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Acknowledgments of SPDF in 2008

frame from trapped particle model animation
Trapped radiation Simulation

Flow Vortices along Magnetopause

Only searched Space Physics related disciplines AGU journals/letters/papers. Keywords searched and number of occurrences (for all three sources):
OMNI was referenced in 42 papers
COHOWeb was referenced in 1 papers
SPDF was referenced in 14 papers
SSDOO was referenced in 0 papers
ModelWeb was referenced in 15 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 55 papers
FTPBrowser was referenced in 0 papers
SSCWeb was referenced in 8 papers
NSSDC was referenced in 41 papers
ATMOWeb was referenced in 1 papers
OMNIWeb was referenced in 29 papers
NSSDCFTP was referenced in 4 papers
HelioWeb was referenced in 0 papers

Science Enabled Research Papers in JGR for 2008 (115 out of 588 papers)

  1. Title=Ultra-low-frequency waves and associated wave vectors observed in the plasma sheet boundary layer by Cluster
    Authors=Broughton, M. C., M. J. Engebretson, K.-H. Glassmeier, Y. Narita, A. Keiling, K.-H. Fornaçon, G. K. Parks, and H. Rème
    article=A12217; doi=10.1029/2008JA013366; pubdate=31 December 2008
    Keyword found:SSCWeb

  2. Title=Multiple intensifications inside the auroral bulge and their association with plasma sheet activities
    Authors=Keiling, A., V. Angelopoulos, D. Larson, J. McFadden, C. Carlson, M. Fillingim, G. Parks, S. Frey, K.-H. Glassmeier, H. U. Auster, W. Magnes, W. Liu, and X. Li
    article=A12216; doi=10.1029/2008JA013383; pubdate=31 December 2008
    Keyword found:SSCWeb

  3. Title=Ring current simulations of the 90 intense storms during solar cycle 23
    Authors=Liemohn, M. W., and M. Jazowski
    article=A00A17; doi=10.1029/2008JA013466; pubdate=31 December 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  4. Title=Altered solar wind-magnetosphere interaction at low Mach numbers:Coronal mass ejections
    Authors=Lavraud, B., and J. E. Borovsky
    article=A00B08; doi=10.1029/2008JA013192; pubdate=30 December 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI

  5. Title=Statistical study of polar distribution of mesoscale field-aligned currents
    Authors=Hasunuma, T., T. Nagatsuma, R. Kataoka, Y. Takahashi, H. Fukunishi, A. Matsuoka, and A. Kumamoto
    article=A12214; doi=10.1029/2008JA013358; pubdate=25 December 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  6. Title=Penetration characteristics of the interplanetary electric field to the daytime equatorial ionosphere
    Authors=Manoj, C., S. Maus, H. Lühr, and P. Alken
    article=A12310; doi=10.1029/2008JA013381; pubdate=23 December 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI

  7. Title=Response of large-scale ionospheric convection to substorm expansion onsets: A case study
    Authors=Miyashita, Y., K. Hosokawa, T. Hori, Y. Kamide, A. S. Yukimatu,M. Fujimoto, T. Mukai, S. Machida, N. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Shinohara, and J. B. Sigwarth
    article=A12309; doi=10.1029/2008JA013586; pubdate=20 December 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  8. Title=Nightside flow enhancement associated with solar wind dynamic pressure driven reconnection
    Authors=Boudouridis, A., L. R. Lyons, E. Zesta, J. M. Ruohoniemi, and D.Lummerzheim
    article=A12211; doi=10.1029/2008JA013489; pubdate=17 December 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  9. Title=Behavior of the 2 peak ionosphere over the South Pacific at dusk during quiet summer conditions from COSMIC data
    Authors=Burns, A. G., Z. Zeng, W. Wang, J. Lei, S. C. Solomon, A. D. Richmond, T. L. Killeen, and Y.-H. Kuo
    article=A12305; doi=10.1029/2008JA013308; pubdate=11 December 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb

  10. Title=Estimating total heliospheric magnetic flux from single-point in situ measurements
    Authors=Owens, M. J., C. N. Arge, N. U. Crooker, N. A. Schwadron, and T.S. Horbury
    article=A12103; doi=10.1029/2008JA013677; pubdate=11 December 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

  11. Title=Astronomical sky spectra from the 29-31 October 2003 geomagnetic superstorms: Observations ofO+(2_D_o�⎤-Y��4_S_o)and other emissions
    Authors=Sharpee, B. D., E. R. O’Neill, and T. G. Slanger
    article=A12301; doi=10.1029/2007JA013010; pubdate=5 December 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb

  12. Title=Ion composition in the plasma trough and plasma plume derived from a Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite magnetoseismic study
    Authors=Takahashi, K., S. Ohtani, R. E. Denton, W. J. Hughes, and R. R.Anderson
    article=A12203; doi=10.1029/2008JA013248; pubdate=5 December 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI2

  13. Title=DWM07 global empirical model of upper thermospheric storm-induced disturbance winds
    Authors=Emmert, J. T., D. P. Drob, G. G. Shepherd, G. Hernandez, M. J. Jarvis, J. W. Meriwether, R. J. Niciejewski, D. P. Sipler, and C. A. Tepley
    article=A11319; doi=10.1029/2008JA013541; pubdate=26 November 2008
    Keyword found:ATMOWeb

