ISTP Table of Solar Wind Plasma Measurements for Cycle 2272

# Carrington Rotation Cycle Number: 2272

# Start year: 2023

# Start day of year: 164

# Instrument ID: SWE

# Units: Proton density in p/cc

# Units: Proton bulk and thermal speeds in km/s

# Missing data values: -9999.9

# Time reversals shown by post-gap flag (pgf)

# -1: new time less than previous time

# -2: new time same as previous time

# Source: ISTP WIND Satellite

#  Date/Time   flags -------------------gse coordinates -------------------------- proton  thermal
# YR DOY  SOD  pg dq   x_pos     y_pos     z_pos      vx      vy      vz     |V|   density  speed