Units of rates are counts/second. Statistical uncertainties are supplied with the rates. There is no normalization for instrument geometry factor applied. This data in graphical does have scaling factors applied to several rates to better separate the traces on the plot. The MED, LED and VLET are GME detector subsystems; please see the instrument description page for additional detail.
The identification of rate data with any specific type of particle is ONLY APPROXIMATE and may NOT be relied upon for anything but a general characterization of the interplanetary environment at IMP-8. It is for this reason that the data are classified as a "browse" or "quicklook" data product that should be used only with a clear understanding of what such data may or may not include. All rate data is subject to extensive contamination for multiple species, the fraction of which may change depending ambient conditions. Solar energetic particle event onset behavior will differ from behavior near peak fluxes, from particles associated with interplanetary shock fronts (which typically have very steep spectra) from quiet times.
Data are produced as linear averages of observed rates for times when data are being collected. There is no attempt to interpolate to fill data gaps in producing these averages.
mechanism but
is also supported. The file naming convention for these plots is IMP8_GME_YYSSS_YYEEE.gif where SSS is the start julian day of the plot, EEE the end julian day and the respective "YY's" the start and end (2-digit) years.
These rate data is accessible at
The file naming for the digital rates is YYYY_SSS_EEE_RATEID, where RATEID is as labeled on the plots and one of
Questions about GME data and/or instrumentation should be directed to the NASA Principal Investigator:
Dr. Robert McGuire (see above)
Last Modified: 7/21/98 REM