00readme.txt This directory contains hourly-resolution files containing "impact parameters" for the seven pairings of the four bodies: Earth, IMP 8, Wind, ACE and Geotail. The "impact parameter" is the distance by which a plasma element moving radially away from the sun with a speed of 390 km/s, observed at an upstream spacecraft, would miss intercepting a downstream spacecraft (or Earth), allowing for the 30 km/s motion of the Earth and its nearby spacecraft about the sun. Input data were spacecraft position vectors from SSCWeb. The algorithm used for the impact parameter (D) for the i-j pair of bodies was Dij = SQRT {[Yi-Yj+(Xi-Xj)/13]**2 + (Zi-Zj)**2} The Impact Parameter for a given day in the daily file is taken as that for the first hour of that day in the hourly file. The format of the records (including inter-word blanks) is: Year I*5 1994, ... Day of year I*4 1...365 Hour I*3 0...23 Dae F7.1 Dig F7.1 D's are in units of earth radii Dai F7.1 Daw F7.1 e,i,w,a,g = Earth, IMP, Wind, ACE, Geotail Dge F7.1 Die F7.1 Dwe F7.1 Dge F7.1 Dgw F7.1 Diw F7.1 ---------------------------------------------- R. Parthasarathy, N. Papitashvili, J. King June 25, 2004