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Acknowledgments of SPDF in 2015

The AGU journals ‘Space Weather’, ‘Journal of Geophysical Research/Space Physics’, ‘Geophysical Research Letters’, and ‘Radio Science’ were searched for acknowledgments of services developed and supported by NASA/Goddard’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF).

Keywords searched and the number of occurrences across all four journals:

OMNI and/or OMNIWeb were referenced in 225 papers
CDAWeb was referenced in 133 papers
Space Physics Data Facility and/or SPDF was referenced in 98 papers
SPDF-FTP was referenced in 28 papers
SSCWeb or TIPSOD was referenced in 6 papers
COHOWeb and/or ATMOweb/ftpbrowser was referenced in 6 papers
VITMO-models was referenced in 35 papers
NSSDC was referenced in 12 papers

   Journal    Total number     Number of papers      Percentage
                of papers     with acknowledgment        
   SW              63               18                 29 %
   JGR            732              251                 34 %
   GRL           1211(all areas)    52                 
   RS              99                7                  7 %  

Science Enabled Research Papers in Space Weather journal for 2015

1. Title=Assessing predictive ability of three auroral precipitation models using DMSP energy flux
Authors=Cory Lane Ariel Acebal Yihua Zheng
article=2014SW001085; doi=10.1002/2014SW001085; pubdate=20 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNI2

2. Title=Probabilistic forecasting analysis of geomagnetic indices for southward IMF events
Authors=X.-Y. Zhang M. B. Moldwin
article=2014SW001113; doi=10.1002/2014SW001113; pubdate=4 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

3. Title=On the role played by magnetic expansion factor in the prediction of solar wind speed
Authors=Pete Riley Jon A. Linker C. Nick Arge
article=2014SW001144; doi=10.1002/2014SW001144; pubdate=12 MAR 2015
Keywords found: COHOWeb,

4. Title=Extreme relativistic electron fluxes at geosynchronous orbit: Analysis of GOES E %3E 2 MeV electrons
Authors=Nigel P. Meredith Richard B. Horne John D. Isles Juan V. Rodriguez
article=2014SW001143; doi=10.1002/2014SW001143; pubdate=16 MAR 2015
Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, NSSDC

5. Title=An empirical model of electron and ion fluxes derived from observations at geosynchronous orbit
Authors=M. H. Denton M. F. Thomsen V. K. Jordanova M. G. Henderson J. E. Borovsky J. S. Denton D. Pitchford D. P. Hartley
article=2015SW001168; doi=10.1002/2015SW001168; pubdate=18 APR 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

6. Title=Recent DMSP Data Unavailable From NOAA
Authors=W. F. Denig R. J. Redmon W. Rowland
article=2015SW001194; doi=10.1002/2015SW001194; pubdate=12 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

7. Title=Validation for solar wind prediction at Earth: Comparison of coronal and heliospheric models installed at the CCMC
Authors=L. K. Jian P. J. MacNeice A. Taktakishvili D. Odstrcil B. Jackson H.-S. Yu P. Riley I. V. Sokolov R. M. Evans
article=2015SW001174; doi=10.1002/2015SW001174; pubdate=27 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

8. Title=Modeling Chinese ionospheric layer parameters based on EOF analysis
Authors=You Yu Weixing Wan Bo Xiong Zhipeng Ren Biqiang Zhao Yun Zhang Baiqi Ning Libo Liu
article=2014SW001159; doi=10.1002/2014SW001159; pubdate=27 MAY 2015
Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, NSSDC, IRI-2000, IRI-2001, IRI-2007

9. Title=No Major Solar Flares but the Largest Geomagnetic Storm in the Present Solar Cycle
Authors=Y. Kamide K. Kusano
article=2015SW001213; doi=10.1002/2015SW001213; pubdate=15 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb
Sample usage= study were provided by the CDAWeb

10. Title=Predicting the magnetic vectors within coronal mass ejections arriving at Earth: 1. Initial architecture
Authors=N. P. Savani A. Vourlidas A. Szabo M. L. Mays I. G. Richardson B. J. Thompson A. Pulkkinen R. Evans T. Nieves-Chinchilla
article=2015SW001171; doi=10.1002/2015SW001171; pubdate=9 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

11. Title=Using Polar-orbiting Environmental Satellite data to specify the radiation environment up to 1200 km altitude
Authors=T. P. O’Brien J. E. Mazur T. B. Guild M. D. Looper
article=2015SW001166; doi=10.1002/2015SW001166; pubdate=4 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

12. Title=Space weather conditions during the Galaxy 15 spacecraft anomaly
Authors=T. M. Loto\‘aniu H. J. Singer J. V. Rodriguez J. Green W. Denig D. Biesecker V. Angelopoulos
article=2015SW001239; doi=10.1002/2015SW001239; pubdate=10 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

13. Title=Dynamics of the high-latitude ionospheric irregularities during the 17 March 2015 St. Patrick’s Day storm: Ground-based GPS measurements
Authors=Iurii Cherniak Irina Zakharenkova Robert J. Redmon
article=2015SW001237; doi=10.1002/2015SW001237; pubdate=25 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, CGM Modelweb

14. Title=GIC due to storm sudden commencement in low-latitude high-voltage power network in China: Observation and simulation
Authors=J. J. Zhang C. Wang T. R. Sun C. M. Liu K. R. Wang
article=2015SW001263; doi=10.1002/2015SW001263; pubdate=3 OCT 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

15. Title=Automatic analysis of double coronal mass ejections from coronagraph images
Authors=Matthew Jacobs Lin-Ching Chang Antti Pulkkinen Michelangelo Romano
article=2015SW001260; doi=10.1002/2015SW001260; pubdate=17 NOV 2015
Keywords found: FTPBrowser

16. Title=Short-term variation of cosmic radiation measured by aircraft under constant flight conditions
Authors=Jaejin Lee Uk-Won Nam Jeonghyun Pyo Sunghwan Kim Yong-Jun Kwon Jaewon Lee Inchun Park Myung-Hee Y. Kim Tsventan P. Dachev
article=2015SW001288; doi=10.1002/2015SW001288; pubdate=21 NOV 2015
Keywords found: ModelWeb

17. Title=Prediction of MeV electron fluxes throughout the outer radiation belt using multivariate autoregressive models
Authors=Kaori Sakaguchi Tsutomu Nagatsuma Geoffrey D. Reeves Harlan E. Spence
article=2015SW001254; doi=10.1002/2015SW001254; pubdate=22 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, AE-8

18. Title=Assessing the performance of community-available global MHD models using key system parameters and empirical relationships
Authors=E. Gordeev V. Sergeev I. Honkonen M. Kuznetsova L. Rastatter M. Palmroth P. Janhunen G. Toth J. Lyon M. Wiltberger
article=2015SW001307; doi=10.1002/2015SW001307; pubdate=23 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI,

Science Enabled Research Papers in Journal of Geophysical Research / Space Physics for 2015

1. Title=Effects of two large solar energetic particle events on middle atmosphere nighttime odd hydrogen and ozone content: Aura%2FMLS and TIMED%2FSABER measurements
Authors=O. P. Verkhoglyadova S. Wang M. G. Mlynczak L. A. Hunt G. P. Zank
article=2014JA020609; doi=10.1002/2014JA020609; pubdate=13 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

2. Title=Detection of small-scale folds at a solar wind reconnection exhaust
Authors=R. Mistry J. P. Eastwood H. Hietala
article=2014JA020465; doi=10.1002/2014JA020465; pubdate=19 JAN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

3. Title=Statistical study of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection
Authors=A. Ruffenach B. Lavraud C. J. Farrugia P. Demoulin S. Dasso M. J. Owens J.-A. Sauvaud A. P. Rouillard A. Lynnyk C. Foullon N. P. Savani J. G. Luhmann A. B. Galvin
article=2014JA020628; doi=10.1002/2014JA020628; pubdate=22 JAN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

4. Title=A new four-plasma categorization scheme for the solar wind
Authors=Fei Xu Joseph E. Borovsky
article=2014JA020412; doi=10.1002/2014JA020412; pubdate=29 JAN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI2, CCMC

5. Title=Magnetospheric boundary perturbations on MHD and kinetic scales
Authors=S-H Chen G Le M-C Fok
article=2014JA020141; doi=10.1002/2014JA020141; pubdate=8 JAN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

6. Title=Responses of different ion species to fast plasma flows and local dipolarization in the plasma sheet
Authors=S. Ohtani M. Nose Y. Miyashita A. T. Y. Lui
article=2014JA020517; doi=10.1002/2014JA020517; pubdate=15 JAN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

7. Title=Magnetic mapping effects of substorm currents leading to auroral poleward expansion and equatorward retreat
Authors=Xiangning Chu Robert L. McPherron Tung-Shin Hsu Vassilis Angelopoulos Zuyin Pu Zhonghua Yao Hui Zhang Martin Connors
article=2014JA020596; doi=10.1002/2014JA020596; pubdate=19 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

8. Title=Predominance of ECH wave contribution to diffuse aurora in Earth\‘s outer magnetosphere
Authors=Xiao-Jia Zhang Vassilis Angelopoulos Binbin Ni Richard M. Thorne
article=2014JA020455; doi=10.1002/2014JA020455; pubdate=20 JAN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

9. Title=Statistical analysis of the geomagnetic response to different solar wind drivers and the dependence on storm intensity
Authors=R. M. Katus M. W. Liemohn E. L. Ionides R. Ilie D. Welling L. K. Sarno-Smith
article=2014JA020712; doi=10.1002/2014JA020712; pubdate=22 JAN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

10. Title=Upstream proton cyclotron waves at Venus near solar maximum
Authors=M. Delva C. Bertucci M. Volwerk R. Lundin C. Mazelle N. Romanelli
article=2014JA020318; doi=10.1002/2014JA020318; pubdate=22 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

11. Title=TWINS stereoscopic imaging of multiple peaks in the ring current
Authors=J. D. Perez J. Goldstein D. J. McComas P. Valek N. Buzulukova M.-C. Fok H. J. Singer
article=2014JA020662; doi=10.1002/2014JA020662; pubdate=23 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

12. Title=Plasmaspheric hiss properties: Observations from Polar
Authors=Bruce T. Tsurutani Barbara J. Falkowski Jolene S. Pickett Ondrej Santolik Gurbax S. Lakhina
article=2014JA020518; doi=10.1002/2014JA020518; pubdate=27 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

13. Title=ULF wave electromagnetic energy flux into the ionosphere: Joule heating implications
Authors=M. D. Hartinger M. B. Moldwin S. Zou J. W. Bonnell V. Angelopoulos
article=2014JA020129; doi=10.1002/2014JA020129; pubdate=29 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

14. Title=Externally driven plasmaspheric ULF waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
Authors=Kazue Takahashi Richard E. Denton William Kurth Craig Kletzing John Wygant John Bonnell Lei Dai Kyungguk Min Charles W. Smith Robert MacDowall
article=2014JA020373; doi=10.1002/2014JA020373; pubdate=30 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

15. Title=Cutoff latitude variation during solar proton events: Causes and consequences
Authors=H. Nesse Tyssoy J. Stadsnes
article=2014JA020508; doi=10.1002/2014JA020508; pubdate=30 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

16. Title=Evolution of the storm magnetic field disturbance around Earth’s surface and the associated ring current as deduced from multiple ground observatories
Authors=C. Shen G. Zeng X. Li Z. J. Rong
article=2014JA020562; doi=10.1002/2014JA020562; pubdate=30 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

17. Title=Characterization of the energy-dependent response of riometer absorption
Authors=A. C. Kellerman Y. Y. Shprits R. A. Makarevich E. Spanswick E. Donovan G. Reeves
article=2014JA020027; doi=10.1002/2014JA020027; pubdate=8 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI2, NSSDCFTP

18. Title=Localized thermosphere ionization events during the high-speed stream interval of 29 April to 5 May 2011
Authors=O. P. Verkhoglyadova A. J. Mannucci B. T. Tsurutani M. G. Mlynczak L. A. Hunt R. J. Redmon J. C. Green
article=2014JA020535; doi=10.1002/2014JA020535; pubdate=16 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

19. Title=Opposite hemispheric asymmetries during the ionospheric storm of 29-31 August 2004
Authors=Elvira Astafyeva Irina Zakharenkova Eelco Doornbos
article=2014JA020710; doi=10.1002/2014JA020710; pubdate=21 JAN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, International Reference Ionosphere

20. Title=Long-duration geomagnetic storm effects on the D region of the ionosphere: Some case studies using VLF signal
Authors=Abhijit Choudhury Barin Kumar De Anirban Guha Rakesh Roy
article=2014JA020738; doi=10.1002/2014JA020738; pubdate=29 JAN 2015
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

21. Title=Response of the low-latitude D region ionosphere to extreme space weather event of 14-16 December 2006
Authors=Sushil Kumar Abhikesh Kumar Frederick Menk Ajeet K. Maurya Rajesh Singh B. Veenadhari
article=2014JA020751; doi=10.1002/2014JA020751; pubdate=30 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

22. Title=Topside ionospheric irregularities as seen from multisatellite observations
Authors=Irina Zakharenkova Elvira Astafyeva
article=2014JA020330; doi=10.1002/2014JA020330; pubdate=30 JAN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

