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MAG Science Objectives:

  • Measure and analytically represent the planetary magnetic fields of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  • Determine the magnetosphere structure of all the giant planets encountered.
  • Investigate the basic physical mechanisms and processes involved both in interactions between the solar wind and the magentosphere and in internal magnetospheric dynamics, in correlative studies with other particles and fields investigations.
  • Investigate the interactions of the satellites of these planets with their magnetosphere/solar wind environments.
  • Accurately survey the interplanetary magnetic field beyond 1 AU and continue and extend studies of large-scale characteristics of the interplanetary medium.
  • Continue and extend studies of the physics of microscale phenomena in the solar wind.
  • Search for the transition region between the interplanetary and interstellar media, and if possible, investigate the magnetic characteristics of the boundary region and measure the galactic magnetic field and its variations.
  • Why Study Magnetospheres?

    The study of magnetospheres is of great scientific interest and practical importance. Magnetospheres provide ideal laboratories in which to study the behavior of plasmas, a state of matter being increasing important in our quest for new energy sources. Moreover, the Earth's magnetosphere is host to numerous expensive satellite systems, and often not a benign host.
    FirstGov - Your First Click to the US Government Privacy Policy & Important Notices NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Curator: Robert M. Candey
    Responsible NASA Official: Adam Szabo
    Last Modified: April 10, 2012