This is the CDF V3.5.1 online software distribution for VMS systems. The version sub-incremental is identified as "_#", e.g., _1, _2, etc, if it exists. This binary package is set to be installed into cdf35_1-dist folder. This directory contains the following files: AAREADME.txt This is the readme text file you're viewing. CDF_copyright.txt Information about the CDF copyright. CHANGES.txt Description of the changes made for various releases. Release.notes Information about current CDF releases. cdf35_1-dist.bck This is the backup saveset file for CDF V3.5.1. It contains the binary files for the libraries and tools. It also has the source code for the CDF library and tools. Read HOWTO_VMS.txt to see how to use this backup file. cdf35_1-dist.fdl This is the file description for cdf35_1-dist.bck. HOWTO_VMS.txt This file contains the instructions on how to build the CDF library and tools. This command file manipulates the distributed backup saveset in case it's damaged so files can be extracted. CDFLeapSeconds.txt This is the leap second table used by the CDF library. cdf35_documentation This file points to the documentation of CDF V3.5.