23. Title=Longitudinal variations of the nighttime E layer electron density in the auroral zone
Authors=Xiaoli Luan Wenbin Wang Xiankang Dou Alan Burns Xinan Yue
article=2014JA020610; doi=10.1002/2014JA020610; pubdate=31 JAN 2015
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

24. Title=Van Allen Probes observations linking radiation belt electrons to chorus waves during 2014 multiple storms
Authors=Si Liu Fuliang Xiao Chang Yang Yihua He Qinghua Zhou C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves H. O. Funsten J. B. Blake D. N. Baker J. R. Wygant
article=2014JA020781; doi=10.1002/2014JA020781; pubdate=3 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

25. Title=Survey of ULF wave signatures seen in the Tasman International Geospace Environment Radars data
Authors=L. Norouzi-Sedeh C. L. Waters F. W. Menk
article=2014JA020652; doi=10.1002/2014JA020652; pubdate=3 FEB 2015
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

26. Title=Interplanetary magnetic field dependence of the suprathermal energetic neutral atoms originated in subsolar magnetopause
Authors=K. Ogasawara M. A. Dayeh H. O. Funsten S. A. Fuselier G. Livadiotis D. J. McComas
article=2014JA020851; doi=10.1002/2014JA020851; pubdate=3 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

27. Title=Statistical altitude distribution of the auroral density cavity
Authors=L. Alm B. Li G. T. Marklund T. Karlsson
article=2014JA020691; doi=10.1002/2014JA020691; pubdate=4 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

28. Title=Acceleration of O%2B from the cusp to the plasma sheet
Authors=J. Liao L. M. Kistler C. G. Mouikis B. Klecker I. Dandouras
article=2014JA020341; doi=10.1002/2014JA020341; pubdate=7 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

29. Title=Electron precipitation models in global magnetosphere simulations
Authors=B. Zhang W. Lotko O. Brambles M. Wiltberger J. Lyon
article=2014JA020615; doi=10.1002/2014JA020615; pubdate=7 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

30. Title=East-west type precursor activity prior to the auroral onset: Ground-based and THEMIS observations
Authors=I. V. Golovchanskaya I. A. Kornilov T. A. Kornilova
article=2014JA020081; doi=10.1002/2014JA020081; pubdate=16 FEB 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

31. Title=Dependence of plasmaspheric hiss on solar wind parameters and geomagnetic activity and modeling of its global distribution
Authors=Kyung-Chan Kim Dae-Young Lee Yuri Shprits
article=2014JA020687; doi=10.1002/2014JA020687; pubdate=17 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2, SPDF

32. Title=Modeling CME-shock-driven storms in 2012-2013: MHD test particle simulations
Authors=M. K. Hudson J. Paral B. T. Kress M. Wiltberger D. N. Baker J. C. Foster D. L. Turner J. R. Wygant
article=2014JA020833; doi=10.1002/2014JA020833; pubdate=19 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

33. Title=Quantitative maps of geomagnetic perturbation vectors during substorm onset and recovery
Authors=N. M. Pothier D. R. Weimer W. B. Moore
article=2014JA020602; doi=10.1002/2014JA020602; pubdate=20 FEB 2015
Keywords found: NSSDCFTP

34. Title=Upper limit on the inner radiation belt MeV electron intensity
Authors=X. Li R. S. Selesnick D. N. Baker A. N. Jaynes S. G. Kanekal Q. Schiller L. Blum J. Fennell J. B. Blake
article=2014JA020777; doi=10.1002/2014JA020777; pubdate=24 FEB 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, AE-8

35. Title=Thermospheric winds around the cusp region
Authors=Cheng Sheng Yue Deng Qian Wu Aaron Ridley Ingemar Haggstr%C3%B6m
article=2014JA020028; doi=10.1002/2014JA020028; pubdate=3 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

36. Title=The long-duration positive storm effects in the equatorial ionosphere over Jicamarca
Authors=Jiawei Kuai Libo Liu Jing Liu Biqiang Zhao Yiding Chen Huijun Le Weixing Wan
article=2014JA020552; doi=10.1002/2014JA020552; pubdate=3 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

37. Title=Ionospheric response to CIR-induced recurrent geomagnetic activity during the declining phase of solar cycle 23
Authors=Yanhong Chen Wenbin Wang Alan G. Burns Siqing Liu Jiancun Gong Xinan Yue Guoying Jiang Anthea Coster
article=2014JA020657; doi=10.1002/2014JA020657; pubdate=16 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

38. Title=Multiscale equatorial electrojet turbulence:Baseline 2-D model
Authors=Ehab Hassan W. Horton A. I. Smolyakov D. R. Hatch S. K. Litt
article=2014JA020387; doi=10.1002/2014JA020387; pubdate=26 FEB 2015
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

39. Title=Interplanetary magnetic field and solar cycle dependence of Northern Hemisphere F region joule heating
Authors=L. M. Bjoland X. Chen Y. Jin A. S. Reimer %C3%85. Skj%C3%A6veland M. R. Wessel J. K. Burchill L. B. N. Clausen S. E. Haaland K. A. McWilliams
article=2014JA020586; doi=10.1002/2014JA020586; pubdate=27 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

40. Title=On the azimuthal evolution and geoeffectiveness of the SIR-associated stream interface
Authors=A. C. Kellerman R. L. McPherron J. M. Weygand
article=2014JA020334; doi=10.1002/2014JA020334; pubdate=9 MAR 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

41. Title=Analysis of a coronal mass ejection and corotating interaction region as they travel from the Sun passing Venus  Earth  Mars  and Saturn
Authors=A. J. Prise L. K. Harra S. A. Matthews C. S. Arridge N. Achilleos
article=2014JA020256; doi=10.1002/2014JA020256; pubdate=23 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

42. Title=Shock-induced prompt relativistic electron acceleration in the inner magnetosphere
Authors=J. C. Foster J. R. Wygant M. K. Hudson A. J. Boyd D. N. Baker P. J. Erickson H. E. Spence
article=2014JA020642; doi=10.1002/2014JA020642; pubdate=9 MAR 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

43. Title=Distinguishing between pulsed and continuous reconnection at the dayside magnetopause
Authors=K. J. Trattner T. G. Onsager S. M. Petrinec S. A. Fuselier
article=2014JA020713; doi=10.1002/2014JA020713; pubdate=11 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

44. Title=Modeling subauroral polarization streams during the 17 March 2013 storm
Authors=Yiqun Yu Vania Jordanova Shasha Zou Roderick Heelis Mike Ruohoniemi John Wygant
article=2014JA020371; doi=10.1002/2014JA020371; pubdate=12 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

45. Title=Are steady magnetospheric convection events prolonged substorms%3F
Authors=M.-T. Walach S. E. Milan
article=2014JA020631; doi=10.1002/2014JA020631; pubdate=12 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

46. Title=A comprehensive analysis of the occurrence and characteristics of midperiod ULF waves at low latitude
Authors=Umberto Villante Pietro Tiberi
article=2014JA020558; doi=10.1002/2014JA020558; pubdate=14 MAR 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

47. Title=Link between premidnight second harmonic poloidal waves and auroral undulations: Conjugate observations with a Van Allen Probe spacecraft and a THEMIS all-sky imager
Authors=T. Motoba K. Takahashi A. Ukhorskiy M. Gkioulidou D. G. Mitchell L. J. Lanzerotti G. I. Korotova E. F. Donovan J. R. Wygant C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth J. B. Blake
article=2014JA020863; doi=10.1002/2014JA020863; pubdate=18 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

48. Title=Spatial structure and temporal evolution of energetic particle injections in the inner magnetosphere during the 14 July 2013 substorm event
Authors=Matina Gkioulidou S. Ohtani D. G. Mitchell A. Y. Ukhorskiy G. D. Reeves D. L. Turner J. W. Gjerloev M. Nose K. Koga J. V. Rodriguez L. J. Lanzerotti
article=2014JA020872; doi=10.1002/2014JA020872; pubdate=20 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

49. Title=The global context of the 14 November 2012 storm event
Authors=K.-J. Hwang D. G. Sibeck M.-C. H. Fok Y. Zheng Y. Nishimura J.-J. Lee A. Glocer N. Partamies H. J. Singer G. D. Reeves D. G. Mitchell C. A. Kletzing T. Onsager
article=2014JA020826; doi=10.1002/2014JA020826; pubdate=23 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

50. Title=A 2-D empirical plasma sheet pressure model for substorm growth phase using the Support Vector Regression Machine
Authors=Chao Yue Chih-Ping Wang Larry Lyons Yongli Wang Tung-Shin Hsu Michael Henderson Vassilis Angelopoulos A. T. Y. Lui Tsugunobu Nagai
article=2014JA020787; doi=10.1002/2014JA020787; pubdate=23 MAR 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

51. Title=Conjugate observations of traveling convection vortices associated with transient events at the magnetopause
Authors=H. Kim C. R. Clauer M. J. Engebretson J. Matzka D. G. Sibeck H. J. Singer C. Stolle D. R. Weimer Z. Xu
article=2014JA020743; doi=10.1002/2014JA020743; pubdate=28 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, CGM

52. Title=Analysis of the effectiveness of ground-based VLF wave observations for predicting or nowcasting relativistic electron flux at geostationary orbit
Authors=Laura E. Simms Mark J. Engebretson A. J. Smith Mark Clilverd Viacheslav Pilipenko Geoffrey D. Reeves
article=2014JA020337; doi=10.1002/2014JA020337; pubdate=30 MAR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

53. Title=Unusual depletion of OI 630.0%E2%80%89nm dayglow and simultaneous mesopause heating during the penetration of interplanetary electric field over dip equator
Authors=S. G. Sumod T. K. Pant C. Vineeth M. M. Hossain
article=2014JA020584; doi=10.1002/2014JA020584; pubdate=4 MAR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

54. Title=Long-term determination of energetic electron precipitation into the atmosphere from AARDDVARK subionospheric VLF observations
Authors=Jason J. Neal Craig J. Rodger Mark A. Clilverd Neil R. Thomson Tero Raita Thomas Ulich
article=2014JA020689; doi=10.1002/2014JA020689; pubdate=12 MAR 2015
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

55. Title=Low-latitude scintillation weakening during sudden stratospheric warming events
Authors=E. R. Paula O. F. Jonah A. O. Moraes E. A. Kherani B. G. Fejer M. A. Abdu M. T. A. H. Muella I. S. Batista S. L. G. Dutra R. R. Paes
article=2014JA020731; doi=10.1002/2014JA020731; pubdate=16 MAR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility, IRI-2012

56. Title=The postsunset vertical plasma drift and its effects on the generation of equatorial plasma bubbles observed by the C%2FNOFS satellite
Authors=Chao-Song Huang Marc R. Hairston
article=2014JA020735; doi=10.1002/2014JA020735; pubdate=19 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

57. Title=Role of neutral wind in the performance of artificial neural-network based TEC models at diverse longitudes in the low latitudes
Authors=D. Sur S. Ray A. Paul
article=2014JA020594; doi=10.1002/2014JA020594; pubdate=28 MAR 2015

58. Title=Shocks inside CMEs: A survey of properties from 1997 to 2006
Authors=N. Lugaz C. J. Farrugia C. W. Smith K. Paulson
article=2014JA020848; doi=10.1002/2014JA020848; pubdate=24 APR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

59. Title=Whistler mode wave generation at the edges of a magnetic dip
Authors=Zeren Zhima Jinbin Cao Huishan Fu Wenlong Liu Lunjin Chen Malcolm Dunlop Xue Min Zhang Xu Hui Shen
article=2014JA020786; doi=10.1002/2014JA020786; pubdate=1 APR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

60. Title=An optimum solar wind coupling function for the AL index
Authors=Robert L. McPherron Tung-Shin Hsu Xiangning Chu
article=2014JA020619; doi=10.1002/2014JA020619; pubdate=6 APR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

61. Title=BARREL observations of an ICME-shock impact with the magnetosphere and the resultant radiation belt electron loss
Authors=A. J. Halford S. L. McGregor K. R. Murphy R. M. Millan M. K. Hudson L. A. Woodger C. A. Cattel A. W. Breneman I. R. Mann W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky M. Gkioulidou J. F. Fennell
article=2014JA020873; doi=10.1002/2014JA020873; pubdate=11 APR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

62. Title=Equatorial noise emissions with quasiperiodic modulation of wave intensity
Authors=F. N%C4%9Bmec O. Santol%C3%ADk Z. Hrb%C3%A1%C4%8Dkov%C3%A1 J. S. Pickett N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin
article=2014JA020816; doi=10.1002/2014JA020816; pubdate=15 APR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

63. Title=Long-term decrease in the response of midlatitude stations to high-speed solar wind streams in 1914-2000
Authors=D. Martini K. Mursula M. Orispaa H.-J. Linthe
article=2014JA020813; doi=10.1002/2014JA020813; pubdate=16 APR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

64. Title=On the local Hurst exponent of geomagnetic field fluctuations: Spatial distribution for different geomagnetic activity levels
Authors=Paola De Michelis Giuseppe Consolini
article=2014JA020685; doi=10.1002/2014JA020685; pubdate=17 APR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, VITMO, CGM