  14. Title=Reduction of electron temperature in low-latitude ionosphere at 600 km before and after large earthquakes
    Authors=Oyama, K., Y. Kakinami, J. Liu, M. Kamogawa, and T. Kodama
    article=A11317; doi=10.1029/2008JA013367; pubdate=25 November 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  15. Title=Simultaneous THEMIS observations in the near-tail portion of the inner and outer plasma sheet flux tubes at substorm onset
    Authors=Sergeev, V. A., S. V. Apatenkov, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. McFadden, D. Larson, J. W. Bonnell, M. Kuznetsova, N. Partamies, and F. Honary
    article=A00C02; doi=10.1029/2008JA013527; pubdate=19 November 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  16. Title=Large-scale dynamics of Saturn’s magnetopause: Observations by Cassini
    Authors=Achilleos, N., C. S. Arridge, C. Bertucci, C. M. Jackman, M. K. Dougherty, K. K. Khurana, and C. T. Russell
    article=A11209; doi=10.1029/2008JA013265; pubdate=13 November 2008
    Keyword found:COHOWeb

  17. Title=Continuous penetration of the interplanetary electric field to the equatorial ionosphere over eight hours during intense geomagnetic storms
    Authors=Huang, C.
    article=A11305; doi=10.1029/2008JA013588; pubdate=5 November 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  18. Title=Is an unusual large enhancement of ionospheric electron density linked with the 2008 great Wenchuan earthquake?
    Authors=Zhao, B., M. Wang, T. Yu, W. Wan, J. Lei, L. Liu, and B. Ning
    article=A11304; doi=10.1029/2008JA013613; pubdate=5 November 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  19. Title=Evolution of Kelvin-Helmholtz activity on the dusk flank magnetopause
    Authors=Foullon, C., C. J. Farrugia, A. N. Fazakerley, C. J. Owen, F. T. Gratton, and R. B. Torbert
    article=A11203; doi=10.1029/2008JA013175; pubdate=5 November 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  20. Title=Global thermospheric density variations caused by high-speed solar wind streams during the declining phase of solar cycle 23
    Authors=Lei, J., J. P. Thayer, J. M. Forbes, E. K. Sutton, R. S. Nerem, M. Temmer, and A. M. Veronig
    article=A11303; doi=10.1029/2008JA013433; pubdate=4 November 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, SPDF

  21. Title=Anomalous enhancement of ionospheric electron content in the Asian-Australian region during a geomagnetically quiet day
    Authors=Zhao, B., W. Wan, L. Liu, K. Igarashi, M. Nakamura, L. J. Paxton, S.-Y. Su, G. Li, and Z. Ren
    article=A11302; doi=10.1029/2007JA012987; pubdate=1 November 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  22. Title=Plasma drift observations associated with intense magnetic storms by the IPEI on board ROCSAT-1
    Authors=Huang, C. M., M. Q. Chen, and S. Y. Su
    article=A11301; doi=10.1029/2008JA013405; pubdate=1 November 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  23. Title=Anomalous geomagnetic storm of 21 - 22 January 2005: A storm main phase during northward IMFs
    Authors=Du, A. M., B. T. Tsurutani, and W. Sun
    article=A10214 doi=10.1029/2008JA013284 pubdate=28 October 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  24. Title=Radiation belt electron precipitation by man-made VLF transmissions
    Authors=Gamble, R. J., C. J. Rodger, M. A. Clilverd, J. Sauvaud, N. R. Thomson, S. L. Stewart, R. J. McCormick, M. Parrot, and J. Berthelier
    article=A10211; doi=10.1029/2008JA013369; pubdate=21 October 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  25. Title=Relativistic electron precipitation by EMIC waves from self-consistent global simulations
    Authors=Jordanova, V. K., J. Albert, and Y. Miyoshi
    article=A00A10; doi=10.1029/2008JA013239; pubdate=18 October 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  26. Title=Bifurcated current sheets produced by magnetic reconnection in the solar wind
    Authors=Gosling, J. T., and A. Szabo
    article=A10103; doi=10.1029/2008JA013473; pubdate=17 October 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  27. Title=Ground-based observations during the period between two strong November 2004 storms attributed to steady magnetospheric convection
    Authors=Manninen, J., N. G. Kleimenova, O. V. Kozyreva, A. Ranta, K. Kauristie, S. M�Á�kinen, and T. A. Kornilova
    article=A00A09; doi=10.1029/2007JA012984; pubdate=1 October 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb

  28. Title=Shock propagation in the magnetosphere: Observations and MHD simulations compared
    Authors=Andr�Á�eov�Á�, K., T. I. Pulkkinen, T. V. Laitinen, and L. PAech
    article=A09224; doi=10.1029/2008JA013350; pubdate=24 September 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  29. Title=A statistical look at plasmaspheric drainage plumes
    Authors=Borovsky, J. E., and M. H. Denton
    article=A09221; doi=10.1029/2007JA012994; pubdate=16 September 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb, SPDF

  30. Title=Viewing perspective in energetic neutral atom intensity
    Authors=Zheng, Y., A. T. Y. Lui, and M. Fok
    article=A09217; doi=10.1029/2008JA013070; pubdate=12 September 2008
    Keyword found:SSCWeb

  31. Title=Response of the expanding/contracting polar cap to weak and strong solar wind driving: Implications for substorm onset
    Authors=Milan, S. E., P. D. Boakes, and B. Hubert
    article=A09215; doi=10.1029/2008JA013340; pubdate=11 September 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  32. Title=Estimating the daytime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly strength from electric field proxies
    Authors=Stolle, C., C. Manoj, H. L�Á�hr, S. Maus, and P. Alken
    article=A09310; doi=10.1029/2007JA012781; pubdate=10 September 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  33. Title=Influence of systematic error on least squares retrieval of upper atmospheric parameters from the ultraviolet airglow
    Authors=Picone, J. M.
    article=A09306; doi=10.1029/2007JA012831; pubdate=9 September 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC, IRI

