CDF Directory Entry Form Please use this form if you wish to be added to the CDF User Application Directory, or to change your entry. This will hopefully encourage sharing of knowledge and experience, and reduce duplication of effort. This form will be automatically processed, so you are asked to follow the guidelines given. If your answer requires more than one line, please indent subsequent lines with at least 1 TAB. Eg: ADDRESS: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 612.4 Greenbelt, MD 20771-0001, USA Please send the completed form to with the Subject line: "CDF User Application Directory [ACTION]", where the ACTION keyword is replaced with "ADD", "REMOVE", or "CHANGE". --------------------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------- CONTACT: [ name of the contact person ] EMAIL: [ email address of the contact person ] PHONE: [ phone number of contact person, international style code, eg +44 532 ] FAX: [ fax number, again international style code please ] ADDRESS: [ address, please indent 2nd line onwards with at least 1 TAB ] OVERVIEW: [ a *short* description of you and/or your project/ department/company. ] USE: [ a short description of the things you are using CDF for. Please include a separate USE: entry for each distinct use. ] APPLICATIONS: [ a brief resume of applications which you have written ] PLATFORM: [ details of each platform which you use CDF on. Include machine & model, operating system & version, compiler, version of X. If you ported CDF yourself, or are doing so, by appending (ported) or (porting) ]