Running the CDAWeb Metadata Generator Script file: metadbase This file sets environment variables used by the programs and then submits several programs to run in "nice" mode. The first executable file called is overlap. It is hardcoded to read the overlap file in the /home/cdaweb/metadata directory. This file is created by generateDatabases, while is sorts through and finds duplicate files. Next, the script executes list_CDFS from the /home/cdaweb/bin library. This step can take up to an hour, and the end result is the CDF_list file. A log file, CDF_log, is updated with files that weren't processed. The reason for failure is written to the log file. If list_CDF completes without error, generateDatabases is kicked off. This program creates the metadata catalogs named _cdfmetafile.txt, creates a new overlap file, and writes to a log file: metadata_LOG. The metadata_LOG will contain a listing of which datasets/time ranges were found/included in each catalog. The total number of datasets and the total number of cdf files processed are recorded at the bottom. A perl script is initiated next that updates the mirror site to include new files from a given number of days. That number is given as input in the calling sequence. Finally, IDL procedures are called to update the inventory graphs. To run interactively: Any step can be run interactively. The following environment variables need to be set: TOP = /home/cdaweb/data This points to the directory structure that holds the cdf files, and is used by list_CDFS. META = /home/cdaweb/metadata This points to the directory where you want the output files to be written to (make sure you have plenty of space here). MASTERDIR = /home/cdaweb/data/0MASTERS This points to the directory that contains the "master" cdfs. Any piece can be submitted independently. For example, if list_CDFS completes without error, but generateDatabases fails, say because the master directory was corrupted, generateDatabases could be submitted independently when the problem was resolved. In this case, one must take care to copy the CDF_list file to the users META directory before submitting generateDatabases. There is C shell script that will check the source code out, compile and install the executables into /home/cdaweb/bin for you... it is called compile_dbase and is in /home/cdaweb/dev/source (you should be able to check out a copy by typing cdawget compile_dbase. If you would prefer to do the steps by hand you may do the following: To compile and link the C code: Both list_CDFS.c and generateDatabases.c used the C version of CDFlib routines. At this writing, the programs have been compiled to use version 2.7. To compile, at the prompt enter: % cc -c -I${CDF_INC} source-name.c To link after a successful compile, at the prompt enter: % cc -o exe-file object-file.o ${CDF_LIB}/ -lm -lc To link AND run to/with CDFlib version 2.7, the following environment variable must be set to include (usually assigned in your .cshrc file): LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /usr/local/share/cdf27/lib The reader is referred to the CDF C Reference Manual, Version 2.7 for further information.