CDF_LIB_INFO ============ The CDF_LIB_INFO procedure returns information about the CDF Library being used by this version of IDL. Information about the version of CDF used to create a particular CDF file can be obtained through CDF_DOC. Examples CDF_LIB_INFO, VERSION=V, RELEASE=R, COPYRIGHT=C, $ INCREMENT=I PRINT, 'IDL ', !version.release, 'uses CDF Library ', $ V, R, I, FORMAT='(A,A,A,I0,".",I0,".",I0,A)' PRINT, C IDL Output IDL 8.5 uses CDF Library 3.6.1 Common Data Format (CDF) (C) Copyright 1990-2015 NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA (Internet -- CDFSUPPORT@LISTSERV.GSFC.NASA.GOV) Syntax CDF_LIB_INFO [, COPYRIGHT =variable] [, INCREMENT=variable] $ [, LEAPSEONDLASTUPDATED=variable] [, RELEASE=variable] $ [, SUBINCREMENT=variable] [, VERSION=variable] Arguments None Keywords COPYRIGHT A named variable in which the copyright notice of the CDF library that this version of IDL is using will be returned. INCREMENT A named variable in which the incremental number of the CDF library that this version of IDL is using will be returned. LEAPSEONDLASTUPDATED A named variable in which the date, in YYYYMMDD, of the last entry in the leap second table will be returned as a 32-bit integer. This date can be used to verify if a valid leap second table is being used either through internally or externally. RELEASE A named variable in which the release number of the CDF library that this version of IDL is using will be returned. SUBINCREMENT A named variable in which the sub incremental character of the CDF library that this version of IDL is using will be returned. VERSION A named variable in which the version number of the CDF library that this version of IDL is using will be returned. Version History Pre 4.0 Introduced 8.5 Added LEAPSEONDLASTUPDATED keyword See Also CDF_DOC © 2015 Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This information is not subject to the controls of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). However, this information may be restricted from transfer to various embargoed countries under U.S. laws and regulations.