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For Amateur Astronomers

For the June 8th transit of Venus, NASA through their Office of Space Science would like to invite Amateur Astronomers to participate in education programs designed to inform the public about this wondrous and historic event and help them view the transit first hand. For this, NASA has entered into partnership with the Astronomical League to provide and support education events all over the country including schools, museums and planetariums, sun parties, and community and civic association events. Please join us in telling this amazing story of discovery to the world.

Where will you be on June 8 th, 2004? If you don't know yet, you had better decide quickly or you may miss one of the rarest events in astronomy. To learn more about this rare celestial event, read this fascinating article, "The Transit of Venus: Twice in a Lifetime".
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There are a number of resources accessible through this web site that may help you in your Venus Transit observing program and in communicating the science of the transit to the public. These include:

WHAT'S HAPPENING IN YOUR AREA: From here you can find out what events near you are planned for the transit. Amateurs are encouraged to contact relevant science centers and other institutions holding events to offer help such as solar viewing sessions, exhibit docents, and talks.

FOR SCIENTISTS: Many of the resources and references under this link will also be relevant to Amateur Astronomers. This includes resources and activities for giving presentations, registration, and a contact list comprising education societies.

FOR EDUCATORS: Here you can read about school based activities and lesson plans that are grade appropriate for K-12. Many of these can be used in presentations both to schools and to general public audiences.

Through the Astronomical League, you can earn recognition for observing the transit and educating the public.

2004 VENUS TRANSIT PREDICTIONS: Here you can find detailed maps and transit times for hundreds of cities.

HALLEY'S METHOD OF DERIVING THE AU: Calculate the AU the way Edmond Halley did taking into account the Earth's rotation, orbital eccentricity, and longitude.

Responsible NASA Official: Dr. James Thiemann
Web Manager/Curator: Troy Cline
Web Designer/Curator: Lori Ann Persichitti Lopez
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