pubdate=8 DEC 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  162. Title=Dual-beam ELF wave generation as a function of power  frequency  modulation waveform  and receiver location
    Authors=D. Agrawal R. C. Moore
    article=2012JA018061; doi=10.1029/2012JA018061; pubdate=8 DEC 2012
    Keywords found: ModelWeb-MSIS

  163. Title=Oxygen and hydrogen ion abundance in the near-Earth magnetosphere: Statistical results on the response to the geomagnetic and solar wind activity conditions
    Authors=E. A. Kronberg S. E. Haaland P. W. Daly E. E. Grigorenko L. M. Kistler M. Franz I. Dandouras
    article=2012JA018071; doi=10.1029/2012JA018071; pubdate=8 DEC 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  164. Title=Evolution of negative SI-induced ionospheric flows observed by SuperDARN King Salmon HF radar
    Authors=T. Hori A. Shinbori N. Nishitani T. Kikuchi S. Fujita T. Nagatsuma O. Troshichev K. Yumoto A. Moiseyev K. Seki
    article=2012JA018093; doi=10.1029/2012JA018093; pubdate=15 DEC 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

  165. Title=Pitch angle distribution of suprathermal electrons behind dipolarization fronts: A statistical overview
    Authors=H. S. Fu Y. V. Khotyaintsev A. Vaivads M. Andre V. A. Sergeev S. Y. Huang E. A. Kronberg P. W. Daly
    article=2012JA018141; doi=10.1029/2012JA018141; pubdate=14 DEC 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  166. Title=Double bursts inside a poleward-moving auroral form in the cusp
    Authors=S. Taguchi K. Hosokawa Y. Ogawa T. Aoki M. Taguchi
    article=2012JA018150; doi=10.1029/2012JA018150; pubdate=5 DEC 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

  167. Title=An empirical model of magnetospheric chorus amplitude using solar wind and geomagnetic indices
    Authors=D. I. Golden M. Spasojevic W. Li Y. Nishimura
    article=2012JA018210; doi=10.1029/2012JA018210; pubdate=7 DEC 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

  168. Title=Dawn-dusk asymmetries in the Earth\‘s magnetosheath
    Authors=B. M. Walsh D. G. Sibeck Y. Wang D. H. Fairfield
    article=2012JA018240; doi=10.1029/2012JA018240; pubdate=8 DEC 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

Science Enabled Research Papers in Geophysical Research Letters for 2012

  1. Title=Ionospheric disturbances observed coincident with the 2006 and 2009 North Korean underground nuclear tests
    Authors=Yu-Ming Yang James L. Garrison See-Chen Lee
    article=2011GL050428; doi=10.1029/2011GL050428; pubdate=27 JAN 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, IRI

  2. Title=Response of the polar magnetic field intensity to the exceptionally high solar wind streams in 2003
    Authors=Renata Lukianova Kalevi Mursula Alexander Kozlovsky
    article=2011GL050420; doi=10.1029/2011GL050420; pubdate=21 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

  3. Title=Geomagnetic detection of the sectorial solar magnetic field and the historical peculiarity of minimum 23-24
    Authors=Jeffrey J. Love E. Joshua Rigler Sarah E. Gibson
    article=2011GL050702; doi=10.1029/2011GL050702; pubdate=28 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  4. Title=Statistical modeling of plasmaspheric hiss amplitude using solar wind measurements and geomagnetic indices
    Authors=D. I. Golden M. Spasojevic W. Li Y. Nishimura
    article=2012GL051185; doi=10.1029/2012GL051185; pubdate=23 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

  5. Title=Magnetic conjugacy of northern and southern auroral beads
    Authors=Tetsuo Motoba Keisuke Hosokawa Akira Kadokura Natsuo Sato
    article=2012GL051599; doi=10.1029/2012GL051599; pubdate=25 APR 2012
    Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

  6. Title=Radial distributions of equatorial phase space density for outer radiation belt electrons
    Authors=D. L. Turner V. Angelopoulos Y. Shprits A. Kellerman P. Cruce D. Larson
    article=2012GL051722; doi=10.1029/2012GL051722; pubdate=11 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  7. Title=Principal component analysis of polar cap convection
    Authors=H.-J. Kim L. R. Lyons J. M. Ruohoniemi N. A. Frissell J. B. Baker
    article=2012GL052083; doi=10.1029/2012GL052083; pubdate=9 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  8. Title=Implications of the equipotential field line approximation for equatorial spread F analysis
    Authors=H. C. Aveiro D. L. Hysell
    article=2012GL051971; doi=10.1029/2012GL051971; pubdate=13 JUN 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  9. Title=Reduction in field-aligned currents preceding and local to auroral substorm onset
    Authors=Kyle R. Murphy Ian R. Mann I. Jonathan Rae Colin L. Waters Brian J. Anderson David K. Milling Howard J. Singer Haje Korth
    article=2012GL052798; doi=10.1029/2012GL052798; pubdate=9 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI-2, CGM

  10. Title=Necessity of substorm expansions in the initiation of steady magnetospheric convection
    Authors=J. Kissinger R. L. McPherron T.-S. Hsu V. Angelopoulos X. Chu
    article=2012GL052599; doi=10.1029/2012GL052599; pubdate=8 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC

