Sun-Earth Days 2014

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Days 2014

The Sun-Earth Days Team

Sun-Earth Days 2011 Project Lead:
Elaine Lewis
Formal Education Coordinator:
Elaine Lewis
Informal Education Coordinator:
Carolyn Ng
Amateur Astronomer Coordinator:
Lou Mayo
Web Content Manager/Producer:
Troy Cline
Web Site Design/Development:
Bryan Stephenson
Troy Cline
Website Maintenance:
Bryan Stephenson
Senior Astronomer/Writer:
('Technology Through Time' Editor)
Dr. Sten Odenwald
Project Partners:
Special Thanks:
Nathan James - SEC Education Resource Coordinator, SED registration
Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis

Troy Cline

Troy Cline

Carolyn Ng

Carolyn Ng

Lou Mayo

Lou Mayo

Sten Odenwald

Dr. Sten Odenwald

Bryan Stephenson

Bryan Stephenson


The August 4, 1972 solar flare was so powerful that, by some estimates, a spacesuited astronaut would have received a lethal does of radiation.