65. Title=A statistical study into the spatial distribution and dawn-dusk asymmetry of dayside magnetosheath ion temperatures as a function of upstream solar wind conditions
Authors=A. P. Dimmock K. Nykyri H. Karimabadi A. Osmane T. I. Pulkkinen
article=2014JA020734; doi=10.1002/2014JA020734; pubdate=22 APR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

66. Title=Solar cycle dependence of substorm occurrence and duration: Implications for onset
Authors=Xiangning Chu Robert L. McPherron Tung-Shin Hsu Vassilis Angelopoulos
article=2015JA021104; doi=10.1002/2015JA021104; pubdate=22 APR 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, NSSDC

67. Title=New model fit functions of the plasmapause location determined using THEMIS observations during the ascending phase of Solar Cycle 24
Authors=Junghee Cho Dae-Young Lee Jin-Hee Kim Dae-Kyu Shin Kyung-Chan Kim Drew Turner
article=2015JA021030; doi=10.1002/2015JA021030; pubdate=27 APR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

68. Title=High-energy radiation belt electrons from CRAND
Authors=R. S. Selesnick
article=2014JA020963; doi=10.1002/2014JA020963; pubdate=30 APR 2015
Keywords found: ModelWeb

69. Title=Theoretical study of zonal differences of electron density at midlatitudes with GITM simulation
Authors=Hui Wang Aaron J. Ridley Jie Zhu
article=2014JA020790; doi=10.1002/2014JA020790; pubdate=1 APR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere

70. Title=Dayside reconnection under interplanetary magnetic field By-dominated conditions: The formation and movement of bending arcs
Authors=J. A. Carter S. E. Milan R. C. Fear A. Kullen M. R. Hairston
article=2014JA020809; doi=10.1002/2014JA020809; pubdate=1 APR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

71. Title=A comprehensive survey of atmospheric quasi 3%E2%80%89day planetary-scale waves and their impacts on the day-to-day variations of the equatorial ionosphere
Authors=Guiping Liu Scott L. England Thomas J. Immel Harald U. Frey Anthony J. Mannucci Nicholas J. Mitchell
article=2014JA020805; doi=10.1002/2014JA020805; pubdate=1 APR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

72. Title=Substorm-induced energetic electron precipitation: Morphology and prediction
Authors=M. J. Beharrell F. Honary C. J. Rodger M. A. Clilverd
article=2014JA020632; doi=10.1002/2014JA020632; pubdate=6 APR 2015
Keywords found: ModelWeb

73. Title=Interhemispheric asymmetry of the equatorial ionization anomaly in solstices observed by COSMIC during 2007-2012
Authors=Xiaoli Luan Pan Wang Xiankang Dou Yong C.-M. Liu
article=2014JA020820; doi=10.1002/2014JA020820; pubdate=15 APR 2015
Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, ModelWeb

74. Title=Field-aligned neutral wind bias correction scheme for global ionospheric modeling at midlatitudes by assimilating FORMOSAT-3%2FCOSMIC hmF2 data under geomagnetically quiet conditions
Authors=Yang-Yi Sun Tomoko Matsuo Naomi Maruyama Jann-Yenq Liu
article=2014JA020768; doi=10.1002/2014JA020768; pubdate=20 APR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

75. Title=Characteristics of PMSE associated with the geomagnetic disturbance driven by corotating interaction region and high-speed solar wind streams in the declining solar cycle 23
Authors=Young-Sook Lee Sheila Kirkwood Young-Sil Kwak Gordon G. Shepherd Kyung-Chan Kim Tae-Yong Yang Antti Kero
article=2015JA021144; doi=10.1002/2015JA021144; pubdate=22 APR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

76. Title=North-south asymmetry in global distribution of the solar wind speed during 1985-2013
Authors=Munetoshi Tokumaru Ken\‘ichi Fujiki Tomoya Iju
article=2014JA020765; doi=10.1002/2014JA020765; pubdate=5 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, COHO, NSSDC

77. Title=THEMIS observations of electrostatic ion cyclotron waves and associated ion heating near the Earth\‘s dayside magnetopause
Authors=Xiangwei Tang Cynthia Cattell Robert Lysak Lynn B. Wilson Lei Dai Scott Thaller
article=2015JA020984; doi=10.1002/2015JA020984; pubdate=6 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

78. Title=Time delay of interplanetary magnetic field penetration into Earth\‘s magnetotail
Authors=Z. J. Rong A. T. Y. Lui W. X. Wan Y. Y. Yang C. Shen A. A. Petrukovich Y. C. Zhang T. L. Zhang Y. Wei
article=2014JA020452; doi=10.1002/2014JA020452; pubdate=6 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

79. Title=Distribution of energetic oxygen and hydrogen in the near-Earth plasma sheet
Authors=E. A. Kronberg E. E. Grigorenko S. E. Haaland P. W. Daly D. C. Delcourt H. Luo L. M. Kistler I. Dandouras
article=2014JA020882; doi=10.1002/2014JA020882; pubdate=7 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

80. Title=Testing the estimated hypothetical response of a major CME impact on Earth and its implications to space weather
Authors=Ramkumar Bala Patricia Reiff C. T. Russell
article=2014JA020739; doi=10.1002/2014JA020739; pubdate=7 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

81. Title=Simulation of ULF wave-modulated radiation belt electron precipitation during the 17 March 2013 storm
Authors=T. Brito M. K. Hudson B. Kress J. Paral A. Halford R. Millan M. Usanova
article=2014JA020838; doi=10.1002/2014JA020838; pubdate=7 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, NSSDC

82. Title=Analysis of temperature versus density plots and their relation to the LLBL formation under southward and northward IMF orientations
Authors=Z. N%C4%9Bme%C4%8Dek J. %C5%A0afr%C3%A1nkov%C3%A1 O. Kruparova L. P%C5%99ech K. Jel%C3%ADnek %C5%A0. Du%C5%A1%C3%ADk J. %C5%A0im%C5%AFnek K. Grygorov J.-H. Shue
article=2014JA020308; doi=10.1002/2014JA020308; pubdate=8 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

83. Title=Transpolar arc observation after solar wind entry into the high-latitude magnetosphere
Authors=B. Mailyan Q. Q. Shi A. Kullen R. Maggiolo Y. Zhang R. C. Fear Q.-G. Zong S. Y. Fu X. C. Gou X. Cao Z. H. Yao W. J. Sun Y. Wei Z. Y. Pu
article=2014JA020912; doi=10.1002/2014JA020912; pubdate=13 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

84. Title=Energetic  relativistic  and ultrarelativistic electrons: Comparison of long-term VERB code simulations with Van Allen Probes measurements
Authors=A. Y. Drozdov Y. Y. Shprits K. G. Orlova A. C. Kellerman D. A. Subbotin D. N. Baker H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves
article=2014JA020637; doi=10.1002/2014JA020637; pubdate=16 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

85. Title=What frequencies of standing surface waves can the subsolar magnetopause support%3F
Authors=M. O. Archer F. Plaschke
article=2014JA020545; doi=10.1002/2014JA020545; pubdate=20 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

86. Title=Reentrant albedo proton fluxes measured by the PAMELA experiment
Authors=O. Adriani G. C. Barbarino G. A. Bazilevskaya R. Bellotti M. Boezio E. A. Bogomolov M. Bongi V. Bonvicini S. Bottai A. Bruno F. Cafagna D. Campana P. Carlson M. Casolino G. Castellini C. De Donato C. De Santis N. De Simone V. Di Felice V. Formato A. M. Galper A. V. Karelin S. V. Koldashov S. Koldobskiy S. Y. Krutkov A. N. Kvashnin A. Leonov V. Malakhov L. Marcelli M. Martucci A. G. Mayorov W. Menn M. Merge V. V. Mikhailov E. Mocchiutti A. Monaco N. Mori R. Munini G. Osteria F. Palma B. Panico P. Papini M. Pearce P. Picozza M. Ricci S. B. Ricciarini R. Sarkar V. Scotti M. Simon R. Sparvoli P. Spillantini Y. I. Stozhkov A. Vacchi E. Vannuccini G. I. Vasilyev S. A. Voronov Y. T. Yurkin G. Zampa N. Zampa
article=2015JA021019; doi=10.1002/2015JA021019; pubdate=26 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

87. Title=Three-dimensional current systems and ionospheric effects associated with small dipolarization fronts
Authors=L. Palin C. Jacquey H. Opgenoorth M. Connors V. Sergeev J.-A. Sauvaud R. Nakamura G. D. Reeves H. J. Singer V. Angelopoulos L. Turc
article=2015JA021040; doi=10.1002/2015JA021040; pubdate=27 MAY 2015
Keywords found: SSCWeb, OMNI, TIPSOD

88. Title=Properties of the lunar wake predicted by analytic models and hybrid-kinetic simulations
Authors=Hossna Gharaee Robert Rankin Richard Marchand Jan Paral
article=2014JA020907; doi=10.1002/2014JA020907; pubdate=29 MAY 2015
Keywords found: SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

89. Title=Ampere force exerted by geomagnetic Sq currents and thermospheric pressure difference
Authors=Masahiko Takeda
article=2014JA020952; doi=10.1002/2014JA020952; pubdate=6 MAY 2015
Keywords found: ModelWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI2012

90. Title=The dependence of the strength and thickness of field-aligned currents on solar wind and ionospheric parameters
Authors=Jay R. Johnson Simon Wing
article=2014JA020312; doi=10.1002/2014JA020312; pubdate=22 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, NSSDC

91. Title=Response of reverse convection to fast IMF transitions
Authors=S. Taguchi A. Tawara M. R. Hairston J. A. Slavin G. Le J. Matzka C. Stolle
article=2015JA021002; doi=10.1002/2015JA021002; pubdate=26 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

92. Title=Properties and drivers of fast interplanetary shocks near the orbit of the Earth (1995-2013)
Authors=E. K. J. Kilpua E. Lumme K. Andreeova A. Isavnin H. E. J. Koskinen
article=2015JA021138; doi=10.1002/2015JA021138; pubdate=17 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNI
Sample usage= Near-Earth Heliospheric data base ( OMNI , a

93. Title=The Langmuir waves associated with the 1 December 2013 type II burst
Authors=D. B. Graham Iver H. Cairns
article=2015JA021120; doi=10.1002/2015JA021120; pubdate=22 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

94. Title=The ULF wave foreshock boundary: Cluster observations
Authors=Nahuel Andres Karim Meziane Christian Mazelle Cesar Bertucci Daniel Gomez
article=2014JA020783; doi=10.1002/2014JA020783; pubdate=1 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

95. Title=Resonance structure and mode transition of quarter-wave ULF pulsations around the dawn terminator
Authors=Yuki Obana Colin L. Waters Murray D. Sciffer Frederick W. Menk Robert L. Lysak Kazuo Shiokawa Anthony W. Hurst Tanja Petersen
article=2015JA021096; doi=10.1002/2015JA021096; pubdate=1 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, CGM, VITMO

96. Title=Comprehensive analysis of the flux dropout during 7-8 November 2008 storm using multisatellite observations and RBE model
Authors=J. Hwang E.-J. Choi J.-S. Park M.-C. Fok D.-Y. Lee K.-C. Kim D.-K. Shin M. E. Usanova G. D. Reeves
article=2015JA021085; doi=10.1002/2015JA021085; pubdate=3 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

97. Title=Impact angle control of interplanetary shock geoeffectiveness: A statistical study
Authors=Denny M. Oliveira Joachim Raeder
article=2015JA021147; doi=10.1002/2015JA021147; pubdate=3 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

98. Title=The effect of different solar wind parameters upon significant relativistic electron flux dropouts in the magnetosphere
Authors=Xinliang Gao Wen Li Jacob Bortnik Richard M. Thorne Quanming Lu Qianli Ma Xin Tao Shui Wang
article=2015JA021182; doi=10.1002/2015JA021182; pubdate=3 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

99. Title=The two-way relationship between ionospheric outflow and the ring current
Authors=D. T. Welling V. K. Jordanova A. Glocer G. Toth M. W. Liemohn D. R. Weimer
article=2015JA021231; doi=10.1002/2015JA021231; pubdate=3 JUN 2015
Keywords found: Space Physics Data Facility

100. Title=Field line distribution of mass density at geostationary orbit
Authors=R. E. Denton Kazue Takahashi Jimyoung Lee C. K. Zeitler N. T. Wimer L. E. Litscher H. J. Singer Kyungguk Min
article=2014JA020810; doi=10.1002/2014JA020810; pubdate=4 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

101. Title=Large-scale jets in the magnetosheath and plasma penetration across the magnetopause: THEMIS observations
Authors=A. V. Dmitriev A. V. Suvorova
article=2014JA020953; doi=10.1002/2014JA020953; pubdate=5 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

102. Title=Electron density enhancements in the polar cap during periods of dayside reconnection
Authors=L. B. N. Clausen J. I. Moen
article=2015JA021188; doi=10.1002/2015JA021188; pubdate=6 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

103. Title=Direct observations of the full Dungey convection cycle in the polar ionosphere for southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions
Authors=Q.-H. Zhang M. Lockwood J. C. Foster S.-R. Zhang B.-C. Zhang I. W. McCrea J. Moen M. Lester J. M. Ruohoniemi
article=2015JA021172; doi=10.1002/2015JA021172; pubdate=9 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, OMNI-2

