CDF Bug Report Attached below is a bug report template. It would be very helpful for us to locate and fix the bug if all the information inquired in the template are supplied by the reporter. It is very difficult for us to trace bugs when we don't have enough background information. Before filling out the bug report, please check that you have the latest version of the CDF distribution. The bug might have been fixed already. Please fill out the form and send to: ----------------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------------------- Subject: [area]: [synopsis] [replace with actual AREA and SYNOPSIS] VERSION: [CDF library/toolkit version (e.g. CDF v2.4.6). You can obtain the version of your CDF distribution using the CDFinquire toolkit program and specifying the "/ID" argument as in the examples below: From MS-DOS: cdfinq -id From UNIX: cdfinquire -id From VMS: CDFINQUIRE /ID ] USER: [Name, phone number and address of person reporting the bug. (email address if possible)] AREA: [Area of the CDF source tree affected, e.g., lib, tools, tests, toplevel. If there are bugs in more than one AREA, please use a separate bug report for each AREA. ] SYNOPSIS: [Brief description of the problem and where it is located] MACHINE / OPERATING SYSTEM: [e.g. Sparc/SunOS 4.1.3, HP9000/730-HPUX9.01...] COMPILER: [e.g. native cc, native ANSI cc, Borland C++ V3.1, MPW, ...] DESCRIPTION: [Detailed description of problem. ] REPEAT BUG BY: [What you did to get the error; include test program or session transcript if at all possible. If you include a program, make sure it depends only on libraries in the CDF distribution, not on any vendor or third-party libraries. Please be specific; if we can't reproduce it, we can't fix it. Tell us exactly what we should see when the program is run. ] SAMPLE FIX: [If available, please send context diffs (diff -c)] [PLEASE make your Subject(SYNOPSIS): line as descriptive as possible.] [Remove all the explanatory text in brackets before mailing.] [Send to or to: Attn: CDF SUPPORT NASA/GSFC/SED/ESED/SPDF Code 612.4 Greenbelt, MD 20771, U.S.A. ]