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CDF Related Publications and References


  1. Kessel, M, and R. Candey, "Visualization of International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program (ISTP) Data," Visualization Techniques in Space and Atmospheric Sciences, NASA SP-519, December 1995.

  2. Mathews, J., and S. Towheed, "WWW-Based Data Systems for Interactive Manipulation of Science Data", Science Information Systems Interoperability Conference (SISIC), University of Maryland, November 6-9, 1995. (See URL:

  3. Mathews, G. J., "Selecting a General-Purpose Data Compression Algorithm", Proceedings of the Science Information Management and Data Compression Workshop, NASA Publication 3315, October 1995, pp. 55-64. (See URL:

  4. Cooper, J. et al., "Internet Access to NASA's OMNI and COHO Data Bases for Interplanetary Missions," Proceedings of the 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 1995.

  5. Mathews, G. J., "Creating a Flexible Graphical User Interface using the ObjectWindows Framework," C++ Report, Vol. 7, No. 6, July/August 1995, pp. 46-52.

  6. Mathews, G. J., and S. S. Towheed, "NSSDC OMNIWeb: The First Space Physics WWW-based Data Browsing and Retrieval System," Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Proceedings of Third International World Wide Web Conference, Vol. 27, No. 6, April 1995, pp. 801-808. (See URL:


  7. Goucher, G., and Mathews, J., "The National Space Science Data Center Common Data Format," Research and Technology R&T Report, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Publication, December 1994.

  8. NSSDC 1994 Annual Report, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 94-02, December 1994.

  9. CDF User's Guide, Version 2.5, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 94-11, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, December 1994. (See URL:

  10. CDF C Reference Manual, Version 2.5, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 94-12, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, December 1994.

  11. CDF Fortran Reference Manual, Version 2.5, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 94-13, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, December 1994.

  12. Goucher, G. W., and G. J. Mathews, "A Comprehensive Look at CDF," NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 94-07, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, August 1994. (See URL:

  13. Fortner, B., "Scientific Data Formats - Part V," SCITECH Journal, July 1994.

  14. Teague, M., "ISTP Key Parameter Available on CD-ROM," Solar- Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP) International, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Publication, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 4-5, July 1994. (Request copy by sending email to

  15. Perado, M., and W. Mish, "The ISTP Key Parameter Database, Part 1," Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP) International, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Publication, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 1994. (Request copy by sending email to

  16. CDF User's Guide, Version 2.4, National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC 94-01, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, February 1994.

  17. Goucher G. W., J. Love, and H. Leckner, "A Discipline-Independent Scientific Data Management Package -- The National Space Science Data Center's (NSSDC) Common Data Format (CDF)," Proceedings of the 1992 STEP Symposium/5th COSPAR Colloquium, Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, February 1994.

  18. Mathews, J., Common Data Format (CDF) Library Testing Procedures, National Space Science Data Center Technical Report, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, February 1994.

  19. IDL Scientific Data Formats, Version 3.6, Research Systems Incorporated, Boulder, Colorado, April 1994.


  20. Mathews, J., Common Data Format (CDF) Benchmarking/Performance Procedures, National Space Science Data Center Technical Report, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, December 1993.

  21. IDL Scientific Data Formats, Version 3.5, Research Systems Incorporated, Boulder, Colorado, November 1993.

  22. S. Brown, M. Folk, G. Goucher, and R. Rew, "Software for Portable Scientific Data Management," Computers in Physics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 304-308, May/June 1993.

  23. Steinberg, H., "Multi-Resolution Access to Gridded Data," Thesis paper, Univ. of Maryland, May 1993.

  24. Kessel, R. L., R. E. McGuire, H. K. Hill, N. J. Schofield, Jr., and J. Love, "ISTP Guidelines for CDF," in International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Key Parameter Generation Software (KPGS) Standards and Conventions, Version 1.2, W. H. Mish, NASA, 1993. (Request copy through ISTP project at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)


  25. Salem, K., "MR-CDF: Managing Multi-Resolution Scientific Data," CESDIS TR 92-81, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, March 1992.


  26. CDF User's Guide for UNIX System, Version 2.1, National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC 91-30, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, December 1991.

  27. CDF User's Guide for VMS System, Version 2.1, National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC 91-30, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, December 1991.

  28. Treinish, L. A. (ed.), "Data Structures and Access Software for Scientific Visualization," A Report on a Workshop at Siggraph '90, Computer Graphics, 25, no. 2, April 1991.

  29. Olsen, L., NASA Climate Data Sytem Primer, Version 4.0, National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC 91-04, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, February 1991.


  30. Proceedings of the First NASA Climate Data Workship, National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC 90-09, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, April 1990.


  31. Treinish, L. A., and G. W. Goucher, "A Data Abstraction for the Source- Independent Storage and Manipulation of Data," National Space Science Data Center Technical Paper, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, August 1988.

  32. CDF Implementor's Guide, National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC 88-17, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, Auguest 1988.


  33. Treinish, L. A., and M. L. Gough, "A Software Package for the Data- Independent Storage of Multi-Dimensional Data," EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 68, pp. 633-635, 1987.

  34. Reph, M., PCDS Primer, National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC 87-21, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, November 1987.

  35. Gough, M. L., CDF Implementor's Guide, National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC 87-01, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, January 1987.

    Additional Reading

  36. Trienish, L., R. Kulkarni, M. Folk, G. Goucher, and R. Rew, "Data Models, Structures and Access Software for Scientific Visualization," Proceedings IEEE Visualization '93, San Jose, California, October 25-29, 1993.

  37. Treinish, L. A., "Unifying Principles of Data Management for Scientific Visualization," presented at the British Computer Society International State-of-the-Art Conferences on Animation and Scientific Visualization, Winchester, United Kingdom, December 1992.

  38. Hibbard, W., C. R. Dyer, and B. Paul, "Display of Scientific Data Structures for Algorithm Visualization," Proceeding IEEE Visualization '92, pp. 139-146, October 1992.

  39. Treinish L. A., "The Role of Data Management in Discipline-Independent Data Visualization, A Report on a Workshop at SIGGRAPH '90," Computer Graphics, 25, n. 2, April 1991.

  40. Fekete, G.,"Rendering and Managing Spherical Data with Sphere Quadtrees," Proceedings IEEE Visualization '90, San Francisco, California, October 1990.

  41. Faust, J. T., and D. S. Dyer, "An Effective Data Format for Scientific Visualization," Proceedings of the SPEVSPSE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, February 1990.

  42. Treinish L. A. et al., "Effective Software Systems for Scientific Visualization," Proceedings of Siggraph '89 Panels, July 1989.

  43. Treinish L. A., "An Interactive, Discipline-Independent Data Visualization," Computer in Physics, 3, n. 4, July 1989.

*CDF Home Page
Jason Mathews,, (301)286-6879
Code 633.2, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA

Last Update: January 22, 1996 GJM.