104. Title=Van Allen Probes investigation of the large-scale duskward electric field and its role in ring current formation and plasmasphere erosion in the 1 June 2013 storm
Authors=S. A. Thaller J. R. Wygant L. Dai A. W. Breneman K. Kersten C. A. Cattell J. W. Bonnell J. F. Fennell Matina Gkioulidou C. A. Kletzing S. De Pascuale G. B. Hospodarsky S. R. Bounds
article=2014JA020875; doi=10.1002/2014JA020875; pubdate=10 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNI

105. Title=Hemispheric asymmetry of subauroral ion drifts: Statistical results
Authors=Xiao-Xin Zhang Fei He Wenbin Wang Bo Chen
article=2015JA021016; doi=10.1002/2015JA021016; pubdate=10 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

106. Title=Assessing the role of oxygen on ring current formation and evolution through numerical experiments
Authors=R. Ilie M. W. Liemohn G. Toth N. Yu Ganushkina L. K. S. Daldorff
article=2015JA021157; doi=10.1002/2015JA021157; pubdate=16 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

107. Title=Energetic electron response to interplanetary shocks at geosynchronous orbit
Authors=Y. Liu Q.-G. Zong
article=2014JA020756; doi=10.1002/2014JA020756; pubdate=17 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

108. Title=Observations of the relationship between ionospheric central polar cap and dayside throat convection velocities  and solar wind%2FIMF driving
Authors=W. A. Bristow E. Amata J. Spaleta M. F. Marcucci
article=2015JA021199; doi=10.1002/2015JA021199; pubdate=17 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

109. Title=Oscillations of energetic ions flux near the Earth\‘s bow shock
Authors=A. A. Petrukovich T. Inamori J. Balaz K. Kudela M. Slivka I. Strharsky V. A. Gladyshev T. Sarris E. Sarris
article=2015JA021077; doi=10.1002/2015JA021077; pubdate=17 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

110. Title=Storm time occurrence and spatial distribution of Pc4 poloidal ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere: A Van Allen Probes statistical study
Authors=Lei Dai Kazue Takahashi Robert Lysak Chi Wang John R. Wygant Craig Kletzing John Bonnell Cynthia A. Cattell Charles W. Smith Robert J. MacDowall Scott Thaller Aaron Breneman Xiangwei Tang Xin Tao Lunjin Chen
article=2015JA021134; doi=10.1002/2015JA021134; pubdate=23 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

111. Title=Observations of magnetospheric high-m poloidal waves by ST-5 satellites in low Earth orbit during geomagnetically quiet times
Authors=P. J. Chi G. Le
article=2015JA021145; doi=10.1002/2015JA021145; pubdate=24 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

112. Title=Response of ionospheric electric fields at mid-low latitudes during sudden commencements
Authors=N. Takahashi Y. Kasaba A. Shinbori Y. Nishimura T. Kikuchi Y. Ebihara T. Nagatsuma
article=2015JA021309; doi=10.1002/2015JA021309; pubdate=27 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

113. Title=Variability of the pitch angle distribution of radiation belt ultrarelativistic electrons during and following intense geomagnetic storms: Van Allen Probes observations
Authors=Binbin Ni Zhengyang Zou Xudong Gu Chen Zhou Richard M. Thorne Jacob Bortnik Run Shi Zhengyu Zhao Daniel N. Baker Shrikhanth G. Kanekal Harlan E. Spence Geoffrey D. Reeves Xinlin Li
article=2015JA021065; doi=10.1002/2015JA021065; pubdate=30 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

114. Title=Solar wind control of ionospheric equivalent currents and their time derivatives
Authors=L. Juusola K. Kauristie M. Kamp E. I. Tanskanen K. Mursula T. Asikainen K. Andreeov%C3%A1 N. Partamies H. Vanhamaki A. Viljanen
article=2015JA021204; doi=10.1002/2015JA021204; pubdate=2 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

115. Title=Three different types of electric field disturbances affecting equatorial ionosphere during a long-duration prompt penetration event
Authors=D. Chakrabarty Diptiranjan Rout R. Sekar R. Narayanan G. D. Reeves Tarun K. Pant B. Veenadhari K. Shiokawa
article=2014JA020759; doi=10.1002/2014JA020759; pubdate=4 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

116. Title=Response of the ionospheric convection reversal boundary at high latitudes to changes in the interplanetary magnetic field
Authors=Y.-J. Chen R. A. Heelis J. A. Cumnock
article=2015JA021024; doi=10.1002/2015JA021024; pubdate=6 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

117. Title=Statistical analysis of thermospheric density response to solar wind sector structure
Authors=Dongjie Guo Jiuhou Lei Xiankang Dou
article=2015JA021112; doi=10.1002/2015JA021112; pubdate=9 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

118. Title=Thermal and dynamical perturbations in the winter polar mesosphere-lower thermosphere region associated with sudden stratospheric warmings under conditions of low solar activity
Authors=Renata Lukianova Alexander Kozlovsky Sergey Shalimov Thomas Ulich Mark Lester
article=2015JA021269; doi=10.1002/2015JA021269; pubdate=27 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

119. Title=Magnetic field line lengths inside interplanetary magnetic flux ropes
Authors=Qiang Hu Jiong Qiu Sam Krucker
article=2015JA021133; doi=10.1002/2015JA021133; pubdate=7 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

120. Title=A 20 year decline in solar photospheric magnetic fields: Inner-heliospheric signatures and possible implications
Authors=P. Janardhan Susanta Kumar Bisoi S. Ananthakrishnan M. Tokumaru K. Fujiki L. Jose R. Sridharan
article=2015JA021123; doi=10.1002/2015JA021123; pubdate=17 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF

121. Title=Dipole tilt angle effect on magnetic reconnection locations on the magnetopause
Authors=C. B. Zhu H. Zhang Y. S. Ge Z. Y. Pu W. L. Liu W. X. Wan L. B. Liu Y. D. Chen H. J. Le Y. F. Wang
article=2015JA020989; doi=10.1002/2015JA020989; pubdate=2 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

122. Title=The enhancement of cosmic radio noise absorption due to hiss-driven energetic electron precipitation during substorms
Authors=Haimeng Li Zhigang Yuan Xiongdong Yu Shiyong Huang Dedong Wang Zhenzhen Wang Zheng Qiao John R. Wygant
article=2015JA021113; doi=10.1002/2015JA021113; pubdate=14 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

123. Title=Experimental evidence for the existence of monochromatic transverse small-scale standing Alfven waves with spatially dependent polarization
Authors=A. S. Leonovich D. Yu. Klimushkin P. N. Mager
article=2015JA021044; doi=10.1002/2015JA021044; pubdate=17 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

124. Title=Van Allen probes  NOAA  GOES  and ground observations of an intense EMIC wave event extending over 12 h in magnetic local time
Authors=M. J. Engebretson J. L. Posch J. R. Wygant C. A. Kletzing M. R. Lessard C.-L. Huang H. E. Spence C. W. Smith H. J. Singer Y. Omura R. B. Horne G. D. Reeves D. N. Baker M. Gkioulidou K. Oksavik I. R. Mann T . Raita K. Shiokawa
article=2015JA021227; doi=10.1002/2015JA021227; pubdate=21 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility, VITMO, CGM

125. Title=A statistical study of the dawn-dusk asymmetry of ion temperature anisotropy and mirror mode occurrence in the terrestrial dayside magnetosheath using THEMIS data
Authors=A. P. Dimmock A. Osmane T. I. Pulkkinen K. Nykyri
article=2015JA021192; doi=10.1002/2015JA021192; pubdate=21 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

126. Title=Weak kinetic Alfven waves turbulence during the 14%C2%A0November%C2%A02012 geomagnetic storm: Van Allen Probes observations
Authors=Pablo. S. Moya V%C3%ADctor A. Pinto Adolfo F. Vi%C3%B1as David G. Sibeck William S. Kurth George B. Hospodarsky John R. Wygant
article=2014JA020281; doi=10.1002/2014JA020281; pubdate=21 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

127. Title=Omega band pulsating auroras observed onboard THEMIS spacecraft and on the ground
Authors=Natsuo Sato Akira Kadokura Yoshimasa Tanaka Takanori Nishiyama Tomoaki Hori Akira Sessai Yukimatu
article=2015JA021382; doi=10.1002/2015JA021382; pubdate=21 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

128. Title=Statistical storm time examination of MLT-dependent plasmapause location derived from IMAGE EUV
Authors=R. M. Katus D. L. Gallagher M. W. Liemohn A. M. Keesee L. K. Sarno-Smith
article=2015JA021225; doi=10.1002/2015JA021225; pubdate=22 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

129. Title=Dense plasma and Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at Earth\‘s dayside magnetopause
Authors=B. M. Walsh E. G. Thomas K.-J. Hwang J. B. H. Baker J. M. Ruohoniemi J. W. Bonnell
article=2015JA021014; doi=10.1002/2015JA021014; pubdate=22 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

130. Title=A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 1. Wave properties
Authors=R. C. Allen J.-C. Zhang L. M. Kistler H. E. Spence R.-L. Lin B. Klecker M. W. Dunlop M. Andre V. K. Jordanova
article=2015JA021333; doi=10.1002/2015JA021333; pubdate=23 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

131. Title=The Dst index underestimates the solar cycle variation of geomagnetic activity
Authors=Michael Temerin Xinlin Li
article=2015JA021467; doi=10.1002/2015JA021467; pubdate=23 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

132. Title=Latitudinal dependence of short timescale fluctuations during intense geomagnetic storms: A permutation entropy approach
Authors=Paola De Michelis Giuseppe Consolini Roberta Tozzi
article=2015JA021279; doi=10.1002/2015JA021279; pubdate=30 JUL 2015
Keywords found: ModelWeb

133. Title=A three-dimensional high Mach number asymmetric magnetopause model from global MHD simulation
Authors=Z.-Q. Liu J. Y. Lu C. Wang K. Kabin J. S. Zhao M. Wang J. P. Han J. Y. Wang M. X. Zhao
article=2014JA020961; doi=10.1002/2014JA020961; pubdate=31 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDCFTP, NSSDC

134. Title=A method to predict thermospheric mass density response to geomagnetic disturbances using time-integrated auroral electrojet index
Authors=Juho Iipponen Tiera Laitinen
article=2015JA021093; doi=10.1002/2015JA021093; pubdate=2 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

135. Title=Pathways of F region thermospheric mass density enhancement via soft electron precipitation
Authors=B. Zhang R. H. Varney W. Lotko O. J. Brambles W. Wang J. Lei M. Wiltberger J. G. Lyon
article=2015JA020999; doi=10.1002/2015JA020999; pubdate=14 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

136. Title=Mapping high-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics with SuperDARN and AMPERE
Authors=E. D. P. Cousins Tomoko Matsuo A. D. Richmond
article=2014JA020463; doi=10.1002/2014JA020463; pubdate=14 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

137. Title=Solar activity dependency of multiday oscillations in the nighttime thermospheric winds observed by Fabry-Perot interferometer
Authors=Xiao Liu Jiyao Xu Shun-Rong Zhang Qihou Zhou Wei Yuan
article=2015JA021375; doi=10.1002/2015JA021375; pubdate=14 JUL 2015
Keywords found: SPDF

138. Title=Fresh and evolutionary-type field-aligned irregularities generated near sunrise terminator due to overshielding electric fields
Authors=S. Tulasi Ram K. K. Ajith M. Yamamoto Y. Otsuka T. Yokoyama K. Niranjan S. Gurubaran
article=2015JA021427; doi=10.1002/2015JA021427; pubdate=20 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

139. Title=Substorm evolution of auroral structures
Authors=N. Partamies L. Juusola D. Whiter K. Kauristie
article=2015JA021217; doi=10.1002/2015JA021217; pubdate=22 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, IRI-2012

140. Title=TEC prediction performance of IRI-2012 model during a very low and a high solar activity phase over equatorial regions  Uganda
Authors=Yekoye Asmare Tariku
article=2015JA021203; doi=10.1002/2015JA021203; pubdate=23 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007, IRI-2012, IRI2012, VITMO

141. Title=High correlations between temperature and nitric oxide in the thermosphere
Authors=D. R. Weimer M. G. Mlynczak L. A. Hunt W. Kent Tobiska
article=2015JA021461; doi=10.1002/2015JA021461; pubdate=29 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

142. Title=High-latitude thermospheric wind observations and simulations with SuperDARN data driven NCAR TIEGCM during the December 2006 magnetic storm
Authors=Qian Wu B. A. Emery S. G. Shepherd J. Michael Ruohoniemi N. A Frissell J. Semeter
article=2015JA021026; doi=10.1002/2015JA021026; pubdate=7 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

143. Title=Interplanetary coronal mass ejections from MESSENGER orbital observations at Mercury
Authors=Reka M. Winslow Noe Lugaz Lydia C. Philpott Nathan A. Schwadron Charles J. Farrugia Brian J. Anderson Charles W. Smith
article=2015JA021200; doi=10.1002/2015JA021200; pubdate=20 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

144. Title=Interstellar hydrogen ionization in the heliosheath
Authors=Mike Gruntman
article=2015JA021539; doi=10.1002/2015JA021539; pubdate=25 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

