Data Products of the IMP-8 GME

H, He & Ion Differential Fluxes


H and He Fluxes at 30 Minute Resolution
H, He, Ion fluxes at 6 hour resolution

The data consist of 71 bins including

  • 30 H differential fluxes 0.5-500 MeV
  • 21 He differential fluxes 1.2-80 MeV/nuc
  • a relativistic electron "flux" and "background" approximately 3-18 MeV
  • 18 event-type and singles rates.

The data consist of 96 bins including

  • 30 H differential fluxes 0.5-500 MeV
  • 29 He differential fluxes 1.2-500 MeV/nuc
  • 17 Ion differential fluxes 1.5-40 MeV/nuc
  • a relativistic electron "flux" and "background" approximately 3-18 MeV
  • 18 event-type and singles rates.

A detailed listing of all energy bands and rates in the 30 minute product

A detailed listing of all energy bands and rates in the 6 hour product


1. Data Content and Usage (Fluxes)

Units of flux are counts/sec-cm2-ster-MeV/nuc and of rates are counts/second. Statistical uncertainties are included with all fluxes and rates. Data are at a time resolution optimal for many solar and interplanetary studies (including H and sometimes He spectra) given the statistics usually possible with the GME telemetry rates and GME geometry factors. The flux bands in these data are defined for optimal measurements of solar and interplanetary particles. More tightly defined flux bands are more appropriate for quiet-time galactic and anomalous cosmic ray studies.

Various issues in using these data are included in the instrument description, including definition of the various rates. Users of this data must bear in mind that

and from both these factors, there are UNAVOIDABLE complexities and detailed considerations in the correct and appropriate use of this data. Several specific points of particular importance:





The points above are direct examples of the complexity in making higher-resolution but processed data available. In all cases, the ultimate determination of data validity and meaning in a given instance is dependent on examination of the detailed pulse-height data in "matrix" format, because such examination is the definitive way that contamination or increased background importance can be assessed. Users therefore need to be somewhat cautious in using this data and be careful not to overinterpret features before consulting with the PI team.


2. Graphical Access (Fluxes) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Graphical access will be supported by conversion of the data to the ISTP/IACG standard format (the NSSDC's Common Data Format or CDF) following the ISTP/IACG implementation guidelines and loading of the data to the Space Physics Data Facility's CDAWeb system also now used to access e.g. ISTP Key Parameters. CDAWeb will allow very quick plots of selected data on user-specifiable time scales as well as the ability to list/retrieve data in ASCII.The conversion and loading process is underway at this time.


3. Digital Data Access (Fluxes)

Access to digital flux data will be supported in two modes, FTP access to binary files and CDAWeb access to ASCII versions of the data.

H and He Fluxes at 30 Minute Resolution

H, He, Ion fluxes at 6 hour Resolution

Binary Data*

Directory Listing/File Transfer
(for 30 Minute Averages)
Directory Listing/File Transfer
(for 6-Hour Averages)

ASCII Data (via CDAWeb)

Select IMP-8, Energetic Particles and I8_H0_GME dataset

*Please see below for detailed file and format description.
*Please remember to transfer data in binary, or source, or raw data, mode.


Specification of GME Binary Flux File Naming and Format

H and He Fluxes at 30 Minute Resolution

H, He, Ion fluxes at 6 hour Resolution

File Properties

30 minute files typically cover 6 months of data each and are typically 5 MBytes in length.

6 hour files typically cover 2 years of data each and are typically 2 MBytes in length.

File Naming

[YYMMDD is the starting year, month, day of month of a file]

30 Minute Files:

6 Hour Files:

File Structure

Header length

  • total 77 lines
  • or 5782 bytes

Each logical data record in a 30 minute average file is 574 bytes long.

Header length

  • total 102 lines
  • or 7732 bytes

Each logical data record in a 6 hour average file is 774 bytes long.


The binary file format for this data is an instance of the PC-Rate self-describing format developed by the Low Energy Cosmic Ray group at the Goddard Laborartory for High Energy Astrophysics (LHEA) and now supporting instrument operations and data analysis for the Wind EPACT experiment.

The files start with a set of ASCII header records each terminated by a carriage-return/line-feed (included in the byte count to the right). The header records include the time coverage and identification of the variables in the file and entirely define the content and format of the following data records.

The header records are followed by a set of binary fixed-length logical data records (no explicit record separators), one for each time. Detailed formats as below. All binary words are in IBM PC byte order and integer / floating point representation.

Logical Data Record Structure

- An integer of fixed value 0 (in integer*2 format)

- The centered time of the record in seconds from January 1, 1970 in real*4 format

- 30 H fluxes and uncertainties, all real*4, in order flux, uncertainty, flux uncertainty etc

- 21 He fluxes and uncertainties, format and order as above

- 2 electron fluxes (nominal and background), format and order as above

- 18 event and singles rates, format and order as above

- An integer of fixed value 0 (zero) (in integer*2 format)

- The centered time of the record in seconds from January 1, 1970 in real*4 format

- 30 H fluxes and uncertainties, all real*4, in order flux, uncertainty, flux uncertainty etc

- 29 He fluxes and uncertainties, format and order as above

- 17 Ion fluxes and uncertainties, format and order as above

- 2 electron fluxes (nominal and background), format and order as above

- 18 event and singles rates, format and order as above

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Questions or Comments

Contact Information

Questions about GME data and/or instrumentation should be directed to the NASA Principal Investigator:

Dr. Robert E. McGuire (at
Head, Space Physics Data Facility
Code 672
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt MD 20771 USA
Phone (with phonemail): 301-286-7794

Authors/Authorizing NASA Official and Curator
Dr. Robert McGuire (see above)
Last Modified: Wednesday 5/6/99 (REM)