When one moves through 11 SDO images taken at the same time, and shown in order from the lowest temperature material being imaged to the highest, a funny thing thing happens: the features of a face in the sun begin to appear. The movie underscores the fact that images taken at different wavelengths do reveal different features. The images also start at the sun's surface and gradually move out to the sun's upper corona. Enjoy the show!
Aurora are colorful lights in the night time sky primarily appearing in Earth's polar regions. But what causes them? The culprit behind aurora is our own Sun and the solar plasma that is ejected during a magnetic event like a flare or a coronal mass ejection.
The "Chromatics" is a unique, high-energy, a-capella vocal band that delights audiences across the country. "The Sun Song" is among their many compositions.
We look at the sun rising every day. It's bright, it's big and it warms us up. Our sun happens to be the brightest object in our universe and it has captured our curiosity and imaginations throughout history.
Magnetic fields and electric fields are aspects of a more basic field in nature called the electromagnetic field.