Data Products of the IMP-8 GME
Energetic particle data from the IMP-8 Goddard Medium Energy
Experiment (GME) are becoming available in a variety of additional
formats (both graphical and digital). The following page lists:
- Major data products, from "browse" to "high resolution" to
"full telemetry resolution"
- Selected
Instrument Rates (5 rates at 1 hour resolution)
- H, He and
Ion Differential Fluxes
- 71 H and He fluxes, plus rates, at 30 minute resolution
(definitions optimized for SEP studies)
- 96 H, He, Ion fluxes, plus rates, at 6 hour resolution
(definitions optimized for SEP studies)
CONSTRUCTION] 26 H and He fluxes at daily
resolution (definitions optimized for Quiet Time modulation
and GCR studies)
- Full-Telemetry-Resolution
(Binary) GME Data
- Notes on the contents and scientific usage of each data
- Available graphical access and notes
- Available digital data access including format descriptions as
appropriate and additional notes
- Additional notes (including plans)
Users should ALWAYS look at the usage notes before making use of
this data in any form, as well as the general
instrument description writeup for
the GME. Users are reminded that ALL instrument data of this nature
should be treated with some caution, particularly higher-resolution
products where detailed scanning/editing is often not possible for
all data, and the usage notes represent a best effort (and probably
continuously evolving) set of information on how to use this data.
Additional data products are possible and expected shortly (e.g.
VLET fluxes, sectored rates) to more completely capture the GME data
Contact Information
Questions about GME data and/or instrumentation should be directed
to the NASA Principal Investigator:
- Dr. Robert E. McGuire (at
- Head, Space Physics Data Facility
Code 672
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt MD 20771 USA
- Phone (with phonemail): 301-286-7794
Authors/Authorizing NASA Official and Curator
Dr. Robert
McGuire (see above)
Last Modified: 7/21/98