  34. Title=Numerical calculations of relativistic electron drift loss effect
    Authors=Kim, K. C., D.-Y. Lee, H.-J. Kim, L. R. Lyons, E. S. Lee, M. K. AztArk, and C. R. Choi
    article=A09212; doi=10.1029/2007JA013011; pubdate=9 September 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  35. Title=Correlation length of large-scale solar wind velocity fluctuations measured tangent to the Earth’s orbit: First results from Stereo
    Authors=Podesta, J. J., A. B. Galvin, and C. J. Farrugia
    article=A09104; doi=10.1029/2007JA012865; pubdate=9 September 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, SSCWeb

  36. Title=High-latitude ionosphere convection and Birkeland current response for the 15 May 2005 magnetic storm recovery phase
    Authors=Eriksson, S., M. R. Hairston, F. J. Rich, H. Korth, Y. Zhang, and B. J. Anderson
    article=A00A08; doi=10.1029/2008JA013139; pubdate=9 September 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  37. Title=Angular distributions of albedo protons at the near earth orbit
    Authors=Wang, K., and M. A. Huang
    article=A09207; doi=10.1029/2007JA012916; pubdate=5 September 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb

  38. Title=Numerical analysis of ionosphere disturbances and Schumann mode splitting in the Earth-ionosphere cavity
    Authors=Navarro, E. A., A. Soriano, J. A. Morente, and J. A. Port�Á�
    article=A09301; doi=10.1029/2008JA013143; pubdate=3 September 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb, IRI

  39. Title=Power line harmonic radiation observed by satellite: Properties and propagation through the ionosphere
    Authors=N��mec, F., O. Santol�Á�k, M. Parrot, and J. Bortnik
    article=A08317; doi=10.1029/2008JA013184; pubdate=27 August 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb, IRI, SPDF

  40. Title=Seasonal dependence and solar wind control of transpolar arc luminosity
    Authors=Kullen, A., J. A. Cumnock, and T. Karlsson
    article=A08316; doi=10.1029/2008JA013086; pubdate=27 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  41. Title=Polar cap convection and PC index during sudden changes in solar wind dynamic pressure
    Authors=Stauning, P., and O. A. Troshichev
    article=A08227; doi=10.1029/2007JA012783; pubdate=26 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, NSSDC

  42. Title=Low-latitude ionospheric electric and magnetic field disturbances in response to solar wind pressure enhancements
    Authors=Huang, C., K. Yumoto, S. Abe, and G. Sofko
    article=A08314; doi=10.1029/2007JA012940; pubdate=23 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  43. Title=Effect of geomagnetic disturbances and solar wind density on relativistic electrons at geostationary orbit
    Authors=Lyatsky, W., and G. V. Khazanov
    article=A08224; doi=10.1029/2008JA013048; pubdate=23 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDCFTP

  44. Title=Analysis of the magnetic field discontinuity at the potential field source surface and Schatten Current Sheet interface in the Wang�⎤-Y��Sheeley�⎤-Y��Arge model
    Authors=McGregor, S. L., W. J. Hughes, C. N. Arge, and M. J. Owens
    article=A08112; doi=10.1029/2007JA012330; pubdate=22 August 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  45. Title=On the Earth’s magnetospheric dynamics: Nonequilibrium evolution and the fluctuation theorem
    Authors=Consolini, G., P. De Michelis, and R. Tozzi
    article=A08222; doi=10.1029/2008JA013074; pubdate=21 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, NSSDC

  46. Title=Improved Euler potential method for three-dimensional magnetospheric equilibrium
    Authors=Zaharia, S.
    article=A08221; doi=10.1029/2008JA013325; pubdate=20 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  47. Title=Dynamic pressure enhancements as a cause of large-scale stormtime substorms
    Authors=Lyons, L. R., D.-Y. Lee, S. Zou, C.-P. Wang, J. U. Kozyra, J. M. Weygand, and S. B. Mende
    article=A08215; doi=10.1029/2007JA012926; pubdate=13 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  48. Title=Statistical validation of a solar wind propagation model from 1 to 10 AU
    Authors=Zieger, B., and K. C. Hansen
    article=A08107; doi=10.1029/2008JA013046; pubdate=12 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  49. Title=An analysis of sudden impulses at geosynchronous orbit
    Authors=Villante, U., and M. Piersanti
    article=A08213; doi=10.1029/2008JA013028; pubdate=9 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  50. Title=Magnetospheric currents during sawtooth events: Event-oriented magnetic field model analysis
    Authors=Kubyshkina, M., T. I. Pulkkinen, N. Yu. Ganushkina, and N. Partamies
    article=A08211; doi=10.1029/2007JA012983; pubdate=9 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  51. Title=Statistical analysis of corotating interaction regions and their geoeffectiveness during solar cycle 23
    Authors=Zhang, Y., W. Sun, X. S. Feng, C. S. Deehr, C. D. Fry, and M. Dryer
    article=A08106; doi=10.1029/2008JA013095; pubdate=8 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  52. Title=Oscillations of the equatorward boundary of the ion auroral oval Y radar observations
    Authors=Jayachandran, P. T., N. Sato, Y. Ebihara, A. S. Yukimatu, A. Kadokura, J. W. MacDougall, E. F. Donovan, and K. Liou
    article=A08208; doi=10.1029/2007JA012870; pubdate=7 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  53. Title=Turbulence transport throughout the heliosphere
    Authors=Breech, B., W. H. Matthaeus, J. Minnie, J. W. Bieber, S. Oughton, C. W. Smith, and P. A. Isenberg
    article=A08105; doi=10.1029/2007JA012711; pubdate=7 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  54. Title=Longitudinal association between magnetotail reconnection and auroral breakup based on Geotail and Polar observations
    Authors=Ieda, A., D. H. Fairfield, J. A. Slavin, K. Liou, C.-I. Meng, S. Machida, Y. Miyashita, T. Mukai, Y. Saito, M. Nos�Á�, J.-H. Shue, G. K. Parks, and M. O. Fillingim
    article=A08207; doi=10.1029/2008JA013127; pubdate=6 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, SPDF

