This is the CDF V3.9.1 online software distribution for Mac OS X systems. The version's sub-incremental is identified as "_#", e.g., _1, _2, etc, if it exists. The package is set to be installed into /Applications/cdf/cdf39_1-dist folder, as the default. Password to root access is required. Note: The pre-build binary files are for Intel-based x86_64 only. This directory contains the following files: AAREADME-391.txt This is the readme text file you're viewing. Welcome.txt Text describing what the main CDF distribution package, CDF3_9_1-binary_signed.pkg contains. CHANGES.txt Change history up to CDF V3.9.1. Release.notes Information about the current CDF release. CDF_copyright.txt Information about the CDF copyright. CDF3_9_1-binary_signed.pkg This is a signed and notorized self-installation universal binary built package for Mac OS X (x86_64 and arm64). All libraries and executables are binary. Download and double-click the file for installation. This package contains everything CDF offers except for the CDF Perl and C# APIs and contains the following: - pre-compiled CDF library (for C, FORTRAN, and Java) - complete suite of the CDF tools (both GUI-based and command-line-based) Note: 1. This installer will installe the package into /Applications/cdf/cdf39_1-dist folder, which requires an authority access, for all users. For the use by the current user only, select "Change Install Location..." at "Installation Type" step, and choose "Install for me only". The package will be installed at Applications/cdf/cdf39_1-dist under the $HOME folder. 2. If the package can't be installed as a package of the same version already exists. Go to /Library/Receipts folder and remove the package CDF3_9_1-binary_signed.pkg (needs to have the administrator authority if installed on /Applications folder). 3. The distributed tool programs include the netCDF-CDF converters. They are of x86_64 binary only. They might not be the latest. Please check out the latest ones in this URL: src_distribution Directory where the CDF source distribution is available. Go here if you want to build your own CDF library and tools. PerlCDF39_1.tar.gz Compressed tarred file that contains source for Perl-CDF APIs. Download this if you are planning on building the APIs yourself. You need to install the CDF library prior to building and using the Perl APIs. PerlCDF39_1_binary.tar.gz This is a compressed, pre-compiled Perl-CDF APIs. The files will be extracted into directory PerlCDF39_1. This distribution is linked with the static CDF library so there is no need to install other CDF package if Perl is the only APIs you need. The bundled binary works for perl running only 64-bit mode on an Mac Intel. cdfjava.jar This is the latest version of cdfjava.jar that contains the latest Java APIs. This file is also included in CDF3_9_1-binary_signed.pkg. It is for those who had already installed the Java APIs and might not have the latest Java APIs. If you are not sure whether you have the latest version of the Java APIs, download this file and replace the one you have in the /cdfjava/classes directory and / directory. cdfjson.jar This is the class file for CDF-Json conveters. The converters are based on classes in cdfjava.jar. It contains the following programs: CDF2Json: Extracts the contents of a CDF file into a CDF specified Json format. Json2CDF: Creates a CDF file from a CDF specified Json format file. ShowCDFJson: A tool to display the CDF in a Json form. Other class, distributed in classes directory, is used. CDFJsonReader: A tool to display a CDF specified Json file. Other class, distributed in classes directory, is used. cdfml.jar This file contains the latest version of the CDF XML utilities (written in Java). This file is also included in CDF3_9_1-binary_signed.pkg. It is for those who already had installed an old version file. If you are not sure whether you have the latest version of the CDF XML tools, download this file and replace the one you have in the /cdfjava/cdfml directory and / directory. cdf.dtd This is CDFML's Document Type Definition (dtd). cdf.xsd This is CDFML's schema. testdtd.xml This is sample XML that conforms to CDFML's DTD. testxsd.xml This is sample XML that conforms to CDFML's schema. cdf39_documentation This file points to the documentation of CDF V3.8. Shell-script to check if the installed leap seconds table is the latest.