145. Title=Probability density functions for the variable solar wind near the solar cycle minimum
Authors=Z. V%C3%B6r%C3%B6s M. Leitner Y. Narita G. Consolini P. Kov%C3%A1cs A. T%C3%B3th J. Lichtenberger
article=2015JA021257; doi=10.1002/2015JA021257; pubdate=27 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

146. Title=A statistical analysis of Pi2-band waves in the plasma sheet and their relation to magnetospheric drivers
Authors=G. Q. Wang Y. S. Ge T. L. Zhang R. Nakamura M. Volwerk W. Baumjohann A. M. Du Q. M. Lu
article=2014JA020753; doi=10.1002/2014JA020753; pubdate=4 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

147. Title=Statistical characteristics of slow earthward and tailward flows in the plasma sheet
Authors=L. Q. Zhang W. Baumjohann J. Y. Wang H. Reme M. W. Dunlop T. Chen
article=2015JA021354; doi=10.1002/2015JA021354; pubdate=8 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

148. Title=Statistical study of auroral fragmentation into patches
Authors=Ayumi Hashimoto Kazuo Shiokawa Yuichi Otsuka Shin-ichiro Oyama Satonori Nozawa Tomoaki Hori Mark Lester Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
article=2015JA021000; doi=10.1002/2015JA021000; pubdate=10 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

149. Title=Low-harmonic magnetosonic waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
Authors=J. L Posch M. J. Engebretson C. N. Olson S. A. Thaller A. W. Breneman J. R. Wygant S. A. Boardsen C. A. Kletzing C. W. Smith G. D. Reeves
article=2015JA021179; doi=10.1002/2015JA021179; pubdate=13 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

150. Title=THEMIS two-point measurements of the cross-tail current density: A thick bifurcated current sheet in the near-Earth plasma sheet
Authors=Miho Saito
article=2015JA021142; doi=10.1002/2015JA021142; pubdate=15 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

151. Title=Van Allen Probes observation and modeling of chorus excitation and propagation during weak geomagnetic activities
Authors=Yihua He Fuliang Xiao Qinghua Zhou Chang Yang Si Liu D. N. Baker C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves H. O. Funsten J. B. Blake
article=2015JA021376; doi=10.1002/2015JA021376; pubdate=20 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

152. Title=Empirical modeling of 3-D force-balanced plasma and magnetic field structures during substorm growth phase
Authors=Chao Yue Chih-Ping Wang Yukitoshi Nishimura Kyle R. Murphy Xiaoyan Xing Larry Lyons Michael Henderson Vassilis Angelopoulos A. T. Y. Lui Tsugunobu Nagai
article=2015JA021226; doi=10.1002/2015JA021226; pubdate=25 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

153. Title=The effect of changing solar wind conditions on the inner magnetosphere and ring current: A model data comparison
Authors=S. Patra E. Spencer
article=2015JA021299; doi=10.1002/2015JA021299; pubdate=26 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

154. Title=Acceleration of ions to suprathermal energies by turbulence in the plasmoid-like magnetic structures
Authors=E. E. Grigorenko A. Yu. Malykhin E. A. Kronberg Kh. V. Malova P. W. Daly
article=2015JA021314; doi=10.1002/2015JA021314; pubdate=26 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

155. Title=Three-dimensional Hall MHD simulation of lunar minimagnetosphere: General characteristics and comparison with Chang\‘E-2 observations
Authors=Lianghai Xie Lei Li Yiteng Zhang Yongyong Feng Xinyue Wang Aibing Zhang Linggao Kong
article=2015JA021647; doi=10.1002/2015JA021647; pubdate=26 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

156. Title=Multipoint observations of the open-closed field line boundary as observed by the Van Allen Probes and geostationary satellites during the 14 November 2012 geomagnetic storm
Authors=P. Dixon E. A. MacDonald H. O. Funsten A. Glocer M. Grande C. Kletzing B. A. Larsen G. Reeves R. M. Skoug H. Spence M. F. Thomsen
article=2014JA020883; doi=10.1002/2014JA020883; pubdate=31 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

157. Title=Dominant modes of variability in large-scale Birkeland currents
Authors=E. D. P. Cousins Tomoko Matsuo A. D. Richmond B. J. Anderson
article=2014JA020462; doi=10.1002/2014JA020462; pubdate=7 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

158. Title=Formation of polar ionospheric tongue of ionization during minor geomagnetic disturbed conditions
Authors=Jing Liu Takuji Nakamura Libo Liu Wenbin Wang Nanan Balan Takanori Nishiyama Marc R. Hairston E. G. Thomas
article=2015JA021393; doi=10.1002/2015JA021393; pubdate=13 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

159. Title=Asymmetric penetration of shocked solar wind down to 400 km altitudes at Mars
Authors=Kazunari Matsunaga Kanako Seki Takuya Hara David A. Brain
article=2014JA020757; doi=10.1002/2014JA020757; pubdate=13 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

160. Title=Dynamics of large-scale solar wind streams obtained by the double superposed epoch analysis
Authors=Yu. I. Yermolaev I. G. Lodkina N. S. Nikolaeva M. Yu. Yermolaev
article=2015JA021274; doi=10.1002/2015JA021274; pubdate=10 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

161. Title=Hypervelocity dust impacts on the Wind spacecraft: Correlations between Ulysses and Wind interstellar dust detections
Authors=S. R. Wood David M. Malaspina Laila Andersson Mihaly Horanyi
article=2015JA021463; doi=10.1002/2015JA021463; pubdate=26 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

162. Title=Constraining the pickup ion abundance and temperature through the multifluid reconstruction of the Voyager 2 termination shock crossing
Authors=Bertalan Zieger Merav Opher G%C3%A1bor T%C3%B3th Robert B. Decker John D. Richardson
article=2015JA021437; doi=10.1002/2015JA021437; pubdate=26 SEP 2015
Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, (spdfftp)

163. Title=Magnetospheric ULF waves with increasing amplitude related to solar wind dynamic pressure changes: The Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) observations
Authors=X. C. Shen Q.-G. Zong Q. Q. Shi A. M. Tian W. J. Sun Y. F. Wang X. Z. Zhou S. Y. Fu M. D. Hartinger V. Angelopoulos
article=2014JA020913; doi=10.1002/2014JA020913; pubdate=4 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

164. Title=Dawn-dusk asymmetry in bursty hot electron enhancements in the midtail magnetosheath
Authors=Chih-Ping Wang Xiaoyan Xing T. K. M. Nakamura Larry R. Lyons
article=2015JA021522; doi=10.1002/2015JA021522; pubdate=5 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

165. Title=Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: Their roles in radiation belt changes
Authors=A. N. Jaynes D. N. Baker H. J. Singer J. V. Rodriguez T. M. Loto\‘aniu A. F. Ali S. R. Elkington X. Li S. G. Kanekal S. G. Claudepierre J. F. Fennell W. Li R. M. Thorne C. A. Kletzing H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves
article=2015JA021234; doi=10.1002/2015JA021234; pubdate=9 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

166. Title=Ion acceleration dependence on magnetic shear angle in dayside magnetopause reconnection
Authors=S. K. Vines S. A. Fuselier K. J. Trattner S. M. Petrinec J. F. Drake
article=2015JA021464; doi=10.1002/2015JA021464; pubdate=9 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

167. Title=Estimation of interplanetary electric field conditions for historical geomagnetic storms
Authors=Sandeep Kumar B. Veenadhari S. Tulasi Ram R. Selvakumaran Shyamoli Mukherjee Rajesh Singh B. D. Kadam
article=2015JA021661; doi=10.1002/2015JA021661; pubdate=10 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

168. Title=Subpacket structures in EMIC rising tone emissions observed by the THEMIS probes
Authors=Satoko Nakamura Yoshiharu Omura Masafumi Shoji Masahito Nose Danny Summers Vassilis Angelopoulos
article=2014JA020764; doi=10.1002/2014JA020764; pubdate=17 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

169. Title=Relativistic electron flux dropouts in the outer radiation belt associated with corotating interaction regions
Authors=C.-J. Yuan Q.-G. Zong W.-X. Wan H. Zhang A.-M. Du
article=2015JA021003; doi=10.1002/2015JA021003; pubdate=18 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF

170. Title=On the contribution of plasma sheet bubbles to the storm time ring current
Authors=Jian Yang Frank R. Toffoletto Richard A. Wolf Stanislav Sazykin
article=2015JA021398; doi=10.1002/2015JA021398; pubdate=18 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

171. Title=An extensive survey of dayside diffuse aurora based on optical observations at Yellow River Station
Authors=De-Sheng Han Xiang-Cai Chen Jian-Jun Liu Qi Qiu K. Keika Ze-Jun Hu Jun-Ming Liu Hong-Qiao Hu Hui-Gen Yang
article=2015JA021699; doi=10.1002/2015JA021699; pubdate=21 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

172. Title=THEMIS observation of intermittent turbulence behind the quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular shocks
Authors=W. M. Macek A. Wawrzaszek D. G. Sibeck
article=2015JA021656; doi=10.1002/2015JA021656; pubdate=26 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

173. Title=Electromagnetic cyclotron waves in the dayside subsolar outer magnetosphere generated by enhanced solar wind pressure: EMIC wave coherency
Authors=B. Remya B. T. Tsurutani R. V. Reddy G. S. Lakhina R. Hajra
article=2015JA021327; doi=10.1002/2015JA021327; pubdate=26 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

174. Title=First joint in situ and global observations of the medium-energy oxygen and hydrogen in the inner magnetosphere
Authors=P. W. Valek J. Goldstein J.-M. Jahn D. J. McComas H. E. Spence
article=2015JA021151; doi=10.1002/2015JA021151; pubdate=29 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

175. Title=Magnetosheath plasma structures and their relation to foreshock processes
Authors=O. Gutynska D. G. Sibeck N. Omidi
article=2014JA020880; doi=10.1002/2014JA020880; pubdate=29 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

176. Title=Large-amplitude GPS TEC variations associated with Pc5-6 magnetic field variations observed on the ground and at geosynchronous orbit
Authors=Chris Watson P. T. Jayachandran Howard J. Singer Robert J. Redmon Donald Danskin
article=2015JA021517; doi=10.1002/2015JA021517; pubdate=4 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

177. Title=Low-latitude Pi2 oscillations observed by polar Low Earth Orbiting satellite
Authors=Neethal Thomas Geeta Vichare A. K. Sinha Rahul Rawat
article=2014JA020958; doi=10.1002/2014JA020958; pubdate=5 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

178. Title=A model of high-latitude thermospheric density
Authors=Yosuke Yamazaki Michael J. Kosch Eric K. Sutton
article=2015JA021371; doi=10.1002/2015JA021371; pubdate=9 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

179. Title=A simulation study of the thermosphere mass density response to substorms using GITM
Authors=Xianjing Liu Aaron Ridley
article=2014JA020962; doi=10.1002/2014JA020962; pubdate=18 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

180. Title=A statistical survey of reconnection exhausts in the solar wind based on the Riemannian decay of current sheets
Authors=Yu. L. Sasunov V. S. Semenov M. F. Heyn N. V. Erkaev I. V. Kubyshkin K. Yu. Slivka D. B. Korovinskiy M. L. Khodachenko
article=2015JA021504; doi=10.1002/2015JA021504; pubdate=3 OCT 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

181. Title=A new stationary analytical model of the heliospheric current sheet and the plasma sheet
Authors=Roman A. Kislov Olga V. Khabarova Helmi V. Malova
article=2015JA021294; doi=10.1002/2015JA021294; pubdate=15 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2

182. Title=Cosmic ray heliospheric transport study with neutron monitor data
Authors=H. S. Ahluwalia R. C. Ygbuhay R. Modzelewska L. I. Dorman M. V. Alania
article=2015JA021603; doi=10.1002/2015JA021603; pubdate=24 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

183. Title=Did the July 2012 solar events cause a %E2%80%9Ctsunami%E2%80%9D throughout the heliosphere  heliosheath  and into the interstellar medium%3F
Authors=Devrie S. Intriligator Wei Sun Murray Dryer James Intriligator Charles Deehr Thomas Detman William R. Webber
article=2015JA021406; doi=10.1002/2015JA021406; pubdate=27 OCT 2015
Keywords found: NSSDC, SPDF, COHO

184. Title=Energetic particles  tangential discontinuities  and solar flux tubes
Authors=M. Neugebauer J. Giacalone
article=2015JA021632; doi=10.1002/2015JA021632; pubdate=27 OCT 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

185. Title=Toward more reliable long-term indices of geomagnetic activity: Correcting a new inhomogeneity problem in early geomagnetic data
Authors=L. Holappa K. Mursula
article=2015JA021752; doi=10.1002/2015JA021752; pubdate=28 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI2

186. Title=Cluster observations of unusually high concentration of energetic O%2B carried by flux ropes in the nightside high-latitude magnetosheath during a storm initial phase
Authors=Suping Duan Lei Dai Chi Wang A. T. Y. Lui Zhenxing Liu Zhaohai He Yongcun Zhang I. Dandouras H. Reme
article=2015JA021306; doi=10.1002/2015JA021306; pubdate=3 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

