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Acknowledgments of SPDF in 2007

frame from trapped particle model animation
Trapped radiation Simulation

Flow Vortices along Magnetopause

Only searched Space Physics related disciplines AGU journals/letters/papers.
Keywords searched and number of occurrences, for all three sources:
OMNI was referenced in 23 papers
COHOWeb was referenced in 3 papers
SPDF was referenced in 9 papers
ModelWeb was referenced in 9 papers
SSDOO was referenced in 0 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 42 papers
FTPBrowser was referenced in 0 papers
SSCWeb was referenced in 3 papers
NSSDC was referenced in 32 papers
ATMOWeb was referenced in 0 papers
OMNIWeb was referenced in 17 papers
NSSDCFTP was referenced in 2 papers
HelioWeb was referenced in 0 papers\

Science Enabled Research Papers in JGR for 2007 (62 out of 446 papers)\

  1. Title=Magnetic flux transport in the Dungey cycle: A survey of dayside and nightside reconnection rates
    Authors=Milan, S. E.; Provan, G.; Hubert, B.
    article=A01209; doi=10.1029/2006JA011642; pubdate=20 January 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  2. Title=A nearly universal solar wind-magnetosphere coupling function inferred from 10 magnetospheric state variables
    Authors=Newell, P. T.; Sotirelis, T.; Liou, K.; Meng, C.-I.; Rich, F. J.
    article=A01206; doi=10.1029/2006JA012015; pubdate=12 January 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDC
  3. Title=Effects of interplanetary magnetic clouds, interaction regions, and high-speed streams on the transient modulation of galactic cosmic rays
    Authors=Singh, Y. P.; Badruddin, null
    article=A02101; doi=10.1029/2006JA011780; pubdate=09 February 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb
  4. Title=Analysis of the 3–7 October 2000 and 15–24 April 2002 geomagnetic storms with an optimized nonlinear dynamical model
    Authors=Spencer, E.; Horton, W.; Mays, M. L.; Doxas, I.; Kozyra, J.
    article=A04S90; doi=10.1029/2006JA012019; pubdate=28 April 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  5. Title=Modeling ground level enhancements: Event of 20 January 2005
    Authors=Plainaki, C.; Belov, A.; Eroshenko, E.; Mavromichalaki, H.; Yanke, V.
    article=A04102; doi=10.1029/2006JA011926; pubdate=20 April 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI
  6. Title=Understanding storm-time ring current development through data-model comparisons of a moderate storm
    Authors=Zhang, Jichun; Liemohn, Michael W.; De Zeeuw, Darren L.; Borovsky, Joseph E.; Ridley, Aaron J.; Toth, Gabor; Sazykin, Stanislav; Thomsen, Michelle F.; Kozyra, Janet U.; Gombosi, Tamas I.; Wolf, Richard A.
    article=A04208; doi=10.1029/2006JA011846; pubdate=18 April 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC
  7. Title=Significant depletions of the ionospheric plasma density at middle latitudes: A possible signature of equatorial spread F bubbles near the plasmapause
    Authors=Huang, Chao-Song; Foster, John C.; Sahai, Yogeshwar
    article=A05315; doi=10.1029/2007JA012307; pubdate=30 May 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  8. Title=Smooth electron density transition from plasmasphere to the subauroral region
    Authors=Tu, Jiannan; Song, Paul; Reinisch, Bodo W.; Green, James L.
    article=A05227; doi=10.1029/2007JA012298; pubdate=30 May 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  9. Title=Polar patches: Auroral zone precipitation effects
    Authors=MacDougall, John; Jayachandran, P. T.
    article=A05312; doi=10.1029/2006JA011930; pubdate=26 May 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  10. Title=Global profiles of compressional ultralow frequency wave power at geosynchronous orbit and their response to the solar wind
    Authors=Sanny, J.; Judnick, D.; Moldwin, M. B.; Berube, D.; Sibeck, D. G.
