This is the CDF V3.1 online software distribution directory for Unix/Linux systems. This directory contains the following files: AAREADME.txt This is the AAREADME.txt file. CHANGES.txt Description of the changes made for the current release. Release.notes Information about the current CDF release. cdf31-dist-all.tar.gz This file contains everything CDF offers except for the CDF Perl APIs, and it contains the following items: - CDF library - CDF C, Fortran, and Java APIs - C and Java version of the CDF tools - CDF XML tools cdf31-dist-all.tar.gz = cdf31-dist-cdf.tar.gz + cdf31-dist-java.tar.gz This file is compressed with the Unix/Linux 'gzip' utility. cdf31-dist-cdf.tar.gz This file contains the following items: - CDF library - CDF C and Fortran APIs - C version of the CDF tools. This file is compressed with the Unix/Linux 'gzip' utility. cdf31-dist-java.tar.gz This file contains the CDF Java APIs and Java version of the CDF tools (e.g. cdfedit, cdfexport, etc.) as well as CDF XML tools. Download this file if you already have a CDF library installed on your machine and want to develop CDF applications in Java or use the Java version of the CDF tools. This file is compressed with the Unix/Linux 'gzip' utility. cdfjava.jar This is the latest version of cdfjava.jar that contains the latest Java APIs. This file is also included in cdf31-dist-all.tar.gz and cdf31-dist-java.tar.gz. But it is here for those who installed the Java APIs a while ago and don't have the latest Java APIs. If you are not sure whether you have the latest version of the Java APIs, download this file and replace the one you have in the /cdfjava/classes directory. The latest version is multi-threaded safe. If you encounter any problem using this version, you may need to recompile the JNI, cdfNativeLibrary.c, that is in cdfjava/jni directory in the (compressed) tarball, i.e., cdf31-dist-all.tar* or cdf31-dist-java.tar*. cdf31-dist-cdfml.tar.gz This file contains the latest version in cdfml directory. The extracted contents will fill into cdf31-dist/cdfjava/cdfml directory. cdfml.jar This file contains the latest version of the CDF XML utilities (written in Java), and it contains the following programs: CDF2CDFML: Extracts the contents of a CDF file into a XML file that conforms to the CDF DTD or schema. CDFML2CDF: Creates a CDF file from a XML file that conforms to the CDF DTD or schema. The XML parser, SAX, is required to run this program. Note that Sun's JDK 1.4 or a later version has a built-in XML parser, so you don't need a separate XML parser run this program. Note that this file is also included in cdf31-dist-all.tar.gz and cdf31-dist-java.tar.gz, but it is here for those who have downloaded and installed an old version of cdf31-dist-all.tar.gz or cdf31-dist-java.tar.gz. If you are not sure whether you have the latest version of the CDF XML tools, download this file and replace the one you have in the /cdfjava/cdfml directory. PerlCDF31.tar.gz Compressed and tarred Perl-CDF APIs. cdf31_documentation This file points to the documentation of CDF V3.1.