187. Title=Excitation of dayside chorus waves due to magnetic field line compression in response to interplanetary shocks
Authors=Chen Zhou Wen Li Richard M. Thorne Jacob Bortnik Qianli Ma Xin An Xiao-jia Zhang Vassilis Angelopoulos Binbin Ni Xudong Gu Song Fu Zhengyu Zhao
article=2015JA021530; doi=10.1002/2015JA021530; pubdate=3 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF

188. Title=Giant pulsations on the afternoonside: Geostationary satellite and ground observations
Authors=Tetsuo Motoba Kazue Takahashi Juan V. Rodriguez Christopher T. Russell
article=2015JA021592; doi=10.1002/2015JA021592; pubdate=5 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

189. Title=A forecasting model of the magnetosphere driven by an optimal solar wind coupling function
Authors=N. A. Tsyganenko V. A. Andreeva
article=2015JA021641; doi=10.1002/2015JA021641; pubdate=7 OCT 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, SPDF

190. Title=Statistical study of ELF%2FVLF emissions at subauroral latitudes in Athabasca  Canada
Authors=Claudia Martinez-Calderon Kazuo Shiokawa Yoshizumi Miyoshi Mitsunori Ozaki Ian Schofield Martin Connors
article=2015JA021347; doi=10.1002/2015JA021347; pubdate=15 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

191. Title=A novel data assimilation technique for the plasmasphere
Authors=Romina Nikoukar Gary Bust David Murr
article=2015JA021455; doi=10.1002/2015JA021455; pubdate=15 OCT 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere

192. Title=Estimation of pitch angle diffusion rates and precipitation time scales of electrons due to EMIC waves in a realistic field model
Authors=Suk-Bin Kang Kyoung-Wook Min Mei-Ching Fok Junga Hwang Cheong-Rim Choi
article=2014JA020644; doi=10.1002/2014JA020644; pubdate=24 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

193. Title=On the formation and origin of substorm growth phase%2Fonset auroral arcs inferred from conjugate space-ground observations
Authors=T. Motoba S. Ohtani B. J. Anderson H. Korth D. Mitchell L. J. Lanzerotti K. Shiokawa M. Connors C. A. Kletzing G. D. Reeves
article=2015JA021676; doi=10.1002/2015JA021676; pubdate=27 OCT 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

194. Title=Modeling the effects of ionospheric oxygen outflow on bursty magnetotail flows
Authors=K. Garcia-Sage T. E. Moore A. Pembroke V. G. Merkin W. J. Hughes
article=2015JA021228; doi=10.1002/2015JA021228; pubdate=27 OCT 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, SPDF

195. Title=%E2%80%9CTrunk-like%E2%80%9D heavy ion structures observed by the Van Allen Probes
Authors=J.-C. Zhang L. M. Kistler H. E. Spence R. A. Wolf G. Reeves R. Skoug H. Funsten B. A. Larsen J. T. Niehof E. A. MacDonald R. Friedel C. P. Ferradas H. Luo
article=2015JA021822; doi=10.1002/2015JA021822; pubdate=27 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

196. Title=Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves  whistler-mode chorus  and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
Authors=A. N. Jaynes M. R. Lessard K. Takahashi A. F. Ali D. M. Malaspina R. G. Michell E. L. Spanswick D. N. Baker J. B. Blake C. Cully E. F. Donovan C. A. Kletzing G. D. Reeves M. Samara H. E. Spence J. R. Wygant
article=2015JA021380; doi=10.1002/2015JA021380; pubdate=28 OCT 2015

197. Title=The dawn-dusk length of the X line in the near-Earth magnetotail: Geotail survey in 1994-2014
Authors=Tsugunobu Nagai Iku Shinohara Seiji Zenitani
article=2015JA021606; doi=10.1002/2015JA021606; pubdate=28 OCT 2015
Keywords found: SSCWeb

198. Title=ULF foreshock under radial IMF: THEMIS observations and global kinetic simulation Vlasiator results compared
Authors=M. Palmroth M. Archer R. Vainio H. Hietala Y. Pfau-Kempf S. Hoilijoki O. Hannuksela U. Ganse A. Sandroos S. von Alfthan J. P. Eastwood
article=2015JA021526; doi=10.1002/2015JA021526; pubdate=28 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

199. Title=Early morning irregularities detected with spaceborne GPS measurements in the topside ionosphere: A multisatellite case study
Authors=Irina Zakharenkova Elvira Astafyeva Iurii Cherniak
article=2015JA021447; doi=10.1002/2015JA021447; pubdate=7 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

200. Title=Thermospheric and geomagnetic responses to interplanetary coronal mass ejections observed by ACE and GRACE: Statistical results
Authors=S. Krauss M. Temmer A. Veronig O. Baur H. Lammer
article=2015JA021702; doi=10.1002/2015JA021702; pubdate=9 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNI

201. Title=Comparison of fine structures of electron cyclotron harmonic emissions in aurora
Authors=J. LaBelle M. Dundek
article=2015JA021631; doi=10.1002/2015JA021631; pubdate=10 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, VITMO

202. Title=Modeling of long-path propagation characteristics of VLF radio waves as observed from Indian Antarctic station Maitri
Authors=Sudipta Sasmal Sourav Palit Sandip K. Chakrabarti
article=2015JA021400; doi=10.1002/2015JA021400; pubdate=12 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, VITMO

203. Title=Observations of storm time midlatitude ion-neutral coupling using SuperDARN radars and NATION Fabry-Perot interferometers
Authors=P. P. Joshi J. B. H. Baker J. M. Ruohoniemi J. J. Makela D. J. Fisher B. J. Harding N. A. Frissell E. G. Thomas
article=2015JA021475; doi=10.1002/2015JA021475; pubdate=24 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

204. Title=Ionospheric response to the 2015 St. Patrick\‘s Day storm: A global multi-instrumental overview
Authors=Elvira Astafyeva Irina Zakharenkova Matthias F%C3%B6rster
article=2015JA021629; doi=10.1002/2015JA021629; pubdate=26 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

205. Title=Virtual array beamforming of GPS TEC observations of coseismic ionospheric disturbances near the Geomagnetic South Pole triggered by teleseismic megathrusts
Authors=Demi%C3%A1n G%C3%B3mez Robert Smalley Charles A. Langston Terry J. Wilson Michael Bevis Ian W. D. Dalziel Eric C. Kendrick Stephanie A. Konfal Michael J. Willis Diego A. Pi%C3%B1%C3%B3n Sergio R. Cimbaro Dana Caccamise
article=2015JA021725; doi=10.1002/2015JA021725; pubdate=26 OCT 2015
Keywords found: ModelWeb, NSSDCFTP, International Reference Ionosphere

206. Title=Correlation between Poynting flux and soft electron precipitation in the dayside polar cap boundary regions
Authors=Yue Deng Cheng Sheng Yi-Jiun Su Marc R. Hairston Delores Knipp Cheryl Y. Huang Daniel Ober Rob J. Redmon Robin Coley
article=2015JA021075; doi=10.1002/2015JA021075; pubdate=27 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

207. Title=Day-to-day variability of equatorial electrojet and its role on the day-to-day characteristics of the equatorial ionization anomaly over the Indian and Brazilian sectors
Authors=K. Venkatesh P. R. Fagundes D. S. V. V .D. Prasad C. M. Denardini A. J. Abreu R. Jesus M. Gende
article=2015JA021307; doi=10.1002/2015JA021307; pubdate=27 OCT 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, IRI-2012

208. Title=Scintillation and loss of signal lock from poleward moving auroral forms in the cusp ionosphere
Authors=K. Oksavik C. Meeren D. A. Lorentzen L. J. Baddeley J. Moen
article=2015JA021528; doi=10.1002/2015JA021528; pubdate=27 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

209. Title=On the collocation of the cusp aurora and the GPS phase scintillation: A statistical study
Authors=Yaqi Jin J%C3%B8ran I. Moen Wojciech J. Miloch
article=2015JA021449; doi=10.1002/2015JA021449; pubdate=30 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

210. Title=Properties and geoeffectiveness of magnetic clouds during solar cycles 23 and 24
Authors=N. Gopalswamy S. Yashiro H. Xie S. Akiyama P. Makela
article=2015JA021446; doi=10.1002/2015JA021446; pubdate=3 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

211. Title=Exploring the effect of current sheet thickness on the high-frequency Fourier spectrum breakpoint of the solar wind
Authors=Joseph E. Borovsky John J. Podesta
article=2015JA021622; doi=10.1002/2015JA021622; pubdate=3 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, OMNI2

212. Title=Spatial distribution of magnetic fluctuation power with period 40 to 600%E2%80%89s in the magnetosphere observed by THEMIS
Authors=G. Q. Wang T. L. Zhang Y. S. Ge
article=2015JA021584; doi=10.1002/2015JA021584; pubdate=3 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

213. Title=The impact of solar wind ULF Bz fluctuations on geomagnetic activity for viscous timescales during strongly northward and southward IMF
Authors=A. Osmane A. P. Dimmock R. Naderpour T. I. Pulkkinen K. Nykyri
article=2015JA021505; doi=10.1002/2015JA021505; pubdate=3 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

214. Title=Simulations of inner radiation belt proton loss during geomagnetic storms
Authors=M. A. Engel B. T. Kress M. K. Hudson R. S. Selesnick
article=2015JA021568; doi=10.1002/2015JA021568; pubdate=3 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

215. Title=Tomographic reconstruction of storm time RC ion distribution from ENA images on board multiple spacecraft
Authors=Shu-Ying Ma Wei-Nan Yan Liang Xu
article=2015JA021601; doi=10.1002/2015JA021601; pubdate=4 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

216. Title=How the IMF By induces a By component in the closed magnetosphere and how it leads to asymmetric currents and convection patterns in the two hemispheres
Authors=P. Tenfjord N. %C3%98stgaard K. Snekvik K. M. Laundal J. P. Reistad S. Haaland S. E. Milan
article=2015JA021579; doi=10.1002/2015JA021579; pubdate=12 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

217. Title=Magnetospheric line radiation: 6.5%C2%A0years of observations by the DEMETER spacecraft
Authors=B. Bezd%C4%9Bkov%C3%A1 F. N%C4%9Bmec M. Parrot O. Santol%C3%ADk O. Kruparova
article=2015JA021246; doi=10.1002/2015JA021246; pubdate=17 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

218. Title=Peculiarities of magnetic barrier formation for southward and northward directions of the IMF
Authors=K. Yu. Slivka V. S. Semenov N. V. Erkaev N. P. Dmitrieva I. V. Kubyshkin H. Lammer
article=2015JA021250; doi=10.1002/2015JA021250; pubdate=17 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

219. Title=Swarm observations of field-aligned currents associated with pulsating auroral patches
Authors=D. M. Gillies D. Knudsen E. Spanswick E. Donovan J. Burchill M. Patrick
article=2015JA021416; doi=10.1002/2015JA021416; pubdate=18 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

220. Title=Parallel-dominant and perpendicular-dominant components of the fast bulk flow: Comparing with the PSBL beams
Authors=L. Q. Zhang L. Dai W. Baumjohann H. Reme M. W. Dunlop X. H. Wei
article=2015JA021669; doi=10.1002/2015JA021669; pubdate=18 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

221. Title=Responses of relativistic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt to geomagnetic storms
Authors=Ying Xiong Lun Xie Zuyin Pu Suiyan Fu Lunjin Chen Binbin Ni Wen Li Jinxing Li Ruilong Guo G. K. Parks
article=2015JA021440; doi=10.1002/2015JA021440; pubdate=19 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

222. Title=Planetary period oscillations in Saturn\‘s magnetosphere: Examining the relationship between abrupt changes in behavior and solar wind-induced magnetospheric compressions and expansions
Authors=G. Provan C. Tao S. W. H. Cowley M. K. Dougherty A. J. Coates
article=2015JA021642; doi=10.1002/2015JA021642; pubdate=21 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

223. Title=Multiscale field-aligned current analyzer
Authors=C. Bunescu O. Marghitu D. Constantinescu Y. Narita J. Vogt A. Bl%C4%83g%C4%83u
article=2015JA021670; doi=10.1002/2015JA021670; pubdate=25 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

224. Title=A direct link between chorus emissions and pulsating aurora on timescales from milliseconds to minutes: A case study at subauroral latitudes
Authors=Mitsunori Ozaki Satoshi Yagitani Kaoru Sawai Kazuo Shiokawa Yoshizumi Miyoshi Ryuho Kataoka Akimasa Ieda Yusuke Ebihara Martin Connors Ian Schofield Yuto Katoh Yuichi Otsuka Naoki Sunagawa Vania K. Jordanova
article=2015JA021381; doi=10.1002/2015JA021381; pubdate=27 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

225. Title=Long-term variations in the intensity of polar cap plasma flows inferred from SuperDARN
Authors=A. V. Koustov R. A. D. Fiori Z. Abooali zadeh
article=2015JA021625; doi=10.1002/2015JA021625; pubdate=3 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, NSSDC

226. Title=Simultaneous ground-based optical and HF radar observations of the ionospheric footprint of the open%2Fclosed field line boundary along the geomagnetic meridian
Authors=X.-C. Chen D. A. Lorentzen J. I. Moen K. Oksavik L. J. Baddeley
article=2015JA021481; doi=10.1002/2015JA021481; pubdate=12 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI2012

