========= The CDF_EPOCH procedure computes or breaks down all CDF epoch values of CDF_EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH16 or CDF_TIME_TT2000 (as TT2000) type, in a CDF file. When computing an epoch, any missing value is considered to be zero. If you supply a value for the Epoch argument and set the BREAKDOWN_EPOCH keyword, CDF_EPOCH will compute the values of the Year, Month, Day, etc. and insert the values into the named variables you supply. If you specify the Year (and optionally, the Month, Day, etc.) and set the COMPUTE_EPOCH keyword, CDF_EPOCH will compute the epoch and place the value in the named variable supplied as the Epoch parameter. Note: You must set either the BREAKDOWN_EPOCH or COMPUTE_EPOCH keyword. With the COMPUTE_EPOCH keyword, the number of date/time components will determine which type the computed epoch value(s) will be: CDF_EPOCH (a double) or CDF_EPOCH16 (an IDL double complex). If the number of components is seven (7) or less, then the computed epoch will be of CDF_EPOCH. If it is more than 7 with microseconds, etc, provided, then the computed epoch will be of CDF_EPOCH16. The keyword TT2000 is used with COMPUTE_EPOCH, which will compute epoch value(s) of TT2000 type (a 8-byte integer) that will allow nine (9) components, down to nanoseconds. This procedure could handle a scalar or an array of values as input. Examples To compute the epoch value of September 20, 1992 at 3:00 am into a CDF_EPOCH value: CDF_EPOCH, MergeDate, 1992, 9, 20, 3, /COMPUTE_EPOCH To break down the given epoch value into standard date components: CDF_EPOCH, 4.7107656e13, yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, milli, /BREAK To compute the epoch values of September 20, 2000 at 3:00 am and 4:00 am into a pair of TT2000 values: CDF_EPOCH, times, [2000,2000], [9,9], [20,20], [3,4], /COMPUTE_EPOCH, /TT2000 To break down the previous computed epoch value into standard date/time components. Each component will be an array with 2 values: CDF_EPOCH, times, yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, milli, micro, nano, /BREAK This will compute the epoch value of year: 2020, month: 10, day: 20, hour: 11, minute: 12, second: 13, millisecond: 333, microsecond: 444, nanosecond: 555, picosecond: 666 into a CDF_EPOCH16 value: CDF_EPOCH, epoch16, 2020, 10, 20, 11, 12, 13, 333, 444, 555, 666, /COMPUTE_EPOCH Syntax CDF_EPOCH, Epoch, Year [, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Milliseconds [, Microseconds] [, Nanoseconds] [, Picoseconds]] $ [, /BREAKDOWN_EPOCH] [, /COMPUTE_EPOCH] [, /TT2000] Note: To compute the epoch, the date/time components can be either a single value or an array of values (each date/time component having the same number of elements in its array). The output Epoch field can be a scalar or an array of values. To break down the epoch, the Epoch field can be a scalar or an array of epoch values. Based on the input, the date/time components can be a single value each, or an array of values. Arguments Epoch The Epoch value to be broken down, or a named variable that will contain the computed epoch will be placed. The Epoch value(s) is CDF type dependent. It is the number of milliseconds since 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000 for CDF_EPOCH, the number of picoseconds since 0000-01-01T00:00.000000000000 for CDF_EPOCH16, or the number of nanoseconds since J2000 (with leap seconds included). Note: “Year zero” is a convention chosen by NSSDC to measure epoch values. This date is more commonly referred to as 1 BC. Remember that 1 BC was a leap year. The Epoch is defined as the number of milliseconds since 01-Jan-0000 00:00:00.000, as computed using the CDF library’s internal date routines. The CDF date/time calculations do not take into account the changes to the Gregorian calendar, and cannot be directly converted into Julian date/times. To convert between CDF epochs and date/times, use the CDF_EPOCH routine with the BREAKDOWN_EPOCH. Year If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, a four-digit integer representing the year. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the year. Month If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, an integer between 1 and 12 representing the month. Alternately, you can set Month equal to zero, in which case the Day argument can take on any value between 1-366. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the numeric month value. Day If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, an integer between 1 and 31 representing the day of the month. Alternately, if the Month argument is set equal to zero, Day can be an integer between 1-366 representing the day of the year. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the numeric day of the month value. Hour If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, an integer between 0 and 23 representing the hour of the day. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the numeric hour of the day value. Minute If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, an integer between 0 and 59 representing the minute of the hour. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the numeric minute of the hour value. Second If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, an integer between 0 and 59 representing the second of the minute. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the numeric second of the minute value. Milliseconds If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, an integer between 0 and 999 representing the millisecond. Alternately, if the Hour, Minute, and Second arguments are set all equal to zero, Milliseconds can be an integer between 0-86400000 representing the milliseconds of the day. If this is the last component, the computed epoch value(s) will be a CDF_EPOCH type or a TT2000 type if TT2000 keyword is also specified. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the numeric millisecond value(s). Note: For a CDF_EPOCH data type value(s), the last component, millisecond, will be an integer. Any sub-millisecond information will be lost. If users intend to have this portion, you can retrieve it by doing some simple IDL statements as it is the fraction portion of a double epoch value(s): micro = (value-floor(value,/l64)) * 1.e3 nano = (micro-floor(micro,/l64)) * 1.e3 Just a caveat, the precision of micro, and mostly nano, can be off with the scaling. Microseconds If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, an integer between 0 and 999 representing the microsecond. This component is used for CDF_EPOCH16 or TT2000 data type. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the numeric microsecond value(s). Nanoseconds If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, an integer between 0 and 999 representing the nanosecond. This component is used for CDF_EPOCH16 or TT2000 data type. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the numeric nanosecond value(s). Picoseconds If COMPUTE_EPOCH is set, an integer between 0 and 999 representing the picoseconds. This is valid only for CDF_EPOCH16 data type. If BREAKDOWN_EPOCH is set, a named variable that will contain the numeric picosecond value(s). Keywords BREAKDOWN_EPOCH Set this keyword to break down the value(s) of the Epoch argument into its component parts, storing the resulting year, month, day, etc. values in the variables specified by the corresponding arguments. COMPUTE_EPOCH Set this keyword to compute the value(s) of Epoch from the values specified by the Year, Month, Day, etc. arguments. TT2000 Set this keyword to compute the TT2000 value(s) of Epoch from the values specified by the Year, Month, Day, etc. arguments. Version History Pre 4.0 Introduced © 2015 Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 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