This directory contains the following files: AAREADME.txt This is the AAREADME.txt file. CHANGES.txt Change history for CDF 3.2.4. cdf32_4_setup_universal_binary.tar.gz This is a self-installation package for PowerPC Mac or Intel Mac OS X 10.2 or later. Download and double-click the downloaded file for installation. This package contains everything CDF offers except for the CDF Perl APIs and contains the following: - pre-COMPILED CDF library (for C, Fortran, and Java) - complete suite of the CDF tools (both GUI-based and command-line-based) PerlCDF32_4.tar.gz Compressed tar file with the Gnu 'gzip' utility that contains Perl-CDF APIs. Download this if you are planning on developing CDF applications in Perl. Release.notes CDF 3.2 release notes. src_distribution Directory where the CDF source distribution is available. Go here if you want to build your own CDF library and tools. cdf32_documentation This file directs you to the documentation for CDF V3.2.