This is the CDF V3.1 online software distribution directory for VMS systems. CHANGES.txt Description of the changes made for the current release. Release.notes Information about the current CDF release. AAREADME.txt This is the AAREADME.txt file. cdf31-dist.bck This is the pre-built version of CDF V3.1. It contains the source for the CDF library and tools. It is a backup save set with a block size of 32256. Since the block size gets changed during the ftp, it needs to be reset back to its original size. An easy way is do that is to create a dummy backup save set file with 32256 bytes block size and copy the downloaded cdf31-dist.bck to it with /overlay qualifier on. Delete the downloaded cdf31-dist.bck and rename the dummy file to cdf31-dist.bck. Read README_VMS.txt to see how to use this backup file. cdf31-dist.fdl This is an FDL file for the previous backup save set file. cdf31_documentation This file points to the documentation of CDF V3.1. README_VMS.txt This file contains the instructions on how to operate the backup save set file and build the library and tools if desire.