  55. Title=Are repetitive particle injections during high-speed solar wind streams classic substorms?
    Authors=Kim, H., D.-Y. Lee, and L. R. Lyons
    article=A08205; doi=10.1029/2007JA012847; pubdate=6 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  56. Title=On the importance of accurate solar wind measurements for studying magnetospheric dynamics
    Authors=Ashour-Abdalla, M., R. J. Walker, V. Peroomian, and M. El-Alaoui
    article=A08204; doi=10.1029/2007JA012785; pubdate=2 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb

  57. Title=Ionosphere disturbances observed throughout Southeast Asia of the superstorm of 20�⎤-Y��22 November 2003
    Authors=Zhao, B., W. Wan, K. Tschu, K. Igarashi, T. Kikuchi, K. Nozaki, S. Watari, G. Li, L. J. Paxton, L. Liu, B. Ning, J.-Y. Liu, S.-Y. Su, and H. P. Bulanon
    article=A00A04; doi=10.1029/2008JA013054; pubdate=2 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  58. Title=Comparison of auroral electrojet indices in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
    Authors=Weygand, J. M., and E. Zesta
    article=A08202; doi=10.1029/2008JA013055; pubdate=1 August 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb

  59. Title=Magnetic coupling of the ring current and the radiation belt
    Authors=Ebihara, Y., M.-C. Fok, J. B. Blake, and J. F. Fennell
    article=A07221; doi=10.1029/2008JA013267; pubdate=30 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, OMNI

  60. Title=Dynamical data-based modeling of the storm-time geomagnetic field with enhanced spatial resolution
    Authors=Sitnov, M. I., N. A. Tsyganenko, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, and P. C.Brandt
    article=A07218; doi=10.1029/2007JA013003; pubdate=30 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  61. Title=Superposed epoch analysis of high-speed-stream effects at geosynchronous orbit: Hot plasma, cold plasma, and the solar wind
    Authors=Denton, M. H., and J. E. Borovsky
    article=A07216; doi=10.1029/2007JA012998; pubdate=30 July 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI, SPDF, NSSDC

  62. Title=Remote measurements of ion temperatures in the terrestrial magnetotail
    Authors=Keesee, A. M., E. Scime, and M. B. Moldwin
    article=A00A03; doi=10.1029/2008JA013130; pubdate=30 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb

  63. Title=Phase structure of Pc3 waves observed by Cluster and ground stations near the cusp
    Authors=Liu, Y. H., B. J. Fraser, S. T. Ables, M. W. Dunlop, B. C. Zhang, R. Y. Liu, and Q. G. Zong
    article=A07S37; doi=10.1029/2007JA012754; pubdate=26 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, NSSDC

  64. Title=Global MHD simulation of flux transfer events at the high-latitude magnetopause observed by the Cluster spacecraft and the SuperDARN radar system
    Authors=Daum, P., J. A. Wild, T. Penz, E. E. Woodfield, H. R�Á�me, A. N.Fazakerley, P. W. Daly, and M. Lester
    article=A07S22; doi=10.1029/2007JA012749; pubdate=26 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  65. Title=Coordinated Cluster and Double Star observations of the dayside magnetosheath and magnetopause at different latitudes near noon
    Authors=Pitout, F., M. W. Dunlop, A. Blagau, Y. Bogdanova, C. P. Escoubet, C. Carr, I. Dandouras, and A. Fazakerley
    article=A07S06; doi=10.1029/2007JA012767; pubdate=26 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  66. Title=Effects of high-latitude ionospheric electric field variability on global thermospheric Joule heating and mechanical energy transfer rate
    Authors=Matsuo, T., and A. D. Richmond
    article=A07309; doi=10.1029/2007JA012993; pubdate=23 July 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, NSSDC, SPDF

  67. Title=Cluster observations of the midaltitude cusp under strong northward interplanetary magnetic field
    Authors=Hu, R., Y. V. Bogdanova, C. J. Owen, C. Foullon, A. N. Fazakerley, and H. R�Á�me
    article=A07S05; doi=10.1029/2007JA012726; pubdate=22 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  68. Title=Evidence for subauroral proton flashes on the dayside as the result of the ion cyclotron interaction
    Authors=Yahnina, T. A., H. U. Frey, T. B�Á�singer, and A. G. Yahnin
    article=A07209; doi=10.1029/2008JA013099; pubdate=18 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  69. Title=Deflection flows ahead of ICMEs as an indicator of curvature and geoeffectiveness
    Authors=Liu, Y., W. B. Manchester, J. D. Richardson, J. G. Luhmann, R. P. Lin, and S. D. Bale
    article=A00B03; doi=10.1029/2007JA012996; pubdate=18 July 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  70. Title=Pitch angle distributions of energetic particles near the heliospheric termination shock
    Authors=Florinski, V., R. B. Decker, and J. A. le Roux
    article=A07103; doi=10.1029/2007JA012859; pubdate=17 July 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  71. Title=Temporal and spatial characteristics of Pc1 waves observed by ST5
    Authors=Engebretson, M. J., J. L. Posch, A. M. Westerman, N. J. Otto, J. A. Slavin, G. Le, R. J. Strangeway, and M. R. Lessard
    article=A07206; doi=10.1029/2008JA013145; pubdate=16 July 2008
    Keyword found:SSCWeb

  72. Title=Observations of an active thin current sheet
    Authors=Runov, A., W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, V. A. Sergeev, O. Amm, H. Frey, I. Alexeev, A. N. Fazakerley, C. J. Owen, E. Lucek, M. Andr�Á�, A.Vaivads, I. Dandouras, and B. Klecker
    article=A07S27; doi=10.1029/2007JA012685; pubdate=15 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, CAA

