Studying Our Scintillating Sun: Students will construct an edible model of the Sun denoting surface and interior feature.
This module, Solar Music - Helioseismology, encourages the students to realize you can learn about an object by listening to it. Astonomers listen to the Sun's heartbeat to learn about the inside of the Sun.
Construct a model sundial from paper. After this activity you will know the design, principle and orientation of a sundial, the type with a gnomon pointing towards the pole of the heavens
Visit Spanish Resources to view this activity (Haciendo Su Propio Reloj Solar) in Spanish
The Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager was launched in 2002 to study solar flares. This document shows how to create a paper model of the spacecraft
Visit this site to listen to the Sun's Song! Our Sun lies 93,000,000 miles away, surrounded by the vacuum of space. Sound won't travel through.
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory was launched in 1995 to observe the Sun. This document shows how to create a paper model of the spacecraft
Students compare two objects at different distances explore the concept that distance affects how we perceive the size of objects.
Students learn about shadows as they observe and draw the shadow of a classmate. In the extension activity, students observe and discuss shadows changing over time.
After completing the activities on these pages you will be able to make a necklace or keychain horizontal sundial. These sundials are fun, portable, and inexpensive. A complete necklace can cost as little as 30 cents! They make a terrific classroom activity for students of all ages, and also make wonderful gifts.
The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer was launched in 1998 to image the solar corona. This document shows how to create a paper model of the spacecraft
In this demonstration of day and night, students learn kinesthetically as they take on the role of the Earth orbiting the rotating Sun.
Students learn about shadows as they observe and draw the shadow of a classmate.