The last step in creating a variable is to be sure to describe the variable. The description includes a Short Name, Long Name and a Keyword. You may also include optional Variable Notes to further explain the data. These are entered on the Description/Values panel.
Note, that while you must choose from the available list of Keyword classes, you may also enter an optional subclass to further define the variable.
If this variable were non record varying, you would also be able to enter values on this page. The label1_BGSMc variable is an example and a screen shot showing the Description/Values panel for that variable may be found here.
At this point this variable is completly described and you may move on to the next variable. If you attempted to choose another variable, or create a new one without following all these steps you would be presented with a warning about the missing attribute. You must then go and fix the problem before continuing. This is to ensure that all variables meet the ISTP Guidelines