  73. Title=Electron densities in the upper ionosphere of Mars from the excitation of electron plasma oscillations
    Authors=Duru, F., D. A. Gurnett, D. D. Morgan, R. Modolo, A. F. Nagy, and D. Najib
    article=A07302; doi=10.1029/2008JA013073; pubdate=9 July 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  74. Title=Large-amplitude wave electric field in the inner magnetosphere during substorms
    Authors=Nishimura, Y., J. Wygant, T. Ono, M. Iizima, A. Kumamoto, D. Brautigam, and F. Rich
    article=A07202; doi=10.1029/2007JA012833; pubdate=2 July 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  75. Title=Thermospheric density oscillations due to periodic solar wind high-speed streams
    Authors=Thayer, J. P., J. Lei, J. M. Forbes, E. K. Sutton, and R. S.Nerem
    article=A06307; doi=10.1029/2008JA013190; pubdate=24 June 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, SPDF

  76. Title=Penetration of magnetospheric electric fields to the equator during a geomagnetic storm
    Authors=Kikuchi, T., K. K. Hashimoto, and K. Nozaki
    article=A06214; doi=10.1029/2007JA012628; pubdate=14 June 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  77. Title=Formation of the low-latitude boundary layer and cusp under the northward IMF: Simultaneous observations by Cluster and Double Star
    Authors=Bogdanova, Y. V., C. J. Owen, M. W. Dunlop, J. A. Wild, J. A. Davies, A. D. Lahiff, M. G. G. T. Taylor, A. N. Fazakerley, I. Dandouras, C. M. Carr, E. A. Lucek, and H. R�Á�me
    article=A07S07; doi=10.1029/2007JA012762; pubdate=12 June 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  78. Title=Survey of magnetosonic waves and proton ring distributions in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere
    Authors=Meredith, N. P., R. B. Horne, and R. R. Anderson
    article=A06213; doi=10.1029/2007JA012975; pubdate=12 June 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, NSSDC

  79. Title=Study of near-Earth reconnection events with Cluster and Double Star
    Authors=Sergeev, V., M. Kubyshkina, I. Alexeev, A. Fazakerley, C. Owen, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, A. Runov, Z. V�Á�r�Á�s, T. L. Zhang, V. Angelopoulos, J.-A. Sauvaud, P. Daly, J. B. Cao, and E. Lucek
    article=A07S36; doi=10.1029/2007JA012902; pubdate=5 June 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  80. Title=Excitation of ducted gravity waves in the lower thermosphere by tropospheric sources
    Authors=Snively, J. B., and V. P. Pasko
    article=A06303; doi=10.1029/2007JA012693; pubdate=5 June 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  81. Title=Particle precipitation during ICME-driven and CIR-driven geomagnetic storms
    Authors=Longden, N., M. H. Denton, and F. Honary
    article=A06205; doi=10.1029/2007JA012752; pubdate=5 June 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  82. Title=Magnetic local time extent of ion outflow during substorm recovery
    Authors=Fuselier, S. A., E. S. Claflin, and T. E. Moore
    article=A06204; doi=10.1029/2007JA012811; pubdate=5 June 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  83. Title=Response of the inner magnetosphere and the plasma sheet to a sudden impulse
    Authors=Keika, K., R. Nakamura, W. Baumjohann, A. Runov, T. Takada, M. Volwerk, T. L. Zhang, B. Klecker, E. A. Lucek, C. Carr, H. R�Á�me, I.Dandouras, M. Andr�Á�, and H. Frey
    article=A07S35; doi=10.1029/2007JA012763; pubdate=3 June 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  84. Title=Radiation of ELF/VLF waves by harmonically varying currents into a stratified ionosphere with application to radiation by a modulated electrojet
    Authors=Lehtinen, N. G., and U. S. Inan
    article=A06301; doi=10.1029/2007JA012911; pubdate=3 June 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb

  85. Title=Modes and characteristics of low-frequency MHD waves in the near-Earth magnetotail prior to dipolarization: Fitting method
    Authors=Saito, M. H., Y. Miyashita, M. Fujimoto, I. Shinohara, Y. Saito, and T. Mukai
    article=A06201; doi=10.1029/2007JA012778; pubdate=3 June 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  86. Title=Multispacecraft and ground-based observations of substorm timing and activations: Two case studies
    Authors=Cao, X., Z. Y. Pu, H. Zhang, V. M. Mishin, Z. W. Ma, M. W. Dunlop, S. Y. Fu, L. Xie, C. J. Xiao, X. G. Wang, Q. G. Zong, Z. X. Liu, M. V. Kubyshkina, T. I. Pulkkinen, H. U. Frey, A. Korth, M. Fraenz, E. Lucek, C. M. Carr, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, A. N. Fazakerley, G. D. Reeves, R. Friedel, K. H. Glassmeier, and C. P. Escoubet
    article=A07S25; doi=10.1029/2007JA012761; pubdate=21 May 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb

  87. Title=An event study to provide validation of TING and CMIT geomagnetic middle-latitude electron densities at the F2 peak
    Authors=Burns, A. G., W. Wang, M. Wiltberger, S. C. Solomon, H. Spence, T. L. Killeen, R. E. Lopez, and J. E. Landivar
    article=A05310; doi=10.1029/2007JA012931; pubdate=17 May 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb, ,IRI

  88. Title=First analyses of planar magnetic structures associated with the Halloween 2003 events from the Earth to Voyager 1 at 93 AU
    Authors=Intriligator, D. S., A. Rees, and T. S. Horbury
    article=A05102; doi=10.1029/2007JA012699; pubdate=9 May 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  89. Title=Effect of a northward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field on cusp precipitation as observed by Cluster
    Authors=Escoubet, C. P., J. Berchem, J. M. Bosqued, K. J. Trattner, M. G. G. T. Taylor, F. Pitout, H. Laakso, A. Masson, M. Dunlop, I. Dandouras, H. Reme, A. N. Fazakerley, and P. Daly
    article=A07S13; doi=10.1029/2007JA012771; pubdate=2 May 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

