Image of Earth's magnetosphere

Access to the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) public archive by directory, with additional access methods(including web services).

CDAWeb Data Plot

Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) provides data browsing and downloads in many formats, with access via web services, for most heliophysics level-2 datasets in CDF and netCDF files. Pre-generated plots for some missions can be easily viewed with Plot Walk (new)

SSCWeb Orbit Plot

The Satellite Situation Center (SSCWeb) provides orbits from multiple spacecraft in listings and plots, and interactively with the 4D orbit display. It also enables complex queries based on geophysical regions, magnetic field tracing, and ground stations.

Heliophysics Data Portal (HDP) Cover Image

Search the international registry of heliophysics data products (based on the uniform metadata provided by the uniform Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE) terminology).

NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF)

Heliophysics studies the nature and dynamic interactions of the Sun, the heliosphere, and the plasma environments of the planets and interstellar space. The Heliophysics Digital Resource Library (HDRL) archives and serves the heliophysics data, as a project in the Heliophysics Science Division (HSD) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) is the active and permanent archive for the space physics data, while solar data is archived at Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC), as components of the HDRL, per NASA’s Heliophysics Science Data Management Policy. Visit NASA Heliophysics Data for more information, policy, and document templates.

SPDF provides multi-project, cross-disciplinary access to data to enable correlative and collaborative research across discipline and mission boundaries with present and past missions. Many datasets from current missions are updated regularly (even daily), including reprocessed data for older time periods, and SPDF only preserves the latest version. SPDF maintains the CDAWeb data explorer and browsing system, the SSCweb database of spacecraft orbits, the OMNIWeb cross-normalized database, and the Common Data Format (CDF) self-describing science data format and associated software.

News & Announcements

2024 September: The PSP data have been extended to June 2024 (availability depending on the data sets), covering Encounters 18 and 19 and some of Orbit 20. Please check the system, the PSP inventory plot and the annual inventory plots for details.

2024 April: The statistics and lists of SPDF data and services acknowledged in professional journals has been updated for year 2023.

Join Email list for SPDF Announcements related to SPDF software and services (changes, upgrades, outages). Postings will be very infrequent but are especially useful to regular users of our services.

Please contact us with any questions, problems, suggestions, and other comments by emailing

Image of Earth's magnetosphere

Access to the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) public archive by directory, with additional access methods(including web services).

CDAWeb Data Plot

Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) provides data browsing and downloads in many formats, with access via web services, for most heliophysics level-2 datasets in CDF and netCDF files. Pre-generated plots for some missions can be easily viewed with Plot Walk (new)

SSCWeb Orbit Plot

The Satellite Situation Center (SSCWeb) provides orbits from multiple spacecraft in listings and plots, and interactively with the 4D orbit display. It also enables complex queries based on geophysical regions, magnetic field tracing, and ground stations.

Image of Earth's magnetosphere

Search the international registry of heliophysics data products (based on the uniform metadata provided by the uniform Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE) terminology).

Mission data flowing to archive

Process and requirements for submitting new data to HDRL archives (SPDF and SDAC)

Image of Earth's magnetosphere

The OMNI dataset provides cross-normalized solar wind field and plasma data mapped to the nose of the bow shock, geomagnetic and solar activity indices, and energetic particle flux data. COHOweb provides access to magnetic field, plasma, energetic particle, and spacecraft position (also at HelioWeb) data from many deep-space spacecraft (Voyager, Ulysses, STEREO, Pioneer, Helios, etc.).

CDF Logo

CDF scientific file format stores multi-dimensional data in a platform-independent self-describing format, with associated software libraries, including SKTeditor for defining the structure and metadata for new datasets.

Mission data flowing to archive

Process and requirements for submitting new data to HDRL archives (SPDF and SDAC)