227. Title=Solar control of F region radar backscatter: Further insights from observations in the southern polar cap
Authors=Leslie J. Lamarche Roman A. Makarevich
article=2015JA021663; doi=10.1002/2015JA021663; pubdate=13 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

228. Title=On the relationship between weakening of the northern polar vortex and the lunar tidal amplification in the equatorial electrojet
Authors=Tarique A. Siddiqui Claudia Stolle Hermann L%C3%BChr J%C3%BCrgen Matzka
article=2015JA021683; doi=10.1002/2015JA021683; pubdate=18 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

229. Title=Data-driven modeling of the solar wind from 1%C2%A0Rs to 1%C2%A0AU
Authors=Xueshang Feng Xiaopeng Ma Changqing Xiang
article=2015JA021911; doi=10.1002/2015JA021911; pubdate=9 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

230. Title=Counterstreaming electrons in small interplanetary magnetic flux ropes
Authors=H. Q. Feng G. Q. Zhao J. M. Wang
article=2015JA021643; doi=10.1002/2015JA021643; pubdate=15 DEC 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

231. Title=MESSENGER survey of in situ low frequency wave storms between 0.3 and 0.7 AU
Authors=S. A. Boardsen L. K. Jian J. L. Raines D. J. Gershman T. H. Zurbuchen D. A. Roberts H. Korth
article=2015JA021506; doi=10.1002/2015JA021506; pubdate=16 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

232. Title=The solar wind during current and past solar minima and maxima
Authors=J.-L. Zerbo J. D. Richardson
article=2015JA021407; doi=10.1002/2015JA021407; pubdate=23 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

234. Title=Multiple loss processes of relativistic electrons outside the heart of outer radiation belt during a storm sudden commencement
Authors=J. Yu L.Y. Li J. B. Cao Z. G. Yuan G. D. Reeves D. N. Baker J. B. Blake H. Spence
article=2015JA021460; doi=10.1002/2015JA021460; pubdate=4 DEC 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

235. Title=Are there new findings in the search for ULF magnetic precursors to earthquakes%3F
Authors=F. Masci J. N. Thomas
article=2015JA021336; doi=10.1002/2015JA021336; pubdate=8 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, FTPBrowser

236. Title=Multifrequency compressional magnetic field oscillations and their relation to multiharmonic toroidal mode standing Alfven waves
Authors=Kazue Takahashi Colin Waters Karl-Heinz Glassmeier Craig A. Kletzing William S. Kurth Charles W. Smith
article=2015JA021780; doi=10.1002/2015JA021780; pubdate=14 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

237. Title=Principal component analysis of Birkeland currents determined by the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment
Authors=S. E. Milan J. A. Carter H. Korth B. J. Anderson
article=2015JA021680; doi=10.1002/2015JA021680; pubdate=16 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

238. Title=Empirical model of lower band chorus wave distribution in the outer radiation belt
Authors=O. V. Agapitov A. V. Artemyev D. Mourenas F. S. Mozer V. Krasnoselskikh
article=2015JA021829; doi=10.1002/2015JA021829; pubdate=17 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

239. Title=The statistical difference between bending arcs and regular polar arcs
Authors=A. Kullen R. C. Fear S. E. Milan J. A. Carter T. Karlsson
article=2015JA021298; doi=10.1002/2015JA021298; pubdate=18 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

240. Title=Heavy-ion dominance near Cluster perigees
Authors=C. P. Ferradas J.-C. Zhang L. M. Kistler H. E. Spence
article=2015JA021063; doi=10.1002/2015JA021063; pubdate=22 DEC 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

241. Title=Can ring current stabilize magnetotail during steady magnetospheric convection%3F
Authors=S. Dubyagin N. Ganushkina M. Liemohn M. Kubyshkina
article=2015JA022003; doi=10.1002/2015JA022003; pubdate=29 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

242. Title=Dynamic plasmapause model based on THEMIS measurements
Authors=X. Liu W. Liu J. B. Cao H. S. Fu J. Yu X. Li
article=2015JA021801; doi=10.1002/2015JA021801; pubdate=29 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

243. Title=Testing the magnetotail configuration based on observations of low-altitude isotropic boundaries during quiet times
Authors=R. Ilie N. Ganushkina G. Toth S. Dubyagin M. W. Liemohn
article=2015JA021858; doi=10.1002/2015JA021858; pubdate=29 DEC 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

244. Title=Severe and localized GNSS scintillation at the poleward edge of the nightside auroral oval during intense substorm aurora
Authors=Christer Meeren Kjellmar Oksavik Dag A. Lorentzen Michael T. Rietveld Lasse B. N. Clausen
article=2015JA021819; doi=10.1002/2015JA021819; pubdate=1 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

245. Title=Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
Authors=S. Haaland A. Eriksson M. Andre L. Maes L. Baddeley A. Barakat R. Chappell V. Eccles C. Johnsen B. Lybekk K. Li A. Pedersen R. Schunk D. Welling
article=2015JA021810; doi=10.1002/2015JA021810; pubdate=1 DEC 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

246. Title=Semiannual and solar activity variations of daytime plasma observed by DEMETER in the ionosphere-plasmasphere transition region
Authors=L. Y. Li J. B. Cao J. Y. Yang J. J. Berthelier J.-P. Lebreton
article=2015JA021102; doi=10.1002/2015JA021102; pubdate=1 DEC 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, ModelWeb

247. Title=Effects of solar wind high-speed streams on the high-latitude ionosphere: Superposed epoch study
Authors=M. Grandin A. T. Aikio A. Kozlovsky T. Ulich T. Raita
article=2015JA021785; doi=10.1002/2015JA021785; pubdate=4 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2012, VITMO

248. Title=Polar cap precursor of nightside auroral oval intensifications using polar cap arcs
Authors=Ying Zou Yukitoshi Nishimura Larry R. Lyons Eric F. Donovan Kazuo Shiokawa J. Michael Ruohoniemi Kathryn A. McWilliams Nozomu Nishitani
article=2015JA021816; doi=10.1002/2015JA021816; pubdate=11 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

249. Title=Impact of the semidiurnal lunar tide on the midlatitude thermospheric wind and ionosphere during sudden stratosphere warmings
Authors=N. M. Pedatella A. Maute
article=2015JA021986; doi=10.1002/2015JA021986; pubdate=14 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

250. Title=Modelling total electron content during geomagnetic storm conditions using empirical orthogonal functions and neural networks
Authors=Jean Claude Uwamahoro John Bosco Habarulema
article=2015JA021961; doi=10.1002/2015JA021961; pubdate=23 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2001, IRI-2007, IRI-2012

251. Title=Modes of high-latitude auroral conductance variability derived from DMSP energetic electron precipitation observations: Empirical orthogonal function analysis
Authors=Ryan McGranaghan Delores J. Knipp Tomoko Matsuo Humberto Godinez Robert J. Redmon Stanley C. Solomon Steven K. Morley
article=2015JA021828; doi=10.1002/2015JA021828; pubdate=23 DEC 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, NSSDC, Space Physics Data Facility, International Reference Ionosphere

Science Enabled Research Papers in Geophysical Research Letters for 2015

1. Title=North-south asymmetry of the high-latitude thermospheric density: IMF BY effect
Authors=Yosuke Yamazaki Michael J. Kosch Eric K. Sutton
article=2014GL062748; doi=10.1002/2014GL062748; pubdate=23 JAN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

2. Title=Intermediate-scale plasma irregularities in the polar ionosphere inferred from GPS radio occultation
Authors=E. B. Shume A. Komjathy R. B. Langley O. Verkhoglyadova M. D. Butala A. J. Mannucci
article=2014GL062558; doi=10.1002/2014GL062558; pubdate=9 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

3. Title=A dayside plasma depletion observed at midlatitudes during quiet geomagnetic conditions
Authors=Jaeheung Park Claudia Stolle Chao Xiong Hermann L%C3%BChr Robert F. Pfaff Stephan Buchert Carlos R. Martinis
article=2014GL062655; doi=10.1002/2014GL062655; pubdate=21 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

4. Title=Modeling inward diffusion and slow decay of energetic electrons in the Earth\‘s outer radiation belt
Authors=Q. Ma W. Li R. M. Thorne B. Ni C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky G. D. Reeves M. G. Henderson H. E. Spence D. N. Baker J. B. Blake J. F. Fennell S. G. Claudepierre V. Angelopoulos
article=2014GL062977; doi=10.1002/2014GL062977; pubdate=25 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF, (ftp), CDAWEB

5. Title=Swarm in situ observations of F region polar cap patches created by cusp precipitation
Authors=L. V. Goodwin B. Iserhienrhien D. M. Miles S. Patra C. Meeren S. C. Buchert J. K. Burchill L. B. N. Clausen D. J. Knudsen K. A. McWilliams J. Moen
article=2014GL062610; doi=10.1002/2014GL062610; pubdate=26 FEB 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

6. Title=Van Allen Probes show that the inner radiation zone contains no MeV electrons: ECT%2FMagEIS data
Authors=J. F. Fennell S. G. Claudepierre J. B. Blake T. P. O\‘Brien J. H. Clemmons D. N. Baker H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves
article=2014GL062874; doi=10.1002/2014GL062874; pubdate=9 MAR 2015
Keywords found: NSSDC, AE-8

7. Title=Effects of small thundercloud electrostatic fields on the ionospheric density profile
Authors=Mohammad A. Salem Ningyu Liu Hamid K. Rassoul
article=2015GL063268; doi=10.1002/2015GL063268; pubdate=25 MAR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, VITMO (msis)

8. Title=Momentum transfer from solar wind to interplanetary field enhancements inferred from magnetic field draping signatures
Authors=H. R. Lai C. T. Russell Y. D. Jia H. Y. Wei V. Angelopoulos
article=2015GL063302; doi=10.1002/2015GL063302; pubdate=18 MAR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

9. Title=Energetic electron injections deep into the inner magnetosphere associated with substorm activity
Authors=D. L. Turner S. G. Claudepierre J. F. Fennell T. P. O\‘Brien J. B. Blake C. Lemon M. Gkioulidou K. Takahashi G. D. Reeves S. Thaller A. Breneman J. R. Wygant W. Li A. Runov V. Angelopoulos
article=2015GL063225; doi=10.1002/2015GL063225; pubdate=1 APR 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

10. Title=Shape of the terrestrial plasma sheet in the near-Earth magnetospheric tail as imaged by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer
Authors=M. A. Dayeh S. A. Fuselier H. O. Funsten D. J. McComas K. Ogasawara S. M. Petrinec N. A. Schwadron P. Valek
article=2015GL063682; doi=10.1002/2015GL063682; pubdate=11 APR 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

11. Title=Unraveling the drivers of the storm time radiation belt response
Authors=E. K. J. Kilpua H. Hietala D. L. Turner H. E. J. Koskinen T. I. Pulkkinen J. V. Rodriguez G. D. Reeves S. G. Claudepierre H. E. Spence
article=2015GL063542; doi=10.1002/2015GL063542; pubdate=4 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

12. Title=Universal properties of mirror mode turbulence in the Earth\‘s magnetosheath
Authors=A. Osmane A. P. Dimmock T. I. Pulkkinen
article=2015GL063771; doi=10.1002/2015GL063771; pubdate=4 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

13. Title=Magnetic field fluctuation features at Swarm\‘s altitude: A fractal approach
Authors=Paola De Michelis Giuseppe Consolini Roberta Tozzi
article=2015GL063603; doi=10.1002/2015GL063603; pubdate=7 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

14. Title=Disappearance of plasmaspheric hiss following interplanetary shock
Authors=Zhenpeng Su Hui Zhu Fuliang Xiao Huinan Zheng Yuming Wang Chao Shen Min Zhang Shui Wang C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth G. B. Hospodarsky H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves H. O. Funsten J. B. Blake D. N. Baker J. R. Wygant
article=2015GL063906; doi=10.1002/2015GL063906; pubdate=12 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

15. Title=The upstream-propagating Alfvenic fluctuations with power law spectra in the upstream region of the Earth\‘s bow shock
Authors=Xin Wang Chuanyi Tu Linghua Wang Jiansen He Eckart Marsch
article=2015GL063893; doi=10.1002/2015GL063893; pubdate=20 MAY 2015
Keywords found: SPDF (ftp)

16. Title=Two-dimensional configuration of the magnetotail current sheet: THEMIS observations
Authors=A. V. Artemyev A. A. Petrukovich R. Nakamura L. M. Zelenyi
article=2015GL063994; doi=10.1002/2015GL063994; pubdate=21 MAY 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

17. Title=Mapping auroral activity with Twitter
Authors=N. A. Case E. A. MacDonald M. Heavner A. H. Tapia N. Lalone
article=2015GL063709; doi=10.1002/2015GL063709; pubdate=21 MAY 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

18. Title=Extreme geomagnetic disturbances due to shocks within CMEs
Authors=N. Lugaz C. J. Farrugia C.-L. Huang H. E. Spence
article=2015GL064530; doi=10.1002/2015GL064530; pubdate=19 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb

19. Title=Relativistic electron precipitations in association with diffuse aurora: Conjugate observation of SAMPEX and the all-sky TV camera at Syowa Station
Authors=Satoshi Kurita Akira Kadokura Yoshizumi Miyoshi Akira Morioka Yuka Sato Hiroaki Misawa
article=2015GL064564; doi=10.1002/2015GL064564; pubdate=19 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

20. Title=Asymmetric magnetospheric compressions and expansions in response to impact of inclined interplanetary shock
Authors=A. A. Samsonov V. A. Sergeev M. M. Kuznetsova D. G. Sibeck
article=2015GL064294; doi=10.1002/2015GL064294; pubdate=25 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

21. Title=Solar wind energy input to the magnetosheath and at the magnetopause
Authors=T. I. Pulkkinen A. P. Dimmock A. Osmane K. Nykyri
article=2015GL064226; doi=10.1002/2015GL064226; pubdate=26 JUN 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, (ftp)

22. Title=A new physics-based modeling approach for tsunami-ionosphere coupling
Authors=X. Meng A. Komjathy O. P. Verkhoglyadova Y.-M. Yang Y. Deng A. J. Mannucci
article=2015GL064610; doi=10.1002/2015GL064610; pubdate=30 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

23. Title=Three-dimensional test particle simulation of the 17-18 March 2013 CME shock-driven storm
Authors=Zhao Li Mary Hudson Brian Kress Jan Paral
article=2015GL064627; doi=10.1002/2015GL064627; pubdate=16 JUL 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

24. Title=Storm-to-storm main phase repeatability of the local time variation of disturbed low-latitude vertical ion drifts
Authors=Chao-Song Huang
article=2015GL064674; doi=10.1002/2015GL064674; pubdate=22 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

25. Title=Accurately specifying storm-time ULF wave radial diffusion in the radiation belts
Authors=Stavros Dimitrakoudis Ian R. Mann Georgios Balasis Constantinos Papadimitriou Anastasios Anastasiadis Ioannis A. Daglis
article=2015GL064707; doi=10.1002/2015GL064707; pubdate=23 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, (ftp)

26. Title=Observations of coincident EMIC wave activity and duskside energetic electron precipitation on 18-19 January 2013
Authors=L. W. Blum A. Halford R. Millan J. W. Bonnell J. Goldstein M. Usanova M. Engebretson M. Ohnsted G. Reeves H. Singer M. Clilverd X. Li
article=2015GL065245; doi=10.1002/2015GL065245; pubdate=30 JUL 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

27. Title=Revisit of relationship between geosynchronous relativistic electron enhancements and magnetic storms
Authors=Hee-Jeong Kim Larry Lyons Victor Pinto Chih-Ping Wang Kyung-Chan Kim
article=2015GL065192; doi=10.1002/2015GL065192; pubdate=7 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

28. Title=Applying a curl-B technique to Swarm vector data to estimate nighttime F region current intensities
Authors=Roberta Tozzi Michael Pezzopane Paola De Michelis Mirko Piersanti
article=2015GL064841; doi=10.1002/2015GL064841; pubdate=10 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, Space Physics Data Facility

29. Title=Near-Earth injection of MeV electrons associated with intense dipolarization electric fields: Van Allen Probes observations
Authors=Lei Dai Chi Wang Suping Duan Zhaohai He John R. Wygant Cynthia A. Cattell Xin Tao Zhenpeng Su Craig Kletzing Daniel N. Baker Xinlin Li David Malaspina J. Bernard Blake Joseph Fennell Seth Claudepierre Drew L. Turner Geoffrey D. Reeves Herbert O. Funsten Harlan E. Spence Vassilis Angelopoulos Dennis Fruehauff Lunjin Chen Scott Thaller Aaron Breneman Xiangwei Tang
article=2015GL064955; doi=10.1002/2015GL064955; pubdate=10 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

30. Title=Interplanetary shocks and the resulting geomagnetically induced currents at the equator
Authors=B. A. Carter E. Yizengaw R. Pradipta A. J. Halford R. Norman K. Zhang
article=2015GL065060; doi=10.1002/2015GL065060; pubdate=25 AUG 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

31. Title=Observations of a large-scale gravity wave propagating over an extremely large horizontal distance in the thermosphere
Authors=Jianpeng Guo Jeffrey M. Forbes Fengsi Wei Xueshang Feng Huixin Liu Weixing Wan Zhiliang Yang Chaoxu Liu Barbara A. Emery Yue Deng
article=2015GL065671; doi=10.1002/2015GL065671; pubdate=28 AUG 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

32. Title=Solar wind conditions leading to efficient radiation belt electron acceleration: A superposed epoch analysis
Authors=W. Li R. M. Thorne J. Bortnik D. N. Baker G. D. Reeves S. G. Kanekal H. E. Spence J. C. Green
article=2015GL065342; doi=10.1002/2015GL065342; pubdate=7 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, OMNI2, SPDF, (ftp)

33. Title=On the confinement of lunar induced magnetic fields
Authors=S. Fatemi H. A. Fuqua A. R. Poppe G. T. Delory J. S. Halekas W. M. Farrell M. Holmstr%C3%B6m
article=2015GL065576; doi=10.1002/2015GL065576; pubdate=12 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

34. Title=Birkeland current effects on high-latitude ground magnetic field perturbations
Authors=K. M. Laundal S. E. Haaland N. Lehtinen J. W. Gjerloev N. %C3%98stgaard P. Tenfjord J. P. Reistad K. Snekvik S. E. Milan S. Ohtani B. J. Anderson
article=2015GL065776; doi=10.1002/2015GL065776; pubdate=18 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

35. Title=Van Allen Probes observations of unusually low frequency whistler mode waves observed in association with moderate magnetic storms: Statistical study
Authors=C. A. Cattell A. W. Breneman S. A. Thaller J. R. Wygant C. A. Kletzing W. S. Kurth
article=2015GL065565; doi=10.1002/2015GL065565; pubdate=25 SEP 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

36. Title=Penetration of magnetosonic waves into the plasmasphere observed by the Van Allen Probes
Authors=Fuliang Xiao Qinghua Zhou Yihua He Chang Yang Si Liu D. N. Baker H. E. Spence G. D. Reeves H. O. Funsten J. B. Blake
article=2015GL065745; doi=10.1002/2015GL065745; pubdate=29 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

37. Title=THEMIS observations of tangential discontinuity-driven foreshock bubbles
Authors=Zixu Liu Drew L. Turner Vassilis Angelopoulos Nick Omidi
article=2015GL065842; doi=10.1002/2015GL065842; pubdate=3 OCT 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

38. Title=Imaging the development of the cold dense plasma sheet
Authors=S. A. Fuselier M. A. Dayeh G. Livadiotis D. J. McComas K. Ogasawara P. Valek H. O. Funsten S. M. Petrinec
article=2015GL065716; doi=10.1002/2015GL065716; pubdate=8 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, SPDF

39. Title=Multisensor profiling of a concentric gravity wave event propagating from the troposphere to the ionosphere
Authors=Irfan Azeem Jia Yue Lars Hoffmann Steven D. Miller William C. Straka Geoff Crowley
article=2015GL065903; doi=10.1002/2015GL065903; pubdate=14 OCT 2015
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, (iriweb)

40. Title=Comparison of simulated and observed trapped and precipitating electron fluxes during a magnetic storm
Authors=Margaret W. Chen Colby L. Lemon Ksenia Orlova Yuri Shprits James Hecht R. L. Walterscheid
article=2015GL065737; doi=10.1002/2015GL065737; pubdate=29 OCT 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere

41. Title=The effects of geomagnetic storms on electrons in Earth\‘s radiation belts
Authors=D. L. Turner T. P. O\‘Brien J. F. Fennell S. G. Claudepierre J. B. Blake E. K. J. Kilpua H. Hietala
article=2015GL064747; doi=10.1002/2015GL064747; pubdate=10 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI

42. Title=Kinetic Alfven waves and particle response associated with a shock-induced  global ULF perturbation of the terrestrial magnetosphere
Authors=David M. Malaspina Seth G. Claudepierre Kazue Takahashi Allison N. Jaynes Scot R. Elkington Robert E. Ergun John R. Wygant Geoff D. Reeves Craig A. Kletzing
article=2015GL065935; doi=10.1002/2015GL065935; pubdate=14 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

43. Title=Lightning as a space-weather hazard: UK thunderstorm activity modulated by the passage of the heliospheric current sheet
Authors=M. J. Owens C. J. Scott A. J. Bennett S. R. Thomas M. Lockwood R. G. Harrison M. M. Lam
article=2015GL066802; doi=10.1002/2015GL066802; pubdate=19 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility

44. Title=First detection of the supersonic upward plasma flow structures in the early morning sector
Authors=Elvira Astafyeva Irina Zakharenkova
article=2015GL066369; doi=10.1002/2015GL066369; pubdate=23 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb

45. Title=On the dependence of storm time ULF wave power on magnetopause location: Impacts for ULF wave radial diffusion
Authors=Kyle R. Murphy Ian R. Mann David G. Sibeck
article=2015GL066592; doi=10.1002/2015GL066592; pubdate=25 NOV 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, Space Physics Data Facility

46. Title=The interaction between transpolar arcs and cusp spots
Authors=R. C. Fear S. E. Milan J. A. Carter R. Maggiolo
article=2015GL066194; doi=10.1002/2015GL066194; pubdate=25 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNI, NSSDC, (ftp)

47. Title=Observations of discrete magnetosonic waves off the magnetic equator
Authors=Zeren Zhima Lunjin Chen Huishan Fu Jinbin Cao Richard B. Horne Geoff Reeves
article=2015GL066255; doi=10.1002/2015GL066255; pubdate=27 NOV 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

48. Title=Acceleration and loss of relativistic electrons during small geomagnetic storms
Authors=B. R. Anderson R. M. Millan G. D. Reeves R. H. W. Friedel
article=2015GL066376; doi=10.1002/2015GL066376; pubdate=2 DEC 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, OMNI

49. Title=Compressibility of Mercury\‘s dayside magnetosphere
Authors=J. Zhong W. X. Wan Y. Wei J. A. Slavin J. M. Raines Z. J. Rong L. H. Chai X. H. Han
article=2015GL067063; doi=10.1002/2015GL067063; pubdate=11 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNI, SPDF, Space Physics Data Facility, (ftp)

50. Title=Frequency variability of standing Alfven waves excited by fast mode resonances in the outer magnetosphere
Authors=M. O. Archer M. D. Hartinger B. M. Walsh F. Plaschke V. Angelopoulos
article=2015GL066683; doi=10.1002/2015GL066683; pubdate=14 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

51. Title=Development of bifurcated current sheets in solar wind reconnection exhausts
Authors=R. Mistry J. P. Eastwood T. D. Phan H. Hietala
article=2015GL066820; doi=10.1002/2015GL066820; pubdate=19 DEC 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

52. Title=Nonstorm loss of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt
Authors=Ch. Katsavrias I. A. Daglis D. L. Turner I. Sandberg C. Papadimitriou M. Georgiou G. Balasis
article=2015GL066773; doi=10.1002/2015GL066773; pubdate=19 DEC 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI

Science Enabled Research Papers in Radio Science for 2015

1. Title=Radiometric measurements of electron temperature and opacity of ionospheric perturbations
Authors=A. E. E. Rogers J. D. Bowman J. Vierinen R. Monsalve T. Mozdzen
article=2014RS005599; doi=10.1002/2014RS005599; pubdate=18 FEB 2015
Keywords found: IRI-2007, MSIS

2. Title=Comparison between GPS radio occultation electron densities and in situ satellite observations
Authors=N. M. Pedatella X. Yue W. S. Schreiner
article=2015RS005677; doi=10.1002/2015RS005677; pubdate=23 JUN 2015
Keywords found: CDAWeb

3. Title=Ray tracing technique for global 3-D modeling of ionospheric electron density using GNSS measurements
Authors=Mohamad Mahdi Alizadeh Harald Schuh Michael Schmidt
article=2014RS005466; doi=10.1002/2014RS005466; pubdate=28 JUN 2015
Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2012

4. Title=New method for deriving the topside ionospheric Vary-Chap scale height
Authors=Sicheng Wang Sixun Huang Hanxian Fang
article=2015RS005724; doi=10.1002/2015RS005724; pubdate=20 SEP 2015
Keywords found: NSSDCFTP, SPDF, International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2007

5. Title=Multi-instrument  high-resolution imaging of polar cap patch transportation
Authors=E. G. Thomas K. Hosokawa J. Sakai J. B. H. Baker J. M. Ruohoniemi S. Taguchi K. Shiokawa Y. Otsuka A. J. Coster J.-P. St.-Maurice K. A. McWilliams
article=2015RS005672; doi=10.1002/2015RS005672; pubdate=25 SEP 2015
Keywords found: OMNIWeb, OMNI, SPDF

6. Title=Data assimilation of plasmasphere and upper ionosphere using COSMIC/GPS slant TEC measurements
Authors=M. J. Wu P. Guo T. L. Xu N. F. Fu X. S. Xu H. L. Jin X. G. Hu
article=2015RS005732; doi=10.1002/2015RS005732; pubdate=2 NOV 2015
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere

7. Title=Mitigating satellite motion in GPS monitoring of traveling ionospheric disturbances
Authors=R. W. Penney N. K. Jackson-Booth
article=2015RS005767; doi=10.1002/2015RS005767; pubdate=11 NOV 2015
Keywords found: International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2012