  90. Title=Summer-winter hemisphere asymmetry of the preliminary reverse impulse of geomagnetic storm sudden commencements at midlatitudes
    Authors=Sastri, J. H., K. Yumoto, J. V. S. V. Rao, and A. Ikeda
    article=A05302; doi=10.1029/2007JA012968; pubdate=2 May 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, OMNI

  91. Title=Cluster observations of an ion-scale current sheet in the magnetotail under the presence of a guide field
    Authors=Nakamura, R., W. Baumjohann, M. Fujimoto, Y. Asano, A. Runov, C. J. Owen, A. N. Fazakerley, B. Klecker, H. R�Á�me, E. A. Lucek, M. Andre,and Y. Khotyaintsev
    article=A07S16; doi=10.1029/2007JA012760; pubdate=25 April 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  92. Title=Pairs of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling functions: Combining a merging term with a viscous term works best
    Authors=Newell, P. T., T. Sotirelis, K. Liou, and F. J. Rich
    article=A04218; doi=10.1029/2007JA012825; pubdate=22 April 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDC

  93. Title=Relation of substorm onset to Harang discontinuity
    Authors=Weygand, J. M., R. L. McPherron, H. U. Frey, O. Amm, K. Kauristie, A. Viljanen, and A. Koistinen
    article=A04213; doi=10.1029/2007JA012537; pubdate=12 April 2008
    Keyword found:IMAGE, NSSDC

  94. Title=Oscillations of global mean TEC
    Authors=Hocke, K.
    article=A04302; doi=10.1029/2007JA012798; pubdate=10 April 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI

  95. Title=Solar wind excitation of Pc5 fluctuations in the magnetosphere and on the ground
    Authors=Kessel, R. L.
    article=A04202; doi=10.1029/2007JA012255; pubdate=3 April 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNI

  96. Title=Superdiffusive transport of electrons accelerated at corotating interaction regions
    Authors=Perri, S., and G. Zimbardo
    article=A03107; doi=10.1029/2007JA012695; pubdate=28 March 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  97. Title=Subionospheric early VLF perturbations observed at Suva: VLF detection of red sprites in the day?
    Authors=Kumar, S., A. Kumar, and C. J. Rodger
    article=A03311; doi=10.1029/2007JA012734; pubdate=26 March 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  98. Title=Wavelet analysis of high-latitude electric and magnetic fluctuations observed by the Dynamic Explorer 2 satellite
    Authors=Kozelov, B. V., I. V. Golovchanskaya, A. A. Ostapenko, and Y. V. Fedorenko
    article=A03308; doi=10.1029/2007JA012575; pubdate=21 March 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDC

  99. Title=Influence of large-scale interplanetary structures on energetic particle propagation: September 2004 event at Ulysses and ACE
    Authors=Lario, D., R. B. Decker, O. E. Malandraki, and L. J. Lanzerotti
    article=A03105; doi=10.1029/2007JA012721; pubdate=20 March 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  100. Title=Ionospheric modeling for short- and long-term predictions of region parameters over Indian zone
    Authors=Dabas, R. S., K. Sharma, R. M. Das, N. K. Sethi, K. G. M. Pillai, and A. K. Mishra
    article=A03306; doi=10.1029/2007JA012539; pubdate=19 March 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC, WDC-A-R&S

  101. Title=Validation of a synoptic solar wind model
    Authors=Cohen, O., I. V. Sokolov, I. I. Roussev, and T. I. Gombosi
    article=A03104; doi=10.1029/2007JA012797; pubdate=19 March 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  102. [Title=Source regions of solar wind disappearance events
    Authors=Janardhan, P., K. Fujiki, H. S. Sawant, M. Kojima, K. Hakamada, and R. Krishnan
    article=A03102; doi=10.1029/2007JA012608; pubdate=15 March 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  1. Title=Statistical properties of tail plasma sheet electrons above 40 keV
    Authors=���snes, A., R. W. H. Friedel, B. Lavraud, G. D. Reeves, M. G. G. T. Taylor, and P. Daly
    article=A03202; doi=10.1029/2007JA012502; pubdate=11 March 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

  2. Title=Microburst cusp ion precipitation observed with Reimei
    Authors=Ebihara, Y., Y. Miyoshi, K. Asamura, and M. Hirahara
    article=A03201; doi=10.1029/2007JA012735; pubdate=4 March 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  3. Title=The role of the tongue-of-ionization in the formation of the poleward wall of the main trough in the European post-midnight sector
    Authors=Middleton, H. R., S. E. Pryse, A. G. Wood, and R. Balthazor
    article=A02306; doi=10.1029/2007JA012631; pubdate=16 February 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  4. Title=Extended SuperDARN and IMAGE observations for northward IMF: Evidence for dual lobe reconnection
    Authors=Marcucci, M. F., I. Coco, D. Ambrosino, E. Amata, S. E. Milan, M. B. Bavassano Cattaneo, and A. Retin�Á�
    article=A02204; doi=10.1029/2007JA012466; pubdate=6 February 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  5. Title=Modeling of the magnetic field in the magnetosheath region
    Authors=Romashets, E. P., S. Poedts, and M. Vandas
    article=A02203; doi=10.1029/2006JA012072; pubdate=6 February 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC, WDC-A-R&S

  6. Title=Improved calculations of interplanetary magnetic field phase front angles and propagation time delays
    Authors=Weimer, D. R., and J. H. King
    article=A01105; doi=10.1029/2007JA012452; pubdate=31 January 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb

  7. Title=Interplanetary shock induced ring current auroras
    Authors=Zhang, Y., L. J. Paxton, and Y. Zheng
    article=A01212; doi=10.1029/2007JA012554; pubdate=25 January 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  8. Title=Pc1�⎤-Y��Pc2 waves and energetic particle precipitation during and after magnetic storms: Superposed epoch analysis and case studies
    Authors=Engebretson, M. J., M. R. Lessard, J. Bortnik, J. C. Green, R. B. Horne, D. L. Detrick, A. T. Weatherwax, J. Manninen, N. J. Petit, J. L. Posch, and M. C. Rose
    article=A01211; doi=10.1029/2007JA012362; pubdate=24 January 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb, SPDF

  9. Title=Multiple cusps during an extended northward IMF period with a significant B__y component
    Authors=Zong, Q.-G., H. Zhang, T. A. Fritz, M. L. Goldstein, S. Wing, W. Keith, J. D. Winningham, R. Frahm, M. W. Dunlop, A. Korth, P. W. Daly, H. R�Á�me, A. Balogh, and A. N. Fazakerley
    article=A01210; doi=10.1029/2006JA012188; pubdate=24 January 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  10. Title=Radiation Belt Environment model: Application to space weather nowcasting
    Authors=Fok, M., R. B. Horne, N. P. Meredith, and S. A. Glauert
    article=A03S08; doi=10.1029/2007JA012558; pubdate=23 January 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC, WDC-A-R&S

  11. Title=Flux enhancement of the outer radiation belt electrons after the arrival of stream interaction regions
    Authors=Miyoshi, Y., and R. Kataoka
    article=A03S09; doi=10.1029/2007JA012506; pubdate=18 January 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb

  12. Title=Investigating the origins of the Jovian decimetric emission’s variability
    Authors=Santos-Costa, D., S. J. Bolton, R. M. Thorne, Y. Miyoshi, and S. M. Levin
    article=A01204; doi=10.1029/2007JA012396; pubdate=10 January 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb

  13. Title=A Shock Fitting Procedure Based on Monte Carlo Calculations: Application to Slow Shocks
    Authors=Lin, C. C., H. Q. Feng, J. K. Chao, L. C. Lee, L. H. Lyu, and D. J. Wu
    article=A01101; doi=10.1029/2007JA012426; pubdate=3 January 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

Science Enabled Research Papers in GRL for 2008 (23 out of 587 papers)

  1. Title=Direct observation of warping in the plasma sheet of Saturn
    Authors=Carbary, J. F., D. G. Mitchell, C. Paranicas, E. C. Roelof, and S. M. Krimigis
    article=L24201; doi=10.1029/2008GL035970; pubdate=23 December 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  2. Title=Decrease in heliospheric magnetic flux in this solar minimum: Recent Ulysses magnetic field observations
    Authors=Smith, E. J., and A. Balogh
    article=L22103; doi=10.1029/2008GL035345; pubdate=19 November 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDCFTP

  3. Title=Effects of solar wind magnetosphere coupling recorded at different geomagnetic latitudes: Separation of directly-driven and storage/release systems
    Authors=Finch, I. D., M. L. Lockwood, and A. P. Rouillard
    article=L21105; doi=10.1029/2008GL035399; pubdate=12 November 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

  4. Title=Conservation of open solar magnetic flux and the floor in the heliospheric magnetic field
    Authors=Owens, M. J., N. U. Crooker, N. A. Schwadron, T. S. Horbury, S. Yashiro, H. Xie, O. C. St. Cyr, and N. Gopalswamy
    article=L20108; doi=10.1029/2008GL035813; pubdate=30 October 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  5. Title=Phase coherence analysis of a field line resonance and solar wind oscillation
    Authors=Fenrich, F. R., and C. L. Waters
    article=L20102; doi=10.1029/2008GL035430; pubdate=17 October 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  6. Title=Ionosphere response to solar wind high-speed streams
    Authors=Lei, J., J. P. Thayer, J. M. Forbes, Q. Wu, C. She, W. Wan, and W. Wang
    article=L19105; doi=10.1029/2008GL035208; pubdate=8 October 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, SPDF

  7. Title=Radial gradients of phase space density of the outer radiation belt electrons prior to sudden solar wind pressure enhancements
    Authors=Turner, D. L., and X. Li
    article=L18101; doi=10.1029/2008GL034866; pubdate=16 September 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb data

  8. Title=Assessment of Joule heating for the observed distributions of high-latitude electric fields
    Authors=Golovchanskaya, I. V.
    article=L16102; doi=10.1029/2008GL034413; pubdate=19 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI

  9. Title=Polar Ultraviolet Imager observations of solar wind-driven ULF auroral pulsations
    Authors=Liou, K., K. Takahashi, P. T. Newell, and K. Yumoto
    article=L16101; doi=10.1029/2008GL034953; pubdate=16 August 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC, SPDF

  10. Title=Coordinated observations of magnetospheric reconfiguration during an overshielding event
    Authors=Wei, Y., M. Hong, W. Wan, A. Du, Z. Pu, M. F. Thomsen, Z. Ren, and G. D. Reeves
    article=L15109; doi=10.1029/2008GL033972; pubdate=14 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  11. Title=A predictive model for relativistic electrons at geostationary orbit
    Authors=Lyatsky, W., and G. V. Khazanov
    article=L15108; doi=10.1029/2008GL034688; pubdate=14 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDCFTP

  12. Title=Retreat and reformation of X-line during quasi-continuous tailward-of-the-cusp reconnection under northward IMF
    Authors=Hasegawa, H., A. Retinò, A. Vaivads, Y. Khotyaintsev, R. Nakamura, T. Takada, Y. Miyashita, H. Rème, and E. A. Lucek
    article=L15104; doi=10.1029/2008GL034767; pubdate=7 August 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  13. Title=Imaging cold ions in the plasma sheet from the Equator-S satellite
    Authors=Ebihara, Y., L. M. Kistler, and L. Eliasson
    article=L15103; doi=10.1029/2008GL034357; pubdate=7 August 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDC

