$! NOTE: Before attempting to compile/link this code you must $! have the CDF software installed on your system. The CDF software $! can be found on the xfiles.gsfc.nasa.gov anonymous ftp server. $! $! This command file defines all symbols necessary to build the $! makecdf program. After running this, ie. @do_cdf33, then run $! the makecdflink.com file to link and create the executable. $! This command file also defines a symbol "makecdf" that, on VMS $! machines is required in order to all you to call a program with $! arguments. $! $! modify the a_cdf assignment to point to your local directory where $! your copy of the CDF distribution resides. $bb=f$environment("default") $a_cdf:==ncf_cdf_staff:[cdf.cdf38_0-dist $a_cdft:=='a_cdf'.src.tools] $a_cdfi:=='a_cdf'.include] $a_cdfl:=='a_cdf'.lib] $a_cdfe:=='a_cdf'.exe] $a_cdfsi:=='a_cdf'.src.include] $a_cdfa:=='a_cdf'.include] $assign 'a_cdft' cdf$tools $assign 'a_cdfi' cdf$inctools $! $! $set default 'a_cdft' $DOCC == "CC/warnings=disable=(pragma)/DEBUG/NOOPT/OBJ=''bb'/INC=(''a_cdfsi',''a_cdfi',''a_cdft')" $set default 'a_cdft' $'docc' TOOLBOX1.C,TOOLBOX3.C $set default 'bb' $purge $@'a_cdf']definitions.com