#! /bin/sh echo echo Checking for the leap second table... local_url=`printenv CDF_LEAPSECONDSTABLE` if [ -z "$local_url" ]; then echo CDF_LEAPSECONDSTABLE environment variable is not defined... echo Internal hard-coded leap second table may be used... if [ -n "$CDF_BASE" ]; then result=`$CDF_BASE/bin/cdfleapsecondsinfo -nodump` local_leap=`echo $result | cut -d " " -f31` ls_folder= else echo "Enter the latest, installed CDF directory: "; read ls_folder if [ -f "$ls_folder/CDFLeapSeconds.txt" ]; then local_leap=`tail -1 $ls_folder/CDFLeapSeconds.txt | awk '{ print $1"-"$2"-"$3 }'` else echo "Error... CDF installation not found in $ls_folder." exit 0; fi fi else local_leap=`tail -1 ${local_url}| awk '{ print $1"-"$2"-"$3 }'`; ls_folder=`dirname $local_url` fi remote_url="https://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/CDFLeapSeconds.txt" isCurlAvail=`which curl` if [ `echo "$isCurlAvail" | grep -c "no "` -eq 1 ]; then `wget -q -O /tmp/CDFLeapSeconds.txt ${remote_url}` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error... ${remote_url} not found."; exit 0; fi else `curl -s -o /tmp/CDFLeapSeconds.txt ${remote_url}` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error... ${remote_url} not found."; exit 0; fi fi remote_leap=`tail -1 /tmp/CDFLeapSeconds.txt | awk '{ print $1"-"$2"-"$3 }'` lyear=`echo $local_leap | cut -d- -f1` lmonth=`echo $local_leap | cut -d- -f2` lday=`echo $local_leap | cut -d- -f3` ryear=`echo $remote_leap | cut -d- -f1` rmonth=`echo $remote_leap | cut -d- -f2` rday=`echo $remote_leap | cut -d- -f3` localdate=`expr $lyear*10000+$lmonth*100+$lday | bc` remotedate=`expr $ryear*10000+$rmonth*100+$rday | bc` if [ $localdate -lt $remotedate ]; then echo "" echo "You are using the leap second table at $local_url" echo "But, newer leap second(s) had been added to CDFLeapSeconds.txt at the CDF" echo "home page. Please update your CDF installation that includes the" echo "latest CDFLeapSeconds.txt from https://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov." echo "" else if [ $localdate -eq $remotedate ]; then echo "" if [ -z "$ls_folder" ]; then echo "Hard-coded CDFLeapSeconds.txt is up-to-date." else echo "Local CDFLeapSeconds.txt in $ls_folder is up-to-date." fi echo "" else echo "" echo "Local CDFLeapSeconds.txt in $ls_folder has a newer leap second(s)" echo "than the one at the CDF home page." echo "" fi fi