  14. Title=Generation of plasmaspheric undulations
    Authors=Buzulukova, N., M.-C. Fok, T. E. Moore, and D. M. Ober
    article=L13105; doi=10.1029/2008GL034164; pubdate=11 July 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, SPDF

  15. Title=Conjugate observations of ENA signals in the high-altitude cusp and proton auroral spot in the low-altitude cusp with IMAGE spacecraft
    Authors=Suzuki, S., S. Taguchi, K. Hosokawa, M. R. Collier, T. E. Moore, H. U. Frey, and S. B. Mende
    article=L13103; doi=10.1029/2008GL034543; pubdate=8 July 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC

  16. Title=Rotating solar coronal holes and periodic modulation of the upper atmosphere
    Authors=Lei, J., J. P. Thayer, J. M. Forbes, E. K. Sutton, and R. S. Nerem
    article=L10109; doi=10.1029/2008GL033875; pubdate=31 May 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, SPDF

  17. Title=Statistical analysis of the sources of the cross-polar potential for southward IMF, based on particle precipitation characteristics
    Authors=Sundberg, K.-T., L. G. Blomberg, and J. A. Cumnock
    article=L08103; doi=10.1029/2008GL033383; pubdate=25 April 2008
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI

  18. Title=Ballooning mode waves prior to substorm-associated dipolarizations: Geotail observations
    Authors=Saito, M. H., Y. Miyashita, M. Fujimoto, I. Shinohara, Y. Saito, K. Liou, and T. Mukai
    article=L07103; doi=10.1029/2008GL033269; pubdate=3 April 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  19. Title=Seasonal dependence of Interball flux transfer events
    Authors=Korotova, G. I., D. G. Sibeck, and T. Rosenberg
    article=L05106; doi=10.1029/2008GL033254; pubdate=14 March 2008
    Keyword found:SSCWeb

  20. Title=Effect of solar wind density on relativistic electrons at geosynchronous orbit
    Authors=Lyatsky, W., and G. V. Khazanov
    article=L03109; doi=10.1029/2007GL032524; pubdate=13 February 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDCFTP

  21. Title=Unusually long lasting multiple penetration of interplanetary electric field to equatorial ionosphere under oscillating IMF B__z
    Authors=Wei, Y., M. Hong, W. Wan, A. Du, J. Lei, B. Zhao, W. Wang, Z. Ren, and X. Yue
    article=L02102; doi=10.1029/2007GL032305; pubdate=17 January 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  22. Title=Temporal evolution of the transpolar potential after a sharp enhancement in solar wind dynamic pressure
    Authors=Boudouridis, A., E. Zesta, L. R. Lyons, P. C. Anderson, and A. J. Ridley
    article=L02101; doi=10.1029/2007GL031766; pubdate=17 January 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

  23. Title=Discovery of very large amplitude whistler-mode waves in Earth’s radiation belts
    Authors=Cattell, C., J. R. Wygant, K. Goetz, K. Kersten, P. J. Kellogg, T. von Rosenvinge, S. D. Bale, I. Roth, M. Temerin, M. K. Hudson, R. A. Mewaldt, M. Wiedenbeck, M. Maksimovic, R. Ergun, M. Acuna, and C. T.Russell
    article=L01105; doi=10.1029/2007GL032009; pubdate=12 January 2008
    Keyword found:CDAWeb

Science Enabled Research Papers in RS for 2008 (7 out of 104 papers)

  1. Title=Bounding higher-order ionosphere errors for the dual-frequency GPS user
    Authors=Datta-Barua, S., T. Walter, J. Blanch, and P. Enge
    article=RS5010; doi=10.1029/2007RS003772; pubdate=11 October 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb

  2. Title=Total electron content (TEC) forecasting by Cascade Modeling: A possible alternative to the IRI-2001
    Authors=Senalp, E. T., E. Tulunay, and Y. Tulunay
    article=RS4016; doi=10.1029/2007RS003719; pubdate=27 August 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb

  3. Title=Fan-shaped antennas: Realization of wideband characteristics and generation of stop bands
    Authors=Nakano, H., K. Morishita, Y. Iitsuka, H. Mimaki, T. Yoshida, and J. Yamauchi
    article=RS4S14; doi=10.1029/2007RS003784; pubdate=29 July 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  4. Title=Two-dimensional beam steering array using planar eight-element composite right/left-handed leaky-wave antennas
    Authors=Sanada, A.
    article=RS4S23; doi=10.1029/2007RS003800; pubdate=24 June 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  5. Title=Determination of the sea surface emissivity at L-band and application to SMOS salinity retrieval algorithms: Review of the contributions of the UPC-ICM
    Authors=Camps, A., J. Font, M. Vall-llossera, I. Corbella, N. Duffo, F. Torres, S. Blanch, A. Aguasca, R. Villarino, C. Gabarr, L. Enrique, J. Miranda, R. Sabia, and M. Talone doi=10.1029/2007RS003728; pubdate=20 June 2008
    Keyword found:OMNI

  6. Title=Three-dimensional tomography of ionospheric variability using a dense GPS receiver array
    Authors=Lee, J. K., F. Kamalabadi, and J. J. Makela
    article=RS3001; doi=10.1029/2007RS003716; pubdate=6 May 2008
    Keyword found:ModelWeb

  7. Title=Modeling M(3000)F2 based on empirical orthogonal function analysis method
    Authors=Liu, C., M. Zhang, W. Wan, L. Liu, and B. Ning
    article=RS1003; doi=10.1029/2007RS003694; pubdate=9 January 2008
    Keyword found:NSSDC, WDC-R&S