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: Students
Welcome!Welcome to the student section for Sun-Earth Day 2003! We have designed this section specifically for students. Simply click on your grade level in the menu to the left to find activities and resources just for you! Parents and/or guardians are also welcome! This site offers a wonderful learning opportunity for you and your child. By clicking on your child's grade level in the main menu bar to the left, you will find a list of resources that will enable you to start an exciting exploration of the Sun-Earth Connection and the Aurora. For an even more in-depth experience be sure to visit the section of our site called, "Student Observation Network (S.O.N.)". This section will show you how you and your child can make use of real scientific data, observe the Sun, make predictions, conduct on-line collaborations and track solar storms! Web Quests - The Sun Earth Day website has resources of all types for use in a classroom. This year's resources are quite diverse. This is an opportunity for students to use these resources to answer a question. Below is a suggestion of how a web quest could be done with a single question for an elementary student. The older students, who have had practice using the web and doing their own research, will be able to find the answers to all their questions about the Sun Earth Connection. Students can pose their own question and search through the website to discover the answer. Don't forget to Ask the Scientist if other questions arise and you need more resources. Join the Search!