    article=A05224; doi=10.1029/2006JA012046; pubdate=26 May 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, NSSDC
  11. Title=EL - a possible indicator to monitor the magnetic field stretching at global scale during substorm expansive phase: Statistical study
    Authors=Meurant, M.; Gérard, J.-C.; Blockx, C.; Spanswick, E.;Donovan, E. F.; Hubert, B.; Coumans, V.; Connors, M.
    article=A05222; doi=10.1029/2006JA012126; pubdate=26 May 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  12. Title=Cluster and DMSP observations of SAID electric fields
    Authors=Puhl-Quinn, P. A.; Matsui, H.; Mishin, E.; Mouikis, C.; Kistler,L.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Décréau, P. M. E.; Lucek, E.
    article=A05219; doi=10.1029/2006JA012065; pubdate=24 May 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, SSCWeb
  13. Title=Remote-sensing magnetospheric dynamics with riometers: Observation and theory
    Authors=Liu, W. W.; Liang, J.; Spanswick, E.; Donovan, E. F.
    article=A05214; doi=10.1029/2006JA012115; pubdate=23 May 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI
  14. Title=Prediction of the 1-AU arrival times of CME-associated interplanetary shocks: Evaluation of an empirical interplanetary shock propagation model
    Authors=Kim, K.-H.; Moon, Y.-J.; Cho, K.-S.
    article=A05104; doi=10.1029/2006JA011904; pubdate=17 May 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  15. Title=Global 30–240 keV proton precipitation in the 17–18April 2002 geomagnetic storms: 2. Conductances and beam spreading
    Authors=Fang, Xiaohua; Liemohn, Michael W.; Kozyra, Janet U.; Evans, David S.
    article=A05302; doi=10.1029/2006JA012113; pubdate=09 May 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC, IRI
  16. Title=Centennial changes in the solar wind speed and in the open solar flux
    Authors=Rouillard, A. P.; Lockwood, M.; Finch, I.
    article=A05103; doi=10.1029/2006JA012130; pubdate=05 May 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI
  17. Title=Corotating high-speed solar-wind streams and recurrent cosmic ray modulation
    Authors=Singh, Y. P.; Badruddin, null
    article=A05101; doi=10.1029/2006JA011779; pubdate=05 May 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb
  18. Title=Extreme polar cap density enhancements along magnetic field lines during an intense geomagnetic storm
    Authors=Tu, J.-N.; Dhar, M.; Song, P.; Reinisch, B. W.; Green, J. L.;Benson, R. F.; Coster, A. J.
    article=A05201; doi=10.1029/2006JA012034; pubdate=02 May 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  19. Title=Enhanced high-altitude polar cap plasma and magnetic field values in response to the interplanetary magnetic cloud that caused the great storm of 31 March 2001: A case study for a new magnetospheric index
    Authors=Osherovich, Vladimir A.; Benson, Robert F.; Fainberg, Joseph;Green, James L.; Garcia, Leonard; Boardsen, Scott; Tsyganenko, Nikolai; Reinisch, Bodo W.
    article=A06247; doi=10.1029/2006JA012105; pubdate=29 June 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb
  20. Title=Reasons why some solar wind changes do not trigger substorms
    Authors=Lee, D.-Y.; Lyons, L. R.; Weygand, James M.; Wang, C.-P.
    article=A06240; doi=10.1029/2007JA012249; pubdate=22 June 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  21. Title=Consequences of the force-free model of magnetic clouds for their heliospheric evolution
    Authors=Leitner, M.; Farrugia, C. J.; Möstl, C.; Ogilvie, K. W.; Galvin, A. B.; Schwenn, R.; Biernat, H. K.
    article=A06113; doi=10.1029/2006JA011940; pubdate=22 June 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC
  22. Title=Plasmaspheric drainage plume observed by the Polar satellite in the prenoon sector and the IMAGE satellite during the magnetic storm of 11 April 2001
    Authors=Kim, K.-H.; Goldstein, J.; Berube, D.
    article=A06237; doi=10.1029/2006JA012030; pubdate=21 June 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  23. Title=Magnetospheric configurations from a high-resolution data-based magnetic field model
    Authors=Tsyganenko, N. A.; Sitnov, M. I.
    article=A06225; doi=10.1029/2007JA012260; pubdate=15 June 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, OMNI, NSSDCFTP
  24. Title=MHD flow visualization of magnetopause boundary region vortices observed during high-speed streams
    Authors=Collado-Vega, Y. M.; Kessel, R. L.; Shao, X.; Boller, R. A.
    article=A06213; doi=10.1029/2006JA012104; pubdate=12 June 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, SPDF, SSCWeb
  25. Title=Dynamics and electric currents of morningside Sun-aligned auroral arcs
    Authors=Kozlovsky, Alexander; Aikio, Anita; Turunen, Tauno; Nilsson, Hans; Sergienko, Tima; Safargaleev, Vladimir; Kauristie, Kirsti
    article=A06306; doi=10.1029/2006JA012244; pubdate=08 June 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  26. Title=Radiation belt electrons respond to multiple solar wind inputs
    Authors=Rigler, E. J.; Wiltberger, M.; Baker, D. N.
    article=A06208; doi=10.1029/2006JA012181; pubdate=05 June 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, SPDF, OMNI
  27. Title=Reconciling the electron counterstreaming and dropout occurrence rates with the heliospheric flux budget
    Authors=Owens, M. J.; Crooker, N. U.
    article=A06106; doi=10.1029/2006JA012159; pubdate=05 June 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI
  28. Title=Dayside reconnection enhancement resulting from a solar wind dynamic pressure increase
    Authors=Boudouridis, A.; Lyons, L. R.; Zesta, E.; Ruohoniemi, J. M.
    article=A06201; doi=10.1029/2006JA012141; pubdate=02 June 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  29. Title=Cluster observations of broadband ULF waves near the dayside polar cap boundary: Two detailed multi-instrument event studies
    Authors=Matsui, H.; Puhl-Quinn, P. A.; Torbert, R. B.; Baumjohann, W.; Farrugia, C. J.; Mouikis, C. G.; Lucek, E. A.; Décréau, P. M. E.; Paschmann, G.
    article=A07218; doi=10.1029/2007JA012251; pubdate=26 July 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  30. Title=Comparison of COSMIC ionospheric measurements with ground-based observations and model predictions: Preliminary results
    Authors=Lei, Jiuhou; Syndergaard, Stig; Burns, Alan G.; Solomon, Stanley C.; Wang, Wenbin; Zeng, Zhen; Roble, Raymond G.; Wu, Qian; Kuo, Ying-Hwa; Holt, John M.; Zhang, Shun-Rong; Hysell, David L.; Rodrigues, Fabiano S.; Lin, Chien H.
    article=A07308; doi=10.1029/2006JA012240; pubdate=25 July 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC
  31. Title=Penetration electric fields driving main phase Dst
    Authors=Burke, William J.; Gentile, Louise C.; Huang, Cheryl Y.
    article=A07208; doi=10.1029/2006JA012137; pubdate=11 July 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  32. Title=Evaluation of the turbulent energy cascade rates from the upper inertial range in the solar wind at 1 AU
    Authors=Vasquez, Bernard J.; Smith, Charles W.; Hamilton, Kathleen; MacBride, Benjamin T.; Leamon, Robert J.
    article=A07101; doi=10.1029/2007JA012305; pubdate=07 July 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI
  33. Title=Slot region electron loss timescales due to plasmaspheric hiss and lightning-generated whistlers
    Authors=Meredith, Nigel P.; Horne, Richard B.; Glauert, Sarah A.; Anderson, Roger R.
    article=A08214; doi=10.1029/2007JA012413; pubdate=31 August 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb
  34. Title=Multiple magnetic reconnection sites associated with a coronal mass ejection in the solar wind
    Authors=Gosling, J. T.; Eriksson, S.; McComas, D. J.; Phan, T. D.; Skoug, R. M.
    article=A08106; doi=10.1029/2007JA012418; pubdate=24 August 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  35. Title=Solar wind structure suggested by bimodal correlations of solar wind speed and density between the spacecraft SOHO and Wind
    Authors=Ogilvie, K. W.; Coplan, M. A.; Roberts, D. A.; Ipavich, F.
    article=A08104; doi=10.1029/2007JA012248; pubdate=15 August 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb
  36. Title=Spectra of polar heliospheric fields and implications for field structure
    Authors=Roberts, D. Aaron; Giacalone, Joe; Jokipii, J. R.; Goldstein, Melvyn L.; Zepp, Timothy D.
    article=A08103; doi=10.1029/2007JA012247; pubdate=15 August 2007
    Keyword found:COHOWeb, NSSDC, SPDF
  37. Title=Role of excited N2in the production of nitric oxide
    Authors=Campbell, L.; Cartwright, D. C.; Brunger, M. J.
    article=A08303; doi=10.1029/2007JA012337; pubdate=10 August 2007
    Keyword found:ModelWeb
  38. Title=Probing the boundary between antiparallel and component reconnection during southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions
    Authors=Trattner, K. J.; Mulcock, J. S.; Petrinec, S. M.; Fuselier, S. A.
    article=A08210; doi=10.1029/2007JA012270; pubdate=10 August 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI
  39. Title=Modeling the electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave-induced formation of detached subauroral proton arcs
    Authors=Jordanova, V. K.; Spasojevic, M.; Thomsen, M. F.
    article=A08209; doi=10.1029/2006JA012215; pubdate=10 August 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  40. Title=Modeling the propagation characteristics of chorus using CRRES suprathermal electron fluxes
    Authors=Bortnik, J.; Thorne, R. M.; Meredith, N. P.
    article=A08204; doi=10.1029/2006JA012237; pubdate=07 August 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb
  41. Title=Magnetospheric convection during intermediate driving: Sawtooth events and steady convection intervals as seen in Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry global MHD simulations
    Authors=Goodrich, C. C.; Pulkkinen, T. I.; Lyon, J. G.; Merkin, V. G.
    article=A08201; doi=10.1029/2006JA012155; pubdate=02 August 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  42. Title=Heliomagnetic field near Earth, 1428–2005
    Authors=McCracken, K. G.
    article=A09106; doi=10.1029/2006JA012119; pubdate=22 September 2007
    Keyword found:COHOWeb
  43. Title=Energetic neutral atom response to solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements
    Authors=Lee, D.-Y.; Ohtani, S.; Brandt, P. C.; Lyons, L. R.
    article=A09210; doi=10.1029/2007JA012399; pubdate=11 September 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb *
  44. Title=Solar wind control of plasma number density in the near-Earth plasma sheet
    Authors=Nagata, D.; Machida, S.; Ohtani, S.; Saito, Y.; Mukai, T.
    article=A09204; doi=10.1029/2007JA012284; pubdate=08 September 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, NSSDC
  45. Title=Propagation and evolution of a magnetic cloud from ACE to Ulysses
    Authors=Du, D.; Wang, C.; Hu, Q.
    article=A09101; doi=10.1029/2007JA012482; pubdate=08 September 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC
  46. Title=Interhourly variability index of geomagnetic activity and its use in deriving the long-term variation of solar wind speed
    Authors=Svalgaard, Leif; Cliver, Edward W.
    article=A10111; doi=10.1029/2007JA012437; pubdate=31 October 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, modelweb
  47. Title=Sources, transport, and distributions of plasma sheet ions and electrons and dependences on interplanetary parameters under northward interplanetary magnetic field
    Authors=Wang, Chih-Ping; Lyons, Larry R.; Nagai, Tsugunobu; Weygand, James M.; McEntire, Richard W.
    article=A10224; doi=10.1029/2007JA012522; pubdate=30 October 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  48. Title=Ground magnetometer observation of a cross-phase reversal at a steep plasmapause
    Authors=Kale, Z. C.; Mann, I. R.; Waters, C. L.; Goldstein, J.; Menk, F. W.; Ozeke, L. G.
    article=A10222; doi=10.1029/2007JA012367; pubdate=27 October 2007
    Keyword found:SSCWeb
  49. Title=Beam-plasma interaction in randomly inhomogeneous plasmas and statistical properties of small-amplitude Langmuir waves in the solar wind and electron foreshock
    Authors=Krasnoselskikh, V. V.; Lobzin, V. V.; Musatenko, K.; Soucek, J.; Pickett, J. S.; Cairns, I. H.
    article=A10109; doi=10.1029/2006JA012212; pubdate=26 October 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, OMNI
  50. Title=Electrodynamics of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling and feedback on magnetospheric field line resonances
    Authors=Lu, J. Y.; Rankin, R.; Marchand, R.; Rae, I. J.; Wang, W.; Solomon, S. C.; Lei, J.
    article=A10219; doi=10.1029/2006JA012195; pubdate=19 October 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC
  51. Title=Equatorial Ionospheric Electric Fields During the November 2004 Magnetic Storm
    Authors=Fejer, B. G.; Jensen, J. W.; Kikuchi, T.; Abdu, M. A.; Chau, J. L.
    article=A10304; doi=10.1029/2007JA012376; pubdate=16 October 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  52. Title=Solar wind time history contribution to the day-of-year variation in geomagnetic activity
    Authors=Weigel, R. S.
    article=A10207; doi=10.1029/2007JA012324; pubdate=12 October 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, ModelWeb, SPDF
  53. Title=Experimental evidence of D region heating by lightning-induced electromagnetic pulses on MF radio links
    Authors=Farges, Thomas; Blanc, Elisabeth; Tanguy, Michel
    article=A10302; doi=10.1029/2007JA012285; pubdate=05 October 2007
  54. Title=“Compression aurora”: Particle precipitation driven by long-duration high solar wind ram pressure
    Authors=Liou, Kan; Newell, Patrick T.; Shue, Jih-Hong; Meng, Ching-I; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Kojima, Hirotsugu; Matsumoto, Hiroshi
    article=A11216; doi=10.1029/2007JA012443; pubdate=28 November 2007;
    Keyword found:NSSDC, SPDF
  55. Title=Self-similar scaling of kinetic energy density in the inertial range of solar wind turbulence
    Authors=Podesta, J. J.
    article=A11104; doi=10.1029/2007JA012549; pubdate=27 November 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  56. Title=Global morphology of substorm growth phases observed by the IMAGE-SI12 imager
    Authors=Coumans, V.; Blockx, C.; Gérard, J.-C.; Hubert, B.; Connors, M.
    article=A11211; doi=10.1029/2007JA012329; pubdate=16 November 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  57. Title=Correlative variations of the neutral atom emission in the high-altitude cusp and the fast anti-sunward convection in the low-altitude cusp
    Authors=Murata, Y.; Taguchi, S.; Hosokawa, K.; Nakao, A.; Collier, M. R.; Moore, T. E.; Sato, N.; Yamagishi, H.; Yukimatu, A. S.
    article=A11208; doi=10.1029/2007JA012404; pubdate=13 November 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  58. Title=Simultaneous observations of fluctuating cusp aurora and low-latitude magnetopause reconnection
    Authors=Fuselier, S. A.; Petrinec, S. M.; Trattner, K. J.; Fujimoto, M.; Hasegawa, H.
    article=A11207; doi=10.1029/2007JA012252; pubdate=13 November 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  59. Title=Correlation of the subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) with the Dst index during severe magnetic storms
    Authors=Huang, Chao-Song; Foster, John C.
    article=A11302; doi=10.1029/2007JA012584; pubdate=10 November 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  60. Title=Equator-S observations of drift mirror mode waves in the dawnside magnetosphere
    Authors=Rae, I. Jonathan; Mann, Ian R.; Watt, Clare E. J.; Kistler, Lynn M.; Baumjohann, Wolfgang
    article=A11203; doi=10.1029/2006JA012064; pubdate=06 November 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  61. Title=Modeling long duration meteor trails
    Authors=Dyrud, Lars P.; Kudeki, Erhan; Oppenheim, Meers
    article=A12307; doi=10.1029/2007JA012692; pubdate=29 December 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC, IRI
  62. Title=Statistical comparison of WINDII auroral green line emission rate with DMSP/SSJ4 electron energy input for high and low solar flux years
    Authors=Lee, Y.-S.; Shepherd, G. G.
    article=A12301; doi=10.1029/2007JA012323; pubdate=01 December 2007
    Keyword found:ModelWeb, IRI

Science Enabled Research Papers in GRL for 2007 (25 out of 612 papers)\

  1. Title=Extreme lunar surface charging during solar energetic particle events
    Authors=Halekas, J. S.; Delory, G. T.; Brain, D. A.; Lin, R. P.; Fillingim, M. O.; Lee, C. O.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Stubbs, T. J.; Farrell, W. M.; Hudson, M. K.
    article=L02111; doi=10.1029/2006GL028517; pubdate=30 January 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  2. Title=A coupling function for solar wind effect on geomagnetic activity
    Authors=Lyatsky, W.; Lyatskaya, Sonya; Tan, Arjun
    article=L02107 doi=10.1029/2006GL027666 pubdate=23 January 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDCFTP
  3. Title=Differences in geomagnetic storms driven by magnetic clouds and ICME sheath regions
    Authors=Pulkkinen, T. I.; Partamies, N.; Huttunen, K. E. J.; Reeves, G. D.; Koskinen, H. E. J.
    article=L02105l doi=10.1029/2006GL027775; pubdate=23 January 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  4. Title=Observation of repeated intense near-Earth reconnection on closed field lines with Cluster, Double Star, and other spacecraft
    Authors=Sergeev, V.; Semenov, V.; Kubyshkina, M.; Ivanova, V.; Baumjohann, W.; Nakamura, R.; Penz, T.; Runov, A.; Zhang, T. L.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Angelopoulos, V.; Frey, H.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Daly, P.; Cao, J. B.; Singer, H.; Lucek, E.
    article=L02103; doi=10.1029/2006GL028452; pubdate=20 January 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  5. Title=Data-driven solar wind model and prediction of type II bursts
    Authors=Florens, M. S. L.; Cairns, Iver H.; Knock, S. A.; Robinson, P. A.
    article=L04104; doi=10.1029/2006GL028522; pubdate=21 February 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  6. Title=Direct evidence for prolonged magnetic reconnection at a continuous x-line within the heliospheric current sheet
    Authors=Gosling, J. T.; Eriksson, S.; Phan, T. D.; Larson, D. E.; Skoug, R. M.; McComas, D. J.
    article=L06102; doi=10.1029/2006GL029033; pubdate=20 March 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  7. Title=Possible persistent ionization caused by giant blue jets
    Authors=Lehtinen, Nikolai G.; Inan, Umran S.
    article=L08804; doi=10.1029/2006GL029051; pubdate=18 April 2007
    Keyword found:ModelWeb, IRI
  8. Title=Oscillation of Venus’ upper atmosphere
    Authors=Forbes, J. M.; Konopliv, A.
    article=L08202; doi=10.1029/2007GL029252; pubdate=17 April 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC
  9. Title=Seasonal-longitudinal variation of substorm occurrence frequency: Evidence for ionospheric control
    Authors=Wang, H.; Lühr, H.
    article=L07104; doi=10.1029/2007GL029423; pubdate=07 April 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, NSSDC
  10. Title=Revisiting Titan’s Earth-based scattering data at 13 cm-λ
    Authors=Sultan-Salem, Ahmed K.; Tyler, G. Leonard
    article=L12201; doi=10.1029/2007GL029928; pubdate=21 June 2007;
    Keyword found:OMNI
  11. Title=Effect of Interplanetary Shocks on the AL and Dst Indices
    Authors=Mays, M. L.; Horton, W.; Kozyra, J.; Zurbuchen, T. H.; Huang, C.; Spencer, E.
    article=L11104; doi=10.1029/2007GL029844; pubdate=06 June 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  12. Title=Large, abrupt pressure decreases as a substorm onset trigger
    Authors=Liou, Kan
    article=L14107; doi=10.1029/2007GL029909; pubdate=21 July 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC, SPDF
  13. Title=Strong bulk plasma acceleration in Earth’s magnetosheath: A magnetic slingshot effect?
    Authors=Lavraud, B.; Borovsky, J. E.; Ridley, A. J.; Pogue, E. W.; Thomsen, M. F.; Rème, H.; Fazakerley, A. N.; Lucek, E. A.
    article=L14102; doi=10.1029/2007GL030024; pubdate=18 July 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI
  14. Title=On the seasonal variation of electric and magnetic turbulence at high latitudes
    Authors=Golovchanskaya, I. V.
    article=L13103; doi=10.1029/2007GL030125; pubdate=10 July 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI
  15. Title=On the cause of IMF By related mid- and low latitude magnetic disturbances
    Authors=Vennerstrom, S.; Christiansen, F.; Olsen, N.; Moretto, T.
    article=L16101; doi=10.1029/2007GL030175; pubdate=16 August 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI, NSSDC
  16. Title=Prevalence of magnetic reconnection at small field shear angles in the solar wind
    Authors=Gosling, J. T.; Phan, T. D.; Lin, R. P.; Szabo, A.
    article=L15110; doi=10.1029/2007GL030706; pubdate=15 August 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb, OMNI
  17. Title=Ray tracing of penetrating chorus and its implications for the radiation belts
    Authors=Bortnik, J.; Thorne, R. M.; Meredith, N. P.; Santolik, O.
    article=L15109; doi=10.1029/2007GL030040; pubdate=14 August 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, NSSDC
  18. Title=On the fractal nature of the magnetic field energy density in the solar wind
    Authors=Hnat, B.; Chapman, S. C.; Kiyani, K.; Rowlands, G.; Watkins, N. W.
    article=L15108; doi=10.1029/2007GL029531; pubdate=10 August 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  19. Title=What drives magnetospheric activity under northward IMF conditions?
    Authors=Pulkkinen, T. I.; Palmroth, M.; McPherron, R. L.
    article=L18104; doi=10.1029/2007GL030619; pubdate=22 September 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
  20. Title=Plasma sheet fine structure at high latitude
    Authors=Lennartsson, O. W.; Kistler, L.; Rème, H.
    article=L18103; doi=10.1029/2007GL030753; pubdate=21 September 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  21. Title=Modeling the effects of radial diffusion and plasmaspheric hiss on outer radiation belt electrons
    Authors=Lam, M. M.; Horne, R. B.; Meredith, N. P.; Glauert, S. A.
    article=L20112; doi=10.1029/2007GL031598; pubdate=27 October 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, NSSDC
  22. Title=Five spacecraft observations of oppositely directed exhaust jets from a magnetic reconnection X-line extending > 4.26 × 106 km in the solar wind at 1 AU
    Authors=Gosling, J. T.; Eriksson, S.; Blush, L. M.; Phan, T. D.; Luhmann, J. G.; McComas, D. J.; Skoug, R. M.; Acuna, M. H.; Russell, C. T.; Simunac, K. D.
    article=L20108; doi=10.1029/2007GL031492; pubdate=25 October 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  23. Title=Global view of dayside magnetic reconnection with the dusk-dawn IMF orientation: A statistical study for Double Star and Cluster data
    Authors=Pu, Z. Y.; Zhang, X. G.; Wang, X. G.; Wang, J.; Zhou, X.-Z.; Dunlop, M. W.; Xie, L.; Xiao, C. J.; Zong, Q. G.; Fu, S. Y.; Liu, Z. X.; Carr, C.; Ma, Z. W.; Shen, C.; Lucek, E.; Rème, H.; Escoubet, P.
    article=L20101; doi=10.1029/2007GL030336; pubdate=16 October 2007
    Keyword found:CDAWeb
  24. Title=Search for pick-up ion generated Na+ cyclotron waves at Mercury
    Authors=Boardsen, S. A.; Slavin, J. A.
    article=L22106; doi=10.1029/2007GL031504; pubdate=29 November 2007
    Keyword found:COHOWeb
  25. Title=Electron impact contribution to infrared NO emissions in auroral conditions
    Authors=Campbell, L.; Brunger, M. J.
    article=L22102; doi=10.1029/2007GL031743; pubdate=27 November 2007
    Keyword found:ModelWeb

Science Enabled Research Papers in RS for 2007 (9 out of 148 papers)\

  1. Title=Anomalies of subdiffractive guided wave propagation along metamaterial nanocomponents
    Authors=Alù, A., and N. Engheta
    article=RS6S17; doi=10.1029/2007RS003691; pubdate=7 November 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI
  2. Title=The effective antenna noise figure a for a vertical loop antenna and its application to extremely low frequency/very low frequency atmospheric noise
    Authors=Fraser-Smith, A. C.
    article=RS4026; doi=10.1029/2005RS003387; pubdate=24 August 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI
  3. Title=Resonant modes of circular microstrip radiator loaded with varactor diode
    Authors=Chakravarty, T., S. K. Sanyal, and A. De
    article=RS4024; doi=10.1029/2006RS003577; pubdate=18 August 2007
    Keyword found:OMNI
  4. Title=Localized three-dimensional ionospheric tomography with GPS ground receiver measurements
    Authors=Lee, J. K., F. Kamalabadi, and J. J. Makela
    article=RS4018; doi=10.1029/2006RS003543; pubdate=8 August 2007
    Keyword found:ModelWeb
  5. Title=Effect of geomagnetic activity on the channel scattering functions of HF signals propagating in the region of the midlatitude trough and the auroral zone
    Authors=Zaalov, N. Y., E. M. Warrington, and A. J. Stocker
    article=RS4005; doi=10.1029/2006RS003611; pubdate=11 July 2007
    Keyword found:OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF
  6. Title=A comparison of Magic and FORTE ionosphere measurements
    Authors=Minter, C. F., D. S. Robertson, P. S. J. Spencer, A. R. Jacobson, T. J. Fuller-Rowell, E. A. Araujo-Pradere, and R. W. Moses
    article=RS3026; doi=10.1029/2006RS003460; pubdate=27 June 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC, IRI
  7. Title=On modeling the lower characteristic ELF altitude from aeronomical data
    Authors=Greifinger, P. S., V. C. Mushtak, and E. R. Williams
    article=RS2S12; doi=10.1029/2006RS003500; pubdate=23 March 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC, IRI
  8. Title=Evaluation of International Reference Ionosphere 2000 at a midlatitude station
    Authors=Mansilla, G. A.
    article=RS2007; doi=10.1029/2006RS003536; pubdate=22 March 2007
    Keyword found:ModelWeb, IRI, NSSDC, WDC-R&S
  9. Title=Scintillation modeling using in situ data
    Authors=Wernik, A. W., L. Alfonsi, and M. Materassi
    article=RS1002; doi=10.1029/2006RS003512; pubdate=7 February 2007
    Keyword found:NSSDC