CDF USERS MAILING LIST Welcome to the cdf-users mailing list! INTRODUCTION The purpose of this mailing list is to provide a mechanism for electronic discussion among programmers and users of the Common Data Format (CDF). This includes the discussion of: * General questions, experiences, and difficulties using CDF. * Examples of code for CDF. * C, C++, FORTRAN, and IDL programming. * ideas and comments about CDF. and, of course, to meet colleagues from around the world. A message you post to this mailing list will be seen by many people, so it's not usually appropriate for asking simple questions about usage or installation. Such questions should instead be sent to This service is provided to bring the CDF user community together by sharing knowledge and experience, and reduce duplication of effort. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE AND UNSUBSCRIBE To subscribe to this mailing list, please send an e-mail message to "" with the body of the message as the following one-line command: SUBSCRIBE cdf-users Note that commands in the "Subject:" line are NOT processed. If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can send mail to "" with the following command in the body of your email message: unsubscribe cdf-users yourname To change your email address, send a message to to unsubscribe your old address, and subscribe your new address. HOW TO SEND MESSAGES TO THE LIST To send a message to the mailing list, send your message to Messages are automatically sent to everyone on the mailing list. ARCHIVES OF PAST MESSAGES All past postings to the cdf-users mailing list are available via the URL as well as via FTP from in the standards/cdf/doc/mail-archives directory. WHO MAINTAINS THE MAILING LIST The list is maintained and moderated by members of the CDFsupport office, who are the CDF staff and responsible for data analysis software development among other things (such as this list). COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS For an automated help message from our mailing list manager you can send mail to "" with the following command in the body of your email message: help For general questions and comments about this mailing list, please send requests to "".