  11. Title=On the sunrise oscillation of the F region in the equatorial ionosphere
    Authors=K. M. Ambili J.-P. St.-Maurice R. K. Choudhary
    article=2012GL052876; doi=10.1029/2012GL052876; pubdate=28 AUG 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, CCMC, VITMO

  12. Title=A high-resolution model of field-aligned currents through empirical orthogonal functions analysis (MFACE)
    Authors=Maosheng He Joachim Vogt Hermann L%C3%BChr Eugen Sorbalo Adrian Blagau Guan Le Gang Lu
    article=2012GL053168; doi=10.1029/2012GL053168; pubdate=26 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  13. Title=Heliospheric modulation of galactic cosmic rays during grand solar minima: Past and future variations
    Authors=M. J. Owens I. Usoskin M. Lockwood
    article=2012GL053151; doi=10.1029/2012GL053151; pubdate=5 OCT 2012
    Keywords found: OMNI

  14. Title=Energetic radiation belt electron precipitation showing ULF modulation
    Authors=T. Brito L. Woodger M. Hudson R. Millan
    article=2012GL053790; doi=10.1029/2012GL053790; pubdate=27 NOV 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb

  15. Title=Models of ionospheric VLF absorption of powerful ground based transmitters
    Authors=M. B. Cohen N. G. Lehtinen U. S. Inan
    article=2012GL054437; doi=10.1029/2012GL054437; pubdate=29 DEC 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

Science Enabled Research Papers in Radio Science for 2012

  1. Title=Contrasting the responses of three different ground-based instruments to energetic electron precipitation
    Authors=Craig J. Rodger Mark A. Clilverd Andrew J. Kavanagh Clare E. J. Watt Pekka T. Verronen Tero Raita
    article=2011RS004971; doi=10.1029/2011RS004971; pubdate=25 APR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb-IRI-2007, VITMO

  2. Title=GPS observations at quasi-conjugate points during solar minimum
    Authors=Mohammad Awad Momani
    article=2011RS004826; doi=10.1029/2011RS004826; pubdate=27 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: OMNIWeb-IGRF, CGM

  3. Title=Global observations of L band scintillation at solar minimum made by COSMIC
    Authors=Kenneth F. Dymond
    article=2011RS004931; doi=10.1029/2011RS004931; pubdate=19 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere

  4. Title=Use of the Auroral Boundary Index for potential forecasting of ionospheric scintillation
    Authors=James M. Griffin Thomas C. Connor Hilary E. Snell
    article=2011RS004954; doi=10.1029/2011RS004954; pubdate=19 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere
    Sample usage= is the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 2007 [Bilitza

  5. Title=New Vary-Chap profile of the topside ionosphere electron density distribution for use with the IRI model and the GIRO real time data
    Authors=Patrick Nsumei Bodo W. Reinisch Xueqin Huang Dieter Bilitza
    article=2012RS004989; doi=10.1029/2012RS004989; pubdate=17 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, NSSDC, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

  6. Title=HF propagation modeling within the polar ionosphere
    Authors=E. M. Warrington N. Y. Zaalov J. S. Naylor A. J. Stocker
    article=2011RS004909; doi=10.1029/2011RS004909; pubdate=1 MAY 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere

  7. Title=Inversion of backscatter ionograms and TEC data for over-the-horizon radar
    Authors=Sergey V. Fridman L. J. Nickisch Mark Hausman
    article=2011RS004932; doi=10.1029/2011RS004932; pubdate=26 APR 2012
    Keywords found: IRI-2001, IRI-2007

  8. Title=Assimilation of GIRO data into a real-time IRI
    Authors=I. A. Galkin B. W. Reinisch X. Huang D. Bilitza
    article=2011RS004952; doi=10.1029/2011RS004952; pubdate=17 APR 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007, CCMC, Community Coordinated Modeling Center

  9. Title=Improving the automatic inversion of digital Alouette%2FISIS ionogram reflection traces into topside electron density profiles
    Authors=Robert F. Benson Vladimir Truhlik Xueqin Huang Yongli Wang Dieter Bilitza
    article=2011RS004963; doi=10.1029/2011RS004963; pubdate=30 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: NSSDC, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

  10. Title=TEC ingestion into NeQuick 2 to model the East African equatorial ionosphere
    Authors=M. Nigussie S. M. Radicella B. Damtie B. Nava E. Yizengaw L. Ciraolo
    article=2012RS004981; doi=10.1029/2012RS004981; pubdate=7 SEP 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  11. Title=Improvement of equatorial density distribution of the global core plasma model using GPS-derived TEC
    Authors=Y. Goto Y. Kasahara T. Ide
    article=2011RS004763; doi=10.1029/2011RS004763; pubdate=16 MAR 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

  12. Title=High-precision measurements of ionospheric TEC gradients with the Very Large Array VHF system
    Authors=J. F. Helmboldt T. J. W. Lazio H. T. Intema K. F. Dymond
    article=2011RS004883; doi=10.1029/2011RS004883; pubdate=16 FEB 2012
    Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere