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2022 Solar Physics article

Report generated on 2023/03/31 10:11:32 15 of 156 possible papers ( 10% ) contained references to SPDF keywords


Authors=Suresh, K.; Gopalswamy, N.; Shanmugaraju, A.
Title=Arrival Time Estimates of Earth-Directed CME-Driven Shocks, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01914-1, ID=20909128
Keywords found:omni
Sample usage ( BODY ) = travel time obtained from OMNI data and from the shock list ( ) compiled

Authors=Hajra, Rajkumar
Title=Intense Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs): Association with Solar and Geomagnetic Activities, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01945-8, ID=20979651
Keywords found:omniweb
Sample usage ( BODY ) = shifted to the Earth’s bow shock nose. The 1 minute data are collected from NASA’s OMNIWeb

Authors=Lingri, D.; Mavromichalaki, H.; Abunina, M.; Belov, A.; Eroshenko, E.; Daglis, I.; Abunin, A.
Title=Precursory Signals of Forbush Decreases Not Connected with Shock Waves, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-01951-4, ID=21043319
Keywords found:omni, omniweb
Sample usage ( ACK ) = are due to the IZMIRAN/FEID, ACE/ Wind , OMNI, and NOAA data centers. Thanks are due to the anonymous reviewers for valuable
Sample usage ( BODY ) = are obtained from the OMNIWeb site ( ). The identification of the presence or the absence

Authors=Mishra, Roshan Kumar; Silwal, Ashok; Baral, Rabin; Adhikari, Binod; Braga, Carlos Roberto; Gautam, Sujan Prasad; Das, Priyanka Kumari; Migoya-Orue, Yenca
Title=Wavelet Analysis of Forbush Decreases at High-Latitude Stations During Geomagnetic Disturbances, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-01948-z, ID=21055401
Keywords found:omni, omniweb
Sample usage ( ACK ) = were obtained from the OMNI ( ) site. In addition, cosmic-ray intensity data of five different
Sample usage ( ACK ) = were obtained from the OMNI ( ) site. In addition, cosmic-ray intensity data of five different
Sample usage ( BODY ) = as Nodes on the Internet Web System ( ). Table 1 List of Events studied

Authors=Hajra, Rajkumar; Sunny, Jibin V.
Title=Corotating Interaction Regions during Solar Cycle 24: A Study on Characteristics and Geoeffectiveness, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-01962-1, ID=21055410
Keywords found:omni, omniweb
Sample usage ( BODY ) = the multi-spacecraft-based OMNI database can give complete and reliable statistics of CIRs encountered by Earth
Sample usage ( BODY ) = collected from NASA’s OMNIWeb ( ). These are observations made by the ACE, Wind , IMP

Authors=Reames, Donald V.
Title=Energy Spectra vs. Element Abundances in Solar Energetic Particles and the Roles of Magnetic Reconnection and Shock Acceleration, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-01961-210.48550/arXiv.2112.01568, ID=21071019
Keywords found:cdaweb
Sample usage ( BODY ) = at . Power Laws

Authors=Besliu-Ionescu, Diana; Maris Muntean, Georgeta; Dobrica, Venera
Title=Complex Catalogue of High Speed Streams Associated with Geomagnetic Storms During Solar Cycle 24, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-01998-3, ID=21273415
Keywords found:spdf, omni, omniweb
Sample usage ( ACK ) = that was obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at . We also acknowledge the use of SYM-H data
Sample usage ( ACK ) = for making this software available to our team. We acknowledge the use of OMNI data
Sample usage ( BODY ) = are usually about 1 - 6 h and extremely rarely longer than 24 h. The input data is available online in the OMNI
Sample usage ( ACK ) = that was obtained from the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at . We also acknowledge the use of SYM-H data
Sample usage ( BODY ) = database - (King and Papitashvili, 2005 ). The chosen input

Authors=Firoz, Kazi A.; Gan, W. Q.; Li, Y. P.; Rodriguez-Pacheco, J.; Dorman, L. I.
Title=Duration and Fluence of Major Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Events, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-01994-7, ID=21285706
Keywords found:omni, omniweb
Sample usage ( BODY ) = Operational Environmental Satellite ) and processed by the research group of OMNI-NASA (e.g. King and Papitashvili, 2005 ;
Sample usage ( BODY ) = Operational Environmental Satellite ) and processed by the research group of OMNI-NASA (e.g. King and Papitashvili, 2005 ;

Authors=Frost, Anna Marie; Owens, Mathew; Macneil, Allan; Lockwood, Mike
Title=Estimating the Open Solar Flux from In-Situ Measurements, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-02004-6, ID=21374111
Keywords found:cdaweb
Sample usage ( BODY ) = (which also contains the magnetic field data): We use

Authors=Owens, Mathew J.; Chakraborty, Nachiketa; Turner, Harriet; Lang, Matthew; Riley, Pete; Lockwood, Mike; Barnard, Luke A.; Chi, Yutian
Title=Rate of Change of Large-Scale Solar-Wind Structure, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-02006-4, ID=21374116
Keywords found:omni
Sample usage ( ACK ) = we have used from the ACE and Wind spacecraft, compiled into the OMNI dataset. We have also benefitted from sunspot data
Sample usage ( BODY ) = ). Instead, we here use only the OMNI dataset of near-Earth solar-wind observations (King and Papitashvili, 2005

Authors=Hajra, Rajkumar; Sunny, Jibin V.; Babu, Megha; Nair, Archana Giri
Title=Interplanetary Sheaths and Corotating Interaction Regions: A Comparative Statistical Study on Their Characteristics and Geoeffectiveness, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-02020-6, ID=21416665
Keywords found:omniweb
Sample usage ( BODY ) = are taken from NASA’s OMNIWeb ( ). The plasma is characterized by plasma speed [], density

Authors=Ozguc, Atila; Kilcik, Ali; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl
Title=Temporal and Periodic Variations of the Solar Flare Index During the Last Four Solar Cycles and Their Association with Selected Geomagnetic-Activity Parameters, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-02049-7, ID=21558971
Keywords found:omni2, omni-2, omniweb
Sample usage ( BODY ) = the OMNI2 data for 1964 - 2020 (from Cycles 20 to 24) and found that the gaps are also present
Sample usage ( BODY ) = geomagnetic-activity parameters, except the aa index, were taken from the OMNIWeb data base (

Authors=Takalo, Jouni
Title=Extracting Hale Cycle Related Components from Cosmic-Ray Data Using Principal Component Analysis, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-02048-810.48550/arXiv.2206.09350, ID=21558973
Keywords found:spdf, omni, omni2, omni-2
Sample usage ( ACK ) = from . I am also grateful to I. Usoskin for useful communications.
Sample usage ( ACK ) = from . I am also grateful to I. Usoskin for useful communications.
Sample usage ( BODY ) = MCI, and Bv 2 , respectively. Note that OMNI data, which are used to calculate Bv 2 exist
Sample usage ( ACK ) = from , the monthly solar corona data from , and the OMNI2 data

Authors=Patel, Binal D.; Joshi, Bhuwan; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Kim, Rok-Soon; Moon, Yong-Jae
Title=Near-Earth Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and Their Association with DH Type II Radio Bursts During Solar Cycles 23 and 24, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-02073-710.48550/arXiv.2210.14535, ID=21697710
Keywords found:space physics data facility, omni, omniweb
Sample usage ( ACK ) = and NASA. We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service and OMNI data.
Sample usage ( ACK ) = and NASA. We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service and OMNI data.
Sample usage ( BODY ) = passage. The value of is obtained from the OMNI database in GSM coordinate system at 1 minute
Sample usage ( ACK ) = and NASA. We acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service and OMNI data.

Authors=Echer, Ezequiel; Franco, Adriane Marques de Souza; da Costa Junior, Edio; Hajra, Rajkumar; Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves
Title=Solar-Wind High-Speed Stream (HSS) Alfven Wave Fluctuations at High Heliospheric Latitudes: Ulysses Observations During Two Solar-Cycle Minima, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11207-022-02070-w, ID=21876478
Keywords found:omniweb, cohoweb
Sample usage ( BODY ) = were collected from NASA COHOWeb ( ). The 1-day data are used to show an overview
Sample usage ( BODY ) = were collected from NASA COHOWeb ( ). The 1-day data are used to show an overview